Elementary Levels - Lesson 7: For me

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hello everyone today we are going to talk about pronouns and phrasal verbs we will also talk about giving and receiving presents but first let's take a look at pronouns pronouns are the words we use to talk about people and things in place of the actual nouns okay let's look at the chart a subject pronoun is doing the action the object pronoun is receiving the action possessive adjectives talks about ownership possessive pronoun also talks about ownership but it's a noun and reflexive pronoun talks about the subject back to the subject I me my mine myself he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it it's it itself you you your yours yourself we us our ours ourselves they them their theirs themselves okay remember subject pronouns are the ones doing the action so usually they are the most important part of the sentence they are the focus of the sentence okay so let's look at some examples of subject pronouns she subject pronoun right gave him a present she gave him a present second example I am giving you a gift subject pronoun in this sentence is I I am give you a gift next example they give you presents on your birthday many there are many pronouns in this sentence but the subject is they the doer of the action they give you presents on your birthday next example we have a present for you subject pronoun is we we have a present for you it is a gift for you yes even it can be a subject pronoun so it is a gift for you last sentence you are buying a CD player for your sister ok subject pronoun is you you are buying a CD player for your sister so now we understand subject pronouns let's take a look at object pronouns object pronouns are the receiver of the action of the verb let's look at some examples she saw him now this time we want to look at the receiver of the action that pronoun is him she saw him next example did you buy this for me okay object pronoun is me did you buy this for me the teacher taught her ok object pronoun is her the teacher taught her I bought it for you it object pronoun I bought it for you they will give you a present on your birthday so they will give you a present on your birthday the school gave us a book okay the school gave us a book we gave them some money we gave them some money object pronouns okay now let's talk about possessive pronouns excuse me possessive adjectives the next group now remember a possessive adjective must be followed by a noun the noun that it modifies the noun it describes okay this is my book okay what book we use a possessive adjective to tell us what book my book so this is my book his pen is on the table whose pen his pen possessive adjectives his pen is on the table her book is read reverse of adjective her her book is read its name is fluffy fluffy the cat whose name its name is fluffy what is your name possessive adjectives your what is your name our teacher gave us some homework our teacher gave us some homework their children like presents possessive adjectives their their children like presents okay good job on the possessive adjectives now what's next next on the chart possessive pronouns now possessive pronouns are like possessive adjectives except they don't need a noun after because they are the now talking about ownership okay this is mine so instead of saying this is my pen if we already know what we're talking about we can say this is mine possessive pronoun that is hers okay so this pin is mine this is mine that's hers that is hers okay all right next one where is yours so here is my pin this is mine that is hers where's yours right possessive pronoun these are ours these are ours and these books are bears these books are theirs okay good job mix group reflexive pronouns now reflexive pronouns refer back to the subject so I bought myself a new car okay I can say I bought her a new car but because the objects referring back to me we can use a reflexive pronoun I bought myself a new car he went by himself he went by himself she made fabulous chocolate cake herself okay so you can say she made it herself it opened by itself so the wind caused the door to open it opened by itself did you make this by yourself okay reflexive pronoun yourself did you make this by yourself you must do this yourselves you must do this yourselves we made these our selves we made these ourselves and they bought this themselves they bought this themselves so now let's talk about possessive pronouns these are new to you so we need to practice them okay follow these examples your book is read first symptoms your book is read we know now we're talking about a book so now I can say mine is blue right meaning my book but not necessary we can say mine is blue I saw your book but I lost mine okay so I saw your book but my book I lost but I lost mine you look at these sentences this is my book yours your book is on the table those are my books yours your books are on the table all right so let's repeat this is my book yours is on the table those are my books yours are on the table notice that even when a pronoun ends in S it's either singular excuse me singular singular or plural all right so let's practice a bit Anna my pen is on the table where is yours mine is on my desk good what are we talking about Anna pants very good Alberto Anna's pen is on her desk where is Sylvia's first is on her desk very good Sylvia my mother is at home where's yours mine is at home too and what are we talking about Sylvia mother's very good Alberto my house has three bedrooms what about yours mine has three bedrooms - okay and what are we talking about house us that's right Sylvia honest country has many beautiful places how about yours ours has beautiful places - I'm sure it does okay one more Anna Alberto's football team is very good how about Sylvia's Hirsi school - what Artie she doesn't like football all right thank you now it's time to look and listen look and listen which ones are yours the red ones or the green ones mine are the green ones and yours are the red ones I think these gloves are his bones are hers no these gloves are hers and those gloves are his our new house is very nice ours is nice too I love your new car bears is beautiful to read and repeat direct and indirect objects now let's talk about indirect objects before we talked about direct objects so let's review take a look at these sentences we can say we saw him now remember the direct object is the object of the action the object of the verb we saw what him direct object I like presents okay what do we like presents object of the verb like my mother loves me my mother loves what or whom me my mother loves me we gave a party we gave a party all right so let's look at the different parts of speech in these sentences okay we is the subject saw is the verb him is the direct object and we can see the same pattern in these other sentences for example I like presence Sylvia can you tell us the parts of speech in I like presence I is the subject like is the verb and presence is the direct object very good Sylvia I is the subject like is the verb presence is the direct object alright Anna can you do the next sentence my mother is the subject loss is the word me is the direct object my mother is the subject loves is the verb me is the direct object right Alberto the last one we the subject give is the verb and a party is the direct object okay we is the subject gave is the verb a party is the direct object good job everyone now let's talk about indirect objects so here is a sentence with both a direct object and an indirect objects so that you can understand the difference I gave a present to my mother okay so the subject is easy I okay the verb is gave but we have two objects gave what a present so this has to be a direct object but who did we give the present to my mother now we have an indirect object all right let's try another example I lent ten dollars to my friend to lend something means to give for a short time so the person has to give it back I lent ten dollars to my friend all right let's practice discussing the different parts of speech okay Ana you start o is the subject good I is the subject Alberto Lant is the verb lent is the verb good Silvia $10 is the direct object $10 is the direct object keep going Silvia my friend is the indirect object my friend is the indirect object alright good job Anna who lent I liked what did I land Alberto $10 good Silvia who did I lend to my friend great now notice that the indirect office scuse me the direct object comes first before the indirect object in a sentence we can also make the same sentences a different way look at these sentences I lent my friend $10 what's different there is no 2 and the places of the direct object and the indirect object have changed right so Ana who lent oiland good and what did I lent Alberto turn dollars okay and Silvia who did I lend to my friend good so there are two different ways to write the same sentence so you can write first subject verb direct object to or for and in the indirect object or a different way subject verb indirect object and then your direct object now that we understand direct objects and indirect objects let's practice I will give you the words and you make the sentences in two ways okay let's see I give you my pen and Ana I gave Alberto can you do this one I give my pen to Ana I gave my pen to Ana good I give Ana my pants all right I gave Anna my pen so the first sentence puts the direct object first and then the indirect object second sentence changes places so you have your indirect object first and then your object direct object alright Alberto can we say I gave Ana to my pen no that's very funny okay good Anna here is one for you I'll give you our teacher and a postcard Maria sent Maria sucked a postcard to all teacher Henry assent a postcard to our teacher good and Marius sounds or teacher a postcard Maria sent our teacher a postcard very good okay Silvia I have one for you also for Silvia we have us my grandfather showed and his photo my grandfather showed us his photo my grandfather showed us his photo good my grandfather shot his photo to us my grandfather showed his photo to us alright very good can we say my grandfather showed us to his photo huh no that's a crazy sentence that's right alright good job everyone let's practice looking for direct objects and indirect objects I will give you some sentences I want you to tell me which is the direct object and which is the indirect yet okay more examples okay Anna look at the first sentence and tell me the direct object and the indirect object she bought him a present for his birthday him is the indirect object and the present is the direct object good him is an is the indirect object and a present is the direct object okay and how do we say the sentence when we change the positions of the direct and indirect objects she bought a present for him for his birthday she bought a present for him for his birthday all right good she bought a present kay direct object for him indirect object well Sylvia can you please look at this next sentence and tell us the direct object and the indirect object he gave her some flowers for passing her exams some flowers is the direct object and the indirect object is her good and how do we say the sentence if we change the positions of the direct and indirect objects he gave some flowers to her for passing her exams good he gave some flowers to her for passing her exams very good okay Alberto this is your sentence they gave us some flowers and chocolates the direct object the song flowers and chocolates indirect object is us okay so the direct objects are some flowers and chocolates indirect object is us okay and how can you write the sentence a different way they give some flowers and chocolates to us they give some flowers and chocolates to us all right very good Silvia here's another one for you you're all doing very well children give presents to their parents Silvia present presence is the direct object and their parents is the indirect object good presence is the direct object their parents is the indirect object okay and the other way to say the sentence children give their parents presents children give their parents presents okay good so now we understand how to write the sentences two ways if they have a direct object and an indirect object great job everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen Silvia wrote a long letter to her boyfriend Anna gave a nice present to her sister Alberto lent his sister 20 euros our teacher passed the student her pen the student passed mine to the teacher read and repeat alright now let's practice some more with pronouns I will write some sentences and you fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun okay oh no this one's for you which one is mm-hmm your clue is you the red one or the green one which one is yours good which one is yours okay let's see Silvia sentence hmm your clue is she looked at hmm second clue is she in the mirror Silvia she looked at herself in the mirror okay good she looked at herself in the mirror excellent enough this one's for you I think this one is hmm your clue is you that one is mm-hmm second clue is I Anna I think this one is yours all right that's one is mine very good I think this one is yours that one is mine one more this one's for Alberto I made this hmm clue is I do mm-hmm second clue is you want some Alberto I make these myself good do you want some very good I made this myself do you want some all right good job everyone okay it's time to look and listen look and listen she looked at herself in the mirror which ones are yours my sister bought me a CD for my birthday their family gave them some money for their birthdays I gave her some CDs and some chocolates read and repeat you phrasal verbs now we are going to look at some special verbs we call them phrasal verbs and native speakers use them a lot when speaking phrasal verbs alright please look at your computer and follow these examples switch on switch off turn up turn down hand in hand out give up turn over hang up get up alright notice that we use prepositions with these verbs phrasal verbs are special because you can't usually find them in a dictionary and they can sometimes change their meaning when we use them in different sentences or when we talk about different situations so look at these examples and you will understand what I mean first example hang up your coat hang up your coat means put it in your closet or put it on the coat stand but you can also say hang up the phone alright hang up the phone to mean finish your phone call and put the phone back on the receiver okay like normal verbs we use phrasal verbs with different tenses by changing the verb part for example he is hanging up his coat he is hanging up his coat past tense I hung up the phone when I finished my call so in this first example he is hanging up his coat we can use present continuous by changing only the verb we don't change the preposition in the same way we can switch to past tense and say I hung up the phone when I finished my call ok let's look at some examples of sentences with phrasal verbs so that you can see how we use them first example switch on the light it's very dark in here ok switch on the light it's very dark in here second example when you go to bed don't forget to switch off the light so when you go to bed don't forget to switch off the light turn up the TV please I can't hear it ok turn up the TV please I can't hear it turn down the music it's loud turn down the music it's loud the teacher handed out some books to the students the teacher handed out some books to the students hand in your homework to the teacher when you finish it hand in your homework to the teacher when you finish it so now we're going to look at some more examples of phrasal verbs because they are very important you must be careful how you use the phrasal verbs because they can change their meaning if we're talking about different objects okay switch on the light it's very dark in here when you go to bed don't forget to switch off the lights turn up the TV please I can't hear it turn down the music it's loud the teacher handed out some books to the students hand in your homework to the teacher when you finish it my friend said he will buy me a present if I give up smoking turn over the page to see the answer on the other side what time do you usually get up in the morning okay now see if you can guess what the phrasal verb means in each sentence Silvia let's look at the first sentence and you tell me what you think it means switch on the light it's very dark in here I think switch on means turn to switch saw that the light will start very good yes we switch on to talk about starting machines or things that use electricity we can also say turn on it means the same as switch on the light okay Anna what do you think this sentence means when you go to bed don't forget to switch off the light I think that it means the opposite off switch on so it means turn the lights so that the light will stop yes switch off means the opposite of switch on and we can also say turn off the light all right now Alberto you try this sentence what does it mean turn up the TV please I can't hear it I think turn up means increase or make more the person speaking wants more noise so he can't hear it that's right turn up means increase something but we only use it for machines I can't say turn up your voice when I want to hear you speak louder but I can say turn up the TV or turn up the radio okay Sylvia you can try the next one turn down the music it's loud I guess that turn down is the opposite of turn up I think it means decrease or make something less because the speaker wants less noise yes turn down means the opposite of turn up okay on the next sentence for you what does it mean the teacher handed out some books to the students I took that handout means to give to people because we are talking about teacher giving samples to the students yes that's right handout means one person giving something out to a group of people okay Alberto you can try the next one hand in your homework to the teacher when you finish it I think and the handi must mean the opposite of hand out if hand out means one person giving something to each person in a group then handing means each person in a group is giving something to one person alright very good Alberto hand in is the opposite of hand out Silvia do you want to try another sentence look at this one and tell me what it means my friend said he will buy me a present if I give up smoking okay well smoking is a bad thing to do and the friend says he will buy me a present if I give up smoking think so it means queue up means must means sorry I'm confused a little bit doing very well Kinki what means to stop doing something yes that's very good detective work Silvia give up means to stop doing something usually forever it has the same meaning as quit alright Anna look at this sentence and tell me about it turn over the page to see the answer on the other side okay I think this one means change pages so that you can see the other side of page like buying your each book yes very good so turn over means to look at the other side of the page very good alright Alberto the next one is for you what time do you usually get up in the morning what does that mean yet that means here wake up and to leave the bat alright now it's time to look and listen look and listen turn off the TV when you go to bed switch on the TV please turn down the radio it's too noisy switch off the computer when you finish hand in your report tomorrow read and repeat you listen and right now it's time to listen in right listen to the sentences and write them Anna gave her brother a birthday card my mother gave me a shirt for my birthday what did your parents buy you for your graduation present my manager gave me a new car he gave her some red flowers because he loves her can you lend me 20 euros I lent you 10 euros last month I want to tell you a sad story Anna showed her new photos to her friends my best friend gave me a book and a CD now check your answers Anna gave her brother a birthday card my mother gave me a shirt for my birthday what did your parents buy you for your graduation present my manager gave me a new car he gave her some red flowers because he loves her can you lend me 20 euros I lent you 10 euros last month I want to tell you a sad story Anna showed her new photos to her friends my best friend gave me a book and a CD now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer it was my friend Mike's birthday last month so we decided to give him a surprise birthday party in his favorite bar all his friends came to the bar but we didn't tell Mike anything about the party I told him to meet me at the bar because we were going out for a meal together somewhere when he got to the bar he was very pleased and surprised because he found out that all his friends were there waiting for him they gave him lots of presents including books CDs a watch and a cigarette lighter we also gave him a big birthday cake with his name on it and 25 candles because he was 25 years old we sang happy birthday and everyone had a very good time after he cut the cake we all told him happy birthday and the party continued all night there was music and lots of food and drinks for everybody Mike was very happy he told us it is Susan's birthday soon she will be 26 years old we can have another party next month now answer these questions about the story who had a birthday last month what did we do for his birthday what did I plan with Mike what did his friends give him how many candles were on his birthday cake did everybody have a good time what did we sing to him why was Mike happy how old will Susan be next month what did Mike tell us about next month now check your answers who had a birthday last month it was Mike's birthday last month what did we do for his birthday you gave him a surprise birthday party what did I plan with Mike Mike could meet you at the bar what did his friends give him his friends gave him some books CDs a watch and a cigarette lighter how many candles were on his birthday cake there were 25 candles on his birthday cake did everybody have a good time yes everybody had a good time what did we sing to him you sing happy birthday to him why was my copy Mike was happy because everybody came to his birthday party how old will Susan be next month Susan will be 26 years old next month what did Mike tell us about next month we will have another surprise birthday party next month all right good job everyone see you next time practicing English well my mom's birthday party went really well she really liked the gift that Carrie and I picked out for her Oh what did you get her well it was kind of expensive but we bought her a really nice wristwatch that's a really nice idea did she like it yes she really liked it I was so happy because buying presents for people can be really hard I always worry that I'll buy the wrong size or the wrong color or that the person won't like what I bought for them at all I know it's really fun sometimes to buy gifts for other people but I worry about the same thing well the person really liked the gift or will they just say oh I really liked it just be nice well that reminds you of a present I got once for Christmas it was terrible what happened well I had this very nice old auntie in Pennsylvania and she always sends the most unusual gifts to my brother and me last year we got these pajamas and towels with superheroes on them my brother got Batman and I got spider-man ha ha ha that'd be a great gift well it would be if we were eight years old but I was 25 well I guess my art still thinks that we are little boys something like that happened to me at Christmas too I got the CD player alarm radio and it was also a stuffed animal it was a pig oh and I almost forgot it was a phone too that's really funny Angie what do people say when your phone rang Angie your Pig is ringing we did say that but wait it gets worse my brother gave me this gift that he knew I'd be totally confused by he was right I didn't know how to turn it on I didn't know how to turn it off so the first night I put in my room and while I was sleeping the alarm clock part switched on and I couldn't turn it off ah the music was really loud I woke up the whole house I couldn't turn it down and I couldn't turn it off until my brother had to come in and figured it out it was horrible where is it now I think I gave it away or threw it out after that first night I knew it had a go Christmas is my favorite time of year I like the tradition of giving presents to my friends and family ok I have to admit I like to get presents too ha ha what is the best gift you've ever received well I guess it was a present that I got one year for my birthday I was turning 10 years old and I really wanted a new bike every kid in the world wants to get a bike with a 10 yes but I saw this most amazing bike in a magazine I thought I would die if I didn't get it I really wanted it so much right before my birthday my dad called me into his room and told me to sit down he explained that the bike was an expensive gift and that I shouldn't be disappointed if I didn't get exactly what I wanted did you get the bike yes he was just having fun with me he had the bike in the garage already and the next day I got my dream bike did you like it I loved it it was like a dream come true for me what a nice story it's a great example of how special it is to give and receive gifts Alexi still remembers getting that special gift when he was 10 what about you Sam do you have any stories about giving or receiving presents that you would like to share with us yes I do one year I thought up this really funny trick to play on my sister what did you do my sister loves animals puppies kittens cuddly animals so one year I captured a whole bunch of frogs and toads from the pond outside our house and I put them in a box I wrapped them up real nice and I told her I had a special surprise for her oh no I see where this is going yep Edda birthday party she carefully opened the box and was hoping a little kitten was inside for her instead when she took the lid off the box the frogs and toads jumped out and scared her and her friends they ran and screamed and cried that was a really bad joke to plan your sister Sam don't worry she got even the next year she put a snake in a box and scared me to death now we just take each other out for dinner no presents you
Channel: English For You
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Keywords: PTE, learn english, ingilizce öğren, free english, English for you, education, easy english, full english, ingilizce cd, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, الانكليزية, kolay ingilizce, for me, ingilizce, elementary, IELTS, learn english easy, Key English, TOEFL, beginner, English, ingilizce ogren, intermediate, دروس, تعليم, you, iTEP, ECPE, اللغة, english for you 80 cd, english lesson, free english learn, learn english free, for, Education (Word), apprendre, TOEIC, learning english
Id: JrfvFL36YwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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