Elegoo Neptune 4 Max - First Print

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so for the next part let's go ahead and see if we have something on this thumb drive that's an 8 gig it plugs in right here on the front we're going to click on print and sure enough we do have some files there let's see under model we do have the usual Buddha here so I guess we'll start with that to start printing we're going to click on it but before that we need to go ahead and load some filament in so let's go to prepare and we can use the extruder here or for this here it's really simple as we have direct drive we going to go ahead and raise the Z here 10 mm maybe 20 here so we can see a little better so let's go ahead and use this elu gray pla the machine doesn't come with some Cutters but it's probably a good idea to have some as you can cut the filament on an angle so it's much easier to feed through so going to the top here we're going to slide it on the spool holder go through our filament detector and then down to the direct drive extruder so we got a release arm here that we're going to just push on and then push our filament through and we can actually push it down our ourselves and we'll see it purging on the bottom or if you want to you can go here to the screen and click on load and it's going to purge this amount through the nozzle as you guys can see there so yeah either way works I find it easier just to do it myself we are done purging so let's just move this little blob now we can go back to print models we'll go to the little buddha here click on it a preview of what it looks like and it's going to take 40 minutes pretty quick confirm and it starts so it looks like it's actually taking some measur on this side which is quite interesting all right so looks like we perched there was something stuck underneath trying to get it out but okay it fell off it's on tone and yeah it's printing and looks like our offset is pretty much perfect what I can tell which is great fortunately this wire here is a little long and it's saggy maybe I need to shorten that up but so looking at the screen this is what we see when we're printing we got settings pause stop led the preview of the model the percentage done 39 minutes left the coordinates how long it's been since we started 1 minute the nozzle temperature the bed temperatures over here this is the ZX the speed the fan speed the printer speed and then the flow rate down here so I can hear some fans coming on and actually we got the back one here the large one is on also what I'm noticing right away it's much quieter than normal which is pretty cool and there's a ton of air coming right here all right so let's go ahead and click on settings so so here we can control the nozzle temperature and the bed temperature here we can control the speed the flow the fan and under adjustments we can do the z-axis offset on the Fly and also we can turn on our detector on and off the Adaptive speed mode and control our LEDs here also and yeah those are the main things that we can do in the settings if we go back and click on LED here we can turn on and off the main light or the little small one on the bottom so yeah pretty logical and obviously stop and pause does exactly what it says so yeah I really like the eligo layout here very easy to use considering this is a clipper software so right off the bat we are 100% on the fence well actually no 80% on the fence and I have to say it's not loud at all considering what I was expecting as the older printers were a lot louder than this especially with this external auxiliary fan and by the way if you do click on the fan here you can control it to be faster or slower so this is going to take it to 100% And then we got normal and side should be around 50 or so so yeah you can tone it down here and still have good amount of air instead of turning it off here manually which we do have an on and off button it becomes very quiet but we do need that help to cool things off especially if we're going to do quick printing like we are kind of here very Flawless so far everything is working except for one thing that I totally forgot is we forgot to do the input shaping so after this print is done we'll actually do that and maybe we'll print it again and see if there's any difference all right and so our little buddha is done and yeah it looks pretty good let's see if it pops off and look at that easy peasy and the BM came off really easy too so let's take a closer look um the bottom here looks pretty good it does appear that we need to go down just a little bit on the offset we're a little high but yeah looks really nice over all since we didn't slice this I'm not too sure about the settings but it looks like a0 2 maybe and it did only take 40 minutes or actually a little less 39 and overall looks quite clean a little bit of stringing here and there but not bad and even the top of the head looks pretty good so yeah not too bad here for the start I don't see too much vibrations in the print there's a little bit something going on right there but maybe we should and here we can see it took 39 minutes so you can print again if you want to print the same model we're going to click return we'll go to settings advaned settings input shaper and here it looks like we're separate X and Y so let's do the X first start detection and it's going to do its thing so look like we had maybe some kind of error as the Clipper screen came up I guess let's restart and I'm going to try the Y this time around see what happens since there's no end stops on the X and Y it kind of hits a pretty hard hit as a end stop just buds against the end all right this time it worked and the Y is going back and forth and it's shaking the whole table so that's good not sure exactly what happened to the X I guess we'll try it again here in a second once the Y is done and you want to leave your printer alone when it's doing this as it's calibrating its vibrations all right so here we have a check mark saying we are good and it's done click return let's try the X again hopefully it'll work this time all right so it's actually working this time and we can kind of see the whole head's moving back and forth so I'm going to go ahead and let it finish do that and then I'm going to print another little buddha here the same kind exactly in the same file and we'll see how it turns out and if there's any difference between them all right so now we have two of these little Buddhas and you guys can probably tell just by looking at them there that the new one is definitely better which is pretty cool so the input shaping definitely works and is doing something check it out so this is the new one here this one it looks so much cleaner so yeah there you go let's see here in the back oh yeah much cleaner back look at that there's no warping or anything weird there but on this one there's some warping there and the input shaping for the X and Y seemed to work perfect so yeah don't forget to do that for this printer as it makes a huge difference
Channel: Just Print
Views: 2,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Printer, 3D Printing, Just Print, Just Vlad, elegoo neptune 4 max, neptune 4 max, large 3d printer, neptune 4 max bed leveling, 3d printer bed level, elegoo bed leveling
Id: -WzU72oHl-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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