Elegoo Neptune 4 Max Bed Modifications.

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hey everybody um well today's been kind of a trying day on my patients um the fun joy of 3D printing I've mentioned this before in other videos if you're not a problem solver and you tend to get angry about things 3D printing is not for you but let's get to what I'm doing so um I was experimenting with different ways to keep these screws from un loosening um that for hold the bed plate on on my elu Neptune 4 Max um as you can see it's loose now I took it off I've used silicone bushings um and and I've done okay at getting them to to stay level for the most part but I was still trying to dial in what the issues were so let me show you what I found okay so get down here you know at the printer level the elu Neptune 4 Max comes with this screw and this is the way to tighten it right so my sunlo printers as crappy and cheap as they are they came with and I took them took it apart just to see because I have one that's not working right now um same type of screw but this this is the difference now what it is it threads on and it locks this screw to the build plate I am going to take apart my sunlo printer and use these pieces and you probably could buy them I'm going to look online if I can find them so I can replace and fix my sunl but um I have a feeling I can use that to bolt the screw to the build plate so that and the bracketing system so that it it won't loosen this won't vibrate loose now these still might vibrate loose but because I'm also using the sunl sunl provided a double set so what you do is you you get one right and then you put the second one on and you lock it in there pretty tight and I'm going to test this Theory and see if I can actually get better results so stay tuned I'm going to let you know how it goes now there's no guarantee that these little guys will work because um you know I just noticed when I was taking them off my sunlo printer that my screws were a little loose on that too even with these on so chances are this won't work um but what I do want to point out and maybe this will be worth maybe this will be worth the upgrade I'm going to look into also we look into um longer screws so this came off the eligo this came off the sunlu and the screws on if I can put them down and show you guys so you see that the sunlo screws are longer which probably is why I can use um two of those knobs instead of just one so I'm wondering if I switch to two knobs and a longer screw if I can solve some of my struggles I've been having this might not do it but maybe the combination of all three let's find out all right since the El the eligo has six bolts with the screw knobs on them and my sun only has four um I'm just going to have to do all four corners and leave the two Center ones so that will give me an idea of which ones are working which ones aren't if the two Center ones start loosening up on their own and and causing issues then um I will know right away that that that the ends are are actually a fix um the other thing I noticed if you have purchased this these from me or not from me but from the uh Amazon store that I've I've published a link to um thank you by the way that you know it's not not a lot of money I only make a few pennies but still it every little bit helps there's an an actual area for those to fit in so when this slides on it will actually cut C that area which is really awesome so I'm going to get this all bolted together and relevel everything and go from there and some of you that did buy the rubber bushings or the silicone bushings are probably wondering why I said to get the kit that had four extra bushings if you bought the the the max it's because you lose them I have no idea where two of them went I'll find them eventually but you know in the meantime I just use my extra one something I was just thinking about putting while I putting this together uh because the ones that I have the knobs I have are smaller than the originals you can kind of see how much bigger this one is so this is the sunl version um you know I I think it might be actually nicer because when I try to get in there with those little wrenches it's a pain in the butt because these things are so dang big so it might be nicer that they're a little smaller uh we'll see I haven't uh haven't put them on yet but I did because of messing with the bed it's a little loose so now I got to adjust all the nuts again um but that's fine it's a little easier now with the uh all these off so I'm going to go tighten them all up again some of you have asked if I put the silicone bushings on the center to two little spacers in there um when you take this all apart and you do the the bushing swap there's two metal spacers in there and I decided to take the spacers out and put the silicone bushings uh the reason for that is because I wanted to tighten these as much as possible to keep it from vibrating loose if that's it's if that's even possible so I figured the best bet would be to I it sucks cuz it takes a little longer to level the bed but once you get everything dialed in at least everything's tight so that's that's why I took these this the metal spacers out and put the rubber bushings in or the the silicone bushings but you know if you if you'd rather leave them in leave them in I don't like having them in because having them in made it feel like the knobs weren't tight enough and they would just jiggle loose so um that's why I replaced them and actually I was a little it was a little Wiggly it's because I didn't tighten the tube Center nuts now that I've tightened it it's not as wiggly so I'm just going to put them all on and see how it [Music] [Music] [Music] goes so if you're wondering which way I put them on I put them on like this the little knob knob up on top so if you can see I don't know if you can I'm going to tighten the top one and then snug the bottom one so that the top one doesn't move you notice that it doesn't move at all once I tighten this bottom one real snug the top one doesn't move at all so I honestly think that's going to solve some of my issues and uh I'm going to look for a kit online to see if I can show you guys which ones to just buy so you don't have to try to dissect the old printer I've adjusted these eccentric nuts so many times oh my god oh I love 3D printing I love 3D printing I love 3D printing [Music] I'm oh I wish I could say this would go away if I have linear rails but that has linear rails and I can see Centric nuts Ecentric nuts oh I don't even care any how it's pronounced anymore screw it little bastard nuts is what they're called little bastards that's what they're called man these things are a pain in the butt you can see it wiggling and every time I feel like I just about got it the loose the I love 3D printing I love it oh my gosh I'm so freaking sore I'm tired of this back in the day when I used to work on Volkswagens I had this old how-to book on how to tear apart your old Volkswagen pretty sure was made by a hippie and uh there were several spots in the book that said before you do this this whatever pull the engine or whatever it is smoke a joint I have a feeling that if I wrote a book about 3D printing that would be in the 3D printing book before you tackle this job smoke a joint it'd probably be on almost every chapter not because I think you should smoke weed because you're going to need it I'm so I'm so frustrated right now oh my gosh well I might be completely nuts chances are I'm complet the nuts but every time I kept trying to adjust the eccentric nuts they just spun and spun and spun and they really never tightened they always either loosened or just kind of got sloppy um there was really no tightness to them no matter how many times I would try to tighten it so I figured out how to take the bed off um you remove the back plate back here the farthest back plate you remove that off you loosen your belts and you can slide this thing off to the back and then out um and what I have found is there's Allen I already knew this but there's Allen heads on the bottom you can't get to um you can get to a tiny little nut on top but you can't get to the Allens on the bottom um so I am tightening that and trying to get in there with the nut with a wrench to tighten the nut for some reason no it work better when you use the right sign wow I'm having a rough day okay so my hope is and again this is just my hope that this will actually solve my issues I don't know if it will you're supposed to be able to just tighten these nut these Allens or these uh eccentric nuts and have them just tighten and for some reason mine won't do that so I noticed that every time I try to tighten them the nut just spun maybe that's what they're supposed to do but they sure as hell weren't getting tight and sure maybe I was doing it the wrong way but then you know when you go back the other direction you would think it would Titan and ironically I watched videos on YouTube after I couldn't get it to work and they were not helpful oh I really hope this helped cuz this was a pain in the neck really hope this helps [Music] well that's a [Music] pitch [Music] [Music] that is one of a cracket to get on all right so so I got the bed off put back on I got all little uh wheels and nuts and bolts tightened I found that if you tighten this way it tightens this bed bed up um you know I watched some of the videos on YouTube and they were all tightening this way and that seemed to loosen everything up for me when I did that so I'm doing it the opposite way and having better results I could be doing it wrong but I need to move this back some of you probably noticed I'm trying out some [Music] new feet um chalk absorbers I'm just out having good luck with uh the foam you know um maybe I need maybe I need a better foam but this this is just shaking so much so I'm trying new feed out these are technically for like you know air compressors and that sort of thing uh looking at that one and how fast it's going and how much it's shaking and watching the the even though this is bolted to the wall and built really sturdy it still shakes the crap out of this bench I [Music] still oh this has just been such a nightmare and this is 3D printing by the way it's not the printer um my wife keeps telling me to just send it back and get a better one um that you're going to have to do this with any bed Slinger so if you don't want to do this nightmare get get a a bamboo lab printer or something cuz oh fudge so sick of this just tighten already you little bastard it works son of a I hate printing while I realized this is not a very flattering look on me um I think I figured it all out taking unfortunately taking this bed off Al together right now I'm tightening this plate back on taking it off all together and tightening the Allen on um on all these eccentric nuts that seemed to help my issue um I don't know I honestly couldn't tell you why um you know the eccentric are just supposed to turn and tighten or turn and loosen and mine just spun they just spun around uh I have a feeling cuz I was watching it I have a feeling that it had to do with maybe the Allen screw and the nut weren't tight enough um you know on my old bed if you tightened it too much then the wheel would get too tight and you couldn't move the wheel so you could actually have more issues on these I noticed are spacers so when I tightened it really tight it it the wheel still move freely so um I just tightened the crap out of it and then put it back on and adjusted it um and it seems to have seems to have tightened up on me so I'm not getting the play I was getting before still don't like this too much but no matter how much I try I can't seem to get can't seem to get that perfect so um I'm going to relevel it I've got the belt back attached if you want to learn how to take this off you know basically you unscrew the belt loosen the belt up take the belt off both pulley you take that back piece off and you just slide this back and then once you do that you can get to the bottom nut um you know so not too bad honestly it really wasn't too bad so now we get to proceed with leveling and because I bumped into this a few times I should probably double check my Gantry height um if you pull on this this wire up here you can raise it this this uh raise and lower it so I'm just going to do it by hand see if I can get it get it dialed in so it looks it looks like it's still level um if you want to be certain about that get your old fashion level or Square check your Square measurements are the same they're all the same these come in handy yeah I bought a two pack you know maybe I'll put that in my link my Amazon store as well so you guys can see but these come in handy uh if you buy the two pack with it comes with the really big one you can check to make sure your bed is flat um I've seen beds warp and and get bent uh the sunl one that I just took all this stuff off of I'm pretty sure I bent it trying to get it all out um so you know if I ever did try to get that sun new printed working again I'd have to replace the bed again so you know these do come in handy for a lot more reasons let's get the leveling done and uh hopefully this bastter will work and good again oh my gosh if you're curious how I level the bed obviously that's too much so it be a lot quicker if I used both hands it seems pretty good now because I added the sunlo Springs I've got a double washer on there I can tighten this thing the bottom one it's still pretty good now we're going to go to [Music] two see that one's real tight so I'm going to tighten it it already started ripping my paper so get it out of there here now it's loose again too tight unfortunately you got to play around with it until you get it just right okay I think that was right three oh man it's been a long long day I have been working on this printer all day so we're going to tighten it because it's already got a lot of it's already really tight all right it's still pretty tight but when I go to tighten the second little uh Locker on there getting it real snug it usually loosens it up gets a little looser but it didn't so let see what we can do about that and of course it came up yeah I think that's perfect sadly I'm going to repeat this process one more time around even after I get it all dialed in I'm going to do it one more time just to make sure see that's oh I'm missing one here interesting so I'll have to uh find my other one wherever it is it might still be on the printer the sun printer cuz that's where I got these knobs okay so it's loose it's getting there just about yeah that's good okay y that's tight that's actually pretty good yeah okay we went down to six now my back is hurting my legs are hurting this has been a very trying day trying on my patience trying on my nerves come on I'm have to put you down for that this all right that's done I went and run a second time um the reason for that is because when I got to that corner it was a little different than when I thought I had left it so um I just went around one more time just to make sure so it's all manually leveled um all four corners have double Wheels or double um locking knobs I guess I should say so hopefully I have better luck with those man it has been a trying day um so the machine is now home I'm going to do confirm and it will auto level now I already turned on the bed and the um hot end for um for pla so it's already warmed up and ready to go and that's why it'll start leveling quicker than if you were to wait for it to heat up see how it looks like it's going to heat up for those of you curious you go up into prepare Temp and Pla I preset it for 225 cuz that's where I like my first uh temp temp at so I go back it starts to warm up and I actually already kind of pre-charged it now I do that same thing when I want to print something or if I know I'm going to start a print I come out here I get the hot end I basically set it up to for the pla for everything to heat up before I start my print and then that way when I pop plug it in and hit print it'll it starts printing within a minute or two um some things I should show off um I did do the there's a little STL file that you can print um to put a a plate basically a bracket to keep the plate on and in the right spot it makes it life a little easier um I also did you can kind of see it back there it's a mess I'm sorry um trying different things so I need to clean up my mess but I made um cable chains one of the guys that made this kit for the build plate to line up I got grease on me um he was kind enough to make one for the cable chain accessory so I'll tag um his Link in the description so you have all of this stuff you know right at your fingertips so you can print it all off and you know what I'm using uh and then I'm going to try to find the replacement screws and all of the stuff that you need to do what I just did I'm like I haven't I just did it so I don't know if it's going to help um you're welcome to to comment in the comments below and and ask me um you know if it's been a couple of days or a week or a month um I'll give you an update sorry about my mess over there I just kind of have had a rough day and everything's just kind of been pushed to the side but I will clean it up and have my workbench back here in a few minutes and there it goes starting to level the bed I'm not going to make you watch this cuz it's a very boring process plus I think I need to sit down I'm I've been I've been working on this a lot today so I'm exhausted hope you enjoyed the video if you have more questions let me know thanks for watching guys all right we're at the menu where it's finished leveling and uh it's asking me to use a piece of paper check the Z and it is nice and snug in there so we're going to hit confirm look at the numbers those some pretty good looking numbers I'm happy with that that's fine with me I'm good all right I'm going to do save confirm all right let that save and then I will start my new print which is going to be a bunch more stuff to hopefully help my printer print properly oh what a dayare here's my first test print since releveling the bed changing out the mobs and the screws on the bed plate let's see if I got good [Music] reion so far so good nice nice squish to the th I'm just going to keep an eye on it because I don't want a big old blob of death to form up on my hot end this is usually when it starts so if you've never heard of The Blob of death it's basically uh your your first layer this particular layer starts to peel up off of the bed the build plate and starts getting stuck to your hot end and then it just clogs it and just gets this big old goo of of uh filament all of your hot end and it just destroys your hot end uh people have been able to salvage them uh you can buy new ones sometimes ELO is nice enough to send you one um just depends on uh the situation but to prevent it the best prevention you can do is having a good first layer so you don't see anything peeling up that's that's a good sign um if it starts to peel up then we go back to leveling the bed and um I I did because of of all the touching and fiddling I did with this build plate I did take the this sheet off and hand wash it again I've have hand washed this thing a few times uh you basically just use soap and water regular dish soap and you just you know nice hot water and nice you know just scrub it clean and then you put it back on and it should work good um I've tried rubbing alcohol and I haven't had as good of success as I have with just regular dish soap and and water so just take it off wash it like you do a regular dish and put it back on and hopefully it'll everything will stick to you sometimes uh things don't stick and it's the filament I've had filament that did not stick to the build plate no matter what I did no matter how good my layer adhesion should have been um sometimes the filament just is garbage filament and doesn't stick so when that's the case uh if you want to try to salvage it you can use glue sticks or whatever other people have done I've never used a glue stick I just you know I've got a couple rolls of filament like that and I just don't use it so it's just trash and uh lesson learn I don't buy from them again so uh if you want to know what I use I have had good luck with some Mo filament um I believe they're also own they also own Jo I think is how it's pronounced I've never tried it I've had people tell me it's basically the same as sunlu so you know you can look up both Brands um I have had good luck with sunl so I just kind of stick with what I know sorry I was just noticing some of the some of that first layer looks a little off but it's not peeling up so that's fine I'll leave it I do I might after this cuz this is basically some test prints of uh parts so if this uh I might be a little too close I might have to adjust the Z offset on this thing just kind of looking at how uh this moves out the way how that looks cuz it should look smooth it's hard to see because it won't get out of the way anyway you kind of see it so there you go there's uh basically the first layer that's going to keep trying to to print I'm going to run inside make some dinner and check on this again here in a few minutes just to make sure I got I don't have a BL Big Blob but um otherwise so far so good something I just noticed you hear that sounds like the nozzle sounds like the nozzles dragging on the uh build plate so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in here into my settings so you can see settings and then you go to adjust and I'm going to adjust this ever so slightly and then see if I can get rid of that I don't hear it making the noise anymore so that's the Z offset I can still kind of hear it so back to the drawing board [Music] adjust I think I got it and I don't want to damage the plate by having the nozzle drag still sounds like it's too close I might play with it just a little bit more but that's how you do it go to settings one more time I'm going to switch it to 30 and hopefully this will do it [Music] I think I got it but you can see how some of the uh it doesn't look nice and smooth I think I was too close I think I got it well if you sat through and watched that entire video thank you thank you for the support thanks for watching my videos this is probably the fourth or fifth print I've had on this printer since I've switched out those uh those screws and and added the the double knobs on here I honestly can't tell you that I've seen a huge difference uh I have had to relevel the bed at least once since then um this morning when I woke up there was a print on this printer and it was a big spaghetti mess there was a layer shift uh I think it had to do with maybe the Belt being too tight uh I'm still not convinced it know that's what it was but the more I tightened the belt the more the layer shift got worse so I have a feeling that it was probably the Belt being too tight um I'm testing a new print on it but that being said all in all uh when I did let relevel the bed uh I did have to relevel every corner like I would normally and um I I noticed probably maybe it was better the two Center ones that had the single knob and the original screws they both definitely had to be adjusted so you know I'm still not convinced it was it it it was a fix so I may not put links to anything at this point in time that you know until I can find all the parts and confirm that it was actually worth doing I I don't want to put you guys all through all that if uh if it's not even worth doing so you know I'm still going to keep printing on it I'm still going to keep playing around with it and I'm hoping that this did help improve the at least the oftenness I would have to replace the relevel the bed um but so far I've already had to relevel the bed once since doing that and it's only been 3 days so you know I mean probably not a benefit so far from what I can tell but um you know it is what it is um the Centric nuts are working properly they uh everything seems to be printing the only issue was the layer shift that I have a feeling was belt related so we'll see but the in cubic is just cruising right along and I I am playing around with the mats and some different options to try to figure out how to get rid of some of the vibrations or at least dampen the vibrations so I don't want the print itself to have the vibrations travel to it but that seems to be what's happening no matter what I do um I did slow this down a little bit but yet you can still see it's still cruising right along so yeah I may not have done anything really to help me cuz there's still some there's still some ghosting in there but um overall still happy with bull printers thanks for watching Everybody if you have any comments any questions let me know um sorry this video wasn't uh didn't have a better outcome I guess I should say but uh I'm still not convinced it's not going to help so we'll see but at least now you guys know what I'm trying thanks for watching
Channel: Outer Rim Armorer
Views: 2,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7nvD8CaZR2c
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Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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