Product Feature: Bambu Lab X1E 3D Printer

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hey guys it's Ken here from shop 3.can boo x1e oh yeah Jackie is here as well we're very happy to introduce the bamboo Labs brand to shop 3D and this is their Flagship printer it's only exclusive to resellers so Jackie is going to tell us all about it Jackie how easy is this printer to set up right out of the box yeah super easy it comes fully assembled uh you have to put some of the tubes in and the AMS will be inside the printer so you'll have to obviously take that out but in general there's nothing you really have to assemble or set up uh besides just the basic unboxing you'll have it up and running within like 10 minutes looking at the x1e it looks actually very similar to the x1c can you start off with some of the differences on the the get-go of the printer yeah so they're actually both very similar from the onset so you can notice that the color is a little bit different and um you know it says x1e but uh the really important stuff is on the inside of the machine so we got the x1c we know stands for carbon what what does the x1e stand for the x1e stands for the Enterprise Series so all of the feature sets will be uh much more Enterprise focused yeah so this is a FFF printer it uses 1.75 filament and it's a cartisian based printer so the print head rides on X Y and runs on carbon rods this is the AMS the automated material system uh so this feature is available for both the x1c and the x1e and it comes as a bundle uh for the x1e uh and then for the x1c it's an option uh but it also comes as a bundle as well so the major feature is that you can use four filaments at once so you can create multicolor prints so you can have up to four colors you can use support material and you can also use it to um change materials when you run out of one material it'll automatically switch to the next one it also keeps the filament in a dehydrated state where you put desicant in it and it will keep it at the optimal moisture level with 1.75 mm filament there's lots of options what are we printing with this printer yeah because this printer goes up to 320° you can print any of the Plastics under 320 so that's TPU pla carbon fiber ABS uh ASA engineering materials with less warping and just more dimensional stability overall I see that when I open the door it's actually a single extruder single head printer so how do we get four different filaments printing at the same time yeah exactly so the AMS manages the unloading and the loading of the different materials whenever it needs it so uh that's exactly how we can get four colors out of one nozzle in fact you can actually add another AMS on it if you wanted eight colors or 16 colors so whether you using uh support pla carbon fiber nylon they pretty much all work the the same you put them in and then uh you feed them into the slot and the Machine will automatically uptake them and load them into the printer as it needs it and I think if you're using bamboo filament it has an RFID so it'll detect what material it is and load that profile automatically but you can also use third party materials what limitations do we have using thirdparty materials and third party material spool types yeah so if you're choosing third party materials you can you can totally do that for the system um and it doesn't stop you in any way even though it uses RFID for bamboo materials uh you can use third party materials by just selecting what you want on the screen uh that's the major difference there is one limitation that you have to be careful of if the spool is too wide or if it uses a cardboard uh spool then what can happen is because it loads it constantly when it switches materials it can Fray the uh the spool and we do not recommend um the weaker paper spools uh on the AMS system so for those ones we usually recommend you either go with the bamboo spools the ones that come with plastic or you can choose to print a shoe for your uh paper spools so that they don't Fray during the printing process so talking about Good refill filament you know we know uh some of our e filament has carbo spools but what would you recommend as a filament that would be great pairing for the X1 yeah so I would say uh the BF Pro one specifically is a very good pairing for the x1e and the x1c primarily because that material is made for high-speed printing so when you're running it at 300 mm pers second you can ensure that the layer bonding is good and the feeding is good so we've used that on all our high-speed printers and we've had really great success so uh if you need a good General material to use a good strong plastic BASF Pro one would be my recommendation yeah and because of that purpose and Jackie's recommendation we've actually made sure that there's a 10% discount if you're buying Pro one along with your bamboo so make sure you use that coupon code to get your extra discount off your pro one filling uh I know there's some wonderful features with this printer that are maybe not available with some other brands can you tell me about the lar feature and uh the air filter yeah so the really cool thing is um on the print hand there's a lar scanner so before each print not only does it do the autoed leveling it uses lar to print a line and it will detect the flow rate so that it make sure that your first layer is always good and the consistency of the rest of the layers is Flowing very well it also has a webcam on the side that can do AI detection so if you get a spaghetti failure it will detect that and pause your print so you can correct it or cancel your print so you're not wasting filament and uh it ensures that the the mess doesn't get worse you know if you have a run out over time those are some really great features especially you know in the early layers where uh that failure might happen exactly uh if you have a you know spaghetti failure in the beginning and then you let that print for you know 13 hours that's a lot of wasted filament and a it could clog the nozzle it could create a bigger mess overall so the spaghetti detection is a very welcome feature now if it does detect an error what happens after that yeah what happens well uh it will stop the print it will pause the print so that it will allow you to correct the issue uh if it's unrecoverable if you see that it's gone too far and there's too much spaghetti everywhere and your print's going to be useless cuz it's not going to be wrong then you can choose to cancel the print uh or continue it yeah I see that the head is magnetic here and you can kind of take that off and I see the hot end but can you tell me about what kind of hot- end options we can put in the x1e yeah good question so um it comes with a uh harden steel nozzle already so all of the nozzles for the x1e is carbon fiber compatible so you can swap this out for a 0.6 or 0.8 option uh if you want to print either you know faster or larger layers so they're relatively easy to change up but I have to note that they are not compatible with the x1c the design is a little bit different so the x1c and the x1e uses different hot ends got it and in terms of the package for what it comes with I know there are slightly different bundles and the x1e automatically comes with the AMS but can you tell me you know some of the differences that you're going to get between the x1c bundle and the X1 e bundle yeah so for the x1c uh it is an option to get the AMS but if you get them both as bundles the only major difference would be what filament comes with the printer uh initially so in the x1c you will get a pla a pla carbon fiber and a pla support on the x1e you will get a PA support which is nylon and you will also get a high temperature nylon carbon fiber and a pla carbon fiber so uh it is geared more for the industrial materials so the materials that it comes with starts you off at a more U engineering industrial scale in terms of options for the build plate um I see that we had a custom one here um that is a dual-sided textured Pei plate um but what does the x1e come with and what options do we have for different B plates yeah the x1e comes with the smooth plate it has the cool plate on one side and the uh engineering material on the other side um so quite different than that one although that is an option that you can use uh for the x1e if you like the textured plate you can also get that one as well and then use that with your x1e so what exactly is the difference between the textur and the smooth plate there's not a lot of difference overall uh in terms of usage it's exactly the same there's nothing you really have to do on your end the major difference is just the underside of the print if you prefer a textured print you would use the textured plate and if you prefer a more smooth finish on the bottom of your part then you would use the smooth plate yes and so this is a heated bed do you know how hot the bed bed and the head can go to in terms of temperature uh so that's another thing where the x1e is a little bit different the the temperature of the nozzle goes up to 320 whereas the x1c it can only go up to 300 so it is more geared towards the higher temperature materials like nylon uh carbon fiber and abs like materials so Jackie looking through this printer I see something that's not really common with other printers and that's kind of like this feed area that leads out of the printer why do we have that yeah so that's a really important part about multicolor printing so what happens during multicolor printing is when it switches from one material to the next there is an in between section where we have to discard it uh because we don't want to end up in the print where it has all these multicolor in between materials that we don't anticipate so in order to get rid of those um it gets extracted through the back uh so one of the first prints that we recommend people do is the Chute and uh the waist shoot basically goes on the back of the printer here and all all of the excess material will uh be you know nicely extracted from here yeah into that Sho now if we didn't have that it would probably just go all over the place behind the pr it would yeah it would make uh it would just kind of collect at the back of your printer uh but at least it's not in your print and it's not in your printer that could build up over time that's great now let's talk about some of the other features that this printer has because uh it this printer has been very popular with us you know why do people love it so much yeah the biggest thing about bamboo labs and the greatest thing I would say is the speed um its amazing reliability in terms of how fast it can print is the number one reason I think it's so popular right now so even if without the with the AMS you know we're still getting higher speeds than some other printers out there exactly and you know who doesn't want to print faster prototype faster you can do a lot more parts all at once so um speed is sort of the biggest base level thing that you can have and then multicolor is sort of sort of just gravy on top now if you're not familiar with the bamboo ecosystem uh let's say you come from another brand or you're just looking for your printer for the first time what can we expect from the bamboo software the bamboo software is very good it is cloud-based and uh it's very similar to all the other slicers that you may have used um so you can do you know all the basic tasks of scaling and moving your parts around arranging it on your bed uh so all of those tools and functionalities there you can edit all of the settings the infill the wall parameter so you can dive deep into the settings that you can that you're used to working with uh the major difference is um it it does have Cloud access and it also has features specifically for the AMS where you can select colors for your parts so they make this really intuitive where you can just um select portions of your print to have different colors and it's a really easy and intuitive process uh to color your parts amazing and you actually brought up a good point about cloud printing and so forth this is the x1e version what kind of additional uh connectivity features do we have with the x1c sorry e that we don't have with the x1c yeah so the major difference and why it's called the Enterprise version is because it has Enterprise protocols so in uh for the x1c uh that's usually used on the cloudbase you can also use the SD card but on the x1e there's Enterprise protocols for the network so if you have more secure networks or your requirement for your enter systems uh require that level of security you can use um the WPA2 uh Enterprise protocols in order to connect to your network it also has uh an RJ45 connector which is not available on the x1c and then one last crazy feature is that you there is a physical switch to turn off all of the network connectivity so if you're in a environment where uh you cannot have network connectivity uh because of security reasons or um defense patents or anything like that you can physically turn off all of those features on on a switch so you it's physically impossible for it to connect to uh networks that you don't intend it to that's great I I think bamboo really listened to the needs of Enterprise customers and built those features into this printer now if I were to sum up can I ask you you know since this is a newer brand with shop 3D what are your experiences with printing with this printer yeah my experience has been amazing um this is one of the very few printers that has a heated chamber so we're used to printing Parts where they tend to warp around the corners and the 60° heated chamber really makes that easy and of course the Fast Printing speed you know that's the biggest thing everybody looks for and that's the the biggest U change that I would say uh the bamboo offers compared to some of the other uh printers is you can just get parts a lot faster and then the automated systems where it does the bed level l in and it does the lar sensor uh just makes everything easy so printing fast really easily is my favorite thing about the bamboo and if I were to say hey we love both the x1c and x1e because they are so similar but for slightly different uh niches can I ask you who would you recommend get the x1c and who would you recommend get the X1 E Yeah so the x1c I would say would be the default option I think x1c is amazing for almost everybody uh it has a full complete feature set it has upgradeability for adding the AMS so whether you're doing um you know small parts prototyping um or you know fun multicolored Parts the x1c kind of fits everybody um and has carbon fiber uh capability built right in so you can print almost any material on the market um already so that's already a really great option uh the Enterprise version I would suggest for uh more professional customers uh where they're printing in um environments where it requires the higher level of security uh but also if you're usually printing ABS or nylon or any of the heavier uh engineering materials I would definitely lean towards the Enterprise version uh strictly because of the heated chamber that makes that process so much easier so much more reliable Your Parts come out stronger so uh even if you just print abs for the most part I would I would suggest you go to the Enterprise version just for the heated chamber amazing and what kind of Industries would benefit most from getting the Enterprise version versus the current version yeah so uh defense Industries are going to definitely want the Enterprise versions um if they have requirements for security and um taking out the uh Wi-Fi connection uh that's an easy step it's just two buttons that you open the panel and then you can disable the Wi-Fi connectivity uh that's going to be really important for your defense Aerospace uh contractors and also companies in which uh proprietary information is very important uh that added level of security is just uh is just essential for um for printer choice so you may not even be able to choose the carbon uh printer if you have that level of requirement for security amazing and if I can sum it off um you know the x1e is only available to resellers uh of bamboo so you can get it at shop 3D and you'll probably need to pre-order because this is a very popular printer at the moment but can you tell me what is the difference you know why why is it only available uh to Enterprise resellers like us you know versus just on the beoo website yeah so as I mentioned the x1c is great for everybody so that's widely available in multiple channels but since this the x1e is meant for Enterprise customers uh we can offer a higher level of support um and you know having them accessible locally is usually also a requirement for Enterprise customers where they can get Canadian support and make sure that they can get all the parts and support in one local place so that's why there's a higher focus on having it sold as a reseller yes so if you get it from of course you get our renowned you know support directly from our team here in Canadian dollars we quote in Canadian dollars and not only that but we also ensure that the x1e and X1 uh is certified for Canadian CSA and Esa standards so that you don't have to worry when you have this in your facility so Jackie to sum it off and I'm going to talk about the limitations if you had to say one or a couple limitations of the x1e what would that be uh the major limitation would probably be the bed size so it prints at 256 uh cubed which is fairly large but I would say uh some customers may have a require reement for larger parts so you will have to break your part up into multiple pieces so I would say that's probably the biggest drawback uh I wouldn't say drawback but just in terms of what you're doing it it may not fit if you want really large prints you may need to break it up so that may not be as efficient and if for those customers who um want to do production on this printer do you think this is a good printer for that purpose uh I would think so because it prints so fast and you can print in engineering grade materials uh this is a great production printer you can just get a whole bunch of them and then run them as a fleet the software offers uh very good control over multi multiple printers you can uh view the webcam as you're printing it has failure detection so it has all of the features that uh is available for running uh like a production print Farm uh type of effect and um because it's all enclosed and it's very stable the repeatability is very high so it has all the features that are required for production operation fantastic so that about sums it up for the x1e it's exclusive to resellers so you can't get it on the bamboo website but you can get it from us at shop 3.can are extremely limited we're seeing these fly out the door so make sure you contact us and reserve your unit today so that's it from kenon Jackie thank you for joining us until next time stay tuned [Music]
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Id: qMj_FIumSn8
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Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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