Comparison Between the Anycubic Kobra 2 Max And The Elegoo Neptune 4 Max. Which One Should You Buy?

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hey everybody as many of you have come to notice I have an any cubic Cobra 2 Max and an elu Neptune 4 Max and I have been running tests on them and prints on them for the past week um I've had this one for about four weeks now this one for only about a week and I wanted to give you guys a review on what I think uh would be a best option for you some of you guys are looking for Christmas gifts or just looking to buy a 3D printer um the Mac uh on either one of these is about the same build plate volume uh the advertised speeds are about the same uh I think they're saying it could reach up to 500 mm/ second and U both companies are saying it and I believe they're also saying that typical print speeds like 300 mm/ second so um let's get straight to it uh what would I recommend uh if somebody buy it for you know a 3D printer um I like both both printers they're great printers um I'm going to just let you guys know I'm not sponsored or endorsed by any of these guys they really don't even know I exist they uh they didn't send me these I bought these outright from my company I have a Etsy store that I sell you know helmets and armor on um that's the reason why I went with such big printers I originally ordered the elu Neptune 4 and was going to buy a second one and decided to instead get the any cubic just to kind of do a review and and see which one I liked better um and to be hon honest with you after about a week of having this one um I think I would say I like the any cubic better and it's it's it was tough because I really wanted to like the elgu Neptune 4 Max but um I've kind of realized eligo Neptune 4 Series you know the the the elu Neptune 4 Pro had linear rails and I didn't see linear rails on the Plus or the Max uh m doesn't have linear rails which is uh it's frustrating uh with the printer going this fast it should have come with linear rails I would have expected since NE eligo said the Neptune 4 Series was basically a new series that the the formax would have been an upgraded version with the with the uh linear rails sorry I just kicked on started printing um they both can print 300 prob I think I'm pushing this one at 350 mm/ second um I am testing this one right now on the flow rates and I think I can get 350 out of this one as well um travel speeds I think I'm at 400 I didn't I haven't tried to push it to 500 yet um the any Cubit comes with linear rails which I I think at this speeds you're going to want that on your printer yeah if you are looking to get something it's a little more reliable um I I think it'd be less or at least less work anyway um but both of them they vibrate a lot they they're they move a lot if you're going to try to push the speeds on these things like like I'm doing um they vibrate a lot um I'm currently testing different options to kind of tone down the vibrations my workbench is bolted to the wall to the cabinet uh it's it's as sturdy as I can make the workbench and this thing still rattles the crap out of it so I'm trying to find you know ways to to kind of tone down the vibrations just because these things really move but um the any cubic you know again I like the linear rails the option that that's the reason why these guys get it um if you're going to if you're going to buy a 3D printer I'm going to have to say go with the any cubic just because of that uh they do have an app which is really nice if you're updating firmware which because these are fairly new you're kind of the guinea pig if you buy them right now um so you know you're going to have to probably end up updating the firmware a few times uh I know on my eligo I've already updated at least four times the firmware update on the eligo is more of a pain in the butt than on the any cubic because the an cubic hat Cobra to has an app where you can just click on the app and you can you can basically update your your printer from the app you can say okay you know when my print's done update firmware boom it's an auto update um some of the other big things that that any cubic does that I like uh the build plate on this thing is bolted to the bracket system and it doesn't have Springs or bushings or knobs to adjust manually um I personally like that because this thing has knobs and and springs and I've actually switched the Springs out to uh silicone bushings to kind of help things but it vibrates so much that it actually loosens up and the bed switches and becomes uneven um I haven't had that issue with this because it's bolted to the bracket system so when I do an an auto level on this one it just straight Auto levels when I want to level this one I have to manually level it and then auto level it and often times I can't just go back and auto level I have to go back and manually level a week later uh you know I think the maintenance wise on like The Eccentric nuts on both printers are going to be the same you know there is those types of nuts on even with the linear rails because it's running on a on a a wheel basically running on a track um so either way you're probably going to have to adjust them um you're probably going to have some you know weekly maintenance maybe not so much on this one but we'll see I haven't had to you know adjust it too much um you know out of the box this was easier to set up uh the eligo was great to was easy to set up as well but this one was easier uh both had great instructions both were um I mean pretty honestly was I would say pretty straightforward forward I think I got this one done a little quicker than I got this one done um but I can tell you when I was setting up the printers for printing uh as soon as you plug this in you turn it on it asks you a few questions and then it starts to Auto calibrate everything and that's something that the elgu Neptune 4 Max didn't do I had to turn it on answer I think maybe one or two questions and then I had to go into the different menus and select the things I wanted calibrated which is kind of dumb I mean when you have this one next to it and you're kind of comparing them it's kind of dumb because elu knows we're going to have to calibrate these things they should have just made it an automatic thing like any cubic did um because the reality is when you update your firmware you're going to have to update your bed leveling your uh PID your you know basically every little thing that you have to calibrate you're going to have to redo again as soon as you update your firmware so both companies knew that and yet any cubic made it so it was automatic as soon as you update the firmware it starts to ask you couple questions and then you update all those all those calibrations again um you know you still have to play with it you still have to get the the Z height uh just right um you know you still should probably use like a square to make sure your Gantry level um but I feel like I feel like the Indy cubic was probably better way to go uh I have had to deal with customer service with both printers the first week I had the any cubic I tried to use the any cubics provided Cura slicing software profile um and it did not the printer did not like that it um I had two different prints fail because of um the printer basically had a brain fart and just didn't want to print it started Printing and then went uh duh and it just stopped uh and there was no way to get it back to printing again it just just kind of had a it was almost like the Computing software couldn't keep up with the the information that the slicer had actually provided so that was kind of a frustration I had for the first week of owning this one but um once I started using the pers slicer software and used any cubic profile for that I haven't had any issues since um I am still trying to dial in the settings um for both printers trying to use p p Persia Persia anyway um you know this one has an orca has a setting it's basically the same type of software as Persia uh Persia I don't know anyway um it's basically the same type of software the big difference between Orca is it has a different user interface so it might be easier to use some people find Orca a little easier um this one already had a uh profile to select um both profiles right out of the box to be honest with you are really slow I mean I think they're set at like 80 mm/ second which is really slow for these printers um I immediately bumped them up to 250 and then from there I started kind of gradually increasing them um I have right now I'm doing a flow test on this to see the the volumetric flow rate um of this printer um I haven't really found any information online about it and so far I've tested uh I think it's 20 I think I'm up to 20 I think I'm doing 26 now um but it's been printing printing great so that really affects the speed of your print and the quality of your print as high at different speeds so it's kind of good to know um where this one I'm having issues with like with this even with this print um no matter the settings I pick uh I seem to get a little bit of the infill so that's another settings issue and most of them are going to be settings issues that you deal with you'll just have to figure out by doing calibration tests which settings are best for you um you know I've been using Sun loose filament uh I've had had great luck with sun loose filament so it's printing good I think I'm printing now at uh uh 220 on both printers and I'm getting good results um you know the layer Heights and everything I think both of them are printing at like 2 layer height um I didn't like where the filament was mounted on the any cubic on the side what I have kind of come to realize with both printers that I really don't like the the filament mounted on the printer because of how fast the printer goes it shakes the filament and that that has the option to unwind and Tangle and become a problem the other thing I've noticed is it feels like you can tell at this one I took the the filament off and I'm running it from a dryer box in my cabinet so this is kind of something I've been testing recently because what I've noticed is as soon as I took the filament roll off the printer it didn't Shake as bad so I don't know if maybe the printer's shaking and that's just causing the filament to bounce around which is causing the prer to take more um that's kind of what it feels like that's kind of the what I kind of determined so I've moved it off I don't have any issues with the filament untangling now um the the tangling and the filament rolling issue that I was experiencing was causing uh print defects in my helmets um you know I I flipped the the roll right here upside down so it's feeding upwards um and that seems to have CA you know fixed the tanglement issue but because it shakes so much and you I can kind of see it while it's printing um it does Shake quite a bit and I think I might do the same thing I might try to mount it up here or off to the side somewhere um I don't like it over there only because it takes up almost a foot of bench space that I could put a you know if I spread these out a little bit better I could put a third printer in between these two right now it's kind of a No Man's l in between but um ultimately they both have Wi-Fi uh if you want to really dive into Clipper they both use Clipper U the Clipper program um it seems like it works better with you know to help really boost the speeds and get good quality prints um Persia and orca both you know are calibrated for Clipper uh I think Cura is now starting to do that with their newest update so you can kind of change it so it's not Merlin um Merlin is the typical old school you know G-Code from what I understand my two my two old printers used Merlin um you know ultimately like I said I would go with the an cubic uh it is $100 more um I think you maybe maybe maybe a little bit more than $100 if you do decide to go with the eligo uh there is a company out there that is making a linear rail upgrade for the neq and the eligo Neptune 4 Max so I'm going to put a link in the description so if you do get this or if you have one already and you want to get that linear rail uh I'll put a link in the description you guys you can go check them out I haven't personally added it I really want to um you know it'll be one of those things that when I have some extra cash I I'll I'll do it and then I'll make a video about it um but ultimately you know a linear rail upgrade on this printer would make this printer as good if not better than the any cubic uh that's the only reason why I don't give it to this guys is because elu dropped the fall in my opinion when they didn't put linear rails on this thing um and Al ultimately the they could have put a better linear rail system like the like the um like the kit that's available uses a track and carriage system that I think would actually be better than this linear rail setup um you know the eligo right now is using Palm Wheels there is a few people in some of the groups that have already posted that um their Palm wheels are wearing out and then this has only been available for 3 4 months um so if the Palm wheels are already wearing out that quick you're not going to want to keep replacing Palm Wheels every 3 months uh and palm Wheels if you're not not familiar with they're basically little plastic Wheels uh and they just roll inside of a track system you know they get loose just like these wheels will get loose and um you have to adjust them and you have to keep them oiled and that sort of thing you know you have to keep the linear rail system greased cuz they're basically metal on metal traveling so you want to keep them greased either way but a linear rail system would would eliminate the Palm wheels and having to replace them quite often so that's the only reason why these guys don't get the you know the the trophy for being best out of the two I've had like I said I've had a deal with customer service on both um pre buying the the printer customer service didn't respond to me at all I sent three or four messages and they didn't give a crap about me they didn't even want to respond to me um after buying the printer I and I had issues I was able to get a response within 24 hours which was pretty good uh and I same with the elu elgu's customer service responded within 20 I think within 24 hours or right around 24 hours and you know both companies were decent customer service I think theirs responded because I was already an an owner at that point um you know I'm kind of I felt like any cubic customer service was treating me like I'm stupid and um and maybe that's because so many people have really basic questions that can be answered by just a simple Google search but um my questions weren't simple and um and I had a lot of questions that were so in depth that their customer service didn't know what I was talking about so I have a feeling that I probably asked them questions that they really didn't know because they only know maybe a sheet of information in front of them um and you know maybe maybe I'm Maybe I'm Wrong um but they have responded a couple times they just sent me a follow-up email saying hey how's it going now um this is my second print since I've had a failure so uh I would say so far so good but if I'm being honest I had a failure I printed three things or four things and then I had another failure and it was all it was all Computing issues the the the machine itself actually froze and had a brain fart um the only other thing I haven't figured out and maybe it's a me is I don't like that when the filament runs out on this machine it doesn't reverse the filament back out the tube you can see there's a little um forgot the freaking name of the tube all of a sudden um but you can see there a little tube the tube's actually just for a guiding system of the filament but what I've noticed is when it runs out it runs out and it's still in the tube and it doesn't doesn't feed back out the tube I don't like that uh and maybe that's something I need to you know do some more research maybe there's a G-Code or something that'll force it back out the tube um that's the only thing I don't like about this this one when it runs out um it it does back itself out and it's easier to replace but there's also not a tube on this thing it's just floating in midair so you know if you mounted this somewhere else you could probably get rid of this stupid tube um you know I don't either either machine I don't like their Cable Management um but you know you can go on thingy verse or you know look up online you can find lots of files for better Cable Management um I printed cable chains for this one um and I'll probably do the same thing with this one you can probably see maybe um I've kind of zip tied the W the bed wire out of the way because it was dragging across things and that'll cause layers shift issues and all sorts of stuff so um you know I don't I don't like this I mean this is not a no not not great I mean it's not great placement um but I mean overall they're both great printers you're going to have probably have issues with either one of them if you buy one um they're not a bamboo lab printer you know most people have really good luck with the bamboo Labs I don't have a bamboo lab printer so I can't really tell you from experience but from all the stuff I've read and all the people I know you know there seems to be a lot of great experience with something like that so if you're new to 3D printing and you want a really easy less maintenance machine out of the box that's what I've been told to go with um I don't know I don't have the money for that if I were to buy a bamboo X1 Carbon I could buy two of these so that's kind of where I'm at I would rather have two big large scale printers that can print full size armor than one bamboo lab X1 Carbon um you know I wish I had the money for that maybe one day I will but uh and I actually honestly wish they had a large scale X1 Carbon because because that would have probably been a no-brainer I probably would have saved up my money and bought one um for me I like printing full-size helmets you know I'm currently getting ready to ship out a couple helmets that won't print on you know most printers actually I've Got U the the Star Killer helmet uh I think I've got a sample here so this is the star killer helmet and because of the skirt on it you see the skirt it's massive volume that it takes to print this thing it's huge and most printers won't print this unless you slice it up into pieces and that's hor if you've ever put it put something together it's more of a pain in the butt to glue a bunch of pieces together than it is to just print it solid and a way a way you go um so I do like having the larger build volume for that if you're not looking to print things like if you're going to print something like like this the mini Mando helmet for a child uh the child mando um honestly you could print that on an X1 Carbon you can print that on almost any printer you know probably an probably an endoor three um you know the creality makes you know is is offering uh printers now with linear rails that have you know basically the same build volume not build volume but the basically the same speeds that these are advertising um you know to go back to the speeds that they you know they're all advertising um I don't want to say it's BS but it's um there's most most these companies are trying to get to that market that's looking at the the bamboo lab printers that can print 5 600 millim per second um so a lot of it's just advertisement it's not real uh I I the reason why I'm testing the flow rate on this one is to see if I can get away with something more than 350 mm/ second you know I know most of them if you read the fine print it say you know good quality prints at 300 mm/ second well then don't put on your banner 500 mm/ second if that's just travel speed because that's line um in my opinion uh you know and if you were to try to print it 500 mm/ second you have to have the flow rate your your actual hot end has to keep up flowing material at that speed so you have to also double check that your your machine will actually have that ability um that's why I'm checking the flow rate on this I want to see how far I can push it so and I'm going to do that with this one next because I think I might be able to get more flow out of it but you know neither company's really been open with how much their flow rate is out of their hot end I know the Neptune 4 Max is a different hot end than any other of the four series the Neptune 4 Series uh so a couple of the guys that I know that have Neptune 4 Maxes have kind of basically called it the a 3.5 because it doesn't have the linear rails like the other Neptune 4S um it doesn't have the same hot end as the the other Neptune 4S so it's kind of one of those like uh almost like a a Frankenstein of parts so like it's like they took Neptune 3 parts and Neptune and some Neptune four parts and they kind of put it together to make a Neptune 4 but it's really kind of more of a a Neptune 3.5 so you know if they would have added the linear rails it would definitely have been an Neptune 4 it you know it would have won the con it would have won the comparison in my opinion but um I hope this helps I I have more information and I can and I talk about it for a while I I actually made this video probably six times now and I I've hopefully landed on this one as the as the final ver version that I wanted to share so you can as like I I as I said you can see how fast these are printing uh if I get I'll get out of the way so you can watch them a little bit um and if you have questions comment you know put a comment on here I try to get back to people uh most of these videos I make are just for you guys um you know just to be helpful when I started out there was a lot of questions I had I didn't know where to go I didn't know who to ask um I've been doing this for over a year now and um and I'm still asking questions you know I'm still in the groups on Discord and I'm still on Facebook groups and I'm still asking people questions and I'm still learning a lot every day so you know don't get frustrated if you do have an issue walk away come back at it and you know with with fresh eyes talk to some people on different groups and and do a lot of Googling there's a lot of information out there on the internet there's a lot of YouTube videos out there um you know there's a lot of people that are willing to help um you'll find a few that are the trolls of the groups but just ignore them and just you know keep asking and and um you know it's a fun hobby it can be frustrating trting I can tell you the first two printers I ever had were sunl printers um they're very cheap printers you could if you want to get into 3D printing and you want to have a decent build volume um the sunlu S8 Pro is what I had and you can get into them for like 150 bucks it's um not a great printer you're going to probably modify it to make it better you're going to end up putting $300 into it and you should have just bought one of these uh but that's the lesson I learned and um many times many many times I've wanted to take a hammer to my sunlu S8 Pro because of how many issues I've had with them but that has basically made me realize that I like to problem solve as well I walk away I come back with a fresh set of eyes and then I go I tackle the issue and I will repeat the process until I get it because I will figure this out and that's how I that's how I look at it um if you're not that type of person maybe don't get into 3D printing um um even if you get a bamboo lab printer I've seen people that have had to take them apart to fix things it's just the name of the game um these are not your your your your blower I had somebody comment well if my blower did that out of the box well this is not a blower this is these are basically a CNC machine that that instead of taking Material off puts material on so there's a lot of moving Parts there's a lot of computing difference differences um you know not not two or alike even if if you buy two of the exact machines the settings can be just slightly different even if they're the exact model um so don't don't compare him to buying a hand drill or you know a microwave that's not that's not what you're getting you're not buying something that out of the box will work perfectly you will have to fiddle with it and play around and enjoy the process or don't get one just being honest um but yeah I mean ultimately you'll be happy either way you go I I think you'll be happy either way you go I know a lot of people have had issues with either one um you know if you go to if you go to the groups and you join the groups before you buy a printer you will find people constantly complaining it's just that's what people do in groups um most of the time you don't see people going yay look at what I did most people just what's going on what's complaining no matter what printer you go go for I'm in multiple different groups for multiple different printers and I see it all the time it's just people that complain because they want help to figure out what the issues are um that doesn't necessarily mean that's what you'll have experience with so you know like I said just enjoy the enjoy the process enjoy what it takes to get into 3D printing you know you will have to learn a lot if you don't already know how to do all this um if you've already got 3D printers and you already know what to expect and the only real big differences between what you've got and these is speed you know beds Slingers aren't really meant to go 3 four 400 mm/ second where bamboo labs are designed differently they're they're designed to go a little faster and now they don't have as many moving parts from what I experienced um but really I'm having great luck with these guys going fast I mean I I used to printing like top speed of 50 mm per second on my sunl so anything above 50 mm/ second is fast when I had my sunlo printer printing next to my ELO it was like watching paint dry I mean that the sunlo printers were just and these guys are it's just night and day difference um when you want to crank out some products for customers you know this helmet is a day and a half print even on my on my sunl printer I think it took me like 3 days at least to print the exact same helmet so I I mean you get what you get when you when you're buying these things um I definitely would look into the linear rail setup though even if you get the the Neptune 4 you know it's $100 cheaper so spend that extra 100 bucks and get the better linear ra system and then you have a great printer I mean it's you know those are your options so thanks for watching um tune in I have more videos coming out I'm going to show how I I've already done a video on how I set up my Cura software for the Neptune um I'm going to do one for for how I set up the Persia software slicing software for any cubic and also I'm working on one for the the elgu Neptune 4 Max so um you know check out my other videos if you have do have questions you know I definitely recommend watching some of the other videos there's a video on there on like the week weekly maintenance I do on this one a lot of that information is just Universal so it's good to know if you want to just buy a 3D printer and you want some information um I am by no means an expert so you know don't take it like that I just I've had I've had a year of experience and I want to express that and show you guys and hopefully help you through steps before having that the headaches I've been having um and it is it's great to hear that people are having that are finally getting some good prints after watching some of the videos that's all I really wanted I just kind of wanted to help people um you know there are things that I wish I would have known when I first started and that made my life a lot easier and that's basically what I'm trying to do for you guys so check out my Etsy store uh Outer Rim armorer is my Etsy store I'm also on um Instagram Tik Tok uh obviously YouTube Facebook outer room armorer for all of those um and I personally have my own accounts on all of the Instagram Tik Tok all that stuff um I am extreme 4X4 dude that is me I am extreme 4X4 dude so so if you find a profile check chances are to me um but yeah check me out I'm on all the social media apps I think I'm even on Tik Tok or uh Twitter ooh it finished oh yeah see now I can up look at this print this is testing the flow rate see if I can get it in the video look how smooth that looks so this is me testing the flow rate and honestly at 26 is High I mean I I'm I'm amazed at that that looks as good as it does I'm going to put it to I'm going to put it to 30 see if I can get 30 out of it I think bamboo is is like flow rates like 36 if I remember correctly boy if I could if I could push bamboo level flow rates out of this thing and U um they mentioned on a previous email with their customer service that they're coming out with different nozzle sizes um sometime this month I'm really hoping to get I had 8 nozzle sizes on my sunlo printers and I really like the the flow volume that you can get out of a out of a08 uh I I wouldn't mind actually switching from a04 to a 6 just to kind of get a little more flow out of the uh nozzle but man if the combinations all right this would be with with a with a nozzle with a bigger nozzle size I could really knock some stuff out pretty quickly so um man that looks nice maybe I misjudged maybe this guy should get it man that looks really nice now the um infill is is zero on this there's no infill that's why the top looks a little funky you can see what happens when you don't have infill see how my top is kind of funky that's zero infill it's literally hollow inside but man does it look good I'm going to try another one yeah very cool yeah I've had great I've had great success with both of them with both printers honestly with the quality they both pump out really really nice quality prints I mean every time I post a video or post a photo of one done people are always like oh my gosh it's so smooth and they are at Point at a point 2 layer height these things are super smooth I mean the the prep work on before you paint these things is going to be really easy which is crazy because I I'm so used to my prep work being a nightmare um using the sunlo printers anyway but anyway thanks for watching the video if you like I said if you have questions um message me check out check me out on all the different social media apps um you know I'm in a lot of different groups and stuff so you I hope these help and um thanks for watching and good luck guys
Channel: Outer Rim Armorer
Views: 4,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iDO6_jrF7C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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