Elegoo Neptune 4 Max - Bed Leveling

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so let's go ahead and click the level button and we'll go ahead and level the bed confirm so it's going to home again and here you guys can see we get a leveling menu and it looks a little complicated at first but it's actually not too bad we have two types of leveling we can do auxiliary and automatic and what we need to do first is auxiliary and that's basically manual we do have three knobs on each side and we do have stationary pins in the middle that mount to the frame and there's only two of them right in the middle kind of to the front and back we don't have anything but we do have an aluminum rail that runs from the sides that keeps this pretty flat so what you want to do in this type of bed is level from the middle out meaning the middle is your base line and everything else should adjust to the middle because this is a hard point and it's not adjustable and so what we're going to do is we're going to do auxiliary first which is the manual and then we'll go to automatic and then it it's going to do the offset go through the bed and probe it and set the offsets in the memory so I can compensate as it's moving so before we click on the auxiliary what we need to do is set our offset because if we don't set it now it's not going to really work like we needed to We Can't level off the middle to the end so we need first to set the offset right here up and down and you're going to need some kind of sheet of paper or posy note go between the nozzle and the bed here we can go in increments so let's go with 1 mm first and we'll go down so 2 mm was too much so I'm going to go to 0.1 and start going down a little bit slower and we're just going down until we start to feel friction between the nozzle and the bed all right so I feel some friction I'm going to go to 0.1 and go up just a little cuz we're too tight here I do have a pretty thin posty note so just a slight drag between the nozzle and the bed so now we can click auxiliary confirm and that's going to take us to this menu which you guys can see the corners here that we can adjust or the sides so let's go ahead and go to one so now that we know that our Center is pretty much where we want it to be with this note we can go around and adjust Each corner or I guess each side the same way so here we're a little loose but actually it was very close so it was almost perfect let's go to number two which is going to be in the middle over there which is also a little loose but pretty much perfect actually so yeah it was already very close go to three next and this is way too tight there we go that feels really good because I moved that one so much I need to go back to two and check it make sure it's still okay and it's too loose so let's tighten it up just a bit quite a bit loose actually all right there we go we got a slight drag perfect so let's go to one back up front and it's a little tight so we need to back it up a bit here and that's perfect so I'm going to go ahead and go back to two and then three to confirm and then we'll go to this side again it doesn't have to be super perfect but you know the closer you get it the less compensating it has to do so we finish this side let's go ahead and go to this side now we'll start with four and we'll do five and six same process here so here we are way too loose so we need to go up with the bed and I have to adjust this a lot actually there we go starting to get tighter also again way too loose now we're going to this corner which is six again too loose go back now to five check it four and then go back this way and we'll be done let's just go ahead and jump over there real quick and see if anything changed and sure enough it did a little bit it got a little looser well actually a lot looser okay well make sure you go back to the other end and check I had to move the knob about a quarter turn which is a lot yeah they're all too loose I guess it kind of makes sense because we are p liting on the center if we raise the side up that side's going to fall down naturally so all right now it's perfect let's go back to this side and make sure we didn't throw that off well we did a little bit but it was very slight amount so yeah it's very small turn but still it's off a little bit and we are good now you can go back and micro micro adjust but that's already pretty close and we are already taking a lot of time going back and forth and the reason you do want to do that is the more flat this bed is the better chance there is for the first layer to stick evenly and the Z rods don't have to compensate going around the whole bed they still will compensate but they won't be having a very drastic point from here to here where they really have to dip up and down and it has to do that throughout the whole print so keep that in mind if it starts all wobbly it's going to keep printing wobbly to cut to try to keep that level so take your time do this part as much as you need and when you're done we're going to click home and here we'll be able to check how close we are and actually it doesn't go all the way down where we can check so let's go ahead and basically click back to finish it and so it's going to ask us to confirm that we want to go to add a leveling next which we do so we're going to do that confirm so now it's going to go through the whole bed and take a bunch of measurements and if you guys can maybe kind of see there are 121 points so there's all these numbers are kind of grayed out they're going to start lighting up as it takes the measurements so yeah this is definitely going to take a while and that is all 121 of them so here it tells us that we need to do the offset for the nozzle again and it kind of explains what the correct amount is C confirm so let's see if we need to go up or down it does appear that we need to go up a little but it was only about5 or so or I'm sorry 05 so a very very small amount maybe a little more there so you just want to have some drag and yeah we're pretty much done with the level so here we can see all of our measurements and what the offsets are and you guys can see we're really close on all of them the most is .1 something which is really really good most of them are 0 Z something so yeah very happy about that so once you're done all you got to do is just click back in will save everything here is going to ask us save and restart we're going to click confirm it's going to save the data and there we go
Channel: Just Print
Views: 2,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Printer, 3D Printing, Just Print, Just Vlad, elegoo neptune 4 max, neptune 4 max, large 3d printer, neptune 4 max bed leveling, 3d printer bed level, elegoo bed leveling
Id: 3MH3WpUjrJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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