Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro Review: Perfect Print at 250-500 mm/s!

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today we take a look at the Neptune 4 Pro from eligu as an improvement to its previous version the Neptune 4 pro has a new cooling system on the x-axis and Clipper as its firmware for high print speeds of 250 millimeters per second for comparison the standard speed of the netium 3 Pro was between 40 and 60 millimeters per second it also has metal wheels and metal guide rails instead of the usual plastic Wheels on The X and y-axis this should ensure that the movements of these axes are smooth and wear free even at sprinting speeds of up to 500 millimeters per second um Clipper as firmware offers many advantages however one of the most important for the Neptune 4 Pro is the so-called input shaping this compensates the vibrations of the printhead and adjusts the printhead accelerations so that print quality does not suffer at high print speeds This brilliant feature means that no ringing or ghosting occurs even at high print speeds to ensure that the hot end can handle these speeds Clipper offers the pressure Advanced feature as well as a result printing errors such as stringing or blobs and clogging in the hot end occur much less frequently however there are also a few mechanical requirements that support the high print speeds and even make them possible in the first place one of these features is the new fan system due to the high speeds the hot filament is extruded very fast so that it is not direct Along by The Fast printhead and the next layer does not have to be printed on a layer that is still hot and soft a powerful system of fans was mounted on the x-axis the entire power of the four integrated fans is directed through the previous printed layer as a result the extruded filament cools much faster than it would just due to the room temperature and the fans inside the printhead the fan system can be activated and deactivated separately via as which and via the menu normally all three axes of an fdm 3D printer are equipped with aluminum Profiles In which plastic Wheels run in a V profile to further improve performance at higher printing speeds eligue has replaced the X and y-axis Wheels with metal wheels and matching metal rails the print volume of the netium 4 Pro is slightly smaller than the Neptune 3 Pro with this print volume however you can still print most projects in one piece only larger objects such as the cosplay would have to be split up and printed one after the other however if you want to use the 3D printer to print larger objects in one piece or many small objects at once you can wait for the Plus or Max version of the Neptune 4 Series which are sure to come the print bed is made of a flexible spring steel and is supported on a magnetic print plate this allows you to flex it after Printing and release your objects from it very easily foreign Pro gives you the option to hit only the center of the print bed to save energy the leveling of the Neptune 4 Pro is divided into a manual rough leveling and a fine automatic leveling there are four screws under the print bed that allow you to adjust the tilt of the print bed with automatic print bed leveling the print head automatically moves to several points on the print bed where the sensor and the printhead measures the distance to the print bed at each point the data obtained from the automatic print bed leveling is used to dynamically compensate the Tilt during printing nothing has changed with the touchscreen and the menu compared to the previous version it is attached to the 3D printer with a magnet and can be operated like a smartphone thanks to the long cable you can now also operate and monitor the Neptune 4 Pro using a browser interface unfortunately a Wi-Fi connection is still not possible although it would be so much more practical the z-axis of the Neptune 4 pro has two stepper Motors and synchronization via a belt system at the upper end of the z-axis this ensures that the x-axis is always moved moved evenly and does not lag behind on one side especially due to the higher weight of the x-axis with the new fan system this makes a lot of sense at the top of the frame of the Neptune 4 Pro is an LED bar that covers the entire build volume so even in a dark room you can quickly see if your print is going as planned or not however I think the small LED installed right next to the nozzle is much better it lights up the area under the printhead which was otherwise hidden in a dark shadow you can turn both LEDs on and off separately in the menu and this is also possible during printing to test the print quality I printed a few objects with a lot of details you can find the links to them in the video description I printed this articulated Optimus primal in two different qualities ones with a layer head of 0.2 millimeters and ones with 0.12 millimeters I printed both at a speed of 250 millimeters per second in both cases the result turned out perfect and no printing errors occurred and that without much calibration effort actually I would have expected at least some stringing but apparently these other advantages of the pressure Advanced feature of clipper next I wanted to test an object with a lot of supports this new sky was perfect for that I choose a lay height of 0.16 millimeters and the line width of 0.4 millimeters with an infill of 15 and the print took only 10 and a half hours even though more than 200 grams of filament was used and the printed geometry is very complex the final test was to print a relatively large bust with the highest possible print quality I chose a very detailed Deadpool bust for this with a layer head of 0.12 millimeters a line width of 0.3 millimeters and only five percent info the print came out at 11 and a half hours and needed 160 grams of filament the bus turned out absolutely perfect from not too far away you would think that it was printed with a resin free printer not with an fdm 3D printer the fact that this screen quality is possible with such high print speed is the most amazing thing I therefore think that the combination of Clipper and the hardware upgrades it requires will be the way forward for fdm 3D printers even though this all sounds great there's still room for improvement of course one of the drawbacks of the Neptune 4 Pro is that the layer cooling on the x-axis is very loud noise levels above 60 decibels and peaks of up to 70 decibels can easily be produced when it is set to 100 percent without the layer cooling however it is just as quiet as its predecessor and comes down to values of only about 35 decibels which is equivalent to quiet Whispering or rustling leaves in the disadvantage of the new metal rails is that they have to be greased regularly otherwise the metal rails will be slowly but surely destroyed by friction which can lead to various printing errors there are mainly two upgrades of the pro version compared to the normal Neptune 4. the print bed of the Neptune 4 has no heating zones which makes the operation easier but offers no additional energy saving potential the second major difference is that the X and Y axes run over the normal pom wheels and V profiles if you mainly stick to 250 millimeters per second this is not a disadvantage as the Neptune 4 delivers the same print quality with it I haven't tested it yet but I can imagine that at a print speed of 500 millimeters per second with special filament like the hyper pla from quality you will get a better long-term performance despite this the normal Neptune 4 will be absolutely perfect for most users link thanks to both printers and the reviews on my website you can find in the video description thanks for watching and I'm out [Music]
Channel: The 3D Printer Bee
Views: 31,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D printing, 3D printer, 3d printed, the3dprinterbee, the3dprinterbee.com, 3D printing for beginners, elegoo, elegoo neptune 4, elegoo neptune 4 pro, elegoo neptune 4 pro review, elegoo neptune 4 pro test, elegoo neptune 4 vs 4 pro, neptune 4 pro, neptune 4 pro test, neptune 4 pro review, neptune 4 vs 4 pro
Id: lXTPt5mwJfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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