Elegoo Neptune 4 Max Upgrades and Weekly Maintenance

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hey everybody this is week three of owning the elgu Neptune for Max I have read a lot of bad reviews on the internet about the Neptune 4S mainly because uh the first week you get great prints the second week is just horrible and people can't seem to get it back to the original high quality print so I want to address some of those issues um the first thing I'm going to show you this is my like I said third week of printing I have had horrible luck the second week and amazing luck on the first week so what I did differently than most people I guess is I went through everything and made sure everything was tight that's the first thing I would recommend doing and I'm going to recommend checking everything weekly the second thing I would recommend most people probably don't know I added what's called a uh wire chain cover basically basically um it helps keep it from catching on things so like that right there I don't want it to catch on that so it'll cause layer shifts it's a very simple cleanup um but that's something that you want to do you can print it on your printer the second thing you probably want to check or do is print these little knob covers they're on thingy verse you can print them this one was designed for the Neptune 3 Max and it didn't fit so I just taped it on but what that does is it locks the the the little knob in place so with the amount of vibration and speed coming off this printer you're not going to have these little knobs loosening up that same thing happens to the print bed the knobs under the print bed so the next thing I'm going to show you is the silicone bushing upgrade I pulled the Springs out I put silicone bushings underneath that um that has seemed to help me as far as keeping those from loosening but I check this stuff weekly my belts get loose uh everything gets loose the number one thing I have noticed is the little eccentric nuts on these rods there's one on each side the there's two on the back side of the hot end so all of this stuff all these little wheels will loosen up and they'll get real real sloppy and when that happens your print goes to crap so you want to check all of those and tighten them up if you spin them the wrong direction you'll know right away because everything will get looser and horrible uh what you want to go for is you want it to when you grab it by your hand it it has resistance it doesn't just spin freely so you don't want it to be super tight so you can't spin it with your hand with a little bit of force but you also don't want it so loose that you can just spin it around and that same thing the same concept happens with those Wheels now there's one one Ecentric nut there's three wheels on this side and one eccentric nut in the middle and on the other side there's three wheels and two eccentric nuts so you want to get both of all three of those nuts tightened so your be your your hot bed doesn't have any any loose wobbling or anything you mean the slightest little wobble can cause all sorts of you know layer issues and layer shifting so those are some of the major things you want to check now another thing you want to notice on this printer this is something I love it actually already comes with something you can use to make sure the Gantry is level so if you lower this down and you check it to those lines they should line up perfectly across if you do not have this thing perfectly across you'll have issues so that's another thing you want to check because it comes with it you don't have to use a square I still like using a square but this is a great way to make sure your Gantry is actually level and you're not having any other issues with the prints and it that sort of thing another big issue that I've ran into that I want to I want to address combing the setting called combing it you want to turn that off it basically what it does is it makes sure the print nozzle will run through the print itself for me what that did was it caused two different prints to get knocked walk off the build plate and and fall on the floor and I had to re end up reprinting them all it was frustrating and it turned out the combing my combing setting was on I just had to change the setting I do recommend going through and printing calibration Towers using something like Cura the slicing software you can download towers and you can print towers that are that will help you dial in your filament uh the temperature the speed the basically everything you can Extrusion you can do everything with these calibration towers and that will help you dial everything in something else I've also noticed a lot of people are trying to make this gigantic bed perfectly level stop it that's dumb you will never get a bed this gigantic to be perfectly level and stay perfectly level that's why there is a feature on this thing to help it just auto level you want to get in there with your manual leveling setting manually level everything that as best as you can you want a you take your piece of paper you have a little bit of resistance you know for me I actually go as far as if the paper rips it's too it's too much resistance if the paper slides out easily it's too Little Resistance so I kind of find the the middle ground there where the paper is hard to pull out but doesn't rip so that's what you want to do you want to manually check it and then you want to let the thing do its you know the auto adjustment do its thing and just basically level and go to print you know stop trying to make the entire print bed perfectly level because it ain't going to happen these things are gigantic they're huge the amount of speed and and wiggle and and jiggling of this thing you're going to be doing that every week it's it's just it's that's a nightmare don't do that just stop being freaking crazy and just get it level throw your print on there if you're having layer shift issues it could be something else it could be your Gantry is not straight it could be your wheels are not tight it could be your belts are loose you know these belts when you grab the belt you can grab it for me I push it back all the way and I grab that that this belt right here and I flick it with my finger and if I hear it Go th th th th like a bass right like a like a th you want to hear that you don't want it to be like all wobbly and shaky and crap you want it to be nice and snug so that it moves back and forth same with this one you don't want them to be loose and wobbly you want it to be nice and tight and you may have to play with it a little bit but once you do it prints great this particular print I have noticed one thing I'm going to probably address to eligo when I run out of filament and I replace the filament I do get a slight layer shift it happens every single time um I think for me at this point in time I'm going to always know you know put on a brand new roll of filment when I start a big print uh I'm tired of having tiny little layer shift it's not major it's a tiny little layer shift but it's because this printer or the print head it comes over and it slams against this side and when it goes back over it doesn't perfectly line back up again because of the way it the way it does so that's my only frustration I have personally um and it's happened on several prints so I know now I'm just always going to start with a brand new roll of filament on a print and that way when I'm done I don't have any basically like this where I have a little tiny layer Shi in the middle something like that will sand right out you know immediately but it's still frustrating overall I've had a great experience with this I had one week of issues that I've narrowed down to being basically my my fault because I didn't tighten everything the wheels were loose um I had some Wheels on the bed loose I had some wheels up here loose um my settings I noticed my settings on the supports were really they were almost too easy to to pop off uh because what happened was with because of the combing being on this thing grabbed the print and knocked it off and because these supports were super loose it just broke free of the supports easily so I've changed the settings a lot of stuff is settings you you know in your slicer you want to make sure your settings are dialed in before you start printing everybody wants to just throw this on their on their workbench and start printing without figuring all this stuff out but that's ultimately what you want to do um and when I say print Towers I'll show you real quick I'm doing that with this one uh as soon as you change filament I'm trying a new filament I haven't had great luck with this filament so far I spent the entire day trying to dial it in I'm trying to get this into Focus but I I think I I think I might actually have gotten it that's pretty nice that's pretty well dialed in um it took me all day I have had the most amount of these things the little um calibration Towers print horribly I mean I'm talking horribly and it took me all day yesterday to get these things dialed in and this one looks great U I now know the speed my last one was a speed you know test so now I'm going to check this one was um Extrusion speed so how fast I need to bring it back in basically um so it doesn't keep oozing out but ultimately that's what you have to do with that printer and any printer really um anytime you change your filament I don't care if it's matte to Silk either way if it's pla to something else you still need to change to check the settings so that's something you need to do print Cal calibration Tower that'll save you so much headache um but ultimately it's been a great printer for me I have had issues like I said like other people I haven't had any clogging issues I keep an eye on it um I have cleaned off a few little what look like beginning issues of clogs but I just clean it off and I haven't had any real major clogging issues like some other people but um overall I'd say this is a great printer you like I said you want to check the power cables you don't want it hung up on anything that will cause so many layer issues the belt will cause layer issues the wheels will cause layer issues you just you know oiling the the z- rods with some white grease put some white grease on it um that will help with your print there's just lots of little tinkering and like I said because of the speed you will want to do this weekly if you're printing like me this thing's always printing since I bought it it's been printing I've got five orders that I have to get filled so I am constantly constantly printing on this printer and because of that I check it at least every other print I check the Bel the the bed level I check all the wheels I check the belts constantly so it's because of the speed but I'm telling you the quality on this printer is so much better than the other two I have out there that I'm tempted to sell those and replace it with another one of these because I can I with two of these I could do do twice as much work if not more and and in nicer condition I mean the quality coming off is so nice when you want to when when it comes to cleanup I mean the sanding and that sort of thing the how smooth these prints are coming out is is amazing I mean it just blows my mind so um take your time learn the system do calibration Towers on all your filment check your belts you know look up thingiverse find this file for the kn JS find the file for the chain and and print them print them get them get this thing dialed in um and have a have a fun time doing it if you do have questions or issues let me know um I have you know I have at least a year of experience with this sort of thing and what I don't know I'll ask other people that have had more experience so
Channel: Outer Rim Armorer
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Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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