Elder Scrolls 6 - ARGONIA - Best Setting? New Races, New Monsters, New Mysteries

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[Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen my name's camel but more importantly welcome back to the elder scrolls 6 discussion series today we are going to dabble into the topic of Black Marsh which is the name given to the region by the Imperials however to its native argonians it is known as Argonia and it is undoubtedly one of the most alien and mysterious regions of Tamriel now not only are we going to touch on the flora the fauna the races in general setting that will be black marsh but also speculate on ideas as to how and why the Elder Scrolls six would be set there and be sure to stick around as I thought I'd be talking about lizards and swamps but let me tell you the current state of Argonia is crazy lad how does evil his trees summoning genocidal soul filled floating city sounds yeah that's right there's a lot to cover so stick around cuz it gets really interesting and your feedback is the most important part of this series so sit back relax and get ready to leave a long comment firstly I'd like to talk about one huge rainy cloud that hangs above everyone's head when the name Black Marsh or Argonia is mentioned there is this rumor a myth a myth in falsehood that seems to be spread wider than the disease claims within it every time I see someone talking about Black Marsh I see this the autoscroll six can't be said in Black Marsh is no one can survive there except for argonians well this rumor that Black Marsh is uninhabitable by anyone other than Targaryen z' is mostly untrue there are areas of black marks that are toxic and throughout history there have been a number of flus and plagues that have wiped out native species but overall for the most part black Marsh is absolutely fine for other races it's like saying no one can live in Europe because of the Black Plague it's like brown that was hundreds years ago okay so don't be fooled black March is a completely viable and law friendly province for the Elder Scrolls 6 to be set now just because all races can survive there does not mean it's easy seen on this map here the brown area in the middle are the unn Marsha's that's not their name they're just quite literally marshes that are unlivable with toxic fumes quicksands bogs that will swallow entire carriages whole but even then the dunmer have been known to travel through these areas to collect slaves they simply dressed appropriately wearing chytrid armor and covering their faces with masks and breathers to filter out the fumes so just with the dunmer as an example even in the harshest parts of black marsh none Argonian racers can still travel and traverse there it won't be easy but it is possible and I reckon it sounds like fun kind of like in fallout having to wear a ranch suit into highly irradiated areas if you have to say wear a special chiton armor to travel through these fuming swamps in the centre of Black Marsh or you could just grim and barren make your way through unprotected losing stats being slowed by the marsh perhaps the chance of catching diseases is increased fivefold of course there will be restoration magics enchanted items and potions to help you traverse through these wilds and unforgiving landscapes you know there are many cool and unique ways we will be able to interact with even the most inhospitable areas found within Black Marsh now even just hypothetically if Black Marsh was completely unlivable for any race other than argonians Bethesda would break that law any day ever meant literally making 1 billion dollars in sales which is what they did with Skyrim they broken law in the past with no problem so breaking any piece of the law won't stop them from setting a game somewhere and I don't hold that against them it was up to me I'll break the law to make a billion dollars in sales but of course that situation was hypothetical because as we now know Black Marsh can be home to any handle races so because Argonia is mostly comprised of swamps marshes and super humid tropical rainforests there are of course many new environmental challenges that will face the player as I mentioned the toxic swamps in the center of Black Marsh there are many unique and dangerous diseases and illnesses that can be caught and you know what I'm actually sited to welcome the return of furious diseases into the elderscrolls six after playing Skyrim for over five years you know what I have quite literally never done consumed a cure disease potion why because the diseases in Skyrim did absolutely nothing the diseases in the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind were far harsher crippling and impairing you in noticeable ways I want those sicknesses back and if there is one place for their return it is in Black Marsh now along with toxic fumigated swamps we could expect even more poisonous encounters whether it be from plants or fungi that spray spores at you if you get too close there are recorded encounters with vory plasm which is a pool of green slime that can strip creatures down to the bone now perhaps small animals and creatures like insectoids will inflict you with a poisonous sting along with there being varieties of poisonous creatures what else is in Black Marsh you ask well there are some standard and familiar creatures like crocodiles guar giant snakes slaughter fish drei giant wasps but more interestingly there is an array of primal reptilian deadly and uniquely sinister creatures that inhabit Black Marsh there are sea Drake's the look in the bays to the south appearing like giant crocodiles with the winged panels in place of their legs flesh flies that swarm and tear flesh from the bone patrolling the skies there are hack wings giant bird-like creatures with saw-like beaks swamp leviathans these abominations are massive aquatic predators that are rightfully feared by natives and visitors alike among their attributes were claws reaching 9 feet in length spine covered bodies and a mouthful of razor-sharp tusks making dragons look like fairies also lurking through the swamps and the marshes are WA Mizu enormous and frightening creatures described as having lightning for blood electricity pulses up down the wasu's spine its raw charges the air with violent electricity not something to be reckoned with there are root worms which are creatures that ride along the root systems of trees under the waterways of black marsh the native argonians and I you not even traveled inside the stomach's of the root worms again I'm not joking this method of transport is known as the underground Express so stand aside fast travel the underground Express is taking your place so although not a full bestiary you'll get some idea of the very unique and utterly fascinating fauna we can expect to encounter while exploring Black Marsh now let's touch on the general geography and cities of Black Marsh and then the races that dwell and have dwelt within it so Black Marsh is called by the Imperials and otherwise known as Argonian by its native argonians is situated in the southeastern section of Tamriel it's one of the biggest provinces as well it borders with Sara del to the west and Morrowind to the north and along with the marshes swamps bogs Quagmire's and Moors there are rain forest like elements with raised lands mangrove forests there are areas that consist of scattered islands and must be traversed by boat and as much as I wish I could give you specific floor explanations found in specific areas of black marsh it is poorly documented and has little information to go off but imagine mushrooms moss glowing plants dark Pines marshes mangroves wetlands high rocky outcrops vines deadly wildlife ancient structures shrouded in sickeningly lush rainforests and one hell of a lot of mystery held within these primal terrains are equally curious cities again with brief yet intriguing descriptions so please excuse the dot point format we have Archon which is near the east coast of Black Marsh it once housed the shadow scale training facility a sea school run by the Dark Brotherhood with the aim of training shadow scales who are elite Argonian assassins that work for the king of black marsh there is the city of Lille moth known by some as the festering jewel of black marsh it possesses mold encrusted villas and his home of the dark tide it is gloomy foreboding and pervaded by an unnatural fear holding and hiding much beneath its streets over time sections of Lille moth have been swallowed by the swamps so seeing the tops of once great structures is not an uncommon sight the center of the city is known as past buttom which is now a sink district with only the poor plagued and lawless calling it home this city of hellström possesses wonderful dangerous alleys it is located in the impenetrable centre of Black Marsh where most men and myrrh cannot travel the City of Gideon is described as the black city of the followers of Seth which may be a reference to the chaos God's iThis or an Argonian corruption thereof it is also noted to be a large settlement more or less laid out like an imperial city with Imperial style architecture and all the Imperial comforts and traditions the city of Black Rose is located near the legendary forest of Mirkwood it was originally founded by the thought to be extinct vulpine a beast race the lil Moffat will talk about them in a minutes in the northwest we can find the ancient alien city known as stomm hold which has been given over to tension many times understandably given its proximity to both morrowind and sir Adel it has served as the capital city of Argonia since the second era the city of thorn is described as the jewel of the east and is as deadly as it is beautiful when vagabonds fire your purse strings and guards seem to turn a lazy eye elsewhere now along with these current cities there are many many ancient ruins and rung mind is of many cultures that existed within black marsh so Argonia isn't / wasn't only home to the argonians so who else lived here well let me now run through the races that have existed in black marsh while i do so please keep in mind that many of these races are thought to be extinct not all of them but a fair chunk of them so let's start with one we all know the argonians who are also known as the sax allele they are reptilian humanoid creatures often refer to as a beast race it is believed they are descended directly from the hist from this they have a strong connection to sippers their ancient civilization was known as the san muir it flourished during the mirifique era and still to this day san Muir pyramids and ruins can be found all throughout Argonia next we have a race known as the Naga a tall black scaled pop at a like sub race of Argonian the Nagas are typically labeled violent thugs and drug smugglers they almost never leave Black Marsh rarely coming into contact with non argonians next we have the hist who are possibly the most curious and mysterious race still inhabiting black marsh or even Tamriel for that matter they are sentient trees native to Argonia that seemed to be all connected through a hive like system kind of like the movie Avatar how the whole forest is connected just this law came way before avatar did so there's your next lawsuit ZeniMax now not only of the hist connected but they also have the ability to communicate telepathically with people who ingest their tree sap they are powerful beings now the elf race known as the aliens reigned in Black Marsh having founded the cities of both Stormhold and Gideon many many more a leader ruins can still be found scattered throughout Argonia sadly along with the rest of the aliens they exist no longer now there was also an offshoot set of the Kaymer called the Cantor Marrickville öthey who made their home in northern Argonia their fate is unknown they could still be knocking around but probably not nonetheless hopefully we will still be able to find echoes of their civilization now two different races of man called Argonia their home the metallically skinned sarah Dilek tribe known as the cough ring ji who are believed to have been wiped out completely by the neurontin flu during the second era now although some of them have been known to survive by unnatural means via a pact with clavicus vile they might still be around they might not be there's one way to find out though Elder Scrolls 6 Argonia now the second race of men who lived in Black Marsh weather alma a race predisposed to blind listen actually had no eyes at all sadly for us during the first air and they too are thought to have succumbed to the nur heart and flu again we probably won't see them but hopefully we can find some remnants of their culture as mentioned a few minutes ago there was also a vulpine beast race related to the Khajiit vulpine meaning fox like so imagine a fox version of a Khajiit anyway they lived on the southern coasts of Argonia they were known as the loom of its a fox like humanoid race they also have not been seen for a very very long time again thought to be extinct but given the infinite well of Secrets Black Marsh seems to hide and swallow who what bloody well knows who or what we'll see in the Elder Scrolls 6 Argonia and this will surely excite someone but Argonia slash Black Marsh is also home to where lions and where crocodiles so expect to see them now just like we see in Morrowind littered throughout black marsh at least in shadow fen there are Daedric ruins so that can make for something very interesting now although a lot of those races that I just mentioned are thought to be extinct just keep in mind that we did see the return of the snow elves in Skyrim so in a similar fashion I would expect to see the return of some of the races that I spoke about a minute ago if not in the flesh at least relics of their culture artifacts and treasured items that reflect the many varieties of our dounia's ancient races so there is definitely a huge variety of archaic and varying races and cultures to be experienced in Black Marsh now something else that I would like to touch on quickly is the player's interaction with water Argonia has probably more water in it than any of the other provinces so I want to see the return of submerged dungeons and Quagmire engulfed treasures remember in Morrowind and Oblivion you'd find strange and hidden dungeons underwater only to be discovered by the avid explorer bring those back swimming underwater and Skyrim was more boring than washing my car and they both entailed just about the same aquatic discoveries just infinite fields of nothingness with the ever so rare sunken ship that had a crummy chests in it no Skyrim i won underwater explanation to be just as interesting fun and varied as exploration on lands given the amount of deadly water-based creatures in black marsh of course bring back water based combat make specific weapons for it make your character attacks lubber while underwater do water ever you have to do just bring back underwater combat and exploration I really cannot express how utterly depressing water was in Skyrim in an entire playthrough you get attacked by three slaughter fish who you couldn't even fight back against the amount of time I spent swimming north off the shoals of Skyrim convincing myself there had to be a mythical beast or a hidden submerged city only to find nothing please don't ever do that to us again I want to find Atlantis while swimming around and I want to fight through an army of drei crocodiles slaughter fish and God knows what other ancient creatures of our going to get their black marsh Argonia wherever the eldest trois six is set make water interesting now building off water like a Vietnamese village black marshes borders are about 60% Coast plenty of room for both systems plenty of room for active and moving ships heaps of opportunity for active ports and trade routes seafarers from all over docking up pirates pillaging the coasts so much opportunity and I will build more off this in a couple of minutes at first we need to address the issue of no one in Tamriel actually wants to go to Black Marsh for us the player hell yeah we want to explore the place but in terms of games story who would want to go to Argonia why would anyone come here well this is where we have to start creating ideas for the Elder Scrolls six and all of my thoughts and speculations I will do my best to base in the law and the most recent events that happened in Black Marsh meaning we'll take a look at what Black Marsh is like now and then given its current state we'll build ideas that would make sense to happen in the elder scrolls six in Black Marsh so there are two main issues with Black Marsh or Argonia firstly let's talk about a real-world problem that people uses an argument as to why the Elder Scrolls six will never be set in Black Marsh or Argonia and that argument is that a game set in an area where most of the NPCs aren't human will be hard to market to a Western audience or you know just to a human audience and while I understand where that statement comes from for one I have a solution to get other races into Black Marsh that's in game races by the way therefore that would heavily subdue the fact that there's too many argonians for our Western audience to want to play there and secondly Western audiences love argonians right now on Twitter I have a poll where people can vote for their favorite race in the elder scrolls and although argonians aren't winning they're losing by like three percent and they're losing - who's coming first who were the dunmer most favorite race in all of the oldest girls is the dumb of the Dark Elves who aren't human and have one of the most alien cultures imaginable when compared to a Western culture so I really don't think that marketing nonhumans to a Western culture will be an issue in fact the stats show that it's the opposite people are sick of human cultures and prefer the non-human alien cultures so give us something new and unique to the elderscrolls so marketing black March or the Elder Scrolls six Argonia really shouldn't be an issue at all and as I said a second ago the other main issue is that NPCs characters within Tamriel don't want to go to black marsh it's a dangerous deadly place with nothing to really gain from going there and this is where we discuss the fact that for the Elder Scrolls 6 to be set in Black Marsh / Argonia or any province for that matter something needs to be happening there there needs to be a catalyst to make sizable populations of other races go old damn son we got to get over to Black Marsh and to build any theories or speculations as to why or what could be happening we need to know what has been happening recently in Black Marsh and where it is currently I'm gonna run through some of the most recent law and histories of Black Marsh so we know the state it's currently in what's happened and then from that we can build ideas as to what could be happening and who would be coming into Black Marsh so before the events of the Oblivion crisis the hist actually warns the argonians of the coming oblivion gates because of this the argonians were prepared before the Oblivion gates opened a radical political faction in Black Marsh called the an Excel eel rallied the armies of Black Marsh into fighting off the invading hordes of Daedra and the argonians actually ended up pouring through the Oblivion gates into the realm of Maher and Dagon with such ferocity that the drew moral lieutenants were forced to close the Oblivion gates in Black Marsh for fear of being overrun and while the dunmer of morrowind reeling from the consecutive disasters of the Oblivion crisis and the destruction of varnon fell the Thalmor incited the argonians to mount a massive uprising led by the annex allele to raid the southern regions of morrowind crushing the already weakened dunmer populations they even took over morn hold let us not forget that the dunmer have stolen argonians for thousands of years and used them as slaves so the pillaging of morrowind wasn't unprovoked but since then the Argonian forces were pushed back into black marsh by the mighty dunmer house rather an nava fell more ultimately planning to take control of the newborn chaos in black marsh evidently lost all of their control within the region now as far as I can tell anyway the annex allele rule Argonia and they are directly commanded by the hist now traditionally previous rules of black marsh while respecting and worshiping the hist they never immediately straightforwardly took commands from the hist which this new and radical political faction the annex allele whom now rule Argonia are doing they're taking command directly from the hissed so this could bring a newfound danger to Argonia with the annex allele being ruled by the history undoubtably one of the most mysterious unpredictable powerful and ancient races to exist on Tamriel this could be a big problem for Argonia now Argonia also seceded from the Empire making black marsh into an independent province the ants allele in no way are an allied to the Empire and maintain a neutral political role in the rest of Tamriel's conflicts also early in the fourth era a floating sole field city known as Umbriel was torn out of oblivion and into Tamriel it moved over the city of little moth after being summoned through black marsh by the ant allele and a rogue history Brielle exterminated all foreign races and creatures including assimilated argonians meaning any Argonian that had left black Martian lives in a different culture and come back okay so this is an example of both how powerful the hissed are and also how dangerous the ank's allele being influenced by the history now although that was a single rogue history that did this imagine of our most of the Hiscox they could pretty much end the world now don't worry the city of Umbriel and all of the messy powers involved were defeated and sent back to oblivion now the reasons that I tell you all this that I just told you all that random lore information is to give us the basis for what Argonia is currently like and from this we can begin to build our ideas as to why the Elder Scrolls 6 will be set in Black Marsh so firstly the dunmer are going to be super pissed with the uggo nians for crushing them while they were weakened even if they had it coming again the dunmer are not known for forgiving and forgetting so from the north we could have done more forces coming down through morrowind also to the west we could have the Imperial forces trying to bring black marsh back into the Empire not that it was really part of the Empire ever but now it's definitely not if anything they've made the Empire their enemy especially after the racial cleansing incited by the annex allele so again from the West will have Imperial forces and a mixture of races coming through there in the name of the Empire the Thalmor will be with them of course and especially given the more powerful magicks of the hist I'm sure the Thalmor will be very interested in taking control of Black Marsh with the radical and genocide 'el actions of the ankhs allele pretty much every race will be pissed with them there would also be other Argonian factions that I would imagine don't completely agree with the ank's alleles political actions or ruling so in that sense we could very well have civil tensions within Argonia and the different are gona and tribes and clans now there's always an need of a crisis for an Elder Scrolls game so in Black Marsh we need some kind of crisis for the game to be set there like in morrowind we had the impending plans of dagger 3rd in Oblivion we had the Oblivion crisis in Skyrim we had Alduin trying to end time so we would need something going down with in Argonia I'm not sure what it could be but I guarantee it would involve the hist powerful magical ancient mysterious with no clear motive or position on anything and don't forget the hist are now directly influencing the main political power in Black Marsh to ank Salil and remember they summoned a city of unspeakable darkness to cleanse the city of lil moth of all non Argonian and even cultured argonians that had left black marks oh yeah there is definitely a serious threat not only to Black Marsh but to Tamriel now again I don't have a specific professorial name for an event that could be happening in Black Marsh but it sure is a cauldron of opportunity so given that a serious and threatening event is happening in Black Marsh not only will other races want to stop it but I'm sure some other races will be very interested in getting their hands on these great threats and using them to their advantage foul or so done coming down for the north Imperials and the Legion coming in from the West that leaves this huge coast of Argonia which can have ships coming in from anywhere and everywhere fleets from Somerset Daggerfall and hammerfell pirate cities and swashbuckler factions raiding and hiding treasures away along the coasts this would be the perfect opportunity for the return of two very interesting races so hmm which races do we associate with water how about the mama or the seals this is the perfect opportunity to get them back into the game with armies from PI and Ania storming the southern shores of Black Marsh perhaps even new alliances being forged between races to overcome the mysterious great threat within Argonia so bring in the mama they love a bit of magic and power too so they'd be keen to jump in there is one other race that loves dark magic they also love water and have only been seen once in the history of the Elder Scrolls games bring in the slowed of threats although shy creatures avoiding contact with other races most of the time if water is involved and there is something to gain for them I think this would be the perfect place to bring them in so bring in the mayor and bring in the slowed it's their time to shine now given all of the water we can expect to see huge varieties of crazy and unseen sea creatures with ancient sunken cities off the coasts to explore I want to see moving ships not just parked boats but say watching supply ships from al'akir floating across the horizon things like that now in terms of DLC potential there are small islands to the east of Argonia that would be awesome settings for expansions for the Elder Scrolls 6 Argonia so again these are just some of my musings but hopefully educated musings and I mean of course on top of all of this setting and stuff we can of course experience more of the Argonian culture get to see how they live their armor types their weapon types most of all of their stuff is influenced from South American tribes you know the Mayans the Aztecs the Incas all of that good stuff we can of course see new Argonian nature-based magic skills pretty much apply anything I've spoken about in my other Elder Scrolls 6 discussion videos to black March you know we want to see new crafting more varieties of weapons all that good stuff but if you want to hear about those go and check out the specific videos the links can be found in the description so hopefully by this point you'll agree that Argonia is currently a big hotspot of political danger ancient interests mysteries and it definitely has the potential to be the setting for the Elder Scrolls 6 so as with all of the Elder Scrolls 6 discussion videos there will be a rediscovery but for that to happen we need all of your input so be sure to leave any and all thoughts you have on black marsh and Argonia being the setting for the Elder Scrolls 6 hopefully as a community we can have some influence on what is put into the elder scrolls 6 so be sure to present all of your ideas for Black Marsh in the comments down below now if you did enjoy this video please remember to leave a like I would greatly appreciate it share it with any of your mates who enter the lusty argonian maid so in other words share it with all of your friends and if you did enjoy this video and you want to see more videos similar to this one be sure to subscribe it helps me know that people are interested in these kind of videos and in the long run will result in more of them down in the description you can find the links to all of my other elder scrolls 6 discussion videos be sure to check them out as there are plenty of topics that require your opinion down in the description are also links to my social media including Twitter and patreon so be sure to follow me as I'm sure you know I put all of my time and energy into making these videos for you guys and your support is appreciated in any and all forms with that said feel free to check out the links that will be on screen in a second thank you very much for watching remember to leave all of your ideas for black March and the elder scrolls 6 in the comments down below I've been camel and I appreciate you choosing to spend some time watching this video so thank you very much I will see you very shortly in the next video see you there soon [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 490,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elder, Scrolls, Six, scrolls 6, VI, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Argonia, bethesda, release, date, howard, preview, leaked, discussion, nirn, akavir, weapons, armor, unique, style, crafting, alchemy, smithing, enchanting, spell, making, todd, mackenzie, rowles, camel, works, camelworks, talk, interview, online, ESO, TESO, TES, skill, series, topics, multiplayer, argonian, blackmarsh, location, swamp, xanmeer, hist, umbirel, maormer, ayleid, lizard, naga, forest, lore, thalmor, story, secret, hidden, legend, games, studio, softworks, 2017, 2018, An-Xileel, e3
Id: WQNmdNnfdl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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