Who is the Psijic Order?

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the siddik order is just drenched in mystery and the unknown I mean the game Skyrim sort of gave us just a tiny little do to quench your thirst but in reality I feel like it just made us ask a lot more questions that give us answers it showed us this group of individuals with tremendous amounts of power I mean the ability to allegedly see the future maybe know what's about to happen and in what ways you can prevent bad things from happening in the future but also since we know that the Cystic order is set up in the Isle of artyom which is like all the way into the summer styles having the ability to send very powerful magic just anywhere on the world I mean even before the character in Skyrim the Dragonborn even finds the eye of Magnus the order knows that it is going to happen they can sense this incredible magical potential and and and they go on and they sort of I guess conduct this little trial with you like hey you're supposed to you're going to do this great thing let's make sure that you do it right it's not incredible I mean there are so many things in that span in just that tiny little introduction that you are given with acidic order in the mage guild quest line in Skyrim that is just incredible they have the ability to sense powerful magic anywhere in the world they can apparently see the future they have the ability to stop time as they sort of stop time while they were communicating with you and they can telepathically I guess talk to you which is also sort of a big deal they also appear to have the ability to just simply teleport like just beam in one place and then just appear on another place instantaneously now all these things is shown to us um during this quest line but that's pretty much it we're told that it is a great honor to speak to a member of the sick order we're told that they are this group of incredible spellcasters just littled with mystery and that they are very very secretive they don't talk to anyone like these are the things that we do know just from the game Skyrim but who are they really and it's it's interesting because even to the whole concept of the world like I feel like they are sort of a big mystery but there's so much rich story with them and I wanted to just talk a little bit about them because they are honestly truly fascinating so first things off let's just go back to like the beginning of time like just way before even the Aldmeri the elder people got to the summerset isles that we're talking Aldmeri is like even way before then is when we know that these people they were considered elders so even before when there was like this concept of like primeval magical times when the when the gods walk to earth this people existed they were considered to be the elder folk the people who venerate the old ways of doing things sort of like the traditionalist between the eleméry people when the altmer moved from omaree's to the summerset isles it seemed like there was this change in tradition between the elves this concept that hey we used to venerate our ancestors you know all of the ATA's on all of these people who we supposedly come from but now instead of doing that we're going to venerate the people who we believe are gods so they you know they started venerating people like all real people like Trin and Mac and Sarah Bane and financier these people who used to be their ancestors but sort of transcended that sort of moral realm and became gods now the elders but which by then already called themselves the sea chick already dislike that they resented that they thought that it was an insult to their ancestors to stop venerating them for other people who were before ancestors but not became gods so they essentially did their best to maintain the old ways to maintain tradition and that's the beginning of the city order as we know it is group of very old very wise sort of sages who got together and said hey we need to preserve all of this knowledge of this ancient sort of magics so that as time progresses we don't lose it and that sort of like the beginning of things and that's why they're so secretive they essentially went into their own little island and made it their fortress you see our tinium which is where they are is this sort of um magical Wonderland where and and there's this one instance I don't remember the name of the book but there's this one book of this writer in more of the oldest girls this guy who was allowed entrance into our tinium so that he could I guess catalogue everything and write about the island and he was law taxes he said that parts of the island face in and out of reality seemingly at will by the acidic people like they have the ability to say I will this part of the island will just vanish then we're going to make this other part of the on the pier and and they have sort of this incredible power of this controlling nature reality at whale which is I mean honestly incredible we also have records of the entire island simply disappearing from existence only to reappear 500 the burping 500 years later without sort of any explanation as to where they were or what happened these people just seem to have this incredible ability now as far as the magics that this guy's possess they seem to venerate this one specific style of magic which is what they say is I guess the old ways of doing magic which is what they call the they have the ability to control nature at what's right where they use I think they have a name you see if I can look it up real quick they say it is they could they can bind the forces of nature to their will to an individual's well is it's literally what they call it which is interesting because we know that the Hasidic order developed what we know as mysticism not mysticism is not in Skyrim it's a school of magic that was removed from oblivion but if you go back to oblivion you'll notice that in mysticism there's a couple of interesting spells that are just sort of on that particular school of magic we're talking detect magic we're talking the ability to send life so like life since we're talking soul trap we're talking reflect serve in it it's a couple of really interesting things you're in there and telekinesis now why is that interesting it's interesting because look at what they sort of claimed to have the power of they claimed to have the power of nature they can manipulate nature to their will and then you see things like collecting assets right you have the ability to grab matter and I guess make it float make it move make a jump make it do whatever you have the ability manipulate things which is interesting dispel magic I mean what is that you can say do you have no magic I'm gonna remove magic from you I'm with that thing that you're casting I'm going to sever that from you that's interest and you have the ability to sense magic all around the world you have the ability to detect magic all around the world but most importantly and this is this is this is the part that blows my mind they were the ones that invented the ability to soul trap because we know for a fact that the acidic order essentially invented mysticism when people didn't even know what mysticism was like they essentially the nature of all of these type of spells like they're worse than ones that sort of founded them in the first place now we know that many Marco the king of warms the the very famous necromancer used to be a student of the city order it's interesting because I imagine this world where money Marco you know he wants to control people he wants to have make armies of people he wants to maybe own the world or do just evil right he wants to police the day dress and make them fight for him but he doesn't really have a way to do that and then he becomes a student of the Civic order and he realizes hey I can soul trap people I can make them do whatever I whatever I want with this power I can maybe soul trap their souls and then offer those souls to day dress for them to do whatever I want them to do in exchange I mean imagine his face when he enters this like library of spells at at this point in the world like nobody knows right that is cool as hell now let's talk about a couple of the students now that we're sort of in that topic so who has actually been part of the sitting order that is famous now we have a few people in here we know that the cig order has had dealings with everywhere on the world we know that they have had a lot of dealings obviously with the nobility and in the summers a nihilist and you know the kings and queens deal very demeaning they definitely sort of listen to the suti order and whatever they have to say we know that Talos did sauce well we know that a lot of different kings and queens so if I've had dealings with the Civic order and whenever they intercept whenever they get into like the whole political dealings like they do it right they have we know we have records of them completely destroying armies at will whenever they want to it's kind of incredible but students there's this very famous students that I want to talk about because it's important to the world to the lore of village girls his name is a vanna's gal Arian now a vanna's used to be this little kid this servant to nobility in - just a noble of no importance in the almería sort of city of cities of some versatility used to be just a kid his whole family was servants of this of this Knowles it's used to clean you know floors I would imagine maybe maybe been cooked food clean dishes that sort of thing to see back then back in the old days of the Summerson Isles magic used to be illegal for anyone who wasn't a noble or a rich person you essentially had to be privileged to be able to cast or even be taught magic so it was illegal for a servant to know magic however his father the father of Venice was a very I guess knowledgeable person he wanted to learn more about magic he wanted his son to learn about magic so he sort of hired this this black market of magical books that was sort of going on at the time however the wife of this guy betrayed him and he was executed his son having learned a little bit of magic was a danger of being executed as well so he ran away he was later found by this very important person in the civic order who was I believe he was like the sort of like the leader at the time the chief guy he found this little kid sort of just dying of starvation and you know the of the weather just sort of on the side of the road on this ditch so he you know help them out help them feed him but he realized that this kid had a lot of potential there was something of a of a savant in terms of magic he knew a lot of a magic and how to cast spells even you know despite his condition of being a servant and that he you know only had really so much time to Train magic yet he was really good at it so he decided to take him into the city order and train him now this is where the whole story between like sort of many Marco and Bannos stars as they were both sort of students at the same time he created this massive like sort of rivalry but Venice was actually the guy who invented the mages guild in the first place before again magic was very very rare this is not a thing that existed back then so he you know sort of growing up with this sort of concept of hey no one knows magic magic illegal in most places there's there's really no books that teaches it like I need to change I want to change that I'm gonna in honor of my father who sacrificed his life to teach others of magic I'm gonna teach the world magic so he founded the the mages guild which it gets is kind of a big deal in terms of the lore and he has a lot to do with the civic order so I wanted to talk about him but eventually you know he confronts many Marco and many Marco ends up you know killing him and that's this whole spiel about you know that's sort of specific war but [Music] you [Music] but yeah outside of that as far as like story and Lord that has been given to us but this is recorder we're pretty much as close to dawn and that's why this is Accord is so interesting is because they are so special they are so powerful I mean just the amount of magic and I'm gonna get into like the pinnacle of thir magic in just a second but just to finish that point like they are so interesting because they don't we don't know that much else about them I mean they have essentially just been disappearing and reappearing again we know that a hundred years before the game of Skyrim they have they disappeared again and we don't know where they are right and we don't know why they disappear in the first place you know like thousands of years ago so it's like there's sort of cloud of a mystery right we know that between a thousand years like in this span of a thousand years they only contacted like seventeen people you know two so that they could join their ranks like they are that secretive and that sort of I guess in their own way so to speak so that's what makes them so interesting but I want to talk about Kim now Kim spelled CH I am there's something that has been brought up in a couple of videos you guys sort of wanted me to talk about that about it and I feel like this is probably the right time to do so since this it'll-it'll sort of I guess give you guys this impression of the Sedgwick order and how much power they really possess we just think it's very important so what is Kim Kim is essentially the ability to for a mortal is the ability to say you to the rules of the gods and I guess become invincible become immortal it's essentially the ability for a person for an individual either where that is a God or mortal just anyone for them to reach like ultimate power that's what Kim essentially is that there's a lot of explanations but just to keep it simple as of what it is now Kim has only really truly been accomplished as far as we know as far as like we have confirmation of two different people one is talus we know that he became one with the universe and he had the ability to change reality at will we know that that's how he CC Rodell used to be all jungle but he claimed that people hated jungles so he became one with the universe okay and he erased all the jungles of cero Dale just that they could show all the love he had for his people so we know that he did it because he's in a couple of books at least you know we don't know if he'd really truly did it but that's just as far as like the game wants to tell us that he did so yeah we'll just accept it the other one was bovec we know effect to be obviously one of the members of the tribunal of morrowind one of the entities that absorb power from the heart of lorkhan and became demigods we know that he achieved came and in fact he talked a lot about him in a lot of different books he talks about what Kim is and how to reach it how to do it there's a good book really interesting theories about Vivek because he claims that you know I've talked about Lorcan a lot I've talked about what humans believe Lorcan what else belief of Lorcan we know that Lorcan you know to some people he was good you know he he gave life to those who didn't have it he we know that the elves belief that he essentially screwed up all of the divinities you know make them mortal like a real used to be a god now he was like this guy walking on the earth you know he wasn't a god anymore and a lot of elves believe that he sort of stole their divinity from them and made the mortals which obviously they sort of present that from him bovec however had a different opinion he claimed that Lorcan actually did this for everybody because even gods are trapped in this sort of prison in this prison created by Padme and Anna you see when when a new and impaired oh my sort of thought or you know they did their dance they created this sort of universe this world that was had rules and people even God's that were sort of created were bound to these rules and he figure out a way mark and figure out a way to I guess break the rules created by Lord but by by an you and Padme but to do that it was very difficult because you had to essentially figure mmm how to explain this so he figure out that the universe our biz was kind of like a tube it had a beginning he had an end and then everything in between was existence he figured out that even reality itself had a beginning and an end which was the big was already a big deal at the time but he figured out that he could I guess meditate so hardcore that he could sort of leave reality he could he could push himself out of existence and see himself in this third person in the Orbis and what he realized was that if you should have tilt your head he ate a tube of existence almost looks like a tower you know just imagine a cylindrical figure coming from the ground up it has a beginning it has an end and then everything is out of the tower is existence he realized it oh wow yeah I guess existence is kind of a tower I can see where it starts I can see where it ends I can see where it begins and I can see myself inside of it now that I can see myself inside of it I understand existence so well that I can manipulate it I can become anything that I ever wanted to however as I god as as a as an ass innate odda I said as an address at a Ju it's very difficult imagined yourself it's very difficult to see how you can start and how you can end since you are immeasurable you're a god you don't have a start you don't have an end you cannot see your limitations and that was a problem he figured out that he couldn't reach perfection without being able to see his flaws so what he did was he created the world of nirn the planet where the Elder Scrolls series is from he created the planet so that everyone could become more so that then they could see their imperfections so that then they could transcend immortality and become someone like an Yuen Padme become you know transcend Adria's become something better than that and that's what we've a except the vex said hey this is what he did he's a really good guy don't believe in the lies that you know trading Mack used to Spade because pretty Mack and a lot of the old-school like Oh real they used to say like oh my god Lorca and screwed us you know like we used to be gods and now we're there's an oh my god do you know yada yada yada the vex said hey no actually what he did was really good because this can help us and that's what we Vic did we begged managed to sort of transcend existence and then he disappeared we don't know where he is right he believes that the he first of all he believes that the heart of lorkhan has a lot to do with it and as far as like allowing him to reach Kim but he also believes that that's what happened to the Dwemer that the Dwemer rich Kim and essentially just disappeared like that they essentially became more than just gods and then just left existence which might be what happened to be back because we don't know where he is right as far as I understand it but why am I talking about Kim I'm talking about Kim because it is told to us that the siddik order actually has a way of reaching Kim but it's interesting it's interesting because there are apparently two ways of reaching Kim the old way and the new way we know that the siddik order knows how to do it the old way but not necessarily the new way now that's all we know there's really no information about this we don't know what the different ways are whether what we make just said it's necessarily like the old or the new way we don't know we just know that they know at least that they have this information which is interesting to me right because you have these people who have the ability to see into the future they have the ability to communicate through Thalapathy they have the ability to teleport anywhere into the world wherever they want to they have the ability to sense magic anywhere in the world right they have the ability to leave and come back at will which is something that we know that the Dwemer did they disappeared we know that vivec has going to do that because he disappeared right so maybe they have the ability to Kim maybe they all of them know Kim it's I find that very interesting I mean it shows just how much power these people might possess we know that so that seal which is also one of the tribunal members of the Aurora Windsor Court who became a demigod was also a teacher in the Indus it recorder although we don't know if he ever achieved Kim so that's sort of like a thing but yeah I don't know I don't know what else to talk about this guy's but it's sort of interesting to me right just the amount of power this guy's per said they definitely have like a different sort of I don't know variety of powers which no one else in the world possesses like if you were to become a mage in Skyrim like there's only so much of this that you can actually do it you cannot really talk Tulip ethically with other people right like it's not something that I believe like a major be able to do normally well that you guys can prove me wrong is there an instance where normal mage can do that in any of the games I would like to know just this out of out of curiosity we also know that this is Igor der has a way of manipulating magic that is not magic which is very interesting to me as well which could be sort of like the old way versus the new way right the new way of doing magic is magic er where's the old ways maybe something different and we know that they have access to that which is is so cool these guys are so cool it's just so much information and we just don't know anything anyways that's all I wanted to talk about today I hope you guys enjoyed my rambling video of of craziness um and yet you guys want me to talk about cam so I talked about cam there you go I hope that my explanation was sufficient even though it's sort of a crazy philosophical like psychedelic like idea of the world like looking at the world through like like like a tower like within the beginning and I don't know it's weird anyways see you all next time bye bye folks
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 404,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, psijic order, phichic order, psychic order, mages, mage, mage guild, skyrim, oblivion, elder scrolls
Id: 8U7Bzxu9f1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2016
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