Elder Scrolls 6 - HIGH ROCK - Best Setting? Ancient Secrets, New Mysteries, High European Fantasy

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[Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen back to the Elder Scrolls 6 discussions series my name is camel and today we're going to dabble in the topic of hierarch but more importantly how will fare as the setting for the Elder Scrolls 6 as it is one of the most beautiful and epic fantasy settings in Tamriel we'll be touching on its geography its flora fauna ancient civilizations modern cultures its races and politics and the current state of things in the classic province of High Rock I of course implore you to watch the whole video as I've put over two weeks into this and for good reason high rock is a crazy place I've also made time stamps for the topics covered in the video be sure to use them if you wish to browse the video in that fashion they can be found in the description along with my social medias and also links to my other Elder Scrolls 6 discussion videos which you should check out because they're a lot of fun but not before watching this video because by the end of it high rock will likely become your most desired location for the Elder Scrolls 6 as it is the most classical European fantasy setting with the entire province steeped in magic and high fantasy flavors and yes in the Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall the southernmost regions of High Rock were in the game however I'm sure like many of you I don't feel like this is a valid reason to bypass High Rock as an option for the setting of a modern-day Elder Scrolls game as one we didn't see most of the profits anyway and secondly I truly don't feel like this while it may be close to many of our hearts isn't worth at your representation of High Rock I mean if people struggle with playing oblivion tomorrow went for their graphics people's desires to explore High Rock will most certainly not be sated by the Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall so is High Rock a realistic option for the Elder Scrolls 6 I think it is yeah and do we the consumer want to see it in full flight as a modern day game setting well at least I do and I think you do too and if you don't watch this so what is High Rock well High Rock is the northwestern most region of Tamriel it borders Hammerfell to the southeast the home of the Red Guards and Skyrim to the east home of the Nords High Rock is the homeland of the man Murray the Breton's along with being host to the seat of all sin iam the city of the Ozma for orcs highrock is also only one of two provinces on Tamriel that don't border with Syria Dell the other being the summerset isles firstly let's touch on the geography of hierarch the environment this setting that we could expect to be traveling and exploring through luckily all of High Rock is available to play through in the Elder Scrolls online so we'll be getting a very good sense of what high rock is like geographically well this ancient province of Tamriel boasts a wide array of different landscapes and terrains possibly more so than any other province but that is up for debate it's landscape is diverse ranging from green peaceful forests through to desolate spired Badlands all the way through to treacherous snowy mountains with its fertile soil and weather that is often cloudy yet relatively dry High Rock has attracted many cultures throughout history who will talk about later on but for now let's get back to the geography abouts the first time in your life you've been excited about geography anyway we'll start at the bottom and move up north so Glen home bro it's the westernmost region of High Rock encompassing most of the large peninsula separating the iliac bay from the el faro ocean the region is home to the city-state of camel on daggerfall the very city the elder scrolls to tiger fort was named after and the great cemetery of calf be drawed the region is covered in a dense green forest with ruins enveloped in layers of vines these rich and tranquil forests are accompanied by babbling brooks rolling green hills and the bones of ancient and mystical roots there is also a sizable swamp around the area of hag fen appropriately named and tailing dangerous journeys for travelers with its unwelcoming grey biome much of glair number is also bordered by the ocean which is met by a healthy variation of sandy shores and sheer cliffs the mixture of highlands coastline cool forests and overcast swamps leaves Glen Humber with a unique and rather homely yet moderate European fantasy feel heading north we have a region known as riven spire or it contains the city-states of Shawn helm and the North Point and the infamous crypt of hearts it also contained the doom crag a massive failure tower before was destroyed the Regents landscape is rather gloomy and consists of dry Badlands with jagged rock formations flinty crags windswept Moors and narrow canyons and despite it often being overcast and Misty Riven spine remains strangely dry and desolate although for those that are willing to traverse such grim lands ancient and powerful secrets are hidden beneath the tortured stone bones that make up this region of High Rock excluding its regional borders of a South likely Umbra much of riven spire is bordered by ocean making way for harsh coastal winds that blow across its jagged rock formations puncturing the rather bleak lowlands and wild Ravens fire is treacherous and unwelcoming that is equally its charm moving to the southeast we have storm haven and a perfectly named region and probably high rocks most fertile lands with an almost tropically tempered climate accompanied by frequent afternoon storms the region consists of sparsely forested rolling green hills with soft streams gentle spring breeze and peaceful waterfalls brushing across the land storm Haven is the center of breton commerce in both high rock and Ilia Bay as storm Haven borders all of the other regions in High Rock rendering it essentially the center of the province much like Whiterun is to Skyrim to the north it is bordered by high mountains and to the south it is bordered by the iliac bay across which one can even see hammerfell heading east once more we will hit a region known as bank or a now High Rock only lays claim to the northern half of Bank or I as hammerfell lays claim to the southern half as the region is divided by the fortified walls of banker I pass so we could only expect to spend time in the northern section of banker eye but if we want to get greedy we might be able to expect to explore this southern section of Bank right as well but for now let's limit our discussion to the northern region so north bank our eye makes up the south eastern reaches of High Rock it is a heavily forested area with rocky hills hot and dry weather but occasionally smashed by heavy rain resulting in a dry yet green landscape with healthy water flows high pendulous rock formations cliffs healthy greens and plenty of creatures inhabiting in fact the Glen Morel witch coven also have heavy roots in the weird here in north bank or a and finally for the main regions of High Rock heading north we have a region called Hrothgar which traditionally is known as the home of the awesome of the orcs warriors that live in isolated tribes across the jurat ik mountains Hrothgar has cool green pine forests to the south harsh rocky tundra in the middle and snow showers frost Pines to the north dense fog Laden ice and crusted stones rivers and ancient ruins can be found in the mysterious reaches of Hrothgar it has many ruins that date back to the Dwemer the ayleid and the ancient Nords and the ancient orcs the orc city or sin ium has traditionally existed in Hrothgar unfortunately all psyllium has always been sieged by the Breton's or the Red Guards or a combination of the two Hrothgar will undoubtedly bring back fond memories for Skyrim players as it does border the jurat ik Mountains just as the reach and her finger do in Skyrim Hrothgar the reach and her finger are simply on opposite sides of the same mountain range which explains why we see orcs in the northwestern regions of Skyrim and while we see signs of Nordic cultures in the northeastern regions of High Rock well a little bit anyway hi Rock also lays claim to several small islands the two most notable are Bettany which lies at the mouth of illiac Bay and the second and let's be honest the more important island is the isle of Bal Fiera the reason this Isle is so important is because it is home to the oldest structure on all of Tamriel as far as we know on all of nirn namely the adamantine tower we'll talk more in depth on that later on so High Rock is a geographical anomaly which would be an amazing setting for the Elder Scrolls six I mean green magical forests spire dead land Mediterranean bays frozen mountains desert like rocky glades a number of small islands and one hell of a lot of coastline that sounds like a really good Elder Scrolls setting to me now we have a feel for the land of hierarchal let's discuss the creatures that dwell within it then we'll touch on the races of the cultures but for now the fauna for animals the beasts the mystical entities and creatures that inhabit high rakh a quite a colorful bunch while we have many familiar faces we also have many new additions to our BC Aries so again we can expect to see classics like bears wolves deer mud crab blah blah blah you get the idea with the stock standard animals but let's focus on the new or unique fine so we can expect to run across in High Rock starting with the most important of all camels although rare they can actually be found having been brought across from hammer fell centaurs nomadic creatures blood semi intellectual they can be found calmly throughout high rock saber-toothed Tigers not to be confused with the SaberCats from Skyrim are a rare sight in high rock although once again sometimes brought across from hammer fell and a trained as pets and they're actually symbols of nobility within high rock there are things called dragon Lynx although actually unrelated to dragons they can still breathe fire and prove to be a challenge for adventurers harpies they lay claim to the rocky cliffs where they build their nests harpies are fierce carnivorous feminine humanoid creatures with wings of a bird they have a reputation as furious feathered femme fatales who kidnap and mate with human males which they then kill there are hags not to be confused with hag Ravens hags roam the fens swamps and Forests dealing with ancient and dark nature-based magics within high rock there are Spriggans which mix with which governs and hangs of high rock forming forbidden and forgotten pacts with the forests this leads to things like lurches they are abominations usually created through dark nature magic by corrupting a sprig in' not uncommon with all the hags and witch covenants even giants can be found roaming the lowlands of Hrothgar and of course mammoths accompany these Hrothgar and Giants just like in Skyrim frost giants have also been rumored to exist in the northern mountains of Hrothgar not surprising as that is where the Forgotten Vale lies but wouldn't that be awesome there are urges these large and powerful beasts with cannibalistic tendencies found in remote areas we have giant bats which hang themselves in the crags riven spire scaring the life out of those who would dare venture into such treacherous paths there a giant scorpions who the dry admirers of ribbon spire being able to paralyze passers-by with a single sting there are giant snakes that lurk in shallow waters and swamps are waiting for their prey waiting for you there are echo tears these tusked creatures with pointed hooves and large antlers they are mainly found in Hrothgar but they actually serve the orzammar has livestock and beasts of burden like cows and horses due to the other races there are Nereids these armored like feminine water creatures that can often be heard singing that but don't be fooled as they are essentially sirens except these ones can traverse land although often found in water there are nerves they are rare in mysterious beings with beautiful female traits but again don't be fooled as they can Lou you in with their assets and then leech off of your life with their ancient nature magics werewolves they plagued the lands hearing ungodly house during the night is uncommon but not to be unexpected in High Rock if you like werewolves get excited because there are wear bears as well they are sometimes seen roaming the rocks of the reach again get pretty pumped if you're into wear stuff because we have where boars they are a much rarer form of lycanthropy but unique Thai rock so hierarchs the only place we'll ever see where boars and dare I mention them where sharks these mythical entities have been rumored to haunt the illiac Bay an ultra rare form of lycanthropy or just a wives tale to scare the children well there's one way to find out eldest Rosa Kyra not quite as scary but there are willow the wisp these are magical creatures seen flickering ephemerally in the swamps tormenting and often luring folk into the marshes at night not a good move there are also many forms of undead that plagued the land as the realm of high rock has many huge burial mounds and cemeteries from this necromancer's breed and create all kinds of abominations things like skeletons ghosts factors Lich's blood fiends wraiths mummies zombies and everyone's favorites vampires so from this I mean I know that's a really long list but it's pretty cool it lists a lot of new beasts and entities that we'll get to encounter again that's just some of the new and unfamiliar creatures of high rock will have all the danger and all the familiar animals and whatever else but Esther decides to throw in so now we have a very good feel for the geography and a very good feel for the center the beasts that inhabit the very lands we spoke about let's talk about the races and which cultures have existed in High Rock and of course which of those are there now so let's go back to the beginning before even the Dwemer before even any other structure on Tamriel or possibly even known the adamantine Tower now known as the Durrani Tower also known as the atom antia or the earth tower this structure is believed to be the oldest building on all of Tamriel if not the entirety of nerd when it was built no one really knows who built it no one truly knows although it is strongly believed to have been built by the Adria themselves the Adria of course of the Divine's the gods it is commonly accepted that the adamantine Tower was created by the atria to discuss the creation of Mundus basically the plane of existence we're known exists known as the planet of that Tamriel is on so this is the building the aedra built to discuss the creation of what we now know as the earth of the Elder Scrolls they also use that later on to decide the fate of lorkhan that poor bastard but the details of this tower are of course unknown and a fun fact the other towers around nirn will model off the adamantine tower even the white gold tower in the Imperial City was built by the aliens in the shadow of the adamantium now this tower despite being so old has still not fully been explored many tunnels and passageways lie beneath it like the root systems of a great tree and hey an unexplored Tower built by the aedra sure sounds like a bedrock for some good adventures so who knows what's lying down there in fact the an amount I tower would probably be a keystone in the may story it's too ancient and has too much magic and mystery surrounding it to simply fall by the wayside so moving to some more familiar ground the Dwemer yes that's right the Dwemer actually did have a few footholds in the northern mountains of Hrothgar trying to find information about these is almost impossible long lost and forgotten but as Hrothgar borders the dramatic mountains the same mountains the reach of Skyrim lies in it makes sense that the Dwemer popped out the other side into Hrothgar so while in tiny numbers there are actually some Dwemer ruins to be explored in High Rock now because of the demaree influence was not great there really is no signs of them affecting the area in any notable degree but fear not as the ayleid also inhabited high rock this makes high rock I do believe the only province in Tamriel to house both the dwama ruins and ayleid ruins something that will most certainly quench your thirst for ancient and mysterious cultures on Tamriel I will just clarify that maybe Hammerfell houses both ayleid and Dwemer ruins and unlike the Dwemer the ayleid had a huge influence on the land and again unlike the Dwemer their cities and ruins can you found all across high rock in fact even the last alien city can be found here in banker I the city of business all he was founded by the last ayleid King King Laurie Aaron Dinah after having to flee and then a lot adieu to the ultimatum made by the Elysian Emperor so not only do we have a leader ruins but we have the final ruins the bones of their ultimate cities the last breath of the great alien civilization lies in high rock there are other key note alien locations like the city of Ur okie wants the greatest alien city in the northwest of Tamriel being home to the light of life or the Latanya in the ayleid une a relic which helped plants grow and healed illnesses but following a bloody conflict between the alien settlers and the original inhabitants of the High Rock the relic was tainted and became the a began drew the lightless remnant a beacon of death arrow keys tower became known as the doom crag a spire spewing death and MAGIX while it was eventually destroyed evil never stays sleeping and a reactivation or rebuilding of the doom crag is something I could definitely see happening in the eldest Ross leagues High Rock there are other noteworthy areas structures and so on in regards to the alien empire that once filled High Rock but we get the point the alien shaped the province in one way or another and there are plenty of exciting new perils and adventures we will be facing in high rock in the shadow of the alien civilization now before we move on to the two big cultures of hierarch bradon's and orcs we'll touch on the more obscure yet sentient beings in high rock by sentient I mean we could have a conversation with them and potentially receive quests related to these racial groups so we spoke of most of them just before in the creatures list but our nymphs for example they're actually a species of beast folk the same as the familiar argonians and Khajiit they are very rare and very mysterious but they do have their own language and they are sentient beings interacting with nymphs in a non-combat context is entirely plausible and I'm sure they'll be clothed this time around again mentioned earlier the centaurs while not strictly a species of beast folks they do have their own language while they don't exactly have sprawling cities and such a quest or two would be expected and finally the hags given they were once human just like the hag Ravens they are as sentient as any other human mer or beast folk while I would imagine they are primarily aggressive combat based enemies in the game I would expect there to be you know subsets of Hanks who are neutral and in need of an adventurer for some help just like you and me has been learned earlier geographically highrock only borders to other provinces hammerfell home to the Red Guards and Skyrim home to the Nords both of which we could expect to see as there is a stronger Red Guard influence the further south into banker I we go as of course Bangura is split in two at the northern half is High Rock and the southern half is Hammerfell and the border itself known as the bank right pass was actually built by the Breton's to defend High Rock against wild Raiders from Hammond a few of which I'm sure occasionally slip through also along the entirety of the iliac bay being cited by both hi rock and hammer fell are going to experience firsthand the grittier Redguard influence in banker I will also be expecting Nord region coming over and down over the reach from Skyrim into Hrothgar and the north of banker a just like we see orcs have come across the dramatic mountains from high rock into Skyrim it would make sense that some lords did the exact same thing just going the other way out of Skyrim and into High Rock there are also so very few ancient Nordic groans in Hrothgar and by a few I do believe there is one and it could be needy or Nordic and I mean we're not entirely sure but visually it rings in memories of Skyrim and the Nords one other very unlikely race that could pop up is actually the snow elves as The Forgotten Vale lies between Skyrim and hierarch in a kind of gray area that isn't claimed by either province I think it is very unlikely we'll see them again but geographically the same area that can be found in is just as close to higher up as it is to Skyrim this unclaimed region and while we did explore the Forgotten Vale there is a lot of other unexplored room up here so whether or not there are more of these ancient fel man knocking around in the unknown mountains of the north well we'll just have to find out now let's get to the ocean because the majority of high rock is bordered by the ocean we can expect to see visitors or even some influences from cultures from the surrounding islands the most notable and closest would be the coral kingdoms of threats home of the slowed now you might not be familiar with assload unless you're quite into the law or played the Elder Scrolls Adventure Red Guard so allow me to explain the slowed are probably the most elusive yet fully flourishing race on Tamriel meaning they aren't extinct they have an entire fully functioning civilization in the current day yet as seldom seen so seldom in fact that we've only ever seen one in game of the nough gusta necromancy of Stross Makai and if you couldn't tell from a name like that the slow to dark and mathematically minded creatures they boast high intelligence impressive skills in magic particularly in necromancy and teleportation again though they are dark creatures and once even created the Saracen plague and released it upon Tamriel in response Tamriel banded together and set an all flags Navy ravaging thrusts exterminating all the slow they could find then finally the wrasse was sunken into the ocean using unknown magics the slowed and their homeland were destroyed but the slowed survived and then Thoris rose back from the ocean to its former state and the slowed civilization carries on to this day so they are a very powerful people with their mysterious coral kingdom thrust just south of High Rock I mean maybe some Island missions or perhaps even seeing some slowed down in the iliac bay is a possibility for the Elder Scrolls 6 high rock and one that I am personally very excited for now there is of course the murmur of the sea Elves while most of high rock is bordered by just that see the mayor homeland is nowhere near High Rock and is in fact a very far south of Vallon would even to the southeast of the summerset isles yeah as I said it's really far away from High Rock so given we haven't seen any mayor in previous Elder Scrolls games despite them all having ocean based borders I think it's safe to say that we won't see any in the Elder Scrolls 6 high rock I mean there aren't really any reasons not to see them as how hard is it hopping on a boat and you know sailing around traditionally the mayor have always cause trouble and been in conflict with the more familiar Tamriel ik races so historically term realloc races and maimie haven't really ever mixed well that's probably why we don't see them but I mean come on there's gonna be some of them that aren't trouble causes anyway hopefully this tradition of Elder Scrolls games have not seeing the mama despite there being sea borders will change in the elderscrolls six high rock finally for the non mainstream cultures will touch quickly on the least likely and by at least likely I mean we're not gonna see them but far west across the L tharok Ocean lies the ancient and thought to be destroyed continent of your cooter where the Red Guards originally came from and now what state you could or is in no one knows is it completely sunken into the ocean or there's still people living there again we really just don't know if we ever do see you cooter in an Elder Scrolls game it would be much more likely to see it in the Elder Scrolls hammerfell as again it's where the Red Guards originally migrated from so that would make more sense culturally but geographically you cooter is actually closer to High Rock but going there in any Elder Scrolls game ever I suspect there is a 0.000 continue one for ever percent chance of that ever happening but it's worth mentioning just to cover all bases so they're on your cooter are either ancient you current tribes who would be more similar to the Red Guards in culture and in nature or maybe just maybe we'll see the Sinestro mer the left-handed elves a very powerful race but who made the Red Guards hate elves the hatred between the ancient you Coonans and the Sinestro mer was so great it actually resulted in the sinking of the entire continent of uqdah so I doubt we'll ever go there and I doubt we'll ever see any hint of civilization from there in the current day Elder Scrolls but again geographically it's worth mentioning in Red Guards to High Rock now let's move on to the orcs the oarsmen the pariah folk this is a strange one but easily the second biggest modern culture in High Rock these poor buggers have had a very hard time in High Rock throughout history the orcs are considered to be the social outcasts of the Tamriel ik races due to this they are very often scorned by the other races now the orzammar are actually of elven blood but many in Tamriel either don't recognize this or have forgotten it sadly the orcs are often looked down upon as barbarian people hailing from the mountainous regions of the western Tamriel and while the mountainous regions of Western Tamriel are partially in Skyrim and partially in hammerfell the majority of these mountainous orcish territories are in High Rock and despite being in travel people for many Atrus eventually the Orca chieftain that Touareg grower Grahn founded or sin IAM at first it was merely a small collection of huts but soon enough for more and more orcs came to all sin 'i'm making it a rising civilization located high in the rough korean mountains it soon grew to house more permanent structures as time went on or cinema rose and fell and being built in different locations each time leaving massive ancient ozma ruins dotted around the mountains of High Rock however the Ozma were very lucky as an orcish visionary named God warg grow and nag or acquired the site of the former civilization of a cilium and began reconstructing a new city for the orzammar of Tamriel as it grew many thought it would fall to the same fate as its previous incarnations Gold walk though proved to be a superb politician and diplomat managing to make negotiations with Orson eum's neighbors which saw or City and prosper he also managed to negotiate terms of peace with Uriel Septim the seventh resulting in trade Commerce and civil social ties with the other provinces of Tamriel for the first time the orcs were serious political powers among the other races of Tamriel now this is where things get interesting early in the fourth era or sinem was sacked it's thought this was done by the combined forces of high rock and hammerfell although that is not confirmed unlike before or sinem was not rebuilt in the Hrothgar and mountains of High Rock but instead re-established in the western reach mountains in between Skyrim and hammer fell now the western reach mountains are basically the meeting point of high rock Hammerfell and Skyrim so or cilium could be in any of them or as stated in between them meaning or cilium could actually not be in high rock anymore therefore we wouldn't see it in game however even if this is the case it could have moved back to Hammerfell during the in-game time gap between the elderscrolls v skyrim and the elder scrolls 6 I rock for example there's a 201 year gap between the Elder Scrolls for oblivion and the elderscrolls v skyrim so if there's another 201 year gap I mean a lot can happen in that time and even if it doesn't come back to hi Rock will have tons of orcs who didn't live in Austin iam still in high wroth and will also have the ruins of the previous Orsini um's to explore basically evil sin IAM isn't in high rock anymore we'll still get one hell of a lot of orcs in the elder scrolls 6 High Rock which would be a good thing as classically orcs are fighters warriors they are famed for their strength and power in combat they often excel as adventurers and legionaries in the Imperial Legion this is not to say that ox cannot wield magic however as there are often well uncommon they can usually be found within all his tribes wise men Oracle's shamans of a sword wielding almost forgotten nature based magics butts I must say they're heavy muscular frame and considerable stature makes the awesomest stand out apart amongst myrrh and men and their development of a strong warrior culture makes them highly valuable in hand-to-hand combat which is a really good thing because this means the ozma culture will somewhat balance out with a Breton culture which has a much heavier hand in magic and speaking of let's now talk about the Breton culture and high rock and to understand them we must understand who the Breton's are and where they came from so the Breton's are actually the result of Alderman slave masters breeding with their female Natick slaves and impregnating them there is another theory that the Breton's are a result of the aldmer breeding with at morantz but I think the Altima slash need theory is better regardless this resulted in a hybrid race the Breton's sometimes even refer to as man muhr quite literally translating to man elf consequently termed as the mongrel race of Tamriel while their elven blood is heavily diluted due to their ancestors into mingling with Nordic populations in Skyrim and the netic populations in High Rock although their Aldmeri ancestry is veiled by their human appearance they still inherit the magical affinity that comes with their elven blood their physical features resemble heavily their Natick ancestors including their pale skin tones and the obvious physical resemblance to the Imperial slash Nords but there are some bloodlines that still inherit the frail sharp appearance of the elves along with their arrogance and would you believe it but there are even some families that do actually have a slight point in their ears just like their elven ancestors luckily for the Breton's they have the sharp minds in arcane talons of the elves yet the friendly and more charming aspects of humans just like me passionate eccentric poetic flamboyant intellectual and willful the Breton's feel an inborn indistinctive bond with the mercurial forces of magic and the supernatural world while lacking in physical skill they make up for it with their inherent ability with all schools of magic their sharp Minds also led to great hands into the brat and ability for commerce and their affinity for intellectual tasks and pursuits the Breton's are united in culture and language even though they are divided politically for Hurok is a fracturing though their clothes accents customs and names of fairly uniform the Breton culture of hierarch is actually largely agrarian and hierarchal in society and feudal in nature most Britain cities as sprawling trade hubs and most of the people are either middle-class peasants or destitute beggars ruled by their complex and many political powers families monarchs and factions the constant play for power among the various monarchs and rulers of the iliac bay region is a deeply ingrained and you know what it's even a cherished part of Breton culture though most Britons have seven paths to prosperity available to them in high rock becoming a nobleman by performing quests and services to gain favor with the various rulers is considered the best way because of this a quest obsessed culture has been created among the young Britons the desire to find fortune and glory has made Breton's venture all over Tamriel seeking heroism and discovery I could go on and on as the Breton culture is very complex but essentially the bread and culture is 100 percent classic European fantasy feudal in nature knights wizards banners houses heroes adventurers beasts gods ancient secrets castles villages think Game of Thrones with more magic or perhaps the Knightly culture of the blood and wine DLC from The Witcher 3 or even the prett onehans from Warhammer Fantasy harach is definitely the most classical European fantasy province in Tamriel yet it's got that sweet elder scrolls twist to it rendering it exciting yet familiar so now let's talk about the factions and then jump to what the entire crux of the Elder Scroll 6ir could be but first the factions first we'll cover the familiar factions let's start with say the finest guild 12 won't have the strongest presence in High Rock with only full known finest guilds across the province and with not many that interested in its the finest guild is president hire off but not to any substantial degree however with more and more awesome are coming to the big cities they make perfect candidates for a fighters guild member and bolster the ranks and interest he and the faction although I do feel that a need for a fighter school is slightly lacking in such an ordered kind of ordered and magically superior province nonetheless it's a stable and we can definitely expect to see it or of course a substitute next the Thieves Guild while not noted to be a big part of high rock culture nor other orcs or the Breton's famous for their thieving abilities or attributes just think about all the ports and cities with people coming and going from all tamriel any busy city that boasts great commerce breeds with it an underworld of thieves and vagabonds and again considering most of these business based cities within high rocker on the coastline I mean there are all kinds of people coming and going in the blink of an eye course as pirates people from strange lands bearing strange items coming and going day after day many of which with unknown motives they're gonna steal some stuff and we should also keep in mind that with the great number of competing political factions and powers a few thieves here and there to go and do some dirty work is to be expected so we'll definitely see a Thieves Guild presence or of course a substitute for them ah the mages guild undoubtedly the most notable and important faction in High Rock particularly within the Brett and culture with magic being already built into the very genes of the Breton's the mages guild reigns supreme as a superior faction throughout High Rock multiple majors guild headquarters can be found at High Rock let alone all of the normal guild halls dotted throughout the province even a major skilled was established within us in iam as some walks do boast magical understanding usually leaning more towards the mystical nature based magics passed down through tribal wisdom but high rocks do really big mages guild presence and given the number of ancient magical sites found throughout High Rock particularly those of the alien yes we will see plenty of adventure plenty of mystery and intrigue revolving around the great order of the mages guild moving on to everyone's favorite the Dark Brotherhood cut some bad news during the elderscrolls v skyrim we learned that high rocks only dark brotherhood sanctuary in way rest was destroyed so from a current day lore perspective that dark brotherhood is no more in high rock now let's look at this from Bethesda's marketing point of view we want to make the fans happy and make heaps of money at the same time will we put arguably the most loved faction into the elderscrolls six higher up despite their only sanctuary being destroyed hell yes let's put the dark brotherhood into the game and I mean even if the way rest of sanctuary is destroyed which it actually might not be basically what happened the city of waitressed was raided by courses therefore it was only a matter of time until the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary in way rest was found and raided as well so its fate is actually unknown but it's thought to be destroyed and again even if it is destroyed like most things in the Elder Scrolls they tend to come back maybe they'll make a new sanctuary who knows but I mean common we'll see the Dark Brotherhood and I mean they are needed I tell you espionage has proven to be one of the strong suits of bretons as Breton double agents assassins spies all of these have turned the tides of war throughout recorded history and with a hugely complex hierarchy of noblemen businessmen monarchs family Lions leaders political powers and so on Iorek sure sounds like the place that needs a few assassin sanity to take out competitors in the game of Breton's so the dark brotherhood tick and pre-set will see you soon bruh something really cool about high rock is its some revered nightly orders if you played the eldest roster Daggerfall you will be familiar with these classic nightly orders these are as follows the host of the horn are the Knights of the Dragon the Knights of the flame the Knights of the hawk the Knights of the elves and Knights of the Rose the Knights of the wheel the order of the candle the order of the Raven and the order of the Scarab these are basically region-specific minor factions of knights who perform the biddings of the local rulers while in the elder scrolls - Daggerfall you could only join one of them in any given playthrough a limitation that I believe is irrelevant unless it ties into more of a grand house system which we'll talk about in a minute but back to the Knightly orders I also just wouldn't mind seeing all of these separate Knightly orders being part of a bigger umbrella faction you know something simple like the Knightly order where you can join it and go see the city and serve their regional masters rather than being bound to one region that sounds like a lot of fun actually now along with the Knightly orders there is a completely different and not to be confused with Templar Knightly orders these are basically the same thing as before but with the connection to the divides and just note that the Britannian pantheon is slightly different to the a defiance of the Imperials so you'll hear some new names and miss some familiar names so we have the akatosh Chantry and the order of the hour we have the order of Arc a and the knights of the circle we have the house of dibela and the order of the Lille we have the school of Juliano's and the Knights mentor we have the temple of kynareth and the Kenard in the order we have the benevolence of Mara and the Marin Knights we have the temple of Stender and the Crusaders and finally we have the resolution of Zen and the Knights of iron blah it's a lot of little factions to worry about but again you could only join one of them in any given playthrough in the elder scrolls - Daggerfall again I think this is irrelevant I really don't mind seeing these tiny factions rolled into one great affection like we saw in marwan's with the Imperial cult instead of a bunch of little cults worshiping each of the Divine's we just had the Imperial cult it was essentially a faction based around performing deeds services and your abilities to tasks associated with the nine or eight Divine's or whatever amount of Divine's and knocking around you know giving to charity healing ill people helping poor people cleansing temples of evils retrieving ancient holy artifacts it was actually a really fun faction and I'm genuinely stunned that we haven't seen the return of the Imperial cult since morrowind but I'm looking forward to their possible return in the classic Imperial cult form or in a kind of the night.the order or the Templar cult something on a similar path but more specific to high rock okay so as mentioned a minute ago I'd expect there to be a house system as High Rock is actually a cluster of independent kingdoms and counties all of which I've rolled under the Sira Dilek Empire so there are many kings queens castles duchies barons countess's counts lords ladies and so on at some point in history High Rock even had over 400 Kings reigning at any given time there's even a classic brat and saying find a hill and become the king of it mix this with 5000 years of history and I mean high rocks got a real crazy political system but from this a healthy biome is created for a selection of separate political factions within High Rock a great example of how this would work is the house system from the eldest cross three more wins you had a bunch of factions you know major skilled fighters guild blah blah blah all that stuff that you could join in every single playthrough but then it came to the Great Houses fly Lou read I ran the tell Valley you had to choose one and you could only have an allegiance to one of the three during any given playthrough save for some glitchers that we weren't good into now this is essentially a far superior version of Skyrim in which you could choose between the Imperials or the Stormcloaks in regards to the Civil War however unlike Skyrim the house retirin quests the house lalu quests the health tell vani quests these quest lines were 100% different from one another and 100% fit the different styles and ideologies on these unique great houses so although you had to choose between one of the three in a playthrough this meant that each player was a genuinely different experience and not the same thing but with a different uniform like would the Imperial Stormcloak thing so I would love to see the return of this concept and the same as in marwan's helping and finishing one house doesn't entail the destruction of the other houses how can I put this simply let's say you joined the Tennis Club you don't have to destroy the baseball club of the swimming club no you all do your own thing while every now and then a tennis ball might fly into your pool get out of my pool you bastard for the most part you will manage to coexist within the same sports center or hierarchy is that SportsCenter and while their political factions and kingdoms might quarrel from time to time overall I'd like to see a general peace and understanding between them with of course you know there's got to be some political subterfuge like taking out one of their leaders or sabotaging one of their trade routes but it doesn't have to be psycho like wiping out entire cities or anything like that so that a house system or a political faction system where you choose from one of three or so factions per playthrough each having their own entirely unique quest line leaving some fresh content for new playthroughs now given that there are a number of which covens in high rock I'd love to be able to interact with them and have them as a joyful faction while we often think of which covens is evil they're not always particularly The Witches of Glen morale weird in banker I I mean in the Elder Scrolls 3 blood moons expansion we met three of its members they had traveled to sul Stein to cure the sufferers of the lycanthropy werewolves so some of these witches and witch covens actually use their ancient knowledge for good usually housed in deep and ancient parts of the wilderness the famous witch covens of hierarch will be a welcome addition to the factions even if they are only a minor faction with only a few quests and speaking of magic and witches and all that vampires werewolves where bears and where boars once you become one of these things I would like it to be a minor factions whether like hey now you're one of us come join the gang you know you do some quests for them in the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind there was actually three different vampire clans you could choose from I don't really think that's necessary especially because there's such minor factions if you just have a vampire clan once you become a vampire you have the option of joining them doing some quests for them same goes for the werewolves to where boars and the where Bears or maybe you know a single faction for the three like anthropic transformations and again they don't have to be massive factions just you know something that's special and unique to those who wish to become lycanthropes or vampires so while I do believe that this faction would have a minor role I'd like to see the return of the East Empire company as a joiner bull faction in fact if we look at the trade route map we can see that there are actually four stops in high rock seeing East Empire company warehouses in these ports would be exciting a faction based around Commerce business and industries actually fun and the East Empire company would bring exactly that building off of the lust for adventure glory discovery and exploration within the population of High Rock I'd love to see something simple like an explorers or adventurers guild where it is a hub for people interested in such tasks with no promise of reward just a simple welcome recruit we heard that's a cave in ribbon spire no one knows what's in there but you know it's our journey to go explore it let's go just simple silly things like that with no true motive other than adventure of course you'd stumble upon some crazy things in the caves and this would unravel into you know broader storylines but the idea of an explorers guild or adventurers guild where these green young Breton wannabe heroes can test themselves and put themselves to good use I think the final obvious major faction would be something to do with the orzammar and maybe not to do with the orcs of all sin iam where they're you know more of a modern-day culture of Tamriel to perhaps something to do more with the orcish clans in Hrothgar far to the north the more nomadic people like the skull village on sul Stein for example while they are north and a technically part of Skyrim they are completely disconnected for the most part and stand with their own rules and traditions so I'd love to see this on a grander scale with a faction of orc clans this would be a welcome palette cleanser after all of the classic European fantasy will experience for the most part throughout high rock thanks to the bloody bretons these orc clans would have wise Oracle's and obscure and ancient tendencies it sounds like fun and again for me at least it's definitely a welcome addition to the factions of High Rock there are only a couple of other minor factions I could imagine really making sense in High Rock not one of which would be another magic-based faction of course we have the majors guild but magics probably the broadest two skill range in the elderscrolls sir me why is there one magic faction especially in High Rock where magic is loved and very common I would imagine there would be multiple magic factions and again given the majors killed to such a large part of hierarchs culture yet it also has rather strict rules that forbid several forms of magic well let's just say there might be some who wish to dabble in them most players included some kind of outcasts band of arcane scholars interested in pushing the boundaries of their abilities without the restrictions of the mages guild and finally maybe some really tiny factions to do with the nymphs or the centaurs like helping their clans out or whatnot nothing major but something fun oh and there is actually one last one here the blades could we expect the blades to be in High Rock look the blades were exterminated yet we saw them in the elderscrolls v Skyrim so with that as our only example of a game set after they were wiped out I mean yeah we could expect to see the blades and I would imagine they would play some weed role in the main questline just like in every other Elder Scrolls game but overall I mean really the more factions the better there has consistently been less and less factions with sadly less and less quests so throw out that idea Bethesda stopped downsizing the factions and quest lines please bring back heaps of factions and bring back heaps of quests as highrock is the place for it and now we are led to the final topic of the video the crux of the Elder Scrolls 6 High Rock why high rock what's the main quest what's happening in previous Elder Scrolls titles there has always been a devastating event or some form of impending doom looming over the province in which the game is set for example the return of dagger firma the Oblivion crisis the warp in the West the return of algae and the world Eater all the previous titles have had an event taking place in that particular province that is why the game was set there sowhat's High Rocks event a question that can only be answered with speculation or if someone is a far Cyrano's please let me know so the current state of hierarchy is widely unknown although we do have a various character information we really don't know much what's the latest well Orson iam was sacked ever since moved to an unknown location the city of wave rest was sacked by courses pirates essentially as far as we know high rock is still under imperial rule now this leads to an interesting discussion depending on what the cannon is for who won the skyrim Civil War could really turn the tides of what's happening in High Rock as high rock is part of the serie Dilek empire as of course you know it's a good move to join with the most powerful force the Empire however if Skyrim won the Civil War if the Stormcloaks in Ulfric beat the Imperials that means that the Empire is not only weaker as they've lost Skyrim but it also means that the Empire was defeated by half of a single province this makes the Empire bit less of an impending Ally and a bit more of a like why am i friends with you and if that's the case then High Rock has far less reason to keeps allegiance with the Empire the Empire also brings with it the Thalmor again no one really wants that so we could very well see hierarchy an open rebellion against the Empire or maybe they have already left the Empire and role as an independent province I mean we just don't know 200 years between oblivion and Skyrim with no more information about High Rock and then whatever game time has passed between Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls 6 I wrote a lot could happen but if it's the other way and the Empire won the scam Civil War and Canon Law we can expect to see much more peace with the entirety of High Rock under an umbrella rule of the Empire while still sustaining their original hierarchy and complexities of internal politics and you know what to be honest on much refer to experience High Rock during a time of civil peace you know if some evil power comes back and turns things upside down that's no problem but Civil War like in Skyrim I really don't want to see that in high rock or any other province for that matter I can see you know pirates and Corsairs vagabonds coming through iliac bay and posing a threat to the trade hubs I can see the Nord reach men coming across the jurat accountants and causing a problem in that section of High Rock I can see that Red Guard raids coming across from Hammerfell being a problem however none of these a main questline worthy we need something godly something extreme at a physical magical professorial esoteric ancient specifics again we can't say but let's get how guessing hats on here now I mean High Rock is home to huge burial grounds which have proven to be an issue in the past when an elite necromancer gets in there we could have something to do with the arcane and mysterious alien structures like the doom crank reactivating or the crypt of hearts spewing out some foul magic some ancient have forgotten soul it's rising an alien Emperor perhaps rising from the dead there are plenty of cool ways in which something profound and threatening could pop up in High Rock but I do think that the most likely Center for all of this would be the adamantine tower tyranny tower earth tower the adamantium as we spoke of earlier this is the oldest structure on Tamriel built by the aedra the Divine's for gods themselves built this thing not only that but it's been here for the longest time and still hasn't fully been explored I mean what's going on in this tower there are tunnel systems under it and no one knows what's down there that sure sounds like a hotspot for some good old school prophecy type stuff right there and I do feel like this should be addressed in case you're wondering during the Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall again set partially in high rock there was an event called the warp in the West which was a dragon break this was caused as a result of someone reactivating the new medium this warp in the West or dragon break led to six alternate timelines all taking place at once which actually meant that whichever ending of the game you chose was canon because all six and things actually took place at the same time don't you love Elder Scrolls law love it but of course the looming question is and this happened in high rock before could this happen again the new medium was subsequently torn out of time during this warp in the West so it's gone I mean the eldest girls law is pretty crazy so it could come back but I mean that's pretty unlikely and I also believe that it's very unlikely that Bethesda Game Studios would make the exact same plot for a game set in the exact same place copy and paste much yeah I don't think we'll see that so highly unlikely and highly unexcited if it didn't happen so in terms of foreseeable events transpiring and hierarch that is about it we really don't have much to go off in fact we have almost no information about modern-day high rock which makes it impossible to accurately deduce what we could expect there as a main storyline in the Elder Scrolls 6 high rock Oh now if you've stuck around this long well pat yourself on the back as I'm pretty sure that is all of the broad-strokes I wanted to touch on in regards to High Rock its history MIT's modern cultures geography creatures races and political systems and current events which we don't know anything about and I mean of course on top of all of that stuff we'll get to experience more things like the bredren and all cultures and see their weapon and armor styles pretty much apply anything I've spoken about in my other Elder Scrolls 6 discussion videos to high rock and the cultures within it but if you want to hear about those topics go and check out the specific videos covering those various subjects links can be found in the description so hopefully by this point you'll agree the Elder Scrolls 6 high rock sounds prime originally I was hesitant given it has such a classical European fantasy setting which the fantasy gaming market is oversaturated with but despite this once all of the unique Elder Scrolls elements are thrown in as well it all mixes together into some delicious baked goods and I sure as hell want a bite of that I'm not too sure what that analogy was but I'm sure you'll want to buy a higher octave if you do have any relevant information about high rock that you think will be important in shaping the Elder Scrolls six higher rock be sure to leave a comment with all of your brain candy for everyone to feast upon I would greatly appreciate it we also need all of your comments under ideas about high rock being the setting for the Elder Scrolls six as there is of course the Elder Scrolls 6 re discussion series where I go through a comment section of each Elder Scrolls 6 discussion video harvest the best juiciest ideas from you guys and then we'll represent them in a video so you guys can have a voice too and hopefully together we can affect the outcome of the Elder Scrolls 6 anyway I want to thank you very much for watching be sure to check out my other Elder Scrolls 6 videos down in the description along with my social medias leave your comments with your thoughts and theories for the Elder Scrolls 6 high rock please don't forget to Like share and subscribe and greatly appreciate it and if you're up for it consider becoming a patron in our modern day on YouTube and pocalypse so thank you very much for watching I'll see you shortly in the next video more importantly I'll see in High Rock [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 465,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: High, Rock, Breton, Orc, Orsimer, Orsinium, Adamantine, Tower, Elder, Scrolls, Six, scrolls 6, VI, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, bethesda, release, date, todd, howard, leaked, discussion, tamriel, camel, works, camelworks, interview, online, ESO, TESO, TES, dwemer, topics, multiplayer, wish, list, secrets, hidden, legends, Ayleid, Daedra, Aedra, Daedric, Dragon, Knights, Orders, factions, new, races, locations, arena, daggerfall, zenimax, media, games, studio, softworks, redguards, nords, hammerfell, yokuda, thras, maormer, empire, magic, speculation, news
Id: 1yPKDhJ6k1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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