Elder Scrolls 6: Hammerfell - Our Ideal Elder Scrolls 6 Game Set in Hammerfell

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holy fuck 2 hours long.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FAIRYTALE_DINOSAUR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Excellent writing and narration. Shamelessly cringey fanstuff, done really well. I love it, keep it up!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IAte9PriestessesAMA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If it ends up being designed by FudgeMuppet, I don't want to play it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snifflebeard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's going on ladies and gentlemen it is Michael here with Scott and today we're proud to present you with our latest ideal game video the ideal elder scrolls six hammer fell there has been a lot of debate as to where elder scrolls 6 will be set some people are sure we'll be set in the sandy warrior culture province of the Red Guards while others have their bets placed on the mountains forests and Badlands of High Rock a game allowing you to explore Breton society and their kingdoms others predict that Elder Scrolls 6 seems to be quite ambitious so much so that Elder Scrolls 6 will take place in both provinces giving you more exploration than ever before here at fudge Muppet we plan to brainstorm all of these videos and today the focus is on a game entirely set in Hammerfell speaking of brainstorming we had so much fun sharing our ideas for this video with you on our YouTube stream and we'd love to discuss more ideas for other ideal game videos soon so if you're quite creative and you want to kind of bounce ideas around with us live be sure to come to our next stream times will be announced on my Twitter linked in the description below with the timestamps also we've made separate videos discussing topics like new skills improved mechanics and so on so we're not going to have an entire video section dedicated to it we want to focus on fleshing out the world of this game the factions location story quests choices and consequences and so on however do stay tuned for a future related video because we do want to upgrade some of the mechanics decisions that we talked about in our ideal Elder Scrolls 6 video all the way back from 2014 also if you love this content and you want to help support the channel while getting a sweet piece of merch in the process we've just released a brand new fudge Muppet T with logo designs available on all kinds of apparel and even on phone cases the black t-shirts are my favorite so if you want to get this sensational stylized logo design on your skin but you don't have the heart to get it tattooed check out the teespring link in the description below and thank you so much for making what we do possible if you enjoy this video be sure to leave a like and a comment so we know you want more and please do consider sharing this with Bethesda and telling them which things you believe they need to implement now let's draw our curved swords and gallop straight into this video peace uncovering what this game is all about as Scott sets up this brand new immersive world to explore the year is 203 of the fourth era the Empire is crumbling the sinew holding it together is far stretched and straining in Skyrim Civil War wages in a season unending the dragon threat is gone but the Dragonborn has disappeared from the face of nirn last seen wandering the northern lands of souls time the old Mary dominion is stirring waiting like a tiger for its chance to pounce and sink its teeth into the Empire once again but among the lands of Tamriel one stands strong in stock defiance of larger powers than itself that land is home to the Red Guards that land his hammer fell when the Empire signs the white gold Concordat and coward before the elves for fear of annihilation they had the gall to abandon Hammerfell to fend for itself a land in a people who would not lie down and accept the rulership of the Altima like ancient battles with the left-handed elves the Red Guards faced down the armies of Myr the once divided forebears descendants of the warrior caste and crowns descendants of the aristocracy were brought closer than ever before after the forebears of Sentinel helped break the old marry siege of the Crown City her goth this reconciliation between the two factions combined with five years of bloody resistance resulted in a vengeful triumph forcing the Dominion into a treaty the second Treaty of straw smack I signed in the year 180 since this time for 23 years the Red Guards have proudly ruled themselves bending the knee to no one Empire or Dominion however it's important to note the lack of a High King the last of which died during the conquest of Tiber Septim the individual forbear and crowned kingdoms swore fealty to the empire becoming vassals but without the Empire the centralization does not exist each Kingdom is completely autonomous with cultural obligations and allegiances to the political factions the forebears and the Crown's as well as a broader shared cultural identity with all of Hammerfell but there is no crowns leader nor forebears leader it is helpful to think of them as cultural presets rather than strict defined factions as a general rule the Crown's tend to be more traditional and conservative preferring the old Yakunin pantheon of gods whereas the forebears tend to be more cosmopolitan and to open preferring to worship the eight Divine's deities u kuden only in name among these kingdoms you have many smaller factions scattered throughout the various nomadic tribes of the alla khair the orcs of the new or sinned iam the salah' tempest asin's the circle of magi Annelle on here the vile Namira cult called red scuttle the temples the vampire clans the sword singer revival ascend nightly orders such as the order of the Scarab and the order of diagonal we have an entire faction sections dedicated to all of these offering a much more in-depth explanation so you understand the setup now let's talk about the land of Hammerfell itself briefly yes there is a lot of sand but this land is not old desert like some may think mountains in the north Badlands savannas grasslands and forests rivers and gorgeous beaches and a yes of course there is the infamous al akir desert in the West creatures such as assassin beetles giant scorpions crocodiles jackals and harpies June races camels dagger box and fennec foxes there are many animals and creatures inhabiting the diverse biomes of this land the cities themselves are styled in a fashion similar to those of real world North Africa and the Middle East expect ornate domed roofs bazaars mounds of spices Persian style rugs and drapery buildings styled after places that exist in Morocco Muslim Spain Libya Egypt Iran and ancient Mesopotamia think Babylon and Sumer expect the Red Guard dress to be decorative and diverse turbans piercings tattoos African style masks light armors cotton silks etc we later dive into the map in much greater detail talking about specific biomes city settlements and what's going on in all of them but you should get the vibe of it all at a glance as for the premise of the game I think that it's best explained by the very next section which is the opening to the Elder Scrolls 6 Hammerfell followed by the story and plot remember there are timestamps in the description which can be used to skip around from section to section as well as the specific discussed factions locations and so so how does our game begin what way would you have an Elder Scrolls six set in hammerfell began well as a prisoner of course we can't bring ourselves to break the tradition and it can often serve as a nice blank start so let me try and set the scene first there is a character creation screen where you make your character's name race and appearance it's a solid black all around you with some smoky effects for texture and the lighting is perfectly even so that you can create your character perfectly you then select done and the game begins it starts as a black screen slowly you start hearing the whistling wind and brushing of sand you start hearing footsteps the sound of step and then the following sink and slide that happens in the sand the screen is still black it's been seven seconds you hear people speaking in an unidentifiable language it's yoku the ancient Akutan language you hear camels grunting and being packed with luggage footsteps come closer the screen is still black the footsteps get louder and louder than stop and with a giant thud you are kicked awake the early morning Sun gleaming in the corner of your eyes a heavily garbed red guard begins shouting at you and yoku he gets in front of you and reefs you up by rope bindings on your wrists your eyes are greeted by the many sands of the al'akir and the dunes that surround you with rocks jutting from them you see various al'akir nomads packing camels speaking in yoku getting ready to travel the nomads that pulls you up ties your rope to his camel everyone mounts up except you and you start walking at an uncomfortably fast pace dragged behind the camel you crest a sand dune and begin descending the other side while the title Elder Scrolls six Hammerfell appears on the screen and fades out again as you descend you are able to see the ocean in the distance beyond some rocky sandy scrubland suddenly an arrow flies through the neck of the Nomad rider that was riding the camel you're attached to red guard mounted swordsmen and archers charge over a dune to your right the nomads and mounted red guards begin fighting but the camel you're attached to panics and runs ripping you off your feet dragging you through the sands your breathing is heavy and panicked and bang you hit your head on a rock knocking you out a black screen and then whoosh you re awakened in a panic you are underneath the tree you can hear seagulls and you can see the water shining in the mid-morning Sun you're closer to the ocean than you were you turn to the right Red Guard soldiers cleaning their swords of blood feeding their horses you look down at your hands unbound a Red Guard soldier begins walking over to you as he noticed you had awoken easy now you've hit your head pretty hard how'd you end up being captured by nomads you say nothing as you stand up again and regain your composure and before you could potentially respond he says no matter look I'm the captain of the guard in ghilane just east of here we've been looking for these nomads for days they've been causing lots of trouble in the region you're lucky to Walker doesn't want you yet but if you stay out here like this with nothing but rags you will surely meet him here take this ribbon if you hand this to rag in the temple at Killeen you will know I sent you he'll help you out he hands you an iron scimitar taken from one of the dead nomads don't get caught again and when you see reg tell him Hannon said hi the red guard captain Hannon then mounts the horse and rides off to the west now here you are in the land of Hammerfell about here on the map the world is your oyster you have nothing but the clothes on your back a ribbon for reg and an iron scimitar not a gold piece to your name why how when you were captured by the al akir nomads is all up to you why you were in hammerfell is for you to decide now at this point you were the closest to the city of ghilane and you have been pointed to go east towards it and meet with reg in the temple you do not have to if you do not want to instead go straight for her goth or straight into the al akir desert do anything you like but do so at your own fortune or peril taking the ribbon to regen ghilane will begin to open up the main storyline but it was really really important for us to have a game beginning which does not have the same artificial sense of urgency as the previous two games in Skyrim it makes you feel like quick I need to tell the y'all about the dragon threat now in Oblivion it's quick get the amulet to Joffrey and close shut the gates of oblivion where as we believe the true appeal of these games is the open world and exploration all the little things you can do so we want the opening and the first part of the story to open up more slowly and allow you to explore what the world has to offer without encouraging you to rush your way from main quest to main quest but of course there will be parts of the story that escalate to urgency but I guess now is a good time to talk about the main story and plot like we just said in the previous section we don't want the story to be rushing you unnecessarily through it we want to create an environment where you are encouraged to explore and take part in the world so we need a story with lulz and Peaks pacing and slow escalation I think it's a template we would use something like a three-act structure so the main story begins giving the ribbon to Regan ghilane then it starts slowly and Loki encourages you to see what ghilane has to offer as well as exposing you to a few new locations building up to the climax at the end of act 1 and then once that is over there will be a call off at the start of act 2 a spot in the main story where it feels natural to spend some time going off and pursuing other things the same deal as act 1 as you pursue it it would escalate to another climax and then cool off after and with act 3 there will be a natural break before it but then I think the urgency will be picking up as you would expect so with this kind of structure you can choose to do whatever you like straight away with no pressure but then if you do decide to pursue the main story there would be two more main points in the story after climax one and after climax to where it feels very natural to take a break and go spend some time with all the side quests faction storylines exploration etc so speaking of story structure let's actually talk about the plot itself what it involves roughly I'll try to break it down and split it into three acts but do take note the story would of course be far more meticulous and nuanced than what we can say here this is already a massive video so at certain points you will have to fill in the gaps as we say things like there's a quest line here and so on but still we lay it all out so enjoy so as you know by now to really begin act 1 you must take the ribbon you were given at the start of the game to rag at the temple in ghilane when you reach ghilane and you find the temple you will find rague a Red Guard warrior priest a devotee of eight Divine's and veteran of the war with the Aldmeri Dominion he was valiant warrior but he took his faith more seriously when he witnessed the devastating aftermath of the war with the elves he took to charity and helping those who could not help themselves Rey welcomes you with open arms gifts you new clothes and five gold pieces as well as offering you a place to sleep if instead you choose not to do this for a long time you have the option to say Hanan gave me this but I managed to sort my affairs out and then it continues the same as you go to leave the temple a group of thuggish looking red guards come in demanding that Rey give them the location of asan as Sun is another of the priests at the temple one with a bit of a gambling problem turns out he owes a bunch of money to the local kingpin Baron Erlich who also happens to be a noble third cousin of the king of ghilane the following quest involves finding asan and helping him settle his debt to do this you must help Baron elec with various tasks to pay off the debt or help the return Hanan captain of the guard take down the kingpin and have him jailed both outcomes lead you to meet a mysterious figure who was organizing a meeting for a deal with the Baron if you sided with Baron who let you go in his place with some of his men or if you started with the captain you find out about the mate and go there with the captain and his men disguised as the Barons men both ways get you inside the you couidn't ruins where it will take place here the hooded masked figure and his acolytes meet you the mysterious leader the one you meet is in completely black robes and wraps with long sleeves that go beyond his hands and a mask that one could not possibly see through there is a single hole over the mouth and the pattern of the ceramic mask is made to look as if it were a whirlpool being sucked into the mouth the acolyte spread throughout the ruins seemed to be dressed and armed like the ala qian nomads but instead they have distinct black guards as opposed to the usual lighter colors and patterns the leader walks towards you it's very silent in atmospheric you look straight at his creepy mask and then suddenly he speaks in an unsettling echoed voice this one is not part of the equation remove it the latest steps backwards and disappears through a magical portal that opened for him immediately his acolytes closed in on you and your allies and you fight your way out of the ruins either the head henchman of the Baron or the captain Hannon reveals they found on the corpse of an acolyte this golden bar stamped with an unknown seal on it after words you either report back to the Baron or if you sided with the captain you report to the king of ghilane both of them depending on who you sided with direct you to a woman named Juliet in her Ghaith a Breton merchant and banker if there was someone who could possibly know where this gold came from it was her you head off to her gate find Juliet and she tells you that she has seen this seal before used by pirates especially in the illiac Bay it's pirates gold that's what the seal marks she suggests seeking out passage to Stross Makai and asking around there when you arrive at port hunting in straw smoke I if you ask anyone about pirates gold most people will refuse to talk about it but when you ask some of these shady types they will direct you to an Argonian named yellow fish in the docks yellow fish turns out to be a fence for criminal types he tells you that he did not sell any of this gold to any black robed cultists his usual clientele aren't usually religious types with some persuasion threat or favor offering he will identify an Ultima merchant at Abbas landing that will buy and sell in pirate's gold you head to Abbas landing the free merchant city nestled in Hughes Bain so before we move on the idea so far is that you can be introduced to the game in a pretty insular environment in and around ghilane a for bear Kingdom you get a taste of the larger picture with the mysterious masked figure and now you have an investigation that leads you to her gate a crown Kingdom and then just Ross Makai a crown principality both of which give you the chance to spend quite a bit of time there if you so choose now you're in Abbas Landing where through the Ultima merchant you will identify who originally bought the gold you have and through that identify the cult hideout hidden in Hughes Bain with the help of a thief named Loras you fight your way through the hideout and encounter the mysterious mask to leader once again surrounded by Dwemer machinery and automatons the cult had been using the Pirates gold to buy a black market Dwemer artifacts he is accompanied by a single cultist who goes to his knees as the mysterious leader seems to breathe in his soul sucking it from the cultists body he then turns to a modified dwemer automaton he had constructed and breathes the soul into its core then once again he disappears through the portal with the thief Loras you fight the Dwemer automaton boss a giant modified Centurion was a magical Ward shield armed firebreath and a sword arm once you defeat this boss you and Laura search the hideout and discover a secret passage hidden by a movable pillar a private room for the leader is behind with maps and notes soul gems and bits of Dwemer machinery midway through tinkering splayed out on the table was a Dwemer design of vast complexity Loris advises you to find a Dwemer expert to decipher these notes because whatever it is it looks dangerous so to give a quick recap you go to ghilane help us on with his debt by helping the baron or captain of the guard you meet the mysterious leader find the gold bar go to her Ghaith get pointed to straw smoke I then get sent to Abbas landing with the help of a thief named loris you discover the cults hideout then you fight a modified Dwemer automaton made by the mysterious leader you defeat the boss and then discover the latest secret room full of schematics and notes that seem to be designing some kind of new machinery now what we call act 2 begins loris suggests you find an expert someone who can decipher the notes most of which is written in the dorm Eris language after asking you are pointed in the direction of ghilane to speak to you Naja a red guard of the Circle of Magi who is currently advising the king she is a master scholar of ancient languages and she should be able to tell you what they mean when you get an audience with en Asia she asks for a favor in return while she deciphers these schematics you are to investigate a conspiracy to assassinate the king of ghilane you seek out either the captain of the guard Hannon or Baron Bullock depending on who you helped earlier and either will help you in the investigation this begins a series of short quests the final of which involves discovering information that the assassination is to go down during a celebratory feast you inertia and various Guardsmen are on watch protecting the king and you cannot find any strangers who are not supposed to be there suddenly there is a terrifying nasal roaring squeal and a web or emerged and began slaughtering its way to the king this is a small boss fight and when you kill the web or you investigate the corpse and find out that it was one of the servants from the kitchen the evidence points to a great a conspiracy connected to the Thalmor but it cannot be entirely proven regardless the king of ghilane has been saved now that the king is safe at least for now you Nadja while you were investigating and protecting the king has deciphered the cult schematics and tells you that these are designs for what looks like a Dwemer super weapon a weapon that could level an entire city in an instant she urges you to stop the cult she contacts the rest of the circle of magi and sets them on the task as well as you leave the palace at ghilane a messenger delivers you a note it says to meet the sender where the al'akir meets the lands of Sentinel it's from a nomad chieftain you go to meet the nomad chief he says to you that he has heard of your dealings with this mysterious cult and that he knows more about them he goes on to explain that this mysterious leader with the mask has been recruiting from the tribes of the al'akir with the promise of restoring the sacred ancient ways for all of Hammerfell this is why so many of the cult members are dressed like nomads but in black they are no man tribals recruited to this maniacs cause the Nomad chief while he dislikes the degenerate Redguard kingdoms he believes that this mysterious leader is unholy and his path far from the will of the gods he wishes to stop this maniac recruiting from the tribes he tells you that even his eldest son was swayed to the cause so he must stop this you ask him how and he responds by saying that his greatest trackers have been surveying the cults activity and have determined that they have a base of operations and Sentinel but as a nomadic tribe of the al'akir they would have a hard time gaining entrance to the city their peoples don't have the best of histories with one another so you will go and investigate you will discover that the captain of the Garden Sentinel has been swayed by the cult and has helped them create a window for the king of Sentinel to be killed you warn the prince and aunt on Guam the bretton member of the Magi in service to the king when you arrive at the throne room realizing the guards have left their posts at the command of the corrupt captain you charge in to find the mysterious leader grasping the king by the throat and sucking in his soul with the strange mask the king has then dropped to the floor dead the prince and Anton burst in from another door arriving too late the masked leader turns to you and shouts anomaly staring right at you he then instantly teleports through a portal but Anton quickly casts a spell to hold open a portal and yells at you to follow him he only hold it briefly you go through the portal and are teleported to a large stone room with your only exit closing behind you the mysterious masked leader turns to fight you and now ensues a boss battle he uses all kinds of powerful magic as well as a khopesh sword seemingly made of Dwemer material he refers to you as an anomaly and shouts that you must die you are not part of the equation all in his terrifying echoey voice as you get him to half health he is able to stun you and run from the room as a group of Dwemer spiders awaken and attack you you beat them and follow him fight your way through a few cult members in pursuit of the masked leader you fight him again in another room higher up getting him down to 10% health before I stuns you again and flees up the staircase you follow him and it leads out into a vista of snowy mountains you realize you are in a tower amongst the peaks of the dragon tail mountains you follow the trail of blood to the leader and see him hunched holding his arm panting through his mask creating the signature echo sound he stops and speaks to you as the snowy winds Gale and lightning storm brews anomaly he shouts at you stop here he begins to speak to you you can ask him all kinds of questions but he remains cryptic and he reveals that his plan is in motion and cannot be stopped you demand him to remove his mask to which he states are you sure you cannot unsee what is seen he pauses for a moment very well then he reaches to remove his mask and reveals what lay beneath a Red Guard face but horrifyingly transformed his lower face his brass draw and in place of a mouth five soul gem looking stones his eyes are entirely white and bits of machinery that looked like the legs of a Dwemer spider are bound into the sides of his face looking as if they are straining to hold the skin onto his head a horrifying village he shakes off his black robes wraps and hood to reveal his full form his gaping chest reveals a Dwemer Dynamo core like those you would see in automatons his body is a horrifying form of twisted bone flesh and brass crudely stitched skin stretching and binding this monstrosity together I am inevitable we must arrive at the sum he falls backwards off the tower and as you look off the edge you see a portal closing in midair he had escaped you take his mask from the ground and return to the prints of Sentinel and Anton with his father dead the prince is overwhelmed with grief but he must soon prepare to take his place you only have bad news saying that the leader ultimately escaped you hand Anton the mask and you tell him of his horrifying form as well as all the talk about the equation and how you are an anomaly Anton says that he will take the mask and consult his sources on what this means he also notes that the prince has all his available resources working for him all his spies reporting to him looking for cult activity he says he will contact you in two weeks so in summary you find here Naja the Magi and she says she will decipher the notes you prevent the assassination of the king of ghilane you fight a web boy in the throne room King is saved Yasha tells you the schematics are for his super weapon that could level a whole city you were contacted by a nomad chief who knows more about the cult saying that they are recruiting from the nomad tribes with promise of return to the ancient ways for all of Hammerfell he points you to Sentinel to hunt out the base of operations there you find out about a plot to kill the king of Sentinel but you arrived too late yet you are able to follow them as serious leader through the portal you fight him he ends up revealing his true form and then he escapes you return to Anton and he says who will contact you in 14 days which by the way means 14 in-game days where you can either choose to just sleep or wait through them or instead go and pursue some other quest lines or side quests maybe just explore a little so now act 3 begins after the 14 days of game time has passed the reason we thought it would be good to clearly give you this break is to allow you to stretch your legs and do what you like for a bit because act 3 is going to pick up a lot and the urgency is going to accelerate so it may not feel natural to take a break midway through acts 3 Anton contacts you saying to meet him in a hidden location within the two Tambu forest to the east of Sentinel when you arrive you find a small hunter's Shack guarded by two Sentinel honor guards in disguise they let you in and when inside another guard directs you to go down a small hatch which opens up into a secret basement inside he find Anton where the red guard man strapped to a rack Bruges bloody Anton tells you they managed to find this high-ranking cult member who had recently defected from the information they tortured out of him it seems that the mysterious leader killed the king of Sentinel and took his soul so that he could call upon the Kings ancestor an ancient Yakunin sword singer the ancestors soul is at rest in a yakunin tomb located roughly between Allen here rehad and Skaven it's a very powerful soul which will then be used to power the Dwemer super weapon which apparently is being constructed too deep within a hidden network of Dwemer ruins accessed by the ancient Dwemer city called Valen fell capital of the rock and clan additionally it turns out that the cult member being tortured who gave up this information is the son of the Nomad chief who previously helped you here you can decide whether to kill the son or release him back to his father and this will determine whether or not a side quest line is available from the Nomad chief later on regardless while Anton and the prince of Sentinel gather to take a force to Valen FAL your next move is to find the occurred and ruin and when you find it you fight your way through various members of the cult as well as Dwemer automatons accompanying them eventually you find the final chamber is blocked off and forced shut but you find a side entrance through another passage that leads to a surrounding balcony and you bear witness to the unmasked a leader of the cult speaking with an ancient yakunin specter the room is lined with a few Cultus guards the you coud inspector says you are not of my blood how have you summoned me I demand your name the leader is standing there bare-chested wearing only arabian style harem pants like you would see on a Latin for example but their dark red I am zoom I add my blood is not important at my mind my mind contains the keys to our chains the liberation of our souls for over a thousand years I have calculated the perfect equation prophecies determined events the ripples of causality they all point to one perfect a moment where the world of lorkhan of Sep offshore is unraveled the mortal coil unbound sacrilege the euchre inspector replies but is quickly cut off by the leader I don't need your approval I will however need your soul in one great breath Samoyed sucks in the soul of the Spectre absorbed into the soul gem in his mouth the leader then turns looking around the room I know you're here anomaly i recalculated since our last meeting the equation has you accounted for you can't stop me I am inevitable I will complete the work of the deep elves I will do the work the cobbles of Somerset wish they could but without the need of towers why spend time knocking the spokes of a wheel when you can just break the center now it is revealed that Samoyed is not planning to use the Dwemer super weapon to merely eliminate cities and return Hammerfell to the ancient ways he is going to use it to undo mundus to dissolve the mortal realm I leave you with a parting gift Zumaya raises his hands and purple energy shoots out flying towards the various coffins around the room he then creates a portal and leaves various secured and mummies burst from their tombs and rise to attack you as do Cultus members after you defeat the enemies you walk to the central coffin where the you curtain sword singer was buried you search for any clues but then you hear a hiss and there lies a Cobra and before you can react it latches onto your neck and injects its poison your sight fades and you're thrust into a vision that has you following a snake through the stars it shows you flashes of ancient battles against left-handed elves in you cooter it shows the regard our carving its way through Hammerfell it shows a Red Guard family happy and in love with one another it is showing you the meaning of the mortal world the love the triumph the life all made significant by the existence of loss and death the contrast you reawaken and the Kerber shows you a secret passage out of the tomb whether this was a psychoactive venom that gave you a hell of a trip or whether it was cept cons sending you a vision that's for you to decide regardless you emerged from the term and have met with the view of something or inspiring yet fiying above the allergy desert to the west is a giant beam of rippling green energy that has shot into the sky creating a rift to a furious that is growing larger and larger it looks as if someone has ripped open the sky and mere blinding blue light is shining through with sparkly blue gelatinous like substances dripping out into the ground below you now travel as fast as you can to Valen fell and you find a temporary camp set up before it the prince or i should now say the king of sentinel is here with a small army along with the magi anton who himself is accompanied by some ellen here battle majors you get there and explain the revelation about the super weapon and Zuma adds real plan they inform you that they have been trying to fight their way in and they got pretty far but then a great beam shot from the sky in many Dwemer machines awoke and began helping the cultists fight back so they had to retreat it's at this point where an army comprised of forces from Guerlain hagatha Tanith ins gavin arrived to reinforce and help carve their way into a voluntold this is the epic final mission where you'll be entering valen fel a massive Dwemer ruin fighting with an army through cultists and automatons you navigate traps and fight your way through once hidden passages that lead to the chamber of the super weapon what is left of your small army is now faced with a final boss a Dwemer Colossus that guards the entrance to the super weapon chamber this Colossus is huge it's a very intense battle and what was left of the small army will have surely died you enter the chamber a massive hollow cylinder with a bridge across to the weapon itself pointing skyward there are depths surrounding it allowing for the sands of the desert to flow in without submerging the weapon as you cross the bridge you see this bronze mega structure up close humming and flowing with fearsome energy as you look up you can see the sky this kind of structure could have only been made with tonal architecture of the Dwemer in the center of the spire like weapon you see the mired hooked up to it strewn with metal cables and machinery the soul gems in his mouth area are humming intensely this is where you walk to him helpless as he monologues you about how you defy the equation how this is impossible but you're an anomaly how don't you realize that your convictions and perceptions are root in the mortal curse and of course because you gotta save the day you ignore the hell out of him and you rip out the Dynamo core in his gaping chest and with that you seek purple energy stream out of his soldier mouth the souls are freed and the machine deactivates the beam stops flowing and the rift that was tearing the mortal realm asunder begins closing this is where you get to talk to all the various people and get closure you get celebrated yadda yadda you get honored by the new king of Sentinel and gifted a boatload of riches that's it that's the main story over and you're free to continue exploring the wealth of content in Hammerfell now I want to sum this up by saying that it was our intention with this storyline not to have some prophesized hero story like where you're the Dragonborn we wanted to leave role-playing rooms so that you can be an absolute nobody you just happen to get involved through seemingly unrelated events and are seen as an anomaly in the villains plan you weren't foretold by a prophecy you possessed no special powers beyond your own skills you simply were a factor that demands calculations didn't account for resulting in his plans failure so the last little bit we wanted to mention was a little postgame fun well you remember the material called aetherium from the dawn guard dlc well essentially aetherium is the glowy blue material that originated from Aetherius the Dwemer who minded in Skyrim ended up fighting over it and had an aetherium forge that was used to craft with it well we thought it would be cool if that the rift in the sky had allowed a theory or glueck to fall out and hardened into shards of aetherium scattered across the desert perhaps you can find the shards which opens up a quest that involves some Dwemer researches and perhaps discovering the rock and clans attempt and replicating an aetherium Forge then the quest could involve you completing the forge with the help of the Dwemer researchers and then you have the ability to craft aetherium artifacts like the shield crown and staff of skyrim but also some new varied artifacts and weapons we just thought it would be a nice chunk of additional content after the main story is complete now it's time to explore all the factions we've come up with in more depth factions are one of the most exciting parts of any Elder Scrolls game and they definitely help to facilitate a main aspect of the game the feeling that you can go and be anyone you want to be in our ideal elderscrolls six we'd want instances where there's more than one faction for a certain place style so instead of having one magic guild that all majors have to join there could be two with differing ideologies this allows for character builds to join guilds with different morals while using the same playstyle however doing this isn't always necessary and we don't want to create so many different factions to facilitate every kind of character possible to the point where you end up with a huge list of joinable guilds but they all lack substance beneath the surface so some play styles may only have just the one main guild the fit however in these guilds the player may have more agency what I mean by this is that there may only be one Thieves Guild but as you progress in rank and gain more of a say in the guild you might be able to make decisions to move the faction in one way or another depending on your philosophical views other factions would be more ideological or political such as the crowns and the forebears or more religious such as various orders of Yakunin Imperial or Daedric worship some of these factions may not like each other and if you proceed deeply into one you may eventually reach a cut-off point where you won't be able to join an opposed faction for example if you are the leader of an Assassin's Guild you will be barred from gaining the blessings of various Atrix gods and you'll be unable to join certain religious orders that said things will stay relatively accessible for the most part there's a different balance with faction options in Elder Scrolls games versus Fallout games and it wouldn't feel right for example if in Skyrim you couldn't go into solitude and do quests there because you were associated with the Stormcloaks for helping out too much in Windhelm and the guards just attack you on sighs it might feel realistic but it just doesn't sit well with us for the exploration and adventure of a fun Elder Scrolls playthrough we also prefer all of the factions discovered to be shown in your journal or menu similarly to how they were in previous Elder Scrolls games here the player can see their rank in various guilds that they've joined which is a feature we want to bring back as well as just any faction they've become a part of that may not have any ranks at all with all of that said let's dive into the factions and discuss what they're all about so let's talk about a classic faction that for the first time in a major Elder Scrolls game will not be playing a main part or be in control of the province we are of course talking about the Empire of Cyrodiil preceding the events of the Great War and the white gold Concordat hammerfell was removed from the empire leaving the empire with territories only in Cyrodiil Skyrim and High Rock naturally since the Empire essentially abandoned the Red Guards the Empire is not held in high favor yet there are those who still believe in the ideals of the Empire and hope to rejoin and perhaps even reform the Empire Imperial sympathy will be scarce among Crown territories but it can be found amongst forebear Nobles ultimately the Empire is not a joinable faction and serves only to enhance the setting you would meet many Red Guard veterans of the Great War and you would see some of the great battlefields and graves as a result of it perhaps you would even see some Imperial Breton or Nord veterans and soldiers that have come to pay homage or remembrance anyways it's important to mention them but let's move on to another familiar faction the Thalmor like the Empire the Thalmor will be playing a much much smaller role in Hammerfell compared to that of skyrim hema fellows are not part of the Empire and the Red Guards fought and defeated the old Murray Dominion forcing the second Treaty of Stross makai the High Elves slinked back to their homeland across the seas and the Red Guards were victorious as you could imagine the thermal would not be popular at all and it would not be the case as with Skyrim where there is a thermal embassy in Justice er's roaming the land searching for Talos heretics instead it is a quite hostile environment if anything the Red Guards bad history with elves both recent with the ordinary Dominion and ancient with the left-handed Alps has given them some severe prejudices which of course varies from person to person but is common enough that it is a problem for elves perhaps Stross makai is the only place where thermal diplomats are ever found perhaps trying to open trade or make deals but I imagine their attempts would be unfruitful the main way you would experience the Thalmor in the game would actually be through secret thalmor agents who are hidden it would be possible to do a side quest or a small series of side quests for them but nothing huge I thought it would be cool if you began doing a side quest for a Khajiit member of a caravan what at first seems like a typical mercenary type mission you find the goods and deliver it to the drop only to find out at that moment that you were actually delivering an artifact to a thermal agent and you had actually been unknowingly hired by a khajiit Thalmor spy he would have the choice to hand it over and get paid still or you may instead keep the artifact and kill the agent as well as turn in the Khajiit but overall once again like the Empire the tower more are playing a smaller role this time serving mainly to facilitate the setting rather than be an active participant we think heavy thermal presence would make a lot more sense in a high rope game or in a multi province game featuring Hammerfell and higher rock and we'll probably be making ideal Elder Scrolls 6 videos for those games too okay so let's talk about the two major political forces or rather political cultures of Hammerfell to the simplest most basic of definitions states the Crown's are the descendants of the nota Tambu that is the noble caste of you CUDA and forebears are the descendants of the regarded the warrior wave that first came to Hammerfell and made way for the rest of the occurrence in the most general sense the Crown's are far more conservative and traditional and they worship the you coudn't gods whereas the forebears are far more adaptable and cosmopolitan which has more or less led them to originally accept the Empire and the eight Divine's with some red guard naming but we will get into the temples later now it seems from what we can tell in the law that the forebears and the crowns are not a political party in our democratic understanding of the term or a solid block alliance or anything like that it seems to be more of a loose cultural grouping based on heritage and values meaning that for bear kingdoms usually a lie with four bear kingdoms and crowns kingdoms with crowns kingdoms but at the end of the day they are all still independent kingdoms with their own ambitions and reasons for various combinations of political stances to help make the point clearer look to Skyrim and Cyrodiil throughout history Skyrim has generally culturally been divided into two halves the eastern old holds places such as winter hold windhelm dawn Sauron Rifton and they are generally the more conservative holding on too strong Nordic traditions with no compromises as opposed to the more cosmopolitan by Nordic standards Western holds places such as Markarth solitude mortal and white run and more recently full truth which by the way at various times in history has been considered part of the collodion estates now these wholes are still run by individual autonomous yards who can fight amongst each other or ally with each other and when they do alliances don't always match up along these cultural lines perfectly but as a general rule that Eastern West holds have general cultural differences but they are still individually autonomous in Cyrodiil it's the same with the esoteric magical mercantile Lebanese of eastern Syria dill and the staunch proud Orthodox Colossians of Western serie dill these let the forebears and crowns are cultural and pseudo political distinctions now for these reasons you will understand that there is no joinable crowns faction or joinable forbears faction there are simply individual kingdoms of Hammerfell that are either forebears or crowns which is a major factor in what their culture is likely to be you can help individual kingdoms and perhaps even gain noble status where you can gain lands titles and such but just because you are in good with the Ghaith does not mean that Skaven another crown city will also love you of course each Kingdom has its own individual crime system like each hold in Skyrim does now the law isn't entirely clear on which cities and kingdoms of Hammerfell are definitively for bears or crowns it is known that they even change hands from time to time as is the case with Sentinel but we have essentially found all the Canon mentions in the lore about whether they are crowns or for bears and for the ones that require guesswork well we've made educated guesses to determine their status what is generally said is that the crowns tend to be in the more isolated inland places away from external influences whereas the four bears tend to embrace trade and other cultures for the Crown's we have the coastal city of hagatha as well as Stross Makai there is the inland Skaven and the mountainous cities of Dragon Star and Ellen here as for the four bears their kingdoms make up most of the coastal regions Sentinel is the largest of the cities which harbors the illiac Bay in the cities of ghilane and Tanith are both in the south on the water and then further south towards the Gold Coast you have the four best city of rehad the other important cultural political entity of the red guards are the tribes of aller key in nomads the a Lurky desert seems to begin just north of a goth ghilane and stretching to below sentinel within this vast space and many ruins and secrets to be found but among them are the tribes of nomads that inhabit the land now for this group we have drawn a lot of inspirations from a very similar north african cultural group called the tarick's we envision the a lurking no-man's generally to be ultra ultra concern and traditional they are exclusively red guard and maintain the euchre in God's worship yet make zero compromises for luxury and wealth as all kingdoms would they live their traditional spiritual but harsh lives in the desert riding their camels from Oasis to Oasis migrating as per the seasons setting up their camps they have an intense raiding culture and treat all outsiders with disdain they are quite the problem for the aforementioned kingdoms which bought at the al akir and it's not like the kingdoms can just send their armies into the desert because the nomads are brilliant warriors and thrive in the extreme terrain but what has occurred is that the kingdoms have instead enticed nomads away from the lifestyle and modernized certain tribes or individuals offering them esteemed warrior positions examples of such can be seen in Skyrim kamar - and his Aliki warriors would have once been nomads when they were young that have now taken esteemed positions in Tanith but as for the rest that have not abandoned tradition generally those in the most remote parts of the al akir they live their lives to the traditional letter it's also worth noting that their main god of worship is SATA called the world's skin we thought it would be interesting if these alakay nomads still consider themselves your curtains and that most of them still speak the language yoku with only a few speaking the common Tamriel ik this would make it somewhat difficult for you as the player to interact with many of them that is if they aren't hostile to begin with many groups will actively attack you whereas others will only attack you if you come close to their camp but depending on your quest your alliances your skills you can convince them to perhaps trade or talk with you experience will vary from tribe to tribe and ultimately we really want the al akir nomads to have that indigenous traditional and ancient feel like the ash landers of morrowind the skull of soul slime or the reach men of eastern high rock and western Skyrim but next to talk about there is another political entity another Kingdom but not a Red Guard one not crowned nor forbear we are talking about the city of orcs or sin iam this is the fourth incarnation of all sin iam in Tamriel's history and this time it's in a very different spot rather than High Rock this time it's located in the mountains between Hammerfell and Skyrim and we the perfect spot for it is just to the east of Dragon star which itself presents a split between Hammerfell and Skyrim in terms of architecture and culture the Red Guards with the Breton's have a long storied history with the orcs Gaiden Shinji the legendary Red Guard warrior was instrumental in the first sacking of all sin iam and Red Guards have taken part in sieges pretty much every time or sin iam was built consider also in Red Guard mythology the regarder came to Hammerfell and fought many battles with goblins and their God Moloch aka Malekith or as the goblins call him Moloch so thematically it would be really cool to experience or seen iam in hammerfell and perhaps it would be awesome to join with the forces of dragons starters siege or sin iam or perhaps you could choose to defend it or sin iam would also serve as a palate cleanser by offering an entirely different society to all the Red Guard kingdoms being in Hammerfell we would envision that or sin iam actually features a bunch more goblins ogres and other Malekith type outcasts it'd be interesting to interact with goblin kind on a speaking basis rather than the screeching enemies of the Elder Scrolls for oblivion I think it also makes sense that this time around malacath is the predominant god worshipped considering the previous failures to implement widespread trinamic worship while there may be a few trina mac worshipers Malekith is far more predominant or mulac as he is called by the goblin clans this source in iums creation had a lot of help from the local goblin clans the last of hammerfell that live in the mountainous caverns as well as goblins migrating from clova in fact this source in iums population is 50% goblin and 50% orcs besides a few ogres and giants oak war parties often include an awesome a captain with to walk warriors six goblin warriors and a support unit which is often an ogre and armored troll a well wa a goblin shaman or on rare occasion a giant perfect for sieges this incarnation of Orsini 'm is very militaristic their leader king gorta has learned from the history every time or seen IAM is built every time it is lured into a false sense of security with recognition and allies it ends up destroyed king gorta believes Malekith kind must stand on it and carve out its own slice of tamriel and hold it with bloody force so it's time to talk about the faction of assassins who will you be joining to get your secret killing fix now we actually danced with this idea a little bit in our Elder Scrolls 6 discussion who will replace the Dark Brotherhood in that video we expressed our view that it would not really make sense for the Dark Brotherhood to be in Hammerfell if the game were to be set concurrently or shortly after the events of Skyrim like this game is and we really don't want to rebuild the faction kind of thing so like how morrowind had a unique assassins faction in particular to the geography and culture of the land we would want to make a Red Guard origin assassins faction without the edgy kill for the sake of killing vibe not that we don't like that but it can get old we would like to see something fresh with new ideologies this Assassin's faction is called the salah' Tap they Revere only one God the Akutan God called SAP in your current mythology SAP is analogous to law Khan and initially to survive the helping cycles the cycles where satyr call the serpent eats his own tail until he consumes himself and then is reborn again the gods had to use a method called the Walkabout a method devised by Rybka or told Papa aka the Akutan version of akatosh so Sepp said about to find an easier way of surviving the copic cycles so he with a bunch of the other spirits created Mundus and those spirits became mortals and then after which the perceived tyrant Rybka punished him forcing Sepp to swim about the void of the sky as he jealously tries to eat the stars you could find out way more context in our complete guide to the Gods video but on with the assassins so the founding premise of the salah' Tap was a secret society cult of sap worshipers who directly oppose all the other Yakunin gods as well as their temples and worshippers they believe in SEPs way they seek the secret path a way to live beyond the kelp excite other than the Walkabout of Rybka they seek a transcendence never considered by the servants of the aedra deities the sellotape was founded in the early second century of the fourth era by a radical dissident priests of the yakunin temple named eyes are the two tongues named so because he would preach the Akutan faith during the day to the masses but in the middle of the night would gather with his dissident followers and plan to undermine a temple through infiltration Aiza himself rose to the position of high priest in her gate and many of his followers inhabited lower positions in the temple however his secrets eventually came to light and he would be violently tortured at the command of the king of her goth yi 123 of the fourth era Izar was flayed alive and had his tongue split down the middle showing the people the snake that he was as they paraded him through the streets for all to see but this had the opposite effect that pious king intended you see the salah' tab and its priests had infiltrated the Yakunin priesthood and they begun secretly converting the lower classes the destitute peasantry the shunned all offered promise of a new way to salvation through the secret path of seth Isaiah had become a martyr instead of instilling fear like the king intended Isaiah's death only confirmed their beliefs the nobility and the temples were silencing the truth through SEP they could find true freedom they could transcend and overcome many more dissident priests were outed and executed but others managed to remain within the priesthood secretly spying and communicating with the rest of the salah' tap eyes are the 2-toned has become their sacred symbol the salah' tap seal his eyes are a flame man with a tongue split in two but made to look more like a snake's tongue there is also a serpent meant to represent sep that coils itself around his body the Sal attempt was now known to the world and they would now operate out of an ancient Akutan tomb hidden within the kingdom of Skaven this was their main headquarters where the leadership remained and the spies and assassins of high rank would be trained this base is highly secretive and unknown to the majority of lower rank members within the salah' tap there are other hideouts dotted throughout Hammerfell that regenerant preached to the people of the slums and areas of poverty to find in them loyal spies and assassins the cell attempts lower ranks don't have much in the way of uniform being assassins and spies and all but that is not the case for the higher ranks that remain in the cell attempts main headquarters here lots more ceremonial dresses worn and official armor for the best of assassins but the main identifier of a sellotape member is their trademark weapon a wavy bladed dagger symbolizing the serpent sap in design it would be reminiscent of the real-world indonesian chris blade we just thought a trademark weapon like this would both look distinct and unique as well as fit the serpentine theme of the guild so as the player you would first join this guild through one of the satellite hideouts in Hammerfell perhaps you came across people investigating the murder of a priest or while hearing a salutary preaching in the slums you would join at this low level do various quests such as spying in small-time assassinations but there would be a gradual build-up until you prove yourself as a high ranking member then you'll get to the main headquarters and there is another half of the storyline which involves taking on some higher powers in the new current temple as well as even some nobles and perhaps assassinating some kings ultimately being a member of the sallet app is about dismantling and disrupting the lie that his Red Guard society based around the you cute and deities led by the tyrant rybka who suppress seth as he attempted to find another way to the walkabout in the same way the Crown's in the four bears are like rubes guard tyrants who would wish to suppress the truth of Sep you can see how this assassins faction fits into the red guard cultural landscape as a whole making it feel more intimately connected with the history the culture and mythology of the land plus this storyline has some powerful potential to further explore the akatosh lorkhan Ruettiger set dynamic and just before we move on i will say that this is one of the guilds that closes out another in the case of pursuing the sellotape quest line to a certain point probably about thirty percent through you would be cut off from pursuing the you couldn't temple quest line because of certain characters you would have to kill like we mentioned in the factions intro sometimes we would like to have multiple factions of the same archetype aka two mage factions or two warrior factions so the first of our magic oriented factions is the circle of magi from the so called city of magic ellen here the circle of magi is a somewhat exclusive group made up of various magic users from different walks of life but united in common goal when the Empire abandoned hammerfell so did the synod mages and hurry was one of these synod mages a local Red Guard recruit who had ascended to the rank of Master wizard and she personally led the Synod Hall in Ellen here however when the Empire and Hammerfell she did not abandon her homeland as a pioneer in the restoration and destruction scores of magic she put her skills to use in the war against the ordinary Dominion she personally saved hundreds of lives and proved invaluable to the king of Ellen here and Hari greatly changed the perception of magic for many Red Guards and many flock to her so that they could learn in the aftermath of the war she began the circle of magi a faction of the greatest magical minds accessible however this was not merely a majors guild the circle of magi had a very particular political goal at heart hammer fells interests are at the forefront and in the wake of the war with the old mary dominion many red guards witnessed the devastation that magic can unleash and in order to be better prepared and equipped to deal with such possible enemies in the future they would have to adapt and hari created the circle of magi with the funding of the king of ellen here this was revolutionary especially for a crown kingdom she began training hammer fells first organized regiments of battle mages for ellen here their highest-ranking majors were to offer and advise the various kingdoms of hammer fell and to maintain stability at all costs countering the espionage attempts by the Thalmor and hari leads the circle and personally advises the prince of ellen here his father the king is gravely ill by the time our game takes place only sustained by an Harry's magic at the princes behest the other members of the circle are five Syrian the master Pyromancer a Red Guard men advising the Queen of Tanith cost ruin the master illusionist a Red Guard men advising the king of rehad near far the master of protection magic a Red Guard woman advising the king of her Ghaith janosh are the master scholar of ancient languages a red guard woman advising the king of ghilane and finally the outlier the breton man Anton gr master enchanter advising the king of Sentinel the only kingdoms do not accept a member of the Magi are Skaven and dragon star who are both crowns together including their leader and Hari they make up the Circle of Magi they frequently teleport back to their main apex tower in Ellen here to organize all they use crystal balls to communicate with one another now remember their main goal here is to use the powers of magic to assist the kingdoms of Hammerfell keep them united and strengthen them against the old Murray Dominion naturally as a faction that was founded by someone who was once a synod man and also a red guard of a crown kingdom necromancy is strictly forbidden in fact they actively root out necromancer's and destroy them to make clear to the Red Guards of hammerfell that they do not condone such actions if you are discovered using necromancy you out of the circle you will be cast out and hunted conjuration itself is not practiced by any of the circle nor their subordinates however it is not strictly forbidden so it is probably a good idea to elaborate a bit on the actual structure of the Circle of Magi of course you have the six masters that make up the circle at the top but each of the Masters take on various understudies at any one time a master has two to four apprentices and the apprentices themselves are given specific duties such as training Ellen here's battle mages or other such tasks as the player you would become an hari's newest apprentice after proving yourself and you would experience an entire quest line learning all about magic Boateng the thermals espionage getting involved in the metaphysical magical machinations going on behind the scenes eventually about two-thirds of the way through the quest line you would be invited to join the Circle of Magi properly becoming the seventh member and you would successfully prove to the queen of Skaven that having you as an advisor would be well worth it in this cave and Palace you would eventually unlock your own private tower with a library with all kinds of magical apparatus including a teleportation pad that can be used to instantly teleport to the tower in Ellen here or a crystal ball which can be used to talk to any of the Magi across vast distances the last little bit I would like to mention about this faction is the aesthetic you can kind of already gather some of the vibes big private Arabian style towers in different cities with Eastern styled Wizards extravagant turbans robes and wraps as they talk with crystal balls surrounded by various lamps with incense burning at all times maybe it would even be cool to have some of the Magi floating on a Persian style rug Aladdin style as you speak to them but we would want all the different members of the circle to be standout and distinct not shying away from individual dress and flamboyance imagine some Ottoman Sultans style turbans with feathers and then pointed shoes maybe one has a pet peacock or a cobra in a basket or maybe they have strangely long nails or interestingly jeweled facial hair stuff like that I feel like magic should enable eccentricities we don't want them to just look like monks in brown robes with hoods or something like that now that we have discussed the first of the magical factions it's time to discuss the next this time it's time for the occult in the dark arts the secret cult called red scuttle at the turn of the fourth era before red mountain a young done a man named zulan dress learned from a sload necromancer who was at the time buying slaves from him for a price thus load began teaching him the dark arts so that his Argonian slaves could be reused in death a merely economic decision but over time suelen gained a taste for necromancy he began experimenting more with the dead even that of the dunmer a great taboo for which he was eventually found out Solan dress was brought before a court of how stress and was sentenced to death but before his execution could be arranged he was ironically saved by the Argonian invasion of morrowind in the fifth year in the chaos he escaped into Cyrodiil first stopping at jaden hall for a time he joined the newly formed College of whispers an organization that treated no magic as taboo employing conjuration necromancy and they even communed with Daedra suelen over the course of his fifty years with them actually became quite a high-ranking member but it all changed when he managed to communicate with the Daedric prince the mirror personally he sought out her shrine in Burma County and found it defiled and her cult non-existent in the years since the Oblivion crisis many Daedric shrines had been abandoned or destroyed with a few apprentices and new acolytes seeking the darker mysteries sullen rebuilt the cult naming it red scuttle and officially split from the College of whispers operating quietly visiting graveyards hiding out in cabins and tombs refining the arts of necromancy and disease suelen and his acolytes eventually delved deeper into the mirrors realm engaging in cannibalism and vile primordial rituals Solan grew older and more powerful over the years and red scott'll survived through secrecy seeking new recruits in those accused of crimes against nature they eventually moved to Hammerfell a land of many tombs and preserved dead a place where they could continue their work today red scuttle still operates in secret seeking out members who pursue an interest in necromancy or Daedra nomura in particular a few beggars are in fact red scuttle members in disguise and this is how you may come about joining the faction eventually working your way up through the becoming Siouxland dresses right-hand man at the top or you could be head of the faction if you choose but that involves killing and ritualistically consuming sullens corpse for no mirrors favor red scuttle will be a faction that has many colorful but vile characters where you can learn many spells of necromancy and conjuration unique summons and the like it's also a path that allows you to engage in cannibalism and gain access to some powerful artifacts the main red Scotto lair is protected by raised mummies and undead beetles just keep in mind this is ultimately a cult of Namira Daedric prince of ancient darkness lady of decay we would like it to be possible to join both magical factions to be a member of the circle of magi but also a secret member of red scuttle but to pull this off perhaps you are forced to make some decisions involving the gruesome deaths of some members of the circle of magi performed in secret a natural enemy of this faction would be the aged with god RK or taka and in the realm of the mortal plane the red guard faction called the asha bar directly opposed them and will be the main antagonist faction of the red scuttle quest line the asha bar a red guard tribe that slay and purify the risen dead a job that most red guards see as blasphemous and unclean but the asha bossy their duty as necessary so that their honored ancestors may be returned to rest so for the warrior guilds we came up with something a little bit different you see we didn't want to fight as Guild 2.0 and we wanted something with a distinct hammerfell flavor but the problem became that the distinct flavor was of course a sword singer revivalist type faction but the problem here is that this becomes limiting because you become a sword focused warrior guild which leaves out combat arches claymore swingers axe and mace users and so on so we kept the sword singer inspired faction but if you look into hammer fells law it turns out that most of the time they don't maintain a standing army and they have many Knightly orders which to us indicated that the ideal Elder Scrolls 6 hammer fell should have a few of those so ultimately what we were proposed is to have multiple warrior guilds or Knightly orders that are shorter but more specific in terms of playstyle and fear then again if it is out ideal ideally they would all be nice and just as long but we're trying to make it realistically achievable so either way this is what we came up with the three warrior oriented guilds and also I do want to throw out there that you should be able to join all of them giving you a big warrior experience if you desired but some do have consequences the sword singers the Knights of the Scarab ends the order of diagonal are the three let's first talk about the latter the order of dag Nura is one of the most famous Knightly orders in all of Hammerfell it was once led by the most legendary warrior of all time Gaiden Shinji who fought in the first siege of all sin iam in fact they annually recreate the siege of horse in iam ceremoniously where the initiates to the order play the part of the orcs before we get into where they are and how to join them let's first talk about their namesake diagonal is the Oracle card he was an avatar of hunting the make way god of the Red Guards however diagonal was so vital to the you couidn't fight against the left-handed elves that he achieved permanence in their pantheon of gods in fact it was he who brought them weapons of orichalcum giving the occurrence an edge over the elves so when feeling with the theme we thought that this order of diagonal should use only weapons made of orichalcum and they have preserved special forging techniques swords maces Spears axes arrows all types of weapons are used but they are made of orichalcum now a big part of the order of diagonal is their history with the orcs and/or sin IAM a history that in the fourth era is bound to repeat itself as or cinnamons been built once again but on the cusp of hammer fells very own territory just to the east of dragon star the order of diagonal in the fourth era have their estate at the foot of the dragon town mountains on the northern side west of dragon star they venture into high rock often at the service of way rest but also they have served for sentinel dragon star and at times Skaven however as of late with a growing or sin IAM they have been working closely with the king of dragon star protecting the lands from orcish raids the quest line would start by meeting with a member in dragon star and there would be an initiation and various ranks and quests before it would ultimately culminate in an actual siege of all sin IAM as the order teams up with the forces of dragon star this would obviously close out your ability to join up with the orcs if you sack the entire city but on the other hand you can join up with the orcs of a scene IAM as an orc or as a friend of the city and defend it from the order of diagonal in dragon star which of course means you cannot join them but if you don't care about the orcs and you want to be a knight of diagonal you will be rewarded with many awesome orichalcum weapons including rare and unique forging techniques for orichalcum gear next up we have the order of the Scarab a Knightly order that once had the privilege of protecting the Royal to Tambu family but due to political machinations throughout the 3rd and early 4th errors that has changed after a series of failures they spent many decades in shame honing their skills privately developing new techniques improving themselves so that they will never fail again during the Great War they proved themselves invaluable the once shamed order of the Scarab came into battle in unconventional fashion unlike most Red Guard warriors they were shelled in suits of heavy metal armor enchanted with fire heat resistance to curb the usual issues of such armor in arid hot regions such as hammer felt they rode in on pure bread he accouting charges with Lance's in hand as well as ornate shields mimicking the scarab beetle of their namesake lighter armored horse archers assisted them they were critical in the retaking of Tanith from the Aldmeri Dominion and earned themselves wide renowned the queen of Tanith honored them all and provided them an estate just outside the city the nights are Calvary specialists whether that be heavily armored charges or horse mounted archers on their estate they continue to breed pure Yakunin charges and they often perform tourney's with Lance's for practice and for the entertainment of Tanith people joining up with this order would be done by seeking them out at their estate and their quests would often be related to dealing with threats to Tanith and most quests would involve mounted combat you would be able to eventually become a full-fledged high-ranking member with a pristine heavy set of their signature armor along with the acute and charger of your own the fastest and hardiest horse available and finally we have come to the sword singers the one you are all keen for now we came up with a little bit of an unconventional one for this as far as the law is concerned the whole answer sword Saints with their shi hai swords is a long lost art however the ways of friend our hunting are preserved in the book of circles but listen up our story begins with a young surviving member of the blades in the aftermath of the Great War his name was Caius aurΓ©lien a serie Dilek native he however he could not abide to the capitulation of the empire to the Thalmor he helped the Red Guard forces continue to fight against the Aldmeri Dominion and years later they prevailed with the second Treaty of strasse makai he was already a brilliant swordsman with the blades signature akaviri katana but while in hammerfell he learnt to fight with a scimitar and improved his swordsmanship amongst the greatest of Hammerfell he began studying the book of circles and roams the land seeking masters to teach him new techniques after 10 years of roaming hammer fell he won 90 of the fourth era Caius devised the creation of a new sword one that would create a synthesis of both blades the katana and the curved scimitar a balanced blade that would facilitate both the akaviri and Red Guard techniques he entered up creating his signature sword which would resemble this kind of blade a kind of Turco Mangal Sabre a blend of real-world West and East Asian he perfected a new and unique style of martial art with this new style of blade he continued his adventures trialing and testing his skill but one day he came across a tomb within it and ancient corpse holding an ancient stone upon touching the stone his mind was washed with a flood of memories belonging to an ancient sword singer a member of the regatta these memories led him to two more memory stones of other ancient regarder members and this is what began his path to revive two sword singers he recruits other Red Guards and valiant warriors of all races to join him on this quest to revive the sword singers he finds part of an ancient tome belonging to a great Red Guard warrior named Sasha Han who himself was a member of the dragon guard and attempted to revive the sword singers but failed caius picked up where he left off he uncovered the deserted wind scour temple and used this as a hidden base to begin rebuilding the order by the time of our game the order would have been functioning for over 10 years an order of warriors led by an aging Caius or Eliam these warriors have adopted the new style of blade as well as the synthesis of the acai berry and Red Guard martial styles all of them exclusively using the sword to seek mastery aesthetically they are Yakunin and Redguard inspired with more of an aqua very influenced with some of that akaviri style armor and clothing and if you watched our IRL inspirations for the Elder Scrolls video you would know that the you curtains and by extension the Red Guards are heavily inspired by Japan and the samurai despite the aesthetic appearance of the North African and Middle Eastern cultures check out that video for more explanation but I think this combination of akaviri and your Kudrin into a single faction doubles down on the sword singer's core influence of the samurai and it makes for a really cool faction so when you discover this faction and join up with them if you want to you will be doing various quest types but a core running theme is the revival of the sword singers specifically the art of manifesting the shahi the spear sword this would involve hunting down memory stones and going through ancient tombs talking to ghosts all kinds of stuff now while we think it would be too overpowered to be able to achieve ancient sword seeing a level proficiency we think it could still work in a way that when you complete the guild quest line you are actually able to manifest as she high and complete cousins dream and the dream sigh sahaan before him however compared to the sword singers of old you would be a rookie we think it should be a once a day power that when used summons a she high in your hand a sword made from your very own soul that cannot be blocked but only lasts for 30 seconds this way it seems somewhat realistic without completely shattering the law we didn't want some bleach level bank I super anime sword focus for the game but I think this still satisfies the sword singer feeling now for probably one of the only returning joinable factions the Thieves Guild but then again every Thieves Guild while they share the same name seemed to be quite individual and autonomous organisations across each province without a singular continent-wide central figurehead in Oblivion we had the whole gray fox thing and in skyrim we had the whole nightingale skeleton key thing both of which added some really cool flavor to a band of thieves and we would like to do something new and unique but once again relating to nocturnal the patron of Thieves though she does not have to be the focus we also don't want another rebuild the Thieves Guild kind of thing like the whole it's in disrepair vibe also Elder Scrolls online had a Thieves Guild storyline and introduced a new city called Abbas landing a free merchant city situated on Hughes Bay I think it would be a great place to return to and the city itself would add some diversity to Hammerfell as it would have a bit of a hive of scum and villainy vibe to it instead of being a kingdom ruled by a king so this would be a great place for a Thieves Guild plenty of trade and merchant activity a bit more freedom as the real ruler here is money rather than a king even though there's still a leader of sorts and it could have some really awesome pirate vibes and a felt coasts are known for Corsairs and pirates after all so I think this would be where you join up with the guild but perhaps there are also satellite hideouts or fences or members in other cities we would love for the few skill to have that interconnected feel once again with beggars as eyes and ears everywhere and of course we need to have some cool heists and with all the kingdoms around there are bound to be opportunities we would also really like the Thieves Guild once you are higher rank or the leader to be able to be influenced into a more mafia style criminal organization or a bit more of a Robin Hood type scenario the choice would be yours through your actions we were thinking that for the storyline it could actually involve an interplay of nocturnal and clavicus vile clavicus vile being the Daedric prince of packs perhaps the guild master made a bad deal with clavicus vile and maybe it could even involve some unexpected magical stuff in the finale such as a heist with the aid of a nocturnal where you sneak into his Daedric roam and steal back an artifact of nocturnal or something like that it would just be a great way to cap off a quest line full of crime and heists and you could truly call yourself the ultimate thief when you steal from a Daedric prince now let's talk about religion you know ideal Elder Scrolls 6 said in hammerfell we would like you to be able to join various religious factions like you could in morrowind with the tribunal temple and the Imperial cult we think this is near a central for role-playing a Crusader a priest a monk a paladin any kind of religious oriented character having a faction you can join involved around piety and zealous fervor is a great move in our opinion and we have two that we would like to include starting first with the Yakunin temple of the Crown's let's first explain their faith the eight primary gods of the crowns are SATA called the world's skin the giant serpent of cycles a sort of fusion between the concepts of Anu and Padme there is rΓΆpke or tall papa as he is off called who is the rough equivalent of akatosh or Oriel and he discovered the walkabout the method by which the spirits can survive satakam cycles there is two waka the god of the afterlife the caretaker of the far shores there is set the god of agriculture more while the god of fertility portrayed with four arms so she can grab more husbands there is tava the you couidn't spirit of air a favorite of sailors then there is on see the war god who taught mankind to pull their knives into swords and finally there is diagonal the avatar of Hoon ding that was so great that he achieved permanence in the pantheon diagonal brought oracle cuerpos to the occurrence so recap to the age of the crowns are SATA car ripped car - Wacha zette maurois tava on sea and diagonal the main temple of the faith where its leadership resides is in her Ghaith but there are also high priests that run the temples in dragons stars Gavin and Ellen here as well as priests that run smaller temples and shrines in towns and even in forebear cities the Akutan temple would be joinable but it would close you out of the eight Divine's temple and vice-versa both quest lands would involve some religious friction that would prove consequential for the other as for the other temple options we have the eight Divine's the four bears faith which is essentially the imperial cult with a few you coudn't names the eight they worship other divine zi would be the most familiar with akatosh tava AKA kynareth Juliano's dibela - Wacha aka RK zet aka Zenith ax maurois aka Mara and Stender for the four bears the Akutan and imperial names for the Divine's are often interchangeable whereas the Akutan temple believes that they are different joining this faction would include ranks like the imperial cult in morrowind leading all the way to the highest rank of primate their main temple is in rehab and their other temples are in Sentinel ghilane and Tanith as well as small temples and shrines in smaller towns generally though the Crown's tend to get rid of forebear shrines or temples in their territory overall the religious factions are rather straightforward and a lot of their missions would involve religious oriented goals charity heretic hunting fighting Daedra worshipers healing quests for enlightenment ancient scriptures that kind of stuff the other manufacturer relating to religion in fellas the Tallis cult we envision this as a minor joinable faction with a small series of quests kind of like the bards college you see because of the white gold Concordat Tallis worship was outlawed within the Empire if you continue to worship Talos you may be legally taken by the Thalmor and tortured and/or killed however Hammerfell is not part of the Empire anymore and has become somewhat of a haven for Talos worshipers because they can worship freely here without persecution mind you many Red Guards have a problem with people worshiping an emperor and god of the traitorous Empire but it is still nothing compared to the persecution of the Thalmor in Empire lands you will find Telos worshipers scattered throughout Hammerfell but particularly in rehad you will find a small Imperial style temple dedicated to Telos maintained by a cult to Talos the priest here is an imperial veteran of the great war born in anvil and after the Empire betrayed their God he came across the border to rehab with his Red Guard wife and built a temple with his sons since then more have joined the temple of Talos or at ladies and gentlemen time to talk about the last three factions all of which are vampire clans three clans that have risen to dominance in hammer fell over the rest each clan has a distinct archetype and bonuses first the cool re clan the cool re clan of vampires are known for their unique paralysis abilities known to hide in the sands of the night and emerge like a spider grabbing their prey we thought it was fitting to have this bloodline offer benefits to stealth abilities and skills the Solano clan is named for its ancient progenitor the need ik tribal woman who issued the cremation of LeMay bale Celino are noted for their elemental resistances and we thought it would be fitting to have this bloodline grant bonuses for the warrior archetype enhancing the character with supernatural speed in combat and finally there is the ant foetus clan a bloodline gifted with great intellect and naturally it would make sense to offer more magical oriented bonuses for vampires of this clan so each of the clans inhabit an archetype that comes with different bonuses and unique powers kalari clan is stealth Solano Clan is combat and an foetus clan is magic now these clans are spread throughout Hammerfell and also make up a generic enemy type if you get infected in combat or bitten by any of these vampires you will contract the disease and in three days it will evolve into full vampire upon becoming a vampire of this bloodline you receive a message that indicates you have a magical calling this points you to the direction of your respective clan and you discover the hideout of the clan leaders respectively whichever clan you become a part of the other two vampire clans will remain hostile but your clan now becomes friendly including what a usually enemy NPCs of that clan each clan leader offers a small quest line and there is a merchant that will sell spells and all kinds of vampire related gear and there are people that can teach you about your skills and help you enhance your abilities remember this is Hammerfell land of the hot Sun and as a vampire you will be receiving constant sun damage of varying degrees depending on your stage of vampirism as well as d-box to your attributes also at stage 4 you will be attacked on sight however there are workarounds for both of these problems fully enclosing your face with a helmet or mask will prevent stage 4 attacks on sight wearing full closed armor hoods robes or certain special enchanted jewelry that you can buy from the clan will allow you to negate the sun damage shade and overcast or rainy weather will also prevent the sun's damage however no matter what you do you will always have the attribute debuffs during the day undoubtedly after talking about vampire clans we are going to get asked about where creatures now for our ideal Elder Scrolls 6 hammer fell we don't actually have a faction or guild for we're creatures there would be an additional quest for her scene if you can tracked lycanthropy but there is no faction as such you would also have unique dialogue with some other secret lycanthropes and you'll be able to encounter a character called Cormac a Richmond now living in the dragon tail mountains by himself with a small shrine to her scene he is where boar and if you have liked Anthropy he can tell and he will offer to sell you various unique rings or lycanthrope related items and yes you heard that right in our hammerfell game you would be able to become a werewolf or a web or both of which come with different perk trees advantages and disadvantages but that ladies and gentlemen wraps up factions for our ideal Elder Scrolls 6 hammer fell now let's look at some maps of hammer fell and go through each area to give you a better feel for what the game world is like will be showing official Maps fan maps the map from arena and other elder scrolls maps and our game won't precisely be the same as any of them but sort of draws inspiration from all of them it's a bit of an amalgamation there are eight main kingdoms in the game each with their own atmospheres factions leaders politics and surrounding environments keep in mind that we can't mention every single location so there'll be plenty of infested caves bands at layers and other enemy filled places around plenty of Daedric shrines to in our ideal hammerfell and also in the lord it seems to fit best that there are four for bear kingdoms and four Crown's kingdoms the four bears while distinctly red garden culture are certainly more progressive in the Crown's more traditional throughout history there has been much division and conflict between these two major political parties although after assisting one another in fending off the Thalmor invasion they found peace with the second Treaty of Strasse Makai being signed in the 180th year of the fourth era the Dominion withdrew its military forces from hammer fell on the red guard province became independence no longer under control of the Empire who they consider weak for essentially surrendering to the dominions terms the might of hammerfell was diminished after sustaining much damage in the conflict with the Thalmor and with the Empire no longer directing them each main city has become much more independent while there has been hiking before there is currently no central authority or single leader who exerts control over the province there's also new leader of the Crown's or leader of the four bears some kingdoms may exert strong influence over others simply by being more powerful and more needed by others but officially speaking all kingdoms have autonomy over themselves and there's a loose expectation that in times of need forebears will always be there to help for bears and crowns will always be there to help crowns they are bound together by a cultural overtone and a mostly shared vision for the red guard people that said all the cities will be run by leaders who still have differing opinions and beliefs than kingdoms of the same political alignment with our game set not too long after Skyrim the crowns and forebears have been at peace for over twenty years this is not to say they love one another or agree wholeheartedly with each other but simply that they are not currently fighting with one another there are no civil wars and no immediate threats of conflict however as you'd expect tensions between kingdoms still exist and could escalate depending on certain decisions you make let's start off by talking about Sentinel considered the capital of the province Sentinel is known as a great city of the Red Guards and we'd wanted to look like exactly that think big massive towers the biggest city in the entire game with a doc operating right on the waters of the iliac base Sentinel is a huge hub of trade with high rock full of unique characters plenty of merchants and lots of opportunity especially for those with the stomach for it pirate smugglers could be found around the docks giving you the opportunity to join them in making some profits some will have lots of work for you keeping you coming back with so much coin that any guilt you feel from helping them is completely destroyed while others may feel very distrusting to be around maybe they'll even betray you and try to steal your share of the cut but not everyone around the dock has bad intentions most are still honest working people always looking for a helping hand to send on an adventure side quests from Sentinel could really take you anywhere in the province and this excitement of not knowing what adventure could be next we'll have you interacting with as many NPCs as you can which by extension will expose you to more lore about this grand city the Red Guard people the recent history since the second Treaty of Strasse Makai and the rest of the province in general stretching up from the water and the docks you will find many smaller markets decorating the path into the main city area various stalls selling jewelry and crafting supplies perhaps a vendor willing to help you change the color of certain clothing pieces like robes hoods or capes we want Sentinel to feel grand and to achieve this we thought it would be great to really emphasize the verticality and the density of the city much more than what was seen in Elder Scrolls online so when you see the city in the distance it's breathtaking think of something of similar scaled who novigrad in witcher 3 coming into the city from the bottom you'd be taking a step through the gates and the giant fortified city walls and into the lower districts coming through this entrance you'll see the poorer parts of red guard society but it's not bad enough here to be called poverty Sentinel is still a rich City and even the poorest of inhabitants still have a basic standard of living we'd want more districts to build up from here with the city structures building further and further appeal through richer districts until you reach the top home to the palace in various giant Arabian inspired towers that stretch into the sky rounded at the top and covered in gold in some aspects you could look at the way King's Landing from Game of Thrones is built to better envision the theme of verticality in a sprawling city walking through the districts you're going to be treated to various types of ancient Redguard architecture bustling bazaars which are middle eastern star markets and of course places of religious significance while each district may have these aforementioned markets off to the side the Main Street which cuts through almost all the districts will still be littered with various stalls and shop vendors it would technically be the farthest stretching market in any Elder Scrolls game so far the palace here is known as Sam Urick which was built long ago standing as the oldest piece of Redguard architecture another thing to note would be the presence of a Royal Theater attendants here would be an exotic treat for various members of nobility from High Rock who would come to enjoy the bizarre morality plays and the unique native cooking and craftsmanship outside the city there will be a few pockets of greenery but generally speaking everything is very dry not too far off Sentinel you'll be able to visit an established village known as chase town where you may wish to stop in for the night or shop at the general goods store the owner is lucky enough to have scavenged some rare trinkets from the desert which his wife thinks was absolutely crazy to attempt even though he succeeded the border of the allocator desert is found nearby to the southeast of Sentinel and this massive expanse will be home to all of the different tribes of a leaky and nomads we talked about in the faction section as well as the various ruins of old civilizations particularly yakunin and Dwemer besides ruins and nomad camps there will also be abandoned mines and caves to explore as you journey through this desert you will quickly realize just how extreme and inhospitable the conditions are the nomads are well equipped to thrive here and unfortunately for you so our various desert creatures who may wish you harm assassin beetles giant scorpions a massive black and red snake coiled up in a cave you get the idea but not everything is out to get you you may see a thorn gecko scurry about here and there camels drinking at each os's sometimes with passive nomads riding them and even some owls come nighttime in the southeast of the al'akir you'll be able to find the ruins of hunting's watch in which wind scour temple is hidden beneath along with our previously discussed sword singer inspired faction but heading out of the north part of the desert you'll find the terrain gets rockier and more mountainous there's actually a town known as vulms gate here which we would think would be perfect if it was actually built into the side of the mountains on the outskirts of a Dwemer ruin entrance which only the count of the town has access to if you do enough side quests for the town the count will allow you to enter deep into the ruins with the promise that if you can wipe out the dangers within to allow the town to expand deep inside and use the ruins for strategic reasons you can keep whatever treasure you find on your way a path through the mountains here heading further north will send you to Lane land as will the path leading up from Sentinel directly this small city is more or less under the control of Sentinel although it was once a crown city which will be reflected in the architecture and temple motifs up from the sandy docks where plenty of ships are resting on the water you'll find that the environment is quite forested and green even the exterior of the modest city Palace will be overrun with vines and leaves on the outside walls and on the tiles at the top of the tower Peaks the ruler here has a no desire to have these vines removed however as they keep her feeling closer to nature and the source of all life she's a very spiritual leader the forest biome comes into full force northeast of Lane land where there will be a pocket of lush greenery with rivers running through and stretching out in various directions expect to find the odd Red Guard band at camp here creatures such as wolves giant wasps and harpies in fact harpies are quite the nuisance around lanlan as long ago many Daedra worshipers from the city were said to be turned into harpies for their blasphemy you'll also find a very exquisite a lead ruined from long ago named syrtis all currently this ruin is used as a base for a group of high elf bandit majors and their merciless leader who find it very advantageous to use conjuration magic they might raise the dead when you fight them but for the most part they are definitely more like summoners than necromancer's moving down the province south of Sentinel we arrive at the crown city of hagatha City which would have been completely seized by the Thalmor if the four bears of Sentinel didn't send forces to help fight them off it was this event that created an alliance between both the forebears and the crowns which lasts to the timeout ideal game is set interestingly hagatha was once the capital of hammer fell before the capital was moved to sentinel and it was the first place the Yucatan's landed when they first sailed to Tamriel from their original continent it's a place of deep traditional you coudn't roots said to be an impregnable defense with austere ramparts of antique splendor built upon the ruins of previous civilizations we think it would be the coolest if these ruins were actually Dwemer and actually discoverable if you go down deep enough into the dungeons of the palace on the surface the city will look very old and fortress II you'll have a marketplace and clusters of two-story Adobe style housing inside the city walls we can imagine these structures and fortifications of this city looking ancient protective worn but sturdy like the walls of an old Moroccan castle certain parts of the fortifications however may look more modern rebuilt with fresh materials since the Thalmor came through and caused lots of damage it would be a large city but obviously not as large as Sentinel by the water's edge you'll find ships docked that sail between there and Stross mkhaya you'll meet some Strasse McCoy pirate types here also who will have side quests options that encourage you to visit this nearby famous red guard island the temple in her Ghaith will function as the head of the you couidn't temple faction and it's no surprise that it will be absolutely massive inside would feature grand trains to all of the you couldn't pantheon of which the Crown's leadership and citizenry tend to be very proud of that said one of the most iconic landmarks of the city is actually a place of veneration for both the crowns and the four bears this is the shrine of tava the you couidn't spirit of air and Sun known for leading lega curtains to the Isle of Hearn after their continent was destroyed at this shrine there is a mural depicting tava in her nest with two mates symbolizing the union of four bears and crowns factions by the time our game takes place her gate is the kind of place that would be very interesting to explore from a political perspective because we can imagine them originally being one of the staunchest crown cities in terms of sticking to tradition however after being saved by the forebears you would have plenty of red guards who were once young children or teenagers who have grown up knowing the four bears that save them assuring in more acceptance and sympathy towards the four bears than ever before this could perhaps lead to some conflicts between older traditional folk and some younger members of society who are trying to introduce tolerance towards the practice of the four bears pantheon it could also be certain quests here for the king where your choices may change the culture in the city slightly depending on who you help it's also worth mentioning that we'd like to implement a sail boat system into Elder Scrolls 6 if the game was set in hammer felt now we don't mean anything like Assassin's Creed Black Flag or some full pirate simulator all we mean is something like what's available in Witcher 3 to allow you to travel between certain spots on the map more easily it's not a huge part of the game just a little option for those wanting to travel from her Ghaith to Tanith or maybe from Tanith down to re hard stopping off at different places along the coast or going to huge bein you could even sail two Stross Makai although it's a lot easier to just pay for passage and then fast travel from then on you get the idea traveling around the roads leading north of her gate you'll find your way between forests on one side and mountains up the other until you come to Dragon Grove in our game Dragon Grove will be a simple but widespread village with plenty of crops which are grown to sustain not only the village population but also to sell to her Ghaith some buildings will spread throughout a large opening between the trees and go down to the water's edge while others are nestled closer to the mountainside again it's not an impressive village it's just very spread out with lots of space between structures if you head north from here you'll cut through some rocky cliff sides and up to Sun cape which is quite a wealthy large town due to the gold mines in the area and also due to the payments it receives from can gate and even sentinel and why do these cities send Sun keep this coin well surprisingly the town has one of the best fortified jails in hammerfell and when the jails in the cities are too full excess criminals are carted off to Sun keep the conditions in the jail are a lot worse to live in and paid militias stand outside for anyone who miraculously manages to escape across the sea to the south of hagatha you'll find the infamous island of Strasse Makai a place that is a must visit in any Elder Scrolls Hammerfell game here the main city is port hunting and it's not a kingdom in the sense that the eight main ones are however it's a highly significant place acting as a crowns principality run by the son of the king of her gay port hunting would be filled with sailor types and undoubtedly would have the most pirate themes in the game alluding back to the red guard adventures game which was set here and they'll be references in Easter eggs for long time outer Scrolls fans visually Strasse Makai will be absolutely beautiful with tropical beach areas that are refreshing just to take a look at you'll have coral reefs too but plenty of sandy dunes to let you know you're still in Hammerfell toward the western end of the aisle you will be able to visit an area of more rugged terrain the ogres tooth mountains these are not only tough to a traverse but also feature the lost city state of Dwemer known as dark expect to see plenty of assassins beetles in the area and durog - which look like spiny dark green reptilian hounds with six red eyes Stross McKay is also home to wolves but that doesn't sound so bad by comparison does it also remember the infamous jaren route from skyrim well it's native to the island as well port hunting will have markets homes and guards just like anywhere else with an InDesign so beautifully in traditional Red Guard Manor that you may at first think it's the temple and for all the drunk sailors I guess it may as well be the main city area will be separated from the palace by a large ravine with the river splitting not only the city but the main island in - it's also worth noting that the other islands of the coast of Hammerfell can be visited and while they're not overly significant their home - little secrets of their own but moving back to the mainland mass and then east from her Ghaith we arrive at a four bears controlled city known as ghilane no Red Guard city can really be called peaceful but ghilane can often feel this way in our ideal game yes it's been involved with various wars and conflicts in the past but as of the game time things are stable and the large focus on religious acceptance and variety in the city will be immediately clear priests monks and practitioners of various faiths can be found walking amongst the streets of the city eager to accept you into their ranks or at least to tell you all about their religion multiple temples and places of worship will be found in the city and there will be quite a number of ends - five in total many of the traditional Redguard architecture styles founded Hammerfell will be used in the city here however ghilane will specifically have a large focus on Adobe style buildings which are painted in various colors mainly red giving this city quite the festive feel be it temples marketplaces people's homes where they live with their family expect to see a lot of colors and patterns around this city with plenty of the buildings looking blockier with flat roofs as opposed to large circular domes again you will still see dome-like structures just less than other cities of Hammerfell with all the religious tolerance it's no surprise that the city is part of the forebears faction with previous imperial rulers the cosmopolitan nature of things is enhanced even further the city's King rules from a red guard palace that looks distinctly red guard in base design but heavily modified to have a much more rigid Imperial look this is especially the case with the interior architecture and this imperial influence comes from the previous rulers of ghilane one of which was Sepphoris the first an eventual emperor who supposedly ruled the city with a red guard wife named Bianchi there's no paint on the walls here but of course the palace looks grand and Noble with gold and black colored structures gleaming due to the very valuable materials they're made from in stark contrast to the rest of the city the guards barracks and the prison will be shaped like the other buildings but built from bland stone materials a reminder that not everything in life is bright and cheerful do the wrong thing and you'll quickly find out religious and philosophical quarrels are common in ghilane although most discussion is kept to a designated debate Hall built in the city of which guards are always in attendance like any Red Guards City ghilane is home to plenty of boring old regular folk who keep the wheel spinning so to speak more interestingly you'll also encounter various expeditioners who are here to study the ruins of the Dwemer rock and clan capital city which are buried under the sands a bit to the north in the alla khair one may ask for your help in solving an ancient mystery which of course you won't be able to resist during this quest you'll definitely learn more about the Dwemer uncovering some new law secrets you never knew before like many other cities in hammerfell Glen is also built near the water and has a port that facilitates trade the city will have a healthy rivalry with Tanith with the opposition between both cities being unlike the true rivalry they had in the third era and much more friendly in nature both cities come under the four bears faction and with Tanith also having a port on the water to the east they'll both be competing for trade to the northeast of ghilane there's a town known as Lane Binh place it's quite large with a few streets of houses two Inns a temple a marketplace and even a small Palace of which the leader of the town lives it's not a main city in the leader here doesn't really have much power but it still aims to function as a kind of independent town trading with ghilane and Tanith the guards of the place look much more like mercenaries wearing different sets of armor the only thing uniting them being an affixed insignia to represent the town a few statues of various redguard warriors can be found on the streets and similarly to ghilane you'll see some of the same painted adobe star buildings here also with more yellows and blues than Red's then west of here more or less directly north of ghilane you'll have Shady Grove a village that used to be called Shady March in arena but was later renamed to Shady Grove in the Red Guard map of Tamriel in reference to a highway near the Rockville Bethesda offices it even features in elder scrolls blades the region here is much greener than other parts of Hammerfell there will be plenty of forest vibes with sky reaching trees and wooden buildings making up most of the living dwellings there will be an in here where you can rest and if you don't like that too bad there's only the one bedroom available I imagine a cool quest from here could be investigating someone's child who went missing in the Grove only to discover they've been led astray by the voices of a Daedric Prince it would be really unexpected for an otherwise insignificant location and could make the place quite creepy as I imagine the danger would have sinister intentions perhaps you're asked to inflict serious trauma on the village lying to the parents and assisting in creating some eerie occurrences there's also a large river nearby and if you head up this river or just follow the path leading north from Lane burn place you'll travel past some independent farms some grasslands and eventually find a village called Riverview and no I'm not talking about a big beautiful house in Jaden Hall this red guard village is going to be constructed near the ruins of an old you coudn't settlement of which now only statues to the gods and crumbled buildings remain residents of Riverview can be found praying here and that's about it for this village there's a good view down the river length too if you're standing in the right spot heading northeast from here there's a large expanse of tropical forest with plenty of water streams and rivers throughout here you will find giant snakes forests scorpions and even some abandoned graveyards haunted by wraiths and skeletons eventually you'll hit the mountain ranges and a location known as Thor stad place for stared places on flat ground in the middle of the mountains surrounded pretty much on all sides it was once a red guard village although during the Empire's rain in Hammerfell we've come up with the idea that an imperial fortress was built here to stationed troops diplomats and other important Nobles as they traveled between main cities when the Empire withdrew from Hammerfell and the province became independent a group of opportunistic Marauders swarmed the location on mass taking it over before any official Hammerfell Kingdom could anyways if we go back to ghilane and head south you'll see there's a huge landmass stretching out into the water a barren region with a peninsula known as Hughes Bane it's quite the rocky landscape but the most notable part of this area is a burst landing and there's a quote from the Elder Scrolls online which I can't help but use to describe it Abbas landing the jewel of Khafre if you hit the jewel up a camel's ass to smuggle it past the dockmaster Abbas landing is believed to be a city where the Thieves Guild originated from it is a highly busy port city with plenty of trade and loads of smuggling it will be known as a free merchant city less rules less red tape just a general low tax paid to the leader of the city on any goods sold no illegal items are allowed though at least officially speaking here you will still find many merchants who are abiding by the law and simply trade here as it's more profitable however you'll also be able to find secret underground black markets with the option to buy rare and illegal goods from all over Tamriel poisons harvested from the swamps of Black Marsh and enchanted necklace stolen from the current imperial battle mages quarters in Serie Dell you name it there will be plenty of unique and interesting things to buy here if you know the right people and have the right amount of coin the boat system I spoke about earlier could actually be used here as part of a quest where you sail in some smuggled goods you had to steal from the city to the east we had as of recent times as in when our game is set degeneracy has been on the rise in Abbas landing as mentioned in the faction section you'll be able to join up with the Thieves Guild here gaining access to their headquarters moving east from ghilane we arrive at another forbears port city known as Tanith you'll notice that the forebears control all of the port cities except for hagatha and Stross Makai - I suppose meaning that they have an advantage over many other crown cities when it comes to profitable trade with outsiders Tanith is running smoothly by the time our game takes place but if you remember the dialogue from the Skyrim quest in time of my need Tanith fell after it was supposedly betrayed from within due to this we'd want to give the city plenty of ruined areas so as far as aesthetics goes it's still somewhat of a typical red guard city and yes richer districts do exist but what's unique is that the poorer areas will truly look and feel like slums places without the resource or incentive to be rebuilt completely by our ideal game settings the rich areas were prioritized by the Queen and the poorer areas left to fend for themselves as a result you will see more beggars here and quite a disdain for the rich and Noble class from many of the lower classes especially those doing it tough perhaps you'll find out the truth is that the kingdom really hasn't mustered the coin to rebuild everything entirely but even in spite of this you'll sympathize with those who have since been displaced by the crisis who would argue that even if the funds were allocated to the richer districts first it could have been fairer for them to spend less on repairing golden fancy structures and more the bare basics for those who still need them perhaps you'll be able to question the Queen on this who will argue that rebuilding the more significant prestigious areas of the city is not wasteful as they bring an immense although intangible cultural value which she says energizes the spirits of all who view its glory and keeps Tanith as more than just a bustling dock on the map we'd want there to be convincing or at least sympathetic arguments on both sides of the conflicts between the various wealth classes of the city another interesting thing about Tanith will be the lady cinnabar library named after the famed author from Tanith who has written many law-based texts in this library you'll find works from authors all over hammerfell hi Roxy reading and beyond which you'll be able to read to learn more about Tamriel you'll also be able to go on quests for the librarian too although it may not be as simple as recovering lost books like in Skyrim instead perhaps the librarian has found texts with law contradictions and actually sends you to a location perhaps an ancient tailored ruin which do exist in hammerfell to delve deep inside defeat the dangers and uncover the truth maybe one book has proved correct and so the other is deemed fiction in the library or maybe both books are partially right in their own way even though they seem to be saying different things to begin with Tanith is also home to the tower of the fifth doctrine which is where lady cinnabar wrote from we don't know what it looks like although in one of her texts she hinted that it is somewhat humble at least compared to other important towers in Tamriel we'd have the design inspired partly by the hassan tower in morocco being of similar earthy color and covered in ornate patterns of traditional red guard architecture just outside the city of Tanith you'll also find the estate of the order of the Scarab here you'll be able to join the guild or just admire they're armored Calvary and horseback archery prowess the Knights our Calvary specialists whether that be heavily armored chargers or horse mounted archers on their estate they continue to breed pure Yakunin charges and often perform turnings with Lance's for practice and for the entertainment of tennis people joining up with the order would be done by seeking them out at their estate and their quest would often be related to dealing with threats to Tanith also nearby TANF you'll find the Alden obeah tomb which would look more or less the same as it did in Elder Scrolls online and be filled with secrets dangers and treasure to the southeast of Tanith you'll find a town called Rose guard which was hit very hard by the Thalmor invasion for the most part the town is rebuilt but did so prioritizing speed over style meaning that the architecture here is a mere shadow of its former self buildings that still remain intact will look beautiful and ornate in this town you'll find a great one-handed skill trainer who fled as they saw the town crumble under the Thalmor attack this Red Guard man vowed to never run from battle again and dedicated the next 20 years of his life learning how to kill sleeping in a tent just outside the town's gates to a punish himself for his cowardly act and be make sure he is the first line of defense against any attacks in the future to the northeast of Rose guard you've got a large arid mountain area filled with pockets of brittle brush the occasional cactus and creatures such as ogres desert wolves and massive Sun spiders there's a town admits the hills known as Courtin Mont which is a very competitive blacksmith industry and many markets selling trinkets crafted from everything mined from the nearby cabins but there's plenty of dyed fabric shelters of various colors that have been set up here to protect travelers from the blistering Sun unfortunately a local crime gang has taken to extorting money from the town and you'll be able to get a quest to put an end to it to the northeast of here still in the mountains we've got Carver Falls which as the name suggests will be built next to a giant waterfall we want this one to be up really high with the water crashing down the mountain range into the deep below in the past - not much happened here but it has recently turned into a luxury escape for the only child of Tanis Queen a daughter who will spend half her time in a lodge view with the balcony facing the finest views possible plenty of investment has gone into keeping her safe with many guards present whenever this princess visits obviously this occurrence definitely makes you think hmm seems like the Queen is spending quite carelessly but the princess justifies the expense with the excuse that it helps her study and learn so that she may one day lead Tanith in' while this reason may not justify the cost copious books and written pages in the princess's quarter pointed to being true to the northeast of the mountains you'll find a region of desert grassland plains perfect for tearing through on horseback with the Knights of the scarab the final four bears City on the game app is rehad and can be found in the very south corner of the map to the east of Hugh's Bane bordering with Cyrodiil and sharing bits of imperial and clothing inspired influence as a result such influence will be cultural but also architectural so what we had will maintain many Redguard themes and religious motifs it's a city we envision looking like a typical Hammerfell city if it was spliced with anvil the nearby city of Western Cyrodiil you can imagine many of the structures being built with white stone materials plenty of red orange tiled roofs and sometimes even gold trim where the roof meets the top of the building's wall look at how anvil was designed in project Tamriel imagine a more Red Guard version of that you can imagine this white stone material being used in traditional structures - like a big red guard themed Palace with two towers on both front corners also built from the same stone as the rest of the city but given the typical golden spherical tip there will be plenty of trade at the city's port and in the city itself with sprawling Bazaar marketplaces and more trade than most other cities in the game you will find many people from cyrodiil in Riyadh some who are friendly with stories to share and some who a ruthless and rude wanting you to get out of their face and stop wasting their time so they can focus on making more coin but it's not just travelers who are Imperial you will find a significant portion of re heads domestic population to be Imperials compared to other Hammerfell cities we really want them to be Colombian and feel with pride in self-sufficiency an emphasis on loyalty to one another and a kind of straightforwardness that could be misconstrued by some as impolite they'll be proud of who they are and will favour each other over others when given the chance being much more cosmopolitan in nature it's no surprise that rehad is another forbears city the temple here is quite impressive serving as the main location of the 8th defiance religious faction talked about previously in the video the temple will have shrines to the same eight Divine's that the Colombian people would worship except some with red guard names plus a few strictly red guard deities such as wounding and lecky what will be interesting however is that the temple won't look as traditionally Redguard as others from the outside we envision it still with a gold-plated dome structure roof however it will be built from the same white stone material as other buildings in the city and the aesthetic will be like a slightly smaller version at least on the outside of the Imperial cities temple of the one however there's also another temple INRI had a smaller one Imperial in design and operated by the talus cult faction but not everyone is happy with the Imperial presence here in fact there have been times when worshippers of SATA call the occurring god of everything have gone nude in the city rolling in the dirt and striking out at the legs of people walking by nipping them as if they were snakes they particularly liked harassing Imperial civil servants others were said to perform disgusting public acts of shedding their skin they were run out of cities for safety reasons but I'm sure the sentiment will remain and we can see some crazed salic are followers who are doing some weird things to disturb and bother certain important Imperials though by the time our game takes place the clove Ian's have such a strong foothold in the city that they won't be deterred easily speaking of Imperial influence we also thought it would be very cool to have a quest where the Empire can full-on take control of part of hammerfell annexing rehad we would have a character from elder scrolls blades a red guard named Prince dinna Han our rehad make return attempting to claim the throne he is an imperial loyalist and was forced to forfeit his throne and was granted asylum in cyrodiil in the one hundred and eightieth year of the fourth era wearing sirrah Dilek evany armor trimmed with gold he's competed in arenas to train his combat skills and has active intentions to retake the throne by the time our game is said he will be about 40 or 50 years old grizzled and strong ready to get what he thinks is wifely his he has since the master force of fighters and by doing quests for him you can help him take over or you can help the current leader of we had to take the fight to Prince dinner Han and remove him from the face of Tamriel the area around the city will be like dry lands prone to forest fires and looking like a slightly more arid version of cearΓ‘ Dill's Gold Coast you'll find more creatures common to Cyrodiil in the environment to River trolls will live in the southern areas of the Brenner River and to the east you'll be able to find mountain lions and boars even a or a willow the wisp in rare circumstances not too far from rehad is the ruined fortress known as stone keep which once housed a group of peacekeeping Knights until it was overrun by a group of goblins controlled by a necromancer you'll also be able to explore nearby villages like chase guard a quiet town to the northwest of rehad and stone more if you follow the mountains northeast which has been having some reported problems with ghostly entities continuing around to the north there's some large cliff structures and a town called North Hall situated in a spot of relatively barren terrain this fort town has a large keep which has been used historically for the kings and queens of rehad to retreat to in times of severe threat to the city it's also being used as a safe haven for other high-ranking court members there will be a strong guide presence here and plenty of happy town dwellers who appreciate the additional security that their town is lucky to have on the other side of the mountains here and into the plains to the north you'll find plenty of agriculture and farming focused around a place known as Volk new town moving up into the craglorn region we have ellen here a major city situated amongst the small mountain area that exists near the borders of both cyrodiil and skyrim this crown city is built upon an ancient needed settlement which is still visible today through the tall apex towers having remnants of netic architecture and Ellen here would be incredibly cool seeing as old netic ruins are a rare sight across all of Tamriel some of the architecture among the houses that people live in will also be slightly more sera Dilek and there will be more of a stone city vibe to it in general some citizens here are said to have a bit more of a cloven style when it comes to fashion and taste but like any city existing in Hammer fellas especially one run by the Crown's leadership things will still appear quite clearly red guard influenced you'll have temples and statues dedicated to you coot and gods and the palace here will have been built to look more traditional compared to some of the other architecture so still expect to see some traditionally acute and wall engravings into other middle-eastern inspired structures of ornate design if you listened to the faction sections you'll also remember that Ellen here is the city of magic here you'll find the circle of magi faction explained in the faction section and you can visit them in their main apex tower the outside of these towers may appear needed but inside they will be in credibly different magical trinkets and tools will be everywhere in the rooms will be filled with mesmerizing colors carpets and Persian inspired intricate architecture also keep in mind Ellen here will be run by a prince as his father the king is very sick and currently sustained by magic what's also fascinating about Ellen here is that during the first error when hammerfell was part of the Second Empire there were sewer works constructed under the city we think this could be a really cool place to explore with all kinds of things hiding down there around Ellen here in the rocky landscape of the craglorn region you'll find creatures such as dune racers giant scorpions and well while you may see foxes running about - even wild camels a few native ruins can be found in the area into the south of Ellen here you'll find a village named Stone Dale a profitable sapphire mine operates here and merchants from Syria dill and Skyrim sometimes make the trek to buy materials which they can take back home and sell for an easy profit northeast of Ellen here you'll find another settlement called nimble more a Foresti simple woodcutters village who have a kind of pseudo leader a Breton alchemist who lives there and has always used her wisdom to advise them in times of need The Alchemist has a shop you can buy potions and poisons from and a dark secret you'll stumble upon if you go searching through her belongings even further from here you'll come to Belle Qarth which is a much larger settlement with plenty of shops and in guard barracks and a small Palace we'd like it to stay home to expert astronomers that continue the needed worship of the Celestials depending on which way you head from the town you'll find plenty of trees grass or rocky cliff sides both of which will have quite the bandit presence keen on looting travelers or even a whole town if the opportunity would arise now let's take ourselves all the way to the top of the map the most a northern city in Hammerfell and a very well known one at that dragon star dragon star is still in the crowd lone region sitting at the foothills of the dragon tail mountains it is a crown city but due to its history and its location near the borders of High Rock and Skyrim it can't help but be very cosmopolitan compared to other parts of Hammerfell a huge variety of races will be found here and a very cool blend of cultural themes will be present during the war of benda mark the Nords of skyrim besieged the city setting up a government and controlling the east side with hammer fells still controlling the western side this means that you're going to see a big mix of Nordic and a Red Guard architecture there may be slight tensions between most nationalistic members of the two races but for the most part the races of the city don't bother each other as much as some might carry a deep distaste here and on the inside in dragons star you'll meet Nobles from high rock and even warriors from Skyrim who have come to compete in the city arena the arena isn't some gigantic grand structure like that of the Imperial City but it still attracts enough challenges from around the place to host various battles each week you'll be able to fight and compete here yourself and even place some bets if you fancy yourself lucky but what's interesting about dragons star is the problem the city is having with the nearby orcs the fourth Orsini 'm is alive and gaining strength outside of the city and to the west you will find the estate of the order of diagonal we're working with the king of dragons star to fend off attacks from all sin IAM you'll be able to help this faction and eventually take the fight to the orcs or perhaps you will end up helping the orcs defend against such an assault or sin IAM can be found in the mountains between Hammerfell and skyrim and was explained in more depth in the faction section to the south east of dragon star you can find the village known as Dragon Gate which is even closer to us in iam which is just to its east here you can find a highly militarized village constantly battling against raids from our sin IAM thankfully with help from the city of dragons star if we head south through the mountains we'll arrive at a location known as Fang lair this was once a drama city and over the eras it has become a place of historical significance when our game is set he may venture deep into these ruins potentially finding one of the only dragons in the entire game southwest of dragon star and below the dragon tail mountains we'll be able to find the town known as hell dawn mount over the years held on mount was put on the map for a lot of travelers as it gained quite reputation for strength competitions travelers from all over would come here to compete in a variety of feats of strength to win strongman competitions and to make a name for themselves if attributes featuring out of scroll six and you've got high strength perhaps you'll find yourself among the competitors nearby in the dragon tail mountains is the reach Minh mentioned in the faction section when we talked about lycanthropes here there will be a small shrine to her scene and the ability to purchase a variety of lycanthrope enhancing items and finally we come to Skaven southwest of dragon star on the most central main city on the map Skaven is another Crown's controlled location existing in a dusty badland region of the map Queen here is incredibly traditional and stubborn being distrusting of magic and faithful in the old ways however while doing the circle of magic Westland you'll be able to convince her to trust the guild in their ways giving you a spot here with your own private Tower the city will reflect her Orthodox attitude with temples dedicated to the most ancient Akutan deities and a very high red guard population many of the city folk II will feel quite stoic and they take their traditions and ceremonies very seriously taking great pride in their history and customs within Skaven you'll also find the dragon star caravan company who you will be able to do quests for helping them ensure the safe transfer of goods to a little-known mountain settlement to the north don't expect things to go smoothly in the countryside near the city you can find the local Hall of virtues of war where sorting is trained long ago now these halls will exist almost as a museum to visit for those interested but also for aspiring swordsmen who wish to partake in the history and traditions of old Yakunin warriors practicing their training on the northern outskirts of the city are the cabins of rye filled with herds of scav bats who are bred by farmers to produce bat cheese which apparently goes well with pomegranate wine also near Skaven are many older cooed and ruins one of which hides the headquarters of our SAS uns guild the cellar tab Helen stand can also be found in the region around Skaven which was once a massive ancient yakunin city still enduring to this day but now inhabited by a much smaller population its population was diminished long ago as of the port cities of hammerfell gained prominence due to easy access to trading with outsiders other neighbouring settlements include cliff keeper of a point and birkhoff's city birkhoff's city was once ruled by a king vampire who commanded an army of werewolves and other vampires known as the grey host silver weaponry is quite popular here sold to travelers and citizens who live under the fear that one day vampires could return this fear is for the most part unfounded but promoted to sell more weapons to the northeast of Skaven you'll find cliff keep a town overlooked by as the name suggests a small cave built onto a cliff the cliff is quite low as far as cliffs go but you still wouldn't want to fall off the top the leader of the talon resides here surveying everything from above with a handful of guards who ensure daily life runs smooth there's plenty of stalls here selling different bits and pieces that you might find at a general good store and finally to the southeast of Stephen we have a river point hiding all the way down in the grassy region near Volker Newtown River Point will be another agricultural town with loads of farming and a water mill used to grind grain with the map explained we would like to talk briefly about weapons into gear what we would like to see in how it would all work for starters we'd like to see the layered armor system that appeared in Morrowind and was later implemented into fallout 4 we think this kind of system where you can mix and match all kinds of pauldrons gauntlets Greaves helmets and so on it gives you much more of an aesthetic freedom to create a truly unique character and it allows you to give yourself some signature Flair if we couldn't do that we would have the very least enjoy the ability to have wraps scarves veils hoods turbans robes and so on worn over armor creating that perfect battle mage assassin or desert a traveler look it will also help distinguish certain characters or types of guard without having to change their entire armor set additionally regarding jewelry we would love for there to be additional cosmetic options including earrings nose piercings and of course the traditional rings amulets and so on but piercings along with tattoos in particular would make a great fit for hammerfell considering the Corsairs and pirates the African and Middle Eastern influences and the existence of various hammerfell subcultures kingdoms tribes orders factions etc that could all utilize these various aesthetic markers to make them stand out before we move on to some general aesthetic ideas and potential influences I want to call out the elephant in the room yes we would want Spears in the ideal Elder Scroll 6 along with halberds Lance's and other polearm type weapons it just makes sense we would also like to have crossbows in the base game and honestly in general we would like a nice variety of weapon types and we do not just mean the material use steel glass evany etc we are talking about the classification of weapons the primary and incredibly necessary addition would be scimitars curved swords we need lots of them in various types of Daedric orichalcum etc but at the same time we don't want all the swords to be curved so this is where distinct weapon categories like scimitars and long swords would be very useful but now we have that out of the way let's talk about the cultural influences aesthetics and mode peeps that would help define the red guard look aesthetically hammerfell on the red guards as we have said are incredibly influenced by north african cultures such as the tar eggs Moroccans Berbers Egyptians Libyans as well as the Middle Eastern cultures such as Persians Arabians Turkish the Ottomans of the Ottoman Empire perhaps some ancient Mesopotamian influences in there and I'd say the Muslim world in general has its fair share of influence in Hammerfell and as we've talked about in previous videos about IRL inspirations for elder scrolls the cultural basis for your CUDA is Japan in terms of politics societal structure history and events however it would be a neat idea to incorporate some East Asian type aesthetic for a variety but not like importing straight katanas into their culture the occurred and motifs in air so already seems somewhat Samurai inspired but perhaps taking influences from real world cultures where East and West Asia met would be a really cool idea such as areas encompassed by the Sassanid Empire like Bactria sogdia and northwest in India there is one aesthetic in particular included in a year so that I really like and I would love for it to be an old scroll six if you look at the regard a motif and you may notice it includes these wing like spines of feathers built onto the back of the armor giving it a more intimidating appearance in-game this is a representation of their dedication to tava the air God well in the real world the people who are renowned for this other wing to size of Poland ESO has done a great job with some armors and aesthetics which when combined with some influences we've talked about would really create a nice spread of armor weapons and clothing that is not all just turbines and scimitars we think fantasy conches are done best when there is a good mix of real world cultural influences rather than straight-up importing fantasy versions of cultures into the games to clarify there's nothing wrong with basing a fantasy culture off certain real world cultures as a base but when there is no Flair new ideas or interesting mixes it just seems unoriginal and can be rather stale and now for the Companions companions have never had a huge role in the Elder Scrolls series but there's no reason why they can't have more attention in Skyrim there were a few companions with substance likes Rana but for the most part there was a lot of quantity and not much quality when it came to depth and personality just like an ideal Fallout game we desire Elder Scrolls 6 to have companions who are well connected to the world around you through factions and ideologies companions who will make you think about your choices and through your emotional connection with them may shape you as much as you can also shape them so instead of having over 50 different followers in the game we'd prefer a cast of say 8 deep and well put together companions all of which have their own unique desires playstyles quests and philosophies we think this would provide an older Scrolls game with a much richer experience on top of this we still want to keep some more generic followers to facilitate certain role-playing experiences perhaps certain mercenaries are available for hire or if you're the head of a guild such as our SAS ins faction there should still be those new recruits who you can command to travel with you things like that you can have some pet companions available too like an imperial war mastiff dog for example or maybe even a tamed hyena if they were to be in the game or things like that but generally the idea here is to move the focus onto quality while retaining those same basic follower options if desired but adding in some more true characters to be around companions who you'll grow super attached to and make many memories with and Hammerfell in particular is in such a nice spot for a diverse cast of deep companion characters that would make sense being there you have higher up to the north with lots of trade along the iliac bay you have Skyrim to the northeast how I felt bored is almost the entirety of serials Western cloven regions the ports of the south would potentially bring trade and interaction with Valen Wood and Somerset you also have austin ian built in the mountains between hammerfell and skyrim so you have access to potential orc companions so with all of these foreign populations just over the borders it would make sense to give us a rich cast of companions for example you could have a cloven Baron from the Isle of sterk who is hunting the man who kidnapped his wife and sold her to the slowed you could have an orc who is orphaned and adopted by a Red Guard family and Dragons star now lives with one foot in each of the two worlds conflicted by loyalty to his family and his desire for a true sense of belonging in connection to the Ozma people you could have a high of pirate of Stross Makai who has spent the last 400 years raiding thieving and plundering taking advantage of any crisis Daedric or great war he isn't a good fellow but he would be an interesting character with a lot of history to talk about he would have witnessed some of the most important events in the elderscrolls you could have ashamed and dishonored Breton Knight who failed to protect his King and was forced to find work in Hammerfell perhaps you could help him regain his faith within himself and have him knighted in the order of the Scarab or something like that we already have some examples of characters in the faction section that would make great companions - such as Caius or Elie and the x-blade member who is on a quest to revive the sword singers he would be a faction specific companion of course but overall you get the point there is a wealth of opportunity for companions in Hammerfell and we would love it if Bethesda gave them far more depth and attention or rather than providing endless but shallow options and that brings us to the end of our ideal Elder Scrolls 6 Hammerfell thank you all so much for supporting our channel and remember if you did enjoy the video please leave a like and share it with your friends or even with Bethesda if you want to talk about your Elder Scrolls or Fallout game ideas with us remember to pop in to our next YouTube stream which of course is announced on Michaels Twitter linked below if you want more of this content you know which button to press and remember if you want some absolutely sensational fudge Muppet logo merch that looks fresh as and helped support us click the link in the description thanks so much for tuning in to fudge Muppet this is our favorite type of content to make and it's only made possible by the support you give us it's been Michael and Scott and we look forward to nerding out with you again next time [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 689,974
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Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, elder scrolls 6, es6, elder scrolls 6 hammerfell, elder scrolls 6 sword singers, hammerfell, es6 hammerfell, elder scrolls 6 news, ideal elder scrolls 6, fudgemuppet
Id: v_LWpbVV_l0
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Length: 130min 22sec (7822 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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