The History of Tamriel - Introduction to Elder Scrolls Lore

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hello youtube and welcome to the start of our new five-episode series that i will call introduction to the elder scrolls lore this series is designed for people new to elder scrolls lore wanting to learn the basics and all the basic knowledge required to watch my regular lore videos and get into the elder scrolls lore in general i'll introduce you to all the basic knowledge that you need to watch my videos and those of other youtubers without getting a headache in this series these videos will absolutely not have any depth and i will provide basic knowledge you want theories about creation you want in-depth videos about a single character or an event watch my other videos although at the end of this video i will recommend some good videos for you to watch as a new person to underscores lore based on the knowledge that i provide to you today so are you new to the series or a veteran looking to get back or someone who doesn't really know a lot about the elder scrolls other than having played skyrim like twice and your elder scrolls obsessed friend sent you this video or are you that elder scrolls obsessed friend and you want to convince some friend to learn about the elder scrolls lore then i'd say you've come to the right place that's it today we're covering the basics and a general overview of the elder scrolls universe history this will be my longest video ever so brace yourself we're in for the long ride [Music] [Music] so okay so like promised let's start with the absolute basics this is tamriel it's the continent that all of the elder scrolls games take place in it's part of the fantasy world called nirn which is basically elder scrolls earth next to tamriel there are several other continents the most prominent of which are akathir al-muris atmora yokuda and perhaps a place called league which may or may not exist depending on which sources people believe tamriel is split up in nine provinces each of which has a signature race to them let's start with the province that people definitely know best skyrim the snowy province inhabited by the human race called the nords then there's the central province consisting of plains and hills cyrodiil which is inhabited by the imperials you've got hammerfell partly tropical partly desert and partly mountainous province inhabited by the red guards phalen wood the jungle and savannah province inhabited by the wood elves the summerset isles the lush island province inhabited by the high elves high rock the mountainy province inhabited by the bretons which are part of part human although they seem mostly human at this point then we've got morrowind the ashy volcano province inhabited by the dark elves elsewhere the dry desert and jungle province inhabited by a race of intelligent cat-like humanoids called the kachit which are likely related to the elves and finally we've got black mars the province of deep swamps inhabited by the argonians which are lizard-like humanoids created by the histories we've also got the orc race or orsimer which is a race of elf that basically lives scattered across all of tamriel and doesn't really have its own province although they have had their own territory several times throughout history in skyrim high rock and hammerfilm this is the situation as we find it in the games and there's a long and i mean long history that went into making tamriel the way we find it each race has their own countries and their own religions and we'll get into those in future introduction videos on gods and religions and on empires and nations so wait for those videos if you want more information on that but today we're taking a look at tamriel's history which is separated into several eras beginning with the dawn era then the meretic era the first era the second era the third era in the fourth era these errors are usually very confusing to new players and thus i will explain these errors together with a very brief history of all of tamriel's eras in the coming segments and in case you haven't noticed this video has time stamps so if a certain era doesn't interest you or you already know a lot about a certain era you can simply skip it towards the next era we're starting all the way at the creation of nirn in the dawn era of which there are many many many theories but i will only cover the basics here you see the world of nirn is part of the mortal plane a dimension of swords and the main dimension of the elder scrolls games take place in this world was created by several ancient spirits or gods the most important of which for this video were the spirit lorkhan magnus and akatosh which is the spirit god of time before any mortal plane was constructed there was simply nothing an empty universe filled with only spirits called the at ada or original spirits who had been born out of order and chaos it was the god lorcan's idea to create a mortal plane a pain of existence and akatorsh magnus and many other spirits sounded to help him out with that they were well on their way with creating this mortal dimension when suddenly the gods noticed that if they were to create a mortal plane they would lose much of their energy and power and thus some gods under the leadership of magnus decide to quit creation and others under the leadership of akators decided to stay this caused for three main groups of gods which will be important for the story going forward one is the aedra which are the gods that stayed to finish the mortal plane two are the daejer which are the gods that refused to help with creation from the beginning and made their own non-mortal planes outside of the mortal plane and third are the magna g gods that stopped with their help of creation about halfway in those were under the leadership of magnus when they fled creation they ripped holes in creation causing the sun and the stars to come into existence and then finally we've got lor khan who essentially got sort of killed by the other gods after they discovered that their power was being drained in creation his essence of his power his heart got ripped out and thrown across nirn remember this as this is very important for later anyway when the gods that stayed finished the mortal plane they were either so weak that they needed to procreate to make sure their legacy survived or they were strong enough to remain gods that's very much up to debate in the theory anyway after their creation of the mortal plane the mortal plane was mainly inhabited by creatures called the elmo fan or the first ones likely they were the direct creations or the direct descendants of the god depending on what you believe in terms of theories there were many types of elmo fae for example the dragons were created at this time and thus they are a type of elmophae a type of first ones another type of elmo faye were trees specifically conscious magical trees called the histories although whether these sentient histories and the dragons are elmo faye is up to debate again as there are many other descriptions of their origins but for an introduction like this all you really need to know is that these creatures were among the first to be present on nirn but among the elm of a there were also the ancestors of man elf and khajiit which we know all had one common ancestor in a type of elmo faye but at some point several groups of this common ancestor had become unstranged from one another one would become the common ancestor of man and the other of elf or myrrh as elves are called in the elder scrolls universe that is why earlier in this video i called the orcs or summer and you will later hear me call the high elves altmer and the dark elves dunmer and the wood elves the bosmer that's because myrrh is the elder scrolls word for elf these two and strange groups the ancestor of man and the ancestor of myrrh then had a bloody war with god-like powers among them shattering nirn which had only one continent at this point now into several continents one of which was tamriel groups of these ancestors then got stuck on the new continents on at mora there was a group of ancestors of men who would evolve into the needs the ancestor rays of the nords imperials and bretons on all murders there was a group of elvish ancestors who would evolve into the altmer the ancestors of the high elves wood elves dark elves and orcs on tamriel there was a group of elvish ancestors which would eventually evolve into the khajiit and a group of ancestors of a man who would evolve into the kotringy man and now extinct race of men on akavir the ancestors stranded there would just evolve into the races of akavir of which we don't know an awful lot and finally a group of ancestors of men would evolve into the occurrence ancestors of the red guards on yokuna and in addition to that an ancestral group of the elves also got stuck on yokuda and turned into the sinister isles or left-handed elves although this story of how the yukudans and the left-handed elves came to be and how the continent of yokuda came to be is highly disputed in the lore community so it will be interesting to read some theories on it after this video anyway on tamriel there were also still the histories who created the argonians as their protectors as they had been heavily damaged during the elmo faye wars without really really being involved they were literal collateral damage and this thought that hey since we're trees and we're immobile we'll need protectors so they created the argonians we now have the most vague part of history out of the way if you're still with me now the right truly begins as we enter the meredith era or literally translated the era of elvish dominance but let's not start with the elves let's start with the races of men as they are the less interesting of the two in this first half of this era on that mora the ancestral race of several types of men the needs lived and they had a pretty good society going that worked quite well for them because mental and mora worshiped the dragons and they were oppressed by the dragons and their dragon priests while this situation might not have been ideal it's not as bad as it sounds and the needs were overall pretty happy and they saw the situation as natural since they worshipped animals and they saw dragons as chief among the animals and on yokuda the yokudans the ancestors of the red guards were also happily doing their thing which mostly meant warring with the elvis rays that had been stranded there and absolutely exterminating them until no sinister or left-handed elves were left speaking of elves the aldmer the ancestors of all modern elf races were pretty happy on their continent of walt murray's it was a prosperous society that they had going on there and the entire continent was according to the sources that we have one big city where no nature at all remained it sounds worse than it is apparently as everybody was generally quite happy on the continent until some mysterious impending doom before the continent and the aldmer were forced to search for new lands to live they were then the first to land on tamriel after they searched for a new homeland specifically they landed on the summerset isles naming it their new homeland there were also another group of elves the sea elves or marmor which were banished from old mirrors back in the day who now lived on pianonee which is a continent south of tamriel quickly after landing there they immediately wondered what had become of their original homeland but several expeditions brought back no results and ships simply never returned once once they sailed out to search for old muries altmers seems to have vanished but during their expeditions one of their explorers called topple the pilot did discover tamriel this discovery of tamriel led to several large-scale migrations to tamriel all for different reasons two groups of altmer migrated to current day morrowind becoming the now long since disappeared dwemer and the ancestors of the modern day darkhouse the kymer another group of aldmer migrated to current day skyrim and they would become the falmer or snow elves which are also extinct now another group would migrate to current date cyrodiil and parts of black marsh becoming the now extinct elites and finally there are the elvish races that are still alive today the group that would become the bosmer or wood elves who settled in valenwood and the orcs or orsimer who led a nomadic lifestyle in the northwestern regions of skyrim high rock and hammerfell the opposite state behind on the summers and ice would become the modern day high elves or altmer there were also the derenny elves resettled in high rock around the same time but they aren't generally seen as their own race but rather just as high elves living in high rock so with tamriel almost fully colonized by the elvis races and the khajiit and argonians basically only living in their own provinces of elsewhere and black mars this era can definitely be called the meretic era or the era of elvish dominance but the end of that era would soon come when knock knock the humans come to tamriel after they decided that they should expand their living space from edmora which was still doing fine at this point however several centuries later an ice age would come over at mora making it inhabitable so humans should be pretty glad that they came to tamriel otherwise humans might have been extinct now or at least the needs which are the ancestors of the nords imperials and the bretons not long after their arrival on the continents humans settled in skyrim high rock hammerfell and cyrodiil forming their own nations humans then eventually also stopped worshiping the dragons leading to the dragon war where the humans overthrow the dragon's rule using their own magic and manage to banish the dragon's leader alduin outside the mortal realm so that he would never return probably anyway the humans didn't really have the best possible relations with the murr races already present on tamriel so the elves in cyrodiil they were enslaved by the elite empire in high rock they were made second class citizens and servants to the durani elves and in skyrim well skyrim is a peculiar case as for while the early nords and the snow elves were living in an uncomfortable harmony at first but then at the turn of the era an event called the night of tears happened snow of armies exterminated the humans of their early settlements killing everybody that they could find the reason for this is ambiguous and there's many theories in the community on it but today we're only covering the basics then one of the survivors of this massacre a man named eastgermore seals back to atmora and then comes back with a massive army to enact revenge in short this results that the nords are absolutely destroying the snow elves at this point in the next few decades and they get full dominance on skyrim leading to the first human empire on the continent the first nordic empire around the same time of this massacre in valenwood this wood elf guy called iplear had united the province of valenwood as a kingdom for the first time and said we should start keeping dates so he said this from now on is the first era and since before that dates weren't really kept in the marathi era or not centrally by any country anyway almost everybody thought that this was probably a good idea and collectively the people of tamriel started counting the years now in the first era before that point during the moralic era years weren't counted so now in the first era the years of the moralic era would be counted negatively like rbc the higher the number the earlier in history so the year 2500 of the meroratic era means 2500 years before the first era and then the eras after it are counted positively like r80 with me so far good so the first era the nords weren't really super satisfied with just conquering skyrim for the humans after they completely exterminated the snow elves so now they started conquering the surrounding lands as well and they get this big empire after killing all the snow elves and expanding into high rock morrowind and modern day cyrodiil this nordic empire is also called the first human empire and it was the first big signal that the era of elvis dominance was getting to an end in the meantime over here in the province of morrowind there was this group of elves would have rejected the worshiping of the gods and rather pursued science instead of religion and which started to live underground these were called the dwemer or deep elves or dwarves in their pursuit of science they became very technologically advanced as they sought for a way to become gods themselves and they just so happened to live on this mountain where a very powerful fragment left from the time of creation happened to be buried called the heart of lorkhan remember how lorkhan's heart was teared out now there are many theories on lorkhan on how the heart got there and what exactly the dwemer did with the heart but this video really only goes over the basics so in short the drummer built this gigantic robot powered by the heart and called it the new medium or their brass gaunt which had the power to change the universe itself unfortunately for them the other elves living in morrowind the kymer weren't super stoked by the idea of the dwemer having that much power and thus the war of the first council began the dwemer trying to complete their gold versus the kymer trying to stop them from completing their brass god the kymer were under the loose leadership of these five people the war leader in trill nerevar his wife almalexia the friends and brothers vivek and sotha sil and their cool and wise buddy foreign they defeated the dwemer but in a last-ditch attempt to win the dwemer likely tried to activate their gold prematurely and suddenly all of the dwemer disappeared from the face of nirn not that but disappeared once their gold was activated what exactly happened why did they disappear nobody has any idea whatsoever and there are countless theories on him but what we do know is that after the dwemer were gone the heart of lorkhan giving the robot its power was still there the chimer's leader nerovor said let's ask the daedric prince azura who you venerate what to do with the heart and the tools allowing it to give people power and then they left foreign dagoth with the heart to guard it because he was the most trustworthy person to do so unfortunately while they were consulting with azura daegoth turned out not to be trustworthy as he used the tools to get godlike power for himself with the heart luckily the four heroes managed to defeat dagoth and then nerevar decided that they needed to leave the heart and the tools alone like azura wanted unfortunately for him his wife and his two friends didn't agree and most likely killed him they then used the power of the heart to make themselves living gods and that's how we ended up with the living gods of morrowind the tribunal on malaysia sothasil and vivec who you may have heard from if you played elder scrolls online or the elder scrolls 3 morrowind oh and azura was so angry at them for doing that against her wishes that she cursed the entire kaimer race turning their gold skins into ashen grey hence how we ended up with the dark elves or the dunmer that we see in all the games she also prophesies that nerevar that guy the tribunal likely murdered in order to get their power will be reincarnated and will right the wrongs done by the tribunal and foreign dagoth with me so far good because this is very important for later on during the early years of the first era a few centuries before the disappearance of the dwemer and the creation of the tribunal there was actually a large-scale slave uprising in the central province of cereal this slave uprising was led by a woman named alessia who was named slave queen and liberated her people of their elven oppressors the aliens killing many of them exterminating all those who would not liberate their slaves inside with them with some help of the nordic empire she freed almost all of cyrodiil and founded the first syradelic empire or alessian empire of which alessia was the first empress there were also some demigods involved but then again we are not going into specifics here when she died after establishing her empire she was visited by the god of time akators or probably at her death and the god of time bound her soul to this thing the amulet of kings and blessed her descendants with the dragon blood at the same time he created the divine covenant with the power of the emote of kings her descendants would be able to keep the human plane safe from invasions of the daedra you know those cults who didn't create the world and exist outside of the mortal plane as long as someone wearing the amulet of kings lighted the dragonfires in the imperial city they could repair the shields protecting the mortal realm if someone had broken it only those blessed with the dragon blood would be able to wear the amulet meaning that alessia's descendants and others blessed with the dragon blood now got a special position in tamrielic society as legitimate emperors over the alessian empire as the emperor was supposed to keep the daedra at bay using the amulet of kings and thus legitimate emperors were identified by their ability to wear the amulet again remember this very important for later on this whole thing with the amulet of kings worked out quite well as the atlassian empire remains strong co-existing with the nordic empire but at some point the nordic empire fell apart due to civil war and even later after a large-scale plague that killed of over half of tamriel's citizens and internal turmoil in the empire the atlassian empire also fell throwing tamriel into chaos for over 500 years during which the amulet of kings was lost until this handsome little man came along riemann cyrodiil this guy well there's a lot that we can say about him and there are many theories as to how he came to the world but some say that he was conceived by spirits and that he was found as a baby upon a hill with the amulet of kings on his forehead whether or not this is true it's known that he did become a very significant political leader very early in his life and that he managed to basically unite the entire central province of cyrodiil and light the dragonfires something which hadn't been done since the alaskan empire fell apart pretty soon after he managed to unite cyrodiil tamriel was invaded by the forces of akavir you know the other continent these invading people were the seizie an akathira humanoid race which may or may not have been snake people depending on the theories that you believe they specifically invaded the north of tamriel and had come from akavir in search of a person bearing the dragon blood also called dragonborn luckily for them riemann decided to come and help the nords and rushed to skyrim with his army to combat the forces of akavir when the invading akathir you hear them speak they recognized him as dragonborn stopping their invasion and swearing fealty to him meaning that king riemann now had a pretty strong akaviri army and his own armies at his disposal and he used this to basically conquer most of tamriel and found the riemann empire or the second empire as it's often called this empire did pretty well and continued expanding after riemann's death under his descendants they even conquered the summerset house and valenwood his descendants continued ruling the empire's dragonborn emperors for about 200 years until riemann's last descendant riemann cereal iii and his heirs were all assassinated under mysterious circumstances this assassination was likely planned by one of riemann's closest advisors and a guy named first seduce who was one of the akathiri or a descendant of the akaviri which had helped riemann the first establish his empire in the first place and who invaded tamriel and once riemann's heirs were all dead the akathi reversed to shay grab power naming himself potentate over the empire keeping the empire together and proclaiming that with the death of riemann's heirs and riemann's line the first era had ended and now the second era had begun under the akafuri potentates so enter the second era the era where in the beginning the akaviri potentates ruled over what was left of the riemann empire there were two akaviri potentates first first to do shay but he was assassinated as well and then his son ruled for another century until he like riemann cereal iii was assassinated along with all his heirs the death of the akaviri potentates and the lack of any dragonborn ruler threw what was left of the empire into complete chaos and we see tamriel fracturing for several centuries in this period of chaos it's that the elder scrolls online takes place this game takes place essentially on all of tamriel as with every new update they bring more regions until presumably they make them all this game's plot revolves around the necromancer man and marco shattering the veil between the mortal realm and oblivion which are the realms of the daedric god so the gods that did not help with creation and with nobody around to relight the dragonfires that means that the door was now opened to several daedric gods or daedric princes as we call them in the elder scrolls universe to invade the mortal realm chief among them molag bal who is fought during the main story and there's other princes in the other dlc's of the game anyway after the elder scrolls online there's another long period of fracture and no central rule until yet another very handsome man comes along fiber septim whose origins like riemann cereal are completely shrouded in mystery and of which there are many many theories which are all disputed but in short this guy was likely an imperial or a nordic general and more importantly he was a dragonborn the first to be discovered in a very long while and he was able to light the dragonfires so he became emperor of cyrodiil but like riemann he wasn't really super satisfied with that and he decided that he wanted to conquer all of tamriel so he did for the first time someone literally conquered all of tamriel he even used the ruined remains of the new medium the old dwemer robot god which he somehow got the work how exactly that's again disputed in the lore community he then used that robot to completely decimate any resistance of the high elves of the summerset isles uniting all of tamriel under his banner every province was now for the first time united and tiber septim decided that it was time for a new era and since everybody on tamriel was rude by him everybody didn't really have a choice other than to accept that that they were now living in a new era so enter the third era all of tamriel under one banner the imperial banner and led by tiber septim and his descendants the third era for all terms of purposes was the era of the septims as their rule was almost undisputed and tamriel remained united for almost the entire era of course a lot of interesting stuff happened we've had civil wars scandals and necromancers supposedly a descendant of that guy ipliyar who founded the first era almost toppling the entire empire and one of tiber set them to descendants uriel v tried to conquer akavir and horribly failed but in the end these things would not all truly affect the course of history the real history affecting things would happen at the end of the era when most of the elder scrolls games take place in which tiber septim the founder of the empire is now worshipped as a god all across tamriel after his death which was several centuries ago at this point it all starts with the elder scrolls one arena the septum empire was then under the rule of emperor uriel septim vii remember him he's important he's basically the most important emperor in the games anyway uriel is betrayed by one of his advisors and battle mates jagar tharn who imprisons him in a realm of oblivion remember the realms of the gods that didn't help with creation and disguised himself as magically as the emperor it is your task as the player of the elder scrolls one arena to find the shattered remains of a very powerful staff defeat jake or tharn and free the emperor this game takes place on all of tamriel and is quite old but still quite enjoyable if you want to try it out almost directly after that game we see the events of the elder scrolls 2 daggerfall in which we know are serving the freed emperor and he sends you to this region where the game takes place the iliac bay the plot of daggerfall revolves around the construction of the new medium or the reconstruction remember this is the big dwemer robot whether or not the dominion is destroyed or used by someone or by whom it is then used is all up to the player's choices the game has 6 endings but they all don't really matter since the activation of the new medium causes a dragon break which is basically an error in time which in this case makes all endings true and false at the same time meaning that there isn't really a canon ending to the game your choices didn't really matter for the entire story of the elder scrolls we've had dragon breaks before like when the dwemer tried to activate the new medium and when tiber septim did but they are too complicated to explain for this basics video of the elder scrolls lore and it's a topic of immense discussion in the community and it can fill three hours of discussion all by itself so i really recommend searching up some of those videos or those discussion threads alright so several years after the story of the elder scrolls 2 daggerfall one more hits the fan with the elder scrolls 3 morrowind which takes place not in all of morrowind but just on this island in the middle of morrowind fardenfell alright so do you remember the three living goals of morrowind the tribunal which we talked about earlier well it turns out that in order to keep their power they needed to visit the heart of lorcan every once in a while they wouldn't be able to keep that power permanently without visiting the heart but unfortunately for them and basically everybody on tamriel it turns out that vor and dagoth remember the guy that got corrupted and was then defeated by them wasn't actually fully defeated and now occupies the heart chamber using the power of the heart to keep them out this causes the tribunal to slowly get weaker over time as they lose the heart of lorkhan's power and then well enter you as the player of the elder scrolls 3 morrowind you are the reincarnation of in the real nerevar remember the guy who was likely betrayed and prophesied to return also called the nerevarine it is your destiny to defeat thorin dagoth who now calls himself demigod they got ur and also destroy the heart of lordcon and thus you do that in the game and by destroying the heart of lorcan you also cut off morwin's tribunal permanently from the heart making them once more mortal this drives omalexia mad who then kills sota seal and then tries to kill you but you kill her and then there's five who also disappears either also killed by you as the player or disappearing because of another reason this other reason is up for endless debate in the community and there are many theories on which there's no consensus anyway the tribunal is gone at the end of the third era as his day called urn and thus as azura had foretold in her prophecy earlier in the video you righted the wrongs of the past as the player as the nerevarine so morrowind is once again at peace but not much later there's another knock on the door of trouble as the underscores four oblivion launches taking place in cyrodiil at the start of the game you find out that the current emperor uriel septim vii you know the emperor of the last three games is painfully assassinated along with all his heirs this is really a trend in the whole emperor thing in the elder scrolls universe this gives an organization called the mythic dawn worshipers of the daedric prince called maroons dagon who is the jaded prince or daedric gold of chaos the opportunity to shatter the ville between nerd and oblivion causing for the oblivion crisis countless portals then open up all across tamriel and the minions of maroons dagon swarm into tamriel killing everybody they can find in this game you as the player discovered that uriel sept in the seventh actually did have one last son a bastard son named martin septon the only person left on tamriel capable of re-lighting the dragonfires you as the player then help martin septim in his quest of stopping dagon and the game ends with martin septim shattering the eminent of kings and sacrificing his own soul to permanently seal this door between oblivion and the mortal plane with no chance of the seal ever being broken again this officially ended the need for dragonborn emperors and ended the third era as his sacrifice marks the turning point to watch the fourth era the most powerful person in the empire at that time high chancellor of the empire okato proclaims a new era so enter the fourth era and you know what happens when there's no real ground for anyone to legitimately lead the empire as the dragon blood is no longer needed and all the septums of the septum dynasty are all dead that's right chaos happens and chaos it is as in the first half of the fourth era the empire shatters after high chancellor or keitan who helped the empire together for like five more years is assassinated black marsh and elsewhere say goodbye to the empire as the summerset isles while more wind gets completely destroyed by a massive volcano during this period the argonians invade morrowind but eventually get driven back and the summerset isles under the new management called the thalmor who are sort of elven supremacists capture valenwood from the empire forming the alt-mary dominion a nation of elves considering of somerset and valenwood during these years a new imperial dynasty has formed in cyrodiil a conqueror dynasty called the mead dynasty which is started by titus mead the first this guy manages to conquer all of the human provinces and possibly morrowind again but we're not sure on that one oh and also via clever trick the thalmer of the aldmeri dominion managed to get the khajiit of elsewhere on their side by possibly doing something with the moons that may or may not have been their fault but more on that in the video on gods and religions so tamriel now consists of three major powers the empire of the human provinces and possibly morrowind the ultimate dominion of the elvish provinces and elsewhere and black marsh under the leadership of the argonian faction called the ansalil this is essentially the setting of the fourth era which i will elaborate much more in the future episodes on this series on empires and nations anyway while black mars basically minds his own business the thalmor elven supremacists believe that they and not the empire should be the dominant force over tamriel they wish to create a numeric era or so-called an era of elvish dominance on tamriel and they make work of it as in the year 7 171 of the fourth era they start the great war an effort to topple the empire and establish elvis dominance over tamriel this is where the main quest of the elder scrolls spin of the elder scrolls legends take place during this war anyway the war is nearly won by the elves with some daedric help but the empire manages to basically barely stave off the crushing blow at the battle of the red ring after this a peace treaty called the white gold concordat is established between the alt-mary dominion and the empire the elves would leave the human lands that they still captured and possibly gave the empire war reparations and the empire outlaws the ancient spy organization the blades and stops the worship of sattai perception as a gold in exchange because the elves of the dominion don't particularly enjoy that the guy who exterminated their ancestors with a giant the robot is now worshipped as a god and more on those blades in a future introduction video on organizations and factions by the way due to treaty complications hammerfell isn't forced to leave the empire as it was promised to the old married dominion as a part of compensation but doesn't really like the fact that it's being promised as compensation and does it fights on alone against the weakened altmer dominion until they fight the dominion to a standstill and eventually two get peace this is where the spin of mobile game the elder scrolls blades take place which takes place in cyrodiil but in that story you're just past the point where hammerfell got peace in this story you fight against a resurrected elite sorcerer in the aftermath of the great war but that story of so little consequence to the entire timeline that we will immediately move on to the use of the most recent game the elder scrolls 5 skyrim this game features a story set in the middle of a civil war as not everybody in skyrim is super happy with the fact that they can't worship tiber septim as a god anymore due to that treaty that ended the war this war is fought between the mead empire and the titus meet the second the most recent descendant of the mid dynasty and the north ulfric stormcloak skyrim nationalist nord wishes to be independent all the while an ancient evil returns to skyrim remember at the beginning of this video i told you that the nords of all banished the leader of the dragons anduin outside the mortal realm at the end of the dragon war well actually what they did is sent him forward in time and well that means that one day he would surface and that one day is now as alduin immediately returns and starts bringing the dragons back by resurrecting them restarting the dragon war all over again and you as the player have the task of defeating aldwin and preventing the return of the dragons something which is made a little easier by the fact that you have been blessed by akatosh and are dragonborn like tiber septim riemann and alessia's heirs before you this means that you have the blood of dragons and thus you can destroy the dragon something which the nords of old could not they could only put them down temporarily which meant that they could be resurrected why this is exactly that you can kill them and they couldn't well in short dragons are everlasting timeless and endless and they are supposedly directly the descendants or the creation of akators the goal of time among the first ones that ever walk nirn and they can only be killed by fellow dragons or by you as you are technically a human formed dragon since you have the dragon blood and possibly the soul of a dragon yourself depending on which theory you believe anyway that was a very short history of tamriel i skipped over countless things but those are the most important things that you need to know to understand the majority of my videos but there are two final things that i wish to introduce to you in this basic introduction to elder's console number one are the elder scrolls themselves you see after the creation of the mortal plane several so-called fragments of creation were left behind one of these types of fragments are the elder scrolls they are scrolls with the power of creation imbued within them and they are themselves fragments of creation these scrolls can be used by mortals to glimpse parts of futures or more accurately possible futures this means that the scrolls contain all possible futures and since the game feature open worlds full of choices and different things to do and different play styles and characters to create the games are literally a real world embodiment of these elder scrolls themselves showing all possible things that could happen on tamriel at the time of the game as you the player can make all these things happen in different playthroughs hence why the series is called the elder scrolls this is a criminally short explanation of this concept but we're only covering the basics here and the second thing i wanted to say was that in the elder scrolls lore things are mostly learned from in-game sources meaning visuals in-game books npc dialogues and written notes in the game a lot of these sources especially the written ones or the spoken ones by npcs are heavily influenced by the concept of the unreliable narrator meaning that an npc can be wrong when he says something to you or he might lie to you because he has his reasons to do so or you know change the truth or for example a book you find might be censored or incomplete or wrong depending on who wrote it and in what nation it was released just like in real life and that that very thing makes it so that this series's lore is so incredibly interesting to me and many others this video had several moments in it where i said that there were many theories on something which meant there are conflicting sources and thus we simply don't know what happened and you know we don't have all the pieces to the puzzle we have to work with the pieces that we have there are many such cases in the lore and this is probably why there's so much discussion on everything in the elder scrolls and will also be a lot of discussion in the comments of this video as well of people saying that i'm wrong on whatever but that's the beauty of elder scrolls law it's truly like studying history and interpretation of history or historical sources but then of a fantasy universe a history that seems almost endless and in which i after six years of making pretty in-depth videos about specific topics still discover new things about every single day when i study this so that's the basics of elder scrolls lore by martin this was long but we're not done yet as as i promised i'll i'll be recommending some videos for any new player to watch after this video first my video on toppled the pilot you know the guy who discovered tamriel after the elves landed on somerset isles in the meredith era he discovered tamriel and i basically covered his story in this video second my video on the disaster in akathir a video where i go through the story of how uriel the fifth tried to conquer akkavir and then horribly filled with a map to visualize this war third my video on why technology is not advancing on tamriel and why people are stuck in seemingly endless medieval times i specifically touch on the effects of magic here which i had to skip over in this video since i basically assumed that people would know that in a fantasy universe you have magic fourth my video on sex procreation and relationships in the elder scrolls universe as it gets some not often talked about lore about the races it's not a meme video i promise it's a serious thing and fifth and finally my video on why baby dragons aren't the thing in the elder scrolls universe so why dragon zone procreate like the other races that's a very interesting video to watch as it explains some more about the endless aspect of dragons and their timeless aspect anyway i really really hope that you learned something and i hope that you will be here for the future episodes of my introduction to the elder scrolls lore series as there are a lot of work to make next episodes i'll be dealing with some specific stuff like the introductions to nations and empires in the elder scrolls universe introductions to the gods and religions and most important factions and possibly most important figures depending on the demand for these videos i never actually ask this as i personally find it extremely annoying when youtubers do this but after this one i think i'm allowed to ask it please be sure to share this video with people that are interested in learning more about the elder scrolls lore but don't know where to start with the tesla's handling of the ip this series is kind of declining and it's up to us the fans to keep it alive and thus i'm making this series which is made possible by my patrons who support me on basically every video that i make yeah at the end of every video i always do a vocal mention to the top patrons and that's even more important now thank you so much to my top patrons mr bernardo binda gabriel being the sword of bushido and mr christmas these wonderful people along with all the other patrons that you see on screen right now make these kind of series possible and for that i am very grateful um this might have been my longest video yet i'm um i'm going to sleep goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Imperial Knowledge
Views: 828,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Morrowind, Lore, Oblivion, Imperial Knowledge, The elder scrolls lore, Elder scrolls lore, The elder scrolls, TES6, Elder scrolls 6, Elder Scrolls VI, Tamriel History, Elder Scrolls Timeline, Elder Scrolls Era, Skyrim First Era, ESO First era, Merethic Era, Elder Scrolls creation, Elder Scrolls History Summary, Tamriel Timeline, Tamriel countries, Tamriel Empire, Fudgemuppet, Fourth era Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Theory, Bethesda, Elder Scrolls Release Date
Id: 6jCNpkRjaXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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