Eden Streak #60 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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alright let's go start the YouTube video with me picking out my nose really good I'm going I'm just going I'm just gonna go just gonna go no Mia knows 15 months in a row and he's back oh oh yeah this is okay I think I like this maybe I like the high dam it just it's nice honey mustard 16 months miss you huts hope you had a fantastic time Thailand next month I'll be in Japan I've always wanted to go to Japan hi you got me addicted to oxygen not included thanks for that just be rich it's good tier 2 sub also good buds but Hut two months in a row Holly seventeen months it's a poly purple night ask the question don't know if myself went through purple king it did I called it out I think I remember your name like for like four seconds ago dragon does two months in a row is this what it feels like double but feels good right you get a little extra to grab on to which is always nice a little more cushion for the pushin is that is that the same is that boy here honey nope with us good damage bad fire right but that's easy mascara we have forget-me-now which so we can do a floor again this is an excel floor and we have charm of the vampire which is just kind of a thing and it's fine politic ah geez I'm a vampire with a with the blood sucking thing on me it's gonna be a vampire tick it's gonna be unstoppable everyone's gonna get Lyme disease toxic it in seven months in a row hey that's missed you so much hope he had so much fun when you were gone it was amazing absolutely I know most 24 months oh my god it's already 2 years 60 awesome entertainment thank you I almost for the two years hell yeah oh I want that we're talking that book that allows me to jump or a book that allows gonna fly we're talking about a flight card here we're talking about what are we talking about any flight item at all would I even take what's that [ __ ] the Lord of the pit I would take lord of the pit for that I would because the lord of the pit would be a too hard deal really go back here get a one heart back plus all the damage would be yeah mm-hmm sappy one dollar let's pay for Burt's hospital fees seriously slime long it was like up to like what 200,000 slime lung stupid bird 13 months in our code name countess welcome back and dream ask a question how is Leonard doing he's good he missed the [ __ ] out of me and he's just like all over me all the time I'm covered in cat hair I'm literally actually though like really covered in batter I don't know if you can see it can you see it can you see the clumps they don't show up that well but like you know like clump after clump you know he's a clumpy cat the hairs speed is pretty ripped all 0.86 and I could do worse GW Beach 18 months in real welcome back welcome back to you thank God I hope she's 18 Oh gross I mean what other kind of 818 jokes and I make here well there goes our deal with the devil because I got stuck at a PHA okay okay okay okay we almost bed we almost did we're almost dead we're gonna blow the eden streak on the first room I mean that was just kind of like not even fair it was a little not fair he was a blue champion but he's a blue character was I supposed to know that he was blue da ba dee da ba [ __ ] me in the face Oh when did you get back was it today so speedy thieves no it's like a couple days it's like before the weekend but I was sick and things were happening some [ __ ] that I'm not really ready to talk about yet but that's okay mr. bones under bits so top so my top all-in-one bits pot has been removed should I fix that amazing Johnny two months in a row dead in nine months nine months already but baby huh hype keep up the awesome work love you man hey kid 8-bit kid icarus nineteen months in Iran welcome back you should have done a warm-up run and Nate rules $50 well I was going to try and take that D spot for myself but this will have to do Lowell and Rin eleven months in a row welcome back fifty dollars from Nate thank you so much you guys are way too generous you guys are way too generous and like before we freak out let's just hit a good that's just like calm down right hit a good rhythm good vibes we're gonna need them we're gonna need the good vibes right here right now I want to show you guys something that we're gonna do later today all those boxes over there you guys sent me all those boxes in my PA box and we're gonna do a peel box opening and I'm very excited about that I have no idea what to expect but I'm sure it's gonna be amazing thank you thank you thank you guys rudest water may May 14 months internal welcome debt back dad welcome dad back dancing Leo six months in a row clear sandwich one of her bits been a while still a work so I can't stick around so I'll have to rewatch a stream later make the game guy nine months in a row going strong welcome back cuts and mer further seven months and I'll insert welcome message I was born two months early so do I get my shirt two weeks early Kappa look at Oh any giveaways today we could absolutely do giveaways mods if you guys want to do giveaways or like host like a like a sub giveaway or anything like that please talk to the mods because then they I'll put it into a like a sheet that I have and I have it open over here and that's how I know it otherwise it's really hard to talk to me to the chat alright if you guys can understand the the hand signals can troll 11 months in real hey hot 10 been around these parts in a while came back to my 11 month anniversary love you hots it's good that you're back Cantrell welcome back thank you bo master 15 months what is not Bo master pretty much the plague the untouchable are phage be untouchable is that always say that I think high let's hope you had a great vacation I'm loving the oxygen I include series I have some huts luck on the run please don't rip the streak dude I know I need something I need this I need it crystal Earl nine months you missed my birthday hope you had a good time a P birthday crystal Earl belated thank you for the but baby age Lord no sighs five months in a row with death dragon ask a question not a question but I just turned 17 on the 7th and I got my first job at After Tomorrow things just go by so fast huh congratulations Jett Reagan you're doing it you're like adulting and stuff that's like super cool all right just like a heart like a single heart could you could you do that for me let's say I don't like soup that's not a heart there's nothing hard about that huh there's nothing harder radish about that dragon dusk a thousand bits thank you for that [ __ ] magic must refills your health do I need it more than I've ever needed anything the poops excite me that's why really scared of me Oh health back thanks to the one thing that I said wasn't really gonna help me out at all no that's not hard I'll take a shop - it's like a bi health yahzee four months in a row welcome back Yazzie schizo 19 I just sent the pack to see you how long did it take to record all the oxygen not included well it was like 30 minutes per episode and I went back-to-back so 30 minutes times 22 episodes part arts arts art art heart poops excite him [Music] that's the super into - oh my god 7,500 miss me daddy I missed all of you guys tease Elia that is amazing thank you so much 7500 bits is the cup working because I hope that we're collecting all this goodness right now damn no begging who's begging was that me please you guys help me I spent all my money in silently no talent is incredibly cheap I would absolutely recommend going there on vacation if you guys are worried about money they're also super friendly and there's so many tourists like it's just a thing like it's okay that you're a tourist they they fully accept that they're like awesome like you're literally funneling money into our economy so everyone treated us so well so well the Thai people were extremely welcoming 10,000 bits oh my god wrong what's wrong oh my goodness wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong 10,000 bits awesomeness you crazy that is nuts the music's a little loud you know you're right absolutely I need to turn that down I just I hadn't yet from the intro sky it's too excited I don't know if that's too quiet now I don't know so I'm making stuff up as we go you guys dodge duck dip dive and dodge you guys we're doing well we're back on track and I feel a little bit better like tiny bit better about where we're at here you know the cool part actually would be come on would be pretty good I think devil deals for free money for nothing and chicks for free I can't even hear the music now like it's like a couple pixels between two loud and silent so why the Frick did our knives a chest pop up on my screen so I clicked on I got tons of pennies excuse me yeah you can use those pennies to ask me questions you've got a ton of hearts though so you don't really need it yeah yeah yeah by the heart only aims or rooms well you never know where the day is gonna take us might as well do this I guess I get a a bomb bag so we're guaranteed to get more of those I just I should swear there's like a clump of cat hair like hanging off my nose like this and I'm just sitting here like trying to pretend like everything's okay but I'm not okay Q My Chemical Romance no not okay I'm not a [ __ ] K anyone just meet them joycie what's up L money eight months in a row yeah hot Stremme you know it's difficult because I don't really know if it's a lowercase L money or if it's a capital i money so I made my choice let's hoping they'd be the top seed room free cash if again another bomb which we absolutely will will come back remind me no need to remind me cuz we're there our health has literally never done any better than this nope no one's ever done better than this in health yeah it's good yeah it's pretty good I don't feel a little bit better yeah the way that would make this better is by getting flights that's not that's a bomb can you activate the stream legends gift I'm gonna try for you while playing who can play talk read crazy donations and activates Stream legends gifts okay are you trying to start a bit war m8 for the love of daddy I will prevail for the love of daddy DS Ellie another 10,000 pics ah oh my god get the card huts what card in the shop in case is a flight card you can fly with a bum yeah but I just I'm not good at that I've heard myself too many times in the past I've got scars do you want to know how I got these scars dogs chasing cars man you've gotten so many donations to Saffy too many right knock it off you guys oh my gosh I missed mish mish 7 months in row you were gone so long that I resorted to watching the old videos I am so sorry all I can say is hashtag Yolo glad you're back huh is that they the Yolo series oh let's see here where we at freaky man prime sub what's up creepy man man of the freaky mummified muffin eight months in a row welcome back [Music] not enough it's enough soul in the top secret did I miss it so I don't miss the soul part what am i blind apparently I lost my vision in Thailand that's not good make one damn joke about ladyboys at the old area Austin is for life 2500 one parenthesis what is he to say pretty sure you always two or three tiers of hats what if there's hats in the boxes though [Music] this is what's going on starting off with the proud dad and shiny Gyarados level three already yeah yeah this is it this is this is a good look for me you know I think I could pull off being a trucker well c'mon dad half trucker 1/2 Pokemon dad all right you think the Seagram would look like it to me I will go for that buy another bomb I could probably get a crap ton of money from those guys but alas I do not so hard I got it already those gloves though yeah we don't have any gloves yet dragon dust 7,000 bitsy guys work I like this oh my god I like this song [Music] reveal we're gonna try something some real sexy all right give me give me a second here for those of you who came for Isaak content we don't play isaac here we just we just goof around Isaac is like maybe if it happens what's up dudes anyone order a pizza sup bruh oh yeah this is like hanging ten of my longboard for a second there and it's like crazy yeah I'm moving and buying a new house awesome to save your money for the house Thank You dragon dusk DS le and asanas for life crap boon cop oh my goodness this is what that amount of donations gets you guys oh man like sick gnarly breath like [ __ ] shred it man freak lock his clock steel band tell that's the free clock and remod him alright how do we he got like little eggs legit band right unban I'll do it for 300 all I didn't that's not how you do that I'm just typing in the chat now I put the the slash in the wrong spot cuz I'm an idiot [ __ ] what is it [ __ ] what there we go that's whose [ __ ] not no not that one that one I don't even know what I just did I think maybe maybe I messed it up but maybe I didn't and I'm not sure what's going on well being a freak three months in Earl welcome back getting there Lowell Katie nerd gets the girl hunter bits oh my God we're reaching the unicorn mask levels tone don't even say that so how did you like the lady boys hot slay him you know I saw a bunch of them you'd walk by them on the streets and they would look at you and they would go and they would shove their entire fist into their mouth and then be like yeah like I don't know about you but mine's not his that's that's pretty big I don't think I that would be just that'd be hard to manage you know like if it was that big you're like going for a run and it's like I don't hurt you could hurt somebody with that froggy girl one dollar you look like old PewDiePie with that Wiggly mouth damn I missed you a hot dog bun six months in a row dad I waited so long to do this law so close to but baby hope your vacate was a gradable that's pretty good I like that - the whole like [ __ ] mouth fisting thing like I didn't need to see that but we paid the band clock did it work I think I maybe did it but I think maybe I didn't do it you missing out $10,000 or 10,000 [Music] not the DS Elia I got dragon dust I got DS elia awesomeness at the tooth 2496 oh did I miss something it's o'clock here kha can you hear me kool aid ten months in a row I did it I think I did it let me let me try one more thing the studies not banned anymore no he's off Lionel alright cool eight ten months what's up welcome back tens a good number I like that we still have an item to go into I'm excited about that you missed azalea got it prevailed Azealia ten thousand dragon dusty zeliha and i'll since you guys are crazy all y'alls thank you thank you thank you I didn't say anything about it I definitely saw it metronome not good enough waggle is a finger any of us mob could have unbanned and whoops levena freak hey how it's glad to see you're back missed you dad I missed you guys too seriously I'm having a lot of fun right now five hundred bits from you Russ sue dude did I say that right maybe I'm just not seeing correctly but thank you for the five hundred bits mich Mich ten dollars excuse me sir but what is going on with your head I don't know what to say just take my money Stream is bumping scream is bumpin it's nothing wrong with a little bit of bump and grind ain't nothing wrong with a little bump and run hey it's mr. bones mr. bones it is it is I'm alive oh I'm racist says tasty melon sweet did not get our deal with the devil that's a shame we have no way to get our thing stuff mama Fox 22 months in a row Papa I am happy to have you back hugs welcome back thousand bits you are fun we all missed you thank you seriously guys thank you for the warm welcome what about giveaways BOTS pun Bunny eight months in a row finally I can no ignore my boyfriend again while watching your streams thank you also I'm almost born you have a boyfriend before you came out of youth yeah yeah that's that's impressive all right there's no way to get this there's a way they'd like cheetah with bombs I think let's just been patched and I forgot how to do that so we're not gonna try I'm not gonna try to do that I think that we should probably use our my reflection or not my reflection whatever the pills called right now forget me now I think we should do that first floor seems like it would be a good idea hangman card somewhere we've explored everything so let's go metronome form changes use metronome and metronome give me flight shadow dragon two months in a row welcome back now give me a syringe that this didn't cut it though mr. Hutz I miss you guys too yes forget me now let's just do it memoral and me about to die and like look at us now look at me now basement one almost full health yeah we're doing well three months in row tier two for atom and mangas what's up anime mangas hey look compared to Justin Bieber wait nevermind it's just hot array 20 big ones from holes brats I don't know what to write here but half my money anyways you deserve it for the hours upon hours of entertainment thank you so much holes brats damn that's good and that's also good pinking shears Jenya Rostov asks a question while I see your hating Burt for being idols so much so you make him die maybe that's why he died you know idle hands is the devil's forceps I don't know what the purport is something like that just going to round this out cause why not want some games to give away Thank You diesel yeah we have tons of games but if you have more to throw on top of the pile then you start throwing clock what's up 22 months is he here ah we did it it worked welcome back unbanned feels good I might have also modded somebody called clockwork so if that person shows up kill him that can only be one sammy fuse two months in a row and i chose seven months i'm so tired tina 100 bits idle hands are the devil's foreplay I mean playground or playthings or something like that Nessie he gets it let's uh Yolo this sure you should have kept it for the blood of love shut up hero Master sixteen months and I'll welcome back you guys think I can beat Garth Dobin when under bits I see that it's picking off already welcome back Hut's thank you so much Delvin can you guys hear the music now can you feel yeah mr. Krabs [Music] foreplay sounds gross does it doesn't have to be more options really good wish I would have gotten that before I went into the item room but oh well you Stacy I didn't read what Stacy even said but I agree disgusting or all in agreement that we are disgusted I don't know what the I just I don't know the game is like showering gifts upon me wait that's not rain good I'm like really heating up though with this wig on it's getting hot in here so take off all your wigs I'm gonna take my weave out no devil deal it's the first floor so one does not exist but we will get the one in the next war we could get the one in this floor if we got a joker card or something like that red chest teleport possible which would net me a total of three possible deal The Devil's over three floors which would be amazing but like I said probably not that's good trinket but I can't take it [Music] feel comfortable enough oh excuse me I'm actually getting too hot I'm burning up turn my heater off Oh Oh sweaty that's a lot sorry Duke magic mush I think I can still get magic mush and and feel or not to be able to devil but the the boss pool I think that's still possible take your shirt off and get band raining way too much nip you guys can't handle the nip oh I want the nip you can't handle the nip he's elia tier 1 sub gift for two tasty melon thanks for being generous welcome tasty melon I saw you just dig through slime don't do it without exosuit sorry for my bad english don't kill me also hi from russia okay so don't go through slime but what happens enough on like surrounded by slime and I can't get the exosuit yet David 17 months in a row welcome back so Thailand was awesome me guys I I got scuba certified which was probably one of the most memorable things that I did if you guys ever have a chance to do so I would highly recommend it it seems like it's way more intense than it actually is it didn't seem like something that I could actually do or IV like I could do it but like it doesn't seem like something you could just train for on a vacation and then just go start scuba diving but it totally is Thailand is the cheapest place to get your scuba certification as well I think it was about like $250 or something like that and it came with a room to stay in and what else I don't know they like they like feed you on the trips and stuff and all that jazz maybe these will get through welcome back man Thank You clock 500 bits and he went on Twitter saw your nipple nipple e bits the cave thing looks so bad ba would love to do that yeah you guys wait till the footage comes out from the scuba diving I I have footage of it I don't personally have that my friends had a GoPro that we took under the water and I'm gonna throw that into the vlogedy you guys gonna be able to see everything that happens it's gonna be awesome I can't wait to edit that video but like I said I don't even have all the material right now so y'all have to wait on that idea eight months in a row welcome back have I missed a message yet I'm doing pretty well here I think what's up chat speak to me what have I not been reading from you guys what is ignoring me you already missed this message you missed one of my lame jokes we have missed you crying 24 hour stream I think that we can probably pump out a 12 hour stream real soon but 24 hour I don't know about that white fox two months in a row what is up I mean we've been doing 12-hour streams all the time we started at what 3:00 and we've got until the wee hours of the morning flames l delay too so don't tell me don't even tell me I haven't been streaming before the trip we were on fire miss the top secret room in the last floor that's okay little huh she's not so bad look butch why is that I don't remember what fly that is so let's go for a little huh she single target foes you can flop little huh she on them and then they go down quick all right you guys I'm switching hats it's like too hot I can't handle this will be better oh gosh way better Stacy nineteen months in a row tier two sub welcome back thank you so much you guys are so flippin generous hard for me to believe that I deserve this any of this seriously Thank You Justin 18 months in real missed you so much also you said that you would do a 24 hour stream when I hit 24 months did I did I though oh come on can I take that please can someone hook me up with a belly button belly buttons are not nips Joker card I'd like to save that please my bomb didn't we have under percent chance to deal with the devil DS Ellie and get another sub to neck o neck Oni thank you so much the love is still strong band Stacey is what I read english only please bellybutton nips Billy button nips I'm gonna get that check Gino you missed my other bits solid wanna know dude we missed the F out of you Tuesday and Thursday weren't the same without you I'm sorry I miss being here too I also had a really fantastic time in Thailand though I'm dead serious when I say I recommend going on vacation there whether you're on a budget or not it was super cool I got into a fight with a baby elephant and when I say fight I more sell mean like a little bastard loved me and it did not understand how big it was it did not get its own size so that thing came barreling down at me it tried to pin me up against a wooden pole like 4 different times the the little elephant's name was king baby and it loved to wrestle so I was petting it I was wrestling around with it and then at one point he scooted me back with his body and he pushed me back into into mama that picture with you holding the trunk was the cutest thing ever that was Alfie Alfie was two weeks old the one the other Instagram shot that I thought I posted you guys are not even up for me on it's gonna be better who the [ __ ] you looking for you know do you do it every want I'm just telling you that that picture is there they post it onto my Twitter - or link - anyways that's Alfie two weeks old king baby three months old a little bit bigger he pinned me up against mama and mom started kicking me I don't know if you've ever felt fear before but when you have an elephant foot and the whole leg itself as tall as me the whole leg great but maybe like 12 huts wide this foot started kicking me when king baby was pushing me up against mom and the mom was like [ __ ] that I'm eating I almost died I literally could have died no flippin joke I should make a youtube video with the clickbait title I almost died stomped by elephants piece of cancer ten months in and I'll tear - sub welcome back good to see you again Hut's appreciate that alcoholic two months in a row hey dude we keep ah we keep it going just now tuning in so I hope your talent trip was awesome it was super cool you know besides almost dying so like that was the thing that I did also I went scuba diving and snorkeling with sharks - different - different times so that was pretty crazy what's up link sub giveaway time code word link I can do that I can see now I wiped off my glasses [Music] Chino gifted ass up - Jaime the human hell yeah three months in a row welcome back thanks Gina [Music] one bomb and two keys all go for it or ten keys rather these Elia gifted a sub to Sawako you guys are nuts man you guys are nuts all right we might have more sub giveaways I don't know if if that's a thing nerd gets a girl to tears one giveaways keyword nerd then girl let's do that first nerd you here and are you ready I just saw that now so like let's start there since that was the first thing on the list nerd then girl like type the whole thing all right you guys want a to one of the two tier one giveaways right now then type cheer garnered then girl sorry Jesus Christ nerd that girl into the chat do it now I'm hoping that nerd gets the girl is still here Big D 94 three months in a row what is up welcome back whoo excuse me I'm trying to like read it's hard to read through the the darkness of these these are very dark sunglasses so my sunglasses at night so i can so first keyword nerd second keyword girl oh well then we'll just do nerd type nerd I'll fix it I'll do you right ladies there should be a girl synergy turn izing into a girl I mean Isaac turns into mom does that count all right 2/3 guppy are we good to go I think we're good to go I just I'm so distracted I can't even think straight damn it dad it was two giveaways one word each alright well we got to have a better system then it's case sensitive I would like to be there really good stuff what I did now there's definitely an argument to say that Guppies head is better than the pinking shears but I think the biggest thing that takes us down is like really really tough foes like I don't know delirium and pinking shears works so well on single bosses the more I talk you guys the more I coughed we're only going till 8 p.m. today I'm just I'm dipping a toe in more like 7 to 8 p.m. anytime between men my cow started having seizures and I thought I would have to put her down but it turns out cheese makes pretty good milkshakes I don't know if that was a joke if I miss the punchline or if you actually have a cow that's having Co milkshakes oh no no no I got it I figured it out okay ha ha ouch does I meant to tell you a ton of cows out there right now that are super offended by that joke we back boys hope you had a nice trip MJ welcome back 17 months and wife 14 months in a row welcome back get out the car there's like oh my god ouch all those epileptic cows they're all gonna unsub now black flies are good don't ever forget that you can touch them if you have something like Midas touch or virus you can get good things from them because you have the ability to touch that without taking any damage whoo I hope that my voice doesn't go away by the end of today I'm kind of feeling like a little nauseous and I think that might have been from the heat of the wig I'm feeling a little nauseous right in my tummy I don't like it what time zone Mayan central us Oh after this run you guys let's do the peel box opening it's like 700 gifts you guys are crazy awesome boom yeah I think my throat's gonna end up hurting by the end of today you know what I have cough drops if it's annoying for me to talk with a cough drop I do apologize but I got to do what I got to do what's more annoying me talking with a cop drop in my mouth or be coughing every five seconds and and potentially dying drink more apple juice see how that might help Naja because the sunglasses indoors lull it's definitely a heat thing oh my tummy is real off it's like a little bit mad at means like what you doing dammit nuts durian tree Streamy prime sub what's upstream E is that a walk through strangers I'm a streamer you're screaming oh hell yeah sighs infections real good boogers if only we can make it to the hush fight we would destroy it Stephen ater 15 months in a row what is up Stephen ater good to have you back mr. dad person positively real Dark Lord asks a question no Zelda tonight no Zelda tonight I'm sorry we will pull some light streams and you know what you know what I know Chino's gonna be specifically excited about this news I did pick up what's it called slay the spire I picked up slay the spire I loved it everybody recommended everyone was playing it's like okay I cannot avoid the fact the simple fact that there must be something really really good about this game I like it I don't like it I'll pay you guys we're calling me nerd but then you know you type it for they give away your coughing coz of the slime long while rip dude never forget outs hey I've got 10 cycles to get rid of it I've already burned out three of those cycles oh all right let's roll this thing three two one go bed sides bed bedside Sam 92 thanks so much with follow my friend would you like this this tier one gift would you like to be a son speak to me type something to chat and I'll be able to see it and that's how you claim it oh boy oh boy yes please congratulations my friend that's fantastic strain that spire we are all excited for that says mr. bones oh man I'm so deep in STS ascension 7 with ironclad and ascension 5 with the silent I will try to help as much as I can all right it's probably gonna be like embarrassing people can feel like you're so bad at this game like how were you when you started probably less hear a slight aspire savant Oh sack and grundel those are a few of my favorite bangs Zakk Saxon grundles in hair in bundles toots in the covers and stinky feet Caesar my favorites sheet Wow Delp iboga action the boogers are killing it literally a year is a while since blooded line it is quite a while welcome back Fred room Wow let's uh let's do the next giveaway when we finish this floor [Music] I need that magic must accent orbital is good too though that's also good our health has still not gone anywhere which is fantastic might mean that we haven't gotten enough devil deals but [Music] no no no no no remember when you almost died I've almost got a few pounds now ain't nothing new there ain't no rest of the list though the wizkid there right no rest for the whisked so now that I try to say you guys get the seed epd w q XB y ain't no rest for the whiskey that's true they're in a 515 months on a roll back to streaming I see hope you had a good time in Thailand Hut's love absolutely wait till that vlogedy comes out and you'll see you'll all see damn it there it gets the girl get this up to bedside Sam there it is thank you so much nerd welcome Sam am I ready to go I think so I feel much better with the cough drop so apparently apparently this is like a post nasal drip so I had the flu I went into the doctor twice now and they looked in the back of my mouth they did the AH and apparently there's like fluid running from the my nose down the back of my throat which is then pooling in my lungs which is then causing me to cough but who the hell coughs for three months after a flu it doesn't even what weymouth Oh lates control re-subscribe two months in a row whoo welcome back and being zeliha gifted a sub two bearded pan to gaming that the second gift that bearded panda gaming has had are you just living off of free subs I recognize that name okay let's uh let's do this other giveaway and then we have another one from Lynx controller nerd then girl okay go type girl into the chat to be entered to win another sub simple it's easy we have 11 fire 8 and 11 damage whoa oh hey there new speed can we turn the music off like a little bit cuz I like the music is that is that too loud it might be too loud I want you guys feel like still hear me and the game but also be able to jam out with me because you know that's part of the fun here it also gives me like a little bit of freedom to like I don't know maybe not talk for like four seconds Payne waffles nine months in a row tier three sub Hill yes my friend are you still doing the nine month but club with the t-shirt I love you hunts by the way I have a don't starve together stream gift for you to give away I love you huts thanks for a month of content and happiness talk to the mods about that I am doing the teeth to give away and thank you so much paint waffles welcome back steaks damage still has almost full health oh hey [Music] under bits I once caught for an entire year after a float for the exact same reason it's super annoying supposedly it's relatively common according to pulmonary guy I saw well what's like how do we make that not happen because it doesn't seem acceptable to me especially as a streamer especially as someone who uses his voice as a living I don't want to live off the cough drops if I have like four cough drops in one day I kind of feel sick like from the sugar or something I don't know pixel dot two months in row he he almost forgot it was screens day how is the trip amazing welcome back brain toad nine months another but baby welcome back your but baby is ready what do I think it out [Music] mucinex helps that's just whistling simple solution that was like take this pill once it's it can't be pneumonia first of all I went in there they said my lungs were perfect they listened with a little blowing device and they said your lungs are perfect it's nothing wrong like pneumonia plus I I got home what was it called like whatever foodborne illness it is when you're traveling and you get like really bad shits for a while I got that and I had to take antibiotic for that anyways so if I would have had any kind of bacterial infection that would have burnt it out it's the same treatment so it's not that I don't know what it's a stupid nose like shove a tampon down the back of my throat Hestia's Basia Tier one sub welcome Brent st ality is what Shh six months no two thirds of the way to be in there welcome home I hope you enjoyed your trip it's gotta get a couple buggers on them and then walk away [Music] I can be compared to this glad to have you back dad pixel dot 1500 hell yeah thank you so much for that guys are nuts pixel AE you didn't want to go for the the B spot it's pretty low right now kidding don't go for it it's a trap C zeliha will just donate more don't do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it don't take it says page fetus begginer no balls do it mountain do it no balls do not no balls oh hell front row have you tried taking one coughing in the morning and one in the evening puffing what's a coughing oh the thing girl thousand bits of diesel you Thank You Alan three months in a row welcome back [Music] but the streak we can handle it we could for sure handle it but would we like to handle it balls are don't take it mich Mich stay hydrated as [ __ ] drink lots of lemon honey water and pineapple juice to soothe an you could have developed a new allergy from from EMS nurse Pham that's what I was made to do hmm all right behind that it is a good call I have a water next Mitch wasn't drinking in fetus is nerd do it or no penis um yeah hydrate yourself let's see what's in that what's in the deal in developers okay we'll come back for it Deathwing Tier one sub welcome back dr. penis is like is good you know it's specially good with high damage low fire rate I think when you get the fire right - hi it just gets messy but the boogers it will disable the booger which is of course a bad thing for me do the giveaway let me fight the boss I have my rules you may not agree but I definitely don't want that I don't think I think this is good 90% chance for a deal with the devil hooked me up man disable the booger is that a bad thing squeeze that fetus like you never squeeze before McDonald that's a question do you like masturbating who doesn't I see Sarah knows prime sub welcome friend all right should we uh should we uh should we should be going to diamonds though oh good call the thought that counts I suppose that's not good I knew it was gonna kindness I just bloody knew it yeah you know what boogers with lump of coal I think that's gonna be a little bit better than dr. fetus you guys we're thinking streak okay rip money Oh crazy these are polarized glasses when I go like this at this angle everything's black and everything is totally bright like this so if I need to read something I just like this feed it there no bald she's awesome no I don't want the fetus not doodle six months in a row spider baby okey yeah we get spider baby huts hates children confirms our to dem is now of diamonds vote for fetus Isaac gods have spoken yes hello I'm here more help done suppose that's all right I'm out of here I'm sorry yeah let's take let's take us yeah no bells you guys we almost died can you give me a break here we came back from the brink of death just to take dr. fetus or epic now yeah it's dr. fetus I don't think so oh it's it's not been the same without you nice to see you back cuz I got fluffiness welcome back six months in a row oh yeah okay alright then ask ol us I mean girl in three two one fam night ghost row would you like this sub one minute avenge love you 22 months in a row two months until two years boys welcome back lobby I appreciate you and your help [Music] 22 is pretty good number though I went [ __ ] on it spit double teeth it's like Snake Eyes but not face dan Egan's 15 months ago glad you're back sup Danny against fire spite crime cell welcome I want gimme please thank you congratulations making dreams come true alright link are you ready what happened scrub music how did huts almost die ladyboys came after me is horrible Thomas died via elephant yeah stomp emic stomp the elephants tried to get me tried to bring me down I don't know how to get to that room so I just run I just closed my eyes I hate it so much I'm ready dad all right let's engage the third sub giveaway you guys want it type link into the chat we have a lot of games to give away but like thing it's kind of nice for me to just kind of focus on all the three subs and stuff coming in I'm already already a little bit overwhelmed so what I was trying to say [Music] where's my item room I want this pretty damn bad so let's do this sweet put sub-block on my eyes are burning too I don't think I've blanked this entire time you guys ever do that where like you play a game that's really intense or just like you just have problems super remembering how to blink apparently and your eyes just burn you have that thing where you close your eyes and it's like Oh burns so good struggling already first-run siding for that few box opening though it's gonna be hot [Music] ten minutes to do boss rush yeah sure let's go with that holy [ __ ] Finkle [Music] is that my last shop no it always I feel like it always happens when my last shop is greed can you get super greed though I think we might be able to still get super greed in the last shop stay tuned to find out [Music] nerd gets the girl get this up the night go Stroh it worked thank you so much nerd appreciate that welcome go Stroh hang the man I could have used that in the first floor [Music] song gets me hot [Music] oh I like that song me too tears up paid lockdown hey pubes Hey I'll stick with the balls of steel here instead of the Emperor ever is good but go to balls one more guppy pieces all I need please could you make it happen for me did you make it happen we touched books they have so much help I feel like book touching might be if a man could be acceptable one book away from bookworm nah [Music] you don't like the song you're broken inside seek help [Music] so well what brings him to therapy there was a song and HUD said I should like it and I really don't ok what song was it fell to the Zelda remix link of the future anything get out of my office three months in a row say trumpet man whoo welcome back [Music] alright let's roll this thing in three two one go crimson farts 94 I'm not sure if you're following me maybe you should definitely settle that how the hell does it not know whatever hey hi Spartan your name so at least you had that as a close call almost as mad jet [ __ ] Gerrard 16 months in a row the love before you take off shut up pixel dot I'm reading something okay Jake cocked Erard hey holy butts I can't believe it's been 16 months since I first discovered this amazing strap I'm glad to be part of this stay cool watch her gets a girl 100 bits although I can share this week gotta work late Thursday so I'm gonna miss extreme sobs so got to open the peel boxed up today and thanks a lot I'm not serious you don't have to shut up please keep talking had my 21st birthday when you were gone and I meant to share the love before you took off well happy birthday pixel dot happy birthday comes in farts you have 10 seconds can I not see at extremes is night night night one second crimson farts what's up bill I just notice bills here as the cupcakes rained from the sky oh you know we did what we could [Music] the chosen undead this is gonna be really awkward if he's already sent it to the Bart's and now they're children and that takes we didn't get it talking about shutting up while you're trying to make Kappa oh nothing no you're good hi says chosen undead all right I think we have our official winner congratulations chosen undead with a zero [Music] nice profile pick her throw her throw is good real good okay I'm gonna turn the music down a little bit again boom second my cough drop goes away start coughing again what is this sorcery just like cast a spell on me I just realized I don't think I can gift on a phone [ __ ] um well let's definitely write down that name then so we can hook chosen undead up if he can't do it now we got to do it at some point you got to be true to our word right bill is making it rain dude thank you bill the cup is like oh god help send help I'll gift it on Thursday [Music] nice to see you again hello old friend [Music] making rain to complicate his night bought a sub still you tell me is there a sub notification next to night Bob my apologies didn't realize no worries at link alright we cool we cool we've worked it out with words another perthro okay so we have a spare one this is necro too we should really think about like we'll have to use it in either our shop or our item room just just not on the boss room is the point here is he streaming in seven days yeah that's next Tuesday if I'm not mistaken yes I sent the penny question but oh well I suppose oh oh they're both good they're both good with all the the B days I can't really see you see much here you sent a question Molotov thanks for cheering me up today man I needed it it's not the one I got it Dobin I can't find the right materials for the blanket I wanted to make for you but I have some scraps that I could turn into toys for Lenny does Lenny like tiny pillows hi I don't know if he likes tiny pillows I know that what he really really really likes his favorite thing in the world [Music] bomb the cup bamaca there it goes it's glitching out like a mother I was good though this is his favorite thing right here this guy it's a it's like a feathery thing like anything that's like stringy um long and thin he likes so I don't really know if that helps maybe like a like tiny pillow with like a little like pink hanging off of it he carries this thing around like everywhere he goes everywhere he goes I'm surprised he's not here right now since I died just jangled it a little bit like he hears that noise and he starts yelling crickets body or the other one I wish I could have them both that would be amazing it is such a better item crickets body is unless my range gets so low that it doesn't explode though it does booger explosions that's exciting for for reading EDD what is it 40 again 5 is forget-me-now I like legit forgot a bunch of stuff what's up big guy what is the forum do one got the piece though another perthro that's a third perthro reroll is item pedestals in the floor does it ok so that's a white oak the fourth perthro technically says in the bottom of the room bye for now just link goodbye so long thanks for all the fish cool [Music] I'm really happy that we have the holy mantle cuz I'm just being sloppy I thought you touched the head bro you deaf have the tail I did I did touch that for sure and then I dropped it again I'm thinking tears twice the bacon four months welcome back Chino oh that was your question your thing can we get the rainbow brimstone meow mod back please also welcome back that DM Crow has a question is it a butt plug - Troy Pina Colada he's back I saved my prime sub for you dad thank you yes like to propose with us [Music] Rodie gin parties in prime sub welcome [Music] floppy sloppy sloppy don't knock that away how was the stream going good good good good besides me still feeling nauseous a little bit mich Mich gifted a sub to crimson farts 94 that was quite kind of you hook them up hook them up thank you thank you thank you Pina Colada eight prime sub thank you for that fantastic stuff much love no it's community nobody goes unloved there's one person out it's like I'm unloved what says read hasn't read my comment how was your trip it was awesome awesome awesome awesome try putting the fluffy string thing on a stick so you can let Lenny chase it around while getting without getting in the way I have some sort of fishing rod that I attach various toys to when it's playtime to my cat not a stick dude I heard he got it alright I'm a pro cat dad immortal credit for 14 months in a row and knock you miss 15 months got a one-up everybody don't you bring back nan brim glad you're back bad I'm back too maybe I should have person over the shop whoops chess Enoch Chester since no guppy at least not yet I'm gonna / throw that coffee please I'm gonna / throw that guppy please no that's really good though the dude could have been super good right the dude that doubles all my [ __ ] could have been amazing but guppy would have been amazing her so hello where is the best way to get your content when you're not streaming I have a main channel where I post Isaac and right now oxygen not included but I've done a bunch of other stuff it's there there's a bunch of series you just got a search for him a little bit also my Hut's - is where I upload all my past streams I know a lot of people like to view them there especially when they miss them one pina colada on her bits thank you for all the oxygen on included content besides Isaac that's got even my favorite series thanks for bringing it back that's a lot of fun I like it I'm a pro bun dad Loki has been playing the piano and he does tricks instead of just begging for treats he's like here are the tricks now let's get the middleman out gimmi tweets tweets like cute cute voice tweets give me the damn treats dad Nvidia stopped working what does that mean exactly am I still alive that was that's not comfy either so taking it Oh coughing needs to stop it's got to stop night ninja crime sub what is up jelly Blue Cheer one sub as a Shelley Sparrow ten months in a row top sparrow crank three hundred bits appreciate that Frank that's flight this is [ __ ] Bob rain or no balls still here live that's weird to get an error message from something seemingly as important as Nvidia so then have it not affect anything that I'm doing right now it's like yeah okay sure sure sure when with in doubt use my graphics card feeling or something one spicy beard you got thank you I actually shaved it during my trip all the way down to nuttin so that I could hold thus the scuba mask on without having it leaked a bunch of water into my eyes you can like smear Vaseline on your beard you stop that from happening but I didn't want to do that rattler nine months in a row but baby sure have missed you huts glad to see you're back and well from your trip oh yeah rattler well like is sort of popping but for the most part dad notice me I'm not trying to not notice anybody of spades three two spades excellence obeyed boom boxy I like the trinket that I currently have it's really good we were already in there that's right she'll be a bit about pray for Bert you missed me stealing your pasta how is everyone today I am well I just don't know why I'm so tired right now I don't think I'm really tired I think it's my eyes that are burning I've looked at a computer screen that's a long time I'm glad that I came back in pretty seamlessly though rip the tick so I got a gulp pill but I can't get pills anymore kills a real another 2 of Spades I really don't need that I'm really really happy that we did not rip our run you guys on number 50 that would have been real sad for me first but I'm gonna get back he just crushes me cuz it almost crushed me it's pretty close to crush status just like me getting crushed by the elephant foot pretty damn close alright last chance for romance for guppy give it to me baby pyromaniac engineer tier one for three months in a row welcome back friend L hold a card useless when you have holy mantle is it what if I lose my holy mantle and then I pop the holy card do I get another one rainin batteries what's the thing that gets attached to mobs it doesn't look like explosive Oh sinus infection these are boogers I asked if it was Lal huts asked if what was or we say darth nihilus to weld months in a row a whole year of amazing content welcome back Papa it's welcome back to you as well feels pretty good whole year huh go to devil please oh all right down up we go cuz way down we go Wow oh I asked if it was useless or not when you have holy mantle imagine not getting notice among almost 500 people constantly talking squat ugh are you new here I don't recognize that name welcome hey can't you say wasn't this floor right that's right don't forgot what floor we run I thought I was gonna be a year and I got real happy [Music] is that another black rune oh boy Dublin's man Abel slimy to the moon let me play among the stars let me take back my black room so I can suck up all the items didn't rhyme the stars I failed just put me down what's your opinion on undertale huts I've never played it but I've watched it being played game grunts of course enjoyed it had a good time with the vocal role playing and whatnot only cried at least twice all country gamer $5 whoa who is this streamer low welcome back hey guys I'm new here they call me hoots like owls cuz I love hooters that's cringe Aaron and Dan are great it wasn't those two it was Rossum somebody now one dude that like left was like no longer a party game drums anymore what was that about does anybody know why he left remember seeing a little snippet about it I'm like did he get in trouble do they not like him where is he like maybe to get fired like of course they're all gonna say like I left on my own terms you're like keep your dignity intact buddy but I feel like maybe there was some foul play I don't know after two months I will start a new job tomorrow sharing the happy awesome loving a freak new jobs very exciting new chance to prove myself believe it was Barry and Ross that sounds right it's very left because he wanted to merge his dreams it's like maybe four up here I don't know if he know up there you know y'all ready up here Barry did leave on his own terms I just I just I just I don't know I'm not sure I would quit the game grumps if I was a part of it but maybe if they were being like dicks to me you're like wouldn't give me any of my stuff and I'm like I'll just do it on my own but didn't he have time to do stuff on his own too I don't know I don't know whatever it's not my business it be said if Ross left cuz he's their punchline yeah that I obviously haven't followed them too closely in the last year oh Jesus ah geez alright fine let me go ahead and take the whoops oh shoot I didn't know I meant to totally that I'm sorry whoops four months in a row tier one supper dude main finally you back welcome back bro dude I told him to grab that and I like slipped see nothing about Ross living game drum still lie to me sorry Barry sorry it was Jimmy kill the betrayal no it was an accident you saw it I declared it was an accident therefore it's an accident well you don't trust me that just sounds like trust issues something personal don't don't bring me into this all right of spades I kind of wanted to keep this lock alive but I keep destroying it when I walk into the room just didn't even have a chance we we have cubbies tail I mean we have the the thing that doubles roomed rocks so pretty a good chance of getting double chests oh it's like a deep it's a deep tickle I can't get it out Rossi's neat is he still with Rachel though scratch the tickle ro kills people I hurt myself today I'm at black rennet plus T damages that's pretty worth nineteen Bambi's it'll miss a lot hurt by so today because I took epic foetus focus on the pain the only thing that happens when we use epic foetus dirty pop sick and out of here and all these be to talk about once again if anyone is gonna pay you don't even pretend like you don't know all the lyrics of that song it's your [ __ ] liar raw face is just gross I'll take you way more crispy what the [ __ ] is huge groaning what happens when your mom walks into the room chill son own stupid joke [Music] strength v2 essentially triple-shot well rip my fire rate but why not that's is that a third a third huge growth really I miss these banging hot jokes how much prefer to not having triple shot what's three times eight twenty four so technically but technically we didn't really know it doesn't exactly work it's not exactly linear okay it's not linear so we can't compare it like that we can't say that three times eight is twenty-four and you have twenty-five right now I don't exactly think it works like that correct me if I'm wrong here black runes are good though I want more of those magician I don't need that take the mush which much chaos cards stuck in the wall takes [ __ ] get it out of the way oh that much I think we're capped at fire rate I really do so get back at skinny much and I don't need it it's gonna more my damage and give me nothing a return of thing I can't guarantee that we're capped but we do have ease mascara but newly we should have been capped at 10 no but then we took crickets body which then a lot of skip down to eight which is a cap I think Dax Jack stain Tier one sub what's up dirty pop boogers nasty two point five is more than two point four sound is very annoying but I do like pop I could just turn off the pop noise it sounds like billiard balls because it used to be billiard balls the mod was billiard balls I think they should make pop like sound like bubbles or something softer you know Max Payne won eight months in row eight months hype hope everything has been going your way of late Thank You Max Payne appreciate that and 5000 bits of deez Elia you're so going sadly I have to go now hopefully I can catch the next scream but until then make sure you guys stay awesome for me thank you so much diesel you you've gone above and beyond today I appreciate you have a good rest of your day thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you what happens if I use to huge growth can I grow twice do they stack butch clown two months in a row welcome welcome welcome back and sus magic bubble gun launcher you know could be spelled with like and I gotta be like much less annoying oh let's do it I did not look like it's that I used twice I think and only happened one he's it thrice still nothing happened prom was pop is that I can't get my [ __ ] in there he did anyways way too strong for him number 50 let's go everybody that's what I'm talking about Rex Rath 15 months in Iran misty hots welcome back my dog thank you so much Rex Rath welcome back to you as well all right
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 12,236
Rating: 4.9124088 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 2VeArRZsc2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 6sec (5586 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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