Cheesed - Hutts Streams Noita #41

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what is up youtube let's have a better run shall we here on youtube you just missed it i ran into a giant spider in my basement twice the size of any other big spider that i've ever complained about and i was gonna kill it my girlfriend said nope she had to save it oh rip to you cart once again we were doing chat polling if you guys are really interested in this and want to take part uh come to the next stream so guarantees will be playing noida but open that up get that one what do we have we have snow i think we can oh i'm on fire the oil what is that it's oil how did the oil douse it i don't know i'm just not gonna ask questions you need to burn down the house there's spiders this just in there are spiders everywhere if i breach this wand still work yes still working [Music] purify the uh toxic sludge with water flush snow that is a circle of shielding see if we can use that you guys just vote for bomb rain again i'm like why is everything exploding split or bolt i'll probably be using this wand if i live through this all right we done got done throwing a tantrum we would never look at all the gold no oh my god i know i must watch these guys okay what how did you live through that this is a dope-ass wand again [Music] neutralize spells what does that mean reduce max yeah right depression these are all bad these all suck lava trail probably being the best i don't know what depression means but it doesn't sound like something i want i'm really liking this wand really liking this wand be sad today i love depression looks like depression it is a little bombs in there i'm just gonna leave it oh this is actually not that bad this is pretty good let's fill this uh snow thing up with water wrong one oh my god are you kidding me what the heck was that even dropped so much gold good luck with that suckers i was a fire demon oh just your last ha sucker oh squashing with this big stone would have been so nice stop [ __ ] around move that one to the front there we go another circle of shielding uh is it a better wand yes you can see everything that's red means that this one is worse wait for that one new wand a random wand appears whoa loaded double spell energy sphere heavy spread formation bifurcated you give it a shot i'll see what happens you guys got a wand it's a must kill i don't i can't see where it went circle of stillness swans nothing special [Applause] [Music] haunted aaron thanks so much for the sexy tier 2 sub 5 months total also gym gymnast or a minute ago four months i had my first craft sale this saturday for my pottery and i'm pretty excited wish me luck also thank you for all the content i look forward to your vids on youtube craft sale awesome what are you selling crafts dumbass cheese stinky cheese i just pick up gunpowder potion i'm gonna go to the next level i guess look for always cast what is that though chain bolt that sounds awesome always cast fly downwards i think he just pissed off the gods the worm crystal is shattered you feel less safe [Music] what look at that one that's a pretty good ones .03 cast delay point zero five recharge time it's even better than this one i should buy it [Music] replace it with just one any of these it doesn't matter maybe put energy sphere on them blood bomb lights bifurcate [Music] do that [Music] eat the cheese you gotta eat your way out that's how the world ends not with a bang but with [ __ ] cheese you know what [Music] here's what we're gonna do what have you tried dodging switch off suck on that [Music] no more chat you can't be trusted [Music] no wow you literally ended my run mad question mark nope taking action [Music] you just shot my cart how did he just rip through that with his hands freaking terminator let's see if i can win a run without you guys [ __ ] it up for once you never know if you can't if you don't try it right wait it's still on [Music] i literally turned it off and this is bs [Music] look at me look at me ever try dodging oats bruh you watching me right now friendly ghost yeah right we're friends now sure chat in your dreams [Music] levitation potion that guy have ghosts too oh what a snipe [Music] a dollar for the craft sale i'm making pottery oh did you say that for my pottery duh i'm not an idiot i swear to god i donated you a few months ago about making a mug for you hope you have done it hoping to have it done around christmas yes yes absolutely thank you i read it out loud and then i'm like what are you saying [Music] obviously not my day [Music] bubble spark is a is a good one a really good one [Music] shotgun bubble spark because the cast delay is point zero three it's basically shooting them at the same time very interesting i didn't see either of those bombs i'm not gonna lie okay we can basically infinitely shoot this too it's good this is good in before chat cheeses up the entire goddamn thing it should have turned savar into cheese sea of lava thanks thanks chat thanks guys there's nothing but helpfulness on your part yep turns off twitch chat [Music] uh polling [Music] i went way better than i thought i would [Music] get done what do you got 0.3 again which is pretty good it's the exact same wand as this [Music] but with bitter bolts [Music] does huts know how to spell rap [Music] maybe [Music] done it before this is a bad thing the one itself is okay [Music] slimy egg delicious up up and away ghosts why is there a ghost up there what am i seeing alrighty [Music] going back down where did that rock come from i don't know from the troll engine that is noida [Music] just go the other way now projectile gravity hissy rain summon friendly ghosts again do we double stack the friendly ghosts how many can we get wound [Music] another bubble spark it literally is the exact same wand except for i can take this bubble spark and put it on there and it'd be really good [Music] let's do that actually this is a better one here i'm going to replace this one i'll come back i won't come back i'll swap it want bomb want it is not that good slime potion more let's see if i hit a tailor in there [Music] i slip through this um bouncy bursts could be really good but only if i had a bunch of them glitter bombs could be hilarious [Music] double spell could do spell wrapping but uh i don't get like the exact idea of spell wrapping like i get how it sort of works black hole is pretty good we should have a black hole gun instead of the the normal bomb one we can do a black hole wand and we could do that oh we said it we're gonna put it on this it's pretty saucy wand i like it got a sami huge fan let's go black hole gun won't you come fire immunity is really good wand radar and most spells are now unlimited i could do unlimited black holes i think fire me will probably save my life strong creatures that's fine what do you guys think unlimited spells or fire immunity can't cast black hole with that wand question mark oh can i hmm because the mana drain is higher than the amount of max on it you're right catch fire fire fire fire lame you guys are super lame you should be ashamed but how lame you are excess gas excuse me oh my chaos all right all right oh that's right we got fire immunity [Music] melee immunity is also just like unbelievably good [Music] oh ghosts help i like i like the triplicate bolt i do this the wand is almost worse than every other one that we have though oh wow i don't know where i'd be without you ghosts i mean screw you guys for killing me last time what i meant to say where are you guys now chat's getting me drugged um 0.08.2 is pretty good [Music] i'm freaking out man rage shower oil trail or summon stevari don't you guys do it don't you summons tavari it will end the run this is why i turned this off in the first place [Music] poison i got no way to unpoison myself is that that was a worm i just saw a worm what the heck were those two doing teleport shower thank you get rid of this slime potion filled with water boo never named i will time you out for five seconds i swear to god chat you were no fun you know at some point it's not fun to just guaranteed kill a streamer you know [Music] at least more than once in a stream [Music] zetta gear thank you so much to the raid welcome people from xanager appreciate that what have i joined into we're doing a polling of noida you can type whatever number you want me to get in the lower right here one two three four you just gotta type the number chaotic polymorphy nothing from the ghosts again there we go let's keep a steady stream of friendly ghosts and we'll be just fine that's a teleport demon think about ghosts do your thing nice it worked oh what a shot oh that was ready uncle caverns [Music] [Applause] go eggs [Music] there we go got some friendly dudes now and some more shrooms i'm gonna eat yeah buddy oh my god get destroyed by all my dudes thursday my dudes can't really go anywhere in the funko caverns i can't fit what is that that's like an ant get him guys we have 40 elf maybe we shouldn't are they fighting each other they're fighting each other it doesn't bode well for me let's just leave treasure rain oh is that gonna be able to am i gonna be able to get that in here might not be able to [Music] there's a light there's crystal there's all seeing eye which could be maybe good [Music] circle fire hollow swapper heavy spread you know when you're having a pretty heavy period you have that heavy spread kills to man every time an enemy near you dies you release mana recharging liquid pills deal three times damage when you're under 25 hp or 25 max health dying creatures leave behind a spirit that deals damage in a small area mournful spirit maybe [Music] it goes to man it could be good but i think a wonderful spirit tried out i've never seen it before even for an enemy that followed me all the way up here freaking hack get him ghosts that's right [Music] oh wait [Music] who are you this guy's been reskinned dude why they why are they pulling me in this is crazy what is going on right now i think i can't control where i'm i'm trying to walk oh my god gotta go i got a blast holy shnikes look at that one it's got so much stuff on it arrow triplicate bolts [Music] bubble spark energy orbs oh jesus christ everything's just camping [Music] you're a slot poseidon's trident with concentrated light what do you think it's better you guys bubble spark or triplicate bolt i feel like bubble spark with homing is is unbelievable if we could try to go for it [Music] a shotgun blast is fun though bubble spark bubble get homing triple with homing is good too because i could trade it and take this it's just not a very delicious wand or i could keep the triple kit try to stack the triplicates michael bubble gabby joby thanks to the 28 months appreciate that people get scales better by the way albino has a twitch spawns mod that is even crazier which spawns money oh there's the hand right next to the bomb what an idiot may i offer you a hand sir dude got rocked drunk creatures [Music] he's like trying to fire on me [Music] thanks the healing ghosts by the way really helpful a worm i gotta find this worm [Applause] [Music] there's a health upgrade there was a bomb there [Music] small little bomb there that apparently takes 140 health it's fun but so that's a really good time for me 120l sorry cool
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 5,225
Rating: 4.9812207 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, noita, roguelike, roguelite, rogue-like, rogue-lite, pixel graphics, physics, indie, adventure, action, 2d, rpg, difficult, magic, simulation, spell, secret, gameplay, footage, walkthrough
Id: d6bkNsLML_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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