Coop Lovers? Card Challenge #2 - Huttsvicta Streams Repentance

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all right you guys cyn and i are starting another lovers card a reverse lovers card challenge run and uh we are going to compete with each other this time where i guess whoever isn't dead probably is what's gonna decide the winner yeah otherwise whoever has the less broken hearts maybe so we have um essentially what we've done is we're doing a double item room spawn now yep isaac is uh we're playing we're both playing isaac hutz is going to take the left side of the room i'm going to take the right side of the room how do we handle a situation like that well i'm doing that just to give my d6 are you so you're not going to use the head no well no i'm i mean i'm just not yeah whatever it's i don't care because you could totally just throw the head at me and kill me i wouldn't do that uh how how should we handle a situation like that i feel like we should do a thing where because if we spawned a a second item here that was random that wouldn't be equal because one of us would have to decide you know who gets what we i guess we could we could do a random position because then one person would get bob rottenhead or the chance to and then the random position would be like right yeah it'll just be whoever whoever gets lucky so i have the right side and the the right i have the right top and bottom you and you have the left top mod well i was yeah so when we walk into the item room whichever item is the most left would be mine if they're both stacked on top of each other then i'll take the top one okay um uh is there a rule that we could make that could be like because we could do like when any item is spawned not just uh yeah you can do that and we might need the help it might need the help so when any it's it's it'd be all items um trigger you you want to do it you want to do an extra item yeah this trigger is a random item right in a random position does that make sense but we would also if that would in this scenario it would spawn infinite items until it runs out of the item pool um so we need to do once per entity i think it's the bottom right of um of the item the far left one nope other one once for one entity i spawns right and it's going to spawn a second one then we leave the room they come back and there's two entities and it's going to do two more i'm not sure there has to be a way to do that i'd say we'll just leave it for item rooms for now it's not too late because we're gonna yeah i'll just clear that because we're going to get plenty of items okay yeah that could be and then whoever dammit these kills first oh we should get nine lives i think yeah yeah we can we can uh change it up any other time big money no whammies all right manifestation two for me wait a second that's the lefter one with your blood bombs dork yeah i got the raw end of the deal on that one sin why didn't you just d6 huh we both could have just started with the d6 i mean that could have been an option right it was an option you removed it i just felt like it was a little too overpowered but maybe not maybe this is gonna be a really tough challenge here's also the thing though infestation two is great but it helps you just as much as it helps me you know if it rains for you it rains for me infestation two plus plus uh composts i'm not really even in a better position we are just in a better position because of that item right this is probably worth going for how do we divvy up things like soul hearts it's on your side that's true so i can only take soul hearts if they're on the left yeah i mean it's okay it's up to the person's side to defer who gets the soul heart i'm starting off with the punchy punch oh is that mine then yeah [Music] i'm so angry i'm excited [Laughter] i did not try to do that i swear thanks though how are we gonna divvy up buying stuff guys it's gotta be a thing where there's gotta be that's where the last soul challenge came came in to play because at least like you get rewarded for keeping your lost soul alive remember yeah but at the same time that's the challenge is also impossible so uh well yeah that is your favorite we should have done double items on this one too yeah boss boss yeah i get first you get second one that's how we did it before and that makes sense to me still yeah try picking mine yeah buddy hey shell me should we curse him we can cursor them for free technically yeah once again though um how how how do we split this up we could say like odd-numbered chops and curse rooms or mine and even-numbered shops and curse rooms are yours but then you gave your help to get in here so like it's just messy it's so messy i think the only way to really divvy this up and make it super equal is to just have us both do our own runs you know instead of co-opting it but we just we just race each other that way it'd be really cool if there was a mod where like i could see your ghost and we were running the same seed yeah yeah because that way that way you would have true like races integrated but that will never happen that would be so cool i mean co-op's a thing it would be cool but there's a lot of things that would be cool in isaac use blood bombs to get compost maybe could have been worth it all right now the real question is who gets to decide whether or not we're going for double deals or angel deals we could just say that it's the person with the most the most broken hearts gets to decide if they they get first priority on on shop stuff okay i mean i [Music] technically the bomb bag is lefterer [Music] [Laughter] you son of a [ __ ] we could also just see like we're still working together it's just a extra punishment that you get to take the other person's thing i don't know like we still both want to win the run right it's it's kind of weird to do a competition with this yeah it's punishment enough to get hit oh oh like we don't have to go too crazy with like fighting over who gets to buy what and stuff yeah unless unless i unless i win are you kidding me ha ha i would love it oh actually you know what suplex is gonna make me take damage a lot probably so i'm not gonna use it on bosses no way anybody that won't get uh immediately one shot sin isn't he put himself in a timeout oh my god this freaking monstro miniface dro it's tim true it kind of does look like a tim strow doesn't it oh it's i don't feel so good i ain't too many doritos oh wow thank you you're gonna eat those pills you know it brother rocking stone xl rock and stone cut rocking stone there you go range rocking stone all right you have the most broken hearts does that mean that you could decide if i'm taking a deal with the devil or what is that how does that work i think sin is focused [Laughter] i think he full tilted we're losing him [Laughter] that's uh i guess i'll take that oh my plan worked well it's on the right side sorry huts you taking it uh i think you get first pick since you have you have uh less broken hearts i'll take it then you want that one yeah i kind of do actually that's not bad i mean we're already locked in to deal with the devils we should turn that into a tim pill which one i found pills yeah hey do you want some of these pills they're real good for you slam look at me i'm punching i'm slamming he slices he dices what can't he do lockdown wow we're in trouble if i take damage one more time i'm dead are you wait no it'll just take the red heart and i'll still keep the soul art unless you take a full soul heart of damage right i think i'll be okay this next hit but after that no sorry i got magic mush never in the history of ever have anyone ever lost with magic mush nope it'd be foolish to lose a magic mush [Music] screw this room oh my goodness yes bibs lemon party okay we need some keys so yeah we have 10 bombs nice nice keys we have 10 bombs [Music] hate it three keys though in here kill it yeah we got a judgment card we could bring it in there with a reroll machine it'd be real spicy or one of us could take damage in there look at that that's true those ghosts you're just sitting there like uh help that's so good you might as well take it so you're not tempted to use your d6 [Music] it's just super good [Laughter] um i don't know if i want to take that i guess i'll be two-thirds spun minus health ah i literally cannot move right now no but now no i can't oh oh my god that was so lag dude i wasn't even doing any inputs there heads up half hard for you milady i i don't have any broken hearts but i still somehow have less health in you yeah because you've uh experimental treatment i'm sin i'm really smart probably should have taken this instead huh i would have preferred to have taken black candle but you know [Music] what's up let's just get a heart it's easy or uh no we'll get one no bad uh-uh we can get one i believe i don't believe i believe i believe oh i believe hey now we can definitely get one how about topsy room mm-hmm okay good how about we go into this other room we're gonna we're gonna go all the way back here to get one cent when we can just bomb the donation machine hurt my domination machine baby you disgust me there see got one and some more bombs you're welcome all being smart look it up it's my this is my no moving protest have fun losing [Music] it kind of looks like i have nod leaf [Music] well who gets this then you i guess you you don't want me to die do you suplex them all ah that's gonna hurt me suplex will cause pain i'm punching his hands yep fun you get first pick i'll get i'll get second pick maybe even mapping maybe mapping is better if he okay if he takes red hearts do i get the to grab the soul arts that he spawns [Music] hey why do you get dark bump well i thought it was a my pick because i have uh less broken hearts it is i guess well wait why do you get the thing that matches the rules that i made earlier since your red hearts you get to divvy out the soul hearts all right please sir may i have some more i like it when you beg oh my god no no you oh you can't even say it no no karma's a [ __ ] you want a lemon party pill it's not that bad no i prefer to have hp thank you very much oh my god you've been the worst investment ever hey yo now if i take one hit of damage i'm dead i'm dead dead dead yep and then we will die because i will not be able to win with this build well maybe i don't know look at that flat foul though yeah that flat file doe it should open up the bars for the boss trap room that'd be cool because it's a file heads up bombing uh-huh uh-huh all right you get the next one that one okay you just earned that one on your own you didn't mean to tell me that one yeah so i still get the next one right sure and then the one after that and the one after that the one after that first trade and another one that almost hit me what do you got yeah amazon nice jacob's ladder pole jacob's ladder clap clap clap clap it's gonna go pretty well with the isaac's tears i think nuts actually yeah i can't move i literally cannot move why couldn't you move i i still can't move i can it's just firing in one direction i cannot move oh and it crashed okay huh is it your internet or my internet uh i don't know because i have a steady bit rate for streams at least co-op just straight up just shut down yeah it did i guess it could be many things it could be uh steam how's house uh sin stream working fine i'm gonna i'm gonna re-plug in my controller that's my stream testing one two one two three hello you can fix it with an hourglass oh yeah i could just spawn hourglass and uh i don't think i'm gonna be able to join to rejoin am i um i mean let me try to invite you it it like it shut down completely i didn't even do anything i was looking at my controller yeah it's i'm totally out it's i'm back on my desktop i'll send you an invite and see what happens okay there's a console command called rewind how do i do i just type rewind can you move uh it's so paused i can move now okay let me do the rewind thing okay yeah okay i can move again nice okay that's a nice little handy thing to have uh yeah all right this guy spawned an uh extra large chest if it spawns items i get the left when you get the right one uh sure oh boy you can you can have it you don't want god's flesh even no all right what you're gonna say with suplex over a doctor's remote yeah uh you i mean yeah you want the doctor's remote i'll take dodge remote then go yeah go ahead [Applause] there's a secret right there on the right haha you thought i was gonna drop a bomb i did think you're gonna drop a bomb uh get bomb right into the boss trap that happy kratos i did not figure out what was going on with uh diablo and chrome no you have more you have you have less broken hearts so i'm still confused as to why you can never host a steam remote play it just i don't know just that we stopped working remember we tried for a while there this computer this computer just just sucks just oh my god that shot congrats on your uh pentagram luck there could have been anything hey let's not uh let's not push forsaken while he's uh firing or frail i mean thanks buddy my first broken heart my second one will die i make them tiny and then i punch them turn them into a small child and then you punch them it's you know it's a habit from tim let's make you resent small children that i got the last one so probably top secret on the left you want it it's your call i believe fine you're sitting there attending how do you tend oh magic mush uh yeah imagine guessing there okay well well four keys do it no because you touched it like wait a minute is that sin my fault wait a second it smells like synvicta blows up spawns delirium your game crashes again yep gibbs health upgrades not horrible speed down you want that no sure don't next floor yeah i didn't realize that huss has six he got 6.19 damage and also suplex it's definitely a sign it's meant to be someone call ray significance of 619 the name of a finishing move by a very famous wrestler named ray mysterio jr oh he died we're fine you have a blood blast on your doctor's remote huh yeah i do it's a blood blast i guess you could say it's a blast you can't hear that are you farting into the microphone yeah that's what i was doing we need some keys man yeah a nice freaking shot you little fricking mr mega with doctor's remote yes ma'am i need help i need an adult hang on i gotcha clums me that would be good you want to blow it up no i want to save it for the boss all right wait where is it go fight the boss first walked into fire easy peasy health and healthy oh boy hooray he says complaining at 10 damage all right you want that one no you're really good with your uh damage it would i mean it's kind of a drop in the head with all my spiders but sure yep drop in the hat dropping the bucket a hat in the time time in the hat two hats on the couch finger right to my hat [Laughter] i don't get it what's that mean maybe when you're older tim shot speed oh you on the key still what's that mean nuts someone explain to me i'm gonna tell my mom on you just tuning in looks like a nice run we're doing a competitive lover's card challenge so when i get hit and uh lose health and spawn in items sin gets to take it and vice versa what's up get over here oh it's because he can be freaky tell by the amount of broken hearts we have it's been a good day gonna be a good day tater i have a freaking dark bomb and we can't even get a good damn black car stern your dear akuldama i say we re-roll you want the farmer the vampire virus is fun for me i'll take it you go ahead and i'm going to be rolling behind i can't take it undefined actually you could have and you could have rerolled mine i could have hot bombs though that's you got a bomb synergy going on there yeah i do i'm liking the hot bombs plus uh doctor's remotes gonna be pretty spicy should we try to get a no we have two cents i was gonna say try to get a key for the shop you should bomb this uh chest though oh it's i'm lagging again uh it's completely frozen you're walking into a wall on my screen it's uh everything's frozen in my end oh and it crashed again okay all right well [Laughter] i can reinvite you i guess but it's just gonna if this happens again this looks this looks latency related i got nothing to say it seems like uh everything on mine is working great yeah and i'm not i'm not dropping any frames or uh or lagging on the stream i think it might just be the steam servers could be [Music] i'm not reading what chat's talking about i'm not gonna read that out loud what is chad talking about i'm not gonna read it out loud okay i'm back in by the way um yeah x4 chat what are you saying i wouldn't ignore you chat i believe it's against terms of service what is um dibs i guess yeah you still have less broken hearts than i do it works it works on me too look at that yep uh it'd be uh against terms of service for me to promote or talk about uh a site that breaks terms of service you want the stump i'm going to take the stuff lift up the couch look at my fire rates bomb drops on my head i wouldn't do that now that we have the rewind command i would never intentionally hit huts for my own personal gain man i got this you have to remember i'm lagging here by the way it was the lag i swear so if you do if you do get hit it's not my fault dark bomb you got to hook me up here i'm going to die tearing it up he hasn't done anything so far just tearing it up do you feel comfortable getting that oh that's right yes i do because i just have to walk over and grab it what do we got yeah buddy i would actually take anima sola if you want bob's brain i sure don't can i have this or do you want it okay yeehaw just hodge your last yee [Music] eat eat skirt skirt and a solo not that bad no it's i like it the character derives from horrible diplo has potential here what about this card i say it's only five cents take the card and the diplo temperance is five random pillow effects call me in shot speed shot speed found pills in retrograde double retrovision [Music] might as well get that car okay why why you stop flying i mean okay uh a top singer 37 bombs oh this is gonna get messy this is gonna get messy okay wait wait wait wait wait we each get to pick a chest instead of it going going from side to side so all right choose wisely i'll go first [Laughter] two thirds gumpy oh come on that could have been three thirds guppy three-thirds guppy yeah that makes sense i mean you could diplo this that would be that would be preferable upload this and yeah i know i would take a nail and i would take uh lord of the pit all right that works out for both of us yeah then you can go back and get your suplex oh i'm gonna take you to this one then lord of the pit as well okay and then take the other health up yeah of course all right um my turn again come on guppy i believe at you kidding me i've got all the spiders all the flies great buddy can we get that little battery now we can finally see what this tarot card is sweet i think we already knew it was wheel of fortune sweet i'm still gonna die i mean i've got no freaking health lemon pate can you got no health you got the nail bomb that guy oh huh it's everything's horrible mess them up how's this hacking nice nice and moist i say no to that that's both of our keys sir sir sir sir sir sir sir uh if i can get a red heart i can get my um my thing active yeah like that shall we and you want a red heart um aren't you against backtracking no i'm against backtracking if it means we're looking for one cent when we can just bomb the donation machine but if it means that we're trying to get like you know a good bonus for someone then it's still super floaty [Music] again yeah it's good now look out i missed tired i missed let's just go to delirium hell let's just end it now yeah let's just let's do it super awesome what are you gonna do something negative okay well i'll take the files three two one go well done well done uh i'll get the well first one second one how does that work i guess you just get it it's on my side and you have spun and guppy uh yeah but that doesn't mean we should start breaking rules now how's the breaking rules it's on my side and there was a second item taken it's a little debatable what are you talking about okay you established you get the first item i get the second one yeah but the polaroid is totally different a b two items were already taken polaroid and negative so that was the third i didn't get the polaroid what are you talking about did you get the polaroid i didn't get it well as well does that lock down walks into the void yeah i should've could have done it yeah some that's some shot speed you got there bud phillips i think i've taken like five plus shot speed pills some shot speed dairy shot speed there guy chat speed [ __ ] holy [ __ ] guy there bud can use the uh gonna use the name next room for the damage upgrade oh man the whole two damage upgrade uh i guess i got hit what was what hit you there i don't know do you have stompy [Laughter] yes i do thanks for asking i'll take that if you don't want it i don't wanna fire right up the waze the nail gives you stuff oh yeah that's right wait but we left though we left that room and it still gave you stomping though i waited to use it until i got in that room because remember the damage upgrade yeah but you died you died in here from stoppie we spawned out here you came back there and stomped on it again still unstoppy i didn't you crazy oh no you got hit that's right you didn't die from the first hit that's right that's right alphahaven thank you for the 10 gifted subs johnny boy thanks to the one dollar maybe display custom text using the rules each room that determines who gets what each room um that's yeah i mean that sounds kind of i don't know or we can just still don't think that would be a decent way to do it or we can just talk yeah we fight too much though ah dang it get out of here ouch i just kicked something my subwoofer you don't want all that glorious bouncy the bountiful harvest wait what was it again hang on hang on it was yes god why do you have such trash luck because i'm i'm me also great navigation by the way i love what we've done with this map hey what's your keys and going to that uh challenge room we could it's good i get the left when you get the right one okay [Laughter] hey i'm already maxed yeah it did nothing for me i still took it just to make sure you can get it super [Laughter] you know what hell let's take it let's go how's it going how's that how's it working sounds like it's working really well yep a little bit fanny soul of bethany i'm helpful i'm just gonna be over here shooting poops punchy laser i'll be the secret i'm over here hello nutty mag from youtube i'm squidward all right tech was anti-grav maybe not the best idea that's super easy room probably come on dude you gotta you gotta work with me here nope nope it should have given me dark bum hey be down in an unidentified cheers you could leave a couple of the soul hearts for when i get resurrected uh does not compute i'm trying not to blow the whole thing you get nine lives pimple shot that'll be good as hazel stump and anti-grav probably the best yeah i don't even want this asl stump anymore to be honest we're done professionally oh guys there's only one one that doesn't do oh my god you see that look at the shot speed on this way i'm getting a wall [Applause] that one breaks it by how much why the full amount by the full amount yeah that's the that one breaks your cap um neither thank you yeah i know all right ready i'm just air walking yeah just air walking it does break the tear cap i know it does meanwhile i'll sit here at 3.23 i'm sick and everything's bad is that what you said yeah you got your good friend here to revive you every time don't worry about it yep yep yep you're welcome a good friend who won't get a soul heart from dark bum and still takes tears upgrades this is for you this is for you [Laughter] all right next one's for me though okay hey there you go yay happy birthday squat what's up 60 total i'm here ready to uh horns i'm finally getting a replacement oven tomorrow took my landlord three months i just want to know thanks squad appreciate it xd is a good number it's a healthy number wait wait wait there you go i hate that room yeah here it is here it is here it is yeah thanks that was all thanks to squat we should blow this up get hearts that got it right there it's on my side what do you got for me [Laughter] oh good good good good that old trolling dark bum at it again a good old mountain dew there you go you can have the soul hearts never say i didn't do nothing for you one for me one for you okay oh my god did you see the speed that it hit the wall yeah my shot speed with the punches is just oh that probably doesn't count though it does it does it it does it does does enemy damage why isn't it popping open it doesn't do that anymore nope what when do they oh wait wait i have flat file i have flat file oh i was gonna say what the heck oh i'm capped on hp apparently there you are i almost walked right into that doppelganger i'll doppel your ganger wish you would that retro vision nice top secret room okay good yeah it's a visual glitch i still have lord of the pit it's just repentance what it you have a damaged multiplier technically yeah i think we've lost the competition at this point in time like we're not we're working together now so are we unless you still want you know i wouldn't have given you that then mister give me the tears you're capped it's whoever has the the least amount of broken hearts right that's how we want to play it probably should use doctors remote in there nice oh sorry about that hey you do you want it i'm not gonna use it no please don't because it's like that's death right uh soul hearts are not as good for this challenge less effective i think he gave me a spider uh we have the negative or do we have the hello tacotron oh wait no we do have negative and negative just give yourself forward problem solved only a little bit of cheating is that me dunk what happened daddy 5'7 anything can happen on these later floors yep this is the final jeopardy floor it's the final what the heck is this boss room it's the uh isaac bostrom oh like two rooms away from the start room yeah that happened to me earlier this week in the cathedral it was kind of weird now probably should have saved my key internet i can't see where i am oh wow [ __ ] me six seven [Music] [Laughter] uh we have no keys i still think it's better to farm for keys next floor but the guppy's tail is gonna just mean that we're gonna have chest right well thanks for killing all of our keys huts um since i have guppy's tail does that mean i get all checked no we'll do every other every other great chest or golden chest starting with me why have guppy's tail what's that me okay i really wanted to i would taking them all if i really wanted to you're lucky that i'm even letting you have any items notice how you've been disconnecting at very convenient times dude the wheel of fortune doesn't uh give you an item anymore unless if it pays out like if you got if you paid her enough money yeah but it could pay out with an item judgement also doesn't wheel fortune can only play with a dollar right right in the chest though i'd think it's i think it might be random [Music] look at my tears there that one's you as well oh good good pull good pull sweet awesome blorg i got absolutely just sandwiched sandwiched via troll bombs another dark bum oh box brain it gives you isaac's heart it's been buffed wait how did i get hit how did i get hit there he shot out the six shots and then one of them i tagged yeah i saw nothing he manual oh that's right i'm hunts i think everything's mine all right next one's yours then delenchus blanco bottom help it's work out my northern line laugh is it working i didn't hear it what was it yep all right that's you then right nice actually with your damage and 76 coins we could pretty much just finish up with this okay [Music] hp for you more like load of bad my dark prince crown that i had the health up you would have yeah and the sauce thanks to the bits but you had to be greedy an echo 32 months two right there wait that one we can go get the uh we go get the other chests uh who's up next i think it's you that could be useful maybe not really okay you take that i'll take this and then i'll just drive my sack dag into him gonna do what would you say i'm gonna slap him right across the face with my big floppy sacked egg no [Music] no no if we end it now you lose it's seven to eight i if i die i'm down for the entire fight all right is the only chance to win i'm not gonna win all right jump to the chest then [Music] [Laughter] misses it let's go now we have to save our money for delirium good luck dadawudo let's save what for delirium save our money yeah i might not go that far though in delirium it might just be best to get us there okay health up sweet i would love that thank you cheers up i love that thank you okay uh whose turn is it by the way you get first item from bosses because i'm thinking you're one you can have that for your stupid buff stem cell i guess i got nothing i got no trinket what happened to my trinkets i just never had a drink don't you have marbles i know i have marbles uh i think you lost your marshmallows he's dropped his hazel's corn for something that's yeah i think i just dropped it and got nothing yeah [ __ ] down dibs cage smasher seven total what's up can you live brighten my kind of poopy day [Music] max speed baby bloodbots decent boss over here unless you want to wait and not do a boss it could be delirium here we go all right we're out of money oh cool that was neat hey some help i just randomly found it i don't know why i took that i got a freaking firework downgrade i told you soon you should have just ended it i don't know why we had to do delirium really really a poor choice only didn't go the exact way that i said it was going to go complete or a choice on your part you never listen to me anyways though let's bring it home country roots to the place we arrive along i like that the mega troll bomb is still going after me okay he's unstoppable pretty sure knockout drops didn't help me there as does the dealer need to be made any more jerky workout great for me yeah that's great and it's almost over got him he's done it it's all you hunts congrats on the victory this is seven months it's a really tough competition got him real close got him [Music] full clear now yeah right gg [Music] thanks for watching people on youtube see in the next one [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 12,296
Rating: 4.9457011 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: sOjI0AjVuIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 34sec (3454 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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