pros do fusions in gartic phone animation

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all right so chat uh the next round we're doing we're gonna be trying uh movie mode and in movie mode we're going to be doing uh everyone is going to have two characters and we're gonna start the fusion dance from dragon ball z they're gonna do the thing and then we're going to do a transformation so i've i've encouraged everybody to have a bunch of reference um once we've got the everyone here i'm going to repost the reference um just so everybody has it there we go don't worry after we're done okay wait oh oh no so wait oh we all have to write the pro okay so write your prompt okay yeah no we don't start with our so write your two characters so we can spoil it okay so right write your two characters and then someone else will have to start it so i might need help figuring out one of the characters i get one i don't know oh my god why didn't i hear here here are the two key poses we're starting for the the first one okay oh no uh yeah no color no color just line art and then accent colors if you want to do it holy [ __ ] okay um these are i literally i can't believe i'm the one that got the furries i can't draw animals and just for reference we're i'll check i'll check the time too yeah yeah yeah we're there's no time limit but we're gonna try it our best to not linger too long i'm i'm i'm good i'm done i think let's go we can do it so the the the arms are going over the head over the head and then the legs are the leg on the leg is stretching out so wait wait wait wait wait but what about the [ __ ] white one this is drawing girl [Music] they're inwards oh no sorry i'm wrong they're going down they're going down they're going down they're so that they're it's it's a they're going down in front of the body and then coming back around in a circle so it oh i did it right they have the fingers like going inward but then they like snap outwards and then they bend over and then they bend over you're right because i'm going the black and white ones started with the arms on the out which is why oh okay okay but we're doing the next one yeah that's in and then out wait so the reference we got was ben well the reference we got we just started from the middle frame oh we started from the middle frame right okay yeah yeah i knew it felt wrong all right all right let me just bounce to the other okay there's gonna be a bunch of weird balls on the doom guy that is because it's just a really crappy smear to get it because the pose was he was in the wrong pose so i just put like a multi-hand smear to get him to where he needs to be so i think i think that'll work i'm like pretty sure like it'll just be like a real quick uh like but the movement is lateral of the from yeah it's to the front actually is it yeah it's lateral it doesn't [ __ ] really it is check the guess the gift isn't playing i was like well i've never seen dragon ball but i'm watching the gifts i just just juice a frontal smoothie okay the hands the hands are now smeared the hands this is gonna be the hands smooth the hands are ready for the hands it's okay perfect shut the [ __ ] up are you look look behind me you [ __ ] [ __ ] did i watch dragon ball shut the [ __ ] up okay so so we're keeping the same pose but like popping so like if it's overshot then like pop it back a bit like yeah okay all right i'm gonna try and uh touch up this a bit because i think some details are missing oh my god okay trace just trace trace as fast as you can you can't catch me you've got it yeah all right we all we're out of here it's the unofficial part that hurts okay so this one [Music] yeah yes oh baby [Music] oh yeah oh i thought this is so cute uh i have i i have a question um the there's another kirby i think is this kirby that with the big titties um yeah there's two is this kirby standing on something or is that a smear he was on the ground oh okay okay okay gotcha got you got it oh okay that's what that is oh it hurts our cleavage is actually way lower oh my god all right let's bring that down let's make those titties [Music] oh gosh oh my god it's like two splashes stashes on her i mean there's a reason she's banned from smashing like there's no cleavage that's just plunging because all the ghosts actually smash well people are always great emotion chat please [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] oh my god yo i know this character oh my god on airplanes is it just an animation thing to be like i block it out from my mind i don't see it you don't know about this yeah i just see black do you have dreams [Music] yeah so a lot of a lot of um there's actually apparently a lot of people disney they did a um they ended up like asking a bunch of people like you know do uh how many of you see things and some people don't even realize they have it that's the thing so um you know when people say like visualize and do that if you close your eyes and you don't see anything you have it you're supposed to see stuff [Music] yes yeah welcome to like i was 30 when i figured this out you you know when people say like visualize they can do that they can do like a like a fuzzy like dream kind of like visualization in their head yeah welcome welcome to my world like once you figure it out three thousand people are like what do you mean i can't render a spot so you know when people when people when people are really say like i can see it they're not lying they can see it like some people can see it better than others there's like a scale but then there's people who can just who don't see anything so wait wait question if someone says don't imagine a pink elephant what happens to you i nothing i don't see anything if i close my eyes you just say imagine a pink elephant i think i think of any kelp exactly i think about the concept i think about round ears i think about and here's the thing the best way i can describe how i how i'm drawing is like i have uh i i can i can you know how like like a blind person would just describe seeing a face is like touching like the face and you kind of know the volume and the like the shape right like i can think about volume and translate that onto the page because i've taught myself to do that but i can't i can't see anything right does that make sense i'm like using my hand to kind of find the lines and yeah yeah interesting okay so like wait like using your memory like you've seen an image before so you're like creating using that memory how was that asking really so someone says i can visualize things when my eyes are open it's possible when they are closed interesting i i can't see anything either way some people everyone's different apparently i didn't know this so like can you visual like you can could you visualize like remembering a screenshot from a movie i might be able to think about what the composition was but i couldn't see it i think amy right it's really good it's really good that's a great that's actually the video i discovered i had it and then i like read further into it i was we're still working at grumps and i walked around the office asked everyone it's like yeah see stuff in my head what are you talking about that's scary interesting do you know what is crazy how much of the world's population they don't know it's like a pretty recent like thing that's being like looked into i think 2015 it was like started to be looked into oh yes that's that's not enough time to find out let's [Music] everyone stretch [Music] i mean you could probably just grab some like cheap ones off amazon like who are we waiting on sounds handy who's left one more one more oh when i hear words in my head though i can hear music in my head like near perfect if i want to hear the like bohemian rhapsody i'd like here to my head perfectly but i can't see it let's see it the music video well that's actually really good dude uh when it comes to like animation uh sound is one of the greatest things that you can imagine to get the timing and everything down oh yeah if you can hear a gif then uh you're in your shape for anything that makes sense because that's a musician just like even the subtle movements when something is like where who's missing yeah i hear voices perfectly it's like probably being a huge uh help for um like voice acting and stuff because like uh as my like as i got older i felt like i was able to imitate voices much better oh then it looks sick oh this looks amazing oh my god this just looks like genga what the [ __ ] okay oh you got the last one yeah it's just since we're at the halfway point you want to give like do like a two minute break sound good [Music] oh god i don't i i honestly have no idea what i'm doing with your panel juni oh no no don't worry about it it's just don't worry about it just go [ __ ] mobile sir have fun [Music] thank you the animation all the comments are gonna be like oh this person messed it up so bad every time they made a frame they messed up the animation i hate them so much if you do that [ __ ] you yeah be nice to our [ __ ] guests no seriously if you do that like the same rules apply to my uh my my twitch you do not be rude to our guests you'll be shadow band on youtube you'll be banned on the twitch that's that's that's just [ __ ] etiquette be nice um yeah absolutely we're all heart [Music] you do not stand for it wow like 14 because it's like oh someone's doing some like trigger flashing yeah i got i got ooh yeah 16 16 to 20 okay this is sick this is [ __ ] sick all right i'll i'll pull it together um okay you know yeah oh my god what is this oh dude [Music] it's bad the wario uh the wario falco and it looks sick i'm happy with him nicely thank you oh my god he's so cute [Music] it's good thank you so good wait this is dawn hatch [Music] pikachu holy [ __ ] except sephiroth that's coming to the camera yeah dude if this pikachu sonic is in sonic 2 then sonic 2 is potara and this is the fusion dance exactly that's so stupid whoever gets uh kirby again uh next let me know all right i've managed to do a twitter post and all of this did you wait did you finish that painting yeah i finished the painting i should be doing some dreams okay hold [Music] who is she that's pretty good toy i'm returning that thank you uh i want to see oh yeah [Music] let's do it of course all right who's left yeah who are we waiting on this too i can't tell people to go look at this because because i could get in trouble don't go look at them [Music] the effects are sexy i don't know i haven't seen the character yet yeah that might that that was me that was me junie you're a [ __ ] seriously yep you probably is he is a product legit okay we're good let's go i'm getting more effort into [Music] is it slowing down now or whatever should i slow it down i think this is only i was the second frame from the design i think maybe i i know that says cape slash trench coat behind um that's what i was animating [ __ ] okay four more frames four more frames crap this is okay we did a gamer thing whoever gets that the fan is hitting the ground four more fans come on four more frames or more friends friends like this person it's me sorry i'm almost there i'm home it's all going to take your time too many too many lives do you know that the socket that the hand sits in is called the styloid process like in your wrist [Music] it's composed of two different bones the radius and the ulna holy crap what is this i don't know what i'm looking at right now oh those are tits oh [Laughter] spoil myself okay i'm done i'm done oh my god oh so close i'm gonna have to do this like swipe effect on the smoke all right in life for four four four youtube likes this and they're like do another one i'm just gonna be like not for like like it's gonna like this is gonna maybe if you get me to a million subs maybe but like i'm not like this is yeah for real yeah i'm gonna get you this is a union gig by the way you get health care no i'm kidding you um i'm just saying if somebody wants to offer a little bit of move on for this oh i mean you just finished an insane endurance stream my hands are inspired by subs like crazy this uh this lola ones oh my god the pajama is looking amazing yeah i tweeted out to tell people that the reveal is coming and we've been going for like four hours no kidding that's true oh this one's so cute [Music] i i think these frames can be like yeah very like decent chills yeah yeah this is not an ease frame what am i told i got i got isabella doom guy it's too sick this is going to be easy oh my god nine out of 12. wasn't it last friday um let's get through this let's go fast okay and remember last frame is easing so i think an airplane's crashing [Music] it's not 9 11. it's just teleporting joking back last night come [Applause] hey yo who's editing hey yo come on okay okay what the [ __ ] [ __ ] is this okay i appreciate this spongebob fan it's very cute oh my god let's see a prayer this is going to be so cool yeah it's going to change the life of no matter what no matter what it's one of those years doing this so many cool effects so many cool designs we had reference we had communication and going as sweaty as possible i we can't do this often this actually hurt it's been like four hours there's a reason we keep it simple when we do these oh yeah let's keep it simple and then we get to the right the ladies yeah we started going back and this was insane keep it simple and we put like a heart right this time one more drawing one more drawing oh hi hi everybody welcome welcome to probably the most sweaty piece of garter phone animation you will ever see four hours later let's begin let's go look at the smile i love this is already consistent like for the in terms of the chinese like it's true yeah i might i might stand up and watch this there oh wow yeah [Music] oh my god oh my god this is going to be insane okay please let this work come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] please save them do not not save them okay yeah yes oh my god i don't know what it is [Music] [Music] i didn't actually get the second frame for this so here we go [Music] we got rid of them because we just wanted to speed things up to get to the effects animations yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] from smiling right now oh my god all my dreams came true [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i love you guys don't worry these are getting saved don't worry top tier [Music] my so glad muscles coordinated all the movements together yeah this is the naked mario naked mario oh worth it yeah yes oh i'm ready i'm ready i'm in shock i'm in shock bro i'm ready yes they [Music] i'm actually speechless right now like these are amazing guys i i i'm here this is an actual production i am so happy that i got to uh actually design this character jesus [Music] i got to design him i love him that's such a thick design oh my god i need to smoke something he looks like it's the whole world yeah yeah yeah he looks so rad [Music] try not to nut challenge that's what this is i'm just like i cut my pants i can't this is so insane oh my god [Music] dude [Music] so this is what happens when we actually coordinate and we're not just wow [Music] you still have 10 more all right let's do it let's see [Music] i love this is them shortening on the hoops yes so cute [Music] they trust each other that's great yeah okay you're scared how is this going to end around here they are so cute they're designed yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh oh my god [Laughter] [Laughter] oh no they're feathers oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh man i could really use a wish right now right now okay got my wish [Music] okay [Music] oh they're so cute i love them oh [Music] [Music] yes sir just wait for it to bring forward dude just want to say shout out junie mvp yeah killing it we all worked on this together bro we are all mvps in this video juni brings the energy he's adorable [Music] delightful [Music] i'm gonna die i'm gonna die [Music] [Music] yeah that wink wink is so good holy [ __ ] it's insane bless y'all [Music] oh this was ambitious this was very ambitious oh yeah [Music] i could say you guys should make a chibi or something don't worry it becomes chippy [Music] phone is for all the good boys and girls [Music] soccer i could [Music] i love my space here yes yeah contact bounce bounce goodness jiggle out the wazoo one i love it oh [ __ ] yeah i really wanted to try it out kirby gets the broly one of course the broly gogeta oh my god dude yeah mushroom cloud nice twist and then it's gonna go big that's such a cool [Applause] jesus christ dude when i got this frame i couldn't believe it the kermit we deserved [Music] [Music] i saw god today banger after banger y'all this is my i get sustained myself [Music] [Laughter] yeah at least at least a mug oh look at his face look at this cute little [ __ ] judy said i have extra time jesus i love you i love that oh it's so cool here we go kirby is so good ross with the double exams let's go it's all good it's all good oh my god the dithering it's so good the tethering is something [Music] we'll come back out you're all on it oh rock right now wow that is badass no i'm so excited for the oh my god you've been shading yeah i couldn't see the shading yeah yeah yeah amazing thank you thank you so much oh my god boobs are kirby with that [Music] y'all didn't tell me you could draw i they did not have any of these things when i saw them please place all the game over this i need it yeah that video is gonna have so much copyright strikes around i think that the blazing stuff details ah the transparent i love them oh yeah that's right that's who's smartest big brain it's a huge brain [Applause] this is my favorite one great pose that's where this world came from oh yeah that's always wonderful [Music] i'm so proud of you guys [Applause] dude why are these entrances so badass oh my gosh [Applause] there it is [Music] oh [Music] holy let's zoom in that's zooming yeah for real jesus even the code dude it like flaps in the wind like perfect yeah like like one big poof right my heart is blazing my hair is freezing right now let's set up a [ __ ] anime stupid stop getting consistent we gave this [Applause] faction dr eggman oh this one's fun i [Music] i'm sorry i'm screaming dude these are all so good no really [Music] that's a nice breakdown yeah i got the last one of this one and i'm just oh so hyped to see it yes hell yeah the energy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh the electricity [Music] oh [Music] how well these frames are going along together oh my god yeah yeah okay and the colors changing and everything's damn oh my god i'm so proud of all of [Music] and you know when it needs to pick up [Music] oh god here we go here we go oh these two are the cutest okay it was so cute though that's adorable oh my god bring your daughter to work today [Music] i love this one we got a pentagram it looks like it looks satanic i actually was i actually was thinking of a pentagram when i drew that oh my god oh my god are you kidding me oh my god it's so cute and hyped at the same time what the oh my god do you guys hear a boss i cannot believe this [Music] this is scary oh my god oh my god here we go rip and tear [Music] the reveal is so dope [Music] the power of this lobby oh my god why this is so cool oh my goodness damn it it's so good wow the hand slowly rises that's gorgeous that one's bananas oh my [ __ ] god there's is so dramatic this one's the i think the most this one's the most dramatic please save this one please save me don't lose it oh yeah oh yeah dude oh my god i'm so impressed me too i'm not like junior now it's like 6 am here this is going to be yes look at them go this is so [Music] dab question mark yes sir that's the art [Music] i'm ready finn [Music] [Music] perfectly wow yes i'm stoked dude i love this i live for this [ __ ] oh my god [Music] please don't be the energy of these lines yeah geez [Music] wait judy got me every single time after let's go [Music] yeah he's you can kill me yeah got the ease so good [Music] oh like something electricity just going away these aren't these are aren't babies there's no way i'm gonna be able to sleep tonight bro is this what people in animation studios feel no yeah i'm so high no no they don't feel like they know themselves like a loser so he's using his chin yeah this one was so cool i loved it i love this one it's hilarious he's fusing with his chin no legs [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh he hurts me so glad somebody just drove from the chest up oh mega mega fat man oh funny or would it be mega man impact frames and effects for these like are you serious dude are you serious are you serious no words dude [Music] okay now okay now that makes sense i like i wasn't sure what how to whatever i'm tired [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] dude [Music] oh i cannot draw furries [Music] [Applause] [Music] this was so worth okay i was my hand hurts like this i'm hungry as hell i miss my girlfriend i just i just it's worth it i'm actually gonna rewatch this vlog so much tonight holy me too [Music] i don't even remember it dude what friends oh yeah it was after this cheese [Music] oh my god this is actually going to turn out like whoa get out of here you guys you guys did not you guys did not you did not shut up you did not did you [Music] i'm not a furry i'm not afraid [Applause] entire it's saved right you saved it [Music] ever i have not seen a better gartek lobby than this i don't know i don't know what the [ __ ] was that dude um so i have to i have to do the youtube okay so youtube listen these beautiful [ __ ] people just gave four hours of their time to give you those animation sequences if you don't go to the author's comment and give every single one of them a follow on twitter you're up [Music] you
Channel: RubberRoss
Views: 928,667
Rating: 4.9829454 out of 5
Keywords: RubberRoss, Ross O'Donovan, Gartic Phone Animation, Gartic Phone Movie, Gartic Phone with artists, Garlic Phone
Id: u3v8jyFW9L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 52sec (3472 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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