Jackbox Trivia Murder Party! Who Will Survive the Murder Hotel? (Challenge of the Week)

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[Music] hello hello happy wednesday welcome [Music] believe you asked me to find you a song for the holding screen at the start of the stream i can play the less than half a second of it well you know i like i don't like to hang around i don't like to keep our our fine audience waiting i was going through my vinyl records looking at the exact perfect tune oh it was good everyone you'll have to save my word for it there's another one uh later on a different song at the end that i'll cut off really quickly after as well so yeah dj mike doesn't like to hang around he's just all the hits and another one and another one it's my signature style non-stop bangers music i went to a club once and it was like an amazingly talented like mashup dj type person but it became really infuriating because you'd hear the first like four bars of a great song and then it'd be gone this went on for like two hours dj so many songs tonight i will be mashing up songs uh show most songs per minute of any mashup t-shirt shall we begin well let's check with the chat into the audience as well yeah folks you can join yeah with the audience for this stream yeah we don't know what you'll be doing because we've not played this one before i believe they will be answering questions alongside us so you will be up against us you'll be creative so go to jackpots.tv and use the room code rlhr you won't need a password just rh sorry rlhi and uh play against us and maybe one of us will still be yeah no cheating here at the hotel i think there's bits about like you can bet on who's gonna die and wow oh dear oh it sounds horrible why are we playing this game the premises sorry you go oh this this isn't fun i was going to say jane i i think zoom might be getting your wrong mic oh okay just have a chat am i sounding funny sounding a little well i don't know oh i'm using my my normal mic sounds fine to me yeah oh okay okay ignore me ignore me sorry that's okay the premise of uh trivia murder party is that we've all been abducted by a terrible serial killer finally we've been put in a murder hotel yeah i guess that's where the serial killer lives and uh and we have to survive the night by answering trivia questions because that's the serial killers give you know how jigsaw tests whether you have the will to live this one tests whether you have trivial powers people in the chat are agreeing with luke saying jane is muffled and sounds teeny hmm how strange is that on your end maybe mike i don't know that there's anything mike can do about it to be honest um if you're getting every word then then what's the that's the quality and luke's saying stop complaining i will i don't know i'm getting it actually yeah a bit peaky but can you not still understand the intention of leonardo da vinci even though he used old-timey paints and crayons and stuff and not lasers no i look at his works and i think he'll be better well i'm very sorry about my audio quality um if i sound tinny i'm not sure why i'm definitely i'm definitely using the right microphone and it's in the right place and we even did a sound check before we started streaming and it was fine it seemed okay i don't really know what to tell you folks there we go it's fine yeah everyone can hear everyone can hear every word you're saying i just sound like a bad robot or something a good robot yeah uh okay well we've got maybe a foul over a foul in here now so sweet get that foul that's good i've got some super chatty type things okay uh let me just uh super chats yeah veronica says staying home with vaccine side effects so i can catch the screen achy and relieved andy can you release dungeon crawl it's stuck in my head uh yeah i mean i've released as much of it as there is i could record it better i suppose oh you could do it better or you could write several more verses than the chorus i mean it has three hannah there's already three verses i could all right fine i will all right well congrats by the way veronica well done yeah see um i hope the side effects clear up yeah hopefully you feel better tomorrow yeah and congratulations well done another super chat here from um familiar commenter gentleman who says welcome back mike you have been missed during the manga season oh that's nice all of you are doing good time for murder time for party woo i missed space mike spaceman space mike this place mike will return probably right should we should we go should we do a trivia yeah yeah let's do it yeah the music in this game is great uh can i just point out that we've got over uh nearly three thousand people watching we've just got over 1200 people in the audience join in everyone yeah come on get involved also only 292 likes what is that i want an unearned early doors like spike i don't believe i should apologize for it three message here from producer john saying game audio is only coming through right channel fyi uh that was just the music it should all be coming through uh both screaming now yeah so that's that's cool prepare to die what ah look over 1000 likes now thank you okay everyone um i haven't actually been given the option so my jack box is not working i had to refresh oh let me read it okay okay oh oh my god even when i'm wrong i'm right you shouldn't have followed mike well there's a lot of astronauts jane in there you can't keep track of them [Music] [Music] [Applause] is this the jack box thing way if you die in the game you die in real life all jackpots games are a conceptual nightmare mutants [Laughter] apparently mark kelly's a u.s senator now so there you go not just an astronaut the more you know all right ask me ask me another one oh [Music] oh man if i get it wrong just going to be humiliating what's the 10th big digit of party or what do they teach you in schools these days what just to use a calculator jane which can do pi straight away yeah oh yes yes yes my good stem powers coming through my good blind luck powers coming through nice one mike i was hoping for the blind luck [Music] welcome to the killings boys as you want to add to your score with the lowest score oh oh it's right it's like blackjack okay with exactly the same amount of murders oh okay oh i get to roll just for funsies it's like blackjack but with dice and skulls well it made sense when i first put it together okay roll um i've got to though i don't really i didn't realize i could roll many i times should have waited then and waited for some people to roll skulls to nudge ellen past 21. oh my god do you want to know some more mark kelly fast yes please russ voss says that mark kelly smuggled a gorilla costume onto the iss and chased other astronauts around low earth orbit in said costume and there is video of it seriously that's not cool costume of course of course the fractional weight difference meant that the spaceship was not able oh for goodness sake for any of these questions going to be from yes real people oh god jane knows physics this this is it turns out jane was the serial killer and she was she was you know how sore you know the guy i saw yeah yeah jigsaw yeah jigsaw this is a trick question he's so upset this is me changing hooray it wasn't a trick question [Music] [Laughter] we can't continue this stream if ellen's going to explain how she knows each one if someone weighs 200 pounds about how much of that weight is skeleton now is that a trick question how heavy is a human skeleton quite heavy have you ever held a human skeleton in your hands i haven't andy has it yeah have you ever warmly embraced a human skeleton this is a this is one you don't want to get right i think yes only 30 pounds it's the water that's all the weight oh sure helen are you going to do this because you made a joke of it and now you've brought it on yeah yeah and it's your fault can you talk about it well no it is wait i've got to do what now um all right why though how long have i got do the great red dragon yeah oh and the woman closed in the sun see why aren't there trivia questions about uh red dragon okay how long have we got oh ages oh i mean there's a clear winner here as far as i'm concerned that powerful stance they work really well together it looks like that's roaring uh cora denison says want to get that as a giant backpack this ink has got to go my only consolation is punishment [Laughter] she said swirling into the void we'll put pie to 10 digits on your grave yes please that gives me an idea for my grades my school's not looking good we'll go to the final round next question all right that's another question okay oh easy easy-peasy [Music] [Music] and ginger is any fizzy drink what oh look let's keep moving what do scoville units measure easy again finally some easy ones finally there we go yeah they're clearly adjusting this on the fly right it's a learning computer yeah you you folks seem less like particle questions and more like food challenges could i ask you questions about the mechanisms of government and more about beer 91 percent of the audience got that right good job audience nice audience yeah more questions like why is beer so tasty oh it's me all of you oh it's just me guess who will win and sorry guess who died [Music] last time this happened to me i immediately scratched off the skull i'm just going to leave it there no i think you should have to win don't you do i do you i thought to get three do i have to get you you just have to get three to level there you go you're done yeah yeah easy i knew you've done it i could get more money if i could get more money go on i'll risk one more get a skype calendar there you go it's easy more click more click more oh oh there are two dancing around that skull okay i feel less bad about that one oh ellen doubt so mike is the only survivor all right corp's gonna execute the final girl yes yeah the scream queen mike channel is so bad okay get ready everyone what do i have to do oh no it's the loot ground oh my god oh no that's just a demonstration whatever no it wasn't iron torns but you have a head start according to how well you did it is right now i think that's just the graphic what no oh damn it damn it yes i'm going to catch you mike i'm going to catch you up he'll catch you and get you characters that's right that's weird it's like a weird sort of crossover there i respect it i respect that eclectic mix i wish i knew about overwatch there's a little sad ghost next to roadrunner oh gosh i've missed one okay wait did i get that one no i didn't get it there's a new one that i don't know yet then named after what i mean um fig newton's surely has to be named after [Music] i do not understand the mechanism by which this is working no matter what oh god uh is there not time to to check that's not enough time to count the letters there was oh i think there was actually why did i just say all of them i was so sure there was no time to care wait what what is happening i am resurrected [Music] i have no idea what's happening no idea this is so confusing there are so many layers to this game that i do no idea if they're not in red dead redemption oh wow i would love to read the chapter on structurally sound surpluses you've got to make sure it's firm before you start doing all your karma scenes well you can and cannot do comedy oh another excellent round in taxonomy oh okay all right oh kingdom probably is one isn't it probably it sounds like a victorian anthropological thing or is it a logical thing oh and class okay i accept my fate whatever it is because is there a timer oh and i can see it there is a time where i believe yeah yes come through the darkness has got me the darkness i'm glad i put so much effort into all those other rounds wow that last minute much come back from jane my favorite jack box by far wow that was like scratch a disaster amazing amazing round is great yeah that was really fun yeah oh boy audience could not not escape in time says hi guys it's my birthday on sunday i'd make a joke about being old but i'm the same age as james i'd rather not make a new enemy wise move there uh david madolotti says can't stay just popped in to say even though this isn't among us jay andy is just oh look you're all genius now it's like you are the descendants oh gosh the defendant to the people who murdered him andy this seems like an andy question yeah cowboy stuff andy what is it quick tell me the answer does andy know the answer i don't think it's the ones you think it is what do we have today type in an answer that fits this category everyone else will answer too and if anyone matches you you die oh okay oh okay mind readers oh this is quite fun actually yeah i like this yeah if anyone has the same answer as me they die you both die i don't think anyone's getting the same answer no i i i don't know right if we've got the same answer as anyone or just as ellen oh interesting how everyone's mind works the most interesting thing is i didn't write knight i wrote horsey but it it worked out that that's right [Laughter] oh gosh [Music] oh i'm sorry if i missed a super chat there i think one might have like skipped our screen but um because we're focusing so hard on not dying yeah we are only getting to them every now and again so i apologize for that antonio gaza said andy you'll appreciate this 25 years ago today there was an aurora borealis in skinner's kitchen really oh yeah that was the 23rd the 25th anniversary of that episode yeah amazing lucky guesses well done everyone mine was knowing about drinking potables what was saturn oh all sorts of stupid stuff they all were oh um okay james levi says i just wanted to say i love you all from oklahoma and i turn 30 on monday happy birthday to james time's on the stop happy birthday james have a happy birthday excellent day monday day yeah why not yeah yes nailed it jane that's a space thing technically all of us get that it's tough that's the god of agriculture and time jupiter and saturn are the same [Laughter] i'm ready it pains me deeply to have to write to you in my current emotional state but here we are while my previous visits to your store have been nothing short of delightful my last trip filled me with disappointment and rage please understand that i will be buying my scented candles okay done time's up all right now let me get out my room i do i have no idea how i did it it's really hard to do this on your phone but did anyone do better than you yes just well done yeah that was a stressful speed typing round has everyone noticed how we're all junior except jane because our previous year survived yeah yeah so jane's you know somehow locked in the same mansion with all the kids the people who died oh yeah yeah i'm the jamie lee curtis of this and you're like the young sexy teens i know you know this one luke [Music] i'm here for this nerd stuff well now i know [Applause] sorry luke i feel like i gave some game away there what's my only advantage why are brownies usually more expensive than white eggs because of all the brown dye [Music] i think i think this would make more sense to an american audience yeah or maybe maybe i mean oh okay wow did we all go we all got it wrong i went before yeah like americans have to keep their eggs in the fridge otherwise they get salmonella american eggs are all all white right yeah then they like give them each seafood safe players have a poisoned pellet okay so you're gonna poison these grails and we have to choose which grail to drink from okay now well i've poisoned the cup of a carpenter now where would andy put a poison pellet if you want to survive i'd pick a cup with no poison i've chosen already i i just did it i just went easy decision okay all right i asked elsa schneider which one i should drink from i'm sure it's gonna be fine all right let's drink let's drink everybody no james no one drink any poison oh we're all fine well luke announced that he'd put poison in the government which is the cup that i also put poisoning i chose the one that looked like it was already full of poison because i thought you know that's the one people like when one player is left alive reverse psychology okay mike mike junior oh what a great question oh gosh i know you know this one ellen yeah and that actually doesn't give me she's like one of the best characters out of time what what sort of shape best character is she yeah what kind of noise does she make oh mike junior i don't know i assumed that bojack horseman was a horse and everyone else was a human acting like bojack horseman a lot of them are humans but so will everyone else what's happening this is the most confusing thing like urinal oh okay i don't but i don't think it matters what the word is it just needs to so many convincing words to choose from please stand up is it yeah there we go it's just about identifying a computer which i can do quite well 25 of the audience got it right so that was a hard challenge am i still alive then because i i saved myself from being murdered i reckon so right a second chance in their little challenges they induct them in a totally random order it's got nothing to do with unless you know your rock and roll hall of fame like yeah uh it's not to do with like when they were active no hmm no idea what oh i was like torn between that and uh the beach boys i said the beach boys maybe yeah but maybe i guessed it would be down to snobbery over them yeah being like being a rock enough but maybe they don't put them in until they've stopped touring and the rolling stones will never stop touring everything that was very convincing i was really i was really panicking there but i don't have a rotary phone on screen so i think i'm okay only millennials am i right in thinking that the rotary phone is why 999 is the emergency number because it's the fastest to do yeah in the uk is that right i don't know because the nine is the first the line the furthest away isn't it because you mean you just have to go like chicken chicken what's that adorable next oh what's that part of a dog where the front of the skull slips down to the muscle is it a nook no wait i'm thinking of tom nook who is not a dog so that's not relevant information i've chosen stop as a sort of little message for the killer by accident right now it's fine you'll all catch up to me in the final round in the mario party bs round no i'm gonna die helen we're all gonna die oh right i've gotta enter a real four-letter word with your device okay keep it clean enter as a team guess the password on your device what you get a clue if your guest has a letter in the right spot oh okay so it's like hey man before time runs out i will reward you all um okay this is a team effort so share clues um what else has your y-o-u-r no is it paul p-o-u-r it's not p is it um oh l is the first letter l-o-u loud i think i think that was my most thought that that should be the whole game was like you were going poor and i was like it's the wrong rhyme you're looking the wrong way and then everyone's dead but me again if you're alive oh it's the most depressing board game writers what the heck game of life it's not a real job no i clicked that one damn it i did i was like oh i know this click click click and then well what even is it i knew it was cheaper i knew it was tuna tuna's protein i didn't get tuna as an option i don't really understand what no because you have an advantage so you only have two foods to okay i don't think any of them are onions they sound like onions and the answer was one of them hooray oh mike you might make it away this time i won't the final girl oh what a great question i hope he says all of them are you imagine a quiz hotshot get off my plane i can tell you i don't have money why did they choose the least popular line from me it's just what they chose because they've got they've got all the lines in there all right let's see have the world's largest fork in missouri if you're in missouri and you've seen the world's largest schools you get out tweet us a picture catching your mic i'm catching up to you i know i can tell oh hello oh it's the vampire round welcome to the vampire around everybody yeah nailed it but what about the hologram bridge what about the hologram grid you need to get all of yours i'm gonna get not cued but hexagon boats related occupations what that's gonna let mike through the grid pretty easy jack box hooray he's making an occupation though mike put horsey as an answer yeah and from then on the game took pity on me [Applause] it's okay i'm back yeah we got taken by the powers and then the hotel straight up exploded [Laughter] and he was killed by being too predictable apparently hey junior accident accident missiles i did because i'm so young david donaldson says my professor cancelled my second class so i'm finally gonna catch all of stream here's 20 bucks to my favorite channel thanks david uh chaotic neutral rogue says hey all can't stay for long we just want to say thanks for the awesome content a request to shout out for my cat molly she's 19 year old 19 years old loves listening to you guys wow to the elderly cat or should i say yeah katie parker says it's jane's still giving out birthday vouchers like 10 30 yesterday instead of celebrating family i had to stay home well sorry about that katie but happy birthday to you happy birthday on that very big birthday and yeah you get to save up the birthday and have it whenever the heck you want 20 22 is going to be full of oh birthdays birthdays every day will be your birthday lucy simmons says heyoks he's made it back from the pub on the beach in time for stream i keep getting the dive die rounds wrong so who wants to win and i'll select you ftw yeah we actually have no idea what the audience is doing in this so i hope you guys are having fun and let us know what you're up to they're voting on who they think is gonna like die in the mini games and things like that they're also like answering some of the questions to raise money and trying to beat us at the end of the quiz so well if you would like to do all of those things go to jackbox.tv and type in the code that's on screen now which is and uh you can join in and join in in the next trivia murder party which is uh happening right now i was enjoying that outro song until the screaming i'm sorry chris charlie says been having a really rough time with anxiety recently and the pure joy in this stream is really helping i hope you're keeping well exactly thanks chris thank you things get better yeah we're all um why did they choose room service the person running this hotel has to ask it must be a pretty bad hotel what does it mean super spreader event it's time oh no illusion oh no oh no try shallow breathing [Music] i'll tell your story ellen did he say you might preach at the end and that's before what's the longest above water mountain range okay [Music] trick question i imagine i mean none of them yeah it turns out it's the the marinara trench or something the marinara the marinara trench is what they put into your well you didn't get the himalayans i did choose the himalayan i chose the alps wait why are we playing quickly it's a different game this is effective advertising though now i want to play quickly just randomly all right in that case i'm going to have a look at the comments dmv lan says have any of you stayed visited a haunted location and can i still adopt mike as a pet well i can't speak to mike yes absolutely he says yes i've never stayed in a haunted oh wait no i have you say that he's a castle yeah we were there for a game event if you reincarnated into this you'd know you were busy sometimes used for asgard and hogwarts confused that's a tough one both charming in their own way last chance to get your votes in oh i guess the audience gets to pick as well right yeah i assume that's happening right now what did the audience say though i couldn't vote but i would have i would have voted for andy oh nails it's a bad way to go well if you gotta go welcome might as well be nailed to the face wow what's keep the darkness beckons i think this is my favorite queen song carpeting gosh okay easy yeah got it i think if i haven't okay it's gonna be harder and it would have like a word like the like the most memorable words used in no other song in history i mean if it said like swegway me this morning [Music] people i'm gonna say [Music] always screwing me over oh don't tap the longest word tap the third button tap the smallest number tap a word with the letter z tap the letters word don't tap the longest words and you are frozen why am i frozen oh step an even number i'm still playing odd number you are frozen oh i got it wrong okay i think what did i do well i'm like i'm thinking of the audience experience right i'm always can they not see it experience it if they're not seeing if they're in the if they're in the audience maybe but yeah yeah they're in the audience yeah you're in the audience you'll be playing mike is still [Music] what was the name of author f scott fitzgerald's famous wife easy all right literature degrees [Music] what happens if i die there's no one getting out of time she was called fcd fitzgerald they both had [Laughter] well it was constructed for [Music] but it was a memorial as well wasn't it so there's actually no time story there's actually supposed to be another one in black marble across the river but it took how dare you you die well i don't think michael died might never die but look at all the options just buy ice yeah whatever that's my pot there's literally [Music] time yes i've been in several of these things the calls were coming from mike resurrected hogwarts teacher tap each answer that fits the category and then press submit i bet there's a spelling something in one of those times i don't know i mean i do know let's see the right answers hooray oh oh jane oh i don't let you know do i query squirrel jokes another reference to another yeah jackpot it's definitely got a sale because it's in does the joke have sales the hold my tail though i don't know oh interesting interesting i think we're gonna go everyone's getting very quiet because yeah everyone wants to see you're gonna get me on kanye albums dang it last one i think andy's going to catch up with me yeah what oh what we're not in america this is this is no okay which one would you date on answer me that jj it's all just happened hey is people only beginning with the letter j oh the goal dies at the end yeah i'm encroaching darkness none of us ever get stopped by the encroaching darkness though we just get exploded oh no we kind of do yeah purple hearts a bit bleak yeah we named it after the medal that you get when you're injured in combat maybe they would as a salute to our troops yeah that's true it's real they did it they really did it so respectful what even is a panhandle i don't know what the shape isn't a shape on them isn't that a shape of a steak is it a bit that sticks out yeah i guess so no no [Music] the laser ghosts no i don't know it and she lives correctly my character just looks so mad all the time have you what if i never heard of tito's vodka yeah it's an american brand it'll be in america i imagine it's an american brand here's a comment from insane genius who says when will you do the one week wilderness survival live stream did anyone agree to do a one-week wilderness survival livestream no no where's that coming from how would we get the cameras in the woods i mean i also have other concerns that sounds like a cable tv kind of show that i am up for doing ah yeah good old texas vodka dmb land says sold mike i hope you like colorado like we're going to colorado uh i mean like aspen would be lovely okay i could survive in that vodka that dan aykroyd puts in an alien skull mark olivier lalonde says new member long-time lurker of oxbox in oxford love everything you guys do keep up your work ps deportee gravity rip and oxventure team nice so uh what's the context there what is gravity rip luke gravity rip is the uh tt rpg that i wrote that um people recorded me banging on about um but uh yeah we played it on outside extra so you can watch that and you can play it for yourself if you go to gravity dot rip a cool url that is good that is a cool url uh kalani tamara says ellen what is your recommended brand of hair dye ps watch out for all the murder uh it's rebellious i believe it's called don't get crazy color it's not very good i use that for you everyone thought i used to dye my hair blue no i dyed it purple and it would wash out but this one actually sticks danny capps says oxventure inspired me to do my to dm my own group they're going to be doing a murder mystery this weekend killer's totally not getting caught a murder mystery is such a great idea well done well everyone hold everything kyle atkins weltman says successfully defended my master's thesis discovered a new dinosaur wow many times nice job kyle what is the dinosaur is it the the what am i doing with my life have you named it after yourself oh i bet it's a dragon name yeah if you call it an oxbox thesaurus we'll be very pleased we'll send you a t-shirt they have to let you know yeah christopher says recently got my second covered vaccination and had to send a thank you to my five favorite youtubers for all the great streams over this horrible last year your screens have been so comforting to listen to well congratulations christopher well done and you are welcome very much thanks for joining us and we had a lovely sticker from dance it's kind of a hippo and it's clapping its hands and it's a gg i have been binge watching your stuff in the last few days always love your content my pc is broken down in repair so this stream really comes at a perfect time and then something about jane uh doing well or something i mean not recently but at the beginning yes all right let's do this one let's do this one for the oxbox trosaurus okay that's 15 years later don't you love hotels oh you're back good timing i just finished digging more graves in the cellar not this kind of hotel i mean i'm taking you in hotels like this first question that hotel i stayed in west virginia i stayed in um it was created um by scratching someone his name yeah which leaves only you oh no andy i want to show you something i thought you'd get that for sure well i didn't jane so it's because recently there's been a lot hey it was a compliment it's about like um i'm just so i'm such a massive jonas polio let's play pegs thanks for death zones let's curse all the to pegs every bucket oh yeah no we can't request everything just all the ones in the middle i picked why are we trying to kill andy we're all like well it's a good spread extensively on the same side no well done there's just been a lot of discussion lately about how like polio and smallpox have basically been eradicated because because vaccines are great ellen apparently it was the son of his gardener that's true [Music] famous not good imagine if stephen king used a pseudonym like the world's most famous he did yeah he wrote robert buck i think he wrote the running man and stuff under it why though if you're stephen king because he wants you want to be like oh i wonder if i can still get published if i write oh no i don't know if i was just famous and successful with stephen king i would write any old trash cans richard bachmann that was it i grew up under the name richard bachmann welcome to room 227 27 here we go mine melded again what was the mind meld and if anyone matches you oh this is harder so luke has to choose something that we wouldn't choose but we have to choose something that luke wouldn't choose luke would choose no you want to choose the one that i would choose oh i didn't think you'd be like that i thought we were all trying to like help you it's a competitive game [Laughter] a merciful explosion i'm not liking the level of competition i've got here i had some good times growing up in this territory you've got your kiln boat i know yeah i did yeah my blood money [Laughter] which of these is a sweet noodle casserole oh man i'm so hungry right now oh [Music] uh i think i i think andy knows his casseroles it seems it sounds delicious sweet noodle casserole no i literally no idea i've made a guess yeah we got it somehow i know but i'm jewish oh is it the typing one oh no no it's not is it i don't understand i really don't know what's happening oh it's mass oh it's mass i can do maths okay uh so americans say bad but the british say mass that's weird right no no because it's mathematics [Music] you're running out of math time electrified oh no double kill double double kill [Music] i needed to throw this round so you didn't think i was the killer that's something the killer would say question next question which of these movie monsters does not kill anybody screenplays i think the f is the bye bye man you gotta check out the bye bye man bye bye man what's in oh there's a film called the bye bye man how have i not seen it oh it's the mountainous region of barbados she was married to like the son of the president of argentina for a while well she got more famous in argentina right i think that's where she kind of came up you each get five hundred dollars oh great give some of that money to your friend i don't want it the person who ends up with the most money will die but there's a catch if one of you ends up with 100 this is so complicated just kill me now yeah but with eight hundred dollars within 21. give money to each other you're supposed to be giving each other money to either push yourselves up to 800. if you go over 800 you die let's go over 800. i think who gave what okay and how much did you give to me oh so we both died no andy dies why do i die okay i don't know andy i don't understand i think whoever has the most money dies oh okay this is something like if i understood that that seems like a fun mechanic okay that one made my brain hurt yeah i was confused because basically you're just like well i'll just give all my money to the other person this serial killer is like i should have chosen smarter victims because they're not being sufficiently horrified oh gosh tap each answer that fits the category oh for the first time i actually have to answer three questions this is garbage okay let's see the right answers yes yes council on andy warhol the big names thanks fellow ambi thank you stevie those those all kind of sound a bit bigger skater jumping i knew watching all of that terrible netflix show about my hair oh yuri on ice has taught to me nothing apart from the great theme song apart from how wonderful i stand feel my heartbeat tired of living never enough no my arthropods apparently statistically likely doubt whatever moose turtles live for a really long time don't they tortoises do i don't know about turtles but they're so similar all right i don't think it lives in a box all of them okay whoa trick question oh no andy you're catching up with me i'm catching up i'm touching your foot with my skeleton oh you're scared skeleton claws closing that's what the beatles song was about yeah goodbye okay andy i keep your level with me now like erotic fiction yes no no no sounds like a rotation i would have been there nice life you need a perfect answer for your finalists this is exhausting i don't know i don't oh nick's gonna steal it oh no i mean kingpin can't not be a bowling term right otherwise where did it even come from i don't know i don't know yeah oh no it looks away it's alright oh my god gathered up by the darkness now someone in the chat told me what grandma's rocking chair is from is it yo-yo stuff is clarity it's a terrible name for a car yeah jane's life force was stolen by andy uh nc says a tip for andy's vein impression because it always makes me smile there you go there you [Laughter] shall we go again one more time i just want to enjoy yeah can we enjoy this music for like four seconds four seconds exactly the host is called spencer ham good spencer all right okay give us something enjoying the song yes enjoying of the song cease enjoying yourself the scream is quite jarring it is if you have not joined the audience already what are you doing with your life go to jackbox.tv and then watch enter the room code actually i'm so sorry card to be i like your songs i don't know your name ah um there's over 5 000 people watching welcome everybody thanks folks remember you can join the audience join the audience is that there's only 1.6k likes just spotting them just maybe maybe getting like going again yeah let's hit that like button yeah let's have an unearned likes back [Laughter] [Music] my drawing on your device okay let's see those tattoos give me some ink okay what am i looking at here what are we working with yeah like a miffy like a bunny maybe a sonic a sonic the hedgehog who could have drawn this sanic and a wedge of cheese or what is that oh uh oh it's a screaming face okay okay somebody went to art school i think we know who now vote for your favorite chat okay the artist with the fewest votes will die oh no oh no [Music] oh no i don't know they're all so good such works of art the idea of having a screaming face tattooed on your back is extremely it's pretty metal yeah what did we decide oh it's me oh sorry mike it's all right sorry i'll rob someone of their life force later on it'll be fine buddy that's right okay andrew j nicki nick jane the fourth and then be the fifth hmm let's keep moving you know it's a real party once the flies start accumulating what's the main ingredient in shoe fly pie shoes and flies okay interesting this seems like a very american dish yeah yeah there is an option in the game to not have it be so american i like it it makes it harder certainly yeah and i learned things about american cuisine i do think i know this hopefully it would be enjoyable hopefully it would be enjoyable enjoyable if you are in the us i don't know what is oh i love this one all right good luck cracking that's what happens when luke and ellen are so mind-melded when they've got that full synchronization can't get away from each other look now i'm a dead dead ghost [Laughter] well [Music] i mean really it was a jail wasn't it in reading hence the ballad off virginia will spend all that time in reading jail yeah yes well it's who's afraid of virginia woolf because she went on a killing spree because she shanked him let's keep moving what percentage of earth's animal species are all of it all of them because they won't rise up okay i'm getting mad are we talking about in terms of wild i don't know i'm not a spineologist what is that am i some kind of spine expert okay the audience is answering the audience is deciding hey get in invertebrates god they could kill us all and if you keep scratching i'll give you nice you can stop now or you can get more money if you like money keep going i don't want to die because there's only two skulls cowardice i'm one of the spineless animals [Laughter] it's now over 96 percent of the 100 animals a skeleton only weighs 30 pounds that's almost like enough to get in your luggage but why james that's probably why it's just under that weight you can get most of a skeleton is 20 kilos which is heavier than 30 pounds so you could get a human skeleton multiple skeletons if you want james oh man he did everything he did he was a renaissance man why the polymath why am i today getting a hard time because albert einstein could do everything [Laughter] why am i suffering right now i mean he wasn't he wasn't that good at peace was he and he i mean he didn't do any wars himself yes i thought it was a trick question that did sound like a trick question it sounded a lot like and he did do a lot of pass yeah uh what movie is about a party where somebody gets murdered four weddings in the funeral four murders was my dinner with andre the one about a big seal it's a conversation what was that film about a seal called oh i got that wrong i've never seen gosford park sounds good it's like bright yeah we have to try all right do it watch closely one of these new words will be a word written by odd mildred's appreciate whoever's doing the shining reference and it's definitely not you okay it's it's not gonna be wild because i don't think it's gonna be wild so and now i have to choose to choose from now well you're all very sweet to make it i think easy i'm not sure please stand up how dare you fun joke i thought mildred would write something spooky oh it's like when you get cursed in in dark souls this game is the dark souls of quiz games all right we're on the 7th floor what does harry potter find in the chamber of secrets okay it should be secrets really shouldn't that yeah a big secret well no it has to be several secrets otherwise it's the chamber of secrets [Music] i think this is right this yeah and we all knew it oh crap oh man it's grand [Music] eight mile that's what that eminem film was about it's all about the grand canyon it's got eminem yeah based jumping into the grand canyon not with all that mom spaghetti okay what is it [Music] 18 miles but we've got some help to make this more interesting oh gosh worse oh no oh no oh yeah come on jane now we can see where you're voting yeah [Music] 22 minus 6 is 16 so yeah it's definitely jane's fault i didn't even get to roll them individually it's just like it's just yeah press this button and find out that you died my wheel of misfortune was all about whoa look at that incredible isn't it just a tv special it's not a book right or is it i'm pretty sure the hell is mcdonald's that's where the hamburglar lives on grimace is there none of you guys are captain is there a camera it will probably be like there's a captain crook apparently it'll be like we've got to find out about captain cooper about this captain crook character yeah leones kennedy hell yeah i want to go to mcdonald land sorry i'm just saying i think it might be a tv show there they're a little cinematic universe ellen you're saying it's not a real land yeah i think it's like a mcdonald's sponsored tv show t-dog i've watched like almost yeah you have what plants okay the deadly deadly petunia they're not gonna make you're not gonna be very well if you eat them [Laughter] oh god no quick next question oh damn it did you miss click yeah i didn't register my press that happened to me once it's really annoying okay is it gonna be life stealer andy is it gonna be yeah we are good at don't know i don't clouds anything about religion yes you do come on just by osmosis no no idea the jesus cinematic universe from jcu uh-oh lifestealers knife stealer oh he's back at it vampirina yes life force [Music] okay only one of these is on a bottle of volcanic spring water power oh wow kilimanjaro did not realize yep now too okay which of these are obscure alfred hitchcock movies the ones he made before he got famous adventurer yeah [Laughter] oh my goodness each one of us has one around oh we're all smart nice we're all equally clever or not clever yeah andy the fifth place and he buys andy five finally the great great great great grandson of the original victim killed by a friend thanks andy a person oh yeah mildred mildred got me there aren't enough four-letter words i was killed by terrible tattooing and the audience did not make it in time oh andy you're the final girl well done congratulations well done that was fun the chat is saying andy five is grandson that um that has not aged well oh no that's true that's true well that was really fun it was that was really yeah that was a good one yeah oh good job jackpot another another mighty game yeah cool well so what's that is that us that's us i think that's us for now what's everyone got going on for the rest of the week oh tomorrow we've got some dark souls dark souls who are you fighting who's who's ellen killing tomorrow in dark souls we're going into the the archives aren't we yeah we're gonna have to see the scaleless exciting exciting he doesn't have scales so that'll help still squishy and slimy and on outside next week we've got a feature about bosses about sneaky bosses that brought a friend to try and murder you we'll find you and then um blades in the dark yeah on outside extra it is a really really kick-ass one it features mike and johnny barnaby and kasamir and i don't want to spoil too much about it but i will say that it features an underground race yes an underground race in barnaby's bid to get a an escape vehicle yes also on friday there will be a new episode of the oxford dmd podcast coming to all your favorite podcast bathrooms flex spotify also we have played the new hitman elusive target on dartmoor that'll be going up maybe friday maybe next week we don't know we'll see okay uh i'll just let me check the ch the old super chats uh okay chili5678 says i don't know if they're watching but can you shout out my friend dally they're a big fan hi dally hi hello hey you're not i hope you get it on catch up metabolic 40 says you are all equally clever but you buy yourself something nice thank you we will and zuzak says question for chat which oxbox member would you want on your dodgeball team and i guess that's the question and i'll be chatting answer so i'm terrible at dodgeball for what it's worth so don't hit me ellen's the smallest target how [Laughter] ryder vfx says i feel like luke would actually be really good at dodgeball are you luke are you ready you are dead [Music] played at school i was as bad at it as i was with anything else it required coordination oh okay so we're not going olympic for dodgeball in 2020 well not unless something real bad happens to all the other olympic judge wallace yeah what we need to do is build a murder hotel and subject them to trivia [Music] okay andy's just doing his um andy's sweet guitar solo over there jamming out to this sick guitar vibes yes no thoughts just bye all right thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe to our channel if you are new here we've had lots of people watching the stream so thank you for joining us um and we will see you next time commence jamming [Music] bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 183,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, challenge, challenge of the week, hitman 2, luke westaway, ellen, luke, jane, mike, andy, jackbox, stream, streaming, trivia murder party, murder hotel, ellen rose, funny
Id: 69gStketMjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 56sec (5456 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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