MARIO PARTY SWITCH LIVESTREAM: Outside Xtra and Xbox Play Super Mario Party LIVE @ Server

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello what hello Pete hi everyone welcome to the stream I don't know what's happening I don't know what you're all talking about hello it's another mario party he was just about to go live when and he said lower than Jane and now I realize that hi welcome to the stream hi everyone welcome to the street so I'm Luke I'm playing peach in the rest of you be trusted to your own only Luke may run around fine look how I can push you all about those I'm the taller better princess well why are you getting so pushed around them so this time we're gonna be in King it's a high risk I roll the dice between you and me this is your first time in this mine is packed with dangers like and slow your progress though I'm told okay well look in BOMs talking about his giant I suppose there's no need to be coy Oh skip past all the other text [Music] with your life right here we go first unfair thing in the game that's fine what are people saying in the chat while we get the Amazon salt and catfish would make a cool design for the smashed blue whale sidekick because it has a five coins where's keep peach for now a rich five gold coins the most stars by the end it has mushroom pigtails yeah does that mean she just has extra growths and maybe just one day another toadette grow from being pregnant for mushrooms yeah I know you hate sure mitosis [Laughter] go for it go for night juicy lucky ate no only no replaces to your wretched coin maybe the coins will come to me if I never ever move all right and then peach even studying all of your tactics bringing up the Vanguard watching from the shadows ready to deploy strike here comes the Cobra yes classic he's counting down to something oh that stupid boring mushroom was talking about something gallery each attacking player has five dance to throne and the wisely to corner the defending so we have to sort of chase him into a corner [Music] fantasy cow is terrified in the corner the killing blow okay how do you think we should do this do you think we should all just go one at a time all right good idea yeah boxing now no reduce reduce yes that looks good yeah three times oh we just have to hate it I know we had to like box him in no well I was really playing a different game yes Luigi has three ones don't forget there's a magic star at the end for landing on the most real basis get off the starting space you're pretty safe there no towed keep your tip to yourself time for toads tip mindful of coins you know figure it on the fly okay three good excellent I'm glad so what does it's not for gonna if you keep landing please golden I mean there's no what no reason you would yeah you're up Ellen all right Beach Oh the more central you are and the photos more points you get to do whatever you must to be the center of attention do whatever you must [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] don't you mushrooms all right whole shooting match oh yeah yeah I totally won Oh today today mention no one [Applause] behind [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] interesting all right he's got a mad race immense where is the butterfly that sells the pipe Regan it's there yeah look lower-left gas pipe I think I can go around this way take it yeah yeah I don't see why not let's try it let's find out what's down here down there and take a toot on that point yeah well though if I go here again I - yeah but Sony mushroom icers beware of bad luck space is not a fortune take the most coins if two players jump to the same cloud neither gets an equal [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] always cheating sneaky practice [Music] one cause I just want to keep between the two of you you can block I can't do anything well no we can actually we can all work out [Music] it's gonna happen if you go past on the top [Music] [Laughter] okay my muscly down to something from your enemies it costs too much I'll steal some coins from thanks [Music] [Music] so determines whether around the back [Music] [Music] [Music] this point depending on your ranking in the mini-game duel rumbling myself in a rumble way okay now who remembers what noises when you feel the strongest okay [Music] [Music] wow oh my god I'm soon in line you should have all that poison mushroom [Music] [Laughter] there we go as long as there's some in Savage to be a terrible crime savagery but peach it's alright explaining on game is the other way around the map with all the bad luck square watching from London [Music] well people's princess is one thing who had round for for the complete breakdown [Music] alright let's go right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] all right come on pump it up all right give it give it give it it really feels like is it gonna be I could probably buy like an online certificate that says I am Oh spectacles is stupid hat wizard row is stupid little broom Li flies around like an idiot I was isn't that where Goku was in the Monday beyond that racy braids yeah I saw a picture from someone I follow on Instagram okay well I know where I should head to to get the star I suppose I'm pretty behind I kind of want to go just up there just so that I can hopefully explode everyone I think everyone in that central space might explode at the same time yeah we might get exploded let's do it burn the world yes the planet [Laughter] [Music] [Music] no I don't know what it is maybe it never lands on that maybe it's what you know in a hearthstone game that starts oh you gotta get the biggest ones like oh yeah maybe it's like in hearthstone where when a game starts kind of it always end unworthy opponent [Music] [Music] looks pretty good I gotta say yeah [Music] good pick it's good you don't really have time to think about it wow this one I'm happy about this one what if you bad we can't just make it bad these guys just gonna loop around okay pretty dangerous old mine gamble especially here you might find coins [Music] tell me game [Music] breaks up to once again pick axes see where okay what speech to your PJs going to the star star deep ichika get it you like this is like Game of Thrones royalty don't even think about it [Laughter] your punishment is peaches addiction into space you poisoned me so I can't actually get [Music] [Music] [Music] with the picket yes oh hello space all right oh the other spaces are really good they're like ghosts nothing very solid she's spiky teeth so if I get four one two three four that's not gonna be enough no I probably want to try for it anyway kiss good lucky space - - so you want to get that six oh yeah [Laughter] you're gonna do it just do it [Music] juice box new one pie hard or juice box work together to break it [Music] so what do we have to do we just have to find like where there are two well Luke you got to go back because I've already claimed it and then we've got it why is it so yeah I take the best to you Taylor right I'm gonna but why is it good to get man ladies it's probably fine I thought we were cheating I'll be already [Music] we've activated the mental link so you just have to get to freeze together yeah no no I saw I thought it was Luigi for a second I so trusting leaders yeah [Music] Pacific Rim stalls can honestly say makes you feel any better he's gone all right all right let's see it Luigi that's - Luigi [Applause] finally all right if we can stay on the Black Spades why not okay I guess let's just keep rolling wait where's words of dicey where's their star these days you still there yes with waluigi is definitely gonna get it next turn well I mean I can't plan for what I can't plan for so let's just roll away yes just roll with it let's just roll oh I see was it [Laughter] [Music] each Bowl stop the roulette wheel I will all right let's give us give me some bad luck yeah I think we all know where these coins are going just to point out I've been on the bad luck space three turns in a row yep that's good hmm maybe there's a star at the end for being on maybe what a ludicrous right yes Ellen we see yes Ellen we know what no not you I'm just saying [Laughter] while Luigi gains the world but loses his soul all right come on beach in the Mushroom Kingdom you could actually feel the friendship oh my god there's been what two three murders sister gaming you're winning he doesn't want to hug from you [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] you like this why are you like this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] basically all right okay what's going on that's going back on yourself yeah but I'm gonna go that way and come on universe you owe it to me he's got coins to spend here in for it now someone donated very kindly I come here Jane Luke and Ellen I don't know if I can explain how awesome it was to meet you at PAX oz despite how terrible I am at meeting and talking to people consider this a bribe to get the whole oxt m-- to come over to Australia one nice what's a bribe you guys get back to work on yeah I'm gonna be on my good dice book that won't leave me on the bad max pace all right let's break this run a bad lad name are you ready to move off the bad luck space let's break this run of bad luck [Music] [Music] you take it from whoever's getting the famous [Laughter] [Music] right strong Rolo well done dude rolling skillful tasty special event don't forget green oh yeah look at that hollowed-out space rustam talk about yeah solid solid solid it's making it up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the only one left [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] if it excuse me madam look so quite a sweat chopping wood I seem to have torn my shirt you are so good with the animals we retire to my cabin if you won't need me any further you get an ally together which is the best thing you can have [Music] [Music] Kathy EADS Luke's rage losing the star actually caused my internet to disconnect well good I said the MP oh thanks [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Rosaleen is going to get that star then on the same turn yeah you couldn't do it in one turn I think two very profitable turns coming great finally my Luck's on the turn I think oh no wait Luigi of course you sound like every time you get a start in don't listen to them Ellen you're like Jennifer Lawrence Winnie Oscar and everyone's like how dare she passing it to Jennifer no score am I making that up Anne Hathaway oh she's good yes Roger is actually an amazing I suppose in a way there's there's very little fundamental difference between what we're doing here career Jennifer Lawrence I suppose in a way winning an Oscar is just alright peach am I gonna get to the star though you'll see yeah he'll be Opie [Music] select what what feel the difference between three types of and then identify what the rumble is right so what we have to do is move the cursor so they're all going to rumble in different ways and we have to identify which one always behind this okay okay I don't really paying attention so three things are going to run yeah I wasn't okay oh right now we get chance again - okay all right okay everyone commit these vibrations to memory can do okay interesting it was very tough though because I could have sworn I felt yeah I mean this probably isn't so good for the stream you'll just have to take our word so this one's like [Music] there's a very similar yeah okay yeah I feel like that didn't have the same textural quality that is like a yeah this one is like yeah and this one's like sensations okay [Music] crazy just ask okay all right turn ten Luigi starts from the best to feed small village oh you enjoy stream nice yes deploy go to fight this weakness bring it to me in a styrofoam box alright peach come on come on come on Tony give me give me something give me some luck come where I am don't think I'm there really bloody traitor you were always bad you're a bad man are you just seeing the brand new classic nice bye guys a nine by card I never thought I'd see the like I could steal star absolutely if you don't need to well it's Lenti put in the amount of salt in the stream could season my food for a week in a salt mine it's a dead sea of salt find three coins and nothing wow I'm 30% of the way to making up what I lost treachery [Music] I was this non Wiggly rubbish shakedown I guess we're shaking candies check out all this a new jar and shake it until the candy falls and wait you have to press [Music] come on come on yes well then you see the board Oh Luigi could get there one two three four I mean I've gotta go how interesting how interesting very interesting I've still got a pipe if you get it it's gonna move but if I go for it now with the modern pipe I'll get it then I won't have a goal but it'll move somewhere which could be right next to Ellen but if I have the golden pipe I can head off well I've got it you've got to think in terms of this can I do a regular role I like your thinking yeah you need to get the yeah maybe I'll get a seven maybe I'll get a one but it doesn't really matter [Laughter] deleting it tonight [Music] Mozilla Games but I look forward to the star appearing just behind Luke again a one you've got Mario should be guaranteed if Mario courses come on Mario I guess I'm gonna go this is your chance first toadette my today go smash bees I am on a hot streak thanks for noticing so I'm afraid you scared of getting a start are you doing everything you can to avoid [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] you you have the chance to look at it yeah you could buy poison Sherman poisoned me by the gold let's have some point in just in case I keep a nun poison about my person drink no [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah like this you should use that golden five Andy in the face of decency yeah you can't buy my dignity yeah [Music] nobody's still celebrating when he gets one you think there just be overused by now yeah he just wants you to feel it he wants to see the light of hope fade in your eyes reckless wrecks donates and says calling for that like spike hope you see this comment from lyric this is hashtag Rita tag not rigged at the end of this mini game we'll do a like spike okay so get your liking fingers ready okay oh so we have to manually ready up way too easy you know practicing while Luigi that's my okay okay okay so it's on my side right right right right all right we got this guys one for each all right I'm on the first floor we're behind guys you gotta focus up it's not yours is the one on the right all right I'm going for the top there's two packages up there we eating he's the best at doing stuff okay James Howard says can you please say hi to my kids Sharkey dan years old Dino or Dino four and sparkle who's nine months who love your Mario Party thank you for watching and hey what a treat you get to see now just Luigi detection easily smoothly smoothly and easily with a smooth action the smooth luigi action only luigi can perform only his rounded sides sleek moustache we all ready for a like spike to celebrate luigi storage okay three two one you've got two punches become n7 Jesus first control the media the people are all calling for it the people will rise up so are we G it's fine Mario will take the jump on the grenade [Laughter] did we survive for journey to the past today chuckles my car I feel like it now I'm gonna take this deadly deadly conveyor belt to the bomb do it Helena Smith says Jane for the wind no no do your oils you see Mario to jump on that bomb he deals with these guys all the time [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] right [Music] [Music] oh no no one can happen okay I feel bad for Luke whose lack of stars but appreciate the entertainment he brings by lording over everybody with fabulous hair and grand height someone out there is looking out for me in peach all right what [Music] we entering the home stretch remember when he had a wonderful times you don't see very infused thank you the actual worst now it's even worse it's been a so silly you step outside the danger zone do whatever it takes to not learn there whatever it takes deal if you have to right you've got star coming up yeah it's a bit away I [Applause] [Music] knew you had it in you to roll that's it to be a hot streak nice cashing in sorts of things forget who our true enemies Wow we decided to screw me over this time did I like evict you from your house as evicted so many toes you the day you were evicted from your toad house Good Feet Wednesday the best approach to the sir currently [Music] [Music] still pretty dangerous must forfeit the game alright let's go this way I reckon this way no this way yes this way maybe I can buy myself a golden pipe or something Oh don't forget no to get a pipe no coming on let's see it lets see it here comes the - oh my god strong strong roll [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on I knew I had the skills right 1994 is a peach rich again I'm fine oh yeah come on come on man climb a ladder of your bones hope you're enjoying a mac and cheese it's hard to not enjoy McEntee knock over all the blocks the solo players Canada needs to cool down before it can fire all right oh no I see I need to think consciously I was reading this week District Master man smash some castles there it is people think Angry Birds aim at the base folks buttery biscuit face shifted it shifted is going guys we got this song enough this is amazing right on the top alright good coverage peaches alright good oh there's gonna be a bombing folks take it in me out of the game have you straight to it really Mario doesn't [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] but I only have ten now I do have this item throw whatever number you want from one to six so I think I know what I want to roll she's trying to influence you don't listen being so influenced let's go let's begin my turn [Laughter] please your finest then that's contemporary nice very delicious you did it peach you did it beech you skillfully obtained the skill don't try and suck up now toad house she's remember who's in charge your whole house is gone - yeah as soon as this is over when everyone is in the loving grip yeah all right all right where you going where you going what do you got what do you got what are you off just behind while I'm eating that's not behind well eg at all that's right by waluigi touching one turn left folks [Music] Luigi oh but we have to work as a team okay can we do it guys yes well we should know but I'm right button right right all of the meaty quick look at all this sweet [Music] this game how much dust whose Buster is that's a pretty that's a pretty dusted bust just lost all meaning yeah nothing might be good Hoover and this is all right let's go give me a master final turn the final turn here it is don't give up too bad because that's what you do which way I wonder yeah she's got the rest of the stars on ice a literate miss decides this decides the game basically can anyone get a star on this in this term it's gonna be towed at oh that's that's awkward that's all is anyone around they're not who has those golden pipes this is the one who doesn't so anyway don't forget [Music] comes the pipe inning either [Music] oh you've been playing us all against each other yeah shameful shame your is going gold so so silver and shameful bronze Wow yeah well you can keep Ellen she could buy one yeah could she easily make sure I'll do and he tells me to do you better you've got to make sure that's quite a chunk of change I reckon I reckon why Luigi's definitely in line for the most minigames one [Music] [Music] - to give it took to know my gamble where let me just have a little check where is it it is oh it's there oh now this presents an interesting dilemma 1 2 3 4 5 s owner I can't get it it does not present an interesting dilemma I will be golden piping commence the pipe convince the marketing it's the pie burning bring me my pipe bring me my pipe and slippers oh boy some real clothes game turns out yep come on it'll be decided by the nonsense I'm gonna need you to move to just that next spot down touching fill the coppers [Music] so it's alright well Oh [Music] [Music] my friend is getting sprayed Brian friends don't got five if you do you really need you to focus up someone's already had all the gold out of this corner I reckon all the good Gold's in the middle hey there's a lot of coins to end on okay and now for some random nonsense but you'll always have the bags most improved bonus ya better be I don't know most coins in total oh because I lost a lot [Music] [Music] [Laughter] again we see let's see autograph [Laughter] late game spike by peach yeah never never recovered from that little do you see where do you see where why do we do score tombs diverge [Music] [Music] that last minigame you read you would apply on the rich points because I got 20 odd coins in that last round yeah oh man that was super close well I'm glad we analyzed these make you feel better how close you know worse worsening all right thank you watching this has been Mario Party we were a coherent how do you delete a channel [Music] things I just deleted this one thank you for all your comments see ya show the weekend tomorrow we're talking about Smash Brothers and Ocarina of Time it's a really fun [Music] you you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 253,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, super mario party, mario party, outside xbox, outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, princess peach, waluigi, luigi, rosalina, livestream
Id: vvC9uhF3PXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 2sec (6842 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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