Assassin's Creed Black Flag LIVESTREAM: Templar Hunt! Ellen Plays AC Black Flag

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hello Oh brilliant how are you all doing hang on let's go to just a plain background as I sort out this issue how are you all doing everyone hang on I'll bring my microphone over my microphone is far over there just having some tech tech problems as we've like we brought off stream forward a little bit today welcome to everyone in the chat it's it's not it's not a stream on in lockdown without some technical issues is it is it right let's let's have we got have we got if this this works nicely are you all are you all good hello hello hello Ellen is in the void I am in the void I should have put a different background on this one I should put a different couldn't put the otters behind it right let's have a double check is it gonna do the video game it's not gonna do the video get hang on hang on sorry to be awesome I've had to put two different sources and I just turned off the microphone by accident hatch for two different sources in there so both ketchup and mayonnaise but um Shh so sometimes I have to switch between them because it doesn't like it sometimes so that's that's the joy of all this stuff let's see if I can bring this light up as well to reduce the noise on the background of my green screen if that doesn't doesn't really make a difference it just makes me very very pale just makes me match my t-shirt hello we've got video game let's make come on Edward if you if you face the front lovely Edward here we have looking into oh okay no no I was talking about him so I've been doing some little bits and bobs while I've while we've had the week between us see I came down here and I've taken over a couple of thoughts so I've got this one now this one over here also did a little diving spot and San Juan so I've cleared these waters a little bit to make it a little bit easier we still got some big heavy forts to deal with and one extra one over here to clear out but today I've just I've just been trying to I've done a lot of upgrading of the let's see if see if how many I sent a load of boats on fleet missions let's check those out see how those have done and I I've upgraded a bunch of stuff on the ship I've now got some tattered sails instead of the the gold ones that I got for having you play points or whatever thought let's get some more kind of dark piratey ones going and then I've upgraded a bunch of the I've upgraded the hull I think again I've upgraded some of the broadside cannons oh I can't I can't add anymore things so right I'll salvage how about if I salvage this one there we go and that one and then I'll add more docks lovely so this is all the stuff that enables you to so that's the only got I think that's only got 40 I've got enough frigates so salvage that one your 40th about the San Juan Bautista its batiste that's got Bautista in it oh I've got this is the fourth house or Johanna Bautista this is mainly because I like guardians of the galaxy it's not David Tisa so I'll salvage this one Jeff you know I've already got rafino salvaged you and Europe I should have kept right well I've got a bunch of gemstones now again and look Adriana's pride oh I got a yoke form vessel I got over the week I got a painting as well look I've already got rough you know look at the cool black sails on that one as well silver two-handed Bowl see I am I opened up some more trade routes going across the ocean so you get way more cash for them so like these are all 900-1000 and things like that amazing look look how much yes yes my knee yes and we got a drum that does do great great um I'm hoping to get a whole bunch more stuff look at this rolling in it see look at all these new these new roots out here I've opened up to Portugal or four missions weren't available no available there see I've opened up to Africa South Africa that's amazing South Atlantic sand 2 missions available there for missions for available we could do some colonies there all six missions for available right let's kick off kick off quickly by sending some lads out on a mission or Canada Canada what is that Eastern Canada - it was the Eastern Canada one this because there's hmm well well we'd need to do two fights to make that easy and we only need to do one fight to make that one on this four missions available so let's do that so let's get one of the powerful ships so it's 1% get another powerful ship so it's another 100 percent let's let's launch we've got a little bit of health taken but it's only a schooner and a gumbo I say that oh that's alright that's fine that's fine so once this is done we'll be able to hopefully send some things off nice and quick oh no no come on Athena get it get that schooner sink it yes now son Phillipe get get that gunboat back come on it's your turn now that's it I'm wondering if me changing my sails has changed the sails of all of them because I don't seem to remember them having black sails before I changed them so if if that is the case that is really cool so right let's send them off on submissions all these are rubbish rewards but they're all really short so might as well do it let's repair this ship as well oh yeah I must must give a shout-out to producer John in the chat today give him some love in the chat right let's send that off every little bit of cash will help Edward become the richest pirate in all of the land all right send ship you only need small cargo so you can go I don't like have any small ships like gunboats or anything I just don't you only need eight repair you I'm sad that we don't have Batista I am sad I'm very sad but it's all fine it's all fine not every movie he's done is gold but he seems a very nice person that's my that's my sadness right right let there let's send they send those off I don't want to be in this forever and I will do some more during the week but yeah also say in the chat if you want to see some more of the weird fantasy football nice that is the fleet minigame so let us head over carry on with the story we've got a shorter stream today so we're a little bit earlier today because over on BG 24/7 our pals over at VG 24/7 are doing a charity stream from 3 p.m. and we didn't want to overlap so basically after this there's gonna be jump over to the VG 24/7 I'll give you a nice thing to say when you go over there as well and then it at 5 o'clock jump back over to you outside Xbox cuz they're gonna be doing some fun stuff in a fun livestream it's gonna be good a lot of like water themed things in our streams anyway let's have a look what everyone's saying in chat Beach says neon atoll at all my new AC NH Island lives nice as any girl what 80 bats sky puppies yay or nay yay I love bats they are so cute they squeak vampire bats at scary house but like little fruit bats look they're just like all fluffy leathery wings and they're like dude my favorite thing is when they're looking after bats in like zoos or kind of veterinary veterinary centers or anything like that any kind of sanctuary and they like wrap them up in the blankets yeah they're cute and then the nightingale says woo birthday stream happy birthday I'm in in deep with insanity but I'm feeling great don't worry about we'll be fine well look after yourselves everyone it is a very strange time as we're all locked away and everything is happening jΓΆrgen avec says hyelin how you doing today been through been some rough days and overall bad year for you although it's I'm alright sending a small gift hope you can smell it on spend it on some fun crossing my fingers that it turns around for you in the days to come stay safe thank you very much I am okay in the grand scheme of things I'm fine I'm good oh where if I put it my sister I have them the most amazing mouth sorry Edward I'll have you face camera so that at least you feel you're involved in the stream my sister has got me the best face mask for when I can eventually get out hang on I need to take off these for a second this round there we go so when I because I will have to actually go out to go to some like hospital appointments and stuff at some point and then also just to try and get some fresh air but I have a Moulin hang on hang on let's make it let's make it let's get get me on a bit look look at my face I am very pleased with that it is very good she got it off of a person on Etsy which I'm sure I'll probably tweet it out or something if you're interested hashtag not spawn just thought it was cool because I love Mulan Mulan is great so good right back to the game anyway oh and Dodger asks Nellie would you let Corazon captain a ship she already let's well Merrill went already let's Corazon captain the joyful damnation otherwise she'd be just getting the secret just to sell this all around and Williamson says what has been your favorite AC mission across all games there have been some really good ones there are a lot of a major amazing ones in origins but all that is a big question I mean fighting the Pope is pretty pretty memorable and welcome to L thank you you're gonna Vic for joining as a member thank you very much welcome IRA nightingale T's havin watch that movie ladies good from there Mulan is so good and Thomas angle says let's get down to business to defeat the Huns ha it's so good excellent at karaoke X I can confirm such a good karaoke tune right you're in Kingston get a walk around and I believe we're gonna murder some Templars so that'd be great nearly not that guy with his barrel hello everyone hello hello don't my me don't mind me just an assassin running through well Edward is kind of like not fully an assassin right now he's he's a he's aligned with the assassins in some way and like the thing there people that he wants to kill and the people that they also want to kill oh look at these late oh no they've both come out in the same dress how awkward well in iron and her as well oh gosh they're all gonna have to well I say they were gonna have to go home and change I once walked past a woman in the street wearing the exact same dress as me and she was walking along with her boyfriend and it was very sweet I was like nice dress we were all like yeah that's the way that's the way to do it it's like hey we have good taste nice look oh my goodness it's green dress day look did you not get the message on Wednesdays we wear pink okay there's a lady over there that's wearing red so she sort of got it all that lady over there is wearing pink there we go this lady gets it I like the purple ladies you all look lovely you all look lovely ah look at all the red dresses making a comeback the colour of the summer it seems again right Oh strong coke game sir love it wig is a bit much but I like I like that Hey Oh oh yeah it's my pal Adewale hello sir imagine my surprise oh I'm looking forward to this on what a good name there are some good names I haven't seen the princess for eight weeks or more meaning she may soon all what else this is the slave ship I thought this buck belong to the other men who was asking about the princess this morning so I told him that what other men party sailor and plain rags and a gent with a scar just here well they got to staying just around the corner they said all right great I grow tired of chasing these fantasies of yours Edward hang in there man were getting close right Oh another thing I did during during the week is I took down a pipe fluted a warehouse which was basically a plantation I was pleased with that so it's sort of about to do a similar thing here I'd imagine okay I am I hate I hate that I can't crouch by myself oh look at that bloke with the rod oh I mmm not a fan of you sir right dude okay there we go now go to where the whistle was now oh so I've got sabotage of bells and kill brutes like what if I just murder everyone that'd be fine they easily sabotage right that guy can i murder him he sounds like someone who would alarm oh no he doesn't care even though he's there making these obvious slaves work like that they don't want to be here and he's just standing there with a stick right well are you gonna freak out if I murdered this guard probably but let's do ya drop your stick that's it that's right you guys don't worry I'm not after you at all it's fine it's fine it's fine right you sir over there I see you alright I want you to turn around so I can go sabotage place right in the kidney okay I just hear him going right in the kidney right hang on I'm gonna turn down the sound a little bit so it's not too loud hello you're gonna come over here next aren't you I believe yes good in the bush right right right right where at all the fruits so there's a couple guys they're whole bunch of guys there okay and a cat good okay there's a brute there Oh wrong button there's brute there there's brute there there's a guy there and a normal guy there I want to make sure that I do not get spotted by any of them right I think I have to go around this way because otherwise that brute will see me if I'm to dead on you want him dead on not me dead on hahahaha right come here come here sir there you go let's get you around here yeah it's really weird that sometimes the best and only way to do this stuff is just to run from thing to thing right tools let's get you to be sleepy sleepy after these guys have run away obviously oh there's the brute there's a brute you go sleepy sleepy which way do you guys go should we Schreiber zhurqi zhurqis oh if it I have increased my dark pouch as well I've got more darts okay right let's get you killed or does that mean with that not count as a kill even though I instigated it if he gets murdered but oh there's a brute all those two brutes okay what there's a brute [Music] where did you come from right oh thank you break the fence and murder you ah okay get up one of the alarms is gonna go off in a second if I'm not careful yeah you you you come at me don't you you are you down okay they're all fighting now so kill fruits I'll kill I've got one of the alarm bells okay these guys are going for it thanks lads that's outside sighs that's right let's go right that one is gone now I believe the one up here might still be there always that the guy in the Hat that came down because they're usually wearing hats yeah that was a guy in the Hat okay fortunately that didn't overspill too over here so we're looking good we're looking good at the moment so let's go across here and into that hay bale we've got the Brutes all done right sir don't worry about me I'll leave you and I want to get to that Bell as a guide there those boys hang on all right I've got tail them but I want to try have I have I missed this is still I want to make sure I can still do that Bell okay cool cool cool cool cool cool okay I'm gonna sabotage that don't mind me you guys didn't see anything we're short on time all right there'll be two soldiers waiting for us at the crossroad very good what's the meaning behind these blood samples contagious Torres tells me that blood is required to the observer blood they're trying to spy it's the soft light explanation as to why you as not an assassin Desmond direct descendant so they like we can do all the blood thing I offer a choice take a pawn and return to England all right ladies an eg with a pity Commodore Chamberlain did not live to see my thorough success it's not like you to glow Rogers we all deserve a little bit Oh bunch of blokes with lot of people carrying things that want me to bump into them are we gonna start stripy dresses like gorgeous sorry I'm just appreciating the fashion the only way that we can do these missions is having the ladies help out because otherwise this is just such a pain having to stay out of range and hide behind things why is everyone suddenly needing to carry boxes everywhere you go the animation of some of the walks no don't distract them I need you right okay let's go through here it's each time little chat don't mind us just me and the girls having a nice time we're gonna go do brunch later ladies come on come on don't mind me sneaky-sneak alright let's let's walk a little bit faster I know the one with the strappy dress is gone I really like that I wanted to ask her where she got it staged Roberts was still a ball just distract those guys go on and what measures are you thinking to recover the princess for this moment captain hornigold oh no what are you doing no immediately spotted because I tried to climb a fence Edward apparently if you hold downs in hornigold this party and a okay okay but that's how you jump it's not so much crouching it doesn't help you go any I fail to see the difference between enslaving some men and since our aim is to steer the entire course of civilization is it not Adam Smith inspires the binary climber Edwards come on Edwards why are you not Edwards get in yeah this is know I'm gonna fail these eavesdrop no oh oh I just need principie sir Oh years men Burgess and Cochrane privateers with fast ships and firm hearts now you don't see anything didn't see a no one can wait imagine my surprise at seeing your Jack door anchored there if you heard all you came to hear will you now rescue the sage from our clutching hands a pox on you traitor you sold us downriver because I found a better path the temple is no order discipline structure but you never could fathom these suckle teas goodbye old friend you were a soldier once when you fought for something real something beyond yourself man right okay it's fight time run time with a edit escape hide slow let's do it Carmen on immerse right let's get into sir pushes but we did it it's fine okay well we completely flutes that at the end there our mate is full eat all of our mates they're traitors there's like there is there know what is there no one you can trust as a pirate maybe we should you know for more different than all I joined a kind of like Brotherhood where everyone looks out yeah pirates shouting use of the horrible Templar man lovely so you don't have to hire them [Music] go go go go that's I plug these guys it looks like he's having a little bit of a nap oh my goodness what happened here I don't know ah right I believe we're okay now does he hmm there's a little bit yellow around the map if you can see hang on there we go there we go okay now we're okay let's head to our next marker which I believe is our ship oh right should we return to the ship this way or shall we swim into the water we to satisfying stick something just keep saying just waving therming so Amy what do we do oh so is it a commemorative nap that guy smoothies spill snooze right lads lads lads that's yeah right let's go I think we have to go murder some people as is the way with these games right sale to see I believe that will kick off the next thing how's everyone doing in the chat welcome to you Trevor Coleman new member hello angel beat Edward may not be an assassin yet be sure gets the assassin nice the man of constant sorrow Elias I'm so sorry I'm her anything yet that was the RTA you crouch thank you for that oh but I think it's kind of like this thing where it's it's readying yourself for a jump so it's not quite if you move forward you can't Crouch rook is Oh going off that way a little bit so we have to go your anchor did right go go out Trust is earned so that's the one I gotta go to let's get some more votes in the way maybe what have you got would you got caught wolf howl level 29 freak oh they're fighting each other because it's the Brits and the Spaniards [Music] right this I'm a quick fight you guys are busy so I'll take this one on its own I've upgraded so I'm gonna hit you with a lot of things now look at how many change shots I have I've upgraded these so that's the bigger bang oh no that wasn't a very good shot yeah oh you're right on it as well you want some [Music] Oh get out of the way [Music] oh my goodness whoa okay they've got their mates in this is fine this is fine mist [Music] right Walton would be ideal okay daddy all right get you one more hit yes right Oh another pirate ship are you going after our booty are you oh no sorry don't shoot your allies sorry sorry sorry well right get some hits go yes all right slow down get that tight corner go yes let's see now I get three shots in rather than two because I've upgraded yes no that went straight into the water why did you show me a slow-mo my failure right look all these ships gonna get so much stuff I'm really sad that we accidentally hit our pirate friends right okay we go do some climbing for the flag do you have a flag they get use [Music] okay yes go up [Music] this flag Oh No Edwards okay is that that's not exactly what I wanted but it's better than nothing right there we go up you go come on along along along on a lost crewmember I've also upgraded my crew quarters so maybe today if we pick up some crew we'll be able to get to that lovely achievement right right right destroy it get that take down the flag is there any way that I can get down and get some nice assassination go down on this help blood yeah more double-a whoa I'm getting way more used to the chaining the murders so that's fun hey lads Oh 113 what now oh I think I send this one since Ken weighs fleet the next one will lower our wanted level I think the hunters are not that difficult to fight and they don't reward you with much so once you get to a certain level and you think oh I'll be fine against everything it's not so much that it's just there just go over pay honor so it's down hold the board steely kiss I love it I believe that was a rogue wave that made shooting a little bit more difficult you all right this one is just right I'm gonna go and I'm gonna see you on high yeah yeah right come on come on now let's see pray that we don't get you you and then lovely let's get you let's get you there we go our lunch lovely stuff okay lower wanted level there we go we don't need to be repaired and then after this we'll head straight out to sea and think I think there's one more maybe we need to get but Chris Holland says get rekt yeah get rekt where is there any other there how much cash we got 13 that's not too bad but not quite enough for most of the upgrades that I can get now let's go let's go a little bit faster slow down a bit [Music] all right so just again we just need to take out the crew [Music] whoo right so your gross hold on all right [Music] break your defense [Music] step step step let's get me lovely that's out there that's it's really good after you like spend so long playing a game and like you just know you just know how it works now right I send you to Ken Wesley I don't think you're good enough [ __ ] to need but I can at least get some gems out of you you are a captain now sir okay right let's head out got a whole bunch a whole bunch of stuff now [Music] you go out how much how much right let's try and grab one of these [Music] [Music] yeah cut his losses on them [Music] nice just second like a shock race race race yes sir right okay grief the moon okay we might have to go around the other side I don't I don't want to be like super fun can be boarded we get in there in that corner yeah all right right around the corner do some flag get you come on come on right now alright between oh well all right let's get the flag so we're not gonna go across the middle a little bit good all right get the flag first you get up go a well-oiled machine okay we've lost a crew member what movie will be fun we're getting back we will avenge you all right get that off hey you're down down a little bit down right let's get in there [Music] all right that's cool oh my Fred yay whoo oh that's hot lads all right let's thank you to kent way sleep because i'd believe you might right there are submissions that none of my ships have a large enough cargo holds apart from maybe one so you would be a very good ship to have hanger did i just see like a deer head in the water i was a man it's mad waving around okay let's go get that guy yeah good we miss I wasn't aiming for anything it's because as well I just I get used to pressing that to speed up right let's go there is a thing oh look at the starry sky how is everyone doing this we sail out to sea I'm still trying to catch up with Oakes venture fun so I'm gonna - wants to pop in and say hi Thank You windy forecast and then a kooky cat lunch people said we lost sound for a moment there captain sometimes it like stutters in and out a little bit apologies it's just the limitations of our lockdown setups oh there's some explosions happening is that our our point or is that just another one because there are sometimes ships that you can just have a look at and steal stuff before they explode no it's not it's not our marker but let's say get some loot on the way let's make the most of this opportunity [Music] as long as it's not a massive trap but yeah these these are that yeah it's one of the ships that kind of explodes afterwards right stop release wheel right right okay try not to think of the huge depth for Louis as I swim across right right right so got a minute loot loot loot loot are your rubbish [Music] open nice some cloth not much no Edwards open go rub drinks on me tonight adds some stuff there lovely wooden stuff like huge amount I've had I've had bigger hauls elsewhere you anything let's let's just move all these guys quickly until they get to the second okay all I got sleep dance that's something that is actually something useful oh let's have a look let's see it all explode like down oh that's just the front of our shape I can see something and it's just that this is that poking out there's our mermaid friend a nice lady hey hey let me give them it right lads then right okay right we're nearly there whoop whoop some boats here this is speed speed speed Oh rum oh look at that see gorgeous Jensen Hawk whoa just went away for a couple of minutes then you've taken out an entire order yeah we've upgraded I've got so many things right let's start mission trust is it I sailed too far out [Music] all right you can do yes start mission there we go trust the room yes Luke the room none your bidness says they call her the the wild rose yes the nightingale I'm searchin lookin to examine that the reckoning Oh God I rented the game once had it promptly stolen from the store and had it haunt me for the past okay right where have we got to go what have I got to do hang on okay so we ah is this it okay so go over there I'm Matt margining missed you oh my goodness no this is to Africa yeah we're just like sailing out to sea by everyone we're in a new area principai oh well this is exciting right so let's let's head let's head towards this there we go got a sink a bunch of things the sink a bunch of ships it makes change now how many waters do I know [Applause] oh you thought you thought yes right use use go get the captain go on I need I need I need a higher thing I need I need to I need to go up that's it no you stay still not close enough okay right go across these guys what is this camera doing hey I pressed grounder yes get you haha you thought you thought oh look at all that wood that we've got right repaired the jackdaw because then you are going down into the drink because that's what we have to do we have to sink you so it's the only option that we've got okay bye did it that lad gonna join us rescue loot right - nice quick turn sorry to anyone he's like I want to find this sage [Music] Rex more thirsty wonder says remake of Kingdom Kingdom smugglers getting a remake which I'm very excited about and ever wants anyone else to collaborate with try not to announce my arrival to the Templars that quickly right here XOR 31 my life is complete I need it now save these point sync synchronize yes good boy Edwards thanks mate yes right it's it on on the top here or is it on the top or is it on that bit there yeah I thought you would just go through that Edward look over there is eagle look at the boat look at this scary for we'll probably have to go through [Music] all right Lee buffet it's very close to that big hunk of wood would be the big tree stump almost that was a telegraph pole sized bit of wood right okay okay right let's go along here yeah it's gonna get this treasure I did a whole bunch of looting various islands I found some pirates he was stranded on an island so it was like lads that's what's that's yeah boat lads say that guys racism some lads they're not bad lads they're bad lads let's see if right okay so when those guys go there I've got a plan I don't need to worry about not being seen well I could I could be I could be sneaky but right now I just see two things but I really want to go for my con oh no oh you ruined it lads well these guys are still there it says game well I got these guys Evan Saunders it's the C stag are you sure you don't have to cease our on in front of your ship is the because there's a guy who thought it just look like a stag horns nickyloo says short I think once I'm gonna try and open up the complete map and then we'll go and look for some shocks maybe next week and should be should be quite it should be quite fun if we go we do lots of hunting for sharks because we need various skins for upgrades and things so next week perhaps I'll try and I'll try and clear some space around the sea so that we can go around and get all the shops maybe gentlemen dresses captain Rose is the richest pirate of all been working till now but of course watching the stream along Renoir out of you Luke hey that's not like I'm appreciating but Luke is my favorite because he's a good boy it's it like III work with a lovely lovely team and they are all my favorites actually I mean outside extra Luke is my favor and all the others Rachel donates thank you very much stairs here take this money for let you know that there will be a new games available or maybe they make a sequel ah maybe maybe cuz I think what really screwed them over the last time was it came out right not very timely why are you whistling Edward I want you to loot ammo get some sleep darts maybe how many sleep darts and things do I have okay I've got to sleep darts can I do some crafting and oh look I can do some upgrades in here [Music] I'll have to like our available in shop so I still have to buy them in the shop outfits yeah maybe I can get some more thing oh the pirate cloak is quite cool right I won't get distracted though I need to make I need to make some things I'm like look at this bear see we need some humpback whale skins so we can buy like we can carry an extra pistol so that we can do three and the same with crocodile I get some crocodile leather as well at some point so that we can get an extra pistol holster upholster can we can we craft any no that's oh that that's updating that's not making it yes okay we have to need one let's make another sleeved up just in case we're all right for berserk darts so let's make those and try and get some more bones at some point so I'll need to do some hunting just just doing the boring job of like getting all the bits and bobs together and then go hunt some sharks is there anything around here no there was a chest babe what here we go this doesn't look captain Kenway yet another dire situation Roberts we really must stop meeting like this stop tailing me in your wish had come true there's no need for this you know I'm as good as my word mm-hmm our captain Howell was killed today in a Portuguese Oh headstrong fool I warned him not to go ashore it was orchestrated by the Templars birders and Cochrane the same sort that took you to Havana I see now there is no escaping a tempest a proper Welsh accent is I suppose it is time to fight back I do like the sound of that and I know just how I'll do it but these men Burgess and Cockrum they cannot be allowed to leave with word of my Elia they won't don't worry count on it we'll get em lad if you spot any men from my crew do them some kindness and send them you will do I'll do all I can okay so we've got a set gets free some pirates and doubleness a Sanae okay so we gotta wait for the right opportunity but let's free some pirates first before we can get them back to our friends get the crew gotta roll your armors that sounds like something else but [Music] assassination oh no how happy right hey dude come this side get this thing come here where are the Pirates that we need to free okay there's some guys there wanna pop gosh it's times like these I really miss having an eagle alright you sir hey how about you compare just you that's it it's going here it's fine right go got it okay I kind of want to get on the higher ground don't I know that's bad timing but just a saved it saved it just about go right so you can you guys are probably over there but I want to have a look up here and see if I could find some pirates to say oh let's go over here this guy there I want to go over to that synchronization point I think it's a couple of guys for any one day it was him okay he's checking because he doesn't doesn't trust where stuff has gone that tower seems to be the one I just want to see if I can find some people to murder basically I shouldn't have got that really because the reticule disappeared Bobby sure says have we talked about the rear Eklund yet today yes we have my favorite thing I actually did the thing last night where I went and looked at other videos like looked at videos from other channels about like videos on the announcement I'm in all the comment sections one of them I'm in and my name is fell Ilan and I'm like that's not my name if you must spell it incorrectly don't smell it oh that there's a guy over there I don't want it to look round you guys can also just not look around how loot you maybe sleep darts no just a good laugh really right let's get you and then get that chest it's over there okay okay well we've not got much time left we might we might run over a little bit fingers crossed we won't we won't run over too much because we need we need to finish we need to finish this we cannot stop mid think hi there's some pirates ahahaha right right you guys I want to make sure I don't get everyone murdered you guys don't spot me please let's go up this way can I can I get around here yes right up we go up we go let's get a bird's-eye view on this thing hello hey you didn't see me there okay you I'm gonna put to sleep actually put me to sleep let's get you oh this is hang up and I'll get you before you wake up I love that Justin kick free prisoners whoo okay one more set and then we're set and we can murder the two guys okay okay okay the other one so there's some guys there guy there whoo there's a oh that's a thingy there so I guess I have to like die from somewhere but I don't even wanna do that right now okay you sir I don't need to see me okay [Music] don't spot me how I get away with that okay been trapped right that guy go he was up there I don't want him to see me [Music] where the of fireworks okay there's a guy up there be careful aha right let's sleepy dot you you too far away Aslam right you I would like you to go to sleepy town Junction free okay go on dude you're fine no nothing here waking up right okay bunch of guys there let's go around this way yeah alright you were a B that okay oh we should have done a sync point now yeah oh well oh well right let's slow down here don't scare the pig too much get you that's less lads okay as a barn to lodge their bad lads yes there is what's your muscle in that fossil oh we're leaving you be are you Oh [Music] okay it's only you that's oxygen [Music] up with your Mongol and then the bosner thing right I want to go up this way don't I carry maggots no dammit well show him come on it up and scissor and oh wow okay did it I'll come back and double assassinate them another time but we're just low on time and right now prove yourself a true Bravo I don't know what not a thing a man should do war Kali just like Harlech old said that temple a scab means nothing to me none of you do and you're worse for it can wait it will attempt as you took us in when Oasis [ __ ] no our King there our country the Templars the Templars is our money where's yours Oh Edward oh right so you know our names service there are few down home yet as gentlemen of fortune we enjoy plenty and satisfaction pleasure and ease Liberty yeah so what man with a sensible mind would choose a former life where the only hazard we pirates run is a sour look from those without strength or splendor ah now I have been among you six weeks and with so fierce a conviction it made frightened to see your passions reflected from me yes mr. Johnson captain yeah your pariah dipped my hands in muddy borders and withdrawing them fine tis better to be a commander [Applause] I'm trying to see him maybe it's someone that he knows is it just like I'm always like looking for Lord Bartholomew Roberts sell old I have no secrets to share with you no but if you'll lend me your aid in two months time when it's okay done next were like I'm sorry that I didn't double assassinate but I did free the pirate so just ran out to time at the end there cheers Cheers Bartholomew Oh Oh are we are we gonna be out of the Animus again now and we have finished sequence nine so we get 20g yes er ah Pablo Heil a long time rock lobster fan watching your stream during work has sustained me many thanks and stay well thank you stereo sir hasn't been the cause when you catch a dose from a hole and must treat it with Quicksilver you're fonder of getting the disease something biting at you Oh then desire to live by Creed but greed yet when pressed most defer to their instincts might make a man feel like he belongs to something what's your answer ah that old man a sheet then an old wolf like me deserves every ounce of blue need roars sail to this location bring only those you trust all right Bartholomew you have strong corazon game in your getup you have the best accent and there we go I think that is where we will end it we're on Mysterio sir and I believe this is right in the middle of yeah this is right in the middle of this area here which I had not yet opened up there's also another island over here to be docile amazing well I believe that right now the VG 24/7 animal crossing stream will have started in the description is a link directly to it I think John will be able to pop one in the chat as well but then we got Roxy boxy on there and showing off some lovely animal crossing stuff and it's adorable I've just looked at it right now and she's got our maid outfit hello Bo I just got a cute little house so please go over say hi so yeah this this stream was slightly moved along so that you guys can go and join the lovely VG 24/7 gang you have tops moxy hosting guests streaming with some animal crossing what's what should we say what should we say over there [Music] let's just yaar ox ox ox tree says yaar ok 'extra says yaar and you can spell yaar or however you whether it's a gh thing or just a ye are in the end that's their yeah go for it extra says yaar and go support their wonderful charity stream that's happening right now thanks for joining later on at 5 o'clock over an outside Xbox there's gonna be some fun stuff happening so do join them for their fabulous livestream then as well and then we've got some interesting stuff on the channel over the next couple of days for you to please keep an eye out maybe tomorrow night might be doing something let's have a look ok thank you for joining everyone and shall see you next time bye yaar extra says yaar
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 27,121
Rating: 4.9698963 out of 5
Id: Ez46d5rOQ5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 53sec (6053 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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