GTA Online Doomsday Heist Pt 1: HEIST CREW ASSEMBLE for ONE MORE JOB (Dead Courier)

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I thought I was out of the hoisting business you know that pulled you back in for lasting you steal it I'll blow it up wait younger that's the opposite of what ambulance is supposed to do oh great now oh my god oh wow your face no it's fine to me this is the stealth bit and yeah yeah we're doing we're doing stealth smells happening Mike you're not sneaking by me look at me yes and to my new nice place it's a it's a Preppers paradise oh yeah check out the the Oh X emblem on the wall yes that painted I've got a mechanic who I pay a considerable amount of money every day to stand around living area I do need a few throw cushions I'll give you the tour this is the mechanic mechanic Mike pre called rusty or so Mike you need a bed or something yeah I've got a bed not a bed this is my bedroom I probably spent the least on my bedroom please yeah Wow just Lima single bed this is our sleep super comfortable like hugging myself yeah I'm gonna give it a test well rest asleep just check it out oh yeah yeah yeah take your shoes off man now I wait all right why do you have I've got an orbital laser what's a laser on it's very delete yeah leak go with that it's inactive at the moment the pro haven't you figured out how to do it yeah okay it's like you know in the central heating systems a bit weird when yes move into yeah but this is the sit room sure control so I just need to register as a VIP okay and then we can we should be able to kick this thing something yeah sit down here in the city back for one last hide yeah I'm calling our org organization ox cool okay okay like ah score from off of spider-man I thought I was out of the hoisting business you know pulled you back in for lasting so I guess we need to do the prep paramedic equipment we need to steal an Ambu okay do that and then we do that in free mode and then we come back and do the setup apparently by an ambulance just by an ambulance there might be a roomful right okay well let's do this launch this prep yes oh my god wait what what's happening I'm in a loading screen anybody there's a man oh there we go this girl face she's been making a rude gesture at me cause amazing look he's got some old prototype thing oh wait can I Drive this can you drive oh no that's his car getting what's mine that's the car I drove over in here Mike if you want it you can take that one if you want Mike that's like my wife's car road trip where we going okay we need to find an ambulance oh no so the easiest way to find an ambulance with Shirley beaters hit someone with a car away for now goods come again yeah that's fine a pedestrian see that's thinking outside the box all right who went for a walk today and it's gonna regret it we do have a we've got a dot on though on the map yeah yellow oh hello Ruth I assume that leads us to an ambulance all right lead the way Mike leading hmm so what do you think of you the new crib it's you could do with some some posters or something or some cushions okay softener there is it there is like a lounge area but I don't know where it is I can't find a Oh to stumble across it oh not me well I've run a man over exactly is good at driving are we sure we're not gonna run down yeah I think there we go I did already do you've enraged him just go down I probably would be as well he still doesn't need that we're really nice too whatever way it points it out yeah there is oh and Andy needs an ambulance as well oh look there's a car accident guys wait wait wait yeah we're gonna fight with a handshake anyway oh there's been a terrible accident someone cool cool do you guys need a little attack no no there's an ambulance right here all right we're coming I know you we had to punch a man today hey I'll set a waypoint for Mike oh no he's coming he's here it's fine I can I can see where you are [Laughter] behind us just up for second day he'll catch up behind us yeah oh okay there is look come here you gonna follow me or do you want to get in this car let's follow I'll follow you okay you don't understand my that guy was coming right out of us we had to take the guy run over previously well he's had a bad day we thought we were thinking outside the box no you kicked the box off a bridge Jane jumped off a bridge right look yeah around this corner yeah pretty much there's been a car wreck oh sweet oh yeah there's a lot of police so no do you want to run over the police I've got a rocket launcher hang on okay can I reverse the ambulance at all right you steal it I'll blow it up wait that's the opposite of what ambulance is supposed to do oh great now oh my god [Laughter] peel out you guys are supposed to be running interference well maybe maybe don't run off in the in the ambulance before we're ready it's going fine apparently people are chasing me I don't know oh I very nearly crushed that off a bridge that was well that was close okay well yeah don't do that alright we are running interference cuz the police calculate I'm gonna wait for you guys the police are trying to kill always so I think that counts as interference we're interfering could you interfere a bit closer to me that'd be great we're trying they've got shotguns they've got shotguns alright okay we're on the road okay I can see you can you see me can see you yeah okay please okay off we go interference he's given up now he's chasing I need me one of these little LeMond racing cars they look amazing back to the bunker we do have a heist intern by the way oh yeah yeah I see him yeah it's kinda racers wearing he's wearing like a trauma series car yeah things looking good this is great such interference report turn my siren off I'll cut ya no wait come back he's speeding off with our cut we got to take him down Jane spit damaged I hope that that's all roadblock oh he slipped it he's brand it that's that's a roll nope everyone's alive weird GTCC a physics have helped me out yeah the police are doing a bad job I should have been dead three times over by now oh oh I in turn crashed Oh regret Oh one for the interns intern heist intern indica I James what green tire spikes for doing awesome yeah I've got Green Smoke on brand Green Smoke there's a helicopter after us hey I think I think we've lost the tire exciting back right tires gone that's not making this making a pitch three more tires I'm just firing wildly into the air Alomar a dirt bike guy list of coins bumpers hanging off yeah we're a bit we're a bit smash up it's fine shut up where are we taking this ambulances rolls we're going back to summer I'm going I don't know where I'm going right and that we parked us underneath a helicopter Andy Joel okay we've lost a tire if we drive on these rims they may never be true again I may have gone a bit the wrong direction I had an old Waypoint so we need to go back this way guys we're going back to my bunker sorry yeah I figured it was better promise you'll get used to the neighborhood all right you wanna jump in the ambulance you know it might be handy hand all right squeeze through the gap there we go all right we're gonna we're gonna jump into the ambulance okay I can see you guys poke it out firing this is a much better player that Kyle Jaynes Lambo was a bit messed up I have is only one ambulance we need yeah get three more on each I wish my hoping after that slight detour scenic what I saw it initially but then at the amber this is quite big and I can't see anything yeah that's reached the bunker which is its own nation state yeah we did it we've got the ambulance to the okay I mean how we get it in the bunker let me show you to your bunker all right I mean I also want to shoot down an helicopter Oh God okay I was kill steal oh let my helicopters alright you can have this one Jane there's two one reach okay hang on let me just pop into my bunker and check what's go well you know quick as you like Mike we're just you know fighting all these helicopters now I'm out of rockets this ambulance is gonna get blown up if we hang around here much longer there's no other cover is the problem what's going on Mike I smashed em what got ya okay now I can park it apparently no okay good do it Hey seems yeah now what can I come in oh my god help there's police is everywhere all right I've got to pop out again to get you apparently yes shuttle pilot rail helicopter nice lift takes ages okay now how will it give me the option where do we go what do we do he I'm trying to give you normally it gives me the option to invite you guys in too many helicopters too much heat on us no no boy what's why do we even have a bunker when we can't escape into it from the police they got pretty hot guys the Situation Room and if anyone that differently find the lounge while we're in here sit room yeah are you an avenging team down here Oh getting Avengers vibes I've always wanted to be an Avengers avenging doesn't necessarily mean good things right anything is my Otis the last offices maybe my Macan oh this is nice some poncey coffee table some globes so I can plot my global domination great I'm gonna I'm gonna drink a beer in here again feel free lovely Oh wrong doing a whole bunch of rum moving oh let's have some the only one person at a time there's any one glass oh wow your faces Andy oh no it looks fine to me no really no in my in my screen pick up your beer bottles for pity's sake look honestly recycle you invited me in here your guests it roll me please now what okay planning scream okay we've got the setup mission team one collected dead agents cache of data from the morgue yeah team two recovers the agents stolen helicopter sounds great you two mono team - I think we are team one paramedics okay going to the morgue it's put you in charge of flying a helicopter fly into the mall in a helicopter come back to GTA Vice there without side effects everyone check it out my cool bunker I see you okay I guess we'll see you we'll see you at the rendezvous point Jane all right I'll Drive I'm being okay all right siren on way points okay happy now what up team - I'm driving - a waypoint cool copy that copy that sighting team one wait why are you Tito because I'm getting a helicopter and you're I don't know what the hell you're doing can we not be like where do we be team one and Team Alpha yeah do you want a teammate what team one denies your request [Laughter] you should've made 31 right am I going we're actually just going to the same place right no I'm going to the scouting point yeah well we're on the same route I can see is just in front it's because you're in a sports car and we're fast sports car okay you're peeling off at that's it Road and we're heading on I am telling the siren off to Zoe's not to arouse suspicion Mike equipping a weapon or aiming at an agent will blow your cover as a paramedic so don't do it we've only got one team life guy he's boy that's a good yeah hey friend how's it going just parking up the ambulance dropping off some buddies yeah real nasty I just have it like yeah I'm doing social stealth mate yeah real nasty accident so what didn't get into the ambulance we need to drive it a bit further round oh is that very specific spot we need to park in it needs to be exactly on that yeah okay I mean while I'm tailing a chopper from a car there we go exciting now we need to walk in okay okay GG all right you do your thing okay don't get any any guns out or throw grenades at anyone like I'm following it's in the sky and I'm on the road so okay challenging I look forward to the challenge we're inside the coroners we're just going to cold storage all right mr. casual walk I've got a real paramedic swagger going on afternoon another day another dollar the screen right he's gonna search some bodies okay that's normal that's the same the paramedic Steve I'm in a stealth hedge parked up with my sports car I hope we're not gonna search them to invasively oh it's good we're down that's fine it's always in the last body you looking isn't it I'm proceeding on foot okay so they already harvested the thing we need unfortunately so we've got a head upstairs oh no bad we were specifically told not to go upstairs yeah but we're gonna have to go upstairs because that's where the bomb treasure is we're going and the stuff we need isn't there so go upstairs all right I'm stealing some Intel from a whole bunch of bad guys are you it are you should fighting I well very soon according just making that covered in red dots oh boy this is the stealth bit and yeah yeah we're doing we're doing stealth stealth happening Oh is there another thing like you're not sneaking like me look at me look what I'm doing how do I do that press the self button yeah there you go oh good I believe you need a these guys apparently and we don't allow to be oh my god they're shooting us so I covers it a little bit loan a little bit little bit loan only you only touch I would say it's hot yeah I mean loan is the word no no one else is allowed to die okay there's people coming up the stairs behind us okay oh boy difficult they're all wearing vests thank you I died sorry guys Oh Oh a knight I deserve Oh No all right we did this again guns away everyone not everyone paramedics and my military vehicle down here you can see [Music] my blood is smeared on the tarmac so back we come to the coroner's office and the helicopter drop site respectively uh-huh how you getting on Andy have you got there already yeah I'm just some of the place where the helicopter flies over the scouting point Mike can i yes evacuate the vehicle excellent good okay all right I'm really gonna try not lose all our team lives oh you mean all one of our team lives yeah yeah it is very difficult to do it on person it's meant to be to people isn't it yeah this bit particularly no no I lightly brushed against someone do you think that freaked them out maybe Omega so well we're gonna have to clean this place out now uh-oh I'll search the bodies you you cover the door eat with your pink rifle all right I'll cover the door you search I'm shooting Bad's coming from okay yes yeah okay all right me bucks carefully yeah please cover I've got a grenade hang on let me Oh God throw a few of these wait I don't know if there's anyone there grenade out oh no first run part of the wall sounds like it's going well over there guys okay no more grenades for Jane you did you did some real damage to the interior and the wall all right whoa who shouldn't kill a receptionist it was a bad reception check my corners okay we're good I've using a tommy gun my dedication to ironic vintage hips tourism extends to my weapons so watch out there's gonna be there's gonna be guys up here loaded questions fully fully willing to throw grenade Mike if that's what it needs that's what the situation needs someone's very Chelsea they're really angry we're cameras yeah okay on the left okay coming out yeah they're in this other stairwell aren't they or maybe they're upper floor did I mean they must be yeah they must be the guys up before yeah good an inch up the stairs okay can we see them from here yes I got one of them whoa I'm getting shot people from coming from downstairs open dancers remember your snacks everyone okay good yeah remember snacks I've retreated slightly out here like that yeah one let's just shout out on some energy bars or something stop shouting at me I wonder lost pressure it's really kind of distracting he's just shouting time to bleed God these guys could take so many bullets there we go okay okay okay okay I got one and another one we're in light of trouble we've done a very bad thing time to bleed is he still a man does he still on time to bleed honestly it's always time to bleed whoa whoa whoa back up back up back up back up back up back up I mean color I'm okay I mean cover right he's still there he's still behind that yeah he's dead more coming let him come well done eat snacks eat snacks eat sex sounds like it's going well I'd be there yeah but they're not coming are they they're not coming any closer I'm just wait you wanna go Mike left or right there's a guide to the right goes to the right go to the right I saw him he didn't seem happy about it think about snacks also always be snacking ABS sorry I got shot from a mile away with a shotgun probably it's a very difficult mission I had two guys left oh no - yeah I'll get it this time one more on the right yep he's done nice go far so not terrible I hear shouting let's go oh we're gonna have to clearly like defend ourselves in this office army I really hope not ok take some cover oh no here comes a lot of red dots oh boy Mike keep an eye out on the left and keep an eye on the right ok I've got the data I may be thinking it you got a job we're gonna fight our way all the way downstairs yeah [Music] should we stop moving out carefully whoa let's see if we can draw them up the stairs a little okay oh here they are right down below can you say those grenades I was gonna drop a grenade on their heads yeah but to be honest the rain of grenades let's go for grenades are you really sending those I got one five grenades all right go careful oh my god this guy won't die I shall guy four times with a sniper rifle and he fell off a gantry and he's still not dead stay stay where you are Mike don't go down stairs don't go down stairs it's gonna be a lot of grenades down there oh my god stay down stay down these guys can take about five bullets to the Hey what's going on here is that's what's gonna turn out is going on here this guy just keeps getting shot in the upper body hopefully by the basement they keep hitting up me I believe this all day I've got 3,000 bullets I'm down there I think he's downstairs right okay all right scuffles of right taking this very slowly right I see you I see you there - my gun in the panic yeah you're gonna need that wait snack break again all right step right everyone snack use that first Mike and I'll cover you and then I'll snack and you cut me be snacking I can see you eating a tactical chocolate bar techno music wait it's an act achill all right I'm performing a statical maneuver a little snapped up I'm ready to go and we'll hyper Beauty numbers and team buzzing got that many bad guys left to get he says go in for the kill don't do that there's people blind firing don't get up honestly they did you could get out of here alive are we good no god damn it it's okay it's okay we're good okay let's bail out of here let's get back in on oh no that's not why we need to go is it is it no oh gosh the security feed I know there's more people outside and now we're outside with the people oh geez oh no oh this is scotches believe I can shoot the pilots out of a hostage right yeah did you do that Mike whoa okay should we get in the end out can we don't step on my grenade okay I'll try not to wellit's back in the ambulance help me ambulance save me jump in just go to the back I will I'm trying I'm trying I forgot it's a left hand drive nice one yeah probably over I just don't why would you say that why would you say that to us I say we ditch the ambulance and get a less conspicuous vehicle but the sirens on you say that's more conspicuous come on car explode it's it's going okay I'm down to one person left I think but they're sheet all right so what's impressed thinking of you Thanks Thanks Oh my name okay I'm going to steal the Intel yes steal my Intel do it Andy Intel until born to steal yes is there a person here I can't tell I can hear someone shouting I hear you chanting is he shouting I'm telling time is it shout around the corner what time is it no no no please all right hey Ted you Mike oh yeah sorry yeah avoid the police get it stay out police areas the code Oh oh no they saw us they saw us Mike everything's red again no you're a dead end it's like I'm like driver from Jaws he didn't drive don't occur eyes off the prize we did a little bit yeah just keeping us up okay I can steal the helicopter in a second but there are people everywhere we're home free and clear and home and dry and all the stuff all those little things are all in your home so now we're being pursued again I think it just forgot about briefly no it's because we drove into a police car all right I got the Intel I've got a steel bear helicopter flew with your life is that gonna be any help I hope not it's right here Oh get in get in get in me get out of here away from these cards right which I will shoot now look at all these fast cars that we should be I know I'm going to the coroner's apparently according to my mission briefing okay it seems like a bad place to go we were just there it was full of helicopters yeah bad times so you want me to come back to the coroner's office is that right who who does it's just go to the Savage oh that's me that's the helicopter I'm flying oh so we have to meet you somewhere then well shall I meet you somewhere they isn't full of murderers oh no I've got a three star wanted level now it says find the landing location oh there's a helipad on the roof is that what I'm supposed to go to we're not supposed to escape in the escape from the amulets at all where are you guys alright let me come and find you the coroner's we're supposed to be evac'd by Andy well let me come find you I see you on the back you see on the map alright let's choose a different site it's more for me go to the savage was the name for the ambulance well I was meant to get away you guys okay oh yeah that always means no yeah I think I was supposed to make it back to the corners a lot quicker than idea it took so long maybe let's not get down by a police helicopter all right lose the cops not a problem not a problem they'll definitely forget about this attack Kelly pop say what all those explosions happening I don't know couldn't tell you unrelated I'm sure it's coincidental I think the red smoke is our is our beacons ring understand the high screws back in business I had such a good potion tastes like I had a vineyard I was making wine Multi multi millionaires oh my god that was so hard how I did difficult well done Andy $26,000 doesn't seem like a lot 4 million in will 4 million in my pocket right now well hell we did it so that was the first stage of the setup oh my days right so yeah come back next time yeah it's all coming back to me
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 254,893
Rating: 4.9502301 out of 5
Keywords: gta online, grand theft auto online, gta 5, gta online doomsday, gta online doomsday heist, doomsday heist, part 1, act 1, doomsday heist part 1, doomsday heist act 1, ambulance heist, gta online ambulance, doomsday heist walkthrough, doomsday heist vehicles, gta 5 online, gameplay, doomsday heist gameplay, gta online bunker, bunker, nuclear bunker, funny, funny moments, outsidexbox, data breaches, job, dead courier, setup mission, preparation mission, prep, setup
Id: Uha5Qm011I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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