Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven

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sometimes the kingdom of heaven it's like a treasure hidden in the field and you sell everything you have in order to obtain sometimes the kingdom of heaven is like a precious coin that you've lost and you search and you search until you find it and sometimes the kingdom of heaven is like a pearl of great price and you do whatever it takes together jesus said to you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven so what is the kingdom of heaven and how do we unravel those mysteries this is dreams and mysteries with John Paul Jackson it was early January when I received the news that would change my life forever as I lay down to sleep on the lonely ground beneath my fate my father whom I hadn't talked to in years had written me he asked me to come home as my mother had gotten the fever it seemed as if she would not last through the winter I wasn't looking forward to the long train ride home I was still angry with my father and he with me he was right and I knew it and it made it even harder for me to go back something ought to breathe like a lifeboat and to rescue me you never give our dolls that make em loose I'm afraid sometimes going back home is not what you think it is sometimes going back home is a place you've never been to and I was about to find out that God will open up to us a door for the word a door hmm that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ Jenny do I know you I wasn't here to talk to you by who well last night while you were praying you were asking for some answers to some very difficult questions not impossible questions but the very difficult questions and so I've been sent here to help you kind of navigate through some spiritual mystery and because of spiritual they require some change change that actually begins inside of you more than anywhere else so what do I have to change Jenny we all live in a kingdom and there's many kingdoms there's been many kingdoms of men throughout history they come they go they rise they fall but there is a kingdom a kingdom above every kingdom dispense far beyond the limited kingdoms of men one will se the castles on earth of this kingdom because the kingdom begins in the heart it begins inside of us and Ginny this isn't a kingdom of politics or economics it's a kingdom of brotherhood it has an aristocracy based not on dominance but on service it has a House of Lords but it's not filled with eldest sons it's filled with selfless brothers it's not a kingdom of pride but of humility it knows no greed but Foster's selfless giving it's a kingdom that does not banish the weak but does offer to make the weak strong this kingdom is the kingdom of heaven and in the final analysis how we've lived our life in this kingdom is all that will matter how can I be a part of that Kingdom there's the things that God wants to do that begin inside of us that's going to change everything in your life but it's going to require you accepting who he is as the only begotten Son of God well how do I do that well let's pray right here on the train right here on the train there's really no better time okay think I'm ready pray after me Father father in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I need your help I need your help and I know that I'm not living in this kingdom that I've heard about and I know I'm not living in this kingdom I've heard about I believe Jesus is the Son of the Living God I believe Jesus is the Son of the Living God I'm asking you to forgive me of my sin I'm asking you to forgive me of my sin take my life and use it I pray this in the name of Jesus okay amen Janee there's a couple of things I need to tell you before I leave first I need to tell you that everything is going to work out between you and your father it's going to be fine and second I need to tell you that your mother is going to be okay she is she is how did you know that genève that is what the kingdom is all about each one of you is involved in a moment-by-moment battle against an enemy that you for the most part do not see Saints tactics are as covert and a secretive as he can make them they are successful only to the degree that they remain unrecognized by you often the only clue you had to detect this battle is the resulting emotional appeal and pain you feel Jesus gave us 72 parables to help us understand the mystery of the kingdom and you're on a journey that will help you realize what has been provided for you you see this journey will result in the destruction of evil and dark forces all around you and it's in this journey that you're going to encounter battles and within each battle you're going to find a spiritual truth that will make you a champion you will come to understand that in the simplest form the kingdom is the righteous power and authority of God to justify ibly rule over and protect all he created including you much to the world surprise the kingdom of heaven does not begin on earth it begins inside of you the Kingdom of Heaven conquers the internal world of man before it conquers the external world of mankind that's the part that makes it so hard because the battle begins inside of you if it was external would have some type of a measuring stick to chart our improvement by but interior inside the battle is much more strenuous what you do you really don't want to do and what you don't want to do that's what you find yourself doing the battle is classic but the reward it's eternal you see Jesus didn't come to earth to attack the sovereignty of man he came to attack the sovereignty of Satan over man God originally gave mankind authority over the earth but and gave that authority to Satan when he fell Satan flaunted that authority for 4000 years he even dangled it in the face of Jesus when he offered to give that authority back to him at his weakest point after he had fasted for 40 days but Jesus had an entirely different plan for implementing his kingdom and regaining authority on the earth because of the sin of Adam man had submitted himself to and become a slave of Satan and his evil empire with the coming of Jesus all that was about the change the fullness of the kingdom of heaven was about to be introduced to the earth let's take a moment and see what some of you think about the kingdom of heaven you I believe the kingdom of God is the love of Christ and that that lives in you I think the kingdom of God is the entire world and heaven because it's everything that God is I used to think the kingdom of God was that the kingdom of God was heaven somewhere that we were going to go after we died but since I found freedom and Christ and found grace I realized that it's something totally different it's not somewhere we're trying to get to it's a place that we already have inside of us we have Christ in living in house you see we find the kingdom of heaven is not just a New Testament thought it actually began in the Garden of Eden man was simply to subdue the earth and take authority over everything on it God gave man two rules of the garden or you might say two rules of the king but he was to rule therefore they had two choices on how to live their life and exercise their god-given Authority the first kingdom was the kingdom based on the Tree of Life this offered men an opportunity to you might say become immortal in his being meaning he wouldn't die as long as he ate from the tree of life he would live forever and this kingdom was based on the harmony of man God and creation they all worked together well we also find that this was an eternal Kingdom it allowed man to walk close to God and walk not only close but in relationship with him God being all-knowing could then talk to us and tell us everything that we don't know God will give us what we need to subdue the earth and to overcome spiritual darkness as well as a tax from Satan and his minions the hallmark of the second Kingdom was a tree of knowledge that tree gave Adam and Eve the understanding that intellect or knowledge desire passion emotions and relationship not with God relationship with darkness actually would get them where they wanted to go they were told that it was really good for food and it was obviously beautiful to look at they were told it could make one as wise as God it was temporal granted but it was filled with the idea that man could solve his own problems and man didn't need God to succeed in fact God was actually holding man back the thought of the kingdom of heaven continued throughout the Old Testament we find David and other Kings were well they wrote of the kingdom in the songs as well as the books of the Kings and the chronicles the prophets of old wrote of the kingdom of God that was coming that had no end and in its fullness death sorrow and disease would all be overcome you want to learn the deeper mysteries of God but feel overwhelmed with your schedule introducing John Paul's online classroom attend his classes without leaving your home fitting your lifestyle explore subjects like dream interpretation hearing from God living the spiritual life prayer and spiritual warfare watch and take notes with your 200-page companion study guide to begin your journey go to dreams and mysteries.com and click on John Paul's online classroom or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five many of us are missing out on one of the greatest gifts Christians have today a deepening relationship with the Holy Spirit this mysterious relationship begins at salvation but like all relationships it takes time to develop relationship with the Holy Spirit and personage of the Holy Spirit is a five disc teaching series that will help you uncover the eight keys to exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit what gift you have that the enemy wants to destroy what it means to be born of the Spirit plus so much more that you may have never even considered that the Holy Spirit wants to do in you the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and desires of relationship with you for your gift of $45 or more we'd like to send you these resources on deepening your relationship with the Holy Spirit to start your journey go to dreams and mysteries com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five the kingdom of heaven was not just a kingdom it was the highest kingdom above every other kingdom natural or spiritual it would expose the covert nature of darkness it's all about destroying that darkness and evil in every form in which it's found it's about returning the relationship of God and man to its original structure and purpose what is necessary then for this incredible kingdom of God to come well the first step is a strategy that the crucifixion campaign would precede the kingdom campaign why because it made step 2 possible and that step is that through the blood of Jesus atonement was made possible and the chains of Satan the tyrant would be broken off of you and me the third step would then be to destroy the work of the Evil One and establish a means whereby man could live a righteous life the Lord displayed in the exodus of Israel that if you deliver a people from their bondage without changing the heart of the people they'll return to the old way of thinking and the old way of acting and when that happens they always return to the bondage they were previously in so God sent his son to change the heart of man and he did that so that the final visible evidence of the kingdom could come to earth so Jesus embarked on a Sevenfold mission to implement the kingdom one change how mankind thought about the father who he was what he did what he was all about would he see me you seen him number two he must live a sinless life in order to repeal the earthly sovereignty of Satan because the first Adam lost that authority because he didn't live that send this life number three in so doing Jesus would provide a way to atone for sin and redeem the world or those who had believed in him number four he did he would demonstrate how the kingdom would destroy the work of the evil 1/5 he would prepare the way for the holy spirit to come and the Holy Spirit would impregnate the world with the leaven of the kingdom of heaven number six he would live a life that would reveal to mankind how they might express the kingdom of heaven while alive right here on earth number seven in so doing Jesus would promote righteousness as the first requirement for the kingdom to work in other words the kingdom of heaven would expand at the rate of the expansion of righteousness the prophets of old understood the coming of the kingdom would take place in the last days and when it did communication between God and man would increase in a multitude of ways the Prophet Joel said that a sign of this coming the coming of this kingdom there would be an increase in dreams and visions being given to people just like you I dreamed I was in my parents house where I grew up as I was standing there I was hearing all these strange noises like creaking and heavy breathing I asked my mom what was causing the noise and she calmly replied oh I think it's a dragon a dragon can I get you some tea there's a dragon on the roof we should have tea naturally I was concerned so I went over and looked out the back door just in time to see this huge figure take off from our roof and land in a neighbor's yard it didn't look like a traditional dragon though it looked like a giant man with dragon wings anyway it was killing something in the neighbor's yard and I suggested someone should probably hunt that thing down and kill it but my mom came up with an excuse and just said something like have you seen the size of that thing that's gonna make an awful mess anyway the dragon came over to our yard again and it was looking through all the doors and windows and as it started to look in through the back door I warned my mom to get away from the back door because it was looking in and she just calmly got her tea in or magazine and stood over in the corner and kind of out of sight as the dragon was looking in I woke up this dream is a dream about family issues it happened in the family house and family members were present looking out the back window speaks of looking into the history of the family and when he did the dreamer saw the dragon flying and recognized it wasn't just a dragon it was a man with dragon wings not a dragon of drought wood dragon wings a man with dragon wings now that happens to speak to an issue of the fear of man is he it was the man that had the wings not the dragon and in the dream this fear of man is actually the fear of overstepping your bounds that's what keeps you bound up inside the walls of the family house the fact that nobody seemed terrified by this this kind of a strange issue has means that everybody's kind of grown accustomed to this as a normal way of life so why try to change things they could get really messy and make things very uncomfortable to the family the dragon obviously attacked people who stepped outside the boundaries of other dwelling it attacked the neighbor and the fear is that if anybody stepped outside that will also attack them so let's just stay within what the family has always done nice and safe and our boundaries when the mother moved to the corner then it was it was indicating that this was a place of safety in other words I want to limit the direction pain can come from and so moving into the corner as a way of limiting the possibilities of that pain but here's the problem you see you looked outside and that means you can see your future but you can't quite get to your future you can see what the problem is but you never quite address the problem the reason why God would give you this dream is to let you know your future is coming much quicker than you might think and if you're going to walk into your future you're going to have to dress this issue that's been in the family for generations but God gave you the dream and that's very important because he's letting you know this issue can be conquered through his hand on your life he wants you to your purpose he wants you to reach your destiny and it wants you to reach it to your fullness God wants you to walk into the purpose for which you were created to reach your future you're going to have to kill that dragon over the last thirty years John Paul Jackson has studied how God speaks metaphorically through dreams parables and proverbs in the Bible God wants all believers to understand their dreams and that includes you for your gift of $60 or more we'd like to send you the season to dream bundle a 2-cd set teaching the basics of dreams and visions John Paul's advance six CD set understanding dreams and visions in a three CD set on the biblical model of dream interpretation also included the moments with God dream journal plus four dream cards to help you understand your dreams order your season to dream bundle today visit dreams and mysteries calm or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five the fibular world has been busy redefining knowledge so as to remove God's kingdom from man's thinking they've tried to make the knowledge of God and of the spiritual life seem foolish it's not scientific or it's not predictable they say consequently with that line of thinking everything that is fundamentally important to the well-being of humanity and human existence has begun to erode from our global fill of knowledge this has generated the feeling of boredom within our own lives which has created an addiction to reality programs media driven celebrities sporting events and video games all because we're missing the Wonder and excitement of the Kingdom of Heaven and we don't even know with the exodus of Israel in the Bible God revealed that if you deliver people from their bondage without changing their heart the people returned to their old way of thinking and thus returned to their bondage so God sent his son to change the heart of man before the final evidence of the kingdom would be seen and it gave us the understanding that the kingdom must be sought after the prophets understood that the coming of the kingdom of heaven would take place in the last days and when it did God would make a way for communication between God and man not just God and prophets our God and priest but God and you and me to reach new heights in this kingdom of heaven anyone could be touched by the Spirit of God any believer could prophesy or could have a dream or a vision and God would pour out his spirit in such a way that signs and wonders would greatly increase truly God's kingdom would come to earth as it is in heaven there are evidences that we see that kingdom of God is expanding it's coming it's growing Jesus told us to go out and heal the sick cast out demons raised the dead cleanse the lepers and as you go tell them the kingdom of heaven has come upon you he also told us there are keys to the kingdom of heaven but that is the mystery for another time you
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 101,169
Rating: 4.9033313 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams & Mysteries, dreams and mysteries, Daystar, dream interpretation, Bible, Christian, scripture, dream, kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, John Paul Jackson (Person)
Id: yXI8ojlLQac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 28 2014
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