Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of the Keys

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our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name how it be thy name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is heavy on earth as it is in heaven under if that is hammer in a theoretical Misano cno's and give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses to give us of our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory realign is the kingdom and the power or get to yourself away for 11 or 11 por los siglos de los signos I mean this is dreams and mysteries with John Paul Jackson you I need here Jesus fine me come on make my heart dwell within I save here in my chest coming coming coming Jesus wasn't interested in the speculation that came from the crowd he came as much for the individual as for the entire world so his first concern was that of the heart therefore it was very important that the disciples would know and recognize Jesus for who he really was and we read in Matthew 16 that Peter as only Peter could do stepped up to confess that Jesus was the Messiah the son of the Living God the Holy One of Israel and the one the world was waiting for and in need of and Jesus called him blessed for it the response of Jesus to Peter was very significant because it gave us a major clue as to the future of the Kingdom of Heaven coming to this earth in this passage Jesus went on to state three very important principles about the kingdom the first was that on this large rock of revelation that Jesus was the son of God the church would be built the second was that the gates of hell couldn't stop this from happening and the third was that there were actually keys of the kingdom that would be given to those who sought for them immediately before he ascended to heaven Jesus commanded those presence to teach others who in turn would teach others about this incredible kingdom of God and so doing Jesus placed these twelve men and charge of advance in the kingdom of heaven on the earth the successful implementation of that kingdom hinged on their obedience and so it does with us what often goes unnoticed in this passage is that as soon as Peter recognized and confessed who Jesus was Jesus vows to give them keys as to how the kingdom of heaven works the keys he gives are Kingdom principles of which believers can and should live their lives the important insights and principles that allow the expansion of the kingdom of heaven on earth to take place are found in the mysteries of the keys of the kingdom well let's take a moment and just see what some of you think about the keys of the kingdom keys to the kingdom is your faith I think that's one of the hardest things that people find the grasp is that that Jesus has forgiven us or the God has forgiven us and all you have to do is believe so and I think of the keys of the kingdom to God I think of how Christ when he did the work on the cross he descended and he got the keys from Satan of death and sin and really it says there I don't believe there's anything written when he ascended that he ascended with the keys so I think he dropped the keys off to the children of God so we could use them to unlock death and to unlock sin and walk in freedom and abundance notice Jesus did not say he would give us the keys to the kingdom meaning how to get into it he had already proven he was the way into that kingdom Jesus did say he would give us the keys of the kingdom those keys then must apply to anything that is closed or trying to stop the kingdom as well as anything to dis offer that would not be good for the kingdom Jesus himself confirmed us when he immediately stated the Peter after Peter made this incredible statement whatever you bind on earth were bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven well an amplified version of this passage really clarifies this entire statement when you take a look at it it literally could read this whatever you bind or declared to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what is already bound and declared improper or unlawful in heaven and whatever you loose or declare unlawful and proper on earth must be what is already loosed lawful and proper in heaven some thought that the keys were only given to Peter because when Jesus said give you the keys of the kingdom they thought it meant Peter only both the you Jesus spoke up was not singular or specifically applying the Peter the word for you and the Greek is actually plural and was meant to apply to anyone who believed in who Jesus was it was a a corporate hue in a way it's the entire church well until the coming of Jesus the manner in which the kingdom of God would be revealed had been hidden from us the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome that because of Jesus the mystery that had been kept secret since the world began was now revealed so what are the keys of this kingdom and the basic make up the keys of the kingdom destroy the work of the evil one first John 3:8 there are two types of keys that do this and the both work through righteousness the first key is power and the second key is Authority power is the ability to subdue conquer create and regenerate something Authority is Dominion its governance is to build up is to stop or remove something as well as putting authorities in place to have oversight Jesus in Luke 9 and Matthew 10 gave His disciples their first taste of this type of power and authority that it took to cast out demons and to heal all disease and they came back marveling at what had happened but they weren't mature yet and Jesus had to correct their pride it would be two more years before the day of Pentecost would come and they would be given these gifts to use on a regular basis have you been cheated lied to stolen from many times this is an intrusion by the enemy and our response should be to seek out justice from God in this teaching keys to receiving God's justice John Paul Jackson takes you on a journey through Scripture to help you recognize and justice catch the thief approach the judge and ask for a heavenly settlement for your gift of $20 or more today we will send you keys to receiving God's justice on CD or DVD and right now we'd also like to send you a powerful worship CD I am the names of God this CD glorifies the names and characteristics of God and will change the spiritual atmosphere of any word to get your copy of keys to receiving God's justice on CD or DVD and the powerful worship CD simply go online to dreams and mysteries calm and click on TV offers or call us at one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five why did Jesus give his disciples authority over demons and over disease it's probably a lot of reasons but one of the reasons he did so is because demons and disease were Satan's way of trying to destroy everything God created up to this point the activity of evil had been protected by the gates of hell everything behind those gates was protected and everything in front of those gates was going to be consumed you might say therefore when Jesus says the gates of Hell will not prevail he was saying that hell would not be able to protect its activity from the kingdom of heaven any longer and in the Ministry of Jesus there was not a time when the Kingdom of Heaven was not preached he was always demonstrating the greatness of that kingdom and he did so by healing the sick and performing miracles and signs and wonders this is precisely why Jesus told the disciples to go out and heal the sick cast out demons cleanse the lepers raise the dead and as they did they were to tell the people that the kingdom of heaven had come to them the kingdom of heaven is not the same thing as heaven nor is the kingdom of heaven a kingdom that is in heaven neither is it a kingdom that will begin at some great point in the future it's now and in its simplicity the kingdom of heaven is the rule of God justifiably exercised on earth as it always has been in heaven and it all starts with God's rule being formed in you and progresses to God's rule in mankind as believers we exist in the midst of two kingdoms the earth the kingdom of man and God's kingdom this is why Jesus prayed your kingdom come and your will be done in other words father your kingdom not the kingdom of man but your kingdom come your kingdom be done on earth as it is in heaven it was not the rule of man that Jesus wanted to come it was the rule of the Father through men over the evil one while we see and experience the physical world were not limited to this physical world because we were placed under the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven the moment we became believers and as believers we have authority over darkness and evil given to us from that incredible heavenly the keys of the kingdom of heaven are found in the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit each one destroys evil in one way or another I love that words of knowledge encourage a person that God knows them and all they've gone through and will help them become everything he's created them to be word of wisdom is where the Holy Spirit gives insight and answers from the throne of God to the perplexing situations and circumstances that Satan tries to throw in your way to snare you or another person with prophecy reveals what God wants you to do in the future it also reveals the plans of evil so you can stop that plan or avoid the traps that Satan might set for you the discerning of spiritually gifted discerning of spirits reveals the source of the spirit that's causing something to happen in your life whether that something is from God or from the evil one gifts of healings destroy the illness disease infirmity or affliction brought about by Satan and releases the person who was afflicted to become what God created them to be gifts of miracles regenerates or recreates to the original created order what the evil one has tried to destroy or deform it takes an organ that was that was hurt and not able to work now and makes it work again for example all right the gift of faith it sees how God plans supersedes the plans of Satan it's more than the general measure of faith given by God to everyone it's a supernatural declaration of something that will soon come into reality it is brought about by divine combination of knowledge wisdom understanding and revelation these things allow a reality of what God will do and it's so clear it's going to happen but you have it before it comes into being the gifted tongues glorify God and strengthen the spirit of the one who speaks thus this implements the will of God over the will of Satan the gift of interpretation of tongues strengthen those here and bring glory to God therefore they also implement the will of God over the will of Satan these nine incredible gifts are nine keys of the kingdom because every single one of them are meant to destroy evil in one way or another over the last thirty years John Paul Jackson has studied how God speaks metaphorically through dreams parables and proverbs in the Bible God wants all believers to understand their dreams and that includes you for your gift of $60 or more we'd like to send you the season to dream bundle a 2-cd set teaching the basics of dreams and visions John Paul's advanced six CD set understanding dreams and visions in a three CD set on the biblical model of dream interpretation also included the moments with God dream journal plus four dream cards to help you understand your dreams order your season to dream bundle today visit dreams in mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five there have been many times when the kingdom of heaven has come into my life has come into my ministry has come in to use me as we were talking about the divine nature of God that flows through individuals or doesn't make us God but it does allow slivers of who he is to come flowing through us to touch and change other people one particular case that I remember are a couple that I remember was in the church and they were sitting out the congregation they were young and looked like the executive type and it's hard to start what the executive type looks like but they looked like they were very polished and poised and had had the whole act together and so as I was speaking I kept noticing them and and I kept seeing little pictures flashed before my eyes and they would come those picture would come they would they would go but they kept kept causing me to focus especially on the wife and it wasn't because of anything strange or going on but I saw something of the Lord acting on her behalf so after after the sermon was was done as the Lord would have me do I actually called them out and said that I had been I had received something from from the Lord for them so they stood up and I could tell they were very very nervous and the Lord just began to speak to me and he completed kind of the pictures that he had that he had shown me he told me that the wife needed a miracle and that she had been praying for children but for a number of years I didn't know exactly how long but I knew it was more than a decade that she had been praying for children and nothing had happened in fact the doctors had told her it was impossible for her to have children because her fallopian tubes had shriveled they had withered away and I don't know exactly why but they were withered and I said I see and I said I don't want this to embarrass you but I see the fallopian tubes are withered and you've received word of that race Lee and I just want to tell you that God is here to let you know how much he loves you and he's going to restore the fallopian tubes you've not been able to have any children the doctors have told you you've not been you're not going to have any but the Lord wants me to tell you tonight he heals you and you'll conceive very very soon and you're going to have two children I'm just letting you know that this is what the Lord's plans are for you well later I find out later and about an hour later after getting ready to head out of the church the couple comes up to me and I I saw people praying for them later on that in the the altar ministry at the time to pray for people after the service saw them crying and and come to find out that the wife was not safe the husband had just gotten saved like two weeks earlier the wife was not saved she didn't really want to be there that night but the husband asked her to please come for him she had just gone to the doctor that day and he had told her there was no hope there's nothing that they could do that done their tests that had taken all the MRIs everything that they could do and the fallopian tubes were just basically what she called a thread that was left of existence so the fact that I would know that what I didn't know but the Lord told it to me touched her and it touched her so much that God knew that she didn't have those that those tubes that were needed in order for her to become pregnant that he would say that to her it gave her so much hope that she actually gave her life to the Lord and that very night gave her life to the Lord I get a letter a couple of months later and she explains to me that she is now pregnant she got pregnant literally within a month she got pregnant and obviously ended up having a little baby girl and then got pregnant again and ended up having a little baby boy so just as the Lord said but here's here's the remarkable thing about the kingdom and that's this is how I just want to explain how it really came into being you destroy the work of evil who because you speak alive from heaven into a person and God honors his word and brings that which was deformed unusable and recreates it regenerates it secondly he takes a woman who didn't know him and just by letting her know how clearly he knows the situation she's in she gives her life to him that - destroys the work of evil because this this this Greek word Sozo means delivered from the tyrant and so when we see people come into the kingdom they're delivered from the tyrant that which ruled them no longer rules them that's that's what happened to this young woman the thirdly God honors his word and a couple that for more than a decade found out was 11 years a couple that had not had any children could not have any children then within a month become pregnant and have a child and then had the second child that was prophesied to them it wasn't it wasn't me that Verta did the prophecies really I'm just a repeater I repeat what I hear so you get the gift of prophecy in operation that destroys evil you get the gift of the working of miracles which destroys evil you find the woman receives Jesus as our Savior which destroys evil and now you have two children that are serving the Lord and our remarkable remarkable young man and young woman because I just talked with them just a couple of months ago and all of this evil is destroyed in multiple levels this is the kingdom of heaven at work and these are the keys to the kingdom and every time you pray for somebody every time you help somebody every time that you you give anything of yourself for somebody this destroys the work of evil and it's a key of the kingdom and of a change not only a generation every generation that follows because there was going to be no generation in this family but God had a different plan and it's all part of the keys of the kingdom throughout the difficulties of life we found that overcoming fear and rejection was key in our relationship with God and each other through John Paul's life-changing resource the hope collection John Paul showed us how to truly become the person that God has created us to be the hope collection can be yours for your gift of $45 or more to the ministry order the hope collection by calling 1-800 five three eight five two eight five our Gotha dreams and mysteries.com as believers we have the keys to bring the men of the station of the kingdom of heaven into the physical realm however to experience and operate in these keys and bring that which exists in heaven to earth we must first know what the keys are and how to practice them I believe Jesus spent a lot of time teaching on these subjects and it's our job to know recognize and work with them Peter said his divine power that's the power of God has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness through these he's given us is very great and precious promises so that through them you may participate in the divine nature you may participate in the nature of God not that that doesn't make you God but you get slivers of who he is and those slivers help you escape the corruption of the world caused by the evil one and his desires the keys of the kingdom are not only promises they're slivers of God's divine nature that he allows to flow through us where again we're not God but his divine nature does flow through us and we have very great and precious promises that are unlocked by simply knowing and operating in them this is a powerful and amazing truth which is why Jesus needed to know where the disciples stood concerning who he was from the very beginning once we come to that revelation of who Jesus is were ushered into his kingdom playing by his rules not the rules of the enemy but by kingdom rules and given keys to destroy anything the evil one may throw at us anything that destroys evil is a key of the kingdom of heaven therefore we know that every gift of the Holy Spirit is a key because every one of them destroys evil in some form whenever you pray for the sick or for the demonized you are destroying the or of the evil one and using the keys of the kingdom of heaven to do it there is no demonic activity in heaven and we are to remove it here on earth there is no sickness in heaven and we are to destroy it here on earth we have been given kingdom keys that unlock people from their bondage their illness whatever afflicts them so that the gates of Hell no longer have them locked up until you see the kingdom of this world become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ then you are to keep praying your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven since you're made of the dust of this earth and you should expect the kingdom of heaven to come within you unlocking the chains that abound you and kept you from the purpose for which God created you as God's rule intensifies in your life you're going to find out that the growth of his Spirit will intensify as well the outgrowth of the presence of the Holy Spirit is filled with gifts the Holy Spirit does not come into your life empty-handed he knows just what you were created to do and he brings you gifts that are perfectly suited to you and will allow you to accomplish everything God created you to do along the way those gifts will destroy evil that will try to stop you and as you mature you'll find God will use those very gifts not only to help you but it will help destroy evil from every other person that the enemy attacks and each time this happens you'll remember the kingdom of heaven has come the question needs to be asked what prepared the earth for the implementation of the kingdom of heaven the answer is blood but not just any blood the blood of Jesus but that is a mystery for another time you
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 146,577
Rating: 4.9045382 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams & Mysteries, dreams and mysteries, John Paul Jackson (Person), Daystar (Organization), Christianity (Religion), The Bible (Religious Text), Religious Text (Literary Genre), kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, keys of the kingdom
Id: 1y3eZYLwI6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 04 2014
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