Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Redeeming Time

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You know, everybody has a timeline-- a time when we begin and a time where, as King David once said, we all go the way of all the earth. And in between the beginning and the end of each of our personal timelines are all of these epic events. They're measured and they're noted and they have very significant impacts upon the direction of our lives as we travel through the flow of time within our own respective timelines. But do we even know what time is? Now you and I, we say things like in the nick of time. We say things like time flies, time marches on, time on our hands, a stitch in time, passing time, doing time, killing time, wasting time, losing time, on time, for the time being. And how many epic books have began with the term , "And once upon a time"? But exactly how time conscious are we? Do we even know what time is actually even for? Now here's what I can tell you. Time is God's way of keeping everything from happening at once. Time is created by God Almighty for the purposes of redemption. God is not subject to time. He is not confined to time in any way whatsoever. He is eternal. And He rules both time and eternity. And He can step into time and He can also pull out of time any time He pleases. God is with us right now in our time frame. And He is with us in our past. He is also with us in our future time frames. And this is what you and I need to understand. He's in all three of those places right now. The apostle Paul warned us that in these very dangerous days, we need to learn how to bring redemption into every single moment of the timelines that you and I are responsible for stewarding. Hello, my friends. My name is Troy Brewer. And over the next few minutes, we're going to discover the prophetic gift of living life according to destiny instead of history, walking victoriously, and something that I call future present tense. It's the mystery of redeeming time right now on Dreams and Mysteries. [music playing] NARRATOR: This is Dreams and Mysteries. OK, my friends. Let's go back in time. I mean way, way, way back in time. Now in order for you and I to have a glimpse into the very beginning of all timelines, we have to be able to look at how God Almighty revealed the whole creation story through Moses to all of us. So let's go to Exodus 33, starting at verse 17. So the Lord said to Moses, "I will also do this thing that you have spoken, for you have found grace in my sight. And I know you by name." And he, Moses, said, "Please show me your glory." And then God said, "I will make all of my goodness pass before you. And I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious. And I will have compassion upon whom I will have compassion." But He said, "You cannot see my face, for no man shall see me and live." And the Lord said, "Here's a place by me. And you shall stand on the rock. And so it shall be that while my glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock. And I will cover you with my hand while I pass by. Then I will take away my hand and you shall see my back. But my face shall not be seen." You see, Moses had gone to the top of the mountain and he had seen the backside of God. And in a tiny glimpse of God's glory, Moses saw the goodness of God from that moment backwards. All of it. Every good thing God had done and every good way God had been in the past, Moses saw all of it in a game changing glimpse of God's backside. So when Moses put his ancient feather to his animal skin canvas that would become the very first Bible, these were the epic words that Moses would introduce the world to the written word of God. "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." Genesis 1:1. So it says in the beginning, that's time, God created the heaven, that's space, and the earth, that's matter. So in the beginning, God created time, space, and matter. So the very first premise to understanding the mystery of redeeming time is this. Time is created by God. Time is subject to God. And God is not subject to time. Now according to Genesis 1:1, God created time, matter, and space. And He created it with his power. And his power-- well, He has power over every single bit of that time, matter, and space. And when I say that He has power, I mean Jesus Christ can step into and He can step out of any time that He pleases. So let's unpack that just a little bit. Now if you take a look at the book-- and now I'm talking about the Bible-- you can see that there is a very distinct difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament ends like this. "Lest I come and smite the Earth with a curse." Boom. That's Malachi chapter 4 verse 5. Then you go over to the end of the New Testament and the New Testament ends like this. "May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." That's Revelation 22 verse 21. So with Jesus, our Messiah Redeemer, we have moved from a threat to a promise, from punishment to grace, and from a curse to a blessing. Now this is what happens when Jesus Christ steps into absolutely any time frame. And I love that. Now the book is divided that way. And also recordable time itself is marked as before Jesus-- that's known as BC-- and then after Jesus. And that's known as AD. But this is also the way that our own lives as believers should also look. Now our lives are one thing before Jesus and then our lives are a completely different thing after Jesus. So like the Bible, and like time itself, our life lines are divided with the game changing marker of the entrance of the Lord Jesus Christ. However, a funny thing starts to happen after you continue to learn Jesus. You start to see Him-- just glimpses at first-- through typology and through shadows and prophetic things. But you actually begin to see Jesus in the Old Testament. Then after a little while longer, as you read in places like Genesis chapter 18 and like Genesis chapter 32 and over in Judges chapter 13, Jesus himself just flat out shows up thousands of years before He was born in Bethlehem. What's He doing in this part of the timeline? Now, theologians refer to the appearances of God in these past passages and others just like them as theophanies, or Christophanies. And that actually means the appearance of Christ or the appearance of Jesus respectively. So know this. There are biblical precedents for many appearances of Jesus in a timeline where Jesus doesn't actually show up until way later in the same timeline. Christians generally agree that the above passages, and many others just like that, that mention the angel of the Lord are appearances of the preincarnate Christ. Now preincarnate means Christ before He came in the flesh. Just some of the characteristics of the angel are given in various passages like this. He's always referred to in a masculine pronoun. He's identified as God in Judges 6:11 and Zechariah 12 verse 8. He performs miracles. Gideon and Manoah themselves both thought that they would die because they saw the angel face to face. In other words, they saw the face of God. The angel accurately foretold future events. That's definitely a trait of the Lord Jesus Christ. And then finally, His name is called Wonderful in Judges chapter 13 verse 18. And in the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6, that's the name of the Messiah. Hey, Jesus, we see you here. And it's just like finding a 747 jet some 3,000 years before the Wright brothers ever took flight. It's like finding an iPhone encased in some kind of a weird Egyptian tomb. Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, what does that mean? It means this. Jesus Christ is a time traveler. So there are more biblical and practical precedents than we can name here for the reality that Jesus can step in and Jesus can step out of any timeline ever created for any purpose. He does it. And He does it often. And not only is Jesus a time traveler, but sometimes He takes people along for the ride. You know what? He took John out of space and time and He planted him thousands of years into the future to see all of the events that are recorded within the Book of Revelation. Then He simply put him back in the flow of time that He had originally pulled him out of. So Jesus Christ can not only enter any time frame, He can actually re-enter a timeline before He officially entered it. So my friends, God is not subject to time. Time is subject to God. [music playing] DREAMER: I Dreamed I had a whole bunch of people over at my house, And people were randomly coming to see me. As we talked, I would start polishing their shoes. Looking back it seems strange, but in the dream, it seemed completely normal. They were all different kinds of people. (Squeaking noises) LITTLE GIRL: You missed a spot. (Fast squeaking noises) DREAMER: This is what we would call a "calling dream". It reveals something that God gifted me to accomplish. Shoes often represent someone's walk; their activity, what they are doing. This dream shows that I'm soon going to enter a season of my life where I will have special grace to help people clean their activity and walk in the best way possible. In addition, this will happen naturally within the relationships I develop. NARRATOR: Decades of study and thousands of dream interpretations gave John Paul Jackson a unique perspective on understanding dreams. God has concealed messages in the dreams we dream. And as we search them out, we learn more about His ways. With the Advanced Dream Kit, you will begin to understand the 20 categories of dreams and what God accomplishes through each of them. For your gift of $95 or more, you will receive the 20 Categories of Dreams book, John Paul's six CD set, The Essentials of Dreams and Visions, the Biblical Model of Dream Interpretation three CD set, Moments With God Dream Journal and three study cards Order your Advanced Dream Kit today. to help you grow in your interpretation ability. Visit dreamsandmysteries.com or call 1-800-538-5285.y. Visit dreamsandmysteries.com or call 1-800-538-5285. NARRATOR: Dreams and Mysteries relies on the gifts of our friends and partners. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to those that help us provide this quality program. Would you consider partnering with us? Visit streamsministries.com/partner or dreamsandmysteries.com to learn more. Welcome back. People who study time, not mere mortals like you and I, but scientists, physicists, and people with these giant 50 pound heads, they like to study Einstein. The world famous German Jewish Einstein had an amazing thinker under all of that wild hair. And if you look up the word genius, his picture is probably right there beside the definition. Now inevitably, those who study him and those who study his life will eventually learn of a giant cuckoo clock in Bern, Switzerland. Now God used this clock to mess with Einstein's brilliant mind and bring a profound revelation of how time actually works. It's the equivalent of Newton's apple moment. But this one comes with a gong and dancing bears. Bern, Switzerland is a beautifully, well, it's a majestic city. And it's surrounded by mountains with a river bending through it. The clock sits in the middle of majestic medieval architecture and it sounds off in three different tones with dancing bears and a crested rooster at the top of every hour. One day, while on a 1905 street car, Einstein quit thinking about his wife and his love affair with Lina, his cherished violin. As his street car moved farther away from the clock, he had a supernatural epiphany that would change the world view of the universe. His theory of special relativity is the cornerstone today of our understanding of how time and matter relate to each other. Now I don't know much about all of that, but I had my own thunderstruck revelation on how time works. And I need to be able to explain to you. About 90 years after that special event, I was sitting in my truck on Farm Road 917 in Joshua, Texas waiting on a train to pass. Now Joshua, Texas, unlike Switzerland, is flat and it's not very pretty. There's no beautiful river running through it at all. But there is something that you can see at least three times every hour and it's quite an event. A never ending, all day lineup of 100 plus graffiti covered box cars and coal carrying trains. It's a miserable event because every train takes at least 10 minutes and typically another train is waiting. And Joshua is the highest point in Johnson County. So the big engines move extremely slowly before picking up speed and allowing traffic to get by. It was a summer day. And once again, I was the victim of the old Trinity and Brazos Valley Railway. And I was watching these cars pass by in front of me very slowly and one at a time. And at about train number 40, I looked and I couldn't tell how long the train actually was going to be. And I wished I had a drone or a helicopter to get an aerial view of the entire length of the train. So in my head, I begin to visualize what that train was going to look like from way above it. I didn't have anything else to do anyway. And all of a sudden, boom. Eureka. As I imagined this aerial view, I instantly had a crazy cool revelation and I knew that God Almighty was speaking to me. Now what I'm about to share with you is the third and most important premise to the key to understanding the revelation of redeeming time. We have to be able to look at the train as if it is a timeline of our life. See, my view of time is so myopic or near-sighted that I can only perceive the moment or the part of the train that I'm walking in right now. But God's view of time is not limited because He is not subject to time at all. He's not just on the train, He's actually above the train. And He can see the beginning and the end of the train right now. So what I'm saying is that right now, God can see the beginning and the end of your life and the middle of your life right now. Your experience is limited to the right now. But God's right now sees all of it. Let's take a look at life's timeline. We'll look at a world history timeline and then we'll look at our own personal timeline. Follow me over here. OK, my friends. Right here behind, we have an excellent example of what a linear timeline beginning at the fall of Adam all the way to the great white throne judgment and something that I would call eternity future. Right? OK, so this is how it works. There are 2000 years from Adam to Abraham. There are 2000 years from Abraham until the Lord Jesus Christ. And there are 2000 years from Jesus Christ until right now. And man, after this there is only 1,000 years left, after the millennial reign is done. But none of that happens until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that's great news because the way that this timeline works is we're right there. We are right there at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I'm so excited about that. So you need to know that Adam is right here. And then Adam dies somewhere right in there. And this is where Abraham was. And he's offering up Isaac. And this is where King David was, exactly 1,000 years before the Lord Jesus. Of course, Jesus is there on the 4,000th year. And then you go about 1,500 years and you have Latimer and Ridley. You have the Reformation. And then you go up to almost 6,000 years and we're right there at it right now. And then this represents the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. It represents the tribulation. And then it represents Jesus coming back in all of His glory, ruling and reigning for 1,000 years. So have you caught it yet? One day, two days, three days, four days, five days, six days, seven days. Seven days or seven 1,000 year periods. Isn't it amazing how Jesus Christ, the light of the world, shows up on the fourth day? And it was on the fourth day of creation that the sun and the moon and the stars were created. Man, I love that. But here's what you and I need to know. We can only see this one part right now. It's just one part of the train. It's the place in the timeline where you and I are at. But Jesus Christ can see the beginning and the end right now because He is the beginning and the end. He can see, of course, the moment that we're in right now. But also, at the same time, He can see Abraham offering up Isaac and Him saying, hey, stop. He can also see David picking up five smooth stones as he goes to defeat Goliath. He can also see Jesus teaching Peter how to walk on water. He can also see Polycarp giving up his life. He can actually see us right now. He's actually watching you watch this episode right this second. But catch this. He's doing it and He can see it all at exactly the same time. He's not subject to time. He's viewing it all at the same time, just like the train. If this was the caboose and if that was the engine, He is above the whole train and He can see it all at one time. Now, if this is true-- and it is-- let's you and I take a look at how our own personal timelines might work. Let's just draw a simple timeline. Let's say that this is your beginning. And this is your end. In other words, this is your birthday. This is your death day. OK, let's say you're closer to your birthday than you are to your death day. So you know what, I'll just put you somewhere right in here. Let's just put you and I right there. But let's also say that this was when you were learning how to walk. Let's say that this was your first day of school. Right? Let's say, perhaps, maybe this is the day that you got married right in there. Let's say that this is the birth of your grandkids right in here. And this the birth of your great grandkids. Wow, what a full life you get to live. But you need to know this. Just exactly like how God Almighty can see all of this, God can see the day that you're born and the day that you're dying right now. This is your life. And the Lord Jesus Christ is over every single bit of it. Lets just say you didn't get saved until, say, right here. What's real is, because we are the stewards of this timeline, we can invite Him into any single place on this map. So now let's get really crazy. Let's say that Jesus Christ entered into your life right here. This is the place where Jesus showed up, which is great. But let's say when you were a child, you had something traumatic, something terrible, something that needs to be answered, some kind of terrible evil that needs to be answered with the goodness of God. As a steward of this timeline, and as someone who is in relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, we can invite him into this place where this traumatic event happened. We can invite Jesus into this place and He can step into that place, even though it's in our past. It's no big deal for Him, who is in eternity, to step into that place right now. And it will change our right now. Redemption changes absolutely everything. And whenever we invite Jesus Christ into any event at all, what's real is it changes the entire timeline. So let me just move this board right out of the way. And before your brain start smoking, let's just rehash some of these basic steps into this mind blowing revelation. Number one, time is God's way of keeping everything from happening all at once. Number two, time is created by God for the purposes of redemption. Number three, God is not subject to time, nor is He confined to it in any way whatsoever. He is eternal and He rules both time and eternity. And He can step into time or He can pull out of time in any place that He pleases. Number four, God is with us right now within this time frame. And He's also with us in our past time frame. He's also with us in our future time frames. And this next part is so important. Right now, all at the same time. So here's the revelation that all this leads to. Look, I'm not saying that you can go back into your past because you can't. I'm not saying that you can go back through time. But I am saying that you can invite Jesus Christ into your past. And in so doing, it will instantly change your right now. You see, when Jesus enters, He always enters as the Redeemer. And because of this, I know that you and I do not have to be caged by our past. Now we can't go back through time unless of course the one who orders time takes us back there, but we as born again believers who are in relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ-- we are in relationship with the one who can. Someone who actually time travels at His own discretion and even at His own leisure. Jesus Christ can just as easily step into our past as He can step into our right now. And He can also step into our future. Why? Because He doesn't live confined to time. There's so much hope in this revelation. And I love it so much. Paul wrote about this. And in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 and 16, Paul tells us, "See then that you walk circumspectively-- not as fools, but as wise-- redeeming the time because the days are evil." As we walk or as we move forward and we progress within our own timelines, we need to learn how to bring faith, not to be foolish as those who say there is no God or there was no God with me during that time frame. He talks about bringing redemption into our evil or our very dangerous days. I can tell you that as I get older, I can recognize that there are many evil places in my past that I need to see redemption and I need to be set free from. I believe that we can mark epic dangerous and evil events or days even in our past. And as stewards of our timelines, we can invite the manifest presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, our redeemer, into those very specific time frames that have cost us years of undue burden and damage. The same as we can invite him into our time frame right now. If you believe that you can invite Jesus to step out of eternity into your present time frame now, it's not that big of a jump to believe that you can invite Jesus Christ into your past time frames right now. So the moment that redemption is applied to the event within your past time frame, it will manifest as new found freedom in your current and also within your future time frame. And it becomes a collateral blessing throughout your entire timeline. NARRATOR: Troy Brewer is known for his relevant and authentic teachings, a servant whose greatest desire is to bring the authenticity of Jesus and the reality of the kingdom of heaven into the lives of people around the world. In the God Speaks package, you'll receive Troy's book Looking Up, where he reveals the connection between the story and the stars and the biblical account of the fall of man and redemption through Jesus. You'll also receive the Looking Up Reference Guide that will break down the signs in the heavens and the constellations within those signs. And with Numbers That Preach, a book by Troy Brewer, you'll learn about how biblical text show powerful meaning in the numbers around us. For your gift of $55 or more, you'll receive these three resources that will help you understand how God speaks to us through numbers and even the stars. To order, visit us on dreamsandmysteries.com or call 1-800-538-5285. to ask for your God Speaks package today. NARRATOR: Is there a secret to walking in supernatural power? When you look at the life of Jesus, you can't find a method. But there is a pattern. At least once in the biblical record of every major type of miracle Jesus performed, it says that He was moved with compassion. The powerful love package will equip you to understand your authority in the kingdom of God, how to use that authority to walk in the miraculous, and prepare you to position your heart for more. In the Gospel of the Kingdom flash drive, you will receive more than seven hours of audio teaching on the kingdom of God and practical training on healing. In the DVD Anointed To Love, John E Thomas will teach you the role of compassion and how it positions you to see more of the miraculous in prayer. For your gift of $55 or more, you will receive the powerful love package. Call 1-800-538-5285 or visit dreamsandmysteries.com today. So let's wrap this up. And let's go ahead and activate it. Now if you lived to be 77 years old and your timeline was represented by, say, 77 chairs, you need to know that you can invite King Jesus to sit with you in any one of those chairs-- past, present, or future-- right now. So a good idea might be to mark a place where something evil has happened. And we need to answer that evil with God's goodness that only comes from His manifest presence. So I'm going to say a prayer. And this prayer is to invite Him in. And I'm going to pray this for all of us. Let's do this. King Jesus, sir, we come to you, Lord, and we invite you, Lord God Almighty, sir, to sit with us in that chair that nobody else wants to sit in. Father God, sir, we invite you into this evil place, God, that we have marked, Lord God. And we pray, God, for your manifest presence within that place. King Jesus, sir, we know, God, that you are not subject to time. So we ask you, God, to step out of eternity into that place within our past. And I pray, sir, that where there used to be darkness, now let there be light. I pray, God, that where there used to be shame, now, God, let there be honor. And King Jesus, sir, we know, God, that the blood of the lamb and the whole concept of redemption changes absolutely everything. We glorify you, Lord God Almighty, sir, in that place from this day forward. In Jesus' name. Yeah, do you see that? Do you see that right now, you can invite Jesus to be with you in some place that you mark in the past? And you know what it will do? Once you invite Jesus into that place, it changes your right now. What freedom! What hope! You know what? This kind of power doesn't come from earth. It only comes from heaven. And I pray that Jesus Christ will invade every single bit of your earth past, present and future. Yes, see, I'm a hope fanatic. And I'm a freedom zealot. And the Lord Jesus Christ has taught me that Jesus is also a hope fanatic and a freedom zealot. Hey, listen, I want to thank you so much for joining me today. It's been fun as we try to unwrap the mystery of redeeming time together. I'm Troy Brewer. Join us again as we continue to look at the mysteries of the kingdom right here on Dreams and Mysteries.
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 41,130
Rating: 4.9241381 out of 5
Keywords: Streams Ministries, Dreams and Mysteries, Troy Brewer, Time, Christian, Bible, dream, interpretation, shoe shine, redeem, shoe, Holy Spirit, God
Id: wl6mRLh63hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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