Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Peace

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peace peace is such a simple word to say as such an elusive reality to obtain we hear about the desire for peace every day we even have global peace day whose slogan is make love not war movies such as 12 years of slave promote peace as being equal to freedom go to the web and you'll find a seemingly endless number of sites that promote peace and not war the Dalai Lama movie stars and rock stars are all proponents of peace and they've become synonymous with political figures but is the elimination of war what peace is really all about or is war the result of something lacking or missing in the conscience of man can peace be achieved by simply loving as the Buddhists teach is it possible for humans to love at that level over a long period of time has mankind ever been able to love like that can peace be achieved at human effort or does it take some outside help the prophets of the Bible prophesied that in the last days people would cry out for peace perhaps there's more to peace than we might think the Apostle James wrote that war comes from a lack of godliness and mankind if this is true is it then possible for man to have peace without God's rule in their life is there some act of the divine that is needed to bring peace if so is that act internal to man or external to man and if it's external is it just another set of rules that man has to follow if it's an internal act of God have we overlooked an aspect of peace that could change everything everything that surrounds us by simply changing us can peace transcend physical actions and actually originate internally to the heart of man peace has long been sod but have we been looking for peace in all the wrong places this is the question that looms before us as we discover mystery of peace you this is dreams and mysteries with John Paul Jackson on the evening of the first day of the week after Jesus had been crucified the doors to the room where the disciples were standing were closed and locked the disciples knew they were being hunted and they were afraid really afraid what were they to do the Messiah or at least the man they thought was the Messiah was crucified and they might not be far behind well there was no doubt that the body of Jesus was missing Peter and John had Witt been a witness to that but they were not sure they could actually believe Mary Magdalene and the others who said Jesus was risen from the dead and was alive had they actually seen in touch Timothy so passionately insist in the midst of all this palpable confusion suddenly with no fanfare no pomp or circumstance Jesus materializes in the room and the first words he speaks to them is Shalom or peace be with you but the way Jesus said the word Shalom was not like he was simply making a conversation Jesus was making a statement of fact and the air in the room changed when he said it of all the matters he could have talked with them about why did Jesus choose peace as a topic for the moment yes the disciples were afraid of the religious leaders of the Jews but this fear would lift the moment they saw him know the peace Jesus was proclaiming had to be more than their momentary fear and confusion peace must be important after all it was the first topic Jesus brought up since rising from the dead just as Jesus had commanded peace to the storm on the Sea of Galilee the peace that Jesus spoke to them calmed the storm in the room 9-piece it's easy to say is hard to experience the Bible has a lot to say about peace that we and our Western mindset often overlook there are two types of peace found in the scripture the first is the most essential it's the internal peace we received with God as we are reconciled to him to the death and resurrection of Jesus it is peace within ourselves as we experience an inner harmony of our plans and God's purposes walking on the same pathway together Jesus was at peace and confident in his life because he perfectly observed and followed the Father's will this type of peace with God has a lot to do with our trust and obedience to his direction for our life the second type of peace is a byproduct of the fruit of peace the first piece it is the peace of God the peace of God allows us to walk in peace with others as well as walking at peace as we Traverse life's circumstances and situations this eventually becomes peace around us but also translates into peace and surprisingly translates into peace for others this peace is the absence of disturbance and calm and a tranquil soul it is the ability to maintain a quiet equilibrium even if surrounded by tumultuous events this is the peace that passes all understanding however we can't have the peace of God until we have peace with God you might say that the peace of God flows from peace with God peace with God has more to do with relationship and the peace of God is what happens as a result of that relationship this is the peace I want to focus on because there is an aspect of this peace that you may not know exists learn how to protect yourself from unforeseen and unperceived spiritual attacks in a battle of the millennium the dynamic prayer series includes two of John Paul's best-selling books also included a 2-cd set on effective spiritual warfare for your gift of $30 or more to the ministry we will send you needless casualties of war unmasking the Jezebel spirit and companion CD or for your gift of $50 or more to the ministry we will send you an audio version of the books and companion CD visit dreams in mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five Jesus was a Jew talking to Jews teaching Jewish disciples the language of the Romans who ruled the Jews was Latin the common language of the merchants and that time was Greek but the language of the Jewish people remained Hebrew Jesus more than likely spoken the dialect of his people the Hebrew language is really an interesting language because it's both an alphabetic language and a pictographic language meaning the Hebrew alphabet depicts pictures or drawings of what each letter means the one how you join those letters together actually is what I meant to say how you join those letters together or the way one writes them tells a story for example the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the Dalit that Dalit looks like this the Dalit means the door however pictographic Lee it means the low door to the mysteries and the only way to enter that door is through bending over or humility so whenever you see the Dalit used in the Hebrew written word you know the word includes a door or an entrance to something perhaps this is a little oversimplified but it really does make my point the word piece in Hebrew is a word Shalom and it's written like this pictographic lee Shalom needs more than just two hey relax man that's because it's used as a verb more than an pictographic lee Shalom or peace means the removal of chaos and anarchy the results in calm and tranquility thus the original thought about peace is that the first step to peace is not so much telling someone calm down it's actually saying to remove chaos and Anarchy from the life the result will then be calm and tranquility Jesus displayed this very meaning of peace when he commanded the winds and the waves to obey Him Jesus stood in the boat in a storm on the Sea of Galilee and being a Jew he simply stood up and said Shalom the biblical account of this incident in mark chapter 4 says that when Jesus spoke this the wind ceased and it was a great calm in other words Jesus removed the chaos and anarchy that the evil one was causing and the result was calm and tranquility not only on the Sea of Galilee but in the hearts of those in the boat this is also what happened in the room that night when Jesus materialized right in the midst of his disciples Jesus was not merely telling the disciples to calm down he was removing the fear chaos and any other thought that the evil one might be trying to impose upon them the result was not only the removal of chaos but a calm and tranquility that would last the simplest meaning of Shalom or peace is fear chaos and anarchy leave calm and tranquility come whenever you see the word peace used in the Bible think Shalom the word Shalom is used for peace 209 times think in terms of the removal of fear when you see Shalom think in terms of removal of chaos and Anarchy and think of the terms that the result of that removal will be calm and tranquility when Satan's efforts are destroyed scripture tells us that Jesus came to destroy the works of the Evil One what better way to begin they the destruction of that than to remove the fear the chaos and anarchy the swirl around each of us every day the Apostle Paul understood this reality when he wrote to the church in Rome beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace notice the gospel of peace who bring glad tidings of good things the gospel is not just the good news of how to get saved it is also the good news that we do not have to live a life dominated by fear chaos and Anarchy any longer those things can be removed and we can live a life of calm and tranquility because of what Jesus did this is really why it is called the gospel of peace I dreamt that I was in my mother's house making beds for each of my co-workers the beds all look different and were in different rooms after that I woke up but later that day I talked to my mother and found out that she had had the same dream when we talked about the dream we discovered that we could both describe each bed and where they were located throughout the house this is one of those remarkable dreams where you have to dream saying the same thing that's pretty remarkable it doesn't happen every day obviously but there is even more of Anna Tunis of this dream and it is both dreamed of beds Matthew five gives us a very clear picture of what this dream really is all about in Matthew five in the Beatitudes Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God this is about peacemaking what do you do when you provide somebody a way to rest to sleep you're providing peace for them you can't go to sleep if you don't have peace you have peace you can get rest and this this peace that they're offering not only comes in one size fits all package no it comes in sizes that fit the person different sizes for different needs some people can be encouraged with peace just a simple statement pat on the back a hug and they're set for the day others need an entire conversation or more this dream says that this woman has the ability the dreamer has the ability to recognize the needs of others and meet their need for peace in their life even more so her mother had the same dream the same night who says also the mother has that same gift mix as well the ability to bring peace and other people's chaos to bring calm and tranquility when Anarchy seems to be ruling to put those into play when the enemy seems to be winning as circumstances seem to be going the wrong way the dreamer and her mother both have the ability to bring peace you see peace is not only transferable you can teach it to your children and your children can grow up with it and give it to others amazing what the Bible has to say about this incredible Shalom the peace of God over the last 30 years John Paul Jackson has studied how God speaks metaphorically through dreams parables and proverbs in the Bible God wants all believers to understand their dreams and that includes you for your gift of $60 or more we'd like to send you the season to dream bundle a 2-cd set teaching the basics of dreams and visions John Paul's advance six CD set understanding dreams and visions in a three CD set on the biblical model of dream interpretation also included the moments with God dream journal plus four dream cards to help you understand your dreams order your season to dream bundle today visit dreams in mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five you want to learn the deeper mysteries of God but feel overwhelmed with your schedule introducing John Paul's online classroom attendance classes without leaving your home explore subjects like dream interpretation hearing from God living the spiritual life prayer and spiritual warfare to begin your journey go to Dreams in mysteries.com and click on John Paul's online classroom or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five the peace that Jesus came to provide for us is not a piece that this world can have because they have made themselves slaves of darkness darkness cannot tell darkness be gone the Apostle John writes a very insightful statement of Jesus that we so often overlook jesus said it like this these things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world Jesus was saying that the evil one will try to overwhelm you with the cares of this world but don't let the feared chaos and Anarchy that you're going to see limit your thinking because I Jesus have overcome the world and you are not subject to the demonic forces that ruin it there is no fear no chaos no Anarchy that Jesus has not overcome if we live our life in him then there is no fear chaos or Anarchy that we cannot overcome result is that we can live a life of calm and tranquility at a level the world cannot live if we understand this reality fully deeply then we could live a lifestyle of calm and tranquility that is not determined by the world Zechariah the father of John the Baptist prophesied the Messiah Jesus would bring light into darkness and provide a way to guide our feet into the way of peace we do not live in the fear chaos and anarchy of darkness we live in the kingdom of God's most marvelous light and that Kingdom people in that Kingdom all of us in that Kingdom are ruled with his peace let me get my Bible where to show you something you may notice in the Bible that every time peace is ascribed to a body part it's always applied to your feet there's no better way to describe peace that's exactly how Paul describes it here in Ephesians 6 when he's talking about the armor of God you see to have our feet shod with the shoes of peace or to walk in the way of peace it's not only important to you it's important to everyone you meet as well as all those you know and on a deeper plane of thought it's very important to the earth itself you might go why here's why because your feet touched the earth therefore the earth itself is touched by the peace you carry in fact it groans in anticipation of the manifestation of the removal of chaos and anarchy and that happens when it's touched with the peace you carry as you walk across it when you walk with the lack of fear chaos and anarchy you literally bring peace to the earth and remember this peace is far superior to the peace the world thinks they have in fact every place your feet trod leave behind the peace you carry in that amazing because of that we're able to give that which is inside of us without being distracted by the personal circumstances which we currently are walking in fact I can walk and leave my peace behind and yet I can have a problem I'm trying to resolve because I walk in this peace of God there's more than one reason for this and once you understand that reason you'll be able to step into a whole new era of life and that era of life is the era of influence I am a sucker for a guy type of sale you know the kind where houses stacked with tools and saws and cutters and chains you know all the guy type of stuff so when I see a small handwritten sign on the side of the road that says warehouse sale and has an arrow pointing in the direction I really really find it hard to pass up well last week I see that type of sign as on my way to the office on a Saturday morning with a writing deadline to meet so there's really more than a modicum of pressure on me at this particular moment I passed by the sign and I am determined I'm going to the office I there's no way I'm turning around I'm going to the office but the sign keeps nagging me nagging me keeps I can't get it out of my head so I decide I'm going to turn around and go back to the warehouse sale making my way between the buildings I find a small building where the sale is located when I walk in and the first thing I hear is the female store clerk shouting out there are no guy things in here and as I look around I find that's really true and sadly true the entire warehouse is full of beads and bells and jewelry from India not exactly the guy kind of thing you'd be looking for I start to leave when the store clerk makes her way over to me and we talked for a moment and I tell her I've been to India many times and it just returned a month or so ago I was the only customer and you're almost like God ordained it that way and a little way into our conversation another Turk joins us and as we continue talking the clerk asked me something that really really stuns me one court looks at me and says are you an angel an angel I said no just ask my wife she'll tell you I'm not an angel but why did you ask that and she and the other store clerk I looked at them and they were fighting back tears and the clerk replies because I feel so safe and peaceful talking with you I feel like I've known you my entire life the conversation went on for a little while and the two clerks had to leave as more people came in for the sale but as I left they were asking me to please come back as they had so much to ask me about God why was I moved to turn around and go back to that sale truth is I wasn't there for the sale god never intended that to be my focus I was there to influence to store clerks who were very discouraged Christians and to bring peace into their life you might be asking how can that well it happened in the Bible Jesus said in John 14:27 my peace I leave with you notice I leave with you my peace I give to you he also said to matthew 10:13 when you go into a house and you find the household is worthy let your peace come upon it but if it's not where they let your peace return to you you see for you to be able to leave peace at a house or take peace with you when you leave peace must be transferable or is peace even more strange than that remember I mentioned earlier that there were two types of peace peace with God and peace from God first comes peace with God and as a result of that you have peace that comes from God peace from guy comes through relationship you build a relationship with him and with relationship comes authority and it's authority that commands the waves of the storms and our life to calm down it's authority that commands fear and chaos and anarchy to leave and tranquility to come authority is not so much a thing you do Authority is something you walk in when you walk into a house you were to use that authority to bring Shalom peace and if the household comes into agreement with you and we agreement with Jesus and relationship with you you are to leave the house full of Shalom because you carry Authority from God the kingdom of God works through relationship mankind with God and mankind with each other their guide commands a blessing and that blessing is Authority and that authority brings peace have you ever found yourself longing to be more like the champions and heroes of the Bible the power and authority package will teach you what God requires to be one of his champions learn the six traits that separate the great from the average come to a place where your sufficiency is in God and not yourself remember the first battle starts with in know the difference between power and authority get free from mental strongholds God is looking for you to become a champion he wants to war on your behalf for your gift of $40 or more to the ministry we would like to send you the power and authority package including six signs of a rising warrior recapturing your spiritual Authority strongholds and power and authority to order the power and authority package visit dreams and mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five when you walk in authority anything that tries to oppose what God is wanting to do through you is in opposing God's purposes on earth when you recognize this it's here you can command that opposition to leave fear chaos and Anarchy are the top three opponents to God's purposes and evil will try to use them to stop you the prophet Isaiah wrote that God will keep you in perfect peace if your mind is stayed on God because you trust in God the peace of God is peace that passes all understanding because it's not the peace the world defines as peace is peace that comes through relationship with God and the resulting trust you build in him through that relationship Jesus told us this when he said peace I leave with you my peace I give to you not as the world gives do I give to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid Jesus was saying do not allow the world to define peace they have no clue they don't understand what true peace is all about do not let chaos rule you do not let fear rule you do not let a narky rule you the peace I give to you the peace Jesus gives to you removes them all no other religion can make you this promise no other religion offers you a deep personal intimate relationship with God relationship with God is a give-and-take relationship you give your confusion to God he gives you peace to end that confusion you place your life in God's hands and he places Authority in your hands you give your life to God and he gives everlasting life to you is it any wonder that we are told to live peaceably with all men and not stir up strife perhaps you now know better what the Bible tells us that we're to pray for the Peace of the city in which we live for in its peace you will have peace even more so why are we to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem because in its peace we'll have peace in praying those prayers we are praying for the removal of fear chaos and anarchy in Jerusalem or in any other city were praying for we're asking God for the removal of chaos and Anarchy in the land as well as anything else that stands against his purposes in that land to be removed yes peace is interior to you but as your relationship with the father grows it reaches beyond you to touch everything you come near including store clerks friends at work and family members this is why the Holy Spirit is called the spirit of peace because he comes to remove fear chaos and anarchy as you understand peace you'll begin to understand why Jesus and his sermon on the Beatitudes said blessed are the peacemakers but they shall be called the sons of God there is no higher relationship with the father than to be called a son a son who changes the lives of those you meet because the Holy Spirit working through you removes the fear chaos and Anarchy from them that son is blessed by his father there is no greater blessing than the father's blessing the father's blessing is a reality but it's also a mystery but that is a mystery for another time you you
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 115,264
Rating: 4.9227881 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Dreams & Mysteries, daystar, dream interpretation, Christianity, spirituality, dreams, Streams Ministries, peace, shalom, dreams and mysteries, scripture, The Bible (Religious Text), Dream (Taxonomy Subject)
Id: IusuFa796Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 13 2014
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