Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Israel

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is dreams and mysteries for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him may have everlasting life God created the whole world he loves the whole world but there are certain parts of his creation that he loves more than others when he formed the earth and filled it with life he looked at his accomplishment and said it was very good part of that creation was a garden a particular garden that was East of Eden watered by a river he said Adam and Eve in that garden and told them to make the whole world look like that garden all of creation was very good but there was something about that place that God wanted to spread that he wanted other things to take their pattern from there are still people in places that God sets special affection on he chooses some places and he chooses some people to place special grace on so that they can be a forerunner of his desire for other places and other people he loves all but he chooses some one of those places is the land of Israel and one of those groups of the Hebrew people Israel the children of Abraham we're gonna take a journey today we're going to explore history in a special place to find a mystery one that Paul said was hidden from ages past to be revealed in these last days come along let's explore the mystery of Israel I think we'll find some surprising insights [Music] it started with a man a man like many others but unique as well living in the midst of people full of confusion violence and ambition and searching for illicit spiritual power he had a different spirit he still loved the Creator that his forefathers had known was friends family and culture were fashioning idols he pursued God God notice something different about it he spoke to him and this wasn't a new thing but the response was God invited Abram to leave all he knew and to go someplace that he didn't and who knows how many others had been invited to the same thing but Abram obeyed he packed up his family all his possessions and he started moving one day as he was going about life God told him to stop look around everything that he could see was going to be his in his descendants the land that he was standing on was a permanent possession of Abraham he let him know that his descendants would spend 400 years in another land subjected to slavery but the God would bring them out and give them this land true to his word Abraham's grandson Jacob took his family to Egypt trying to escape a famine that was ravishing their region his son Joseph had already went before them and overcame great difficulties risen to a place of authority shortly after Joseph dies the tide turns and the people that the Israelites had saved now forced them into slavery God chose Moses trained in government but exiled because of his temper now a shepherd in the back of the desert and calls to him through a burning bush to send him back to Egypt and set his people free God moved with amazing signs and wonders and brought the world power of the day to its knees the Egyptians begged Israel to leave recognizing that God had chosen them and he was fighting for them God's very presence was made visible in a pillar of cloud and fire as he led them through the wilderness to a mountain that he had chosen to meet with them and on that mountain heaven and earth touched Moses went up with 70 elders and ate a meal with God on the Sapphire Sea before the throne Moses received the commandments and the blueprint for a tabernacle a physical place where God would meet with men and God clearly told the Israelites that he had chosen them out of every nation to be a special people for himself they were his people but he also let them know that it wasn't about them he told Abraham that he was going to bless him so that he would be a blessing and he was going to bless all the nations through him you see God chooses certain people and certain places for a purpose he does something special in and through them using them as a forerunner one that goes before one that reveals a plan and becomes a blueprint for others to follow Israel was chosen to show the world what it looks like to live under God's favour with the intent that the the world would desire to have that same favor as the Israelites came into their land God moved miraculously to remove the other nations and make room for them to settle they built cities cultivated vineyards group produce and fought their own inclination to run from God and pursue other loves after a time they asked for a king and God gave them Saul anointed and powerful but with little character and in the midst of his reign God raised up David forming him through the pressures and the questions causing him to anchor his heart in worship and the presence of the Lord and at the right time God gave him the kingdom David becomes king and when Israel is fully established under his authority he reaches out to take a particular City Jerusalem see Jerusalem had caught his attention and so he conquered it and moved the center of worship from Shiloh to Jerusalem bringing the Ark of God the very presence of God into the city and starting 24-hour worship around the presence of God a place where worship intercession in prophetic expression flowed together into a single stream God loved that city he'd seen Abraham there centuries before to sacrifice Isaac it was a special place before David chose it Solomon arose as king and he fulfilled David's plan to build a temple a house for God a permanent dwelling place and at the consecration of that temple God promised that he was going to dwell there forever even when the people rebelled and were removed from the land if they would pray towards that place he would hear if they would repent and ask he would heal the land but people did rebelled they were removed from the land and they were heard when they prayed for restoration Daniel fulfilled this promise from Babylon where he was exiled he prayed towards Jerusalem every day and when he saw Jeremiah's prophecy in 70 years of Exile had been completed he repented for Israel's sins God heard and brought the people back into the land it was it is a special place this land the land of Israel has a unique place in God's heart and a specific purpose in God's plan this people the descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob are chosen by God but remember being chosen means that God is going to do something special that would be a promise of what is available to others what does this mean to you and I recently while I was traveling in Israel I visited some sites with prophetic significance and taught some important lessons about the prophetic gift and functioning in the anointing based on the lives of some of the biblical prophets it's only available to streams Media Plus subscribers visit streams ministries.com /media and subscribe today for $15 a month or 150 for a year you will receive access to prophets of the Holy Land conversations with Johnny Thomas how did he learn wisdom through drink through dream the dream lab or a sub focus you can kind of do either one with this and an archive with hundreds of videos from John Paul Jackson and other speakers you may said I will be your slave but God says now you're gonna be my friend this is a great resource designed to help you recognize how amazing our God is and propel you towards fulfilling your destiny there's one more piece of this story that's absolutely essential to understanding why this people and this land are special there's another major character in this divine drama he was introduced at the very beginning in the garden he was promised to Abraham through Samuel David and Moses were forerunners they each saw parts of the story all of the prophets mentioned him in some way when you read the story of Israel you can't escape him in the garden Eve was told that her descendant would bruise the head of the serpent Abraham was promised to seed someone I would come in his own bloodline that would be a Promised One even his son was a prophetic sign Isaac seemed to take forever to come after the potential of children was completely gone he finally was born he was taken up on a mountain and sacrificed in symbolically his father received him back from the dead Samuel spoke of one that would be marked by the Spirit of God that would stand in Council with the anointed priests and rule David spoke of one to come speaking of the suffering and death rise and rule but David's life was also an allegory of this Messiah anointed his destiny prophesied rejected by his own coming into a partial rule before all that had been promised came to pass he brought his people into a place of freedom and prosperity that's legendary one by one they all pointed towards one person even Israel's story itself was a promise about this Messiah born in obscurity sent to Egypt and brought back to Israel mighty signs and wonders a voice speaking from heaven identity and promise time in the wilderness followed by deliverance and fulfillment even the Exile and return spoke of a death and resurrection when God chooses a person a people or a land to put special affection on and do something special in and through it's not just about them to promise of what is to come or what is available to others Israel's story was pointing towards the ultimate Abraham that would leave his home and find the land of promise that would obey God and fulfill his purpose to birth a nation it was pointing towards the ultimate Isaac the son of promise that would bring joy to those that hear the sacrifice of faithfulness that wouldn't remain dead it was pointing towards the ultimate Jacob that was set up twelve men in a place of authority establishing new people of promise that would make it through exile the ultimate Shepherd that would lead his people to the place of rest and provision he was the ultimate Joseph that would be betrayed by his brothers and yet save them anyways it would forgive the unforgivable and provide a future in a life where there's only the promise of death that would hold on to a revelation of future authority even when treated as a slave and falsely used he was the ultimate Samuel that would change the priesthood an established righteousness in a nation he was the final David that was Shepherd as people come back from rejection and established true worship where everyone can access the presence of God he was the real Solomon that is the Prince of Peace that builds the temple that can truly house the presence of God the church and draws his people into rest through wise and loving leadership you get the idea the reason God chose Israel the people and the land is because of Jesus Jesus is the ultimate Jew the point of all creation the culmination of history and future the pattern for all believers the savior of the world it's all about Jesus [Music] I dreamed I found a room in my family's house that I had somehow never seen before [Music] in the room where objects I'd either forgotten about or a completely new to me [Music] there is art from around the world furniture musical instruments and more I realize there may be other things as well so I started looking around the house with my brother we found old toys and other unique things and unlikely places throughout the house in this dream God is showing the dreamer that he has put more inside of her than she has realized she will be in a season of discovering new gifts and talents and God will use her family to be an important part of this discovery [Music] decades of study and thousands of dream interpretations gave John Paul Jackson a unique perspective on understanding dreams God has concealed messages and the dreams we dream and as we search them out we learn more about his ways with the advanced dream kit you will begin to understand the 20 categories of dreams and what God accomplishes through each of them for your gift of $95 or more you will receive the 20 categories of dreams book John Paul's six CD set the essentials of dreams and visions the biblical model of dream interpretation 3 CD set moments with God dream journal and three study cards to help you grow in your interpretation ability order your advanced dream kit today visit dreams in mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five if Jesus is the fulfillment of all the promises the point of God choosing Abraham and blessing Israel isn't that all fulfilled and we can just move on forgetting the past it's over right no God does not choose someone or some group and then change his mind when answering this very question Paul says that the gifts and the callings of God are irrevocable they don't change he doesn't take them back God created the law a good gift given to Israel to show them and everyone else how impossible it is to be righteous Jesus came and fulfilled the law he was obedient in every place God gave the nations of the world Israel a good gift to show them and everyone else how impossible it is to be worthy of God's favour Jesus came and fulfilled Israel he was actually worthy of God's favor when God chose those things Israel and the law it was not to use them and then throw them away but that they would be witnesses forever of God's ways the law remains the sacrificial system is no longer needed because Jesus sacrifice was eternal it never ends and will never need to be repeated the governmental code is still a beautiful example of justice that's the foundation of most modern governments in the world if it was fulfilled it would provide true justice the moral law reveals the nature of God while it is no longer the path to God's favor it does reveal what a life touched by God's favor looks like we cannot try to be righteous so that we end up pleasing God but a life that has the Spirit of God in it will be righteous so also Israel is a gift given to the whole world a picture of God's favor when everyone else had given up on this little nation that had been dispersed around the world God remembered on a May 14th 1948 Israel was birthed again as a nation a language that had been lost was rebirth and Hebrew was spoken again a people that had lost their land their language their family was brought back because God does not forget his promise HUD told Abraham I would give your descendants this land forever he was a lot he knew everything that was going to happen in the coming ages he saw the trials and the persecutions and he spoke the intention of his heart as one who sees the end from the beginning the people are important to God the land is important to God does that mean that God gives Jews special treatment when it comes to salvation no this Jesus is the stone that was rejected by the builders and he has become the chief Cornerstone there's no other name that has been given to mankind by which we must be saved both Jews and Gentiles can only be saved by placing their faith on Jesus the promised Messiah but the Jews are special Paul compares them to the branches on an olive tree the nation of Israel is the tree Jesus is the root and the faith of Abraham is the way that this tree grows individual Jews if they do not believe in Jesus are like branches that get pruned to make room for growth individual Gentiles you and I are branches from a wild tree that get grafted in the only way to be on this tree is through faith in Jesus Jew or Gentile we've been brought into the promises given to Israel favor from God his presence in our midst his salvation and deliverance eternal life with him in his kingdom but we're not special or better than those that came before Paul even warns that if the natural branches were removed because of unbelief then the grafted end branches can be removed because of unbelief our faith is in Jesus not Israel but because we identify with the God who loves Israel we should - Paul goes on to say in another place that Gentile believers Oh a debt to we should be looking for ways to support Israel financially politically and evangelistically in Romans 11 Paul finishes his discussion of Jews with this promise if they're being removed from God's promises because of unbelief made room for us to come into life what will happen when they're all restored he promises that there will come a time when all Jews will return to true faith in their Messiah and that will be life from the dead may it be soon Lord we pray for you to come and reveal yourself to those that are searching for you you have revealed yourself to those that were not searching for you come and remove the veil that remains over the hearts of those that read Moses so that they can see you be grieved by their rejection of you and come to faith in the Messiah that they seek let me ask you have you come to faith in that Messiah do you know Jesus is is your whole hope built upon him because if it's built on anything else that hope will fail but if you make Jesus the foundation if you make Jesus the stone that you stand on you will be able to stand you will be able to stand through everything that comes now is a good time just ask is waiting is waiting for you prophetic ministry is a gift God gave to his church to help her grow into all he intended for her when prophetic ministry is mature this growth is evident there is a prophetic Reformation underway in the church join John E Thomas as he explores key ingredients to this Reformation for your gift of $25 or more to the ministry you'll receive this 3 CD set teaching maturing prophetic communities the prophetic in the fivefold Grace's and reasons God speaks to learn more about what God accomplishes as he speaks to and through us visit dreams and mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five to ask for your prophetic Reformation three CD set today [Music] the mystery of Israel a place a people of promise we've talked about the people and we've explored the promise there's much to be said about the place God said that this land was special to him that he put his eye upon it throughout the year he chose this place to take on flesh walk and minister die and be raised he said that he would come back and establish his throne here the Bible says that when Jesus returns to the earth and what many call his second coming he will place his feet on the Mount of Olives right outside Jerusalem the church the mystical body of Christ that he is forming throughout all of time and from every tribe and nation and tongue is called the New Jerusalem in some way he will rule from Jerusalem and it is promised in Zechariah that any nation - does not send people to the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem each year will not receive rain that year I know that there's much we don't understand but one thing is clear this land is important to God that is why there's so much contention over this small plot of ground when you look at the news and listen to what people are saying it is impossible to not believe in principalities and powers they have twisted so many people's sentiment against this nation what is normal for most is demonized for Israel what would be demonized for most is normalized for her enemies pray for Israel the Bible commands us to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem God spoke through the prophet Isaiah on your walls of Jerusalem I have set Watchmen all the day and all the night they shall never be silent you who put the Lord in remembrance take no rest and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise in the earth maybe you're one of those Watchmen called to cry out to God over this land over the city if so rise up maybe you're not you can still be apart find a way to speak truth which means that you will have to do some research and find out the truth visit this land if nothing else just to be able to walk where Jesus walked to see the hills and the lakes that he visited the cities that he ministered in it's life-changing find a way to give financially to Israel find a ministry that gives to the poor in Israel or ministers to the persecuted Church in Israel not exclusively but as a part of your giving and as you read your Bible again notice the way that God speaks about this land and this people and allow your heart to come into sync with his god bless Israel [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 11,153
Rating: 4.8931298 out of 5
Keywords: Streams Ministries, John E Thomas, Israel, Zion, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Jesus, Christian, Jew, Gentile, dream, dream interpretation, Bible, Dreams and Mysteries, room dream
Id: IeIM3X_yhg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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