Dream Elements - Clothes

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[Music] we are often asked what different elements might mean and dreams and one that we're asked about a lot is clothes the clothes that you're wearing what do clothes represent and dreams now we know from revelation it says that that the garments that people wore were the righteous acts of the saints so it's the things that they were doing it's their their acts of righteousness now the righteousness had to do with the fact that they were white garments but the clothes were the acts and so clothes represents something that you're doing maybe a gifting that you have or an ability that you have something that you're you have to be able that you interact with the world around you in and so the type of clothes are important let's say you're just wearing your normal clothes now I wear blue jeans 90% of the time so if I'm wearing blue jeans I don't pay much attention to the fact where I'm blaring wearing blue jeans that that's pretty normal but if I was wearing shorts I would pay attention to that because I almost never wear shorts shorts for me because I don't wear them would see would say that something has been exposed that could be a good thing could be a bad thing it could be saying that something is cut off that's only partially fulfilled that I'm not walking in all of what I'm called to be walking in or it could just be saying that I'm just in a real comfortable place so you want to pay attention to those little nuances the color of clothing is very important so if you have clothing now again that like I said I wear blue jeans all the time so if I wear blue jeans I'm not gonna think much about the fact that they're blue but if I was wearing jeans that were red I never wear red jeans I don't think I've ever worn red pants in my whole life now that I would pay attention to that has meaning one of the other things that you pay attention you let's say that you're wearing the clothes of another culture that could be talking about being called to that culture that there's something that you're supposed to do maybe it's prayer maybe it's a ministry trip maybe you're supposed to go there be involved in some way or so into that culture in some way so if you find yourself and in another cultures clothing you want to pay attention to that as well so hopefully that's helpful close an interesting dream element [Music] you
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 10,565
Rating: 4.9478827 out of 5
Id: bBnqLyGaX-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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