We're Interpreting Your Dreams Live

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live you may not have ever seen that it's like it never happened that is the the beauty in one of the interesting things about videos you can cut them and and take out things that you didn't intend to have in there i hope everybody's doing well we are going to be doing some dream interpretation today i am looking forward to i always love doing dream interpretation it is fun seeing dreams when they come up uh we're gonna start that in just a few minutes as people are getting on so if you are on just go ahead and let us know where you're at where you're coming from we'll be able to see that i want to give some some people some shout outs and say hello before we get jumping into it and then once we start our dream interpretation how this is going to work is we're on our youtube channel so if you're on one of the facebook channels one of the facebook pages or groups that this is going live on and you would like to submit a dream to be looked at make sure you go to the youtube channel to be able to do that so we're watching the comments on the youtube channel that's where we'll be able to see those as you put those in we'll be able to take a look at those and we'll just catch dreams as they come in so it's going to be somewhat random and it just depends on the timing of when the dream gets put in and when we're looking for a dream and we'll get to as many as we can we we know that a lot of dreams get put on and we are in the process of of trying to develop and train people to be able to interpret dreams so there's just more and more people doing this one of the really fun things that we have coming up here at streams this year we haven't done this for over 10 years we're going to be doing dream interns dream interns so we're you'll get some more information about that in the next month or two but we're going to have a a week or maybe a couple weeks we'll start with one and see how many people are interested where people can come spend a week here in the offices you can spend some time in the prayer room you'll be able to hang out with the staff at lunch time and we have a room that we've set up for interns where you can plug in your computer and we will have dreams that you can practice on some of the dreams that you guys are putting in on the lives will be giving to some of those interns and we will have people that will be available to give you feedback so you get to work through the dream and then once you've worked through the dream and you've got a basic interpretation then you you talk with somebody and they will look at it with you give you some pointers on maybe some pieces that you could have added maybe some understandings helping you see where you nailed it and helping you to see where you can get a little bit better and it is an astounding way to grow and improve your capacity to interpret dreams so i am really really excited about that we'll probably be doing that in the summer time and like i said we'll be getting some information out we're not quite ready to open up the registration yet but we will be doing that and we'll we'll have some people help and then we'll have some time during that time where we'll sit down i will sit down with whoever's there and we'll be able to kind of talk through some dreams answer questions and and do some some personal mentoring some group mentoring with all the interns that come so it'll be a lot of fun looking forward to that we've got finland here we've got nottingham welcome glad that you're here amy koala was excited about dream internships coming back it's going to be so much fun i am i'm looking forward to that we used to do we used to do those every day in the offices when we were up in new hampshire the staff would just get together not everybody that was on staff but a number of us and we would bring our lunches and we would just talk about dreams during the whole lunch time sometimes lunch times went a little bit long but we had some great discussions and some beautiful times where god just decided to show up in the middle of of talking and and did some some wonderful things so so as you guys are coming on just let us know where you're at where you're where you're going where you're coming from and here in a few minutes we'll we'll start to interpret some of the dreams as you guys put them in if you're new to streams ministries channel and this is the first of our lives that you've been able to watch or one of the first uh lives that you've been able to watch welcome we're really glad that you're with us looks like we've got somebody from germany here we got maryland and we we are doing this on a weekly basis we will either do dream interpretation or we'll do teaching we we try to put out a bunch of material to help you grow help you to understand god's voice and recognize god's voice grow in your capacity to walk in the spirit and understand the things of the spirit so if you want to grow more make sure that you subscribe to the channel because we will be putting out information on a regular basis and if you tell youtube that you want notifications it will let you know whenever we're going live so that you're aware and you get to know immediately like we've said before if you have our app that's available on all the app stores we will generally put out a notification that that we're going live i know we did not do that today so for those of you that see this a little bit later we apologize um but that is that is something that we try to do we want to make sure that the information that we have is available to as many people as possible so share the links share about our channel let people know about it we we need a group of people we need a community of people that are growing in our capacity to hear and understand his voice so that we can represent him well because the world is in desperate need of hope in desperate need of the truth that only god has and we want to be ones that help to get that out there and make it available to people awesome we've got indiana somebody asked if you can post your dreams here yes we're going to be starting dream interpretation here in about a minute to two minutes let's see we've got texas welcome jessica we've got new zealand amazing love new zealand i've got a friend there in new zealand up in the auckland area that heads up our training center in new zealand cherie she's actually doing a satellite location for our streams academy so that's happening every month we do a weekend it's either teaching or it's q a and mentoring with a guest speaker and she's doing one there in the auckland area so if you're interested in that check out streams training center new zealand and sheri trent is amazing she'd be happy to to to help you out and and provide great training she does the she teaches the streams courses she teaches art of hearing god understanding dreams and visions let's see we've got south africa good evening glad you could make it on it's got to be almost uh almost 10 o'clock over there in south africa isn't it nine or ten we've got georgia we've got texas spokane washington get australia welcome glad to have you on north carolina riverside california um stockton california i just found out that i'm going to be going to california in the end of april i'm going to be i think it's the 23rd through the 25th i'm going to be down in san diego with jeremy nelson doing some meetings there take a look at jeremy nelson's website it's i always forget his elisha revolution but he he has got some some great stuff going on he's actually he's the one that turned us on to the whole idea of the app that we've been using he uses the same company that we use and he's got a lot of great material that's available on his app as well but if you're going to be in california and you want to come we're going to be doing a conference it'll be me and jeremy and miranda and we're going to have a lot of fun we're doing an encounters conference it'll all it'll be all about encounters with the lord and encountering his presence all right so we've got the link there for for jeremy's website let's see let's let's take a look at a couple of these dreams ontario canada is in the house um so we've got nikita so nikita you said i dreamt of finding twenty two dollars in my pocket a ten dollar bill and a twelve dollar bill what does this mean well one of the things about dream interpretation you always want to look at especially things that are out of the ordinary they generally have more more meaning and so a twelve dollar bill being as there is no twelve dollar bill it's important that it's a 12 bill not just that it's 22. so the 22 is important but the fact that it's a 10 and a 12 is more important if it was just two tens and two ones it wouldn't necessarily be as essential but being a 10 and a 12 there's something that's key there so 10 a lot of times we'll talk about pastoral it'll talk about the journey talk about the wilderness season but also the presence of the lord in the midst of dry seasons 12 often represents the government of god there were 12 tribes in israel there were 12 apostles so it can represent apostolic anointing it can talk about the government of god and and i think what this is saying again the thing the idea of it being money money represents favor so there's favor from god so there's favor that you have from god you you've been through a dry season and you're coming into a season where where the government of god and your understanding of kingdom authority in your use of kingdom authority is increasing the other thing about 22 is that it's it's an increase it's it's the idea of multiplication or something doubling so there's an increase so there's that's why i said that it would be your understanding of authority is going to be increasing that's fun roxanna martinez says that a blue snake is false revelation yes that is most likely the the case uh valerie bowman you said there was a cavern system under my business building it had icy blue crystals and beautiful dan and i explored it there was also a town party where people were smoking weed and talking about my cavern so you have it's about your business so this is related to your business but this is something that's underneath a cavern um is a cave it could be a secret place could be a hiding place but david went and hid in the caves it was kind of he actually one of the i was just reading in sec in first samuel yeah first samuel i'm not quite the second samuel where it's talking about david hiding from saul and and it says it was his hiding place i actually i was curious if that's part of the inspiration for psalm 91 that he hides me in a secret place and for that's a whole nother issue but cavern system something that's underground something that's not visible but it's there it's naturally there it's not man-made but it's just naturally there these icy blue crystals ice can represent about something being preserved that it's frozen so it's going to stay blue crystals the the idea crystal crystals will grow in the ground they're you know the stones crystals again it's naturally occurring it's not man-made it's something that's actually comes out of the environment comes out of the ground that you're being built on and there's something that's expansive something beautiful that god has built right into your business and it's affecting the region you're in where even people that are not after the things of the spirit are recognizing that there's something special about it you've got the people speaking smoking weed but they're talking about your caverns so the even people that aren't necessarily going after god they're looking for a false expression of the holy spirit they're finding they're talking about what god has done what god has released in and through your business so that that's an encouragement for for your business for you and your husband that's that's wonderful jazz menoza i was standing outside the window and then a rainbow appeared on the sky then two hands in a prayer position appeared below the rainbow and several small rainbows appeared after that so a rainbow is a sign of god's covenant of mercy towards mankind and prayer the two hands would represent the place of prayer and so god is releasing a revelation of his covenant with you and that that's going to cause prayer to be birthed and as prayer is being birthed you're going to start to see the realization of the fulfillment of the smaller promises that he's also made the ultimate promise being your you're being chosen as his being in jesus having that relationship with him and as that revelation is god makes that revelation real you're looking through windows you're getting a vision of that the as that increases your life of prayer is going to increase which is going to lead you into the fulfillment of smaller promises the little rainbows that appear after that edith eda dear john i love the show but we really need a better way of submitting dreams for interpretation the current mode is like a gamble i i understand i i know it is and part of the problem is capacity we we only have so much capacity and if we we we've done this in different places different times where we've just opened up and hey send us dreams and we will have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dreams and we never get to them uh it it's also a gamble but then it becomes us kind of looking through the dreams and see which ones catches our attention rather than which one happens to come up so i i i felt like doing it this way it leaves it a little bit more in god's hands and we're working towards really equipping people to interpret dreams like i mentioned the dream internship that we're going to be doing later this year as we continue to grow that as we're able to to increase that we're going to have dream interpreters that are going to be able to help and hopefully we'll we'll start to be able to do more of these dreams even the ones that are put in that we're not able to get to if you've been trained by streams in in dream interpretation let's say you've taken the understanding dreams and visions course the advanced workshop and dreams and visions course or our dream interpretation intensive and you want to to practice interpreting dreams feel free to put in comments to to the dreams that are here like we had somebody commenting about about a dream with a blue snake and what that might mean put in your comments people people will still discern and they'll look and and if you give them the interpretation that god is saying they're going to respond and they'll recognize that and it's a great way to practice so i encourage you if you can to practice some dream interpretation i'm getting a little bit of a hair in my throat and i wanted to get rid of it before it caused me to to cough later so i needed to drink water okay so back to the the gamble let's see roxanna roxanna martinez i had a dream of seeing a blue snake with light blue i was kind of scared of it thinking it was going to bite me i looked closely it was blind didn't do anything to me i put it on a shelf with many other snakes okay so usually snakes are representing deception it says that um the serpent the devil was the father of lies and so the original serpent representing deception representing lies that is a con a pretty consistent theme that we can see in scripture so usually when you see a snake it's representing some type of a lie the color has some meaning when it's dark blue that rich deep blue it'll often talk about revelation but light blue usually talks about the will so we talk about the the different colors of the spirit and the colors of the soul in john paul's teaching cd called a biblical model for dream interpretation one of the cds he talks about what colors are for the soul what colors are for the spirit and and in there we we talk about how cyan which is that kind of that light blue color represents the will so it's something that that somebody wants it's a desire it's it's something that that is of the will and so this deception is related to desire but you you're you're afraid it's going to cause you harm but you realize that it's not actually causing you harm but instead of getting rid of it you put it on a shelf you actually put it on display um i'm just i'm i'm just thinking about this real quick because i want to be careful how i how i communicate i don't want to assume anything and try to figure something out just from logic or just from what makes sense i want to be i want to make sure that if i'm saying it as part of the dream that it's actually part of the dream that's really key and dream interpretation that you can have advice and you can have thoughts but make sure you separate that from the dream interpretation the dream interpretation is the dream interpretation so dream interpretation you're seeing that there's a deceptions related it's actually affecting what you want you're afraid that it's going to cause you pain but you realize it's actually not causing you pain and instead of removing it you actually hold on to it so this in its uh with other snakes this dream is revealing that there's been a number of deceptions that that they haven't hurt you and so you've been okay with that deception and so it's an invitation and this is now advice it's an invitation to ask god to show you what those things are uh because snakes deceptions they're not something that you put on a shelf and you hold on to there's something that you get rid of something that you kill we're supposed to bruise the head crush the head of the snake and that that's the role that we have been given so let's see nakisha francois i'm outside the grocery dad gives me a white plastic bag with dead cow freshly killed i can see the blood through the bag i'm uncomfortable i'm on a bus later and i have a weed the police is searching for people so cow um it's interesting you say cow and not beef because you know if you say beef that sounds okay yeah and you say cow that's like oh that's really gross but it seems like in the dream that was your feeling in your sense ew this is this is really not good so this cow um i mean cow can represent provision it can represent change uh we we think about provision we got the the dream that the pharaoh had about the seven cows the skinny and then the fat and that was talking about food that was talking about sustenance i was talking about provision so that's why we say that that a cow can represent provision can represent what we what we eat um but seeing the blood through the bag we we have clearly in scripture it says not to eat the blood with the meat and so when there's blood in it there's something that's unholy something that it's not been dealt with correctly so it's not a good thing so there's been provision that's come from a leader your dad would represent a leader someone that's in authority there's provision and it's packaged as if it was righteous but you're recognizing that that it's not good and the other thing with meat is it can be teaching so this could be spiritual provision or spiritual food and recognizing the the blood which is is not something you're supposed to partake of and you're you're having discernment on this um so that that's the first part second part you're on a bus and and you have weed and the police are searching for people so weed is a counterfeit for the holy spirit the the idea of getting high getting drunk getting high it's a counterfeit for something that only the holy spirit is supposed to do for us so usually in dreams smoking whether it be cigarettes weed those kinds of things drugs are a counterfeit for holy spirit something that we go to instead of him and then the police would represent the law what's right and what's wrong could represent justice and so you're recognizing that you've taken on some practices that that are not right and and you're seeing that there's there's a justice that's coming to those issues now you put those two things together you've been given something by people that were supposed to be in leadership that looked like it was me it looked like it was packaged but it actually was unclean and it was not the way that god would have it given it's not according to god's ways and you're realizing that it's actually false in as the justice of god is coming that that is going to be exposed and revealed so this is an invitation to recognize that so you can turn away from those things begin to ask god what what are the things that that have been presented as meat has been presented as the deep things of the spirit but actually we're not healthy we're not good we're not in accordance with god's ways um and and how can you remove those things because the justice of god is coming all right let's see we got arkansas welcome glad to have you on here linda i dreamt that i was sleeping and being woken up this is a kill kill wake or kill walkie um and i was dreamt that i was sleeping and being woken up by kitten noises i wake up to find them in my pants it's like i gave birth to them i'm currently pregnant i do not own cats hmm okay cats like any animal there can be good or bad positive or negative um positive i mean their pet something that you love something you care for something that you you take care of uh to the negative they're very independent they want what they want they do things their own way and um they can represent sometimes they represent the will the human will just like independent spirit i'm gonna do things my own way and hmm i i'm i was starting to go in a direction and i just didn't feel the yes of the holy spirit on it so i'm just i'm taking a second just to pray and and kind of think through this just a little bit more and allow holy spirit to breathe on the the thought process because i want to be careful in in how i communicate and that that's really helpful for for you guys that interpret dreams be able to catch that learn how to recognize when you're not feeling that breath of the spirit on something the yes the the that discernment that comes from the spirit it can make all the sense in the world and and it can fit every dream dictionary that you've ever seen but it might be wrong and you you need to have that revelation you need to have that yes and you need to have that that sensitivity to his presence and his voice that you'd be able to just stop and catch that and as you develop that it's going to help you in so many areas of your life it'll help you in conversations you'll you'll not say things that you shouldn't say because you'll feel that presence just begin to lift a little bit it's like oh wait a second he doesn't agree with that i don't want to go down that direction on decisions that you're making and things that you're doing it's so helpful it's part of being led by the spirit so um you know the the sense that i get from these kittens is not the independence not the will it it's just that sense of of something that's so cute but they're they're also very defenseless i mean kittens are very vulnerable but they're they're very adorable and they need to be taken care of and um that there's just there's something about it it almost feels like to me and and i'd love for your uh to tell me whether or not this is accurate or not uh linda so put this in the comments when you when you hear this uh we'll try to catch it if we can but i i would love to find out what you think about kittens like when you think about kittens like oh they're so cute i want a kitten i don't have any i don't have cats but like or i like kittens but i'm not sure i like cats like that kind of thing like because it what it really feels like is just something that is gonna touch your heart that god is gonna let you burst something it's not just this pregnancy that you have but there's something of a tenderness that god is birthing in you and birthing through you uh to be able to care for the vulnerable and and yeah you're gonna be your birth if you're pregnant you're birthing a child but it's more than that it's not just that there's something deeper that god is talking about your your children are not the kittens but this is something deeper that god's doing in your heart and and giving you this this compassion for something that's just it stirs a part of your heart um yeah all right so let me know whether or not that fits mandy mandy you uh i was swimming deep in the ocean able to breathe underwater large sea creatures like whales were swimming above me this is awesome it's just saying you have the capacity to go deep in the things of the spirit and god's going to be showing you things that are there whales sea creatures can talk about deep spiritual things could talk about moves of god or ministries and so you're going to be going deep in the things of the spirit and god's going to be showing you you're able to stay in that environment nick cole you said john paul jackson was teaching a class i was telling him about a dream of my dead uncle visiting from heaven john paul said dreaming of a person that is dead can mean a few things i don't know if this is a dream or if this is a comment that is very true that's one of the things we teach there's a lot of different things that a dead person can represent and so there must be something in that if that because i just noticed that you put that in again so it must not have been just a natural thing that happened and you're just sharing a memory there's some type of a dream there's something about understanding what he taught about dead people coming in dreams that's going to be key to something that you need to know so i i would start looking for that i i i'm pretty sure that we've got a dream a pedia on here one of the dreamapedias that he did on dead people i know i did a dream elements video on people and dreams and what that might mean that is can be very helpful so take a look at those and see what god speaks to you but there's something there that you need to learn because you're in a class hearing about this linda is asking what does a zombie apocalypse mean been dreaming this for months zombies are always trying to get into the church and i'm usually the only person that can see what's really happening so here's something that's interesting about zombies zombies are they're dead flesh but they're pretending to be alive they're moving around as if they were alive and they're completely driven by their appetites they're completely driven by their appetite for flesh so they're they're people that are not born again they're they're dead or or they're born again but their their spirits are asleep and they're just being driven by their appetites and so this is a intercession dream where god is calling you to pray for those that have some semblance of life that are not really alive that are just being driven by their appetites and specifically how that is affecting the church and trying to infiltrate the church that that will preach right there that is a really good word we need to hear that okay so um francis dickerson you said i was in a cafeteria talking to an ex he was crying hysterically and i began to cry also i went to get tissues and pulled out three five dollar bills to wipe my eyes so five dollar bills favor five would represent grace and and three of them is grace grace grace so there's there's an increase of grace and and god is going to give you grace to deal with the emotional difficulties from past relationships god is going to give you grace to deal with the emotional difficulties from past relationships so that is again that's an encouraging dream let's see s r s h i'm walking with an unseen pal in japan went in burger king and then in giant bk burger king next door and right up a very high escalator in a mall to a shop for dessert two americans came in i felt they were rowdy foreigners all right so you're you're with someone and you're in japan you go into a burger king um but then you go into a giant burger king not just normal burger king but a giant burger king and then you go up this escalator into a mall and two americans come in and you have the feeling of them being rowdy foreigners well the the fun that you you've got this contrast and you always look for for themes like how does this tie together well burger king is an american company right and and um the whole thing of two americans coming in and feeling like they're rowdy and so there's something that you've been feeding on that that comes from uh america american understanding american peace and specifically about the kingdom so it's probably some type of a teaching because usually food would represent some type of spiritual nourishment spiritual food and so you've been learning this and it's actually it's it's its increase so you were you were at one point it was one level but it's really gone up and that's actually caused an increase in your capacity and you've found yourself in a place where you can see a lot of different possibilities mull there's a lot of things in one place you can see a lot of different possibilities of what this might look like but you're also realizing that the this influence the american influence the american mentality that just that rowdy foreigner and you're seeing that and how that's affected this part of your spiritual life so i hope that that makes sense i let me let me see if i can say it a little bit more concisely you've been learning and growing in things of the kingdom and and your your capacity and what you've learned has increased significantly through that you have grown you've actually increased you've gone up an escalator and you're seeing many possibilities in the church many things but you're also being bothered or recognizing how that american influence there's good and there's bad this annoying if you will like the rowdy foreigner is more of kind of the annoying side of american culture um and and for those of you that are americans that are traveled or those of you that aren't americans you know exactly what i'm talking about those of you that are americans are not quite sure why that would be a negative but that's just proof that we're american because i i know because i've had lots of conversations with foreigners um it is is a very classic way that people see us in a perspective and say that so that that's actually it's a fun dream it's it's helping you to recognize that and see that okay so tg chuck pierce is in the lobby of a building i work at doing worship communion service but saw people outside sitting like in a church and ask a girl why they're outside when the service is inside and she said that she didn't know so chuck pierce would represent prophetic would represent um the things the lord the deeper things the spirit he's uh you know he's a teacher prophetic uh personality and so there's there's prophetic things that are going that's funny siri decides to answer me because i had said something close to her name she didn't understand me which is the whole point of the dream um but you know there's stuff that's available and there's prophetic things that are available but there are a lot of people that just don't even know that it's available and they're sitting outside and they're not partaking of what god has made available so that is it's a it's a call to prayer but it's also called to recognize that situation um pablo emilio pablo you said i'm seeing a big 3d crystal sign that reads begin next i'm seeing from a distance a city i'm with a friend don't know what city it is the sign is there excuse me also a crystal or glass airplane shaped building so huge begin and then seeing this city hebrews chapter 11 talks about how the faith that pleases god is this expectation of god's reward in what's available and and connects it to to the the faith of the fathers of our faith so abraham isaac jacob moses the different ones that we would consider the heroes that their faith was an expectation of a city that was not made by hands that it was made by god you're seeing that you have started on this journey there have been clear signs from god that you're starting on a journey and that journey is a journey of faith into a fuller experience of the kingdom of god and one of the things that's going to lead you to this huge glass building that it is shaped like an airplane an airplane is something that gets you to your destiny so it's something that's going to get you to your destination but it's going to be it's going to be clear it's going to be transparent it's there's nothing hidden there's nothing underneath there's no hidden motives there's clear and there's transparency to that which is a very good thing okay let's see we've got nimmy nimmy serrano i would go to the governor's property to use the bathroom out in the dark when relieving myself i would appear in a big fancy white back bathroom with worship music playing in the background so god's been calling you into a level of of cleansing and specifically cleansing with having to do with issues with authority and as you allow those issues of authority to be dealt with to come out of you as you're relieving yourself you're going to find yourself in a much better place a much cleaner place and the atmosphere of heaven that you've been looking for is going to be surrounding you worship music that's there all right angela harris oops it just disappeared oh there it is it all of a sudden jumped like 10 10 uh comments down so i was on my way to a movie premiere and james gall and john paul jackson were in a white ballroom and we all danced so a movie premiere has to do with being shown something being shown vision you got james call james gall and john paul you they're both seers so that repeats that seeing something there there's a seer calling a seer gift that you're being brought into and it is going to be a beautiful fun experience the idea of a ball where you're dancing so it's going to be following the rhythms of the spirit as you step into this that is that is really cool well hey guys we are we're we're getting towards the end i'm gonna do probably one or two more but i just i want to invite you guys if you haven't already looked at streamstraining.com i'd love to invite you to be part of our streams academy we want to equip you guys to be able to understand the voice of god be able to to go deeper in the prophetic be able to understand dreams and visions and we've been doing that through this academy it's been very very helpful this particular module that you can take the modules in whatever order that you want to the one that we're starting this weekend it's actually starting on friday is going to be on module 2 on new creation realities we're going to be talking about the soul and the spirit understanding how to walk in the spirit how to understand our union with christ what that means and looking at some of the implications of that and as you understand more of what it means to be like peter said a partaker of the divine nature or as paul said being one spirit with god that there's so much more to that than what we've recognized and we're gonna we're gonna take a look at what that means and why creation is longing and groaning for us to come into the fullness of who we are it's gonna be a lot of fun you're gonna learn some new things and and when you register you get the teaching weekend which is this weekend as well as the mentoring weekend which is going to be in in april is it 13th 14th it's it's right in there it's a friday saturday in april when we're going to have bonnie shavda with us and it's going to be a lot of fun so make sure go to streamstreaming.com register for you can take it virtually or you can be here in person so wherever you may be in the world we would love to have you join us we're going to have a lot of fun let's take a look at one or two more we've i left it at the bottom and i just keep on seeing all these comments going through so i'm going to grab the last one that just came on now so miss b i was looking out of a window and i saw a massive truck with an envelope with my name on it i looked closer and saw three sets of asphalt in seven groups three sets of asphalt in seven groups all right so an envelope has to do with a message something being communicated your name being written on it that god has got a message for you there's something that's being delivered and um you know it's a massive truck so it's it's not a little thing it's a big thing so this is a calling and there's three sets of asphalt in seven groups if you've been watching any of the tabernacle shorts that we've been putting up you've seen some of the stuff about three and seven this is a consistent number when it relates to god because you've got three rooms in the tabernacle you've got the three parts of humanity spirit soul body you've got the three parts of god parts is not the right word but the three persons who are god father son holy spirit there's just so many that this relates to and then you have the seven which the seven spirits of god which is the seven-fold spirit of god um you you have the the the seven pieces of furniture and the tabernacle and all that relates to so there's there's a lot that's here basically simply what this dream is saying is there's a huge spiritual call on your life and it's bigger than what you think and that is a call to walk in the spirit and begin to recognize and understand the patterns of god as he really as he leads you into the perfect place for you so that is fun uh i know like we we said earlier from the comment that it's a little bit of a gamble which dreams that we get to and matt i can't wait till we get to the point where we have enough people trained up that we're able to interpret a lot more of these dreams keep on getting trained let us help you learn how to interpret dreams it's going to help you because you're going to learn but you're going to be able to help so many other people there is such a hunger for true dream interpretation there's so much out there that is so wrong and misguided and and we we've been given something in scripture that tells us the way that god communicates and we can understand that we want to help you guys learn that's why we do what we do that's why so many of the resources that are available are available that's why we have the online courses that's why we do these videos we want to help you grow so that you can understand what god's saying to you but you can also help others understand what god is saying to them so make sure that you you take a look if you're not coming to streams academy look at our classroom see the courses that are available grow in your understanding and we'll see you next week when we do another live bless you guys and i know i just hit stop and it's going to be about a minute before it actually stops
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 4,703
Rating: 4.9056602 out of 5
Id: nA2aoGyYNk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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