When the Soul Speaks

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so i think it's 11 29 but you think it's 11 30 because there's a delay in the video i hope everybody is doing well i hope that you're having a good time um we're actually sitting at my desk today instead of in one of the other places in our offices thought it would be fun this is my little setup that a lot of times i will do for zoom meetings and i've got a i've got a fun zoom meeting later on today i'm going to be meeting with with our friends in hong kong i was supposed to be there at the end of this month and into the first week of october but because of everything going on they've got a two-week quarantine and they are not releasing any visas so i had to cancel my trip to hong kong i am really sad because i love one i love the people there but i love that city it's such a such a fun city such a fun place to be if you ever get an opportunity to go to hong kong you definitely want to do it it is beautiful but we've been going for a number of years and working with international christian assembly there in hong kong and their supernatural school that they've got going lindy heads that up and it's such an amazing um school i was trying to think of another word because i just said school but i'll just leave it there it's really an amazing program that they've got there in discipling people and taking them deeper into the things of the spirit and understanding that so it's exciting well let me see i now have a video and i'm gonna make sure that i'm not having any sound hey there i can hear myself okay there it goes finally got rid of the sound maybe you guys were hearing a little bit of an echo there for a second well somebody says good afternoon good afternoon back we've got new mexico we've got finland back amanda looking forward to seeing you guys in a couple days i'm gonna be in lafayette louisiana if you're anywhere near louisiana i'll be there for a sunday service we've got a really special time planned looking forward to that has the time slot changed wednesdays we've we've generally done wednesdays last week we did tuesdays as an exception i wasn't going to be able to do it on a wednesday we try to do it on wednesdays when we can so when we can't we will try to let people know ahead of time just so that you can plan for it but the goal is to do it on wednesdays and it's usually about noon but i actually i've got some another meeting that's going to be starting at one o'clock and i didn't want to end up running late on this or having to leave too terribly early and so we moved it to 11 30 to be able to to make sure that i'm i'm gonna be finished up and and ready to go let's say we've got north carolina we've got indiana you've got your coffee and i have mine welcome glad to have you hey fun enough i'm going to be in indiana here in a couple weeks and i'll be up in goshen indiana the was it september 11th and 12th i think it is it's the friday night all day saturday i'll be doing sunday morning services i'll be at the movement church in goshen so if you're anywhere near come by and say hello we'd love to have you i'm going to be teaching on the tabernacle of moses doing that live we released that resource this year and i really felt like the lord said at the beginning of the year actually late last year that every chance that i got this year i was supposed to teach on the tabernacle of moses and so far literally every place that i've been allowed to to travel that hasn't been canceled for various reasons i've been teaching the tabernacle of moses and it has been really good god has been doing some amazing things i actually just got an email with a testimony from this last weekend i was in lubbock and i'm turning off the sound on my watch so that i'm not hearing dinging while i'm trying to talk i was in lubbock and we did impartation on saturday night and people were were really touched which is just beautiful i love that i love how god moves in astounding ways so let's see we've got pennsylvania we've got scotland we've got poland welcome glad to have you actually i have an email that i need to reply to from one of the churches in poland that is translating some of our resources into polish it's going to be releasing them so we're taking the art of hearing god and understanding dreams and visions course and some of the other teachings getting them translated into polish getting the the manuals translated and getting the videos over dubbed with polish um with polish voice and and language so that it can be released in poland so keep an eye out when that comes out we will obviously we'll be releasing it as well but it'll be released there in poland and we want to make sure we can get it into people's hands so that's going to be a great resource for you really working on getting these resources available in different languages so that they can be had around the world so we've got namibia we've got south africa we've got london uk um holly's holly's saying that she thought that the tabernacle of moses teaching was incredible wonderful so glad well i am i am excited about today i'm going to talk just a little bit about how to recognize when it's the soul that's speaking and not the spirit of god and then we're going to get into dream interpretation i don't want to take a lot of time i've i know i've taught on this in different ways in different places but just some of the things that are going on i thought it would be helpful as a reminder because we are in a time where discernment is so desperately needed here in the next week or so we're going to be putting out a blog on streams ministries website so you want to make sure that you keep an eye on it actually if you do not get our emails if you go to streamsministries.com you can sign up for our emails and we'll let you know when we put out new blogs when we have new resources and and the events that are going on we we don't send out a bunch of emails usually about one a month sometimes two a month that will send out just letting you know what's going on but it's a great way to make sure that you know when we post a new blog and that's available so that'll be coming out in about a week and it's called um when we cry wolf in the prophetic and and it's about something that i've noticed just in in watching what's going on in the airwaves since the beginning of this virus and and everything that's happened around the world since this started in march and early march and um just i i what i what i've been doing is just paying attention to the prophetic words i love the prophetic i love hearing the prophetic i love hearing what god has to say hearing different voices and different perspectives and so i pay attention to a variety of different things and and different people have sent me prophetic words hey what do you think about this do you think this is the lord so i've been looking at them and i've actually tracked them i've got transcripts from a couple different uh videos where people were prophesying and and looking at people's posts that they put up on social media in different places and i've noticed that a number of prophetic voices have prophesied things about this virus that were absolutely untrue prophesied when it was going to end and those dates have come and gone um prophesied that it was already over and this is like two weeks into this whole thing we've already hit the peak and it's just going to decline from from here on out that was untrue there's already a vaccination that's been discovered it's just going to it's going to be coming out of israel in the next couple weeks that was untrue somebody that said it's going to be done in three weeks and that was i think like three months ago that was untrue and it's been again and again and again that we have had prophetic words that were said to be from the lord but were completely untrue in either god doesn't know what he's talking about or he doesn't really know what's going to happen in the future or people that are hearing things are not hearing from god and there's a lot of different reasons for that and one of the things that we have to be really careful with is thinking that we have to have a word just because something is happening it it's one of the most dangerous trends in the prophetic in in our generation is this idea that every time something happens that we have to have a prophetic word about what it's going on to be considered prophetic and so whenever something happens in the political arena or or the virus or the economic arena or there's a natural disaster everybody's asking the prophetic well what is god saying about this and there's a pressure that gets put on people to have a word and that pressure is extremely dangerous because if you give in to the pressure you might get a word but you might not hear it from the lord that's one of the things that happens it's that that kind of that need to provide an answer when god isn't necessarily speaking and the reality is i think god is speaking a whole lot less than the church is about what's going on in the world right now and there's a reason for that but that's another subject for another time but the other issue and really what i want to talk about today is is how we end up hearing from the soul but thinking that it's the lord this is something that happens commonly it happens a lot and it's actually an aspect of an immature prophetic gift it's pretty normal as we begin to grow as we begin to step out into the prophetic that we would hear from our soul and not be quite sure whether or not it's the lord or whether it's the soul the problem is if people are never taught that it's a possibility they never actually learn the discernment and so they continue not being able to recognize the difference from the soul and the spirit even though they've been prophesying for a long period of time and even though they may have a large platform and so it's it's something that desperately needs to be talked about and desperately needs to be communicated and given to the church because one if you're releasing prophetic words you you want to make sure that you're actually what you're hearing is from god and just because you had an experience does not mean that the experience was from god your soul can create an experience your soul can create an angelic visitation that's fake feels real but it's actually fake it can it can have thoughts or feelings and even pictures your soul can give you visions and your soul can give you dreams now this is this is something that we need to recognize so that we discern the difference jeremiah 23 is such an important passage when it comes to discerning the prophetic and understanding the prophetic and especially people that are called for the prophetic because jeremiah 23 is talking about false prophecy and specifically about people that are hearing from their soul and not hearing from god they're hearing what people want to hear they're not hearing what god is saying and the danger of that in in the way out of it which is beautiful because he doesn't just say hey this is a problem he said here's the way out basically he says that if the prophets would have stood in my counsel and not not counsel as in c-o-u-n-s-e-l but counsel as in c-o-u-n-c-i-l which is the place where god communicates and makes decisions and then begins to make decrees that if they'd stood in my counsel they would have turned people away from their sin and they would have had a clear word and and he he compares and i think it's in jeremiah 23 but it might actually be in another passage where where god compares the words of many of the prophetic voices at the time versus the the prophet that was speaking and he compares them with with hay that just gets burned up compared to stone that's a rock that people can actually rest on can actually trust in can actually look for the fruit of it to be long-term in their lives and and we need to understand this so here's a couple things because as a prophetic person you have to recognize that but as somebody that pays attention to the prophetic and i know that you're you're following a prophetic ministry so you probably have a value for the prophetic if you're paying attention to different prophetic words you desperately need discernment don't think that just because someone says that they've heard from god that they have i i i have to say that again because it's one of the biggest mistakes that we make do not think that just because someone says that they heard from god that they actually heard from god you have to discern the word in in first corinthians 14 and in first thessalonians chapter 5 when it's talking about prophecy and valuing prophecy both places it talks about discerning the word and first corinthians 14 gives a principle it says let the prophet speak then let the others discern so the person that gives the prophetic word is not supposed to be a part of the discerning on whether or not it's actually a word from the lord in the local church setting leaving that one lay there because we have people that argue well i heard from god you better listen to me or you're you don't like the prophetic or you're in rebellion or you're quenching the spirit and and all kinds of manipulative words to make people afraid of actually discerning because they're afraid that they haven't heard from god and so they just want people to take whatever they say as if it was a word from god that way they don't have to be held accountable and when someone begins to use language like that realize that that they've gone from being immature and or being mistaken to being manipulative and being dangerous and that's the path to a false prophet or and then it's the path to spiritual abuse so you watch that if somebody tells you that you're not allowed to discern whether or not something is from the lord that you need to just believe them because they're so anointed that that's spiritual abuse just run the other direction you don't need to listen to that god can speak to you without using any prophetic voice he can speak directly to you because you have his spirit so if you have a heart to hear from god you need to discern and first thessalonians 5 is another passage and it's it's so important because in there he tells the thessalonian church do not despise prophecies but hold fast to that which is good and then basically throw out the bad so you you have to discern whether it's good or bad you throw out the bad but you hold fast to good prophetic words but he's giving the thessalonian church and when you read through underneath the lines in the white if you will it's pretty clear the thessalonian church had people that were prophesying because paul talks about the the prophecies about the the lord's coming and how it wasn't true and the way that they were saying that they had misunderstood because he had a clear prophetic vision it's interesting he didn't say he'd actually learned it through study but he'd actually gotten his understanding of the end times that he shares in first thessalonians through a revelation through a prophetic encounter and that's what he's teaching that that that's a whole nother subject again for another time but there's a lot more to the prophetic than what we've given room for but but this this is a group of people that hears a lot of prophetic words and he's telling them do not despise prophecies now the problem here the word despise is in the greek is not used the way that we use the english word despise commonly right now in our words we we usually think of despise or at least i i've always thought of the word despise as detest or disgusting or to to to have a hatred for or dislike for but that's not actually the greek word for despise that paul uses here the greek word that paul uses for despise literally means to give less value than it deserves to consider as less than its actual worth to devalue now what happens is when people get a lot of revelation it's very easy to devalue what is coming because it's so common that we don't realize how precious the voice of god is and we have to come back to the place where we really understand how precious the voice of god is so that we value the prophetic the way that we should because when god speaks it's astounding it should cause us to to to have reverence it should cause us to worship it it should cause us to tremble at his word like it says a few different places in scripture that we should tremble at his word and it's it's tremble in anticipation it's tremble in awe that he would speak to us and it's trembled because when god speaks something's going to happen and it may or may not be what we wanted or what we thought or what we expected but when it's god speaking it is going to happen period now we don't have that kind of thought process towards the prophetic because we've had so much and i like john paul wrote an article for charisma magazine probably 12 or 13 years ago um that was basically how to take the pathetic out of the prophetic and it was such a good article it was it's the foundation of what we teach when it comes to hearing from god it was the basic points that are in the course the art of hearing god and the basic foundations for the streams academy that we're teaching right now it's these principles of integrity and character and discernment and valuing the voice of god and understanding how that works and being a servant to the body of christ in the gifts that he's given us that are the key things in not exaggerating our prophetic experiences but being clear in what we've heard and what we haven't heard so we have to have discernment when it comes to the things of the prophetic now i'm going to give you one aspect there's a bunch that i could talk about on soulish prophetic and there's other places where we've taught about it but i'm going to give you one aspect that you want to pay attention to because it will help you it'll help you discern but it'll help you to have less soulish experiences and not realize that they're soulish what you put in to your soul will come back out of your soul so i was listening to someone that has been sharing prophetic words about what's going on and someone was saying how they read hundreds and hundreds of news sources and they're really paying attention to everything that's going on and then they get these prophetic words that really aren't anything new they're actually just what would happen if nothing really changed if things continued in the trajectory that they're in and they're having dreams or visions or experiences that are confirming this but they're studying the news all the time if you want to be sure to get soulish revelation uh fill your soul with something that you want to hear about so you want to hear about what's going on in current events begin to study the news begin to you're not actually going to hear what god says about it but you will start to have dreams you'll start to have visions you'll start to get words and it's your soul that's processing all the input that you've given it see what your soul is is what you think what you want and what you feel so if you give yourself to thinking about something and you're dwelling on it you're meditating on it you will you will begin to hear from that source it's why it's so essential to meditate on the word of god more than we allow input from other sources i i was just listening to to bill johnson he was here in the dallas fort worth area with kenneth copeland doing their annual conference and one of his phrases is what was basically that that if you're depressed and you're listening to mainstream media your depression is self-inflicted if you're giving yourself over to mainstream media and now you you're hopeless and you're despondent and and you're concerned and you're listening to that more than you are the word of god you are afflicting yourself with discouragement and you do not have to you can actually focus on what god is seeing and you can begin to meditate on scripture more than current events and god may speak about current events he does sometimes do that but not all the time he's not always speaking about what's going on now because what's going on now is not necessarily what's most important he often speaks about what's coming and what was so that we can change our perspective from the way that we've learned to see things because of what's happened in the past or so that we can recognize what he wants to have happen in the future and you take a look at the prophecies that are in scripture most of them are about that there are prophecies that are about current events so it's not that god doesn't speak about that but it's not the main thing that he speaks about it's not the only thing that he speaks about and if all of our prophecies as a prophetic ministry are about current events and and we're not seeing the future stuff we're not we're not holding people to the eternal gospel we're not creating a foundation on god's perspectives we're not helping to change mindsets from the past into what's needed for the future and we're not speaking about what's to come and i'm not talking about what's to come in a month i'm talking about what's coming down the pike in in the six months in two years in 20 years in a hundred years isaiah was prophesying about stuff that was going to happen 700 years later i know he was a biblical prophet but you take a look at all the other prophets many of them prophesied about stuff that was hundreds of years in the future and and we don't have a grid for that because nobody would know that we're prophetic if we prophesied about stuff that was 100 years in the future until we get to 100 years in the future and then they look back they're like oh wow that was really accurate well that doesn't do a lot of good to building our following i think that's the point god's not really concerned about anybody building a following he's concerned with people following jesus not following a ministry not following a prophetic voice and we have spent too much time trying to be relevant instead of revelatory and it has polluted the prophetic flow in our day in our time not everywhere there are clear there are great prophetic voices that are out there so i'm not saying that this is everybody that's in the prophetic but i'm saying it is a theme that can be recognized if you pay attention and and what happens is we we forget very quickly when people are are messing up and are saying something is the lord but it's not the lord which is good because we should have a heart of forgiveness but there's a difference between forgiveness and trust trust is earned forgiveness is free and so when when we find someone that is missing it and and maybe they miss it once but they're generally right we should forgive and give them grace and not not pay that much attention but if it becomes a pattern if it becomes a pattern that they're missing it then we need to stop listening to them because there's something wrong now if you have found that you have a pattern of missing it maybe you thought that you heard from god and this is the prophetic word but then it didn't come to pass and then this is the prophetic word and then it doesn't come to pass and if you're honest enough not to spiritualize it away oh this day or this meeting is going to change the the world or everything's going to shift in this month and this week and then nobody can tell that there's a shift oh it was a spiritual shift it was intended to be a spiritual shift you really don't recognize it unless you have eyes to see no you're just making an excuse to say that you were right when you were wrong stop spiritualizing away your mistakes we have to own our mistakes there have been times where i've prophesied this is going to happen and it did not happen but i went back and i apologized and said hey guys i said that this was going to happen it didn't happen i'm sorry i thought that was the lord it wasn't the lord forgive me i'm growing i'm learning help me to discern i want to mature in this and i've been pressing in from maturity and tracking what it is that i say and where it comes and you notice many of you have noticed if you followed what we put out i don't give a whole bunch of prophetic words about the future and it's not because i don't want to i would love to if god was speaking about that but that's not what he's talking to me about he talks to me a lot more about the heart of people and the heart of a nation than he does what's going to happen in the future of a nation but that's part of my call i'm called as as a you know a couple people have used this term as a prophet of the heart that's my call and that's my place i have to be okay with that i i may not get all the current events and sometimes i will and it's amazing when i do that's great and sometimes i won't and it's okay i'm not here to be a prophet i'm not here to prophesy i'm here to love god and serve him and do whatever he puts in front of me and if that means that he wants me to never prophesy again i'm happy with that as long as i get to serve him i get to be in his presence and i get to enjoy him that's all i care about and i get to share that with other people and they get to enjoy him and they get to be in his presence that's amazing and however he wants to do that i'm happy with and and when we get to that place and we don't have to get a word we don't have to have an answer we don't have to make sure that we put out a video about whatever's current so that we're not left behind and this as this flow of attention goes there and you know people are gonna stop watching our videos and start watching somebody else's videos because we haven't put out a current word recently it becomes an issue we have to watch that because it becomes a reason that we don't take the time to actually discern soulish revelation and we need to discern it because the prophetic voice is responsible to discern the word with others around them i said earlier that others get to help that revelation if you're going to be releasing a word publicly you should have already submitted it to others for discernment other people that understand other prophetic people that discern and can discern and help you to recognize whether or not you should share it or not share it publicly before you share it so that that's clear so the prophetic person is responsible but then us as as people that are listening to the prophetic if we use discernment we and we pay attention to what god is saying and we ignore what god is not we will grow significantly now i i've found it it's it's one of the big concerns i've said this a couple times in this video that i have with the current prophetic movement is how things have to be current we've had a dream that john paul interpreted that an intercessor had long before trump ever became in office in the video in the dream interpretation in the dream it said absolutely nothing about trump and and it it had nothing to do with trump it was well i i don't know if the application i mean looking at the video is it possible that the application but then somebody takes that little clip of john paul interpreting a dream for someone and they begin to say well this is talking about trump even though john paul never said about trump and when trump begins to become the president they put out this video saying that john paul prophesied trump was going to be president when he never said that he i and i was in a lot of different meetings when he was talking about what he was seeing come in the future he never said that in anything that i've ever been able to find or i've ever heard that he specific but this person's video became very big talking about it because it was current and it was an application that they had about something that somebody else was saying it was an intercessor that was supposed to be praying about something that was going on right then and they made it into a future thing and it becomes very big are we taking something trying to be relevant are we actually just trying to hear what god is saying we have to not be moved by current events but be moved by the spirit of god because if we get moved by current events it will pollute our discernment and we will find ourselves as a prophetic movement in the same place that that young boy in the parable of the the boy that cried wolf where where we're cry wolf and there's actually a wolf we're actually getting revelation but nobody wants to hear it because of how many times we've missed it so that's that's an encouragement that is the reason why um there's a reason why it's so key to discern soulish revelation and keep that separate so that we can go in the right direction so we've had a bunch of people pop on while i was like i was talking we've got new delhi india we've got pretoria south africa we've got namibia i saw somebody else from south africa this is this is great thanks for letting us know we got lakeland florida edmonton alberta let's see covington georgia toronto canada i love toronto area i've got some friends they just moved from toronto out into the maritimes and are loving their new place but i was going up to toronto about every other year so now looks like i probably won't be going as often as i had been but i'll be going over to to the maritimes a little bit more which is wonderful well guys that that's what i wanted to share i'm going to start interpreting some dreams here in just a second i know we put up some some links to the tabernacle of moses there's a lot of conversation and about that um if you are on social media not on youtube if you're on our facebook page or my facebook page your dreams and mysteries facebook page and you want to have a dream interpreted please come over to the youtube channel and put it into the comments here we're going to try to find dreams that fit into a comment on youtube it makes it a lot easier for us to to keep them just a little bit shorter and we're able to to go through a few more dreams and we want to we're going to start interpreting some dreams but we're only able to watch the one place for the comments so we're not going to notice the comments you guys put up on facebook so just letting you know but please share this video let people know as we start interpreting dreams let's get people on here i mean one share the videos so that people can learn because there are some people that really love the prophetic and want to hear from god but they're not really paying attention to it because there's so much stuff out there and they just need to learn how to discern and learn how to recognize who to pay attention to and who not to pay attention to so that we can um so that we can actually have more trust in the prophetic and this this will really help some people if we get that so if you're on our youtube channel make sure that you subscribe you'll you'll get to know when we're going live if you click that i think there's a little bell that you can click that says that you want notifications and you'll get notifications every time we go live we try to do this weekly and it looks like we've got some dreams on here so i'm gonna start jumping into some of these dreams and see where we go let's see sarah um sarah and and i can tell um just by the little dots over the a that this is uh i'm probably going to say your name wrong but water skug um you put this let me see i just had it okay i'm outside of an old church i see a storm coming i see a broken chain to the church bell i mend it a voice calls ring the bell i do but it sounds too low to wake up the town i don't know what to do okay so outside an old church there's a storm coming you need to ring the bell this the chain is is broken and you you fix it and somebody says ring the bell but when you do the sound is not low enough to let everybody know this is a calling dream this is a prophetic calling you're you're you're part of the church so the old church is the is the the um universal church i guess but the the church in your region the church in your area it's not a specific individual church it's the church and you're seeing the difficult times that are coming that's the storm that's coming and your calling is to help to restore the prophetic to traditional churches so that they can hear from god and and when you first begin to mend that chain so that you can ring the bell the bell talking about the prophetic a warning sounding the warning that at first it's not going to sound very loud it's not going to be everybody's not going to be paying attention to it but your job is not to make the bell louder your job is to mend the chain and to ring the bell to to do what you can to restore the value for the prophetic and to anchor the prophetic in the local church and to proclaim the warnings that you see and then people get to respond how they want to respond it's somebody else's job to make the bell louder so that is not your concern it may not seem like a lot of people are paying attention to you but don't stop ringing the bell just because it's not very loud the voice has said ring the bell so share what you have because you have a calling from god as a prophetic voice to give warnings to the church that is awesome that is really really fun let's see mike mike you said i was at an old town frontier hotel overlooking the mountain and bay i believe on the top floor the bed was in what seemed like a hallway and pushed against a couch making it difficult to see okay so old town frontier hotel looking at a mountain and a bay um the bed is in a hallway pushed against the couch making it difficult to see so bed beds can talk about a place of intimacy or a place of rest this seems much more like a place of rest a hallway a hotel is temporary a mountain could be talking about an encounter with god or just being able to see the scenery being able to see what's going on outside so you're in a place where you have perspective where you're able to see i don't think it's really about an encounter with god though sometimes that is what a mountain would represent but you've got a mountain in a bay it's just being able to see the scenery just being able to see what's outside and then a hallway also talks about transition so hotel is temporary the the the hallway is transition so you're going through this this transitional time period and and and where you are your position of rest that allows you to see what's going on it's it's not in a convenient place for you to see clearly what's happening around you so being in that because of the place of transition because of it being pushed up against the couch which is more about fellowship or or or where you would sit to see something to entertain it's more of a living space than a sleeping space not so much of a rest space but because it's so pressed up against the living space you're not able to see clearly so this is an invitation for you to press into rest because there's things that god wants to show you even in the place that you're in even though it's a temporary space and even through though you're going through transition god still wants to show you some things but the secret to finding it to seeing it clearly is that place of rest and being in a place of rest so that is that is fun let's see um deon times dion you said uh july 11th 2020. so that must be when you had your dream and in my purse were two two dollar bills and a one dollar bill i was laying down counting the money in my purse so two two dollar bills and one one dollar bill now a lot of times money will talk about favor so the ability to to accomplish something to get something usually with other people so there's a level of favor but you've got two two dollar bills now two two can talk about multiplication can talk about increase um but two two plus one is five so there's grace that's going on there why is it in your purse your purse can talk about identity but that doesn't seem to make sense in this particular dream so it's more about the place where you would normally have your money many people will keep their money in their purse and so it's just talking about what you have what you've already been given what you're carrying with you that you have favor and the favor that you have is increasing and it's being added to it's multiplying and it's being added to because of the grace that's on your life and as you continue to rest laying on a bed you're going to be able to recognize what god has given you so that is laying on the bed to count the money that is really fun fern fern basemore you said uh jesus walking down a hall i walked behind him my husband was in a wheelchair behind me so there's a path there's a transition that you're going through you're following jesus your husband is following as well but his capacity to walk through this transition has has been is limited so the wheelchair means he needs help to be able to get through this transition he needs someone to carry through he's going to need some extra assistance in this season uh that that you're going as you follow jesus into a new place lots of hallways today interesting it's funny when you see themes but looking at what's going on in the world it would be pretty normal for a bunch of people to be dreaming about bridges and hallways and tunnels because of the transition that the whole world is going through right now so that that does make a lot of sense let's see joy joy you said i'm on a motorcycle dodging lots of crashes on the highway the last crash i jumped off the bike and a man told me to leave and followed him in a tunnel i just talked about tunnels with a long line of people waiting for bags he gave me an envelope with checks so a motorcycle is something that you're doing but it's individual to you if it was a car you could take other people with you if it was a bus it'd be even more people but a motorcycle it's just you but it's powered so it's different than a bicycle because you're not doing it in your own power um so it's empowered so you've been in a season where where god's given you something to do and you've been doing it but it's been more of something that you've been doing on your own and you've seen other people that have had issues crashes that that they've they've been taken out doing similar things that you've been doing um and so you you've actually taken a break from what it was that you were doing and you've joined this group of people that's going through transition um the tunnel going so it's a line of people going through the tunnel but they're waiting for the bags so they're waiting for what they need for the next season there's things that you're going to be taking with you from this season into the next season and there's this there's a time to wait for you to have everything that you need before you get there but the pro the potential for provision has already been handed to you so you have an envelope full of checks and checks you're going to have to do something to cash them it's not like money you can just go spend them so you're going to have to do something to to cash them so it's the potential for provision but you're gonna have to actually access the provision it's the promise of provision but you have to access that promise to actually receive what it is that you've been given that is fun okay josephine josephine francois i had to enter a place had a door which was closed i had to find my size shoes to enter the man at the entrance helped me i put on black shoes very comfortable about to enter and i woke up so you're going into a new season a new place could be talking about a new season new way of doing things a new a new season in your life a new location maybe it's a it's a new church it's a new job it's a new place you're going into but to be able to get there you're going to have to have different shoes and shoes are how do you walk this out and so you're going to have someone the man i believe was the lord or the angelic help but it's help from heaven to equip you with the shoes that you need to be able to walk out what you've been given to do in this new season and you're about ready to step into it you're going to have to go through a door so there's an opportunity that you'll have to take to be able to step into it but heaven's gonna help you to be prepared so that you can walk it out the way that you should when you get there that is really cool that that's a nice um confirming dream let's see step um where are we at okay so big smash king uh that looks like this might be a part of a um part of a dream but not the whole thing then john paul jackson paid the authorities to give my kids back i woke up anxious was this a warning i don't know what the first part of it was i only have the one piece of it but but that piece is is the prophetic um the prophetic helping to deal with authority issues um but i don't know why you know get your kids back get your kids back from what there's there's so many questions that i have left with that and i'm sure if i saw the other piece of it but it's too hard to be able to search through and try to find all the pieces so um i can give you the couple little pieces the the fact that that john paul paid the authorities so that's the prophetic that is that is handling what it is that you need um and getting your kids back is is that i mean why did you lose them that's that's a big question um but it's just not enough for me to interpret so i'm gonna try to find ones that are are just in one comment because it's it's so much easier to have all the context because some things they that make sense in the context but without the context what could be this it could be that i mean it is you know waking up anxious that's one of the clues if you woke up anxious it's probably not the lord now the question is were you anxious in the dream when you woke up you were still anxious this is probably a soul dream or a fear dream um and then is it from the enemy is it the enemy's perspective or is it what god was wanting to say or is it just what you're afraid of or what you're thinking about that's going on and and it feels kind of like it's probably a soul dream but you you can take a look at that ask the lord if that's what's going on because if that's what's going on that may give you an answer it's just revealing something that you're anxious about and it's showing so were you anxious about that or had you thought about that or were you concerned about that before you had the dream oh yeah i've been you know i've been uh you know concerned or i was afraid that that might happen or i've been wondering if that might happen that's a clear clue that it is a soul dream so that is a possibility so i'm just throwing out a couple possibilities for you let's take a look at um the next one let's see t g tg cut silver spoon but no my grandpa had cut some before and shouldn't cut anymore because we didn't have enough and mom would get mad um silver spoon now grandma mom so there's some type of a generational issue silver spoon you know that you have that phrase i'm born with a silver spoon in the mouth it talks about um having money having favor having an inheritance from the family cutting it seems to be um removing it using it um but again there's there's there's a lot of questions that i have with that there's not quite enough context of what that dream actually is to be able to fit it into context but there's something about inheritance that there's something about being concerned with using an inheritance and how it might affect the previous generation or their thoughts about the way that it's being used or the way that it's being facilitated let's see joe prieto so i saw my uncle from mexico at my job i went home and realized that all my family from mexico were staying at my house which isn't normal i was honored to host them then a bomb went off outside so you you're at work and you see your uncle from mexico you go home and you realize your whole family from mexico are all in your house you're you're you're surprised but you're honored that they're there because i mean great it's my family but then everybody's in the house and then a bomb goes off outside so you're you're going about doing what you're doing and um trying to to figure out the the family the family from mexico is this uh it's not saying that your whole family is going to be showing up from mexico that's that's not the meaning of the dream there's a metaphor there and so is this is this a spiritual family is this natural family um there's things that you've been called to do and there's people from your past that you're going to be able to help that you're going to be able to give hospitality and as you do that the things that happen outside are not going to be affecting them because they're inside and so you there is like you know when a bomb goes off outside you're concerned with the people that are outside of the house but the people that are inside of the house you can see that they're all okay and so there's things there there's there's destruction that's happening around us but the as you show hospitality as you as you um what's the right word give me just a second just to think on on the right way of saying this so i'm i'm i'm being a little bit more clear because i can i feel like my mind is a little bit too involved and i'm grasping a little bit so i'm just gonna gonna pray for just a second before i before i try to clarify that so it's a really good key just to remember just slow down sometimes and realize you know what let me just i'm i'm getting too caught up in in my thinking and in my mind and i just need revelation right now i don't want to know what i think about this i want to know what the lord is saying about this and and and joe basically what's going on is you you've been going on with your life but you're concerned with what's going on with your family and the lord wants you to know that they're safe they're as safe as they would be as if they were in your home with you when something's going on outside and so it's a comfort from the lord about your concern for your family that's what that dream was about i went very different than where i was trying to go with it it's fun how god does that we really need to rely on revelation and not on what we think it's it's one of the reasons why we say again and again and again always take dream dictionaries with a grain of salt they can be helpful but they can also be very unhelpful what is god saying about this dream there's some principles on how to think about it like when we do the dream element videos the reason we we we do those in that way is you know three minutes on a dream instead of just a picture saying this means this because well it might mean that but it might mean this and it's much more helpful to learn how to think about it than it is to be told what it means because it may or may not mean that in this dream or in that dream or in the next stream that you run into but if you can learn how to think about it and you learn how to recognize revelation you're going to be able to get to the right answer all right so let's see let's do one more angela harris and then i have something i want to share with you guys real quick before before we finish up angela harris you said there was a secret door out in a field people of different nationalities were being taken there by russians we weren't supposed to be there i just knew how to speak russian and then we were okay so there seems to be some type of a secret plan where whereas someone and and you know what are the russians do the russians represent the enemy um do they represent an enemy is it about another nation is it is it about communism is it um you know what what would russians represent that's the question and so you know let's say it represents socialism or communism um that that could be that could be one of these things but whatever the russians represent so that so those are a couple of things to think about this is an intercessory dream i'll share that because it there's this sense that you're supposed to be praying that god's gonna give you access to see what the enemy is trying to do you're going to be able to see it and even though you're not supposed to recognize it he's going to give you the language to be able to speak so that you're not seen as an outsider but you're able to just to fit in with the environment and and and see what god is what god wants you to see so that you know how to pray because there are things that are being done in secret that need to be prayed about and and that is what you've been called to you've been called to pray for things that are be done in secret where where an enemy uh i mean all enemies have a spiritual root when there is an evil plot an evil plan even though it's being done by man god says in ephesians chapter 6 that that our warfare is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and forces of wickedness in spiritual places so whether or not there's a physical enemy there's clearly a spiritual enemy and there's a plan to trap people and and to to confine people and and you're being shown so that you can pray and god's gonna protect you as you begin to see and recognize this so that is really fun so guys i want to i want to let you know because you guys are you're watching this because you like dream interpretation you're interested in dream interpretation well we've got an opportunity that's coming up here in a couple weeks we are teaching how to interpret dreams and visions in a full format these little videos i give you little pieces and i give you little highlights what we're going to do is we're going to take two weekends a weekend in september and a weekend in october and the weekend in september it's going to be friday night all day saturday and we're going to walk through the whole process of how to interpret dreams and visions how to diagram how to recognize the focus how to find your sub focuses your details how to understand what they might mean how to think about different types of dreams and we're going to practice dream interpretation and then in october we're going to get back together and we're going to take what we learned in september and we're going to put it into practice we're going to interpret dream after dream after dream and me and my friend lisa matchjack who was one of the people that helped to teach me when i was learning how to interpret dreams so she is amazing um she's going to be with us in october and we're just going to give you feedback and mentor you in the interpretive process and it's really going to grow you so if you've been wanting to learn maybe you've even taken the other streams courses this is going to take what we teach in the other streams courses especially the mentoring piece and just take it to another level so you're going to find it very helpful and you can do it live or you can do it online because i know i mean we've got people from africa from europe from asia uh from all over the places i think i saw south america in there so you've got we've we've got people from all over and i know you're not all able to come some of you you're not even able to travel if you're able to travel and you want to travel you're more than welcome to come in person we're going to be here at the stream studios right here in louisville and the dallas texas area but if you want to take it online you can when you register we will send out a link on to a zoom call so that you can join in on zoom you'll be able to put in questions which will try to get to as many questions as people are asking questions live you'll be able to ask questions you'll be able to interpret dreams we'll have breakout rooms when we do our mentoring session where you'll be interpreting dreams with each other and it will be very very helpful for you to grow and dream interpretations so we just put a link in the comments for streams academy module five you can go there you can take a look at all the details now fair warning it is live only so you want to make sure that you're able whatever your time zone is that you're going to be able to be there live because there's not going to be an archive you're not going to be able to go back afterwards and and watch it it's a live training um but it's really going to help grow your capacity to interpret dreams and understand dreams now i know this video is going to be around probably after this so we've got like two or three weeks before our n our first weekend of of module five so those of you that are watching this soon but if you don't get to watch this soon and you're going to watch it afterwards go to that follow that link anyways to streamstraining.com on streamstraining.com it has all the information about our prophetic and revelatory training this is one of the modules that we have in that but there's six modules that are part of it and we're going to be repeating this in 2021 we're actually on our way to building a prophetic school a prophetic revelatory school that people that you can come to and and spend a couple months and just dive deep into the ways of god into understanding scripture understanding the ways of the spirit understanding prophecy understanding dream interpretation and it's going to be astounding we've been working towards this for a few years 2021 we're going to do the weekend thing again we will have it but in 2022 the plan is for us to start an actual school where you can come to so we're excited and we're excited to see how god uses this to raise up what what john paul called a delta force in the spirit this is something that he saw years ago and and was looking forward to seeing it happen and we've we've had little aspects of it and in some uh some fulfillment of what he saw but this is this is just taking it to a whole other level we're able to go a lot deeper than what we have in the past and i'm excited you guys get to be a part of it so if you haven't already make sure that you subscribe and and ask for notifications you'll know when we go live next time and guys we will see you next week have an amazing time take care
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 4,188
Rating: 4.9096045 out of 5
Id: 7u7-CNg0a6Q
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Length: 64min 23sec (3863 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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