Authority and Power - John Paul Jackson (2012)

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[Music] one of the things the lord's put on my heart is to go sometimes well let me back up sometimes the lord allows us to go where opportunities present and bless people and that's that's always very good but then sometimes the lord says that some places are strategic and i want you to go there for the strategy of the kingdom and that's what i felt like he's doing here there's a strategy of the kingdom that he's he's releasing and so i'm very i'm very thrilled to be to be a part of that strategy i'm i'm grateful by the time you get to be my age you're grateful that god will use you in any way and so i'm very i'm very grateful today i want to get right into my message and talk to you about something i don't hear talked about very often and it's called authority and power so if you would turn with me to luke chapter 4 and we're going to read about authority and power beginning with verse 31-36 luke 4 31-36 father i ask you in the name of your son jesus to to strengthen me as i deliver this word help me to communicate it clearly so that the people leave understanding what is in your heart not only towards them but how you want to relate to them and use them in this whole kingdom issue and that as we grow in the understanding of what authority does and what power does and the distinction between the two we will grow in our ability to fulfill our destinies and our purposes that you put us here for and to glorify your name may that happen and may this be one of those pieces added to everything else that will deeply touch and release your people in jesus name amen amen amen i had a dream this message came out of a of an encounter i guess it was a dream a dream or a vision or something and in that in this encounter i saw the church i saw people filing into a building i saw them as they came in i saw them with what i call klingons they uh they had demonic issues around them some were hanging onto them clawing into their neck as they clung onto their back like a backpack but the person didn't know they were carrying a backpack and these people would come in and they would sit in the pews of the church and in the seats of the church and the demons were very comfortable and there would be ministry time up front at the altar and the demons were still very comfortable none of them were sweating they weren't afraid of being removed or found out or anything they're very comfortable and i uh as a dream came to a close i said lord how could this be and he simply said this my people do not understand the difference between power and authority and that sent me on a journey of that difference because i wasn't sure i understood either because i was one of the guys that said always said more power more power more power lord and i found out that in some cases that's exactly what i should have been asking for and in other cases i should have been asking for authority so that's i want to talk to you about about that today so in luke chapter 4 verse 31 jesus comes to the town of capernaum or capernaum depending on where you're educated he then went down to capernaum the city of galilee and was teaching them on the sabbaths and they were astonished at his teaching for his word was with authority now in the synagogue there was a man who had a spirit of an unclean demon and he cried out with a loud voice saying let us alone what have we to do with you jesus of nazareth you come have you come to destroy us i know who you are the holy one of god but jesus rebuked him saying be quiet and come out of him and when the demon had thrown him in the midst in their midst he came out of him and did not hurt him then they were all amazed and spoke amongst themselves what a word this is for with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits and they come out the two things that caught the people's attention was this issue of power and authority they made a clear distinction between those two issues they recognized authority they recognized power what is authority and power though what what two words and it's very difficult when you're reading especially through like the king james or the new king james and even new american standard and others i think maybe the the esv bible does does a better job of translating these two words but it's often they're mistranslated you have dunamis translated as authority which is technically the word for power you have exusia translated for power which is technically the word for authority they interchange and even even the the men who tren are translated portion 1611 but translated the bible they did not recognize the difference between these two issues and yet it's vitally vitally important that we understand these two issues that's what this whole message is about because of that i'm going to take 18 hours of teaching on this and condense it into 45 minutes the first word exousia obvious supernatural force of the in it the inference is a judicial authority a judicial presence i said this is the sentence this is what needs to happen you be removed authority the second was power dunamis it is the the greek word the root of which we get the word dynamite from matthew 6 13 and do not lead us into temptation the lord's prayer but deliver us from eve the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever power is the miraculous power is the miraculous power is not simply healing the sick power is doing it is action limbs grow out waters turn to wine deformed are made whole power is what hubbard over mary as well so power can be explosive in nature but it is creative in nature it is what the holy spirit hovered over the angel said the holy spirit the power of the most high the dunamis of the most high will hover over you overshadow you and you will conceive it is the same word used in acts 1 8 but you shall receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you power is also that which created it can be gentle like implanting a seed in an egg it can be explosive it's so explosive in the nature that it grows a limb puts an eye back a leg grows out a finger grows out authority on the other hand is ruling authority is the basis of the kingdom of god authority is exusia it is the force of authority is that judicial nature it is the commanding of demons to leave that is authority it is not power it says and the demons obey him they obey authority deliverance is also when you read through the scripture you find that deliverance is healing what is i used i was raised thinking this i was raised in a pentecostal environment my dad was going to be a pastor went through all the bible school and so on i'm the fifth generation christian and i was always taught that healing is there is takes time and miracles are instant but the problem is when i read the bible jesus did instant healings and instant miracles and i didn't there was only one time that that something took time with jesus and i was when he prayed for the blind man twice otherwise everything was pretty instant so i thought uh if that cannot be the biblical definition of healing and miracles so i began to study what is the definition or the distinction between healing and miracles and here's what i found out it's very very simple healing every single time is the removal of something it can be the removal of an affliction it can be the removal of an infirmity it can be the removal of a demon it can be the removal of a germ a bacteria it is always the removal of something the miraculous is always either the regeneration or the recreation of something every time power is the miraculous authority is healing and so with authority he commands them to come out he removed something he could re remove an affliction he can remove an infirmity he can remove a demon i'll say that over because i want you to clearly understand this see that's why removing a demon is classified as healing into scripture when it says and the demons were cast out and he and they were all healed you go whoa how could demonization be healing i mean they weren't sick i mean there's no cut there was no broken bone there was no deformed limb and you realize it's the removal delivered sin is the authority to remove a spirit being from a person and relocate it somewhere else signs of authority are displayed by that which you exercise authority over jesus had authority in the passage in uh mark chapter four jesus is on the sea of galilee storm comes up and he stands up in the middle of the boat you know the story and he commands the winds and waves and they stop and says peace be still and so the disciples go who is this guy peter hasn't yet uttered that word thou art the christ the son of the living god they've only been with him maybe maybe a year maybe six months and they say this phrase for even the wind and waves obey it didn't say he did it with power they obey him now here's why it's important there's so many times we try to use power to force something to happen and it doesn't happen by power it happens with authority let me give you an example of that gabriel and michael are fighting contesting with satan over the body of moses you have power encounter right here you have angel of the lord a fallen angel lord fighting god didn't remove satan's power by the way he removed his authority we didn't remove his power we'll find out how that works a little bit later just remember i said that so the power encounters were happening and what did michael and gabriel do they said the lord rebuke you they invoke the authority of god the lord the word lord literally means authority the highest authority the highest magistrate rebuke you and they and satan at that let them have the body of moses and then god buried moses it's very important to grasp this because when you're praying for the sick you want to ask you need authority when you're praying for those with deformities you need power sometimes you need both because you have cancer of the kidney and the kidney not be working maybe 10 percent and you can cast out the demon of cancer or the spirit of cancer or the affliction of cancer but the kidney still doesn't work real good so authority can remove the affliction of cancer but it takes power to regenerate the kidney both of these are often needed together other distinctions between power and authority power is a gift that is given to you you did nothing to deserve it it's a gift if you deserved it it would be a reward you know that it's a gift that is given to you you shall receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you wait in jerusalem and there you shall receive power holy spirit comes on the day of pentecost what happens you have received the gift of the holy spirit paul says to the disciples or to those that he meets in various places have you yet received the gift of the holy spirit power is a gift that is given to you but authority is not a gift that is given to you there's only one way authority comes and that's my relationship with the one who has supreme authority you see authority is proximity centric gifts are not proximity centric power or power you can i mean the gifts of the holy spirit can be given by as severally as the holy spirit wills but authority only comes by relationship and relationship requires close proximity so anything that teaches you that you don't need close proximity to the lord is going to lead you to a lower life in christ so power is a gift that's given to you authority comes through relationship authority especially spiritual authority is not just bestowed it is absorbed it is absorbed you need to write this down what i'm about to say to you authority changes the invisible world and the visible world power only changes the visible world authority changes the invisible world and the visible world but power only changes the visible world power will not change the invisible it is relegated to the visible power is they say well the kidney is not visible okay if i opened you up it would be so you get my point here you can't open up a demon and say oh it's either going to be visible or it's not so authority also you need to under recognize this luke 10 19 authority is more important than power i can feel some of you recoiling even now i don't blame you i recoiled too but here's what i read in luke 10 19. jesus said this to his disciples and behold i give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power he didn't say i give you power over all the power he said i give you authority over all the power and if we think that we can use a gift to remove a demon we will come to a quick standstill but we think we can use a gift to remove an illness we'll come to a quick standstill but if we understand it is authority that removes illness and it is power that recreates a an organ a thumb an eye an ear that we understand that that this author this power is great we we need it but we need authority more and it only comes by relationship you'll hear me say this maybe a hundred times because today there's a there's a growing belief that grace means you don't need to seek god and it's growing grace means i don't have to repent and we're all it's almost like all we're concerned is getting through the pearly gates and not with the level of quality of life we live on earth with the most high and we could live a life with him far superior to the life we're living right now we only understand how it works the system the centurion came to jesus he says go and heal my servant in capernaum say go and heal my servant would you heal my servant and jesus said yes i will go and heal your servant and the centurion says wait wait wait wait you have to go you have to go and heal my servant for i am a man under power oh you read the bible very good i am a man under authority he wasn't talking about power he says authority authority will heal my servant i say to my to this soldier go and get that and he goes go and breathe say to another go and bring me that it does i say to my servant do this and he does i understand this how all this works you say the word with your authority it happens authority we keep thinking power give me power and i want power i want power i want to see deformities made straight i want to see eyes made made whole i want to see limbs grow out i want to see this don't get me wrong but we we dismiss as irrelevant authority and it is more relevant than power we need both man lost authority in the garden through his disobedience how did that happen god gave adam authority over the earth so do the earth take dominion over the earth be fruitful multiply authority satan who lost authority in the fall notice no other spiritual being was closer to god than satan we don't know what his name was satan is a title given to him it is not a name it's a title there may be a king but that's not the king's name might be the name henry might be the name title is king satan is a title man called him serpent man had authority over everything and man named everything man gave everything its name because god gave authority to man to name and that which you name you have authority over until they marry and form a whole new authority structure they leave the mother and father that means they lead the authority of the mother father and they now cling to one another and have a whole new authority structure satan in losing proximity to god lost authority retain power because it's a gift gifts and callings of god are irrevocable gifts are irrevocable satan's power is irrevocable but the authority is proximity oriented relationship oriented so what happens satan sees man has authority given to him by god satan has no authority on the earth in fact satan has to obey man because man named him serpent so now serpent has to obey man who named him and so now serpent comes in and he does he comes in and tempts man when you read that passage you find out something very interesting you find out that satan used scripture until eve added to scripture and when eve added the scripture satan then twisted scripture it's eve gave satan permission to twist the scripture by adding to it when she said neither shall you touch it but god didn't say neither shall you touch it he said you shall not eat of it didn't say neither shall you touch it and so when she said that she gave permission to satan to twist the scripture and he did now fast forward 4 000 years from adam and eve to jesus because that's how long it was 4 thousand years satan had authority over the earth for four thousand years satan then comes to jesus after his fast takes upon a pinnacle shows him all the kingdoms of the earth in one moment of time and says see all these these i will give to you and their authority for it has been delivered to me who delivered the authority to him adam and eve did exactly notice he did not say dunamis for all this dunamis all this power their power has been given to me he said the the authority has been given to me satan knows authority trump's power he wants that authority and every time he tempts you is to get authority from you because every time you obey him paul says the one you who to whom you obey you become its slave in other words it takes authority over you every time you sin you just given satan more authority in your life and removed god's authority from your life every sin i'm not saying you're removed from heaven i am saying you lose authority and that's why jesus said you're not going to see me for a while because the evil one is coming and he has no part in me no pardon me what does that mean i have not submitted to him in any way i have nothing in common with him whatsoever and i'm going to keep it that way here's what we find in church many churches teach this today they teach you how to walk on the edge of heaven if i stay right here i won't fall off and i'll be okay and if i and so i can get away with this and still make it in just as long as i don't cross that line well here's what you're teaching the people you're teaching them that on this side i can rub shoulder shoulders with darkness and on this side i can rub shoulders with the kingdom and i'm going to be okay that's called luke worm and when that happens to the degree you touch darkness you have something in common with satan and he has a part of you when jesus descended into sheol to preach preach the good news after he was crucified he was able to stand before satan and satan inspected him and found no sin in him no compromise in him no darkness in him not one shred of submission had jesus in him to satan and therefore here's what jesus was able to say i am sinless satan you are not sinless you rebelled therefore i by sinless have authority over that which is rebellious and sin give me the keys he didn't have to yell authority does not have to use volume authority is that presence which says you be removed now i'm not saying yelling is wrong but yelling should be because you're impassioned not thought of as a louder i get satan will obey loudness has nothing to do with authority the judge doesn't yell you're guilty 500 years in jail why because he has authority you're guilty this is the sentence officers the court take him away it's authority and again it only comes through relationship anything that says we don't have to work at relationship now we do not have to work at salvation you know what i didn't have to work at falling in love with my wife i fell in love pretty quick back i saw my wife walking down the hall of a church she walked past the door how long does it take to walk past a three-foot door one second i'm talking to my sisters i see my wife walk past the door and i looked at my sister said excuse me i just saw the woman i'm going to marry and i walked out and i walked down that hall and i said i don't care what room she's in she could be in kindergarten i'm in that class today [Laughter] i knew i had to work at this i knew but you know what we've been married right about 40 years and and we've had to work at that we've had to work at this i mean it was that relationship has required some work especially on my part and if you believe that i if you believe that don't ever talk to my wife because she'll tell you the truth no you have to work at relationship salvation may be free it is absolutely free not maybe it is free but what relationships costly it takes time it takes effort it takes trying to understand it takes why are they thinking this way it takes trying to find why does my wife like this and not that why does my wife like cherry and not berry strawberry knit cherry yes see you learn you learned this and you learned never buy a dress for your wife [Laughter] [Applause] i say honey happy birthday here's some money go buy you a dress because here's what happens is what happens i buy the dress that i think is absolutely stunning and she goes thank you honey that you thought of me i i thought of you well yes i did and it's it's gorgeous she goes well let me i'll just try it i'll i'll try it on and you know what no matter how good it fits there's always something wrong like oh the seam is crooked it's a little bit too long on me it doesn't go with my shoes you know something is wrong now there may not be anything wrong with the dress but it's the excuse to go get the dress she wants that's what this is this is the excuse to go get the dress she wants so you learn it takes effort to have a relationship here she doesn't have jingle by me shirts i don't care yeah a matter of fact every shirt she's about me i've taken easily so so we learn i'm easy to please she's not [Applause] and we are going to ensure this tape never leaves canada [Applause] oh we're streaming oh here's what we got to do we got it let's just remind you guys [Applause] take that back you know you have to you have to work at authority falling in love is easy but boy authority it takes effort how do you start working at authority you start working on authority with with something called obedience god starts working with obedience in our lives and he takes it one step deeper he takes it from obedience to something really really hard called submission you see i can be obedient and still not like it god says put a hundred dollars in the offering and i go oh this has got to be the devil i rebuked that in the name of jesus no way this is uh uh god says put a hundred dollars in the offering but god if i put a hundred dollars on the offering i don't have gas money for the week put the hundred dollars in the offering but god if i had do that i won't have money to eat on during the whole week you don't want me to starve you haven't called me on a fast i didn't hear you say fast he says put the hundred dollars in the offering but god i know you can provide everything but this is money [Laughter] so finally i go okay here now i'm obedient i am not submissive what is submissive submissive is god says put a hundred dollars in the offering and you go lord you know my situation you know the gas you know the food you know my situation if you're telling me to put a hundred dollars on the offering it must be far more important than my food and my gas and therefore you will provide everything i need and what if this is more important to you than my food then i give this because it is very important that is submission and that is why god is called that is called cheerful why because obedience involves the doing but submission involves the emotions that's why god says i love a cheerful giver never says i love an obedient giver i love a cheerful giver oh i just hit oh right in the solar plexus on that one didn't i so what did jesus do authority is a result of obedience taken to submission man lost his authority in the garden jesus came to get back authority how did he do that by the upmost submission and obedience a man can give and that is to the death not just death death on the cross you see when jesus philippians 2. you can read this for the sake of time we don't have time to to go that way right now but read this let this mind be in you and then find out what that mind is it's an obedient obedient mind philippians 5 5-8 tells us the ultimate obedience verses 9-11 tells us the result of ultimate obedience as a result of ultimate obedience god highly exalted him gave him a name above every name that's authority that at the name of jesus every knee should bow that's authority what do you do before a king you bow what do you do before before power figures you you you honor them those that have rule over you see to the obedience of the father jesus humbled himself twice he humbled himself to become man and he humbled himself to die he could have stopped both of them but he chose not to but the time jesus came into this world he had so emptied himself of his glory and his power and his status and any form of divinity that no one recognized him as god even those closest to him took a year and a half to discover that all the spiritual leaders of the of the time treated him as simply a man an ordinary person of the world and as a son of god he will willingly submitted himself to the father's authority and even declared the father is greater than i though before he came they shared authority in heaven and so he allows the father to become the the emblem of authority to everyone and christ becomes the symbol of submission to everyone for christ to be obedient and to come to the earth he had to empty himself of all of his divinity take the form of a slave before he was even qualified to obey the prayer of jesus in john 17 tells us that jesus originally shared that same glory and authority with the father but when he came to the world he had to leave that authority behind and he had to accept the human limitation of time space and physicality he humbled himself further and became obedient even to the pain of the death of that physical body because of that the father exalted jesus with the highest possible authority that every knee and every tongue in heaven every knee and every tongue every tongue would confess every knee would bow heaven earth anywhere ever he learned obedience by the things that he suffered and it perfected him why are we so pain avoidance we're full of pain avoidance ultimate authority hebrews 5 7-9 says this who in the days of his flesh when he had offered up prayers and supplications with vehement cries and tears to him he was able to save him from death and was heard because of his godly fear now get this this is something very important to me apparently it is to god too because he put in the bible jesus had godly fear because of his godly fear i just can't i can't quite fathom why people say we should would no longer have to fear god if jesus feared god how much more should we fear god now i'm not talking about the tyrant who is who is beats us i'm talking about this reverential awe of divine power so great there's nothing in humanity comes even close to him jesus had godly fear see i it is absolutely unbiblical to say we no longer need fear well when it says well it says come boldly into the throne yes but i can tell you this when you come boldly in the throne you don't come in the throne and go hey god give me five man you come boldly in the throne with protocol in 1995 won't go in the whole story but i was taken to the throne room and i can tell you this i stood right in front of the throne and god was sitting on that throne i saw two stones moving inside of him there were fiery stones and fire was coming out of these stones it was absolutely phenomenal but here's one thing i tell you there is unbelievable protocol in heaven there is reverential fear and awe of everyone of god in heaven and we seem to have lost it trying not to be religious we've almost become sacrilegious we really border on it sometimes if not cross false full body into sacrilegious you see if how how long has it been since the demon shrieked when you walked by him in the mall anybody flopped on the floor lately when you walk by him and or hissed at you anybody gnash their teeth at you lately as you just walk by don't have to say anything they just they just felt the presence of god on you we know who you are or is it more like jesus we know and paul we know but who are you i can tell you i can tell you what it's like to be at haunted happenings to salem massachusetts which we we send teams every year and i've been several years and i know what it's like to walk through 400 000 witches that go through salem and 10 in a 10 day period of time from all over the world we set a boost there we go we set up tents there because there's people who are looking for true spirituality and we have tents we have we have a menu board called spirit cafe and we have things like like spiritual readings that's prophecy but if you say prophecy nobody will come spiritual readings they go ooh ooh spiritual readings i want that with september we have like five to eight tenths we'll have spiritual reading spiritual cleansing which is like deliverance again you say here's our deliverance tent nobody's gonna go to that tent spiritual cleansing we have lines dream interpretation lines in fact every one of our tents will have no less than 10 to 30 people waiting we go out we go out to the high desert in nevada to a place called burning man a pagan festival called burning man they burned a 30-foot tall man at the end of the week pagan the most pagan festival in america may be in the world we send people out there because there are people there they get saved because there's true spiritual hunger there they just gave up on on the church many of them and we we watch people as we pray for them collapse into our arms wailing crying we had over 400 people for the last four years we've had over 400 people a year give their life to the lord in ungodly places like that all over the world [Applause] first step to authority is obedience second step to authority is love you want to be the servant of all i mean you want to be the leader of all become the slave how what does it take to become the slave or servant of somebody you love them more than you love you second step is is love what they tell us out there we can't believe you're christians you love us you love us yes we do but i i don't even know if i believe in god that's okay he believes in you he sent us here for you if you're the only person who's touched he sent us here for you we give we gave away 20 000 bottles of water at burning man this year our last year here in about a month four weeks we'll be sending another team of 50 people out to burning man we'll be sending teams come halloween to to salem massachusetts we have teams right now at the olympics we have teams hardly anything happens of any significance without us having teams there to to touch people you know what there's in those settings there's power and authority exhibited and in that setting i know what it's like to walk through 400 000 witches and have them shriek at you and hiss at you because they see the spirit of god on you the more authority we have the more light you bear and the more demonic forces will react when you're near and that brings me back to the beginning of the sermon why is it that we don't see things like this happening is it like have demons left the world are there no demonized people around according to my dream half the church had issues they had something in common here with darkness while trying to rub shoulders with light our authority from jesus is the pinnacle of authority on earth he has given us the earth psalms 115 16 the heaven even the heavens are the lords but the earth has given to the children of men luke 10 19 behold i give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you in other words if you'll exercise the authority things will really be different when in luke 4 when the people marveled at the authority in which jesus spoke and operated jesus revealed the power and the authority with which he came they marveled at his power they marveled at his authority he he revealed the power when in john 10 25 jesus answered them i told you and do you not believe the works that i do the works take dunamis works and dunamis are synonymous the works that i do they speak of me they bear witness of me he reveals his authority when he says this john 5 27 and he has given him the son of man given him authority to execute judgment also remember authority is a judicial process kings ruled by authority they conquered with power the scepter of the king was his authority the right hand of the king was his power the day would come when god the father would give jesus all authority in heaven and earth because he had absolute total submission which gave him absolute total authority to the degree we submit is the degree we will have authority conversely to the degree we do not submit we will lack authority again i'm not saying you won't make it to heaven i'm saying your battle will be much more difficult you see because jesus received all authority he now is able to give that authority away see if you have if you don't have all authority you cannot give all authority because you have all authority you can give all authority and that's why jesus said in matthew 28 at the great commission all authority has been given to me in heaven and earth he never lost authority in heaven but when he became man he gave up authority now in his resurrection he says i have the return of that authority in heaven and now i have also gained authority back on earth by defeating the evil one that's what paul was getting at when he said in ephesians he led captivity captive he defeated the evil one and gave all authority well the authority of the evil one had from adam and eve jesus got put back on his shoulders and with that he now is able to say to us i've given you the earth i'm going to give you authority over the earth now by doing that i want you to go out and make disciples and i want you to teach them everything i've taught you everything authority kingdom of god mysteries power authority all this i want you to teach them and when you're teaching them make sure that you teach them in a way that they can teach others in other words not only advance the kingdom perpetuate the kingdom and teach them to perpetuate the kingdom and teach them to perpetuate the kingdom over and over so that the kingdom never stops when john was put in the prison jesus then only then did jesus begin to go about all of galilee and preach the message of the kingdom why because john's head was about to get cut off and the message had to be perpetuated now that's what he's saying in matthew 28 the message has to be perpetuated what we've done is right now we focused on power very good but we forgot authority i believe we're headed for a great move of god and i believe in that move of god we're headed for for power encounters we're headed for incredible healings and we have signs and wonders we're going to see some wonderful things happen but god is right now setting the framework the infrastructure for the kingdom for the move of god he's set in the infrastructure he's reviving things that have been forgotten things that have been have not been addressed for decades if not millennium and in that reviving of it he's preparing you and me he's preparing us to be carriers of the essence and the fullness of that authority power if it's a demonic issue be gone if it's a power issue be restored jesus healed ten lepers one came back to thank him and that one walked away whole what does that mean all of them had the leprosy ended no more white skin everything was fine digits were still missing you know they had the finger eating away it's still gone had an ear eaten away by the leprosy it's still gone had a nose eaten away by the leprosy it's still gone toesing away foot anyway is still gone but the leprosy stopped it's not going to eat any more of their body it's not going to be infectious any longer and they're healed they're cleansed but the one who came back had the finger restored the ear put back on the nose that was there was now there there is a distinction between between just healing and authority power restored regenerated authority removed the leprosy both were very important sometimes we try to exercise power before we remove the cause so we can say kidney be healed all day long be restored be regenerated but without removing the cancer nothing happens both have to final tip by his stripes we were healed blood and flesh were put into that one word by his stripes we were healed that one phrase authority is in the blood power is in the flesh power changes the visible authority the invisible life is in the blood authority is in the blood so you want the flesh to be made whole power you want demons removed blood of jesus so much more to tell you i'm hoping that and the delivery of this that i was able to communicate the heart of god that allows you to see the bible is fitting jointly together and if you just grab the ways of god you're going to go wow you are awesome incredible you you put all this together that's like genius god goes it's above genius son but how the word fits together if if we can see how the word fits together we will have so much more confidence in god to not read the word is to lose confidence to read the word is to gain confidence faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of god we need this incredible word of god i want to pray for you and then i have to go to the airport because the airplane will leave without me they don't care about me preaching and my wife wants me back yeah oh that's it that's really good too so i want to pray for you and i want to ask the lord to give you such a hunger it draws you to a deeper relationship and the fruit of that will be authority and god will also grant you power from on high we need both so abba jehovah in the name of yeshua mashiach ben ali the son of god may you take the words that you had me speak and pierce the heart of each one may you woo them and put a hunger within each to grow in their relationship with you and in so doing authority is the fruit of that may everyone see that we walk in a system of heaven an authority structure of heaven and the highest magistrate is with us what we command to move moves what we command to stay stays what we command to grow grows what we command to be restored recreated regenerated is done make it so let amen be truly amen for your glory and for your great name's sake but you give them dreams that draw you close draw them closer to you may you give them visitations that that draw them and give them hunger for you may you give them insight into your word that amazes and fills them with awe at how intricate you are in your grand design father may none of us be the same and may the rest of this week prove to establish your kingdom in the hearts of all your children and may we have the courage to do it and the wisdom to know how in jesus name i pray so be it amen amen
Channel: Frontline Church
Views: 24,980
Rating: 4.907455 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Christianity, Prophetic, Frontline Church, Christian Conference
Id: Nga4AErGXsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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