Dream symbols

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listeners everywhere and of course we say hello to our Facebook viewers as well very happy to be back as we continue with the topic understanding your dreams part two and I think I mentioned last week we said good morning to our guest Minister Kevin Laue welcome to the show good morning it's great to be back when I was trying to make is that you know there's always so much more information along with that sometimes when it's repeated it helps you to kind of get it and so you would not be able to really interpret dreams today on the air would you not really I'm trying to squeeze as much someone's like right so you know you call and it's like oh really really something short like two seconds or you can you can share it with us but if you're online I mean I mean on Facebook and you want to share a dream it is not too long you can share it and we see what we can do if we can put it on for you and we can get some response from mr. Kevin this morning but last week we talked with dreams and you pointed out that this is biblical meaning that angel be pointed out about God giving us speaking to us in dreams and then increase the asset ease that's when we manufacture our own dream get thinking about something how does he get in that Matthew 1325 so they would have three aspects of the enemies of busybody were losing everything you know I was telling someone this morning that the Bible says the enemy is coming mmm and you see how people make all these worried you know make these declarations about the devil well but that's what the Bible says he's cunning so whatever else you think meaning that don't think that you know you can like over over like you can just be so clever with it exactly because he's a little little small little opening or something or he can even create one of the victims ignorance and I saw these TVs are bought to show us those little loopholes that he endeavored to bamboozle us in so what have been some of the responses from that's show last week well it wasn't a matter of me running into them they always want to end up me and they have like 66 million dreams to give me I supposed to interpret at one time well that's why I want to tell the viewing audience for Facebook and on you know the network that all that I do the idea of it is to give you the key to your deliverance and my my scripture that I stand on is always proverbs 11 verse 9 B which clearly dictates that it is through knowledge let the just be delivered and every week all throw do be I'm distributing sharing knowledge the knowledge of God over and repeatedly I'm doing it and the reason why I'm doing so that you now the Harris to see us could take action AK upon the knowledge that you are receiving because according to proverbs 11 verse 9 be it is this knowledge that's going to bring deliverance I really love this particular scripture it there's nowhere in that scripture where it's asking me to jump over the hurdles that most preachers of the word try to give you to get to a breakthrough or get your deliverance you don't the spin around three times you know how to run from one end of the building to the next you'd have to do none of that all you are required to do is to saturate yourself with the knowledge of the Scriptures which is the knowledge of God and the next step is to now apply it to your life and you will see changes and like I always say initially it's gonna be little difficult things going to become a little worse but the idea of that spiritually is that the IMP demonic forces that literally rule your life prior to your now deliverance are doing everything within their power to maintain their position but your knowledge now your knowledge is going to unsee them you see they had the law over you in that their victory and consistency in your life was Hosea 4:6 which says that because of a lack of knowledge the believers are destroyed or my people are destroyed so the enemy who is very legalistic who understands and he has to work within the frame of the law and the law works for those who who worked the law so he realized that I could keep Peter Mary Jane Cindy Kevin Tommy whoever if I could keep them ignorant if I can keep them from from from knowledge I don't mind them going to church I don't mind them being in the choir I don't mind them having a title apostle and preach and every I don't have a problem with that that's the sister the enemy now he doesn't have a problem with that but as long as they stay away from if they preach that same or prosperity over and over if they talk about how God want to give you a car and a new life and a new husband and a new wife and a piece of property or whatever let them keep saying but don't ever ever let them know about the spiritual realm don't ever let them believe that demons are real don't ever let them believe that you must focus on the spiritual realm as opposed to the things that you see keep them on the surface and in doing that they would be working along with him the devil and keeping themselves ignorant which the result of that is my people perish for lack of knowledge the Scriptures isaiah 5:13 says that my people are going into captivity they will remain stagnant they will remain limited they will remain restricted in life they can never get past a certain line even though they already 30 35 40 45 50 to 60 70 years old and still waiting on God to change on this break for the combin all through the course of their lives just seasons been coming and going but because the enemy has crept into the churches and bamboozled the leader to stick to this particular teaching do not go don't ever talk about witchcraft don't ever talk about sorcery don't ever talk about those realities in the spiritual keep them where they are keep them looking at what they see and of course in doing that again they're in violation of the scriptures according to second 24 and 18 that says set notch eyes on the things that I've seen so the enemy you're calling me stupid all y'all wanna call him all those things he does not care but the only points will seem to be foolish here is the ones who he hasn't kept everyone watches now with their assistance with their assistance that's really that's almost like you taking your hand and slapping yourself great so what these shows and my teachings are to provide you is the information that you weren't getting before showing you the reverence between the spiritual in the physical world and how you operate now with this knowledge from the spiritual perspective from the origin and once you begin operating from that perspective things are automatically going to break for you in the in the natural realm so just to give a recap of what we dealt with last week of course you were dealing with dreams excuse me and we were talking about the three different types of dream that you mentioned earlier dreams from God dream from Satan and dreams that when I call self manufactured dreams of course the scripture that we used from the dream from God was job 33 verses 14 to 18 then the dreams from Satan you use the scripture Matthew the 13 and verse 25 and self manufactured dreams that you'll find in Ecclesiastes chapter 5 and verse 3 so we realized that these are the three portals in which a dream come to us which we what we also know is that our dreams aren't just dreams they're not images what they are is you are literally when you dream your physical body is asleep what's your spiritual mind the real you the spirit you is now interacting cuz that part of you never rest that part of you never sleeps so that part of you is engaging in the unseen words or things that you couldn't see while you and your conscious mind you you you you will now see them in the spiritual and for example I remember one time somebody said to me how they had a dream and it's been they've been having this dream every so often and in this dream they're constantly seeing like these evil ugly faces all throw their home what they didn't realize was that the dream from the spiritual perspective was revealing the evil forces in that home thus explaining all of the strange happenings and that oh but they could not see it physically so the dream takes you behind the same showing you the origin or what's pulling the strings in your physical life and one of the things too with the ignorance part of it is that for many years individuals have been fooled into believing that certain symbols and dreams write to mean something else and in fact it's like incorrect and it can really bring devastation and havoc in your life as well well that's the idea of it see again all throughout our lives we've been given several different symbols but again like how we seen these teachings nobody ever said where these origin of these symbols come from we use last week that it is common that if a person dream about feces and especially was a lot of it that indicates that money is on the way somewhere in the future this person is going to be they get excited and I get calls all the time Kevin I hear if you dream but this feces businesses can happen blah blah blah now just like their godly symbols that will indicate godly events there are also demonic symbols from the kingdom of darkness the difference here is is that the demonic symbols will always appear to be good in its interpretation but the symbols are always wild and nasty and wicked the first thing you should say to yourself how could feces mean money how where's the connection there I mean that's the folks that would be the first thing that will come to my mind how now from the kingdom of darkness from oh and sorcery is demonic and the idea is remembered like we said last week every dream I'm gonna come up to this point I have to add this one here every dream is seeking because remember you're in the spiritual realm so in the spiritual realm you have the kingdom of light and you have the kingdom of darkness none of these kingdoms can operate in the life of the human being outside of the cooperation of that human being how does this cooperation come this cooperation comes to covenant so these spiritual entities in the dream are seeking the cooperation the agreement or covenant of the actual person or the spirit of that person in the spiritual realm so you might say Kevin okay one the sounds you sing well just briefly remember the scripture says that God gave man dominion over the earth there's no way in the scriptures that you will find where spirits were given or equal Dominion no so therefore in order for a spiritual being and I have to put emphasis on this including the Spirit of God to now run his course in the earth then he has to gonna human on a human being agreement many people challenge me understand I don't know why because the scripture clearly says that he gave man Dominion and this is why author the Scriptures you were going to find everything that God plans to do he forged a covenant and how is that covenant is it always get a pile of rocks and sacrifice animals no when he speak to you in your dream if you follow those rules then by default a covenant has been established that's what God wants to be done now will come to pass and I'll give a perfect example of it when Israel had one of their primary fights with the folks of Canaan we know about the walls of Jericho an order for those was to fall down there had to have been an agreement between God and the children of Israel so that his supernatural power can run its course in this physical earth now you may say Kevin but I didn't read nothing near where God acts our Joshua or any one of the children of Israel - could get animals and sacrifice it and whatever no you're right you're absolutely right and you will not read it there because it's not there however God gave them a specific set of instruction who is God a spirit who are children of Israel these are the men and women whom God gave dominion over the earth human beings Israel now if they follow the T of the commandments or the instructions that God gave them meaning to go around this city for seven days and on the seventh day you do X Y Z then you blow your front trumpets what's gonna happen after that you're going to see something happen that didn't could never happen with human ingenuity in this case the the fortified impenetrable walls of Jericho collapse Josh wouldn't throw a rock on it the guys then didn't hit it no what happen here God who is a spirit gave instructions to human beings who have the authority in the certain Dominion the human beings obeyed it that forged a covenant the Covenant now leaves God I mean God now can come and do what he wants to do the reason why I'm using this principle is because it's a principle it works on both sides of the fence the enemy to Matthew chapter 13 verse 25 which says that and while men slept his enemy came and he sowed tares among the wheat people say it's just a problem and they move on to the next verse but when we look at this then we forensically look at this particular scripture spiritually it is revealing the principle or would give Satan the right to enter your dream spiritually and plant evil seeds which is looking to see him a covenant field so example you told me Kevin when I said you I'm in general Kevin my grandmother died last year November this is November again anniversary and I had a vivid vivid dream about my grandmother first of all your grandmother is deceased that's number one and we can give a myriad of scriptures on this talk so this morning on the forbidden practices of communicating with the deceased one of the main ones is found in Deuteronomy chapter 18 verses 10 to 12 where you ought to have nothing or no engagement with necromancy what you don't know is this is Satan evil spirits masquerading as your deceased loved one to win your trust in the dream the deceased one loved one is either gonna tell you something or hug you or kiss you have some interaction those interactions aren't happening by mistake the most interaction they aren't happening to show that they love you this evil spirit and behind this masquerading Spirit or the spirit would look like your Grammy again this could be a spirit of infirmity this could be a spirit of poverty this could be a spirit of backwardness we don't know but we go knowing a little bit of we interact with it so when you say oh my goodness Grammy I miss you you run to Grammy in the dream and you thought well me right well you feel so excited the action of you hugging this is showing the agreement being displayed in the dream which also represents a covenant why is this important because this is now going to give this spirit who's masquerading as your deceased loved one the legitimate legal right to run its course in your life I have seen this happen over and over and over people tell me they dream about they decease and I tell him this isn't a good dream they yes and he said to me that his grandfather came to his mom in a dream and was telling her something about some property as it relates to the other relatives he claims of the advice that was given in the dream by the deceased grandfather where it was good advice where long did not follow the advice hence she they have some difficult to you with the property but it's not in her possession and I think she's still trying to get it so what he's saying is the deceased came with good news right the mom did not take the advice so and so because of that road she's now in a predicament had she taken the advice that was given to her in the dream by the deceased father she would have been sitting pretty well I'm happy you brought it up because it I would have led the slip if you didn't bring that up remember we're dealing with evil spirits in this particular instance as it relates to dreaming of deceased friends or loved ones you first of all these masquerading spirits which are originally known as familiar spirits if you know anything about familiar spirits familiar just like how God has angels assigned to your life according to Psalms chapter 91 verses 11 and 12 he says for he has given us angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways this tau dash thy foot against us on these angels are gather right now remember Satan mimics imitates try to duplicate and sometimes not summer but most times from an opposite perspective the things that God has done so just how angels are assigned to your life they are also evil spirits known as familiar spirits which are also masquerading spirits the the purpose of these spirits are to record everything about you why because like in any military war the success of that war will be based on the information that you retrieved from your opponents because then knowing certain things you know how to effectively target your opponents so now these evil familiar spirits know how much you love your Grammy these evil spirits know how close you were with your Grammy these evil spirits know certain things that your Grammy would say that you know only that only could be a gram because only Grammy said those things so this personal comes in your dream through the principle of Matthew 13 verse 25 masquerading because they can do this according to I think it's 4 so 2nd Corinthians 11:14 something about there we are Satan can transform into angels of mightiness ministers and so on could do also anyway so that this is this familiar spirit masquerading now as your Grammy and only Grammy used to say baby you know I love you baby now baby you know I love you I guess what this familiar spirit is going to mimic exactly what your deceased Grammy used to say so Christ at this point couldn't tell this poison that was in there Grammy in the dream so what happens now because all the Spirit is waiting on is for this person to receive or to accept what's being offered so they're convinced that this is Grammy so they go up to Grammy and Houlihan as a Grammy and Missy or whatever not knowing the symbolic spiritual implications that's being transpired in this dream an agreement has been made between the human who have the legitimacy in this fight and this spirit who didn't have it before but it has it now through the operation of the human mark that day that victim that's what they are now is going to see some strange and negative events that's going to take place now unfortunately they will never relate it to the dream but when we go back because like I tell you I said people all the time in the minute they say to me Kevin I dreamt about this dead poison I say just give me the date or just as close as you can give me the date you are dead rip now tell me what your life was like prior to this dream and I want you to take your time and tell me after you've had this dream think about some negative stuff that stood out to you after the dream and when they begin to look think about it and they said what I can't even you know what before I had that dream there was a promotion exercise I was going on on our job that supposed to be happening and I was the best one guy and all the qualifications and everything and for some strange reason I students they don't understand it I we had the promotion this was after the dream now we had the promotion and all of a sudden they didn't pick me and the person who they pick was nowhere qualified I said have you ever had any other dreams about disease people yeah I said now think about what you just told me why are there always these negative events that take place after these dreams why you know why because according to the Scriptures which I love so much he says in in a Matthew 1325 he says while men slept his enemy came and sowed or planted or invested tares or evil or curses in the victim's life and after it would have done that the scripture ends by saying on the enemy where his way I don't have to stay around no more because spiritually I have already programmed them to fail in life to go backward in life to be defeated in life but they are ignorant to the law thus Hosea 4:6 my people perish because they lack knowledge he press the ignorant oyeme so you see where you become through your ignorance and some people who I tell them who I tell that these dreams aren't good and they get upset with me but these are people who love ignorance they love being defeated don't tell me that wasn't my Grammy that was my Grammy because only my grandma used to tell me Shaka I love you should I say yeah well not a poison cotton you should go and tie in your life right up earlier the set Lubin GU she is in Dublin she's watching us in Dublin hello and she has a question she had a question earlier actually when you were talking about Dominion she wanted to know if Dominion laws apply to when you're dealing with the human spirit well yes you're first of all we are all spirits in our original nature God in making us suitable for this earth gave us flesh so truly we are spirits housed in a human flesh like I say all the time whether you believe that or not the reality of that will speak to your specific situation on the day of your death death in essence is simply this it isn't you being killed in a plane crash death isn't someone shooting you and taking your life that is in a a car accident death is simply this where the tenure of the human spirit has now come to an end on this physical earth the process of that is where that human spirit I want you to give me now is now extracted out of that physical body therefore the body goes back to the dust and that's smeared along with the soul goes to eternity hell happened whatever so at the end of the day what makes you legal in this earth is your flesh and when I say that outside of this flesh if you die right now according to the scriptures it says I think it's an I think it's an ecclesiastical either five verse nine or nine verse five one of them I can't recall right now but it's one of them and it says that when a person died it says they love their hate their Envy all of it comes to an end they happen it goes on to say that they have no more portion under the Sun they're nothing they have to do this earth anymore when we go to Luke chapter 16 verses 19 to verse 31 it gives a power boat which is only a condensed version of a true story where it says that there were two people that once existed in the face on the physical earth which we know to be the rich man and Lazarus and the scripture gives clear account that both of these people died the rich man and Lazarus but it didn't end there the scripture now begins to narrate a story where it's still showing the existence of these two men that the scriptures clearly dictated that they die but they're existing in a different world which we know to be the spiritual world and in both cases none of them could come back to the physical world in the rich man's case he couldn't come back he wanted to go back to warn his brothers and Abram said oh no boy is that care happened he even talks of Lazarus could go he said no no no no no no what she didn't do in the physical world when you had physical life it cannot be done anymore now that your human spirit has been extracted from your physical body okay and we say good morning to Judah is [Music] Southwest Africa okay and also Denis the bago is in Jamaica D'Arnot Alexander's and Vincent and the Grenadines also Barry Floyd in South Carolina the cept is in Dublin and Rene wants plunger she is and it's so interesting that the caller on the phone during the break and it's the same question both of them are asking can parents attack and cancel their adult children streams in their daily prayers because she was saying I guess they're not knowledgeable it's sort of things is that effective well it's very effective in fact the equivalent rod is just making general prayers we are children their safety the advancement and it is your expectation that God would heroes purse and intervene in those children's lives and bring those things that you pray for supervision so even if your kids are having bad dreams and Emma not even be aware of it you have the right you could pray father God would in fact I do it all the time any dreams that my children have had where the enemy is trying to suddenly into their lives the plot evil seeds I command every demonic seed of the enemy to be consumed by the fire of the Living God I now pray according to Jobe one in 10 a hedge of protection a spiritual energy of protection around my children also accompanied with the whole armor of God you have that right as such as a parent you and listen if your children 100 if you could pray that prayer and we say good morning to your wife like greatest fun Felisha heard she's watching she says I remember a dream he told me about your son you don't last in a show we were I don't remember the topic but during this summer and you were saying oh he was looking for a job right and he had a dream that actually oh yeah this is right right actually he was on summer break from school from college this is just some of us and when he was up and down up and down trying to find a job putting applications out there going online whatever he couldn't he's becoming frustrated and he told me one night he had this dream and in this dream he was like a city or whatever was very very bad what he could see and he saw this huge long snake was torment and he said daddy one of them was dead the head was crushed on it and there was this other one and the other one saw him and was trying to go into this hole to get away from him so he said he's standing up in the dream trying to feel good money to kill the snake and he couldn't find anything and he was trying to figure out how this is gonna happen how we can kill a snake he said for some reason this unseen force grabbed the snake now I don't remember he said it chopped the head of the snake but in any event the snake was killed this unseen force killed a snake shortly after that what happens not only did he get a job he got two jobs yeah so he was working one job in the morning and this was like a boat two days after this dream I think he was working one job in the morning and the thing how it worked out and that first job that he had I think he would have work at 10:00 and get off my very first job interview right and while he was to that job interview because they were telling him you need to come back I think the next day or whatever to start I don't know but anyway the next job he went to the first job was from 10:00 to 3:00 the other job was from for tonight and didn't you say I think in the first child when he went for the interview they told him they wanted him to start that seemed I believe just turn around I think you said he went to lunch right yeah a couple things to do anyways came right back I believe but here's what I'm looking at the dream now God is revealing to my son and this is why these teaching I cannot put enough emphasis on it because the more you understand the spiritual work the more you'll guide your affairs the discretion to make sound decisions the dream was showing him that see those snakes obviously represent evil it represents demonic forces fighting your destiny but in the dream excuse me in the dream one dawn the snake the first snake was already dead but he didn't see no human kill it the second dream he watched being killed but he didn't see any time you have a dream and you do not see human hands move something kill something transport something then the dream is saying however this is going to take shape in the natural realm it's going to be supernaturally done so the dream is now showing where God is subduing the spiritual forces that was blocking my son's opportunity once they were out the way from the spiritual realm then success is inevitable in the natural realm so this is why you cannot take your dreams and lightly any dreams where you see your being they need someone stopping you from getting to a particular destination or you're in a car and the light is on red but for some reason it's taking up normally long or then the light go on green a police shows up and tell your car to stop and every other car could go all of that is showing you this the spirit of delay that is attached to your life or that is appending to fate not as pending for your life or is currently activating in your life many people say to me care but I had a dream and I keep having this dream over and over like I'm going to the airport I have to catch this flight but when I get there immigration stopped me or I can't find my passport when you look at the actions of the dream the symbol what's really happening here you are being delayed but this is the key you are being delayed spiritually why is this important because the spirit world is the origin of all things it is the parent words it is natural world whatever takes place in that world which is the origin automatically affects this life this world so if you're being delayed spiritually then it's an available that you're going to be delayed physically now what is even more important is that 99.99999 percent of the time when you have these dreams then the forces that are fighting you they're not fighting you randomly they know that there's a breakthrough up the road for you they know right that there's something pending that's gonna benefit you but if I could confuse them now if I could delay them if I could take them off this divine destiny they cannot connect what would God put because I think there was a scripture that you mentioned about I think we've all experienced what we're praying praying about a situation mm-hmm you know it starts to get worse and you're trying to figure it though you know all this praying and fasting and it's getting is getting worse right but I think there was something that you showed the Spirit knows oh it's the boy right Mach 5 right we're talking about this feeling because it's what the Spirit anger in no way right and begin to fight right but eventually Jesus got the spirit oh so what I'm trying to get people to understand and a lot of people and I know they can generate dreams everybody oh I had this dream last night oh I had this dream but here was what I want you to understand this is why I say to people all the time if you read my teachings if you watch just take your time and listen take note when you're watching my videos you are going to be able to interpret your own dream because you know what it is now it isn't a matter of interpreting the dreams you know it is a matter of putting the actions two symbols the signs together through all of the teaching you've now inculcate into your system I know people who write me say Kevin ice for breakfast lunch and then I watch your videos I read your articles over and over and the night is now beginning to come on see there are people out there who just feel every time they have a dream they could call me okay when I just bought my tool I said what I mean okay but I have a dream and the lights matter what I mean I'm never gonna answer you I'm never gonna follow up with you because you are lazy I have over 600 articles that I wrote and you think about this for free on my blog site Kevin Laue dot blog spot.com I have 100 and something videos where I go into detail teaching all of the shows and the ones that I do know recently resolution number Cindy Russell show I everyday on my Facebook page I'm just giving away knowledge giving away I am not keeping it from you but then there are people I say to them listen you asking me what does dreaming about here mean you know what I do I'll put a link to the actual article they won't write me back III saw what you say but I Buena I'm not around so you can never get a call from me you are lazy and that is the reason why you're in the position that you're in you want to be served you don't want to not begin to think for yourself and I'm not that kind of preacher I'm not that kind of teacher I'm not gonna become your crunch I'm not gonna become this poison you could put on speed-dial and expect me to slave here my job is to teach you God revelations and information for you just like that I had to go take it and make it practical and I see that the evidence of my life this is what you're gonna get from me so you know it's gonna happen to them now or he was never no good that's why I don't listen to him you know write you back and I will never write you back to me make that clear because you need to stop being lazy and begin to read get in your Bible and I break this why did I break the scriptures on this is my gift so much so that a child can understand it what are you calling me for someone taught me that a day Kevin had a dream I was in this house and in the house I was in my room in my room I saw these dark shadows in my room and it's like they were trying to scare me but it's only when I move they would move would that mean so what I did I went to my articles on on dreaming of houses I copied it and I pasted it in the link even full understanding what a house man not only do I break it down to what a house meal I said that every woman a house a house represents your life in the dream that's a symbolical and every room in our house is now gonna speak to the specific area of your life a total detail she's going to write me back oh I read your article on houses and I understand it but I didn't talk about the shadows but I think she's so great want me to respond on that's not gonna happen and you see this is what has happened to our churches where our pop yeah you have made them lazy you have and they figure once Kevin in around and it can't wait no no careful it's just a tool and see that is how the devil has roped in because I think we were talking about it recently about how the enemy kind of makes you to feel like oh what you're doing is okay you don't have to do all that right I mean to me I'm thinking Jesus was Jesus Jesus could have just done whatever he wanted to do but he was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit he fasted any brain there are people who I think last week we were talking about it we had some people are on Facebook who were asking questions about fasting people don't want to turn their plates don't know and I was sharing how I listened to an African pastor and he was telling his people he said I invite you to come to five o'clock prayer meeting in the morning you do not come I invite you until you come let's pray at 12:00 midnight at the church 11 o'clock we pray until 12:00 a little after 12:00 you do not come let's go on a fast together as a church or let's just fast and you do not fast when people have all sorts of excuses mm-hmm and I keep saying I don't have a problem with the Daniel Fast if that's what people want to do me personally I have interpreted it as a lifestyle as a way to eat with just restrictions but I'm out from my understanding of what the word says I do not call that a fast look genuine Foster right so you have your drive fast and they're fast with Warner and of course sometimes people are in a fast for a long period of time and they may have an intake of water and other things but the point I'm making is lazy right what someone else I think if people were able to fast for people they would probably pay them to do it but it's just lazy they're lazy and not only that right you saw and you know what he told his people okay you don't come to prime meeting you sleep in your beds and let me see how I look at your life but I don't see it getting any better you eat eat eat and it's not getting any better see at the end of the day sending it boys on to discipline I've had people written me Kevin I have fasted I've done this I've learned that even I could sense in the email the the anger and impatience in this person and here's what I say right people believe that okay all your life you do fool so even the devil and you forgot one day when you decided you know I don't live for the devil for 60 years I won't change my life okay God God come and clean up my life so I can live the perfect life now Nomad everything comes with discipline everything come with patience persistence commitment and nobody wants to do that and that's why for me and I'm sure many of them get angry a lot of them write me little nasty emails no matter I don't leave them it means nothing to me you know why because there are emails and I read Minister Ewing I'm from Cape Town South Africa I don't know you somebody sent me a video and tell me to watch it from that point for I've been watching it applying the principles that you got from the Bible and I've seen changes in my life Darleen oh well on Facebook fans amen Minister Kevin she said lazy people are rebellious right it's the truth and they're not gonna make me their God I'm never gonna be their God and I don't care if they like me no because you're not gonna you don't serve me and I am the put you in a position to act like I'm some good teacher I think what has happened over the years with village and church the culture where people have made their leaders like little gods and then it's almost like they have to go to them for every little thing and of course there are times when people leaders get tired of that because people are like babies they've been in church for years and acting like babies and so that becomes a burden on a leader yeah but a leader for most part cause that to happen because first of all the leaders and from my experience a lot of them are insecure so they're in order to control what they do is everyone must report to them and no matter what positions that they give them they still make the overall decision no man Jesus Christ realized that as a physical human-being operating as a regular human being he couldn't be in Asia one place in this the next place so you know what he did he got 12 disciples what did he do he taught the 12 disciples about the kingdom principles and so on then what did he do next he said now go out into the world I got to supervise you no more I've given you the basics I've given you the principles the rules that's what I gave you those rules those laws those policies those principles will work for you no matter where you go on this earth you have leaders who put you in charge of the children's ministry but every minute you gotta run man I'm okay we'll do a little pasta you think no no I don't it should happen okay so you think I should let married no no no so this poison camping on the only right for me my job and I will never as long as I live and I'm wondering hearing audience to hear me as long as Karen you in live Kevin is not your Savior Kevin is not um caught I am NOT just don't ever call me a spiritual father because I will not answer you I don't believe in those things I have a gift and my job is to give you the Word of God and hopefully stir up the gift in you so that you could go there and emulate me to this extent you're doing the will of God you know doing no one a favor you're doing your part of your work in the earth so when you stand before your mission right you he could say good and well so even go into your DRS so I am NOT your personal dream interpreter I am NOT your you know what I don't care when you don't call him right now and tell him give him this for our dream you have met him endure that will never in this knife happen so my information I'm not charging you for it like some other poisons I have listened I have right now I told you this 10 written books it could be published any minute now I could start the money process not know but what am i doing every day giving you free information free of course the books are gonna be published one day but it seems to me as if people rather pay people rather jump like they like the hurdles I don't know why you're being given free information man I wish someone had given this thing when I was going through all I hell but I was having all these crazy dreams and no pasta no one could tell me what was happening when all of this crazy stuff was happening in my home and and things moving bubbles so on I was too embarrassed to tell somebody else that things moving right you know what's sad I spoke with someone the other day that was also a call from Sherrod and that things happen and they both told me they said you know in this you know be listening to the shows with but he was the guest and then information they've received you know they call because they wanted to think they were happy to know there is someone right who understand the m'lady was crying and she said you know my children don't believe me and I don't know I don't know what to do and then there was someone else who was telling me she felt like she was going out of her mind which I felt whatever was done to her was to make her go out war and she said that and she said she you know she can't understand you you go to the doctor you do this you read you you try to get information to help yourself and nothing and she said no she never there was no one as she can go to because they would just think she's out of her mind and just say you know it's ridiculous I had an email thing where this lady told me she went to her pastor she's from America we don't mean to move off the subject no I'm gonna get right there right now I just wanna this point in here that she told me where she went her past and told my pastor how she'd been seeing certain things only when she's about to go sleep at night happening and her bedroom some supernatural stuff he said ah he said since I can tell you right now I I can't help he was honest he said I can't now to me even though he was honest I was challenged greatly by his statement here is why I'm gonna end it right here I'm gonna get straight into the scripture if you were you are you are you are radio talk show host you work here visiting us this is what you do and if I come to you and I say send innocent I want to set up a show where you know I want you to interview me and someone else and you say this is what you do that's like me going to the doctor doc listen I got this plane here yeah I have one there too but I know what to do see what I'm saying to you you are in you are in representatives with a title you are in minister you i pastor you RIT I don't care what title you have under Christendom the purpose of what you do the core of what you teach preach believe is invisible think about it you speak about a devil you speak about of gone you speak about this Jesus you speak about evil spirits unclean spirits are they not invisible you speak about a heaven you speak about a hell are they invisible no so when I come to you and say man I feel this presence walk in the room and you say to me I think that's your mind that should tell you something about that person right now first of all clearly either they are totally oblivious to what it is they claim to believe or they don't believe it how could you say you do not believe in the spiritual realm how could you say you don't believe in voodoo Oh beer good scrap that stuff is nonsense because you can't see it but the same amount you'll see me I believe in Jesus Christ I believe in God have you seen any of them so you are a hypocrite you are a liar or at least you are confused if you don't believe in the spiritual and come off the man pulpit stop deceiving people if you if you only believe in what you see then you need to go back into the world and do this because the world seeing is believing with them but anyway so much for that let's go to job chapter 33 verse 14 right right jobs out of 30 chapter 33 verse 14 says for God speak once even twice yet man perceive it not or he doesn't understand so God through natural physical means is trying to communicate a message to the human being but the human being isn't getting it for example the human being is having some real tough issues and here's a highlight and you know what they decide to take a break off from work today and watch some TV they'll turn it on TBN and the man of God or a woman of God is speaking directly to their mono to their situation but they turn the TV because they more interested in watching scooby-doo so anyway God now they decide to go to go to the grocery store whatever and when they get there there was a species of people on the ground they pick it up and then when they open the paper the the the message in there is taken from a particular scripture that is against speaking directly to the situation so they take the paper and they ignore that so description saying in job 33 verse 14 that God is exhausting every physical Avenue to communicate a message to this person first 15 of job 33 says he now takes the avenue of a dream in a dream in a vision of the night listen to the scary now when deep sleep fallen upon men in slumbering or this guy is dozing off to go to sleep upon his bed so what's happening here now God says I cannot communicate to you because of all of the distractions in your conscious or waking life so I'm going to wait for your physical man to be at rest sleeping in this case and now I'm going to communicate to your spirit and I tried the physical part of it I tried TBN I tried the network network I even sent Kevin and Cindy to have these shows to speak to your life but you just keep brushing it aside but because I love your lovin egg exhaust communicating to you so I'm gonna wait for you to fall asleep and my spirit is now going to communicate to your spirit so watch what happens here verse 15 in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep fallen upon men and slumbering upon the bed verse 16 then he who is he God then he opened the ears of men with was this guy as sealed before no but he's talking now remember everything from this point forward after the guy fell asleep or the lady fell asleep he's talking about things that are spiritual keep that in mind he says then he which is caught opened the ears of men why and seal what their instructions remember I told you about covenant if you want God order Satan to work to operate for you you there has to be a covenant that covenant come in the form of instructions if you follow it from Satan side then you introduce the coaster run legally in your life if you followed from the kingdom of God side then you introduce God's power supernatural power in your life so God says I'm sealing your instructions and he's going to tell him why now verse 17 that he wishes God may withdraw man from his purpose and hide pride from him he keep it back his soul from the pit which is bondage and his life from perishing by the sword so the scripture says that God when he comes soon a dream he is now giving you instructions to pull you off of the path that would have inevitably destroyed you you still have a choice in this matter you don't have to listen to God you still could do what you want to do but the scripture what I want you to see here is that it is not talking to the physical person now when that deep sleep fell upon that person God isn't speaking to Kevin laying down because Kevin while he may be able to hear physically he in he's not conscious so God says I'm gonna speak to your spirit now that your spirit man which is now active in their spiritual realm I will communicate to that spirit via my spirit and the purpose of it is to give you a set of instruction for us to forge a covenant for me to now work in your life okay and as we're going to the break to the ministry they just like the job let's pray for them but that's why they can't help when it comes to the things of the Spirit and that is no Mina Santo Melanie Rose says I once attended a church where the pastor said call me for prayer if someone is sick or any other prayer but don't call me if someone is possessed with the power of Satan she said I never went back to that church Wow I wouldn't even go on that road no more there was someone who was asking about fasting and he said if it's okay if he likes to fast that's a good thing people don't do it right and so and this is a segment we were just kind of you know saying as Christians it's not good to be lazy because lazy could be detrimental to your much spiritual life very much very much carry over to your physical right eventually well really it is the least in its order lack of knowledge that has you in the put the dislike position that you're in you look at people like me and many others you say man these people are so going for God and things are happening in their life well why don't you put one of us on the side and let us explain to you the discipline that came along with this the 40 day fasting the 20 day fasting you notice the fast 40 days with no fruit or do consecutive dry fast three days of no water no food saturating yourself in the Word of God praying those prayers over and over right midnight right real walk in the morning I praise God for me in the sense of this what he did for me I couldn't see it there where the pain that took place in my life pushed me under on the beach in the morning praying praying praying or caused me to isolate myself and just get into the scriptures and even then I used I was so hurt and the pain that was brought to me by others I couldn't understand why God didn't intervene and deal with them but the truth was this was about you Kevin and I'm this is your boot camp I am dealing with you I am roaming you from greater cause they were just the components I allowed to be in your life because I know it would have only been those circumstances I would have pushed you in the area that I needed you to be in if things were going good for you Kevin you wouldn't have had a need to do these things that's when you go in the gym right and uniquely right gonna be in there ready for right but you're gonna do result after right so when I look at my life now and the thousands of people that follow me the thousands of people that seek my concept my teachings and watch me that happened because of discipline that happened because I allowed God to do what he wanted to do in my life by the instructions that he gave me through the course of my life which brought me to this point which will even take me further I'm only saying this right now because they're people watching me right now who are actually sitting on their gifts literally they're sitting on the gift now 80% of upset at me with camera I can be I don't know what might give and you will never know if you choose to spend the rest of your life you doing what you want to do you have to introduce discipline to the equation in any area of your life then you want to be a doctor or lawyer even if you want to be a thief there's some discipline you must take on you ain't going nobody knows big Dominica catch you right so the discipline is I'm gonna wait till nightfall and make sure everybody's asleep one will awaken nobody's there see discipline in any area of your life if you want success must be incorporated so I'm saying this again and I have to put emphasis on this stop sitting back and being lazy and expect with those when they give the soil you know you need to now let that stir something and you say you know what if Kevin could do that and all and he'd been through and I thinks he didn't miss life but I know got to do it really it's as simple as that yes that's what they were saying as well the Great Commission is everybody almost like you know you sit back and you Fredo oh that's for that one to do and that's that's something that he's got to do but we're all going to carry on this gospel right and that is something very important because again again after all of the teaching after all of the preaching after all the signs miracles and wonder all of this meaning the world is gonna come to an end and we're gonna have to face that same reality like the rich man and Lazarus you gonna have to stand before this being that created everything are you going to have to answer listen sometimes if I know I mess up on my job and I see my boss called me my heart began to pump with it because I know I know we're gonna happen here now that's just a human imagine the Creator who's gonna say silly I have sent you to Zaire and as you were placed in my accident and I put you strategically in place to get my word to facilitate my word but instead you didn't want to do that you wanted to do with you you gonna have to give an account of saying I'm not doing what I'm doing for fame or for for popularity I don't because I love it number one but number two I wanted to be said well done that I couldn't faithful servant that's what I want to hear and I want my family members and friends and all of those who follow me to have the same word spoken over their life and this is why I am passionate about what I do I'm not interested in being no demigod I'm not interested in fame and fortune I'm not interested in that and I think one of the things too especially with the shows is for all of us to live in them you know the manifestation of the Word of God not just going to church and hearing it all the time you know it's just so much that God has for us and I just wanted to make a comment to buy as an anti Smith she said we're talking about lazy people she said look at churches prayer meeting she said 10 to 15 people in prayer meeting with a church of over two to three hundred people on a Sunday morning if you like to post a question on Facebook I'll try to get to it and we'll try to give it to Minister Kevin so we can get in on this show and in studio with me is my guest Minister Kevin Laue we're discussing the topic understanding your dreams part two and just real quick I wanted just them give a shout out to our Facebook viewers and just um quickly share some of their comments Kellyanne boo Cod is saying that she's working on discipline and in the area in that area of my life also Samantha was saying that she said my greatest fear not to hear these words sometimes thinking about it makes me shiver also Julia sherry Andrew said never knew she could have done a drive fast because she loves to eat well when trouble and pain took place she said she was fasting at like never before she said thanks to God's grace and mercy and I must say Minister Kevin you encouraged me to do the giant back I always wanted to do it and I owe the enemy made me believe that I could not do it like I would be so thirsty I just couldn't do it and I did it once like one day I was and then I remembered like I drank a lot of water prior to the three day I said I am going to do it by the grace of God and I got up at midnight and was in prayer and not if at three o'clock I was in prayer and I think that really really helped and reading your script is really in the Bible and the second night when I prayed I was laughing so much I couldn't start my prayer and I said god this is just so funny the enemy is so wicked making me believe that I could not do this His grace is sufficient right and that's what we need to do when you're going to do so dry files and my opinion is the most brutal fast and she's never but however the the spiritual impartation that comes along with it and the spiritual experiences that comes along with it is inaudible at night I would tell anyone if you ever attempt to do a drive fast and a drive fastest three days or 72 hours non-stop no food no water in fact that you go on my blog site I did teaching on spiritual sickness part 1 and part 2 and I spoke specifically girl those who have been affected by witchcraft and all bill which sicknesses are related to that a drive fast will alleviate that but that's a whole new teaching yeah cancer is the tough one I need strength to do you know I'm thinking I have to psych myself out no my wife's taught me all the time Kevin I wish I was discipline like you when I come to first thing but that is something that I didn't happen for me overnight I started and see what a person who never fasted before I would never recommend how I pass to like a 12 hour fire so one day pass you and you work your way to those points and again you're it's not just straight you're asking the Holy Spirit she didn't thought she was gonna pass out she passed away I seek I'm kind of slipping over so I really want to get into these symbols but I also want to address a question I think the Lord and Lois I think it was an ask on the Facebook feed there right and she was asking if people that have moved on in your life she's not talking about deceased people you did not if you had a boyfriend or ex wife or husband every moved on she says in dreaming about friends who I'm not dead the spirit I said back my latest friend in my dream always asking if I'm working right and she is absolutely correct if you had a dream where your ex-husband or ex-wife always showing up in your dream or whatever you had a you on a job and the dream is always taking you back to this job that you you don't work day anymore again the symbols the wood this dream is symbolizing is the spirit of setback and delays any interruption any in agreeing with these spirits or accepting the dream are not rebuking the dream then you have now given those forces the right to begin the process of causing things to be delayed in your life you'd normally have those dreams like I said you probably expecting some money next week or whatever then these dreams will come to try to spiritually reroute your destiny or they'll lay you some way somehow so when you see dreams ami dream I don't care that that denotes those things are set back or let's say you want a job an on this job you are constantly dreaming that the former boss is now the present boss or coworkers that he used to be there who you saw a fire or don't don't work anymore in the dream they always showing up now these are very interesting drinks to take note of because number one anything that takes you back to the past is a problem because remember you finish with that you done with that that's like you whatever that's you ending taking you back is not good now to understand the the level of the seat fulness of this dream is to take all components in the dream into account for example if you dream your former boss is here now boss in your dream but there's obviously a new boss on the job then you now must look at the characteristics of the former boss was it a wicked boss was it a good boss what kind of boss was that former boss because the dream is now revealing that the spirit what rule that former boss is now still present here and you will get the seal in the new boss so the former boss was a evil wicked lowdown boss or whatever but you keep dreaming he's back on the job then the dream is showing you you better start worrying because this friend who came over there's a little taking over you thought you saw hell back then or you can see as hell now so remember the dream takes you in the spiritual realm and the things that you're seeing a symbolic the actions the symbols the signs are symbolic of deeper things let me just go into the scripture to give more light on it and we're gonna come right back to the symbols in Genesis chapter 37 furgus 1 to verse 11 Genesis chapter 37 from verse 1 to chapter 11 and this is going to give us some serious protocol Sarina as it relates to dreams it says i'm jacob dwelt in the land where and his father was a stranger in the land of canaan these are the generations i'm gonna pass all of that right no look these are the generations of jacob joseph being 17 years old was feeding the flock with his brethren and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah and with the sons of zelf from his father's wives and joseph brought unto his father their evil report so that means joseph is the korres daddy and say see Cynthia she hide the candy for my Houston he always used to tell tales or whatever walk or talk on them are telltale always talk on in verse 3 says now Israel which is Jacob Israel loved Joseph more than all the children now we're gonna free you no trouble and come right because he was the son of his old age and he made him a coat of many colors and when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all the brethren they hated him and could not speak peaceably unto him was five of Genesis 37 and Joseph dreamed a dream and he told it his brethren and they hated him yet the more and he which is Joseph said unto them hear I pray you this dream which I have dreamed for behold we were binding sheaves in the field and lo my Shiva rose and also stood upright and behold your sheaves stood round about and made a balances to my sheaf and his brethren said to him watch us now for see what did he hear us and his brethren which I his brothers said to him which is Joseph shall Dow indeed reign over us or shall do indeed have dominion over us and they hated him yet the more for his dreams for his words now here is why I'm putting emphasis on the scripture Joseph had the gift and thought this was a gifted family Joseph had the gift of dreaming and I bring him especially because I just phases every day his jealous this family was very gifted and the Scripture speaks of it and brackets speaking of it now indirectly his brothers while Joseph had the gift of dreaming his brothers had the gift of interpretation but they their hate and jealousy towards their brother overwhelm the obvious gifts that they possess right she knows what I'm saying that and this is what I I face all the time I don't listen to nobody talking about you city you focus on what God call you to do what you have taken this the gift would say can give you to bash me so here it is now they are in at this point Joseph could not interpret his dreams he couldn't because he's telling them he said look and I had this dream where my my weeks that I had bind up it was standing upright but all of you my brothers your sheaves were bowing to me so immediately his brothers understood the dream they say what you mean we can serve you but he never said that he never once said him a boy lucky I had a dream they all like a run things Rania he never said never said that but his brothers interpret that they had the gift of them many of you listening to me right now you have the gift of interpretation you have the gift of dreaming you have the gift of healing and sometimes through your jealousy and hate or whatever towards others the gift is gonna show itself but you so focus on whom your hate is towards that you overlooked in the gifts that God has given you so in the story and I love this it says in verse 8 of Genesis 37 and his brethren said to him meaning all of them and then say his brother his brethren all of these brothers could interpret his brethren said to him shall Dow indeed reign over us because they realize that when they convert the symbols of the dream if your sheet is standing upright and our sheaves are bowing to you then we understand that we got to serve you or you gonna be higher than us and now they asked him they say and his brother said to him shall thou indeed reign over us or shall die indeed have dominion over us it says that these brothers hate them dancing wow I can I could actually understood what a dream man you hear that instead they say they just hate him after that first night says and he dreamt which is Joseph again yet another dream and told it to his brethren Facebook obviously again this revelation in the sense that these brothers that hate you from your face dream they hate you from the time your power used bringing lose to your party didn't like that and now you will give him a second dream you looking for problem so in verse 9 says and he which is Joseph's dream yet another dream and told to his brethren and said behold I have dreamed a dream more and behold the Sun and the moon and the Eleven stars were paying homage to me verse 10 and he told it to his father unto his brethren what the father displayed the gift of interpretation watches now verse 10 says and he told the to us father and to his brethren and his father rebuked him and said unto him what is this dream that thou has dreamed shall i which represents the son and your mother which represents the moon and your brothers would represent the 11 start indeed come down and bow ourselves to you here on this earth yeah and what I'm saying to you now you see what I mean by this is a gifted family the father so jealous didn't know how gifted they were well they didn't know and the father the reality of the dream in him so hard he couldn't vision in vision from his limited view his son not only becoming a ruler one day but to rule over them they couldn't compare me you're so busy looking at my ice cream but you can't see your ice cream melting in you know they're just infinite so his father interpret the dream but let's break it down a little bit more Joseph said I had this dream I'm standing on the earth and I see the Sun I see the moor and every 11 stars but for some reason they were paying homage to me his father became perturb about it and it says that the father didn't rebuke the dream he rebuked the messenger of the dream he rebuked his son and he questioned him what do you mean he knew that the greater light which represent the Sun watch the symbols been interpreted now the greater light which represents the Sun in this dream he speaks about the head of the house which represents the father the lesser light which was the moon represented the mother so the two heads of the womb then he saw not twelve stars because he would have made the twelve brother instead he saw eleven stars which represented the eleven brothers who also had the gift of interpretation and they were all bowing so the father immediately recognized what it meant and he said what it meant but he also said here in verse 10 is a zani told his father and to his brethren and his father Tim and said unto him what is this dream that you had dream shall I and thy mother and thy brethren deed come to bow down ourselves to D to the earth verse 11 says and his brethren and vide him not happy that they have the gift to interpret dreams is it envy him but his father observed the saying so the father said boy it is boy gifted this boy's got a gift but here's what I also want you to see in this what I want you to see in this also Cindy is the fact that this family and I pray that what I'm saying here really affects somebody today and when I say affect them you're sitting down and jealousy is wreaking from you because you see a person moving in ministry you see a person korenev leading them and just like these brothers who got a gift of interpretation you're sitting on your gift you got your give up on the shelf and you using the gift of Satan of jealousy instead instead of you get up and now begin to go out there and do what your gift is called you to do not only that this is what I want you to look at in this dream but with Joseph in his family no way in this particular chapter nowhere the Joseph said I'm gonna be a leader the Joseph said they said them what do you mean what you mean I didn't force myself to dream this I didn't lay down and say now you can dream you can be ahead of them tonight no I laid there and I had this dream I'm not responsible for the dream the dream came about now you got the gift of interpretation and now you want to get upset with me because of a dream I did not force myself down you're crazy all your crazy crazy family chosen what a crazy man they gifted people and still they God and of course those gifts to make room for them they're too busy harassing us young man who did not force the dream on themselves why be jealous because I can cook because I can cook doesn't mean if you begin to be able to eat just me on me so as we know I time went on exactly what the dream but here's what I want you to see the dream was speaking about the destiny of this young man the dream was speaking about the destiny of his family that don't matter how much you all hate me now no matter what you all do to me now y'all I'm the black sheep in this family but my dream have already shown me that God is gonna elevate me God is gonna promote me and the very person you're persecuting now you're gonna beg for my boys in there and we saw that in the scriptures my question what is your dream showing you what is this recurring dream that you're constantly you're always dreaming about being in our house our house represent the life of someone the Bible says that they dreamed about seeing yourself buried someone is bearing a destiny whenever you see yourself being buried there you see items someone burying your your purse or your wallet or you see your passport being buried or you see it in the dirt then someone is projecting witchcraft curses at you the dream is now symbolizing what they're doing spiritually to affect you physically so when a person bury your destiny that mean that you are now limited in life what you were called to do cannot happen anymore because your life has been restricted what do you do now first of all because of how to dream present itself you don't just pray towards your destiny you must pray against the source of what's hindering your destiny every evil alters projecting evil curses at my destiny and in that case trying to bury my destiny I command that also to be consumed by the fire garden to be broken every covenant that was established in my dream whether knowingly or ignorantly I command that covenant would be null and void because it is the covenant that's gonna give these evil forces the right to run its course in your life if you haven't dreams again about a house or house represents your life one of the Scriptures of a giver start is a mark chapter 30 12 verses 43 to 44 it speaks about the the spirit of his caster of a man and all of the other stuff but the spirit made a very important statement he said when he didn't find any race he says let me go back to my work house Hou SC so he's calling the human being his house this is a good symbol in the sense that when I dream about house and depending on the size of the house it could be speaking about an individual or a group so if you had a dream about a house it's speaking about the life of someone if it's your house is speaking about your life in the dream if the dream is now focusing on a specific area of that house for example the bathroom you had a dream and in this dream you're in your house which represents your life but you're in the bathroom of your house would you use the bathroom for to to to cleanse to take a bath to to use the toilet so it speaks of repentance it speaks of cleansing it speaks of changing something modifying it changing your ways or whatever the case may be you dream about your bedroom your bedroom is a private place you don't bring anybody in your bedroom you know the postman comes knocked you don't say come to bring the delivery does it come in my room no so your bedroom speaks about the personal areas of your life so when you're dreaming about your bedroom its or even your children bedroom there's something personal going on in their lives now you look at all of the other factors in the dream that's now gonna give more revelation as to what the dream is trying to get you to focus on if you dream about a car a car can also represent your life depending on what's going on with that car for example you are in a car let's say your car but you're not the driver the driver's seat of the car represents the poisonin control so let's say you had a dream and in this dream you was in the driver to the passenger sit on the back seat with your wife when you or your wife in the back seat but your mother-in-law's in the driver's seat but if the car represent but if your model represent the marriage so the mummy or the mother-in-law's in the driver seat that means that if that symbolized the seat of control then the dream is saying that : your mother-in-law is controlling this relationship neither deal with that you need to do so when when the dream is showing you not being in that driver's seat you got a problem or let's say you had a dream and in the dream you drive in your car and you went to hold the brakes but the brakes the car wouldn't stop so the dream is not revealing symbolically just like how we read about Joseph and his brothers that you have no control over your life you try not go on the bridge with the car with some stops or the cars go a little control you check your life because you don't have any control if you dream you're in a car and you're reversing it speaks of backwardness you're making no progress whatever it is that you're involved at that time it's gonna pan out nothing for you you're going backward in life if you're speeding in this vehicle it shows again a measure of not having control but also carelessness it's showing if you have a flat tire in that dream in your car it shows again delay because of the calf tire is flat you cannot get to your destination so the dream is showing you that you're being the lead in life again if you had a dream where you're walking on a road the road a path whatever it speaks of your destiny so let's say you're walking or you're even in a car with someone and you're driving and you seemed as if you never could get to that destination then the dream is revealing that whatever you're investing your time and beat up business or whatever at that time it's gonna be fruitless in there because there's no entry just it just going on and on and on it's not producing anything if you drive it and you come towards and they're in our cul-de-sac and let's say in this dream you your wife or your boyfriend or girlfriend into this car but at the end of this cul-de-sac you just know where else to go and then it then the dream is not showing that your time with this person is gonna pan out fruitfulness fruitlessness you really wasting your time here so if we see a wipe then you need to do some things to change the course of the trip of course rebuild the dream if you're dreaming about your here especially with a woman if a woman just had a dream and in her dream she saw an unseen force clipping her here but this is serious the scripture says that a woman's here is her glory which means her respect coño so if you see an unseen force keeping in here that mean that someone through the powers of witchcraft magic sorcery are now projecting spirits to bring shame to bring dishonor to you a woman's head also represent the head of one life in terms of our husband so if you see another woman especially one who you know playing in you're here then that mean this person or the dream could be depicting of another female trying to infiltrate your marriage by getting with your husband or whatever and for mine if only go before mine a man's here in the dream represents his strength just like with Samson right at seven lakhs so if he sees here being cut in the dream or someone trying to fix up a let's see if you don't know the poison we cancel break the covenant of that dream because the dream is going to now because they here represent strength but it's being cut in the dream something is coming at him to fight him on a physical or spiritual level but in any event he will lose so he must read book he must cancel the dream to break the Covenant I've established in the dream what it all depends mud obviously speaks about confusion because mud is a mixture of water sand silt and all of that so if you see something money it speaks of us the spirit of confusion if you dream about oceans and tsunamis a lot of people kind of interpret that to be end time but the reality is if you see a tsunami coming towards a particular place it speaks about confusion what happens when a tsunami or hurricane hit a place it leaves the place in confusion disarray the power in autumn or all the trees not them the rules are torn off so it's speaking about a it's an depending on the size of it in the dream it speaks of a a spiritual demonic force coming to change the entire spiritual order the place you're dreaming that the tsunami or the hurricane is coming licky ben says her five-year-old dreams about rabbits and screams out right there evil spirits now it's more to that what I say it's more about I don't mean she isn't telling more when you find a child waking up from nightmares this is very keen to take note of then it's it is an indicator that either a the residents and with that child live there is either currently some form of evil activities taking place there someone involved in sorcery or there are items in that home that are paraphernalia from the kingdom of darkness such as a figurine or so on that's someone brought as a souvenir not knowing that these things occurs or in that child's bloodline there could be family members who were or are involved in sorcery but the covenants were never broken as a result of that familiar spirits that usually come in the form of animals in the jury will now come and Tom in the child Janice asked what if someone what if your I guess in someone else's bedroom right okay I need to get the full details when you say that someone else's you have to give more details what if you had three four prophets tell you that which is a bring against to yeah if they're praying against should admit obey in the sense that you not need to launch a counter-attack but let me make this clear when the term witches warlock all visits projecting cases that you are fighting you your regular prayer will not work let me make this clip let me make this clear you have to incorporate a fast in that why because witches and warlocks and visits are not operating from their power they are sourcing or summoning greater demonic powers to fight for them so your regular now I lay me down to sleep I pray no no no you now according to the Bible says that this kind will only come all through prayer and fasting so if you're not a course then you in trouble but you better find someone who's disciplined and fasting and ask them to pray for you to intercede on your behalf right very very common common common dream and now the world of darkness let me make this clear for witchcraft why's that says death yeah people say you're teach following somebody can die right but the most common one from from a witch craft glossary of interpretations from a witch craft sorcery dreams they would say their teeth falling or now remember they're not really interpretation they are interpretations that if you subscribe to you're coming in a covenant with those things that make on job and now you're giving the spirit of death to run its course in the life ok subscribing it means not doing anything no subscribing but that too but subscribing I mean if you don't do anything you bit to it right right not doing anything mean you didn't rebuke it I didn't cancel it so it's equivalent to agree with it because do you find people just love the amazement of sharing their dream they do right cuz even when I tell them what to do then the day they're not interested in my advice they just want you to be fascinated and a lot of them like to come to me to say they had these dreams about the end time but here they're not saying about numbers the first three no it was like a phone number the first three numbers were Claire I think I can remember them but the other numbers they would ever they were blurry right again if the other four numbers ran it was like a phone number what I was being hidden from you or blurry in a dream it speaks now of either hidden information that you're not supposed to know or information you're supposed to notice being kept away from you in such room I will always tell people going to pray immediately first thing you do is cancel any lunar unload covenant secondly if you can ask God to reveal to you father what is the mystery what is the revelation that you are trying to show me here in this particular dream see that is important because you don't want to miss the message remember we just read in job it says that you know God which was deep sleep to fall upon you to what gives you the or what instructions so if the dream is from God obviously the basis of it is to give you your instructions for you to obey the idea of it is to forge the covenant between you and God so that he can do the supernatural in your life okay so dreaming when you having dreams especially if you have a dream let's say you had a dream and in this dream you saw a person who you know or don't know let's say a man and the man is dressed in all black or black or they're wearing a black top with a red bottom or red or red and black but there Samet colors if it's a man and it is in wizard or warlock if it is a woman it is a rich so if you had a dream and you saw your re dressed in all black the re is a rich okay an abusive you don't want to believe it because you know your re is an apostle in the church ask God to confirm the dream to you what a huge if you dream a female is found sleeping with your husband that's evident that's pretty obvious there well first of all remember now then the female to the female in the dream let's just see when say it was your friend you saw sleeping with your husband now it don't necessarily nine times out of ten it doesn't necessarily mean the friend those who are straight dreamers they should take serious attention to that now the lady in the dream is a spiritual spouse so that's what you look at so the person who is the spirit the evil spirit the spiritual spouse or the spirit husband spirit wife sleeping with your eyes and spirit all this mean now is that because God is revealing it to you you need to wage walk their prayers don't wait to hear oh yeah hey sweetheart know you notice all you become suspicious no remember the dream is your spiritual monitor revealing to you in the spiritual realm what's either pending in the life what's coming so you're not being given a heads up to now fight it in the spiritual prayer don't wake up oh yeah I see you sweetheart me think I remind you donate no you don't do that if you don't do that you didn't see this is why you need to teach people and get them to understand the spiritual realm some people can't wait yeah slowly spread out show me don't show me yeah you getting dressed you know what you do what you up going against the laws of God show me God wake me up one night show me you cheap will you come clean now you better come to you because God does show me that time the Lord shown him if you don't deal with this woman spiritually you can deal with it no I can deal with you in the future so it is evident another thing two covenants always remember dreams are about establishing covenant from the spiritual world so if you dream that someone gave you a ring this is all I want you on here this if you dream if someone gave you a ring and you don't know this person from the man on the moon listen listen listen rebuked because rings represents covenant sex in the dream represents covenant if you want to dream me he was kissing depending on the full contents of the dream it's a good dream kissing means agreement if it's a bad dream it means betrayal like when Jesus sir Judas Kiss Jesus in an effort to betray I'm sort of the Roman soldiers for Noah and that was the man you are looking for there's so many other since childhood I used to always have dreams about sex tornadoes and slings she said that she was molested at the age as a child from the ages of four through 14 by two older male cousins right and as a result I feel like I don't know what right immediately when that happened remember let's go back to the scripture and the vertical laws in Deuteronomy and it speaks about the laws as it relates to sexual intercourse and if you go and read that if you sleep with your uncle of your uncle's he put you I can't recall what the penalty is but remember when that happened that particular spirit has been introduced to the victims life that's why people who have been molested at a young age they have a spirit of rejection a spirit of backwardness no self-confidence they don't go there and buy for these things through the enemy getting their family member to violate a law see once you violate the law of God on a covenant of god the covenant of the enemy is immediately established for example the Bible says to us and Deuteronomy 28 and verse 15 if you do not do my laws or observe to do my commandments then shall know Christ has come so the Bible says if a man of a boy sleep with his sister he's committed a sin and XYZ is what what happened okay okay so so these are the spiritual things that comes into play what is the whatever ring is taken away they say of a really sickening right if you if you are married then the sprit is coming to violate covenant but your partner if you are not married and the ring is taking it taken away from you then the enemy now is coming to your life to challenge your covenant with God meaning that of your Christian and you and a ring is taken from you remember your covenants with God so they're form the ring is taken away then expect challenges to come where your Christian faith is going to be tested what if you were dancing in a dream again you if you don't know the person some of the most crafty dreams a person could happen when a stranger give you money or a stranger have sex with you or stranger a stranger in the dream is never good okay and this person is the same you just said gave her money in the dream to $50 bills one I mean twice and then $200 rebuking rebuking rebuking because if you don't know the person you need to renounce it and if you feel or you feel that desperate that you need that money and you listen to me then do this father if the dream is from you did I accept what it is that you want if it is not then I reject it okay well thank you for coming in and sharing and thank you to our Facebook viewers for posting their dreams you will go on Facebook and check them out
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 225,464
Rating: 4.730937 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams, Bad dreams, Good dreams, Spiritual warfare, Advance Spiritual warfare, Spirit realm, Evil spirits, Angels, Foul spirits, Unclean spiritss, Dream symbols, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Spiritual insight, Warfare, Dream realm, Religion
Id: rEkicHDtRWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 27sec (5967 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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