CAUGHT ON TAPE!GIRL FIGHTING At Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions! (Not Clickbait) #Grimesfinds

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys welcome back to another episode of grimes funds it's been an exciting week but we are here at unit 318. i can hear them arguing over there so i know they just heard that phenomenal intro there's chicks fighting over there catch me outside how about that [Music] [Music] so [Music] holy ravioli [Applause] [Music] with that i just have two more words to say [Music] all right guys we are here at unit 318 in irving texas y'all and i spent a whopping as you saw 2600 total investment on this was what uh 20 whatever 2600 plus 260. something like that we got about three g's wrapped up in this y'all but here's the dang deal we know it's not a money loser i haven't seen in here i was at the hospital with my son his very first football game ever he freaking busted his femur like it wasn't just a fracture guys y'all saw the picture it was a clean break um kaden actually just got home from the hospital i will be having a full video update on that y'all it was pretty gnarly i actually was recording when it happened and kaden said dad you gotta put it in there so we will be having a cringe video of him getting his femur snapped but in this video guys i was at the hospital i don't even know what i spent almost three g's on gina's been here she kind of faced tommy because i was like crack addict at the hospital i was like looking at my son i was like well you know you got to pick your son over anything in the world right family is what it's all about so hey let's unlock this bad boy let's see what we just spent 3gs on all right y'all so real quick let me show you why i bought this one is just to me this was the best unit uh in the next few days i wanted to get you guys some videos there's over a hundred boxes gina thinks in here so we're talking a lot of unboxing so real fast guys let me show you why i spent so much one guys is if you have a lot of product and you have an auction set up like ours and a system like ours it's not heavy somebody posed this question somebody commented yesterday said you know why do you keep buying why do you keep buying you know you already got enough stuff guys our stuff usually flips within you know say 10 10 days to two weeks you know usually that's by the time i mean we've gone through all the trash like from start to finish we've been paid we've made profit usually in about 10 days that's usually about when the whole process takes place so what i'm thinking is we got plenty of unboxing we need unboxing fresh unboxing videos second i'm just addicted to this so let me just let's stop talking to why i bought this unit all right guys so me and gina decided we're gonna do a challenge with this we're gonna do i can't stop looking we're gonna do a unboxing i want you guys to see from start to finish what every almost every box looks like so what we're gonna do is we're gonna unbox every box with you period but until then let me just show you what i saw that made me think hey [Music] you can make money on this all right oh first i gotta show you my shirt sanford baby i grew up on this shirt the original pawn start all right so look right here i did see all of these back here when gina got here uh this right here was uh right here yeah it was okay so i saw this stuff and i was like man that might be a gun case because i saw this you all saw it too in the pictures yes it's moved because gina came in here and i just said hey if that's a real gun uh we need to go ahead and get that in the truck but it looks like airsoft but look oh well okay so look we got airsoft oh wait hold on what we got around here guys uh it looks like a bunch of i don't know just stuff but y'all look look back here i do okay so i saw those i saw this but it was back here and it was folded like this so i couldn't tell if it was real or not i saw the marine jacket okay it was the lance corporal the reason why it made me think it might be one person stuff versus a reseller is because it was lance corporal lance corporal uh you'll see his i think was delta blouse over there short sleeve it's got the landscape so it's all the same rank is what i'm saying it's not just like a mixture of stuff so that was one of the reasons why i bought it another reason why i bought it is look over here okay somebody took the time to wrap all of this stuff up into the the the art and i always think like okay a lot of stuff you you can make money on it i'm just thinking hey guys i'm just taking uh empty boxes uh okay so what do we have here let's just kind of go you all know i feel like any time you feel like clothes hanging up like this look they took their time to hang this yeah okay and with all the extra hangers i don't know if that was just their extra hangers or they were changing stuff out but anyway it looked like it possibly could be a reseller but i saw these oh look it's his dress blues oh whoa okay look there's his dress blue splouse uh that looks like it might be ralph lauren or something it's old navy but the color did okay so look we got some shirts hopefully some older stuff maybe some cool vintage stuff we got military okay we'll sell this stuff some pearl snaps oh look old pearl snaps are money guys this pearl snap let's see that's kind of got a pearlish like button not a snap okay guys so we'll go through these uh shirt this is pearl snap look pearl snaps okay john ashford denim that's actually a nice little pearl snap all right guys so let's peek under here real quick come on in y'all look under here okay look we got stacks of boxes there actually this little cupboard looks kind of cute it does look cute okay look a bunch of wrap stuff back here so they took the time to wrap this uh playstations plural yeah okay larry's miscellaneous toys look at this and work out what that's weird okay so decorations uh what's that say greeting cards cards and something oh whoa sorry hey guys black picture frame college uh i don't know what that means but y'all look boxes bags with stuff more boxes let's back up a little bit oh look at this that's an actual cast iron an old school cast iron so look we got tubs over here oh that says keepsakes oh it does uh yeah mom's closet keepsakes okay it's a good thing all right guys so you know the dank deal what do y'all think so far 2600 bucks some of you are freaking out i'm telling you right now all this stuff in here ain't no way we lose money no way we lose money on this unit it's clean enough there's enough of it i haven't looked in any boxes one thing i didn't like about it is this was open yeah you kind of look around there's some open boxes you see open boxes uh and there's two empty but look this one's taped yeah pretty good those are taped oh look here's some boots you think they're in here oh circle g baby that's my nickname high school circle g hey these were 130 bucks yeah oh those are oh i might want those is this my size y'all they're nines us i can wear a nine or ten i might wear those those are actually kind of cool boots uh look back here amy's clothes hopefully we'll find some vintage boxes boxes boxes what i do is that iron oh look that's a it's an iron bed or it's a bench just the size of a wood bench people like those because all you gotta do is cut the slats it's already got pre-drilled holes so you can actually make a custom bench but that looks like that's the bench slats right there okay guys so look we've got a lot of unboxing to do let me get set and kind of get a system down uh we're gonna come pick this up the following day but y'all i've been in the hospital for two days with my son so hey gotta get you guys a video so sorry we didn't release the last two days but family comes first so hey let me get set up we're gonna we're in the blue truck so we'll they are loud they are very loud y'all hear that there's a big old fight going on oh and let me address something somebody oh man you you freaking stop but first of all let me let me give some of you geniuses you know what gets me is like some of you are so critical of like our content and stuff and then i like click on your thing and you got like three videos and it looks like your cat might have filmed it if we're just being honest but then you've got all this advice so i'm just curious why you don't take your own advice for your channel and why you don't have all these great views and stuff like that i'm not trying to be mean i'm just saying that's what makes me think it when someone like that wants to criticize maybe you should start a business of uh being a youtube consultant i don't know i wouldn't hire you because honestly i think your advice is trash so click bait is is if i say something and i don't deliver that on it it could be a question i could have saw something inside and my initial thought was ooh could that be that so i posed the same question to you in the title it'll have a question mark that's what i thought so look if i say something like at the thrift store appreciate oh you got the whole thing but you didn't film that yo i said i came around the corner what you think i just tell the dude hold on in the confrontation let me get my phone out and film it for this guy first of all actually second of all third of all fourth of all fifth of all where am i i don't know what all of them on but look if you're the kind of person that clicks on something wanting to see somebody hurt part of the reason why i do it sometimes is borderline it is because some of you are just hateful if you walk into a video like man i want to see this person hurt i want to see these people fighting there's something actually to be honest wrong with your heart if we're being honest if you're disappointed that you didn't see someone get hurt or something like that you might want to rethink your own heart i'm just saying let's get to unboxing all right guys i'm gonna go ahead and take this off it's it's texas weather it's bipolar as i am so look we got big art here okay what i'm gonna do i think let's just start with the home depot box i'm not gonna lie kinda look there's three or four boxes in here that i saw that says old toys and y'all know old toys see look now if i don't walk around there with the camera and film them fighting you below your clickbait they weren't fighting no it ain't clickbait just because i didn't film it you ding dong and sometimes it's not the best thing to film a thing like that so what is here you should question me if every time there's a confrontation i got a camera in it you should question my motives that i'm just trying to get views of i'm not trying to expose someone that was a legitimate thing that dude was robbing in the thrift store i saw him we had we just came to a confrontation and i just my heart took over and i asked him i confronted him but i'm not gonna whip that out to embarrass the dude but it happened so just cause you didn't see it don't mean it don't happen i'm done stop it get some help all right guys so this is one of those things that makes me question it so they could have went through some boxes but i don't think they went through all of them but look the one that had jewelry written on it look that was cut open recently okay i thought that said pee and smell it says peel and smell but look at this why would you take this knife why would you spend like four or five bucks on this box tape it up it says jewelry blankets desktop there's no blankets on there there's no blankets this is the only jewelry that was in there um i'll look at it we'll we'll look at this more in detail back at the house but this is all the jewelry that was in this box who buys a box like that to fill it a quarter of the way up i think some of the stuff's gone through look sometimes i think they just go through the units that's why i don't buy the small ones um because they can go through them but i can obviously tell that some stuff uh we're just gonna go ahead and take this stuff home we got the net in the truck no we don't we don't okay maybe we would just take one high okay and another thing i saw was like this duct tape okay like these boxes were brought i love seeing clothes okay okay guys i love seeing clothes what's down here look bunch of gloves i like vintage clothes so i prefer to be older and i can just tell y'all i can tell when someone packed a box and someone's rummaged through it i've i've rummaged through millions of boxes like i know what it looks like just happens all the brand new boxes but that's okay because i see boxes back there that haven't been cut so they probably peeked around in these let's look at this one let's see if we got some sellable shoes in here these are timberlands those are actually nice those are so those are timberlands uh what a little yeah these are cheap cheap man uh oh puma cell i don't know let's see if the ladies 20. all right so nothing really great in that box all right guys me and gina we're just talking i do think that some of this has been gone through maybe not but i think some of it's been gone through uh look down here we got a bunch of clothes okay all on hangers is this stuff new one of them yeah i think this stuff's new yeah these have retail cloth so look there's a bunch of retail clothes in here that's not new um let's go to the next box two guys we'll open the safe last let's see what's in here that's a cool lamp cool lamp look we got more clothes down here something down here all right that's all closed makita has vintage media all right okay that's good that's in there yeah i don't know what that is we'll throw that in the auction so look we got some more tools and screws oh i actually need one of these for my silver working stuff oh you do you got tools down here more tools here all right guys so all right i i look i'm going to tell you right now somebody went into all the boxes they were all cut open it doesn't make sense that somebody would put them in here cut them open if they knew there was just clothes in them that makes no sense at all um so anyway here's the one that says keepsakes on it uh okay well it was full of socks i was like hey man uh hopefully the whole unit has not been gone through let's see what we got here all right hey wolf's do good oh that's cool made in usa yeah that's a wolf okay wolves actually really do sell well um okay hey guys what is that oh yeah boy i gotta wrestle yeah i'm gonna put this on and then you stretch it out like that all right okay let's see what else we got okay we see this stuff we might set aside so it doesn't get broke yeah yeah look we got wolves okay we don't see any breaks on him all right cool so we got we we do have wolves that's sign too oh that's good so something in this bag let's show them down in here the whole time all right look there's some old footballs in here uh patches oh patches are good patches these old footballs eh oh balls and your old balls that's a happy ad okay big daddy yeah that's okay never mind all right let's see what else we got oh look it's a marine cover uh okay so look there's i don't know man i really let's see this looks like that's kind of cool hey guys yeah ride a cowboy dirty if he's married i'm okay with riding a cowboy all right guys let's put the dirty balls back in here so i moved this fan so i could throw this down on here so we could just kind of systematically go through the unboxing and look pop that open look what i saw yeah just to make sure i didn't crush anything so that's kind of a good sign let's find a year on him real quick 1978 that's the 12 inch figure look he's got all his digits he's actually in pretty good shape so a 1978 action figure so far okay look here's some uh sports the mcdonald cards okay oh that's good okay so we're gonna hopefully find some collectibles in here we'll go through all this at home uh could be stamps in there what else do we see hey guys what's in the tin oh look we got binoculars is that a book oh what is that beyond years okay so look we got binoculars oh i yep know what this is what is that oh playing cards okay so we'll open those later uh here's some old keys actually vintage key still uh yeah i think we're gonna make our money back i think this is just gonna have a high amount of trash yeah look that's a wood uh rubik's cube let's see what else is down in here all right so oh this is a uh it was a jack-in-the-box [Music] cute hey man i swear he scared the kweeple out of me cute hopefully we can fix that i don't know all right so hey that's kind of cool all right guys we're going to keep going back this way yeah like i'm saying i think we will find collections actually units like this are like you can tell that are a little bit kind of trashy if we're being honest i think you have the best chance of finding like old school like toys like their personal collections so let's look down here got a bunch of books could be sellable don't just count the books out yeah what's that is that like that's like just a framed person yeah all right guys that's weird what do we got in here a shredder i wish that was a different kind of shredder like a evil shredder i don't know things remembered custom engravings oh this is for a wedding huh that's sad it's gonna be teeth oh no it's not some kind of weird earrings hey guys things remembered oh that's cute it says mom oh that's cute yeah somebody some mom's gonna want that pen hey mom we'll put that in the uh in the auction [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 14,692
Rating: 4.8163934 out of 5
Keywords: girl fights, girl fight, girls fighting, girl fighting, girl fights 2020, girl fight 2020, 2020 girl fights, american pickers, fight girl, fighting girls, girls fight, girl fight scene, new girl fights 2020, girlfight, girls foghting, grimes finds, storage unit finds, storage wars, what the hales, auctions, abandoned storage units, storage
Id: j1ScWj0vj9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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