Dracula Factory | SCP-2191 (SCP Animation)

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SCP-2191 ⁠- "Dracula Factory" (+382) by Metaphysician

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/The-Paranoid-Android 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
come on it's taking them so long agent lawrence do you copy i copy command is your unit ready for evac negative so far i'm the only one at the launch point you guys need to get here now god they sure are ugly aren't they i'm more concerned with how deadly they are mr moore now go grab the kit i'd like to take a blood sample yes ma'am and here run this through the scanner on it this was an absolutely extraordinary find the recon unit responsible did a remarkable job uh kinda the creature we're here studying had to be removed directly from one of the agent's stomach track not exactly the extraction they had planned i don't suppose he survived the ordeal shockingly he did the medical team even says we should be able to debrief with him later today after he gets some rest was he the only member of his squad to make it back no there's also the guy that saved him i think they said his name is agent lawrence apparently he fought off several instances of scp-2191-1 in order to rescue his partner well that makes sense agent lawrence has a habit of saving people in the nick of time myself included oh i have to hear that story no you don't oh dr buck take a look at this ah just as i suspected there are traces of the same corrosive material in this lamprey's blood as there are outside the tunnels in balkan peninsula ah so i guess that means you defend the scp-2191-3 theory then i don't defend anything the evidence is right here in front of your eyes you really think there's an ancient malevolent force miles beneath the surface of the earth shifting tectonic plates and causing earthquakes i find your skepticism amusing mr moore out of all the anomalies you've encountered at the foundation this is the entity you refuse to accept as reality look do i believe there's an underground temple with vampiric monsters running around of course and clearly they are intrinsically linked with scp-2191-2a 2b and 2c but do i think all of those beings are controlled by some old-world god no i don't at least not until we get some more evidence let me show you something [Music] who is that one of 2191's victims in a way yes this is dr collingwood interviewing dragon agrescu village elder and midwife 96 years of age from just outside hoya forest she has proven knowledgeable with regards to the folklore and traditions associated with scp-2191 and claims to be a descendant of the solomonari ms negrescu what can you tell me about the temple it is where the mother resides like a queen she sends her faithful bees to collect nectar like good beekeepers we help the eye flourish and who is the mother and the mother was once a princess the most beautiful daughter of the blood empress the great karcist sorcerer king of aditum sought to conquer her as he did the domain of the blood empress he claimed her as was his right and she became his favored concubine in time she came to worship the great curses just as we do who hold to the old ways she begged to bear his children and the great curses blessed her with his sacred seed ah the mother swelled with joy and life here she was planted and here she grew and we like the pale ones must keep her fat and satisfied let's be very clear for the record ms dragon negrescu have you and other natives scattered across several isolated villages in the vicinity of hoya forest actively provided human sacrifices to scp-2191 as a means of minimizing seismic activity yes and as you now know it is best for all that we be allowed to continue our sacred duty okay sure you got one testimonial but that's anecdotal evidence at best the ramblings of some old lady hardly qualify as definitive proof a man refusing to admit when he's wrong how shocking don't worry man it's hard for all of us guys lawrence it's good to see you again it's good to see you too dr buck and what brings you down here to the lab well clearly he's here to rescue you again mr moore please yeah rescue dr buck she doesn't need my help she's basically bulletproof now you on the other hand you got the desperate eyes of a damsel in distress no i don't anyways agent lawrence what can i do for you i'm here to discuss scp-2191 i know you guys got permission to debrief with my squad mate later today but i don't think it's a good idea why is that well he's hopefully going to make a full recovery but i want to let him rest as long as possible and i think i'll be able to answer any of your questions while you're on location did you or your team find any further evidence of a possible scp-2191-3 absolutely its true size has proven difficult if not entirely impossible to measure but my unit found evidence of root-like appendages extending throughout an area of approximately 660 000 square kilometers all of them excrete the same highly corrosive substance as the larvae i have no doubt that is scp-21913 and exerts control over its minions via physical interaction and through the release of complex pheromones scp-21911 entities essentially act as feeder drones for scp-21913 yeah but you don't really think that thing causes earthquakes do you turkey december 26 1939 the erzenkin earthquake results in the deaths of approximately 33 000 people locals report a great serpent rising from the ground romania november 10 1940 an earthquake strikes francia civilians report vampire attacks in wake of the disaster macedonia march 4th 1977. several survivors report seeing the arm of an octopus rupture from the earth and pale men attacking survivors in the night dragging them beneath the surface i could go on but yeah i do okay but if that's true then how come we haven't seen any other incidents since 1977 well my best guess is because since then the o5 has let the locals make the appropriate human sacrifices in order to appease it oh thank you agent lawrence that was rather informative but i'm still going to insist on speaking with your squad mate directly dr buck please let him recover some first lawrence i know you are acting in the best interest of your fellow agent but i can assure you that our medical staff would not have approved our visit if he truly wasn't able to handle it physically no it's not that all right just don't go okay you asked me to try and stop you from coming i'm confused why wouldn't he want to see us it's not you matt it's dr buck my partner is pretty weak right now and he didn't want you to see him in his current position and why's that apparently he's got a bit of a crush on you really what's his name agent green hey thanks for watching the video if you'd like to help support the channel go buy some sweet scp gear at our merch store you can find the link down below also be like all these terrific people on screen and join our patreon a special thanks goes out to these select owners here they're our biggest supporters and help make these videos possible thanks again for watching stay safe out there and i'll see you all next week [Music] you
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 834,687
Rating: 4.9596992 out of 5
Id: jAWbrhFW-B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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