The Dark Secret of Anantashesha... (SCP Animation)

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[Music] all right Venkat we're situated in the airlock and ready to roll confirmed go ahead and sound off Orion 9 alpha check Orion 9 Bravo check all right men we're in position about 500 meters from the head of this creature make sure your tethers are on good and tight we don't want you getting separated or lost out there what's visibility like down here today Venkat about three meters so it's pitch black got it why are we so far out the size of this thing is hard to comprehend it's wrapped up in itself in several places we can't get too close because there's too much body there the entity hasn't moved in about three weeks like at all affirmative and move slightly with the currents down here but nothing more than that if it were for the head movement that was observed by the first submersible team we probably wouldn't know if it was alive or not that's reassuring all right tethers are tight fled the chamber you good I'm good hopefully we won't be out for long turn on your light here we go hey Alfa I uh maybe this is a bad time to ask but I can't remember how to turn on my lamp end your lamp is on better it what what did you call me your designation Mullaney Bravo I don't understand what you mean by designation it's your call sign Fox Trot whose Foxtrot I uh wait Barry are you still there I'm by Bofur venkata hey we're having a little trouble out here I'm not sure who we seem to have some confusion over designations I'm not sure where we're going God do you do you feel that I've just got an awful headache it's like needling in my brain is something dive team be advised that we believe you may be experiencing some detrimental cognitive effects keep moving forward and we'll give you more information as we receive it noted then cap be advised that Bravo has a terrible headache I think we going in the right direction we can't see out here you're roughly 150 meters from the head of the entity alpha you should be getting a visual soon be advised we're picking up movement from the entity on radar hey Barry I don't see anything down here what are we supposed to be looking so dark I feel like the darkness is pressing against my eyes like there's a wall of blackness wait a second what dive team we're going to pull you back immediately we have reason to believe that berry is that you how can I be shut the dirt during it I can hear something over there alpha your might get York I've seen something is moving towards you repeat something is moving towards you I can't see how far are we from that it's there it's right there alpha Bravo can either of you hear us something is bound up the winch between you and us we can't its opening its mouth it's so dark this how can I be alpha swimmer get away there's only darkness swim alpha alpha Bravo talk to me but stay calm what happened stay calm Bravo you're trained for this Bravo do you copy alpha Bravo do you copy this is Bravo man mmm floating in the dark I can see shapes moving through the fog but they're hard to make at acknowledge we're coming to you hang on just let me think for a second cognition this thing it doesn't work around it your brain can't form the thought it hurts Bravo do you have eyes on the entity it's in my head guys coiled up in there like a snake something about it is caustic I can see it just in front of me it's not doing anything it's it isn't moving just hanging there with its mouth open I think it's finished eating that fluid is seeping through the skin around its head about a metre back just looking at the stuff is making me like the room is spinning I feel nauseous my head isn't working right there's a body under the floorboards and another in the sink wait this is wrong that wasn't me who said that my head I'm going to cut the sample hang on Bravo we're going to send out a crew to get you just hold on oh no don't do that none you have to be trained to not feel the things I'm feeling otherwise it will get into you he feels like the end of the world down here fellas I got a sample I'll attach it to one of those little balloons and let it float up you'll be able to get it later don't spend too much time around that stuff it it doesn't your mind it Bravo I think I'm dying I'm dying I know I'm dying this is it I just want to get away from here you know don't send anyone else out of here it's so dark at least it wasn't in vain this stuff is powerful it was a great guy it's been a long time but I still think about those men and I'm still not happy with the ad Zack protocol there's got to be a more humane way to do it there's no way around it Venkat it only seems to want to eat humans and we can't get the compound if it doesn't eat and at least it's just D classes I know I just feel like the necessary evils keep piling up but this one is definitely the most critical it does good for our subjects too why 9:09 is safer and more effective than any other compound we foot in our amnestics before no nausea no blurred vision no headaches or insomnia and it's more shelf-stable you couldn't ask for anything more except for the human sacrifice part of it I know the foundation needs amnestics but this is a lot necessary evils Venkat I'm tired Aaron I understand this assignment it's been stressful on all of us it's not no it isn't a stress I've done this before I've been on I don't actually know if I've done this before you have I don't remember it any of it I've been getting these out of context feelings like my body reacting to reflexes I didn't know I had everything is so disconnected and trying to keep it together it's exhausting when did you start feeling this way I've been down here dozens of times each time it gets worse I don't know when I honestly don't I wish I could tell you more than that but I have nothing I look to that place in my mind and there's something else there or sometimes nothing at all what do you mean something else I've been having other people's dreams and they see faces I don't recognize places I know I've never been or maybe I have how can I know what's real or not but I can't even trust my own mind well maybe I can help you with that Venkat we can go over things you think you've forgotten and I can don't patronize me I know you felt that Aaron your mind gets hazy parts of you start to slit your memories grow faint or worse get replaced you start to become other people or nobody at all then cat please I'm just trying to help there is a god called the nun Tasha a serpent the king of serpents said the lie beneath fish near in the cosmos I don't remember much but I do remember that my mother told me how it done till she show would would linger past the end gaze upon the darkness best the end of time then cat please we're scientists no let me finish I I believe that SCP 3000 Ananta shisha I believe that this this treachery upon cognition is the result of us being in the presence of a god if i unite myself with it there's a chance that my memories might live on that i might be remembered like the memories that have been through me I won't lie to you and tell you that it small doesn't terrify me but I've made up my mind hi everyone thank you all for watching our video and a special thanks to everyone who supports us on patreon if you'd like to see your name on this list check the link in the description below and if you'd like to see your name on this list pledge the clearance levels 4 or 5 fail cake Chuco Matthew Qian Rio Martin Blake Michael pumpkin pyromaniac and bat saxophone guy are our highest donors thank you so much for helping to make these videos possible [Music]
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 1,399,820
Rating: 4.9691706 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, the dark secret of anantashesha, SCP-3000, SCP 3000, anantashesha, anantashesha scp, origin of the anantashesha doctor, atzak protocol, y-909, y909, y-909 compound, origin of scp-3000, 3000, ananta shesha, eel scp, containment, containment breach, Initial Contact Exploration Log, scp tale, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp origins, scp explained
Id: ijVOrcvAdHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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