Joe Schmo | SCP-1504 (SCP Animation)

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thank you for agreeing to meet with me today we have a lot to discuss I'm Tim I'm a level 3 researcher here we know very little about you can we start with your name please I'm not going to tell you you'll just ignore me okay now what year were you born told you you wouldn't even notice if I punched you in the nose thank you for the year but do you have an exact date I didn't tell you a year hey hey Doc watch this oh I'm sorry my nose is bleeding it's strange I'm not usually prone to random nosebleeds ah you're just like all the rest a doc or Tim was it it doesn't matter he's not going to be important to the story this is my show and you're the only one who can really see me see he doesn't know it yet but there's a lot more to me that meets the eye I'm basically your average Joe Schmo at first glance but well let me tell you some stories doc you can listen to this too or at least you can try if you don't already get it you will soon welcome to the front row seat friend perhaps now would you mind telling me about your anomalous ability you can't be physically harmed in any way correct ding-ding-ding that's your one correct statement about me so far I was very young when I realised I was invincible a term I used loosely because I'm still hoping I can die I was about six or seven my brother never liked me and to this day I only have suspicions as to why obviously we've never had an honest conversation about it and that's just the beginning of my anomalous traits as you idiots like to call them next question thank you but I don't see how that's relevant dude I just told you my origin story more or less isn't that what you asked I'm just trying to give the people what they want must be even denser than the rest thank you that's kind of you to say how would you say this has affected your daily life well you don't know it but I'm not a good person plain and simple I don't feel any accountability for my actions I can't get hurt and nobody ever thinks badly of me no matter what I do I've spent most of my life insulting and assaulting people on a daily basis and it never catches up with me here's an example so maybe some of this gets through to your little brain the day that your MTFs captured me I had punched a man in the face stolen two cups of coffee taking a lollipop from a child Paul the man's pants down painted a street artist face and eaten a couple's picnic it was all in plain sight and nobody found any fall with me for it that's when my average day is like knock I'll just spell it out for you in case you haven't caught on by now basically whenever I speak or do anything my words and my actions aren't what they perceive the version of me that everyone else sees and hears is reasonable kind and in a nutshell not at all like me I have no idea what they're hearing when I talk or what they're seeing when I do things I imagine nobody knows when I've hit them or insulted them and because of that I gotten really used to doing it it really makes life a lot easier especially when he had to cope with being ignored everywhere you go even this idiot he pretends to be interested in me he says he wants to learn about me but he has no idea who I am because he sees an imposter when he looks at me this really is a ridiculous mockery of what I am I might kill this guy just for insulting me once I've gotten bored of this charade that enough for you doc yes thank you it was a bit vague but we can revisit that to get more specifics later now we have some questions about your upbringing do you believe any environmental factors could have contributed to this ability yeah it's very very unlikely though if they did they'd be really hard to pin down I've experienced so much doc you'd be so jealous I ran away from home when I was 10 I went cliff diving in Indonesia when I was 12 I rob my first bank when I was 14 yeah you heard me right my first bank there have been dozens since then I talked my way into driving in a rally race when I was 15 I cost a mass wreck on the track and that was when I saw a person burned to death for the first time I traveled with Skrillex on his world tour in 2014 I've walked around a navy battleship and playing clothes and not a single person questioning me I've caused more than a couple prison breaks in fact those will look like complete jokes once I'm done with this place it's a shame you guys only know about my inability to be harmed you have no idea who you're dealing with doc interesting would you say that your family caused those events to happen oh good one that almost made sense I'll give you another point for that doc to answer your question I actually do think my family contributed to all that yes after my brother tried to kill me I became ruthless to him and my parents never disciplined me even he didn't seem to understand what I was saying or doing it and slowly I started to learn I was invisible always had been so I started my habit of petty theft much earlier than most kids and after a couple years I realized I could do just fine without I would say the rest is history but I'm the only one who knows the truth behind any of my adventures so that doesn't really apply I see do you have any specific examples you really like the details don't you I assume you're still talking about my family Wow let me think for a moment there must be something I think I'm gonna leave Marty you could come if you want I know how to get food and stuff it could be fun you know I wish you weren't such a goody-goody the only reason mom and dad are hard on me is cuz you're their little angel well maybe I'll just leave on my own then you know that one thing that happened a few years ago I only did it cuz I'm supposed to be this special one I'm much older you're just a kid why do they think you're so special what's wrong with you you don't know me you just ignore me all the time yeah okay I know it was wrong obviously I'm glad you survived you're still my little bro I'm just saying you're the younger one but I'm always in your shadow somehow now I wouldn't say there are specific reasons why I left thank you there's one more topic we wanted to cover considering your significant difference for most people would you say that you feel a separation from the rest of humanity okay you want to dig deep now I find that question weird consider when you have no idea just how different I am from the rest of you but let's consider this it seems to be an important question I'm a man sure but I'm essentially invincible I mean Nord by every person I meet and I can manipulate objects systems sorry I forgot to mention that part hopefully that explains the prison breaks it's one thing to smooth talk people when you can control automatic locks and such now that's some real power I'm not really being kept here against my will I just you wait back to your question doc I'm still just a man I've got flaws like anyone else if I felt any kind of connection with the rest of humanity I wouldn't treat them the way I do but I'm ultimately alone and everything I do good or bad is only to make life easier for me and it's a hard lonely life doc I've never had a real human connection not even sure I'd recognize it if I did have one beyond that everything that defines your existence is completely foreign to me I've never worked a day in my life I have no idea what love is I don't fear death in fact I'd say I'm looking forward to the day I find a way to kill myself my moral compass is essentially non-existent so yes I'd say I'm very separate from the rest of humanity I'm not sure if I'd even call myself human at all that's interesting I'll make a note of that one more question and I'd appreciate your honesty here have you taken advantage of your abilities and harmed anyone purposefully knowing that you couldn't be injured Oh doc you have no idea it's not just a lack of physical risk involved there's no sense of regret whatsoever once I walked a guy in a cage for a week just because I thought he could understand me I fed him and gave him a bucket he was fine it turned out he was just deaf so he'd stare at me and try to make out what I was saying even that little bit of attention maybe want to imprison the guy just so I have someone around who I could talk to but doc I'll just be honest with you this one-sided conversation is getting less and less entertaining with each question you ask that means I'll be leaving soon and there's a good chance you'll be killed in the pandemonium all personnel be advised that it appears we are experienced in a site-wide containment breach available guards and all on-site MTF start to report to the armory immediately other staff are to shelter in place repeat we are experiencing a site-wide containment breach if you are not trained for combat you are hereby ordered to shelter in place until further notice oh oh god this isn't good there's a keator at this site and is not that far from here thank God it's so good to hear you say something that makes sense doc I wish I could share in the fury feeling it must be so intense no they might die at any moment it's been good talking to you Tim this was helpful in some manner of speaking I hadn't thought about my brother in a very long time might pay him a visit see where he isn't life I know did he even recognizes me well goodbye then of course I'm worried I might be seasoned around here but any researcher is humbled when they know they're dealing with something truly dangerous it's a shame you didn't know then good luck Tim wait don't put that come back and sit down you have to shelter in place too so I hope now you understand there's something about causing chaos death and destruction that soothes a lonely soul do it all you'll be watching won't you I hope you want to fandom II mean that's the point isn't it the only ones who are guaranteed to always be there for you when the real world fails you in every turn are your imaginary friends watching your life play out as it on TV and what a show it'll be thanks for watching the video also thanks to the rubber for being featured in today's episode he's an awesome youtuber that makes SCP related content as well you can check out a link to his channel in the description below if you want to help support SCP animated consider pledging to our patreon page like all these great people here on screen these wonderful people are our highest donors a special thanks to maarten vladimir rio pumpkin pyromaniac monday scorpion and catalyst cat sparkles last but certainly not least check out our merch store we've got all sorts of SCP related gear there including our tickle monster plushies thanks again for watching I'll see you all next week [Music] you [Music]
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 2,318,220
Rating: 4.9552016 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, Joe Schmo, Young Girl, scp-1504, Joe Schmo scp, joe scp, origin of scp-1504, scp 1504, 1504, containment, containment breach, Joe Schmo tale, mayd, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp-1504 origin story, scp origins, scp explained
Id: NxsnP4st-9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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