Black Shuck | SCP-023 (SCP Animation)

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hey everyone we have some cool scp-related news to tell you paranormal activity books are going to publish three books featuring the most popular and interesting scp articles with illustrations and additional materials the exterior looks rich and promising it's oversized hardbound with leather imitating covers the books seem more like research journals with all these authentic bloodstained reports and close photos and handwritten notes illustrations by more than 50 professional artists look positively terrifying the crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo has started just recently and you should definitely support it why because only its backers have a chance to get all three books wrapped in dust jackets with support for augmented reality and an exclusive slipcase shaped as a foundation personnel suitcase upon reaching stretch goals they set each backer will get all kinds of free bonuses and all backers automatically participate in a giveaway of 30 limited edition vinyl toys based on scp-redacted so let's go and make it possible to publish the best scp books we've ever seen the link is in the [Music] getting moved up to description level 3. i can't do this whiskey please you can't smoke in the allowed well it's a good thing i'm meaning to quit then you don't see him from around here friend you're a tourist now i'm here on business now what kind of business would bring anyone out to this quaint little village why don't you tell me mr mctavish how the hell do you know that name let's just say i work for a certain organization that's been keeping track of you for a long time look i've told you people all that i know i've nothing to gain from holding back we both know you didn't tell the foundation everything so now i'm here bringing the questioning to you and i guarantee you unlike the consequences of refusing to answer fine what do you want to know tell me about the black shuck i was a young man at the time about 50 years ago i lived in the small town outside of manchester my mom had always taught us to be a little superstitious it was usually small things horseshoes and four-leaf clovers were good luck walking under ladders and breaking mirrors were bad never really thought anything of it was just the way she was get to the point well there was always one thing my mom was adamant about don't look a black dog in the eye it was the one thing that always stuck with me something about the way she said it the fear in her eyes the pale complexion of her face she had seen something something dark i was a good lad kept to the ritual set forth and was always mindful to do everything my ma had said to do but none of that mattered until i met that thing when did you first make contact with 023 a few days before the incident i had enlisted in the british army during the war me and my mates were out making our scheduled perimeter patrols at night we were walking back to camp when one bloke stops right in the middle of the road staring off to something in the distance it was black pitch black darker than the night itself me and the other soldiers backed away but this one lad he started walking closer to get a better look what happened to him he turned to say something about it being just a dog and as he did the thing pounced all i saw was a shadow of black fur and i fell back the other soldier ran off to get reinforcements i don't remember much after that just flashes i remember rage i remember seeing my friend beneath the large creature i remember falling back and hitting my head i felt the strange soreness across my whole body i lifted myself up and rubbed the back of my head it was covered in blood my vision was blurry and i called out for help there was no reply but then i saw the beast peer over the roadside i closed my eyes sitting perfectly still trying to muffle my breathing i felt its hot breath against my ear as it sniffed at me it was taunting me testing me what do you mean it was trying to get me to look at it but i just kept hearing my mom's voice in my head telling me to keep my eyes shut and that's exactly what i did how did you manage to repel it i didn't it might have just been a few minutes but it felt like hours i thought at any moment it would finally get fed up and attack but it didn't i started hearing shouts from the troops and i can see lights began to shine around me i heard the creature take off into the woods but i was still scared to open my eyes i got placed on the stretcher and got carried back to camp you mentioned an incident yes while in triash a couple days later i read a paper that talked about a massacre at a nearby church all of the bodies had been filled with dark ash as they had been burned from the inside out we didn't mention the beast in the article but i knew that somehow they must have been connected what happened to the other soldiers on patrol with you they were fine at least for a while but exactly one year after we were attacked in the forest one of them died in battle and the other's father passed away from a heart attack seems like a weird coincidence yeah but my mom would always say that the black dog would take you or your loved one have you ever heard of anyone preventing this from happening now if i'm being honest i haven't thought about this in years try not to well i'm asking you to think real hard about any and all things that might be able to stop this please i don't know i've told you everything i can i'm sorry i just i've run out of options you looked into its eyes didn't you yeah i did i wish there was something i could do for you it can't be easy to know the day you're going to die how long you have left i'm not worried about me and i think it knows that it's coming after my son he's someone i always looked up to after all the scps he's contained the man's a legend strange that i haven't heard more about him though his record does seem quite impressive dr buck are you feeling all right i don't mind doing the interview with him myself oh we could always reschedule for another time no that won't be necessary okay no problem you just seem distracted as all something on your mind the only thing distracting me is the two of you please give me a minute alone to study the subject in peace yes ma'am [Music] doctor doctor come quick no no stay with me [Music] thanks for watching the episode and thanks to paranormal books for sponsoring this video also thanks to all the supporters over on patreon our highest backers this week are chuck axe brock sims monday vladimir luera dr alto clef michael morales scorpion guilty pleasures brian b razzle brown dovah kings and kichi mr tangy sauce kiara hernandez and daniel ocean and finally if you want to do some last minute christmas shopping consider buying some sweet scp gear from our merch store link is down below alright that's it for this episode stay safe out there and i'll see you all next week you
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 1,084,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zEvCOjEyidA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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