Blue Key | SCP-860 (SCP Animation)

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SCP-860 ⁠- Blue Key (+494) by Enma Ai

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/The-Paranoid-Android 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
your gear will be then checked three times by certified personnel after that you will follow the worn path through the forest where you will eventually find another door when opened that door will lead you out of scp-860-1 and back into our reality this mission like most of our expeditions here at the foundation does not guarantee survival anyone that enters will be equipped with a handheld camcorder and an audio headset for communication with me back at control subjects will be chosen based on a variety of factors including physical and psychological evaluations by our medical staff that is of course unless we have any volunteers in the crowd we'll do it wait really any particular reason why we were both avid outdoorsman before we got sentenced here it would be nice for us to see the world outside the foundation walls again even if it's not our world mr moore your thoughts uh oh well we will still need to run our test to qualify you for the exploration but as long as there is no significant issue with the results dr buck and i have no reason not to select one of you we would like to go together if possible we work better as a team mr moore you've never sent more than one person in there at a time correct correct i suppose that could potentially lead to some new findings i want to get approval from the site director this won't sway us from cooperating in the mission in any way but out of curiosity does anyone ever escape scp-860-1 of course how else would we know that there's a door on the other side of the path that leads back to our reality sorry our apologies that was a stupid question well then i suppose this briefing is adjourned dismissed remember the door closes and locks itself immediately after someone enters you both need to run through there quickly roger that command you ready cooper yeah and i'm recording we are receiving the transmission here on our end please proceed double check the door for posterity like dr buck mentioned before it should be locked yep it's locked alright as expected go ahead and begin walking down the path dr buck while we got a moment i just want to say what a pleasure it's been working with you over the last few weeks my old boss was well difficult to tolerate at times you're referring to dr nomita i assume yes so you've met him yes we are quite familiar with each other i see his stubbornness and reckless behavior have preceded him yet again yeah he was kind of the worst honestly basically everyone hates him he's my father uh hey command are you getting this getting what there's sort of a low howling kind of sound yeah or like a roar maybe but it's muffled and distant other subjects have encountered that noise before and yeah what's the source of it we're still not sure please continue d3456 and d three four five seven as you wish i'm sorry about insulting your family dr buck that was unprofessional yes it was but you weren't wrong about him i can't stand him either oh good i mean not good that you hate him just that you shut up matt d3456 are you hearing that whispering sound no what are you talking about i don't hear anything either it sounds like murmuring voices yeah lots of them it's coming over our audio transmission no sorry we don't hear anything maybe this place messes with the com systems it would appear so you never experienced that on previous excursions did you no never we've also never experienced that which way should we go this is new we've never seen scp-860-1 manifest like this before well i guess we'll oh you must have heard it that time this thing is right on top of us heard what the roaring noise you described earlier yeah we still aren't getting that on our end come on clark let's get out of what the hell come on cooper if we're gonna find carver we need to go now carver d-3456 what are you talking about oh my god it's not so close just keep running don't look back d-3456-3457 what is going on in there come on guys you gotta talk to us carver oh my god it's really you you're so old what happened to you we're gonna get you out of here so you care to explain how one of the most respected researchers here at this site allowed such a catastrophe to happen with all due respect sir i would hardly call this a catastrophe oh is that so what would you call it then an admittedly unfortunate oversight there was no way for mr moore or myself to know that d-3456 and d-3457 were related to a previous test subject of scp-860 really there was no way because a simple look through previous expedition logs would have shown that d311 looks awfully familiar to his triplet brothers didn't it alert you that two d-class inmates volunteered for a mission tell me dr buck do you do any previous research before you take on a new assignment or do you just find yourself winging it most of the time director jones i sincerely understand your frustration but this mission was not a failure in fact i believe most at the foundation would describe it as a resounding success we have new footage of scp-860-1 manifesting itself in previously unknown ways the fact that these brothers managed to finagle their way into our experiment didn't prevent us from making groundbreaking discoveries listen here dr buck you low-level employees might think our ethics committee is a joke but i assure you it is not i've feigned kindness towards you this long because as the daughter of dr nomita you might eventually hold some weight with the council but you will not make me look like a fool with your reckless behavior having blood relatives in an active experiment greatly compromised the results of the expedition i'm taking you off this duty and assigning you to scp-178 now get the hell out of my office very well sir thanks for watching the video and thanks to all the supporters we have on patreon who helped make this series possible chuck axe darius fulton monday vladimir loera brock sims michael morales dr alto clef catalyst cat sparkles scorpion and guilty pleasures are our highest donors this week alright that's it for this episode see you all next week [Music] you
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 1,008,992
Rating: 4.9662266 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, The Blue Key, Blue Key, Blue Key scp, scp-860, the Blue Key scp, origin of SCP-860, SCP 860, containment, containment breach, Dr Clef's Proposal, Blue Key tale, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp-860 origin story, scp origins, scp explained
Id: Qthf-vVtQ6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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