SCP-001 - When Day Breaks (SCP Animation)

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You’ve been walking for days. Your body aches,   you’re dripping with sweat from the heat  of the sun bearing down overhead. And yet,   you’re wrapped up in layers upon layers  of clothing - even your face is covered,   and you’re wearing thick, black goggles so that  not a single centimeter of your body is exposed. Your journey has been long and you feel like you  might die from exhaustion, or from overheating due   to these multiple layers of clothes. But dying  is better than being exposed. You saw it happen   when your entire team...changed. The light can’t  be trusted. Not even for a fraction of a second. It’s been like this for years. You’ve learned  and survived through painful experience.   Many of those you used to know cannot say  the same. You’ve been alone for so long. You might have given up all hope, if it wasn’t  for the distress signal coming from a nearby   SCP Foundation Containment Facility - Site-46. Any  kind of survivors would be better than nothing,   no matter what kind of sorry shape they  were in. As long as they were still human. You find your way to an opening in the side of  a mountain, and slide into the cave, hoping you   weren’t spotted. The whole world is crawling with  those things now. You can’t let yourself be seen. As you trudge down the cave towards the  entrance, you see what looks like a huge,   black snail-trail splattered on the ground,  leading into the facility. You try to avoid it   and press on. You don’t even need a keycard  to enter: The door has been left ajar. The facility reeks of those things,  but you can’t see any of them. You   just hope they’ve moved on and left  some human survivors in their wake.   The place looks abandoned. Every step  you take echoes through the empty halls. When you find that the elevator’s out, you  take the stairs all the way down to Level B5…   Keter Containment. Lucky for you, it  seems all the cells are empty now,   the horrors that were kept inside of  them have all long since flown the coop. You keep following that slimy, black  trail until you find an abandoned office.   There are no people here anymore - just a  broken barricade, some empty medicine bottles,   and a bucket that the people inside the  office had apparently been using as a toilet. You breathe a sigh of disappointment  at finding no one alive here,   but you’re at least relieved to be out of the sun.  You can finally remove your jacket and head-wrap. With your uncovered eyes, you notice that a  nearby computer terminal is still powered up.   You sit down at the desk and turn on the  monitor. Because of the Emergency Procedures   put into place in a K-Class scenario like this,  safeguards no longer apply. You can access   all the information you need - up to and  including finding out what actually happened. In the dull glow of a nearby emergency light, you  see a dark shape slumping through the halls in   shadow. You tense up, then exhale as it slithers  off into an adjoining hall. You’re safe - for now. The terminal has finally loaded  and authenticated your access.   You’re staring at the file for  S.D. Locke’s Proposal for SCP-001:   When Day Breaks. It’s the only name you can  give the apocalypse your world is currently   experiencing. This is one of the only anomalies  in the entire history of the SCP Foundation to   be given the Apollyon containment class -  meaning containment is truly impossible. SCP-001 is the most dangerous  enemy that the Foundation,   and planet earth, has ever faced. It’s always  been a principle of the SCP Foundation to   battle in the dark so that the civilian  world can thrive in the light, but now,   the light has become the enemy. Anyone exposed  to any amount of sunlight for even the briefest   period of time is subjected to the effects of  SCP-001 - and those effects are beyond horrifying. The SCP Foundation Administrator released an  urgent memo telling Foundation personnel to make   their way to Site-19 at all costs, because they  need all the help they can get. Those exposed to   SCP-001 in the process are no longer considered  human - their new designation is SCP-001-A. These   new entities are to be avoided at all costs. But,  in case of emergencies, the Administrator says it   is permitted to cut off parts of your transformed  comrades and eat them to avoid starvation. No attempt should be made to kill them, since you  won’t succeed, you’ll just put yourself at risk. When the sun changed and became SCP-001,  it instantly affected 6.8 billion innocent   people. The second the visible light touched  them - whether it was from the sun itself or even   reflected off the moon - their bodies liquefied,  melting like candle wax into puddles of living,   gelatinous slime. This effect isn’t isolated  to humans, either: Any biological entity   exposed to sunlight immediately underwent the  same irreversible melting process into SCP-001-A. And the horror had only just begun. People transformed into SCP-001-A will retain  shades of their former intelligence and   personality. They may even try to will their  new gooey mass into a shape resembling their   original form. However, these individuals  will lose their sense of self if they come   into contact with other instances of  SCP-001-A. When they come together,   001-A instances will bond on a molecular  level, wadding up into horrific,   giant blobs with only one purpose:  Integrating more matter into their bodies. That’s why they have to be avoided at all costs. You continue to search the  computer terminal for answers.   Perhaps there was some kind of  contingency plan put in place for this.   Some way to reverse the effects, or at  least escape the nightmare Earth has become. Instead, you find a series of attachments  linked to the SCP-001 file, detailing   what seems to be the last days of the people  who’d barricaded themselves in the facility.   Most prominent among these were  Researcher Dr. Logan Igotta,   her partner, Ari, a security officer named  Commander Anand, and a few others. Dr. Igotta   had locked herself in the office, where she  recorded her final messages to the world. In the first audio log, Dr. Igotta and her  companions seemed afraid but hopeful that there   may be some way out of this situation. Dr. Igotta  reported that most of the workers at the facility   were transformed during the initial event. Their  melted bodies had fused outside the facility,   and now they were trying  to bust their way back in.   The defenses had held so far though,  and they seemed confident they would   hold long enough for them to figure out  a way to escape this awful situation. You open the second attachment - an incident   report - and realize that things may not  have been as hopeful as Dr. Igotta let on.   She reported hearing the huge mass of melted  creatures hammering on the door outside again,   begging for them to come out and experience  the sun with them. They wanted desperately   to add to their ever-growing biomass. In order  to experiment with what exactly would happen,   they sent out one of their few remaining  D-Classes wearing a full protective suit. He didn’t last long. The huge creature grabbed him with  tentacles made of reconstituted flesh.   It began ripping off his protective suit as  he screamed for mercy. It was a monster made   of dozens of people and animals. He could never  overpower it. The second the sun touched his skin,   he melted away, and was absorbed by  the great mass holding him in place. Guns were ineffective against  these SCP-001-A super-entities.   Fire would do no good. It seemed that  extremely low temperatures were the   only way to slow the immense blobs  down, and even then, not permanently. There was one ray of light in the darkness: The  Site Director had a secret tunnel underneath his   office, connected to a tram that could hopefully  take them directly to Site 19 without risk of   SCP-001 exposure. It was a good plan, and by  far the best option they had available to them. But the best plans often don’t work in practice. You open the next attachment on the terminal. This  time, it’s a video feed. You can actually see Dr.   Logan Igotta - and she looks harrowed by what  she’s experienced. As it turns out, while the   others, including her partner Ari, attempted to  exit through the tunnel something had happened. Dr. Igotta heard Ari’s voice over her radio. But  there was something wrong with it. It was too low.   Too guttural. And filled with gurgles.  SCP-001 had gotten to her. She was changed.   The monster from above had crawled in through  the ceiling. It had taken them, all of them,   and converted them into something less than  human. Any hope of escape now seemed gone. Ari told Dr. Igotta that it would be fine. That it  was such a bright, beautiful, sunny day outside,   and she was wasting it locked up inside that  office. She tormented Dr. Igotta with their   shared memories of picnics in the park on  sunny days in the past. The monster with   Ari’s voice did everything it could to try to  convince Dr. Igotta to give up and join them,   but she wasn’t ready to go just yet. You look away from the screen when  you hear a sound in the corner.   You see a dark puddle of some  unknown substance, and then,   some skeletal hands rising out of it. The  hands are pulling themselves out of the puddle,   followed by a skeletal face covered in matted  hair. You have to stop yourself from screaming,   until a flash from a nearby security light makes  the figure disappear. It’s a normal puddle again. Your mind is playing tricks on you. You open the next attachment, another video, and  see that Dr. Igotta’s condition has deteriorated.   She looked pale, frantic, and thin. She  was using a knife to draw her own blood   onto a piece of bloodstained parchment covered in  strange symbols. Igotta ranted about her theory:   What if 001 took the minds and bodies  of its victims, but not their souls? Through performing some  kind of arcane blood ritual,   she hoped to at least rescue and keep the soul  of Ari, even if her mind and body were lost. You open the next attachment. It seems that  Igotta’s ritual worked, but not in the way   she hoped. The twisted soul of Ari, driven mad  by SCP-001, had taken over the file. It begins   corrupting the text of the SCP-001 file into  crazy ranting about how futile it is to fight. It then cut to an even more  frightening video feed:   Dr. Igotta in her sleep, tossing and turning  in a makeshift bed in the corner of her office.   The camera approaches her, in first  person, and lingers over her sleeping body. An oily, skeletal hand reaches past the camera,   and runs its fingers through Dr. Igotta’s  hair. It’s the exact same hand you saw   reaching out of that black puddle earlier.  You must have seen Ari’s lingering spirit. With a lump in your throat, you open  the next attachment and watch the video. You see Dr. Igotta, now truly broken. She’d been  haunted by Ari’s demonic spirit for a long time   now, and it has clearly taken its toll. She  is waving around a handgun while she speaks.   She now believes there is only one way to escape.   But not like this. She doesn’t want  the gun to draw attention to her body.   She doesn’t want to become part of that mass, even  if she is dead. She opens a drawer on the desk   she’s recording at and places the gun inside.  Dr. Igotta then apologizes to her loved ones   who are likely long since dead or assimilated,  and turns off the recording for the last time. In that moment, you realize that there’s a single  drawer in the desk in front of you. When you reach   forward and open it, you see that the same handgun  Dr. Igotta was holding is laying inside. You pick   it up and study it, weighing up your options.  Perhaps there truly is no other way out... Then, you see an update on the file.   One more attachment had been added  while you were studying the gun.   You feel your heart pounding in your chest  as you reach forward and open the attachment. The text has been changed entirely. The file  on SCP-001 is now a poem - an ode to the sun,   and to ultimate togetherness. Then a  video file spontaneously opens itself   on the screen: It’s a video of you,  shot from behind. You see those oily,   skeletal hands reaching for you in the  dark, just like they did with Dr. Igotta.   In that moment, you panic and fire the gun  behind you, hoping to scare off the spirit. Instead, the sound of the gunshots  attracts something far worse. The immense blob of screaming, melted flesh  charges towards the office. You try to barricade   the door, but it’s not enough. The flesh seeps  and bursts through, and grabs you in its meaty   tentacles. You scream and try to escape, but  it won’t save you. Nothing will save you. The flesh carries you upstairs,  out through the empty halls, out   into the cave. You can see the light in the  distance as the blob ferries you towards it. You won’t be alone for much longer. In  fact, you won’t be alone ever again... Now check out “SCP-001 - The Scarlet King”   and “SCP-001 - Which is the real 001?” for more  deep dives into SCP-001 mysteries and lore!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 838,915
Rating: 4.9338231 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp 001, 001, scp-001, scarlet king, scp keter, scp keter class, scp safe, scp safe class, keter class, safe class, keter, safe, scp when day breaks, when day breaks, scp sun, apollyon, scp apollyon
Id: rF95MJL63Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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