Slow Burn Sloth | SCP-2774 (SCP Animation)

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[Music] [Music] okay lawrence i didn't know you were mtf now oh hey dr collingwood yeah i transferred an incident with scp-106 left me colorblind so this duty patrol seemed like a good fit did you run point in the recovery team yeah it's been a little over 72 hours since exposure so far she still seems all there then maybe she'll be one of the lucky ones it was a nice catchphrase to shut down the feed so quickly thank you though i'm still not sure how the footage was able to get by our informant it's possible he himself has been compromised he disappeared shortly before the incident well continue the search unfortunately until we can track down the source of this thing exposure to scp-2774 is bound to happen um keep up the good work yes ma'am my apologies for running late oh it's perfectly fine dr collingwood subject 1273 just regained consciousness a few minutes ago yes and no one has answered any of my questions yet where am i am i under arrest i want to speak to my attorney ms neil you are not under arrest you have been escorted to a remote government location in order to receive treatment for a memetic trigger you have recently been exposed to i'm sorry what please just listen to what dr collingwood is saying and try to remain calm thank you mr moore about three days ago you witnessed a local television program a new segment titled west kentucky sports yeah my son is one of the hosts every tuesday night they cover highlights for all the weekend's high school football and basketball games in our area did you happen to see anything peculiar during that particular airing uh no i i don't think so you didn't happen to witness a strange entity resembling a man in a sloth suit wait yeah i did i i thought it was some kind of mascot or something but it was standing in the background barely even visible what does that have to do with me around here we refer to that creature as scp-2774 it appears seemingly at random in most forms of non-live media and about 40 of the people who witness scp-2774 become entranced by it those affected will eventually begin to lose the ability to use cognitive functions or make higher level decisions i'm sorry is this some kind of sick joke what are you guys even talking about miss neil we're here to help you i promise the odds are that you won't even be affected at all so far we have been unable to retrieve any medical history for you it's a long shot but do you happen to know if you suffer from deuteronopia or any other forms of colorblindness i'm not colorblind but why does that matter images of scp-2774 only retain their anomalous properties if it contains hues of red or green you said i'll lose all higher functions if i am affected what exactly does that mean show her the tape yes ma'am before we play this just remember you will receive nothing but the absolute best medical treatment possible here at this facility okay go ahead matt hello david if you help answer a few questions we can come closer to fixing you are you ready i don't know story since we have limited time could you tell us what exactly you experience when you're not in control yeah yeah well i guess it's like this it's like you're being driven around you're in the passenger seat right except your arms and your legs are strapped down so that you can't move you can't feel anything in your body either you can't hold a thought for more than five seconds it's hell are you all right we can continue tomorrow if you like it's fine i i just want to be able to control myself for a bit before i lose it when you're stuck in there in your own head you just want to scream but you can't you could try for hours and hours move an arm a leg make a sound it won't happen you can't even control when you breathe and then the hallucinations this sloth i just it's watching us i can't face it again i just can't if you want to help us please just kill us it's the only way to stop it please just don't point anymore okay i believe that's enough okay so there's a 40 chance that i end up like that man on the screen trapped in my own body being controlled by some freaking sloth costume yes i'm sorry miss neil but we didn't show you that tape to scare you we did it so you can make an informed decision what decision this location has housed every subject that has witnessed scp-2774 since its discovery at one point they were allowed to participate in daily two-hour social interactions and had free time for breakfast lunch courtyard and dinner but after a series of violent outbursts the foundation is now forcing all subjects to remain in elusive level humanoid containment cells at all times i'm still not understanding the decision i have to make in their brief moments of lucidity subjects affected by scp-2774 are erratic emotional and highly agitated they're dangerous so following the recorded interview log the higher ups in charge drafted protocol xxj9 in an effort to help contain scp-2774 we pruned the population of this site from approximately 6 000 subjects down to 200 in under a month termination was carried out by lethal injection oh my god are you are you going to kill me no not unless you want us to what are you talking about normally task forces in charge of controlling scp-2774 off-site have been instructed to terminate anyone exposed instead of transporting them here but you are a special case we rarely get to a subject before they start to experience effects so here's where your choice comes in your transformation could be complete any time in the next 24 hours or so if you are part of the 40 that fall victim to the sloth you'll be trapped in his control forever once a day you might get a minute or two of full consciousness but otherwise experience the same fate as david here on the tape so if you prefer we can give you the lethal injection now and before you ask no you won't be able to say goodbye to your kids no one will know where you disappear to to those outside the facility you will have essentially vanished into thin air but you won't have to deal with the torture of scp-2774 we're not here to tell you to choose one or the other if you don't take the injection it's very possible you may end up completely unaffected what happens in that case we administer you and amnesty so you forget everything that happened over the last week you'll feel groggy and disoriented for a while but you will get dropped back into your home and will otherwise go back to your life as normal but know what you are risking every second you don't take the injection you chance spending the rest of your life as a slave to the sloth the decision is up to you i don't know i i don't even know how to respond to all this hey thanks for watching the video and thanks to all our loyal supporters over on patreon especially chuck axe darius fulton monday vladimir lloyd roxims michael morales dr alto cliff catalyst cat sparkles scorpion guilty pleasures dovah king pumpkin pyromaniac and brian b razzle brown what a great name anyways that's it for this episode see you all again november 8th [Music] you
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 1,615,009
Rating: 4.9502559 out of 5
Id: UZK_tqyq7-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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