SCP-974 - Treehouse Predator (SCP Animation)

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Imagine this - it’s summer vacation and you're a  kid. You and your friends are playing in the woods   near your neighborhood, just like you've been  doing most days during the break from school.   One day, you spot a treehouse. It’s not that  high off the ground and it's very simply built   from leaves, grass, and scraps of wood. You and your friends are curious, so you   decide to check it out. Upon investigation, you  find a kid in there. He says his name is Billy,   and this is his treehouse. You don't recognize  him from school, but you figure he must just   be new in town. He asks if he can join your  group, and, wanting to be nice to the new kid,   you tell him “okay.” You spend the rest of the  day playing with him - games like hide and seek,   tag, and red rover, until it's time  for everyone to go home for dinner.   Strangely, Billy doesn't seem to  leave, he just stays in his treehouse. For the rest of the week, playing with Billy  and his treehouse become a regular fixture   of your daily routine, but oddly enough, he  never comes to hang out at any of your houses,   and you never seem to see him anywhere  else but in the woods. One day, however,   he decides to invite one of your friends, Amy,  to hang out with him at the treehouse alone.   You think nothing of it, but after  that point, you never see Billy again. It’s a couple of weeks before you and your friends  see Amy again, and when you do, she appears   off somehow. She seems to be spending a lot of  time in that treehouse. Billy has disappeared,   but you and Amy and the rest of the kids keep  meeting up to play together in the woods.   One day Amy pulls you aside, she wants you to come  meet with her tomorrow at the treehouse… alone. This is typically how an SCP-974 infestation  begins - with a mysterious new kid inviting   a group of friends to hang out in his crudely  made treehouse. But as you might have guessed,   this kid isn't a kid - he's SCP-974, a carnivorous  monster that only looks like a human child. It can   live on small woodland animals, but its preferred  prey… is kids between the ages of 6 and 12,   taking the phrase 'you are what  you eat' to the next level. The entity will install itself in an  area with a sufficient amount of trees,   in proximity to a decent population of children.  It will then construct a crude treehouse to   serve as its nest, and begin befriending groups  of between 2 and 5 children. The creature will   engage in normal outdoor games and allow its new  'friends' to come and go as they please, building   the trust of its newfound playmates. But then,  after about a week, it will select its victim. SCP-974 will single out one member of the  group and invite them to the treehouse alone.   Whether they accept or deny the invitation  is irrelevant, because this is the point   where SCP-974 will strike, subduing and  then devouring that child. After doing so,   the creature will disappear from the area, going  into a state of hibernation for roughly 12 days.   During that time, it goes through a period  of metamorphosis, transforming from whoever   it looked like before into an exact  likeness of the child it just consumed. SCP-974 will continue this cycle  of selecting and catching prey   until there are no children  left in the surrounding area. While it's initially friendly to children, SCP-974  has an intense fear of any older human beings.   The mere presence of a person older than 13  is enough to trigger the creature's fight or   flight response, and it will run away if it sees  any adults coming. When running isn't an option,   SCP-974 will resort to violence to defend itself.  Despite its looks, SCP-974 is much stronger,   faster, and more resistant to damage  than a child, and it has been known to   completely rip adults apart in situations  where it felt threatened and cornered. SCP-974 does not appear to be affected  by bullets or striking weapons,   and the only reliable way to put down an instance  seems to be with fire. When infestations are   discovered in the wild, the normal SCP foundation  protocol is to attempt to capture the creature,   but if deadly force is required, agents  will set fire to the creature's nest and   a portion of the surrounding area  until it has been confirmed dead,   before covering up the destruction as  the result of a regular forest fire. The SCP foundation was able to capture one  instance of SCP-974 and place it in containment,   hoping that having one in captivity would  provide insight into the creature's origins.   It was placed in a lightly wooded  enclosure at Zoological Reserve Site 16,   where it immediately started constructing multiple  treehouse nests from the plant life it found. Initially, the containment of SCP-974 involved  offering the creature live human prey.   Once every 3 months, a group of  4 children would be brought in,   in accordance with Protocol 12. The children  would be given room and board in on-site barracks,   and encouraged to explore the enclosure and play  with SCP-974. If 974 had not selected a victim   within 5 days, the group of children would be  sent away and a new group would be introduced. This system worked for a few years, but as  you might expect, the Ethics Committee had   a problem with the practice of offering  up live children to a deadly anomaly.   Now, as of January 1st, 2015, the team at  Zoological Reserve Site 16 are no longer   able to evoke Protocol 12 in order to acquire  children. Attempts to use another SCP - SCP-1680,   a collection of clones of a missing 8-year-old  boy - failed, as SCP-974 refused to eat them. The procedures then changed  to only allow small animals   to be introduced into the enclosure as prey. While it might seem like this was a good idea that  would stop SCP-974 from killing any more children,   like a lot of seemingly good changes to  containment procedures in the Foundation,   this well intentioned move would  ultimately have deadly consequences. SCP-974 at first seemed to behave normally  despite being denied its favorite food.   But then, on August 16th, 2015, while  on their weekly sweep of the enclosure,   patrol teams found that 974 had  destroyed all of the treehouses it   had built in its time in containment. The  SCP itself was also nowhere to be found. There was something new in the enclosure  though, a small oval of disturbed soil. A   geological team was called in, and through  ground penetrating radar, it was found that   there was a humanoid figure buried there, curled  up in a fetal position. This couldn't be SCP-974,   could it? The figure was much too long and  thin to be anything resembling a human child.   But it had to be SCP-974 - it was the only  living thing in the enclosure. The scientists   were intrigued, and they theorized that the  SCP might have been entering a new life stage. Further scans were conducted over the next 10  days. During that time, the creature never moved   from its position, though it did continue  to grow. It seemed like it was absorbing   nutrients from the surrounding soil. The team  decided to exhume the creature to examine it. When they dug it up, they found that SCP-974 had  stretched out, now measuring 220 cm in length and   weighing just 37.4 kilograms. It had no features  or orifices of any kind anywhere on its body,   and its now pale white skin was covered in  some kind of sticky mucus that, when examined,   was found to contain a previously undiscovered  enzyme. The creature was alive, but barely. It   wasn't breathing, and its heartbeat was extremely  slow, almost to the point of being undetectable. SCP-974 was examined for an additional four weeks,  after which it died, and was sent for dissection. Some of the scientists and researchers at  Zoological Site 16 were disappointed to   hear about 974's death. As vicious  and feral as the creature was,   they'd developed a certain fondness for it,  and its many little treehouses. Luckily,   it wouldn't be too much longer  until a new specimen was obtained. On October 16th, 2016, a group of no less than  7 instances of SCP-974 were discovered near a   major American city. The containment team  was forced to kill 6 of the anomalies in   the attempts to capture them, but one instance  survived and was taken to Zoological Site 16.   As was mandated, the area was burned and  Foundation counterintelligence disseminated   a cover story about a forest fire caused  by an improperly extinguished campfire. The new SCP-974 was, like the original one, placed  in the enclosure and denied human prey. Also like   the first one, this 974 buried itself after being  denied its preferred meals for several months.   The decision was made to leave the SCP  underground longer than in the first instance,   to see what it might become if this  developmental stage wasn't interrupted. On January 25th, 2017, the creature finally  dug itself free from the earth. Now designated   SCP-974-A, it was far more aggressive than any  instance of 974 had ever been before. As soon as   it was free from the dirt, it made a beeline  straight for the nearest monitoring station.   It ripped the roof off and tore the 6 team  members stationed there to shreds in just   90 seconds. When the response team  arrived 15 minutes later, only 12%   of the human remains were able to be recovered. But, strangely enough, it at first seemed that   one of the team had been spared. Georgia Stone,  one of the monitoring team, was severely injured,   but apparently in a stable condition.  Disoriented, she approached the response team,   begging for assistance and urging them to  take her out of the enclosure. But the team   was skeptical - they knew that SCP-974 could  become an exact copy of any child it consumed,   so it followed that the fully-grown  SCP-974-A might be able to copy adults. They asked Georgia questions in order to confirm  her identity, but she was unable to answer them. Having been found out, SCP-974, still  mimicking Georgia, attacked the response team.   They'd been armed with flamethrowers, but  unfortunately, on top of its resistance to damage,   the adult form of 974 didn't seem  to be afraid of, or harmed by,   fire. The team was at a loss for how to kill this  thing, or even subdue it long enough to get out   safely. SCP-974-A was tearing through the  members of the team like they were made of paper. Thinking quickly, one member of the  response team, a guard named Emilio,   pulled out one of his standard issue Foundation  hand grenades. When SCP-974-A came at him,   he pulled the pin and, holding the grenade,  shoved his arm into the creature's open mouth.   While the explosion destroyed Emilio's arm,  it didn't even break the skin of SCP-974-A.   However, it did result in serious damage to  its internal organs, which finally killed it. Following its death, an autopsy was  conducted, revealing enough about the   creature that a new file of effective methods  of extermination was able to be created. After this event, the protocols for SCP-974  containment were completely overhauled.   Any instances of SCP-974-A seen in the wild  are to be killed as quickly as possible.   More disturbingly though, the ethics committee  rescinded their previous decision, and any   instances of 974 that are brought into containment  are to be provided with human prey again. Letting SCP-974 kill children might not be  a very humane way of keeping it contained,   but given how much more aggressive and hard to  kill this SCP's adult form is, any option that   stops the creature's metamorphosis from happening  is likely the best option in the long run. So remember: If ever you’re out in the woods  and see a crudely constructed treehouse,   perhaps think twice about how innocent it is.  There could be something hungry lurking inside… Now go check out our playlist with the  entire tale of “SCP - 5000 - The Suit”   for an epic saga about a Foundation gone  bad, and one man’s quest to find the truth!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 1,016,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-974, scp 974, scp974, scp treehouse predator, treehouse predator, scp treehouse, treehouse monster, child monster, scp child monster, scp missing children, missing children, missing child, scp euclid, euclid class, euclid
Id: cIG8XGuYjUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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