Polymorphic Humanoid | SCP-953 (SCP Animation)

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hey everyone mr moore asked me to remind you about the scp crowdfunding campaign by paranormal activity books i'm glad i remembered because there's only a week left until it ends what does this mean it means this is your last chance to get the limited edition of the scp foundation art books sure you can always buy the regular edition on amazon later they're the same quality and have the same awesome scp illustrations and reports but i mean just look at those beautifully animated dust jackets and that vic and boast slip case you might not be able to get your hands on it later and if you miss out on the crowdfunding campaign this week you'll also miss out on a pile of free bonus rewards my personal favorites are these cool scp employee badges and this level 4 key card they sure come in handy when i forget my real ones at home by pre-ordering the books you'll be entered in a giveaway for one of 30 possessive mask toys these are seriously cool and won't be available for sale after the campaign ends click the link below to support paranormal activity books get some awesome rewards and best of all these amazing scp art books [Music] no i'll be fine hey there handsome do you need some company please i'm feeling awfully lonely this evening i would love to have someone too spend time with absolutely who's tails carson can you shut the hell up and why are you at it take off your goddamn helmet this is a sting and if you look like an mtf the target is gonna thank you a [ __ ] mtf all right first off i know you're on point for this mission but i'm on loan from iota seven we're the same rank so maybe try pretty please next time and second do you know how much red tape i had to wait through for this upgrade it was truly fine keep it on just shut the hell up you just need to relax don't tell me to relax if we don't catch this thing at the exact right moment this thing turns into the bloodbath of your worst goddamn nightmares sorry to be the bearer of bad news honey but we're the expendables we're test subjects just as much as the ds that's not true yes it is when you watch all your friends get slaughtered in the name of science you realize just exactly what the foundation thinks of you did you even read the briefing for 953 nope sure didn't all right what do you want to know i guess whatever keeps me not dead the longest all right so the anomaly is a fox with nine tails that can change its appearance at will it's a geeter class if that's true then what we're doing is literally wasting time she could have already passed us at any point we're looking for a woman of korean descent reports in the area have suggested that someone has been preying on local patrons of a bar in korea town localized camera footage has confirmed an unidentified woman that lurks nearby but even still 953 tends to keep some identifiable traits like its ears eyes spur voice and mannerisms that will make her easier to identify so with small fox the shape shifts into a human easy sounds like it doesn't take much to get classified as a keter these days shape-shifting is just scratching the surface of his powers well what else can it do 953 has a malicious nature and seems to enjoy killing and torturing his prey it has enough strength to penetrate the abdomen of a full grown man in order to remove their liver which it likes to consume perhaps with a nice chianti the procedure dictates a 100 meter safe zone when opening her cell it doesn't work well on outside observers but once 953 has you entranced it can get you to do some pretty crazy [ __ ] all right now you have my attention let's hear it it's been able to convince police to completely disregard an investigation about loud screams coming from a hotel room and forced a mother to roast and eat her own child hell we lost most of theta 3 when they were stationed around korea really what happened to them it's all on an audio recording of an interview i had listened to when i took this mission on originally apparently they got a tip from a little old woman said it had been eating her cows theta 3 went searching for 953 and found it under a waterfall the report cited cultural misunderstandings as a means for underestimating the danger they were involved in so they were all killed no one of them survived though their name is redacted anyway they thought they had the drop on it right wrong turns out that's how 953 hunts it lures you in with a false sense of security pretends to be harmless and then starts picking you off one by one 953 took them back to her cottage served them dinner and started its process killed the first in the woods peeling off his skin the others went and grabbed their guns trying to set up an ambush but when the door opened the first agent walked in the one whose skin was just ripped off yep only thing his eyes were glowing yellow the other agents turned on each other a gun goes off and the one being interviewed is shot in the arm the other is butchered like a pig the interviewee gets away long enough to create a makeshift weapon he stabs 953 with it and slows it down long enough for him to escape and get back to the retrieval team it's weird what is the interview mentions he kept visiting 953 in its cell after i mean i guess it makes sense 953 gets in your head manipulating your mind hell when i encountered it face to face 953 found out where i lived in and what ramsay let's drop it ah come on you can't just i said drop it okay okay jesus just when i thought we were on the fast track to being besties sorry it's just this case is personal to me 953 and i have this relationship it's almost a game that plays with me at this point i have sent in multiple forms requesting for his termination but they just keep denying it and 953 keeps escaping even when we do catch it 953 gets brought back to her luxury cell and daily food water and clean bedding i get some kind of groom poodle you know they even give it plum wine whenever it wants the foundation is culpable in every dead 953 causes when it escapes how many times has 953 escaped we first encountered this thing in busan after world war ii since then it's escaped like six times the time before this one 953 was found in pittsburgh systemically killing 27 people at something called yifcon i'm sorry this thing was massacring furries yep it even got one of ours who was into that stuff you remember gallagher sure do and i gotta say the dude sort of looked like the kind of guy that would die at a furry convention yeah well gallagher and other furries were found dead in various parts of the hotel like inside mattresses or hanging from shower curtains hell 953 even served up one of them as a main course at the hotel banquet had to hand out a lot of class amnesiacs that day all right so if it can't get within 100 meters of it how are they supposed to contain this thing anyway they use a lot of bots to carry necessities to it plus 953 has a phobia of dogs so they have open cage dog camels all around its containment sale wow this thing takes a lot of precaution almost doesn't seem worth it that's what i've been saying we're going to have to use some of those methods today though i have snipers set up all around the building at least 100 meters in all vantages another six-man squad with k-9 units and flash bangs to hopefully external psionic abilities long enough for us to get in closer and restrain her honestly this is the most thoroughly planned raid i've been a part of in years quiet i think that's her now gibson maloney 953 is entering the building now give me a floor number on the third floor closest to the apartment to the front roger that all units converge on 953 k9 units take point let's get this [ __ ] status report and knew we were coming only thing left behind were some liver still in the refrigerator and this hey ramsay it's been a while we should catch up some time so sorry i couldn't stick around i had a few errands to run please make yourself a home oh and give my best parents oh wait oh god damn it well tough luck looks like the search continues [Music] you
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 424,257
Rating: 4.9591026 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, Polymorphic Humanoid, scp-953, Polymorphic Humanoid scp, origin of scp-953, scp 953, 953, containment, containment breach, Polymorphic Humanoid tale, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp origins, scp explained, kumiho
Id: t5B69J0ju44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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