Termination Attempts SCP-682 (SCP Animation)

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Here we go again. It’s time to return to the  acid-filled containment chamber of SCP-682,   more commonly known as the Hard to Destroy  Reptile. We’ve spoken about him and the ways   The SCP Foundation has attempted to destroy him  in a previous video. But as we said back then,   we really only scratched the surface of the huge  number of insane ways the Foundation has tried   to wipe this ornery lizard  off the face of the earth. Today, we’re filling in some of the cracks. Let’s  take a look at the secret test logs detailing   the Foundation’s unsuccessful quest to finally  destroy SCP-682. If you’re a real SCP Expert,   you’re likely to recognize some  familiar faces we meet along the way... Esteemed Foundation Researcher Dr. Alto  Clef - famed for his somewhat unconventional   personality - entered the test chamber to see  if he could intimidate the beast to death.   This resulted in a long staring contest between  Dr. Clef and 682, towards the end of which, Dr.   Clef began to lose his nerve. He tried to leave  the room, only to find that the door was locked,   causing him to swear loudly. Dr.  Clef, who always tries to find the   most direct solution to his problems, blew up  the door with plastic explosives and ran off. Test failed. Next came SCP-662,   a silver hand bell that summons the supernaturally  helpful butler, Mr. Deeds. When Mr. Deeds was   summoned, Foundation researchers asked him if  he could kill SCP-682. Deeds politely explained   that he wouldn’t be capable of killing 682, it’s  just too strong. When asked if he could at least   incapacitate 682, he replied that the best way to  do this would be to poison himself and allow 682   to eat his body. But this, he reminded, would  only be a temporary problem for the lizard. Test failed. The Foundation brought in   SCP-689, a terrifying soapstone statue of a  sitting skeleton that can kill you if you see it   and then stop paying attention to  it. 682 first observed the statue,   and then the Foundation turned off the lights.  When they turned them back on, SCP-682 appeared   to be dead in a puddle of gray and black liquid.  D-Classes were sent in to confirm that 682 was   actually dead, but it instead got up and killed  them. Researchers theorized that 682’s definition   of “life” is not quite the same as ours,  rendering 689’s death-related powers ineffective. Test failed. SCP-807 was next up to bat. This is an anomalous  salmon-colored ceramic dinner plate with the words   "Last Chance Diner" printed on the edges in white.   Any food placed on it becomes irresistible by  any definition, but when the food is consumed   it causes immediate cardiac arrest due to  the sudden clogging of the arteries with fat. Researchers made a meal known as the  “682 Special” - 10 kg of rotten meat   and sharpened bone splinters, 10 L of  rancid mayonnaise, 1 L potassium cyanide,   and 1 kg morphine hydrochloride, combined  into a solid mass and transmuted by 807.   When 682 first consumed this  disgusting meal, it seemed to collapse. However, when D-Classes were sent in to see  whether 682 was truly out for the count,   multiple holes opened in its body. These  holes fired out high-pressure jets of blood,   killing the nearby D-Classes and destroying  the containment cell. 682 was fine afterwards. Test failed. To kill 682, it seemed   that the Foundation really needed to have God  on their side. So they tried to recruit SCP-343,   also known as “God”, to help them destroy the  beast. However, when he entered the containment   chamber, he somehow couldn’t even see the  beast. When researchers asked him whether   he could kill 682, God replied, “He's  not one of mine. Deal with him yourself." Test failed. Next, the Foundation recruited SCP-524: A small  white rabbit that can eat literally anything,   including itself, without being harmed. The  rabbit was released into SCP-682’s chamber,   at which point it approached 682 and began to  eat one of its legs. 682 roared in pain and   scuttled up the wall, out of 524’s reach, where  it remained for a number of hours. At this point,   SCP-524 seemed to become bored, and began eating  its way out of containment through a nearby wall. Test failed. Maybe the luck of the Irish was what the  Foundation needed to finally put this monster   to rest. They recruited SCP-1933, a fat man  dressed as Santa Claus whose bodily fluids are   entirely the alcoholic beverage known as  Irish Cream. However, if enough of this Irish   cream is fed to something, all of their bodily  fluids will become Irish cream, killing them. The Foundation fed large quantities of this  Irish cream to SCP-682. At first, it appeared   intoxicated, a promising sign. However, it vomited  out a massive quantity of SCP-1933 bodily fluids,   turning the walls of its cell into Irish cream  and allowing it to escape and wreak havoc. Test failed. The Foundation recruited the help of SCP-2337,   an intelligent corn crake known as Dr. Spanko,  with a voice so loud it can quite literally   talk its victims to death if it speaks  to them for an extended period of time.   It was sent into SCP-682’s chamber to destroy  the beast, but 682 just told it to leave,   and the talkative bird obliged - by blowing  away one of the chamber walls with a yell,   allowing SCP-682 to breach containment again. Test failed. As you can probably sympathize with right now,  the Foundation researchers were starting to get   a little frustrated with their lack of progress.  They even pitched the possibility of sending   SCP-682 into an alternate dimension, perhaps  into a stalemate against its alternate self.   But this pitch was shot down by the O5 Council on  the grounds that it was way, way, way too risky. Back to the drawing board. By which we mean,  they literally transformed SCP-682’s skin   into a kind of drawing board. SCP-2521 is an anomaly that   manifests any time information about it  is recorded, and immediately grabs the   source of the information, wrapping it in  its tendrils and taking it away with it.   The Foundation sought to take advantage of this  by using a laser to cut this anomalous information   into SCP-682’s side. However, this didn’t  have the results that they were hoping for. SCP-2521 did turn up to take the  information, but it only took the   skin on which the information was carved.  682 survived and quickly grew back its skin. Test failed. Researchers suggested tracking down SCP-169,   an obscenely massive underwater creature known  as The Leviathan, and feeding 682 to the beast.   However, this idea was immediately shot down  by the O5 Council. If 682 did what it did best:   Surviving the attack and acting accordingly,  perhaps by growing to the size of SCP-169,   it would likely trigger an XK-Class End of the  World Scenario. It simply was not worth the risk.  The Foundation released two specimens of SCP-939  into 682’s test chamber. These voice-imitating,   amnesia-inducing monsters have  caused huge damage to human targets,   so maybe they had some hope against 682.  This hope turned out to be misplaced: Both   specimens seemed extremely distressed by 682’s  presence and refused to engage. 682 did not have   that same refusal. It charged in and brutally  killed both, before devouring their corpses. Test failed. In a very well-documented case, the adorable   SCP-999 was introduced into 682’s test chamber.  The unassailable good vibes provided by 999,   as well as an intense tickle fight, did actually  lead to the temporary incapacitation of SCP-682.   However, the otherwise wholesome incident ended in  tragedy when 682 adapted to the good vibes and was   able to release a kind of violent laughter  wave. This incapacitated much of the staff   and allowed 682 to breach containment and go on  another killing spree, before being recontained. Test, once again, failed. One of the closest attempts the  Foundation ever had involved SCP-294,   an anomalous coffee machine that can  produce any liquid typed into its keypad. Foundation researchers requested “SCP-682  Killer” from the machine, and were astounded   at the results. During tests on SCP-682 tissue  samples, the liquid was capable of causing 682   tissue to decay and crumble. Tests on the living  creature were similarly promising. The acid in   682’s tank was receded, and one liter of SCP-682  Killer was poured onto it, causing that portion   of its flesh to immediately decay. When the acid  was returned, this portion dissolved instantly. Scientists believe that if they could one day  get a large enough quantity of this liquid,   they might have a viable option.  But until then, the tests march on. They introduced SCP-055, the self-keeping  secret, into the containment chamber of SCP-682.   We don’t really know what happened, but seeing  as 682 isn’t dead, we now know that 055 can’t   kill it. That and the fact it isn’t round  is pretty much all we know about SCP-055. Test failed. Next came SCP-082, also known as Fernand the  Cannibal. Fernand was first presented a piece   of flesh from 682, but rather than eating  it, he inspected it and began to express   joy that his “friend” still lived. When  introduced into 682’s testing chamber,   Fernand attempted to subdue the lizard  and use it as his steed. 682 expressed an   intense hatred of both Fernand and the idea  of being Fernand’s steed, so the two of them   engaged in combat. Mobile Task Forces were  eventually brought in to subdue both subjects. In the debrief interview, both hinted  that the two of them shared history prior   to containment. 682 was  reluctant to talk about it. Test failed. Researchers were becoming extremely frustrated  with SCP-682’s unwillingness to die,   so they called in an SCP who responded to  reason much better: SCP-049, the Plague Doctor.   This sinister surgeon can kill with a touch, and  the Foundation hoped that would extend to 682.   However, the result was a dud.  The Plague Doctor did touch 682,   but it experienced no adverse effects, and  even swiped at the doctor. Upon leaving,   049 reported feeling “emotionally  disturbed” by his encounter with SCP-682. Yep, you guessed it: Test failed. If it gives you any indication of just how  desperate the researchers were at this point,   Dr. Richard Graham pondered whether introducing  SCP-682 to a human with just as pessimistic and   misanthropic feelings as itself would somehow  pacify it. They sent in a particularly nasty   D-Class, and the two spoke. Fascinatingly,  682 didn’t attempt to harm this D-Class,   they just shared their profane and bleak  sentiments about the human race with one another. However, some of 682’s opinions were  a little too spicy for this D-Class.   After listening to the reptile speak  for twenty minutes, the D-Class fell   into a catatonic state from the sheer  depression of it all. He died not long after. One anonymous researcher suggested  perhaps the worst idea of all:   Letting SCP-682 out into the wild. Not even to  really terminate it, just to see what it does.   The anonymous scientist figured there would be  some merit in analyzing the creature’s behavior. As you can probably guess, this request  was shot down by the O5 Council.   The note attached to the request by  one of its members summed it up best: “I'll tell you what it'll do. It'll go out for  a nice stroll, murder a few innocent people,   go fishing, slaughter a few more innocent people,  start up a tech-company, eat a few more innocent   people, go on a vacation to Florida, dismember a  few more innocent people! I swear, when I find out   who wrote this, you can personally enter 682's  containment chamber to analyze him yourself!” Even this isn’t covering every single attempt to  terminate SCP-682, but all attempts have either   been failures or too risky or potentially  unviable to even try. Sadly, for the SCP   Foundation and the human race, it’s likely we’ll  be dealing with SCP-682 for a long time to come.   How do you think 682 could finally be killed?  Let us know down in the comments below! Now check out “SCP-682 - Ways The Foundation Tried  To Kill The Hard To Destroy Reptile” and “SCP-999   - The Tickle Monster” for more fascinating  facts about this lizard with anger issues.
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 547,893
Rating: 4.9557381 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-682, scp 682, scp682, scp hard to kill, scp hard to destroy, hard to destroy reptile, scp reptile, 682, scp termination, scp test, scp experiment, scp experiments, scp 999, scp 294, scp 343, scp 049, scp tickle monster, scp plague doctor
Id: LidvLJxgenQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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