King of the Mountain | SCP-1529 (SCP Animation)

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[Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] be all right everybody hopefully i'm gonna get you folks there as fast as possible so we can avoid this winter storm opening but it's gonna be a close one i'll keep you posted [Music] well you two a very fun passengers some of us enjoy the silence agent green well i don't and we got a long flight ahead of us so we might as well get to know each other a little better i'll pass fine but you're making it very difficult to fall in love with you how about you big guy i don't think we've met before i'm a special consultant oh really he's some kind of climbing expert something like that [Music] agent greene this is l he's one of the very few people in this world that have not only survived climbing mount everest but also coming face-to-face with scp-152 wow so you went toe-to-toe with the king of the mountain huh yeah he's become invaluable in the foundation's efforts to track and contain scp-1529 i bet he's got first-hand experience so tell us the story well on l do not feel obligated to tell agent green here anything now it's fine doctor what exactly do you want to know tell me what happened when you first encountered the creature it couldn't have been more than 10 minutes after i left the summit about 1300 that's the hardest part of the climb you've reached the top and you're exhilarated and proud of yourself and then you realize you've just done the most difficult thing you've ever done in your life you have to do it all over again right now backwards or you'll end up like the napping man the napping man it's a boarding near a ridge on the south side of the mountain any expedition on traveling that way passes it it's a real wake-up call for all the climbers for the god complex that think they're invincible anyways we were starting our descent the others were five or six meters ahead of me i been delighted a moment to adjust my hood that's when i saw it come over the ridge what was your reaction when you first saw it surprised to say the least he hadn't been told there was anyone else climbing to the top that day i thought he must have come over from the other side or got him left behind by his mates i shouted and waved my hands in the air to try and get his attention what happened when you got its attention he looked right at me and that's when it started i suddenly felt happy instant relief it was like right away all the pain in the soreness and the chill was gone i didn't have blisters on my feet and i could feel the tip of my nose again it was like i was back at home kicking at my feet by the fireplace like i could forget all my worries and enjoy a well-deserved rest but but it didn't feel right have you ever heard of paradoxical undressing it's when your body starts to cool down like really cool down and your blood vessels dilate and you start to feel like you're warming up so you start tearing your clothes off because you feel like you're burning up and you need to cool off and the next thing anyone knows you're naked and frozen to death curled up in a snow bank i had a mate who went that way in 98. so you believed you were imagining it right so i tried to shrug it off but i couldn't take my eyes off the man who'd started climbing up towards me and that's when it all went to hell you really don't need to go any further if it's going to upset you well not upsetting him am i upsetting you no no see he's fine what happened next right away all that warmth and comfort was gone suddenly i felt cold colder than i'd ever been before colder than i had a right to be couldn't feel my fingers or my face my lips felt cracked and frozen i tried to breathe and it was like my lungs were full of water my legs cramped up and next thing i knew i was down i tried to yell out for help but all that came out was a whisper i looked up and that man the thing was still coming how long did it take to reach you an hour maybe not sure i couldn't see my watch and i don't think i could have made sense of it anyway i managed to get my arms on the ground but i couldn't push myself to my feet it was getting to the point that even if i could write myself i wouldn't be able to make it back to kent before nightfall i was starting to think i wasn't making it off the mountain at all but what worried me more was the man the closer he got to me i started to feel something in the back of my head something primal menacing and above all hateful and what happened when he got to you he grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me up to face it i was looking right into his goggles i could see things in them see things well not see them so much more like feel them images and emotions in the back of my mind rage and joy and confusion what do you mean confusion i don't know i don't think it was used to people resisting it so it asked me a question it spoke i've never read about scp-1529 being verbal it didn't speak with words so much i could hear it but not with my ears i saw images of people people sitting back in hot tubs lying by a crackling fire selling themselves on the beach warm happy people but i knew their faces there were faces i'd seen in books and pictures and people i'd seen on the way up the mountain who i hadn't seen on the way down people still lying face down somewhere in the death zone and i heard its question which was you would refuse my gift go on i could barely make sense of anything that was going on but i knew that this thing in front of me was a bigger threat than any storm or any snow drift moving my lips was harder than anything i've ever done but i did and i told it yes how do you respond i saw more images images of those same people lying in the snow already half dead it didn't say anything to me in words so much but it was angry at me it was offended outraged shocked it was trying to tell me i'd been ungrateful i asked it why are you doing this what did it say it it mocked me it showed me another one of its victims probably the first one it was a face i recognized from old climbing journals but i never seen it in that kind of detail before or in that condition he was on his stomach weak frostbitten dying he was waving and hollering at the thing as i watched it approach from its own perspective it made me watch every second until it was done i think watching it was worse than living it would have been happened next it was holding me up so i had just enough strength to pull up my fist i punched it hard as i could every last ounce of strength i had right in the goggles they cracked i could see what was behind them then what was that gonna need everybody to buckle up back there we're getting close to base camp and it's gonna be a bumpy ride was behind the goggles ell classified information agent green but dr buck i would hate for there to be any secrets between us she's right that's a good place to stop for now all right buddy but i'm gonna get it out of here one of these days [Music] [Music] thanks for watching the episode if you'd like to help support us join our patreon page like all these wonderful people on screen and a special thanks goes out to this group who happened to be our highest donors thank you all so much for helping make these videos possible also if you want to buy some awesome scp gear go and check out our merch store you can find the link down below anyways that's it for this episode stay safe and we'll see you all next [Music] week [Music] you
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 1,027,381
Rating: 4.966846 out of 5
Id: 7lnromT_yrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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