Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " YOU CAN’T TAKE A HINT " - AUGUST 15th, 2021

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[Music] of you who are worshiping with us around the world i cannot tell you how honored and humbled i am that new birth is a local church making a global impact we have a delegation here worshiping with us today all the way from my adopted home uh from liberia won't you all please stand with lift up your hand let's give god a hand clapper praise for all of them thank you so much for coming out uh in worshiping with us uh on this day i also honored and appreciative to have former ambassador susan johnson cook with us on today give god a handclap of praise for the ambassador of being with us if you have your bibles would you uh meet me at second corinthians chapter nine second corinthians chapter nine in case you missed the announcement we are not going back in the sanctuary on labor day weekend uh but i got good news for you uh we're gonna do a celebration pull up service for every person who survived covet 19. come on give god a hand clapper praise it's gonna be amazing i was gonna be an all-white party in the parking lot of new birth i want you to bring your friends and your family uh jonathan nelson just told me uh before service that not only are we gonna celebrate when all white not only are we gonna shout on the roof of our cars but you're not going to believe it on labor day weekend our guest psalmist our guest soloist i guess worship leader for the day will be none other than fred hammond uh it's going to be absolutely amazing we going from glory to glory and so labor day weekend make sure that you are in atlanta to see what god's going to do on the outside uh second corinthians chapter nine verse number seven would you stand for the reading of god's word second corinthians chapter nine verse number seven on the last um weekend of this month uh new birth and atlanta metropolitan family we're taking uh four buses to atlanta for the march on washington we'll leave out of our parking lot that friday night i believe on the 27th ride into washington dc for the march and then turn right back around and come on back home if you want to go with us to washington dc for this historic and monumental occasion please email rsaylor newbirth.org our sailor newbirth.org uh second corinthians nine and seven here's what paul said to the church of corinth each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give but don't do it reluctantly don't do it out of compulsion for god loves a cheerful giver for god loves a cheerful giver you may be seated i want to preach for a little while today using as a subject you can't take a hint you can take a hint would you just type that in the screen they can't take a hint they can't they can't tank ahead friends the second longest running game show in america television history is the 36-year tenured jeopardy formerly hosted by alex trebek who transitioned from this life during the pandemic it was swirled around that the brother who became famous from alex haley's roots levar burton was next in line but the prospect was short-lived in large measure because a nation who has a banned teaching critical race theory couldn't possibly digest the moderator of intellectualism actually being black the most enduring of the genre domestically after jeopardy is a wheel of fortune hosted by pat sajak and vanna white both shows have uh somehow or another found themselves in the heart of america but what is not widely known is that both of those programs are inspired by a british game show called catchphrase and in this show catchphrase contestants are presented a hidden image of a catchphrase and the computer begins to remove pieces like a jigsaw one at a time the object is to figure out what the image says before all of the pieces are removed the less pieces revealed the more money released i got to give it to you again the less pieces revealed the more money is released the host of that show is not alex trebek is not pat sajak it is a gentleman by the name of roy walker roy walker would oft times become impatient with the contestants and when they can't figure it out roy walker would begin to yell just say what you see can't figure it all out all of the pieces are not revealed but him trying to push them along would say say what you see [Music] i remember that there was a drought and the man of god kept running trying to find would there be relief and he yelled back i see a cloud it's the size of a man's hand many of you are quiet because you act as if you ain't seen nothing from god in the middle of this pandemic but i wonder if there's anybody who can say i've never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread older than all the tv shows is an old board gang called clue you had to figure out who committed the murder you did it with tokens and with cards i want you to know friends that in real life clues are not a game show nor are they a board game the truth of the matter is i want you to write this down it's going to help you the truth of the matter is nobody is born knowing how to love you are not born knowing how to love the truth of the matter is you don't have a clue an old out of print book that i picked up years ago in the thrift store called the love life's longest experiment i want you to get that book if you can find it love life's longest experiment uh the author's name is leo bascoglia and he posits love hear this is a learned emotional reaction nobody got to teach you how to be mad nobody has to teach you how to be happy but somebody has got to teach you how to love love hear this is a learned behavior it is a learned behavior that is impacted and influenced by your environment and by the teacher love is something that is impacted by the environment and the teacher i had a daughter in ministry many years ago who came through a cycle in a series of abusive relationships from the time that she was 15 up into her 30s when she got married every relationship she was in was abusive she fell in love with a man who is now her husband but she believed he didn't really love her because he never hit her so her understanding of love was always through pain and always through abuse when you have a bad teacher you will have a bad product and it only becomes worse because of a toxic environment many of you don't know how to love because you had bad teachers you never had a real teacher you just had a substitute one so you thought love was what happens when you lay down but not when you're standing up you thought love was reduced to what happens on february the 14th but had no idea that you needed that same love on august the 15th love always leaves clues today if i were to take all of you to a restaurant the waiter would not just bring you a plate of food and expect you to eat it they bring you a menu and then you have time to review the menu and then you tell them what you want even if i take you to a prestigious steakhouse whether i take you to ruth chris here it is i need you to understand that they're not just going to give you a steak they want to know how do you want it prepared do you want it medium rare or do you want it well done if after church i take you to brunch they're not just going to bring you eggs they want to know do you want it over easy do you want it scrambled hard or do you want an omelette i think i've lost you i want to know why you give more instructions to a waiter than you do your lover you will tell a waiter exactly what you want and how you want it but the person you are in love with you expect them to guess when you are around a person long enough they'll start dropping clues they'll drop clues on how they want to experience love and how they want to give love i know the generation will tell you that teddy pendergrass left clues turn off the lights light a candle yeah he was given a clue of what he wanted those are y'all who were thugs in love you knew that a thug in love still left clues mystical said shake it fast wrought yourself he left clues for how it is that he wanted it bruno mars leaves clues what you doing where you at or you got plans y'all ain't been saved that long that's that's why y'all couldn't sing with jonathan y'all don't know them words you gotta leave clues for what you want and how you expect it to happen they left clues here it is and your problem in a one-sided relationship is you have left no clues and when you leave no clues you leave space for people to assume [Music] when you do not give clues to who you are involved with you become the body double for who they used to date so they start treating you the way they did the former person because that's the only information and teacher they have so they start bringing you flowers not knowing you are not interested y'all not saying nothing they want to take you out to seafood but they don't know you are allergic to shellfish they want you to post them not knowing you are private until it's permanent they need clues y'all still like saying nothing to me some people want everything planned out but other people want spontaneity you need clues if i got a lead all day i don't want to have to give you directions at night you got to give me clues to what you are expecting and you can only give clues when you know who you are and some of you can't give clues because you don't know what you like because you have spent most of your adult life pleasing other people that you don't know what it is that you enjoy i can't hear nobody in here you got to have enough gumption to say here it is i know who i am and because i know who i am if you want to be in this space you gonna have to learn who i am and pick up the clues i dropped can i talk to you sometimes i laugh to myself because i don't want to make you cry sometimes i gotta sit alone because i don't want to catch a charge sometimes i need some real people in here if i talk about you to myself in my car i ain't ever gonna like you again if i begin daydreaming about the trauma you took me through then there'll be a place that you'll never be able to fix if i break up with you not for somebody else but i break up with you from my own soul salvation know that we are at a point of no return why cause i know me but not only do i know me i need five of y'all who know i know the demons assigned to me i i just went somewhere y'all are not prepared for i know the demons who are assigned to me so i know when i start feeling heavy i know when i'm no longer myself i know when i am feeling vulnerable and irritable i know when demonic principalities whisper in my ear to make me feel less than what it is that i am but because i know that devil i know how to curse that devil and i know how to find him some of y'all gotta fast 40 days to be delivered but for me all i need to do is lay in my bed look at my ceiling and say god i can't have another day like yesterday by tomorrow i need something to break on my behalf i want to know how you know yourself how you know your demons but you don't know your god [Applause] you know the you that makes you you you know the enemy assigned to you but you don't know the god that is over you psalm 25 and 4 watch what it says teach me thy ways o lord and show me your path because the psalmist was clear i don't know how to love you i don't know how to make this relationship work i don't know how to make the right love connection and that's what he asked in psalm 25 and 4 and as not till corinthians that lord starts dropping heads look at uh our text for today it's going to blow your mind in a second corinthians uh here is hint number one i want you to drop this here's hint number one giving always goes viral giving always goes viral there's a tutorial instruction taking place in second corinthians chapter nine the apostle paul says to the church in corinth i've been telling everybody about your eagerness to assist and because they heard what you doing now other churches want to do it in 2019 robert smith paid the debt of the students at morehouse college totaling 39 million dollars since he did that in 2019 wilberforce paid off its students debts shaw university paid off its students debts delaware state did its students debts philander smith did its students debts south carolina state did its students debts eight other universities here it is paid off student loan debts for their students after robert smith did it now prior to that nobody paid off the debt of an entire class but once they saw somebody do it then the giving became viral see some people are selfish because they have never seen you give but i need some witnesses in here and say pastor you ain't preaching to me my problem is i'm a giver who fell in love with a taker and because they didn't know how to take the clues they expected me to keep giving and that they would keep receiving the devil is a liar i'm speaking to every person that don't mind worshiping out loud i'm praying god allows no more takers into your life but that god will usher in givers who will want to give more than what you gave above what you gave and give without you asking them to give i want giving in your life to become viral firsthand that giving goes viral second hand i want you to write this down is a second hand is don't talk me to death [Music] yeah don't talk me to death i'm in verse three um paul says to the church of corinth i'm sending somebody to collect so that they know we are not just all talk yeah barry white left this hand you keep on telling me this and telling me that y'all ain't saying nothing god is saying i'm tired of you doing all this talk about how you a christian all this talk about how much you love me all this talk about where would you be if i wasn't on your side but when it's time for you to give i can't find no evidence but god says i'm looking for those whose actions speak louder than your words those of you who know i serve a god who puts up and never shuts up i serve a god that even before i speak it he already knows what i need i serve a god that whatsoever i ask for in his name it shall be given number four i want you to have it uh number one is giving and it'll go viral number two don't talk me to death number three watch this uh number three is uh you're gonna get out of it what you put into it y'all lost it um you're gonna get out of it what you put into it it is amazing the insanity of people who go to atm machines trying to make a withdrawal knowing they never made a deposit many of you are frustrated in relationships because you're trying to pull out of them which you never put into them god i can't you can't demand time from somebody you always acted busy with you'll only get out of it what you put into it watch what he says in verse number six those that so sparingly shall reap sparingly but those that so generously shall also reap generously i need you to understand that there is a difference between a drip and an overflow [Applause] i think i lost you that there's a difference between a drip and an overflow a drip you just barely turn the faucet on but i need those of y'all who are in a here you know you got to get it done you turning on hot and cold god says i'm looking for those who want a deluge of blessings that god i can't afford for my blessings to come one at a time but i need you to bathe me in an overflow of what god is going to do when the praises go up that's when the blessings have come down if if you only want one blessing a week you ain't got to give them that much but if you need here it is an overflow expression lord let my cup overflow i need to understand how you expect an overflow with a pity pad thanksgiving but those of you who know you gonna get out of it what you put into it i need you right here would you give god at the measure at the size at the barometer at the speed that you want yours come on y'all got to do that's all you want out of it you don't want that much from god you don't need that much from god you don't require that much from god you get out of it what you put into it number four i'm coming around the mountain here i come is um uh the fourth hint is you have to make up your mind you have to make up your mind i want you to write this down please write this down it's going to help you maybe not today next month before the holidays it's going to help you here's what i need you to write down love is a decision [Music] love is a decision so when you say you fell in love you mean it was an accident oh god i can't hear nobody but i i i need those who understood i made a decision how the old church mothers in the storefront used to sing a song we don't sing no more that says i have decided to follow jesus no turning back some of you you are still indecisive and i need you to know indecision is a decision but those of you who have decided for the rest of my life i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall see some of you don't really love god you just gotta crush on him because you worship him based off of what's going on but i need those who know in the good times i'll still bless him in the bad times i'll still magnify him when i love my job i'll lift him up when i can't stand my job i'll still glorify him you have to make a decision [Applause] you got to make a decision hear this um because your decisions come from your heart from the heart the mouth speaks i lost you from the heart the mouth speaks so anybody who cannot decide what they want to do with you [Music] has made a decision [Applause] anybody who was unsure of who you are has just made a decision you too old to just be kicking it [Applause] god i can't hear nobody in here that you you just chilling you just hanging tight but i need those of y'all who in this season are you gonna have to make a decision you you gonna have to decide what your choice is and uh here's the fifth hint the fifth hint that god um that god leaves three church mothers are about to faint [Applause] two deaconess is about to log off five emails of complaint are about to be sent to the church here is the fifth hint and i want you to write this down the fifth hint is this one write it down is a role play [Applause] some of y'all just had a flashback just come on if if you ain't married repent right now come unto jesus while you still got time here it is is roller play i'm in our text he says uh not grudgingly not reluctantly here's something uh that i had not seen in holy writ that i wanted to echo to you watch what it says in the text don't take my word for it watch what it says um god loves a cheerful giver there's nowhere else where i can find what he loves god help me he he he loves when i do that thing and i i never heard the band make so much noise ever what i is [Applause] god god says um i love a chill forgiver cause i'm starting to see something somebody who you've been dating for a while you've been married to for a while you've been hanging with for a while kicking it for a while watch what happens because you've been hanging with them watch this uh they start using slang you use [Music] [Applause] y'all been together for a minute they they start singing songs you like god i can't hear nobody so and uh so god is saying i love a cheerful giver watch this because i see you then picked up on my traits and when i see you give it shows me you acting like me god help me so for you to act like me you ain't gotta put on lingerie you ain't gotta put on a wig you ain't gotta spray different perfume you ain't gotta call yourself a stage name in order for you to act like me all you gotta do is start giving god help me and when you start giving god says i feel challenged oh you think that's how i act you think that's what i do now because you don't challenge me i gotta outdo what you have already done for god so loved the world what did he do he gave his only begotten son but god said because i bore easily because i boy easily i don't want you to just give it to me one way i want you to give it to me three different ways the first way i want you to give it to me i want you to give me your time and there's some of you you only pray when you're in trouble you only pray when your back is up against the wall you only pray when the rib is late but i need those of y'all who know early will i seek him i need those of you that know the prayers of the righteous of failing much would you just open up your mouth and start to pray right there pray in your house lord bless somebody heal somebody deliver somebody give a breakthrough to somebody come on come on come on give him your time how much time do you spend in the world how much time do you spend serving how much time do you spend helping other people how much time do you spend volunteering [Music] he said not only do i like you giving your time but i want to see you give your talent see all of us can't sing like jonathan all of us can't play like thomas but all of us that got two hands and got two feet ought to be giving god something our day to give him the sacrifice of praise that i was glad when they said unto me let's go into the house of the lord i dare you to shout in your house stream in your living room bless him in your car i get joy when i think about what he's done for me i said i wasn't going to tell nobody but i just can't keep it to myself because when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul will cry out loud thank you thank you thank you for saving me he said i want your time i want your talent and i want your treasure mix it up do something different i need you to tithe right now i need you to show right now i need you to give right now every person that's in this room i want you to get an offering in your hand every person that's in this room get an offering in your head we get ready to turn god on we are about to ring his joy bills when you get your offering come bring it to the altar when you get your operator throw it in god's place say thank you lord for what you did for me thank you lord by how you set me free thank you lord for how you've been better to me that i've been to myself come on let's play footsie with god get your gift right now bring it to the altar get your gift turn them on he said your praise is like a sweet perfume your worship opens up heaven and can nobody do me like jesus can nobody to be like the lord we're not giving so you can see us we're giving so he can see us who is the king of glory the lord mighty in battle lift up your head oh ye gates and be elliptic that the king hey you want to be tired and not you want to be investing now you want to be sharing now i gotta do it i gotta do it said i want to see you give because when you give it does something to me that makes me want to do something for you did you hear what i just said god said when you give it does something to to make me want to do something for you i want you to turn on the god of your salvation he didn't had a long week rescuing people had a long week navigating for people in a seating for people [Music] he wants to know are you going to be another weight are you going to be somebody in his life who just wants to give to make his load lighter i'm challenging you that next week is our demonstration sunday all of us are going to be tithing all of us are going to be sewing all of us are going to be given but i want you to move with deliberate intention that i want the heart of god [Music] can you imagine that jesus did not die for you by accident he made a decision and the decision was wow we were yet sinners he was gonna die for us i want you to now make a decision i gotta get saved i gotta give my life to god he doesn't already drop the hints he wants you so bad that all he says if you would just confess with your mouth believe in your heart then you shall be saved i want you to become a part of the greatest church in the universe i'm telling there's no ministry in the world like new birth and you ought to be a part of it i want you to join now i want you to be connected now i want you to be attached now something good is getting ready to happen for you because you know exactly how to turn god on can you imagine that that god now is slipping into something comfortable to figure out what he can do for you this week that god right now is letting his hair down because he doesn't want you to have unnecessary obstacles after what you did for him on sunday our announcements are coming i want you to lift up that hand [Music] tuesday night i'm going to be right back here on tuesday i'm going to close it out thank you tuesday i'll be right here for uh our bible study all the places we go i'm believing that god is going to meet us that god is going to exceed our expectation now unto him who is absolutely able to do anything but fail may your actions may your language may your lifestyle may your offerings turn god on henceforth now and forevermore the blessed people of god said amen your pastor loves you i'm praying for you i can't wait to see you on tuesday [Music] you
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 107,323
Rating: 4.8557301 out of 5
Id: voQRBhj5ip4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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