Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " TIME'S UP! " - JULY 04th, 2021

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[Music] verse in that one verse is verse 44. we'll be getting a series that i'm going to be dealing with every sunday in july don't waste your time don't waste your time luke 23 verse 44. it was about noon and darkness covered the earth until three in the afternoon it was about noon and darkness covered the face of the earth until three in the afternoon i want to preach for a little while um today using as a subject time's up time's up as a part of the curriculum orientation in the school of hard knocks is memorizing the mantra people lie but numbers don't lie the brookings institute blinded me with their blockbuster report that the net worth of the average typical white family in america the net worth of the average white family in america is a hundred and seventy one thousand while for black families is just seventeen thousand did you hear what i just said the average net worth for white families in this country is a hundred and seventy one thousand the average net worth for black families in this nation is seventeen 000. millennials i want you to hear this i want you to even write it down 18 to 34 year olds 18 to 34 year olds black and white 18 to 34 year olds whether you're black or white are at the same economic level between 18 and 34 but by 65 which is the retirement age wealth for whites is 302 000 and wealth for blacks is 46 000. according to black enterprise black wealth will fall to zero by 2053 by 2053 according to black enterprise black wealth will fall to zero alarmingly as you listen to me from your apartment i want you to know we have less home ownership in 2021 than we did when dr king was alive dr king was alive we owned more homes in 1968. nobody seems to be working on the fact that 20 of our community is unemployed twenty percent if there were a hundred people in this room and they are not if there were 100 people in this room 20 of them would be unemployed and this is from the department of labor before you celebrate derek chauvin's sentencing i need you to know that every eight hours a person is killed by the police as of last night as of last night in 2021 385 people have been killed by the police people lie but numbers don't numbers are so meaningful that the bible has a book named after them the almighty seems to be enamored with arithmetic because he often uses numbers for signs and symbols i want you to take for its example the number 30. i want you right where you are at home if you're paying attention just type 30 on the screen i'm going to look at the number 30. 30 represents here this 30 represents the right moment the meaning of 30 is right moment therefore the months that have 30 days november september june and april are the right moment to start something all right so here you are in the first sunday of july not even realize what you began in june is now getting ready to take wings because you started it in the right moment 30 means right moment at the age of 30 jesus began his earthly ministry proclaiming the gospel and sojourning to become savior david began ruling as the king at the age of 30. in palestine after years of training at 30 you get your assignment and your title i want to say this and i don't know who can hear but god is saying in this moment that this is your right moment that everything that you have been training for everything you have been preparing for everything you have been writing down everything you've been pushing to the back of your mind everything you thought you could delay if you were looking for a sign here it is from your pastor this is your right moment for those of you who are skeptical judas betrayed jesus for 30 pieces of silver and the bible says he waited on the right moment to betray him in it amazing that here you are looking for the right moment and so is satan that satan is looking for the right moment for you to be frustrated and flustered waiting for the right moment for you to be on the precipice of giving up for you to be at the right moment to be so desperate that you'll accept anything or anybody he's looking for you to be at that 30 place i want you to go up a little bit higher because 30 is too small let's look at the number 40 40 represents trial 40 represents trial noah was stuck on an ark with disgusting our animals and you forgot all this time ago that it kept raining for 40 days because god needed to see what would he do when he was stuck what would he do when he was with who he didn't want to be with what would he do when the environment stinks and he's being obedient 40 is the number of trial maybe you forgot that the children of israel were in the wilderness for 40 years eating manna do you understand that sometimes you can be on the right road and feel like you're getting it wrong because it's just a trial maybe it has uh eclipsed your memory that jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness and in those 40 days is where he came face to face with satan he hadn't seen satan since he threw him out his father's house and this is their first time coming together and he tries to tempt him with the stone to turn it into bread many of you are not in your right time you're in your testing time because you're in a season where you've got to be tested in what you believe tested in what you've agreed to test it into what your call is the linton season according to catholicism is your season of self-denial it's 40 days from ash wednesday to resurrection sunday god told me to tell you that you are no longer in the season of trial because there will be no jury you don't have to wait for other people's opinion god says only i can judge you and i'm getting ready to clear you and the reason why you ought to be shouting is god says i'm going to clear you even though you're guilty what an amazing trial season lest i count too high i've gone to 30 and then jumped up to 40. let's go a little bit further down i don't want you to be all the way up at 40 because 40 can be intimidating let's go down to the number four the number four underscores god's sovereign control over the universe while you say that pastor because you remember that there are four rivers in the garden of eden there are only four directions north south east and west there are only four gospels matthew mark luke and john lazarus stayed in the tomb for four days there are only four seasons winter spring summer and fall the universe is only made up of four things time energy space and matter there are only four elements earth wind of fire and air in biblical chronology there are only four markings for time only four markings of time there are only four markings of time six a.m to nine a.m nine a.m to noon noon to 3 and 3 to 6. and according to biblical ledger there are only four demarcations of time 6 a.m to 9 a.m 9 00 a.m to noon noon to 3 p.m and 3 p.m to 6 00 a.m there's a phenomenology around the number three because i think i lost you at number four and three you'll find out here it is it divides time into three different categories past present and future it's been largely debated why it is that uh a lot of satanic energy rises in the fourth demarcation of time the fourth demarcation of time here it is is 3 a.m and some scholars suggest that is the darkest hour and amazingly god is expecting you to give him glory when your life is darkest don't forget that peter denied jesus three times and said i don't know him it's a dark moment for the disciples because one who slept with him walked with him traveled with him did ministry with him denied him things that don't get dark until you get betrayed by somebody you're close to paul pleaded about a thorn in his flesh and he did it three times do you know the agony of having an active prayer life and not getting an answer it gets real dark in your life when it is that you've been faithful over a few things and still you are not a ruler i'm telling you it gets dark at 3. jesus was 33 years old at 30 he's walking on water at 31 he is feeling the sick at 32 he's making the blind sea but his darkest hour is at 33 when he sees himself hanging on the cross and yet has to boast he is the savior of the world it's 3 a.m it's 3 00 am that the body is most relaxed it's at 3 am that you have most of your dreams it's at 3 am that you hip hit the area of sleep known as rim [Music] it's at 3 am that if you are not aligned which should have been a dream transforms into a nightmare it's at 3 am that you hear your baby crying from the next room and they're not wet and they're not hungry it's at 3 a.m that your penal glands are the most sensitive it's at 3 am that you begin to toss unknowingly even when you find no discomfort your soul is rested even while your body cannot find peace it's at 3 am that you roll over and see the clock on the nightstand when you have no assignment you have no phone call you've got no obligation you have no responsibility but it's three a.m god told me to tell you and i don't know where you are your season and time for night tremors is over that you are getting ready to go into a season of uninterrupted rest that you will have a sabbath even on a wednesday god says i am getting ready to defy the constructs of the enemy because you are going to give god glory when your life is the darkest it's easy to praise him when his sun shining but can you give god glory when you are at a dark night of the soul i ain't come with the lights being out i'm talking about the fire in your bosom being out can you give god glory when you just don't feel like it anymore can you give him glory when you forgot your purpose and your reason for being can you give him glory when you no longer can find a reason to forgive yourself can you give him glory when you can easily find excuses but it's hard for you to find reasons god says i need you to give him glory not when things are bright but can you give him glory when it's a dark time [Music] so at the time of our ticks has been hanging on the cross and i need you to pull out your stopwatch because i need you to see how long he's been now jesus just been on that cross for 40 minutes it would have been the right time if it had been 30 minutes had been the right time 40 minutes it would have been a trial but he's been there for three hours it's a dark moment he's been on the cross for three hours and the sun is not shining outside it's dark and god wants to see what will he do in his dark moment when he doesn't qualify for ppe what what will he do when the job that promised to call him back never happens what will he do because he's got a record he's been disqualified without his application being examined what will he do when he knows he's got to move but has no money for closing what will he do when he knows he's got the intellectual capital but doesn't have the scholarship currency what will he do but the text says something that i wanted you to pay attention to and i know that i'm far off the liturgical calendar but i needed you to see that the text says um that it's dark but it's 3 [Music] p.m the darkest moment is three a.m but it's three pm this this ain't the time for it to be dark have i already outlived that season why is it dark now in what should be the prime of my life why is it done now when i should be readying for retirement why should it be done now when i've been faithful to ministry in the church him he is in the darkness for 12 hours from 3 a.m to 3 p.m i think i've lost you which means um he has just finished his shift you're not supposed to work more than 12 hours and and he has done 12 hours in the dark and so when he mutters a word um that i am afraid expositors and preachers before me has um have butchered and um discombobulated is they misunderstood what he was saying it was in a dark backdrop that he said it's finished he was saying to the principalities of the satanic underworld whatever you were gonna do you had 12 hours to do it god help me but by three o'clock everything in my life is about to get brighter i speak to somebody who's in a dark place god said i dare you to just trust me till 3 p.m watch me work that late in the midnight hour i'm gonna start turning it around i don't know how you feel about it at home but those of you who are in this room that remember there's a bright side somewhere i don't know where it is but trouble don't last always it's got to stop um says you had from 3am to 3pm to kill me and you couldn't do it i want to make an announcement and i i hope the people in this room don't tell the studio but i'm giving you permission to tear it up at home hallelujah because i'm not sure whether you really understood what i was saying when i gave you the name of this sermon that time's up i was not talking to you i was talking to the demons assigned to you the time is up where you thought i was gonna think less of myself the time is up that i'm gonna lower my standard the time is up for me to give up on my marriage my children my relationship my call my destiny my gift my purpose the time is up says the time is up which means hear this that the curse has been reversed [Applause] [Music] everybody talks about good friday how dark it is nobody talks about how the light came on when he got in the tune hallelujah what did you just say pastor i said it started shining again when he got in the tomb i'm believing for somebody it may look dark for you right now but your resurrection is getting ready to come and maybe you forgot how long he was in the tomb but it was just three days there's something about the number three that god will start working on your behalf a day to just look at somebody tell them give me three days i know it's dark where i am right now but i believe that three days from now everything that i've been toiling over everything i've been fighting for everything i've been asking god to do my resurrection is about to happen i came to tell the enemy so he slayed me yet will i trust him god said if you give me glory watch me break every curse if you scream right now whatever you've been going through in this pandemic the time is up whatever you thought was going to chokehold you the time is up 3 p.m is so important sale i never knew this but um 3 o'clock p.m was the last time you could give sacrifice at the temple hallelujah he had to die before they stopped collecting offering god help me because he was the perfect sacrifice the oblation that was made for the universe do you not know you ought to be thanking god now because god says i am allowing you to realize that you ain't gonna have to make sacrifices for people that are trying to kill you you are not gonna have to give up stuff for people that don't value your expertise your gifting and your call you ain't gonna have to sacrifice your intelligence because negroes are insecure you ain't gonna have to sacrifice your personality because they are boring you are not gonna have to sacrifice your charisma because they have no job you ain't gotta sacrifice your beauty because they don't think you got brains you got it all and you gotta give none of it up you have made your last sacrifice [Applause] and so when he dies at 3 pm he dies hallelujah i feel his glory now when he dies at 3 pm hear this he dies for the perfection of time hallelujah him dying at 3 pm is for the perfection of time which means he died from my past hallelujah i thought you would give god greater glory than that but not only did he die from my past he died from my present but the reason why i shout even more jubilantly than that is because i know that he died for my future 3 p.m i hope y'all can get ready for this i don't know who needs to hear it but i've never heard it preached before but i think you deserve this revelation of the gospel at 3 p.m is when they started taking the nails out and god told me to tell you watch this whatever it is that was causing you the infliction of pain god says i'm taking it out of you now i need those of y'all that got sickness in your body i wonder if you will shout knowing he's taking the cancer out now he's taking the aneurysm out now he's taking the diabetes out now he's taking the fibroids out now he's taking the addiction out now wait a minute what did you say i said he's doing it now so if he's doing it now don't wait till the battle is over you gotta do it now you gotta give him glory now you gotta magnify him now hey you got till three o'clock to give god your best shout you got till three o'clock to expect the door to open you got till three o'clock for a situation to turn around you get till three o'clock for somebody to give you an apology you got to three o'clock for the check to come in the mail you got till three o'clock hit this i want you to lift up that hand do you know why you ought to be shouting now why you ought to be praising him now why you ought to be giving him glory now it's not because you got all the money not because uh your name is in light not because your social media account has been verified i hope 50 of you will do it with me you ought to be praising him now because if you can hear my voice it means your time is not up oh god help me i got the wrong church maybe y'all will shout better labor day i said the reason why you ought to be praising him is because your time is not up i pray over every soul that is finding themselves between 3 am and 3 p.m [Music] there's been the longest shift in your life you've never had to work this hard you've never had to sacrifice this much you've never had to believe so valiantly you've never had to trust him so firmly but god says watch me pull nails out of your hand [Applause] watch take the crown off of your head watch me heal up wherever it is that they pierced you in the side why because your time is not up i'm thankful under god i'm thankful under god because according to my producers directors my time is up but yours is not my clock has fully elapsed but yours is just beginning i'm so thankful that he died for the perfection of your time that everything that happened in your past now will make sense everything in your future will manifest what you prayed for in your present i want you to hear me very intently in just a few hours firecrackers are going off but maybe you didn't pay attention they never like firecrackers during the day because they can't see them jesus had to die while it was dark so the enemy could see who was in charge of time [Applause] i am so grateful i'm so grateful he let you live through a global pandemic i'm so grateful that he covered you even when you didn't wear the mask i'm appreciative he put a hedge fence of protection around you when you refuse the vaccine i can't believe his mercy endures to such a level even when you refuse to socially distance he said you got time left to do everything you were born to do everything you were called to do hear this and everything you were sacrificed to stop doing god said i had to put you in a position where life almost killed you for you to value time i had to let you sit in a grave before you realized how valuable your life actually is wherever it is that you and i know i'm taking the extended amount of time but your life is worth it to me i know you got stuff to do i know people are about to come over i know you got runs to make i know you got to get to the store but i got to get you to heaven i i i i got to get you right on the right hand of the father [Music] old um old storefront church uh jonathan i used to go to in baltimore uh old lady bishop john sanders said in order for you to get to heaven the only two directions turn right and keep straight and that that that is what is expected of you to get to the glory of god is to always turn right and always keep straight in order for you to do that you got to confess with your mouth you got to believe in your heart that's the only way you're going to be saved keep making right turns keep going straight until you get to what you were called to do what you were born to do what you were assigned to do i want to be your pastor i want you to make sure you accept jesus as the lord of your life and god knows i want you to have new birth as your church your time is up you've been visiting four churches a sunday come on i need you to commit to one of them now i know you thought you would never join another church again but i believe that this is a date with destiny here's what i am calling you to do i want you to stand in agreement with me i want you to stand in proxy with me i want you to stand in alignment with me hear this i want you to give a seed in accordance to what season you're in i want you to give a seed in accordance to what season you're in if you feel like this is your right moment i want you to give a seed of 30. if you feel like pastor where i am has been a perpetual season of trial i want you to give ac to 40. because god is so enamored by numbers that he'll always you in the crazy past the limits you ain't gonna believe this that they counted out how many fish how many loaves of bread but it was not significant for them to tell us what was the boy's name that was carried them he's in the numbers more than he is into names and it's amazing that he is so into you that even while you sleep he counts the number of hairs on your head and when one strand is on the pillowcase he starts the number all over again he's so into numbers do you know that when you were born as soon as you come out your mother's womb the doctor never asked the mother what is the child's name first thing the doctor does count how many fingers how many toes i want to make sure that everything is there and everything is in order you're in your season of trial but you believe you're coming out of it in july i want you to sow that seed of 40. if you're in a place here it is where you believe this is my right time to start my business my right time to go back to school it's my right time to start my book it's my right time to get my non-profit off the ground then here's what i need you to do i need you to get that seed right now and i want you to trust god for it tuesday night is going to be absolutely amazing i want you to be a part of it i'm praying for you that this is your time and would you do me a favor set your clock for 3 p.m and watch what god does it's a new season it's a new day and the good news is already here come on everybody it's a new season god bless you [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 118,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6oDpoS2muE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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