Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH " - October 03th, 2021

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[Music] second kings chapter 4 verses 18 and 19. second kings chapter 4 verses 18 and 19 and the child grew and one day he went out to his father who was with the harvesters my head my head he complained to his father so his father told the servant carry him to his mother you may be seated i want to preach for a little while today using as a subject in sickness and in health [Music] in sickness and in health transparently i want to be honest with you that it really didn't truly register that covet 19 was an international global crisis until this week when i traveled to london [Music] seeing throngs of people in the airport who are antsy about seeing family members who they haven't seen in over two years hearing disillusioned shopkeepers who were short on inventory and agitated drivers whose lives adversely impacted by dramatic decline walking in my hotel lobby that used to be crowded that now barely has any occupancy to be clear the impact isn't just a financial toll it is an emotional hike the statistics are staggering here in the u.s because according to the census bureau pulse survey it showed here this anxieties are now up to 35 [Music] 35 of all people in america are now fighting with anxiety it's a towering contrast because before the pandemic it was just six percent [Music] and now in under two years from six percent to 35 as a matter of fact with a closer look we can see that four in ten adults four in 10 adults are reporting symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder for intent that is just the tip of the iceberg with 56 of young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 reporting symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder 56 that's more than half for those between the ages of 18 and 24 and that demographic is more prone to lean on substance abuse or to entertain suicidal thoughts because they are not seeking treatment and are not receiving appropriate support under the guise of covet the spirit of the antichrist is trying to corrode consciousness and self-confidence there is an entire demographic that is under siege and by the grace the power and the blood of christ we are not going to allow that to happen i am declaring and decreeing a hedge fence of protection around the minds of your grown children god is able to do something for them if you've got grown children i want you to type their name in the thread even now chat even now if in this room you have a grown child would you speak their name out loud i am believing that god is gonna cover their minds [Music] i remember one time not in london but in a place called schumann it was recorded in second kings chapter four that the prophet elijah ran into an affluent woman who felt a special fondness for the gift that was resident in the prophet and felt compelled to take care of him so his focus would only be on his assignment and while it is that he she was taking care of all the things that he needed and was necessary he picked up in the spirit that this woman who was helping him had everything she wanted but a child and so he prophesied that it would be done and it did [Music] i need you to know this that when the woman gave she gave with no strings attached i don't know who needs to hear this but when you do things with no motive god will begin to move when you do things and you're not looking for something on the back end i'm telling you god will take care of you up front [Music] sometime later after the prophecy came to pass something traumatic took place but i don't want to scare past that too quickly i got a pause right here i want you to lift up that hand for me please would you lift up that hand i declare just like for that woman whenever positively has been prophesied over your life that it will come to pass before this year is over and those of you that believe it you stand on it and you are rooted in faith by it i need you to give god glory for manifested prophecy come on i said open up your mouth for manifested prophecy some of y'all ain't clapping cause god ain't promised you nothing cause you ain't heard nothing because you're not believing him for anything but if you believe that this year will not end without god unleashing everything he has in mind and in store for me you ought to be celebrated that woman gave birth and she did it within the year and the bible says in verse number 18 some time passed and the boy grew older and one day he went to his father and began to bemoan hear his language that something was going on in his head he never said he had a headache never complained about migraines he said something is happening in my head and i don't know how to address it something's happening in my head i cannot fix it there's something going on in my head and i can't wrap my arms around it in this hour untold numbers between 16 and 60 are wrestling with vestiges of depression 12 year olds 33 year olds 75 year olds are feeling depressed and contrary to popular debris belief depression is not just unhappiness depressionness not just despair or sadness here it is depression is a sense of feeling lost depression if it's left unaddressed it can interrupt your ability to think it can obstruct your attention it will mess with your memory and your decision-making ability if you do not get a hold of that depression it will hijack the chemicals in your brain and make you feel like you are trapped in something and there is no way out first corinthians chapter 10 verse number 13 says god is faithful and he will not let you get tempted beyond what you can bear but when you are tempted he will also provide a ray of escape i speak over somebody who is fighting through depression right now that god is charting and choreographing a way of escape you are not going to stay in what you are in you are to thank god an emergency door is about to be open with your name on it i am grateful under god that the enemy does not have the last word over your situation your condition or your location thank god that in case of emergency break glass this is the emergency so break the glass do not sit still be not weary in well doing for this is your due season because you have refused to faint according to the report in neuroscience news researchers they found that people with depression have trouble with memory you just missed what i just said people with depression have trouble with memory to the extent that they can be presented with identical objects of what they have just seen the day before but will not recall it the reason why the enemy wants you depressed is because he wants to snatch your memory he wants you to forget how god was there for you before this ain't the first time you've been depressed or heartbroken or alone or unemployed or used or manipulated but you got to remember what it is that god did for you in the worst season of your life if you don't have enough reason to shout now shout over flashback i remember when i was about to lose it all i remember when the walls were coming in on me i remember when i was holding the gun in my lap i remember when i thought about jumping out of the moving car i remember when i thought woe is me but i stand today to tell the enemy if it had not been for the lord on my side where would i be [Music] do you remember what god's done for you goodness and mercy here it is always come behind you and you never asked why goodness and mercy come from behind and you never thought about why goodness and mercy are behind you hear this because depression and anxiety are always in front of you did you hear what i just said goodness and mercy are behind you because depression and anxiety are in front of you many times when you find depression depression never comes alone but depression always brings its best friend anxiety with him anxiety weakens the connection between the prefrontal cortex you see here it is something happening in your life and what happens with anxiety is you lose your capacity for logical and rational response you become overwhelmed believing that this is it when you have anxiety it brings unchecked thoughts when you have anxiety you have an irregular heartbeat when you have anxiety your breathing becomes heavy when you have anxiety uneasiness is pursued by fear when you have anxiety the pain in your chest is not your heart but it is an afflicted spirit when you have anxiety you have panic attacks as often as you breathe i remember one time jesus was on the boat with the disciples and a storm broke loose and the disciples had a anxiety attack and said master do you care that we're getting ready to perish and the master took sleep out of his eyes and looked at the storm and said peace be still what does that say to me that says you can have anxiety while you are saved you can have anxiety when you are close to god but i came to tell you keep calm jesus is on the boat chill out god's got it under control relax yourself this is not the end it is just the beginning let not your heart be troubled if you believe in the father believe also in him [Music] second king chapter four the young man complains there's something going on in my head and he goes to the father and i need you to see what the father does [Music] when the father hears the sickness in his child he turns the child over to the mother [Music] two things are our foot here number one is you don't even realize that this is the inverse of genesis chapter three because in genesis chapter 3 all we hear is god speaking to adam he never addresses eve in second kings chapter 4 the prophet only addresses the wife and never speaks to the husband i think y'all are getting ready to miss it whenever michelle you are connected to somebody who doesn't have their ear connected to god they will forfeit what you are building you got to be careful who it is that you allow in your intimate space who are not in covenant with what you are believing god for because when times get tough they will try to pass you off because they are not committed in sickness and in health i gotta say something to some parent parents listen to your child they're trying to tell you when stuff is out of order they're trying to tell you when they've been touched inappropriately they're trying to tell you when they're being bullied they're trying to tell you when they are depressed don't tell them to just get over it you got to be with them in the hardest season of their life because you made a covenant to cover them in this season don't pass me off because you are uncomfortable with my affliction everybody loves you healthy but few people can handle you sick god i can't hear nobody if if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best you really don't know how people feel about you until you see who will stand with you when you ain't feeling like yourself and i need some witnesses in this room that understood that my real friends will stand up with me in the moments i didn't feel like getting out the bed when i didn't feel cute when i didn't feel like pulling it together but they had to give me tough love and say pull yourself together this ain't who you are there's more to you than this affliction he said i'm passing them off because the father only liked the boy healthy my prayer right now my prayer right now is for married single parents god y'all just miss what i just said i'm i'm praying right now for married single parents who are having to do everything while somebody else is in the house i can't hear nobody i'm i'm praying for those of you who are having to deal the heavy lifting by yourself for those of you who are having to be caregivers for people who only step up when it's convenient i'm praying for those of you who are burnt out and frustrated and agitated because you don't mind doing it out of love but you got to look at them sideways cause you see me over here struggling and you won't lift a finger when this is part of your responsibility as well something is out of order [Music] the servant brings the child to the boy and the mother throws her son in the back of that suv straps a seat belt on him and starts running through all of the red lights to get the new birth she said i need to see this prophet who prophesied this to me here it is because i never prayed for this child y'all ain't saying nothing i i never asked for this anybody in here ever had to deal with something heavy you didn't ask god for him if anybody had to wrestle through something you never asked god to give to you but he dropped it on you anyway and folk don't even understand the weight of a blessing that god gives i need you to know this that um children will not remember what you say but they'll always remember what you do i better say that again children may not remember what you say but they'll remember what you do i'ma say it a third time children may never remember what you said but they'll remember what you do here he is with agonizing issue in his head and she's driving top speed and she's running through all the red lights and turns into the parking lot and they don't understand what's happening and the prophet yells are you all right is your child all right is your husband all right is your family all right but this married single mother no she got a child in the back seat who's listening so she now has got to operate in the gift that was spoken over her what do you mean she now has got to prophesy she is not speaking on how things are she is speaking on how she believes it's going to turn out and so she yells out of the car window everything is all right i need 50 of you who are in this room would you shout that out loud everything is all right see y'all said it because i told you to say it but i need you to say it until your spirit agrees with it would you declare that outlaw everything is all right come on say it with faith everything y'all ain't saying it good and loud and with nerve and with conviction say it out loud everything is all right my money is all right my marriage is all right my occupation is all right my future is all right my decisions are all right my aging parents are all right my nieces and nephews are all right my banking is all right my retirement is all right y'all ain't got that kind of faith but i ain't talking about some of the stuff i want everything connected to me to be all right [Music] everything is all right come on say it even at the risk of looking crazy hallelujah i said say it like you believe that thing say it until you get the enemy out of your ear everything is all right it may not look like it to you but i declare and decree everything i feel glory coming right through here y'all don't believe it i'm telling you i'm speaking it over myself i'm speaking it over my condition and i'm speaking it over my dreams and over my prayers and over my aspirations and over my goals and over my projects everything everything is all right and because everything is all right you gotta get it out of your head [Music] you gotta get it out of your head that you ain't good enough you gotta get it out of your head that you don't deserve love you got to get it out of your head that it was all your fault you got to get it out of your head that nobody likes you you gotta get it out of your head that you ain't pretty enough you gotta get it out of your head that you're not smart you gotta get it out of your head that you'll always be alone you gotta get it out of your head that you'll be what your siblings called you you gotta get it out of your head that nobody cares you gotta get it out of your head that things will never change you gotta get it out of your head that you are cursed god said i need you to get it out of your head because you have allowed depression and anxiety to have too much authority over your thoughts when they brought the boy out the car they pulled the staff out and laid it on the boy's body and when they laid it on the boy's body i need you to hear what they said they said he's still sick he still got depression still got anxiety y'all not gonna like this how do you know that because if the staff is on them i know that he's still sick watch what the bible says read second king chapter four when you get home that he's still sick hear this because he's not making a sound hallelujah when the enemy has enveloped you in depression and in anxiety you don't know how to make a sound when the glory hits you but i need those of you who don't even understand that i worship god not because i got all the money in the world i'm worshiping god because i am giving depression and eviction notice that you ain't gonna stay on me in october the way you did in september i'm crying out under god because i need something to shift in my inner man and in my inner woman if you don't need that don't make any noise with us but those of you that got to cry out loud until the spirit of depression and anxiety flee off for you i tell you to open up your mouth now i dare you to cry out under god until you need depression to flee [Music] hallelujah he didn't make a sound he didn't say nothing and part of the reason why it didn't work is they were trying to use the old model of church on a new generation they took the staff the one that moses used to park the red sea because they thought that model was going to be effective for a gen z and a millennial generation that doesn't value the things that the previous generation valued y'all aren't here yet so they said we got to stop playing church pull them in here pull them in here and the bible said elisha laid the boy out and he got on the boy why so that the boy could feel the weight of the prophetic i got the wrong church in here some of you all are never going to get the glory because you just want to make a sound but you don't feel the weight of his glory but i need 50 of y'all that know is something on me that even when i want to throw it away even when i want to wave the white flag something within me that holdeth the rain something within me that i cannot explain all that i know is that there is something would you look at your neighbor and say neighbor god's got too much on you for you to be depressed you got too much on you for you to be in anxiety you got too much destiny to be waving the white flag but this is your season to live and not die david said let everything that has breath praise the lord if you don't want to live shut up but if you know today will beat you the best day of my life would you open up your mouth and tell the enemy if you were gonna kill me you should have did it in september but because i'm alive tell the devil trick or treat you knocked on the wrong door you meant it for evil but god is gonna work it out for my life this joy that i have the world been given and the world can't take it away lay hands on your head you are depression free lay hands on your head you are suicide free you are anxiety free and when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul [Applause] my soul hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i want you to lay hands on your own head [Music] lay hands on your own head [Music] today i'm not praying for you to be debt-free [Music] i'm praying for you to be depression-free [Music] you don't even know the last time you were legitimately happy you only remember the last time you didn't have to force yourself to smile you only know the last time you had to pretend you didn't have to pretend like everything was all right the enemy has declared war on your mind [Music] and god said i'ma stick with you for better or for worse i want that hand that is on your head i want it to be stretched out in front of you stretch out that hand in front of you i've been praying for you for nine hours while i was on the plane from london hear this i am praying for your children who are categorically unhappy i'm praying for the children you birthed who are maladjusted [Music] praying for those [Music] who have shut down because they don't know how to open up i'm praying for your children who you couldn't figure out for the life of you why they were so angry and while the brunt of their rage is focused on you i'm praying for adults who have resigned to unhappiness and don't even feel like a full life is their portion i'm praying for senior citizens who don't have visitors don't get phone calls don't give cards in that apartment all day long god says i want you to have a peace that passes all understanding and a joy that is unspeakable those of you your faith comes into alignment with my faith i want you to clap your hands if you believe that this month here's your shout this month you just want god to make you happy [Music] come on i can't hear you this month i want god to make me happy the number one selling drug in the world is pain medication because people are trying to figure out how to cope with pain how to handle pain how to resolve themselves around pain i want you to understand that god is getting ready to meet you right in the area of your pain i want you to come into agreement knowing that i am not paying for medication for the pain i'm sowing for the source of my joy for the strength of the lord is my joy and the joy of the lord is my strength can i ask you please i want to challenge you to give a seed today a 57 i want to challenge every person to give a seed of 57 in this day in this hour in this moment push pay give the five push to get push pay zell even if you're gonna mail it i want you to sow a seed of 57 and i want you to do it right now it's the first sunday it's the first sunday and i am trusting god that this gonna be the happiest i've been in a long time i'm trusting god that things are going to work out for me my dear friends i'm telling you i am an art supporter of therapy i believe that counseling is good but i also believe that christ and fellowship are necessary i want you to be a part of a church that even in your sickest state will love you back to wholeness that no matter what situation no matter what circumstance you're in i'm telling you that god will get you to your greater good that you will evolve into who it is that you were designed to be i better tell you transparently i need you to know this at the door i straight up i want to be your pastor i ain't playing with you i want new birth to be your church i'm telling you that this is going to be the best decision you have made in a long time after choosing jesus the best next decision you can make is choose a new birth i'm telling you there's no church like it in the world i was in london this week people were stabbing me in the street stopped me in stores and restaurants saying i want you on new birth i'm telling you we are a local church making a global impact and i'm believing that god is going to do it if you've not made your pledges yet for what it is that we're going to do for october 24th i need you to do it today seven are given thousand two hundred given seventeen fifty one thousand a given seven hundred a hundred are giving seventy this coming tuesday i'm gonna be talking about the abrahamic covenant the abrahamic covenant that god has over the life of every believer tuesday night at 7 30 i cannot wait to pour into your life i want you to know you are loved you are valuable you are important you are special and i'm telling you you have no reason to be depressed bad things are going to happen but you are bigger than the bad thing and the blessing is going to override the curse please know that i'm praying for you i love you and i can't wait to see heaven open up for you stay tuned we got some amazing things we want to share hey [Music] you
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 25,619
Rating: 4.9303741 out of 5
Id: B3bBNYsKwho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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