Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, I'M JUST TRYING TO FIND MY PLACE - January 20th, 2019

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they did there are a whole lot of people who keep trying to make you slow down because there's a Porsche engine inside of you and they that keep trying to pull you over and do what is regular people [Music] you have your Bibles would you go with me to Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter 3 as that you'll stand to your feet Genesis 3 Genesis 3 verses 8 and 9 then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day and they hid from the Lord amongst the trees of the garden but the law called to the man and said where are you he may be seated I want to preach for a little while today I'm just trying to find my place I'm just trying find my place would you look at the person beside you and tell them that's all I'm trying to do trying to find my place dr. Janice wave has been a practicing psychologists over 20 years testified that the first question on the emotional neglect questionnaire is do you sometimes feel like you don't belong what's this when you're with family what an unnerving proposition to feel locked out around the people who brought you up having to put on a show for people who saw you in rehearsal to be around people laughing while your soul is sobbing many in the congregation don't even realize that you qualified for childhood emotional neglect it occurs when parents failed to respond adequately to an adolescence feelings while a child watch this those areas if those areas aren't a dip at rest a text goes into your sub-conscience that says my thoughts don't matter so as a matter of safety you push those feelings down it's a survival mechanism for kids but it's a sickness if it's still found in adults you can't function healthily with no emotions because if you have no emotions you will begin to operate like Donald Trump it's like trying to bake bread without yeast you can never rise to the occasion you have to diligently remind yourself that the outside feeling is a real feeling but it doesn't have to be a real thing in most instances the people around you didn't put you outside you pushed yourself away and God has assembled you on this day just to alert your perfect that he's about to put you in position [Applause] I find it intriguing that in Genesis the Garden of Eden is a utopia place on earth and is inundated with fresh fruits and vegetables as harmony it's basking in the glory of God and what you have to note is that everything is perfect for just two chapters and then in Chapter three a serpent shows up in case you don't know it yet the serpent Satan Lucifer is the enemy of your happiness he's only gonna let you go so long before he tries to disrupt what makes you happy he gravitates to you in your joyful moment because it's your most vulnerable moment because when you're happy that's when your guard goes down and in that moment you begin to question what it is that you have and why it is that you have it be careful of people who are enemies of your happiness every time they see you happy they want to do something to dilute it to downplay it and to minimize it you get a new house they come to it this is too big you get in a new relationship they giving you counsel when they not in one the serpent shows up and ask her a critical question did God really say you cannot have of the forbidden fruit she then responds honest not what he really say it and she tastes it she tastes it and then she shares it nobody ever says anything about the fact that Eve is not selfish cuz you know some people that when stuff is good to him they'll keep it I won't tell you anything about it I want to argue with the Bible this morning and argue with God how history would have been different if the Apple didn't taste good and I want to talk to some real believers who are you in this room who know that you would have a better shot of being holy if sin didn't taste good [Applause] because it's good you got a fight not to have it it's easy it's easy it's easy it's easy to live a holy life if you don't have access to good sin going step further y'all look a little bit uncomfortable yes it's easy it's easy to be celibate when nobody wants you [Applause] amen light selfless she eats it a forbidden fruit her eyes are open and the Lord then starts coming through the guard they're in sin they have eaten up this fruit and they are in sin and they hear God coming and the good news for us is that even in disobedience they can still hear God you want to know why it is that the enemy can't stand you is that we've dropped the ball falling short of his glory messed up had a trifling undisciplined life but don't play with me I can still hear God God I need some real people who know that there's some sanctified stuck-up folk that are really upset with your relationship with God because you de messed up a whole bunch of time but I know when I hear his voice I know when I'm in his presence and they hear the voice of God and they begin to hide when they begin to hide God then shows up he shows up and he asks a question that is problematic for me here is the question I expected God to ask cuz he told him not to eat that fruit and they ate it got apple juice coming down the side it etch here God asks a critical question the critical question he asked was this is where are you that's a problem why because I expected him to ask what have you done in the Garden of Eden they've been talking to a serpent they ate what they weren't supposed to eat and God never asked what did you do he asked where are you I'm committed a free 700 of you today it gives us the understanding it is more important to God where you are then what you have done and some of us ought to be shouting because I messed up but I'm still in church sigh I didn't do everything right but I'm still in his presence you want to be thankful unto God who you used to run with I didn't ask you who you slept with I didn't ask you what drugs you took how much alcohol you consume I didn't ask you where you woke up this morning I wanna know where are you right now was glad when they said unto me let's go into the house of the Lord that's why you can't come in God's house you like you ain't never done nothin you ought to be in here shouting under God does he look beyond Oh [Applause] y'all don't read the Bible can I give you the color purple I may be black I may be ugly but I'm still he is if they everybody that can tell the devil I'm still here I went to hell and back where are you we see the flesh I'm still here hell yeah you didn't hear enough you're saying I'm still here I still a lost man man I should have committed suicide I should have dragged off the bridge but I'm still here with the wrong people mistakes I'm still here we see the please please be seated everybody in the room that's over 30 has had two opportunities to have a nervous breakdown oh god I can't hear anybody here you went through two traumatic life experiences that if you did not have internal fortitude you are a collapsed and bit in the fetal position but you gave yourself till to stay and set this house but where are you after mama died you're still here after the divorce still here in a million years you never saw yourself as a single parent still here betrayed by somebody who you confided in still here gay people your lasts and they act like they got amnesia but but I'm still put you in a place you got to figure out where it is that you are I don't know if you have you ever been in a in a hotel you'll note that behind the door there's a sign that says you are here because you have to have know where you are in case of an emergency so that when the fire may come you'll know how you're gonna escape and how you're going to get out of it mahogany said do you know where you're coming to do you like the things that life is showing you do you know if you don't know where you are you don't know where you're gonna go and then Alice in Wonderland the Cheshire Cat I said which way are you going if you don't know where you're going it doesn't matter which way you go but there are those who are in this place that realized I know where I am but I can't stay where I am I've been through too much to settle up camp where it is that I am Charles Dutton the famed actor said after it is that he was sentenced to life in jail an interviewer asked him finding himself in a claim for portraying the character Rock said how did you survive living in a penitentiary when you should have lost your mind he said I did something that the other prisoners refused to do that for the 17 years that I was in federal penitentiary I never put up pictures I never put up a town and they asked him why didn't you he said I didn't put pictures up in my cell because I never want to decorate where I don't want to be god help me in here there there are 500 of you I don't know how you sitting there keeping yourself together but God said where you are don't you decorate it you are not staying in that job that's just temporary do you know where you are two years ago I I went to go speak at the University of Colorado for Martin Luther King Day no I travel quite a bit and so I got a sense of Aeronautics engineering I I can sense my body can when the plane is levitating to go up and when it's coming down I'm going down two years ago to go speak some 5,000 people at the University waiting for me to give to Martin Luther King address I fall asleep on the plane and I feel the plane getting ready to land I gather myself because I got to speak 10 o'clock in the morning gather myself to get off the plane and the stewardess said no Pastor Brian you got time go to sleep I feel the plane laying I gather myself is I got to get off this plane she said no Rembrandt you got time go to sleep I said no but I got 5,000 people waiting on me in this arena to go speak for Martin Luther King Day she said no this ain't your shop so just a plane to Denver and she said yes a plane to Denver we in st. Louis I said lord I didn't got on the wrong plane Joshi said no look at your ticket I looked at the ticket I said Baltimore to Denver one-stop she said this is the one shop said no my one-stop is Denver she said no I know it but this is a layover said you've got to help me I got a GED I um he'll know where to lay over here she said a layover watch this three things happen on a layover first thing that happens on a layover is some people got to get off your plane Hilton said but don't worry about it as soon as they get off new people come on the plane as I said as soon as the new people come on the play here's the third thing you get fuel to make it the rest of the way this is just God is giving you fuel I settled back in I got to speak at 10 o'clock we finally land in Denver Colorado I'm sleeping heavy we land and I said Lord it's 12 o'clock two hours late and then people gonna leave dan waiting on me say no hvcu they gone I press the flight attendant button said listen I got five thousand people waiting on me an arena to speak for Martin Luther King Day can you have them be seated when we land so I can get off first said ain't got nowhere to go I got people waiting on me they say Oh what time do you speak I said 10 o'clock she said are you good I said no I'm - I was late said Pastor Brian we we now in Denver because y'all ain't helping me yes it's Mountain time god I can't find the worshipers in here while you were in there time shifted for you do you know where you are do you know what you're doing do you know what place you're in many of you keep penalizing yourself because you don't understand where you are you don't understand the gift of God that is attached to your life many of you are letting people hold you back because they don't operate at your level of an honor your level of creativity and your level of passion so they keep trying to slow you down because they don't understand I'm running against my past hallelujah I worked as hard cuz poverty is too fresh of a memory and I refuse to go back to the way I used to struggle and and the way I used to fight in the way I used to have to persevere my visitors who are here higher I've been passing a new birth now for six weeks [Applause] before coming here I was pastoring in in Baltimore and I am Barris my members had one of the biggest churches in Baltimore I would embarrass them civil rights activists community organizing and embarrassing my members cuz once a month I was always in traffic court I wouldn't fight for young justice I was I was big he's small dead wrong I was at the time I was driving a Porsche and then pulling me over became so common I knew the officers I wouldn't put my license in my wallet I just have it in the basa when they were pulling me over they pulled me over my leaders called an emergency meeting he called me and I'm thinking it's a budget issue of crisis in the church the pastor we need you stop driving now this is everybody in town talking about our pastor in traffic court it ain't a good look real I'm trying to do better I'm trying to do better and they said why you keep going you you you see the sign you see the sign why you keep breaking the laws I'm not sure I'm breaking the law say what you mean I said I'm going to court on principle what you mean you're going to court on principle I said oh the porsche i drive ghost 225 miles our I feel hateration right be here [Applause] since going 225 miles what my car can do they said pastor but the speed limit is 65 said I have a philosophical issue my philosophical issue is um is about this speed limit so what is the pastor my philosophical issue about the speed limit is am I being given a ticket because I am breaking my ability or their capacity y'all just missed it am I going faster than I can handle or faster than what they can maintain yeah y'all are slow see then there are a whole lot of people who keep trying to make you slow down because there's a Porsche engine inside of you and they that keep trying to pull you over and do what is regular for other people but how many of you believe this is the year I like you know where you are you know what you're doing you know what you're called to do you know what your assignment is why are you waking up every day asking yourself where am i cuz I don't belong it's work for you just to get out the bed cuz your job has become drudgery where am I I always got to prove myself for something I shouldn't even have to audition for y'all didn't hear what I just said the funeral of Whitney Houston Kevin Costner gave one of the most powerful reflections of her life says it as he was holding the auditions for the film The Bodyguard he already had Whitney and man and called her in for the audition said they had to stop three times because she's sweating profusely couldn't clear throat couldn't remember her lines makeup kept messing up asked to go to the bathroom and be excused to start over Kevin Costner said I let her sweat I let her stumble over her lines I let him mess up because what she didn't know is I had already given her the part God you didn't hear what I just said there are some of you who want to be doing somersaults because God said I already have the position for you it doesn't matter whether they feel like you are qualified or not it doesn't matter whether you look good on paper what God has for you already for you because he knows the plans for your life do you know where you are do you know what you're supposed to be doing because God is coming through the garden and he's looking for you he's not asking you what have you done he's asking where are you are you in a place where you've surrendered your dream well you've given up on your goals we've you surrendered your ambition you're waving the white flag on your assignment why what happened to you that you settled for a mediocre life for mundane existence that you feel like you can't go as far as the other people who you compare yourself to who said I'm finished with you that your mistakes disqualify you for the promise that is over your life did you just occupying space but not making a contribution to humanity or to culture or to generations yet unborn at the end of your life are they just gonna be able to say that you fly that you got swag that you dress well but you didn't do anything to make a difference in the life of other people that you came into God's church and cities here like you an opera house like you just clap hands for performance as if Jesus didn't die for you and make a way for your eyes they ask you a critical question yes we are you and I Adam never answered he never answered where he was and he like many of you are hiding from God in this moment because you don't even know where you are just another week nother year in another day you don't even know where you are don't even know where you are I said I tell you what since you don't know where you are I'm putting you out of the garden paying for you in childbirth work from the sweat of your brow but your biggest punishment is I'm putting you outside of my presence my time is up and you don't even realize your time is almost up God says you don't even know that the greatest punishment you can ever have in life is being outside of the presence of God David after it is that he sin he only had one prayer God whatever you do please don't take your Holy Spirit away from me some of you beings coy and sarcastic said I know where I am I'm at Newport from I'm in Stonecrest I'm a would role not anywhere I'm asking you ding you are you in the presence of God Halla got 30 seconds but have else of you who are in this room like me who realize he is the air I breathe in him I live in him I move in him I have my very being how they got one minute please forgive us I got spectators here but they are those in this room who know the only place I want to be yes in his presence hallelujah I don't care if you roll your eyes you suck your teeth I don't care if you murmur you don't take all of that you don't know what it takes for me to just get myself together I need just fifty of you that need to be in his presence forget about the folk around you I'm gonna tell you what to do my time is almost up but those of you who just need to be in his presence would you take one minute to just get in it right now [Applause] if you got a worship worship he'll miss you if you need to lay before him before him with you you need to cry out loud I dare you to do that but whatever it takes I want you to get in this presence pastor who you talking to today I'm talking to those of you they've been feeling far from God both of you have been praying but you ain't heard nothing those are you have been in worship but your soul is empty Wow get in the presence of God I need every person in this room that Ham lifted I'm gonna be in his presence that's the way I want to be in this moment hallelujah I'm gonna feel them again how much touch again I'm on his hand again that hand lifted would you open up your mouth and just begin to cry out to him like you need him if you don't need them don't say nothing but those of you who are desperate for him come on I can't hear any worshipers I can't believe you ain't gonna say nothing you know who ought to be screaming those of us that messed up though those of us got should've got rid of those of us got you to kill which a worship he'll let you try to be in his presence I can't believe you ain't gonna say nothing to her lord whatever you do whatever you do don't take your spirit away from me like the deer they attempt to the water so my soul cries out for you I need them you only got 10 seconds left no time for fake ones come on where the real worship us I didn't ride everything else I don't doubt everything else AM I'm amazed that he still calls my name and I'm gonna be in this presence I want to be with them and I'm grateful musicians just for one minute can I just hear the voices of those who desire to have an intimate presence with God come on turn it up for me [Applause] come on welcome him back into your life back into your heart back into your spirit I'm tired of feeling like this Tata always be an in transition Tata always our Justin tired of always fitting in not show me my place tired of being rejected for being myself tired of being ostracized for having an opinion tired of being villainized for calling people into accountability help me find my place I want you to stand to your feet how much you just stand to your feet where are you we are you I want you to know what you just heard wasn't even a sermon what you just heard it's the world's longest altar call so people who know your place is right here at new birth your place where you're gonna hear from him where you're gonna grow where you gonna mature it's right here in this ministry I don't care what you've done who you did it with I don't care how long you out there I don't care how bout how nasty I don't care if he was right and dirty all I need you to do is get into the presence of God if you're in this room and you're saying pastor you don't jump me from the back I've been looking for a church home to call my place if that's where you are would you come meet me right now please come on [Applause] I'm playing with you I need you to come right now [Music] I need you to come as quickly as you can come as quickly as you can find your place [Music] new burp on each other shout for these black families coming [Applause] [Music] come on come on come on new birth y'all know better than then turn up the volume the community is enlarged I'm expecting a harvest today and each other shout find your place [Music] new birth y'all ain't making enough noise for me I told you bring a pack of holes when you come to church which you shout but his family coming they're coming from the back I need y'all to go crazy boy let you believe God is coming in large territory find your place [Music] listen hallelujah y'all my soul is happy glad to see these young people joining [Applause] new birth we can't raise a nation without men we can't fortify the community without men I'm putting out an APB or all-points of brothers alert I want brothers to get saved today I want brothers to join this church today Benjamin Mays said and strong men keep on coming I need you to do me a favor please all the sisters all I need you to do in this moment all the sisters I need you to begin praying for the men in your family begin praying for your son for your brother for your father for your husband for your boyfriend your booth your co-worker all the men here's what I need you to do all the men would you move from where you are go talk to another man in this room yes that man is he in his rightful place as that man is he saved does he ever church home come on men where are you come on men and each other shout for this young man coming right now you [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 123,257
Rating: 4.8323183 out of 5
Id: dUGwdrqMCXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 24sec (2664 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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