Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, " DON'T WASTE MY TIME " - JULY 18h, 2021

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[Music] ecclesiastes chapter 3 and i want to look at verse 1 and clause a ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 clause 8 there is a time for everything amen there's a time for everything i want to preach and i want to challenge you to type it on the screen don't waste my time don't waste my time every spring over 100 000 celebrants of the timepiece industry converge into switzerland for what is on my bucket list as basil world baselworld is the global watch expo it's situated on the swiss french and german borders on display are the newest trends in fashionability from rolex to breakthroughs and multi-functional operational watches in 2008 the delegates were overwhelmed with the unveiling of the work of artisan romain jerome who offered a moon dust dna watch made from the fragments of apollo 11. each watch featured tiny craters filled with the dust from actual moon rocks and the watch straps are made from the spacesuits worn in the actual space station on the first flight to the moon it was made available to anybody who felt compelled to write a check for fifteen thousand dollars right before the pandemic in the last show that they had jerome offered a uh a new timepiece that was ticketed at three hundred thousand dollars this watch that cost three hundred thousand dollars here this is called day and night it's made from steel salvaged from the titanic specifically designed to combat the negative effects of earth's gravity on a watch's accuracy the plot twist friends is that this three hundred thousand dollar timepiece here this does not tell time this three hundred thousand dollar timepiece does not tell time it doesn't display hours minutes or seconds this three hundred thousand dollar watch has a unique limited approach to measuring a chronos by splitting up the universe into two fundamentally opposing sections day or night so this 300 000 watch can only tell you whether it's light outside or whether it's dark outside while on the surface that may seem strange the truth is that many of us that sums up the total of our experiences every moment of our lives as we see it is either very bright or very dark you have moments when you're on a natural high and then days when you are in an emotional lunar eclipse you have seasons when it feels like everything is coming together and then you have days when you feel like you are falling apart you have hours of euphoria only to be met with the exchange that throws seconds into an earthquake you have instances where you want to give it all up and then you have a spurt of energy where you feel like you should fight for it the days the weeks the months and sometimes the years run together until you are imaginarily wearing a watch that only indicates day or night i want you to know that watches that don't tell time are a sterling example of a functional product that directly violates its functional purpose i better say it again a watch that does not tell time is an example of a functional product that violates its functional purpose and many of you who are listening to me in this moment are in danger of violating your assignment because you don't know what you're supposed to be doing with your time do you really think god gave you time to just surf all day shopping online do you think that the time you have now is just for you to blow balloons for a pity party you don't plan on attending do you think that the time you have now is just for you to find a straw for you to slurp up spilled milk there's got to be more for your time but you are not operating in the fullest capacity of the time that has been given to you a functionality induces a cost and out of it is birth the expression that time is money i want you to write this down please time is a cost i've got to get that into your cerebral time is a cost i want it in your subconscious time is a cost i need it marinated in your spirit time is a cost it takes a lot of time and effort for you to be who you are and a lot of people are not prepared to pay for cost to be you but they like the trappings of you so they thought if they bought your clothes if they emulated your hairstyle if they mimicked your language they would be you but they do not know what it costs to be you they see the product but they have never seen the receipt do you know the price you had to pay just for you to be where it is that you are now this was not free but on the tabulated contract of your own experiences were heartbreaks and disappointments there were high rises and low crashes there were moments where you couldn't sleep you couldn't stand yourself it costs you to be you but that cost is too expensive can i say it it costs for you to just get out the bed in the morning knowing you don't know what you're gonna face you don't know what you're gonna confront and you don't know who you might have to fight there's a cost for being who it is that you are the idiosyncrasies of your own personality the brokenness in the frailty of your own insecurity the hunting ghost of something that has died but you refuse to bury the memory that you keep reliving the post-traumatic stress that you will not address the unaddressed issues out of your childhood that have stalked you into your adulthood because you refused to file a restraining order the cost of what it means for you to just smile people have no idea what it costs you to be vulnerable to allow people into my space to let you have the intimacy with my own secrets and with my own fears because of me even sharing my dreams because when i told you was not the day i had it but i labored on it for years and for you to dismiss it and to minimize it as if it was nothing and you concealed it in a joke but it still stains me in my reality the cost of having to deal with the burial of somebody i never had time to forgive the cost of never meeting up with who it is i wanted to love but they didn't know how to receive love the cost of having to shut down when naturally i'm an extrovert the cost of having to be open when it is normal for me to be tight-lipped there's a cost to it and so you got to learn how to pronounce it and articulate it without overtones of arrogance but you've got to get to the comfortability of telling people you can't afford me i'm not talking about dinner i'm not talking about a trip but can you afford the weight of what it means of being with somebody who has this level of anointing this level of purpose do you know what it means to be with somebody that carries this level of assignment who has grace and irritability know what it's like because you fell in love with the outward presentation and can't handle when i shut down can you handle the price that people who don't know you will love you more than the people who do can you handle the cause that comes with your grace that people who don't know you hate you and can't make up a reason their costs a fix not just to your testimony not just to your assignment but to your dedication having a six pack of abs requires putting in time for sit-ups means saying no to ice cream in the starbucks [Music] everybody wants them but nobody wants the discipline or the time that is connected to it the cost of success blocks people from adopting success so people are comfortable being miserable most people don't have the money to buy a rolls royce they don't have the dedication to renounce cards or the time necessary in prayer to be consecrated yet van arpa the ceo of the company that produces that watch that cost three hundred dollars said this uh those who are willing to pay the price of three hundred thousand dollars for watch that doesn't tell time is a discerning customer hear this who knows what you are not in the market for my company in 1978 a marketing company went to the headquarters of rolls-royce and gave them a pitch on what it is that their commercials should look like and the ceo of rolls royce said we are not interested and the representative from the marketing agency said you haven't even seen the commercial yet the ceo retorted back i don't need to see the commercial people who are in market for rolls-royce don't watch tv [Applause] when you know what you are only five of y'all gonna get it when you know what you are and what you represent you don't have to advertise [Applause] what you are called for and two will start seeking you out and i declare and decree over somebody who is watching me right now do not get frustrated because you feel looked over and ignored that's because those who looked over you are in the market for a hyundai but for what you carry god is gonna have people find your gift find your talent and find your skill set because you do not have to beg or plead to be acknowledged or to be seen but you understand what god has for me it is for me don't shout if you got a hyundai anointing but if you know there's a rolls-royce gifting that is trapped inside of you you want to thank god for a discriminating taste that is coming do you know what time it is in your life [Music] in ecclesiastes chapter 3 it says there's a season for everything when joe was going through his own personal holocaust his friends raised a congressional hearing and they suggested that this was god's punishment and that's why he was losing everything job had the insight to respond that the same god who blesses huh can also chastise i'm going to say to you please hear me well and i know this is not for everybody but i want to know want you to know i'm talking to you this is your season not for stuff to be taken away you've already outlived that season this is the season that everything that was taken away is about to be restored everything that you have lost god is getting ready to hitch it back to your life this ain't your season for taking ills this is your season of being more than a conqueror paul cried out to the lord three times because there was a thorn in his flesh i couldn't understand it but bishop brandon porter out of memphis tennessee i said something that i want to co-op here's what bishop porter said he says that the thorn had to be from god because the thorn had a point i want you to know that whenever god is inflicting you with something the way that you know god is behind it is if there was a point to it you are not going through pointless pain pointless opposition or pointless testing everything that you going through hear this if paul had not gone through pain he would have never been introduced to grace he needed the thorn just so that grace could have a stage he needed a thorn just so grace could get an introduction in the cycle of ecology everything um everything is um is necessary so that nature will no timing timing is not just a human enterprise it is a global mechanism so even the earth has got to know timing you needed fall just as a reminder that people will change you needed fall just to know that the hottest season of your life will not endure you needed winter so that you would in fact be reminded that the unnecessary always dies you needed spring so that you could have a picture of knowing that whatever you planted will come into full bloom you needed summer so you could finally find a season where you enjoy what you worked for many of you are blowing your summer because you never give yourself time to enjoy what you've worked for you are so busy being in a winter mine frame that you don't give yourself permission to disconnect you don't allow yourself the elasticity to realize i don't need this phone 24 hours can't be responsible for all of these emails there's got to be a season where i can do for myself and god says i want you in this summer to take a season of selfishness all year long you do for others what are you doing for yourself the time you are in has an assignment the time you are in has an assignment and i can't afford for you to miss the importance of it every time you are in [Music] is not hapless every time is purposeful so the time that you were sick may have been the time that god could get you to sit still the time you were in poverty was the time that god needed to make you more creative the time you were in loneliness was so that you could discover how you could celebrate yourself the time you were being single was so that you could fall in love with who you are the time you were rejected so that you could figure out how to live without validation the time you were miserable so that you could discover a word this generation doesn't know how to pronounce contentment the time you were unemployed was so that you could find time to birth entrepreneurship and so because you understand that every moment of your time has an assignment god is saying don't waste your time and all the more anybody who's gonna encroach on my time i don't want you to waste my time with fake sympathy with shallow compliments with superficial encouragement and lucid compliments that you think i need sometimes when i don't see it it means i don't need it god needed me to go through a pandemic so i could get spiritual principles what did you say it took a pandemic for you to put a mask on your mouth [Music] so it took 16 months for you to guard your words it took a pandemic for you to practice social distancing to get you away from people he never wanted you close to it took a pandemic for you to continuously learn how to wash your hands because he didn't want under your fingernails the residue of what you had to crawl out of it took a pandemic for you to see that your job never saw you as essential it took a pandemic for you to learn the people you actually live with the time is getting ready to change the time is getting ready to change and you're you're getting ready to shift from victim to victor the time is getting ready to change where um you're going from sowing to reaping the time is getting ready to change where you're moving from survivor to more than a conqueror the time is getting ready to change when you no longer get weary in will doing the time is now coming well you've got to ask yourself who will believe the report of the lord have you been with us in this entire service i um i shared with you when i greeted you the beginning of worship that um all fruits are not seasonal that bananas will change their texture but not change who they are based off of where they are i told you that no matter what the time is doesn't matter whether i'm in argentina or chicago onions are always in season but i wanted to um to lay my anchor on one last fruit that is seasonless and that fruit that is seasonless warrants my attention when i was reading ecclesiastes chapter 3 and that that fruit is is an apple and i'm trying to figure out um because there are some theologians and historians and anthropologists and agricultural scientists who suggest that in the garden of eden it wasn't even an apple that eve had but it was a pomegranate and those who would argue that don't even understand that pomegranates are just another form of an apple the apple is strange because nobody ever thinks about the timing of an apple is that it is sewn into dirt and while it is that it is sewn in the dirt it can't even grow until what it is attached to grows and so the apple can't grow if it is connected to a dying tree many of you don't even understand that there was nothing wrong with you it was just something wrong with what you were connected to let me go a step further maybe it was who you were connected to did you ever think about the timing of god when it comes to an apple that it goes out on that limb and when it goes out on that limb here it is it doesn't have much of a support system it just hangs there it hangs there while it's getting heavy many of you are hanging on by a thin thread and you don't even know how you are still up when you thought you should have fallen by now there was something about the timing of god that would let you fall even though you looked right because what apples would testify to you who are watching is you are not fully ready and developed until you fall [Music] and most of you who are outside of the animal kingdom you think your living is being attached and you don't even understand you ain't right until you fall off of what you grew to be connected to and i want to bring that apple in for a testimony because my time is up and i don't want your time to be wasted my grandparents of sainted memory bishop harrison james bryant mother edith holland bryant living in baltimore behind their house was uh acres of uh apple orchids and uh we used to go there often and on invariably my grandmother always had a dish that had apples in it didn't even make sense she's putting stewed apples in oatmeal putting apples and pancakes we would have apples with catfish because she had apples in everything my sister who's the earthly one of our group um contested as a protest of one why are we always eating these apples it didn't matter that we had orchids of them they mattered that they were in short supply it didn't matter that they were in limitless abundance and my grandmother said something now over 40 years ago that i just remembered in preparation for this moment she said tamina in a maternal patient voice you think the apple is birthed to be on the tree [Music] do you think the apple was created to just be on the ground the apple was created to be consumed my grandmother said what i've got to say to somebody who is watching have you ever thought in your entire life you were born to be consumed that you were created to be cut up you were created to be a part of somebody's main dish you were created to be where it is that other people will eat because of your life and i never thought about it until i thought about the cross and i realized that watermelons don't grow on trees when i realized that bananas can only sustain for five days when i realized that onions will only make you cry when i realized that tomatoes are always in the wrong category but apple never falls far from the tree so when it is that jesus was hung on that cross he had to redeem what was done in genesis chapter 3 because man lost because of a bad apple but man was found because he redeemed the earth because of his sacrifice i am mindful that many of you are not going to like it but god told me to tell you this is your time to be consumed and out of immaturity you're putting up your defensive wall you have locked out your ear you can't even hear what i'm saying because you think i'm talking about being taken advantage of by people but god says if you're going to be consumed consuming fire [Music] sweet perfume i know some of you don't like it but i'm telling you fresh fire is getting ready to consume those who want to be used many of you will never get filled because you are users but those who are prepared to say god everything i will do in my life was so that the holy ghost could consume me my life is not my own to you i belong i give myself away god said this is not your time for getting this is your time for releasing and i'm wondering if there's anybody who is available for the sweet holy spirit to descend on you and to consume you like fresh fire i'm not asking god for a car i'm not asking him for a house i'm not asking him for a job i'm asking him spirit of the living god fall fresh on me if you don't want it you ain't gotta get it but i'm not gonna wait to get back in church to get the holy ghost but i need the holy ghost now i need his presence now i need to now i need this passion now if you are prepared to be consumed i need you to lift up that hand it's getting ready to fall in your living room it's getting ready to fall in your bedroom it's getting ready to fall in your kitchen where will i be if he didn't love me where can i be if he didn't care where would i be if he didn't sacrifice his life but i'm so glad hey i'm so glad he did i need you to open up that mouth you get ready to be consumed hey i said you get ready to be consumed i speak baptism by fire that some of you in this moment are gonna have the evidence of speaking in tongues i need you to open up your mouth i need you to cry out under god your prayer language is about to kick in you are about to have a god look this enemy movement knowing not my will but you will be taught i need thee every hour i need thee bless me lord bless me lord bless me lord anyway you bless me i will be satisfied i need that heavenly father oh my god i feel glory feel this car right here i feel this presence here come on come on on your children yes without any music let me just hear the sound to worship take me back to where i first believe i want to be consumed [Music] i speak the fire of the holy ghost consuming you in this moment glorious voice i said activated glorious voice activated i want you to make your own i want you to make your bedroom an altar come on i want you to bow down before him i want you to worship him i want you to bail yourself to the move of god the holy spirit is like the wind you don't know where it's coming from and you don't know where it's going but i need him to feel me afraid the pandemic took something out of me the last 16 months have been one of the worst of my life but god i'm sick of just holding on if i'm gonna fall let me fall into your will this is the time for the indwelling of the holy ghost this is the time for the move of the spirit this is the time of the evidence of the gifts of the spirit i'm sick of the church only praying for material stuff who wants the grace of god who wants the fruit of the spirit for you to step out of spiritual gifts in the spirit realm in the spirit realm i am anointing you are fresh and anew that whatever you lay hands on [Music] whatever you lay hands on the gift of god is going to give evidence i wish i had worshippers in this room with me i said whatever you lay hands on god is going to give you tangible definable evidence i want you to open up your mouth and just give god a barack i need you to give him the sound of a worship whatever you speak i say whatever you speak i feel provides is come on down the church was incomplete in the absence of the precious gift of the holy spirit and so that's why it is that a few months ago we celebrated the day of pentecost the birthing of the holy ghost into the church pente is 50. i want those of you who are surrendering yourselves to the will of the holy ghost to the will of the holy spirit to the will of the glory of god shrouding around your home i want you to partner with me i want you to partner with me and sowing a seed of 50. i want you to do it right in this moment god i want to be used by your glory i'm going to be used for your glory i want you to do it right now here it is i'm not talking about no business i tell my no job i'm talking about assignments until my destiny i'm talking about calling i don't care about no business god is god getting the glory out of your life you'd have made time for everything else and you have not made time for what you were born to do what you were born to be i want you to sow that seed right now give levi push pay text to kiev i don't want you to hesitate can you imagine watch this that people think you're a doctor because you just walking through the hospital laying hands can you imagine people think you're a millionaire because you opening up your house feeding the hungry kids in the neighborhood can you imagine god blessing you in such a way that god will give you a word of wisdom and knowledge for friends of yours that are going through travail that you don't have the natural inclination to walk them through that's what the power of god is about to do in your life that the spirit of discernment is getting ready to stand up i want you to have that kind of flaw i'm telling you something is wrong and those of you who are visiting i'm telling you i don't want to get you in trouble at your home church if you don't go here but something is wrong if the only person known it at your church is the pastor [Music] you didn't hear what i just said i said something is wrong if the only one anointed at the church is the pastor the pastor's job is to replicate that oil all your stocks in the hair but it's got to get down to the skirts of the road it is vain glory and idolatry if i think i'm the only one that got it that means i am not functioning in authentic ministry but every time i turn around there ought to be somebody who is rising up from the shadows that says i got that same level of anointing i'm believing that that's what god's getting ready to do for you it's getting ready to do for your life those of you who um realize that it's time for you to be a part of a ministry that believes in the holy ghost need to be in a ministry that has the evidence of the holy spirit those of you who believe watch this that you tied to playing church but you want to see the church at work and in full bloom in operation new birth is that kind of church for you i'm telling you we do it all over here we speak in tongues and then don't speak to each other we do it all i i want you please i want you to join the church i want you to be a part of our ministry i want you to be aligned with what i believe that god is doing in this season i know that you thought time was about you but i want you to make time this week for the holy spirit i want you to add into your prayer list that you will be available i need you to i need you to take this in i need you in your prayer time this week to pray hear this without talking i need you in your prayer time this week to take time to hear god he didn't heard what you got to say what you want what your concerns are what your issues are but you are a rude conversationalist because you talk and you never pause to hear what he has to say i want you to take time in a concerted way to hear what it is that god is saying about your life what he's saying in this season and what it is that god is getting ready to make manifest i'm excited i can't wait we're going to be together in person labor day weekend mark your calendars rev your indian engines we getting ready to go back in but until such a time i'm gonna be where i am and i hope you'll be right where you are as i always do i'm praying for you i'm believing god for you i am excited about your future this is not my day this is pastor caller stokes day and never ever ever confuse baltimore with dc whatever you do do not confuse baltimore with dc i'm telling you in dc they got go-go music in baltimore they got house music y'all ain't saying nothing to me in dc they got mambo sauce in baltimore they got obey i can't hear nobody and so i am grateful my sister from down the beltway is with us on the day i'm grateful for her she's going to give us our benediction and i'm appreciative that she doesn't stand alone but her tree is with her i'm telling you good fruit always comes from a good tree help me thank god for pastor stokes you
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 75,486
Rating: 4.8750987 out of 5
Id: D_Yq7KyOFtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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