Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, I SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING - October 27th, 2019

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the brace of God is the evidence that here it is the wages of sin is death and we sin every day by thought my word embodied and so all of us shouldn't add yesterday and because we are standing in church today it doesn't mean that we are perfect it just means we are forgiving and I'm sick of these stuck-up arrogant Church people who come in here and roll your hand up looking down at other people because your stuff don't stick but all of us have fallen short of his glory don't sit in here and act like you ain't never tried not you ain't never smoked none and you ain't never slept with nobody but you ought to be standards and His grace and his power say [Applause] [Music] you [Music] as is our custom would you mind standing for the reading of God's Word Genesis 37 on illuminate and underscore just one verse that verse is 28 once you found I want you to say I doubt it if you can't find as they wait for me we're glad to have the Tucker basketball team not football team they were going tackle me after service if I didn't get it right Genesis 37 verse 28 so when the Midianite merchants came by his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty pieces of silver to the Ishmaelites who took him to Egypt you may be seated I'm gonna preach for a little while this morning using as a subject I wish I had said something I wish her wish I had said something the Huffington Post which is a social media periodical it's printed with no paper because they can only be found online recently produced an interesting article entitled what divorced men wish they did differently in their marriages the writer recognized that after nuptials are nullified and there's been a healthy span of time it's easier to identify what went awry one interviewee confessed with regret here this that he wished he had gone to bed at the same time as his wife he had to admit that even before they branched off to different bedrooms they maintained different routines he would stay up late at night watching TV to decompress while she was already retired for the evening in hindsight he recognized that there is a maturity to intimacy by ending the day together ending the day restoring through the night and meeting the morning creates an indescribable bond another respondent attend attested that his mark of shame was keeping quiet when he should have boys to his discontent after undergoing therapy he realized his silence I need you to hear this his silence was intimate dishonesty silence is intimate dishonesty if honesty is the cornerstone of trust in its absence the relationship is sure to Road he couldn't figure out why it is that he would never be honest about what he didn't like as a consequence he would suppress it until he will combust around the issues that were not related to the main thing his silence was his betrayal and he was intimate with somebody in whom he did not feel free to talk to it begs the question this morning what is your true relationship with God if you come in church and remain quiet around him yes all of us ought to praise Him all of us ought to worship Him but you never tell God what is your bone of contention what is your area of concern so you walking around giving God the silent treatment God is saying I've never not listened to you the problem is you just won't talk every time you come into his presence you ought to be opening up your mouth letting God know how you honestly feel not just when things are going well Joe big the question can not the same God they give or take away but you only call out to God when he's giving you stuff can you open your mouth when you are upset and frustrated and puzzled and disillusioned when he's taking stuff away see the people around you when they hear you worship they don't know what you do it and it ain't none of their business truth be told but sometimes when I cry out to God it ain't a celebration I'm crying out to God cuz I need to know God do you see me down here struggling do you understand what I'm dealing with do you know that everyday ain't a happy day there's some days I don't feel like clapping y'all ain't gonna be honest for father y'all didn't keep it a hundred some days I don't want to turn to my neighbor celebrated psychologists Judith Glaser in her compelling publication entitled conversational intelligence it's an amazing book that I want to recommend to you this morning conversational intelligence to which it is positive that many don't use their voice because of an overarching fear of rejection what it is that dr. Glaser uncovered that I wasn't even aware of is that the brain waves that use the same pathways to transmit physical pain is the same brain brain waves that use the path waves that send the signal of rejection which is why rejection hurts it hurts when you attempt to express and then you get ignored try to talk be honest and you get dismissed reject it because your feelings are minimized or all the more you are not believed so you've got to carry a that other people don't understand and it is the fruit of rejection because you are wrestling with your mind will they believe me that that person of influence took advantage of me will they listen to me when my mother is more interested in keeping her man than protecting her child am i in a safe space that I can tell you what is going on with me without you judging me will you minimize my testimony because I'm a child because I'm a teenager you're gonna take somebody else's word and now I am stuffed with the reality that my family doesn't have confidence and what it is that I am trying to express and now you don't know why I am quiet Maya Angelou that noted poet laureate was quiet for five years never said a mumbling word because as a child at nine years of age she was raped by her mother's boyfriend told her brother in confidence and within 72 hours the mother's boyfriend ended up dead Maya Angelou muse years later it was in that moment that I understood the power of my words that in using my words somebody could die you're not hearing what it is that I'm saying to you the enemy is trying to make you lose your voice because he knows that if you speak truth to power that even wickedness in high places is gonna have to come down the enemy is banking on your silence hoping that you will be intimidated by other people's opinion because he knows if you ever clear your throat and let all of the powers and principalities that are in the atmosphere know that I am NOT a pushover I am a part of God's chosen elect if you don't know how how powerful I am stand back and watch this I can speak those things that are not and they shall be do you know how powerful I am whatever I ask in his name is Shou our voices our voices allow us to agree allow us to disagree your voice can be used to compliment to complain or even the question every single one of us houses ideas theories thoughts concepts perspectives opinions but in the absence of an outlet they remain trapped in your head and God didn't give you that thought just for you to be stuck in you it's supposed to come out of you and because you're not articulating your pain and your rejection and your anxiety it is now eating you alive so you get up at night and patches of your hair are still on the pillow can't sleep tossing and turning 3:30 in the morning 5:30 then you get back up ten minutes before the alarm is over amazing because you have this suppressed synergy that you will not release you eaten when you're not even hungry you're entertaining company of those who can't even challenge your inner leg or push you to a greater place of purpose you find yourself hanging out with people who only have the common denominator of your past because they cannot conceptualize what it is that you see for your future people who don't know you they think you're arrogant and stuck-up and don't know that and even who I am but the last time I tried to share people held stuff over my head and always wanted to remind me of what it is that I did because they are a dove was coming out of my mouth dr. King was such a danger to the fabric of the democracy of white supremacy that he never threatened to overthrow the government never called oppressed people to take up arms he was a danger simply because he dreamed out loud many of you would be in a much safer space if you would just be quiet but you as an anointed child of God do not have the right to remain silent there is something in you that God has put in you that it cannot stay dormant this is the season that folk if they do not like it are gonna have to move out of the way but you have been silent long enough you would have advanced further and faster if you would just go along to get along if you would just be people spared if you were just absent of your own ideas and your own opinion there are people who do not like you not because you are angry not because you are aggressive but because you are an independent thinker because you're not gonna do what everybody else is going to do they are upset why because everybody in your office everybody in your department can play trap music but as soon as you turn on gospel they telling you turn that down you say the place for all of that they got no idea that even if I can't shout at my desk I'll go cry in the bathroom get myself together and then walk out and kill every demon forsaken that I was don't quit there is an authority to my presence that there were people there were people that were polled in London England as to what was their biggest regret in life and I need you to understand that a lot of what it is that you are contending with in this hour is not spiritual warfare some of what it is that you are engaged in is not Adam attack it is regret regret hear me is the repercussion of poor choices and bad decisions you have given the enemy too much credit for what you did you are not Flip Wilson the devil did not make you do it you chose to do it elected to do it and you walked in it knowing that it did not align with the call of God that is on your life the grace of God is the evidence that here it is the wages of sin is death and we sin every day by thought by word and by deed and so all of us should have died yesterday and because we are standing in church today it doesn't mean that we are perfect it just means we are forgiven and I'm sick of these stuck-up arrogant Church people who come in here and roll your eyes and hang puffed up looking down at other people because your stuff don't stink but all of us have fallen short of his glory don't sit in here and act like you ain't never tried nothing you ain't never smoked nothing and you ain't never slept with nobody but you ought to be standards and His grace and His mercy [Applause] it's the regret of what we did not do many of us would think that the overwhelming response of those that were polled on your regret that maybe you work too hard maybe you didn't spend enough time with your children maybe you weren't there in the last hours of your ailing mother's life but what struck the researchers was the testimony of those who had been damaged abused and traumatized by others and their number one regret is they didn't say anything sooner it's the one area that the survivor could control but sometimes is the most difficult to execute that we've got to make sure that the sanctuary is a safe place that I can give my testimony and you can cover me and not condemn me you have got to find your voice which shifts you from being a victim to overcomer is finding your voice you are more than a conqueror when you refuse to remain silent in the face of the people that thought that they could break your spirit James Weldon Johnson pinned in Jacksonville Florida lift every voice I know you've been through some stuff but that doesn't mean that you're damaged it just means you're recycled that you're able to say through it all I've learned to trust in Jesus and I've learned to trust in God please don't turn Church in the witness-protection so you think that the folk in church ain't never been molested ain't never been abused and never been touched ain't never been lied to and never been taken advantage the devil is alive everybody in here been through something the devil tried to break your spirit your self-esteem smother your identity so when I come in church it ain't because I'm been through nothing I'm coming in Church screaming just I came out of it and I'm able to say look at me I've always I've always been enamored by Joseph - dreamer I was encouraged how the father loved him more than anybody else I was intrigued at the boldness of his dreams I was troubled at the blatant evil exhibited by his brothers you see on one descript day no special occasion it wasn't his birthday the father put a coat on him to signify that he was the favorite son he never asked for this coat but the coat was put on I want to talk to some people who got favored on your life you better stop apologizing for it cuz what these folks don't know you never asked for this favor God just put something special on your life that you don't know why he chose you for faith [Applause] the father does something that's unseemly it's troublesome for me he percent Colt on Joseph knowing he's got other brothers and knowing other brothers don't like him and are jealous of them but here's what I need you to see new birth it wasn't the devil that sent Joseph to the brothers the father did it I'm giving it up set 50 of you dinner in this room time's the confirmation of your favor is that God will send you to be around people who don't like you but the evidence of your favor is that God's hand is on me and it don't matter whether you like me or not some of you've been delivered from drugs others of you have been delivered from alcohol a few of you been delivered from pornography but there's a group in here that's been delivered from other people's opinion whether you like me or not they saw Joseph coming and they came up with a diabolical plot let us kill the dreamer hallelujah you got no idea how many people want to see you dead how many people don't want to see you thrive don't want to see you as a success and they decided that they were gonna kill Joseph until one of the brothers showed up the brothers that showed up said we can't kill him he's got favor on him and I gotta tell you real quick what brother stopped him from being killed that brother that stopped him from being killed his name is Judah and you gotta know by now that Judah means praise only got 500 of you that are living witness that praise save my life that I should have been dead but I started giving God glory I can't kill nobody if that's a praising in this room will you give God glory for what is gonna do for you be seated I gotta show you something Judah means praise hallelujah but when Judah spoke up he was not saving his own life he was saving the life of somebody he cared about I wish I was in the right Church God said when you praise me today it ain't gonna benefit you but he said your praise is go save somebody in your family because there's somebody in your family that should have been dead but the glory that's on your life is don't ship some face I need you to grab that neighbor's hair and say neighbor I know you've been worried about your son I know you've been up and night about your daughter I know you got a relative that's been sick but if you praise God [Music] that tried to kill up has gotta be reverse you wanna give Dark Lord that's your son will mad - that's your daughter will not lose that so relative is the hospital I can't tell your what to do my god give somebody and say neighbor if you shout again not another fear of this year if you're giving glory a relative is coming out of jail if you praise him they'll never rehab if you worship Him every generational curse is being broken up I can't you know you oughta stop for your family and tell the devil that is for me see the police hallelu be seated I'm coming be seated hallelu be seated I need you be seated right where you are hallelu be seated thank you holy God what's wrong I'll be seated [Music] hallelu would you speak would you speak your last name out loud speak your last night this next race is don't chop up whoever got my last night [Applause] my son said instead of killing Joseph they met together and decided to throw them in a pit and they're trying to figure out what to do with Joe because he's in this pit some would say an empty sister and others would argue as a well but say at least some 20 feet below ground and they throw him in it and they don't know what to do with them until they see people coming I need you to hear the text they see people coming who major in human trafficking said we know we're gonna do we're gonna pimp out our own brother we know that they only won this body we don't want anybody who wants to cultivate his mind develop his gift strengthen his intellect we want people that are only going to use his body so we're gonna sell him out his own family delivered him into the hands of human traffickers they threw a rope down to the well Joseph now has got to hold on to the rope and get pulled out of it and he doesn't know that on the other end of the rope are human traffickers he thinks is people who are coming to help them and don't know it's just people who are coming to use them God sent you here on this Sunday morning cuz he told me to tell you in the last two months in a year be careful who you take help from that whoever you take help from make sure it comes with no strings attached that that if you don't do it make sure you doing it with pure intentions their Lord that rope Joseph holds on to it and they stop pulling him out of his sister pull him out of this cistern and when he comes up out of that wheel he's got swollen left side of his face nose is bleeding lip is busted rib cage is fractured he's dizzy disillusioned dehydrated and he sees his brothers and then he sees a money exchange when they give 20 pieces of silver they only gave the money after they assess his external value they wanted to see him before they would invest in them I think I've lost you there are a lot of people who don't understand your value cuz they keep looking at your outside they don't understand the car of Who I am got nothing to do with the clothes I wear sitting the right I wanna argue out loud for just one moment my issue with Joe cuz they pull him out in a pit the brothers exchange currency hand them over to the human traffickers and all that I've said to you this morning leads me to this one point and when he's being handed over here this Joseph says nothing I don't know how much pain he's dealing with but he says nothing and I'm cheering for him while I'm reading the chapter Joseph's say something and maybe there's too much pain that now you become quiet and folk don't even know why you quiet it's not cuz I didn't have nothin to say but I what's the point of me even saying it when I'm around the family that don't believe in my dream what's the point of me saying it when the I am with favor and I'm being thrown away what's the point of me talking when I'm the one that carries the gift and the oil to deliver the whole family and they don't recognize I was assigned to help them and they treat me like the bottom of their shoe what's the point of me saying something the only wonder how the whole narrative would have been different if Joseph would have just said something hope you got your shout out your celebration out the balancer disseminate for you is for somebody sitting three rows behind you gels are should have cried out three different ways and three different tones three different octaves and he missed his opportunity and I'm hoping you don't the first time he should open up his voice in Harlem he should Holland why cuz he should have made the announcement that some of you are getting ready to make and that announcement is I don't belong here with the favor that's on my life they saying where I'm supposed to be I'm talking to 300 of you you looking at your job you're looking at your living space you're looking at your relationship you ain't supposed to be depressed you ain't supposed to be broke you were supposed to be frustrated don't belong second time that he ought to lifted his voice yes I don't belong with them a man I'm upset I'm bothered doctor trim by Joseph silenced hear this cuz he don't say nothing when they sell them he don't even say nothing when they drop him off at Potiphar's house y'all he don't even say nothing when Potiphar's wife accuses him agreat now once did he say he didn't do it nobody investigated the fact that powerful was a eunuch that he had no reproductive organs so he's married to a woman he can't even make love to God I can't hear nobody in here nobody gave him his side of the story do you know how many people in this room had their name dragged through the mud had that character assassinated and what your silly self you believe their story and you never asked me what happened I should have said something in the third instance 'we should have said something yes he forgot his father was right down the road he's the father's favorite if the father would have heard his cry he would have sent help for you and rescued him from that situation I gotta get out of here but there ought to be a sound in this room from people who know I need my situation to change and I need the father to come see about me I'm telling you you gonna regret if you don't worship God today the father said if I hear your voice help is on the way if if you cry out to me will answer your life is gonna be dramatically different if you refuse to remain silent God says you don't even know your miracle is voice-activated as soon as I hear your cry I will stop putting stuff in motion to get your life back on track it's my people who are called by my name will humble themselves from their wicked ways my face I was here from a date open up your mouth right now take that hand is lifted [Applause] [Music] smoke difficult one of softly Mitchell's one of the most difficult messages I've ever preached that God has ever given to me to share to the body of Christ God said today people are going to get their voice back those of you who are in this room you've been abused and you've never reported it never discussed it never talked about it today God has taking that monkey off your back I want you to come meet me at this altar please physically abused sexually abused molested raped taken advantage of by a family member you give me get your voice back male/female boy/girl husband wife's you getting your voice back I don't care if he was a coach it was a teacher I don't care if he was a preacher of principle a next-door neighbor a father and uncle are step brother get your voice back [Music] you're not gonna die with the regret that I wish I had said something God said this is your moment this is your opportunity you're not gonna hold it in another day of your life God says I'm freeing you from it I know your family told you never to discuss it get down here I know they tried to sweep it under the rug get down here you're not gonna have another holiday will you traumatized around going back around the family I need you to meet me down here you're not gonna back up when they try to hug you call them out you ain't gonna make me think I'm crazy and something is wrong with me now is something wrong with you I will not be silent I want you to meet me here then three more of you I'm waiting on you some young man I need you at this altar some older men I need you at this altar teenager I need you at this altar young adult I need you at this altar I'll see you sir thank you I'm waiting on you you are a heck of a man to take this walk down this hour I honor you sir I honor your courage [Music] I want it in the lock arms with the person next to you at the halter in the lock arms with them the enemy charge that make you feel like you in it by yourself like you the only one that's gone through you'd only want this endured but God brought you to this Alton I need you to hear me carefully he says I am giving you permission to do what the church has robbed you of pastor what did you just say says I am giving you permission to do what the church has robbed you of what does that mean better God says today I'm giving you permission to cry but I need you to hear me well he said make sure it's a good cry cuz this your last time crying about it I can't hear nobody this your last I'm stressed about it this your last time let me eat you alive God said get it out of your system you got a right to be angry to be frustrated to be upset I want you to pull in would you pull in come on pull in says I'm giving you permission to cry out under me cuz if you cry I'm gone handsome what you've been through has impacted your relationships it's impacted your sexuality it's impacted your interpersonal skills it's impacted your ability to open up to others even your closest friends don't know what's going on with you but God says I need you to cry tonight need you to cry this morning cuz you're getting it all for you and you gone back whole and pure and healed knowing I am NOT a victim I am an overcomer when I count to three hear me that's gonna be a cry in this room but I don't want them to just try by themselves at this altar I want you to cry for yourself big cry for your family members I need you to try out loud not for God not for money not for house but for healing to take place when I count to three I'm telling you let it all hang out some of you gonna cry like you have cried for years but today God is gonna free you from it he's gonna heal you from it he's gonna release you from it when I count to three I'm telling you I need you to cry with all your might like you did when you were in the shower when you put your head under the pillow we get to sit in the car by yourself we get to run out and collect yourself God said give me that crap but get it out not just them but everybody in the room every person who's watching when I count to three I need you to cry out under God come on everybody one two three cry Abba now God real [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I need you to do me a favor please I want you to embrace somebody around you and tell them find your voice find your voice [Music] fine joke boys fine job boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody is standing all the my worship all of my word everybody is standing my worship [Music] I want to say this before you go back to your seats I'm gonna ask immediately after service immediately after service softly minstrels I want our counseling ministry on our counseling ministry I intercessory ministry and some of our elders to meet us in the chapel for those of you who are at this altar this is just the first step of your process but I want you to know you got a family just don't walk you through it come on I can't hear nobody in here as soon as service is completed I want you to meet us in the chapel we want to pray with you and we want to be a listening ear for you sometimes that the best counsel is listening if there's some stuff you just got to get off your chest got to get off your heart we want to pray with you and let you know that no matter how difficult it becomes no matter how rigorous how daunting it is because the reality is some people are not gonna believe you some people are not gonna know how to respond and not gonna know how to support but I want you to know your church family is gonna stand in the gap we're committed to the process to your complete healing new birth would you do me a favor I want you to cheer for these brave souls come on cheer form as they go back to their seats y'all a shout good I said cheer for I want you standing please sir please ma'am after all the your eyes have seen which areas have heard I don't know what's wrong with you that you wouldn't want to join a church like this today it shouldn't even be a hard sell everything in you ought to be doing somersaults saying this is my spot this way I need to be hon to be connected to a church that doesn't have airs of pretense but that I can come as I am knowing I'm not going to stay as I am whether you are in this room Holy Spirit is powers presence has rested on you and giving you confirmation and indication that this way you supposed to be this is your church this is your ministry how much you to come I want to be your pastor would you come and meet me at this altar come on please you are so important to the body of Christ you're in this room and you've not given your life over to Jesus Christ I'm telling you you are not a victim you are an overcomer I need you to give God glory for this mother and son coming done listen to me listen to me virtue has gone out of me I don't have much left I need to partner with you to help me open the doors of the church there are 20 other people that are getting ready to come and they get ready to move in every aisle and every section of this sanctuary and I don't want you to hold them back from what God has for I need you to do me a favor please you can't be saved the end stuck up ought to be something in you that wants to see the body of Christ enlarged help me please would you move I want you to find two people and ask them don't ask them yet in one moment I want you to ask them are they a member of a church where they're growing second I want you to ask them do they know Jesus for themselves here are the two people who I need you to go talk to I need you to go talk to one of the two people who has nothing pink on does that mean name been to church in three weeks and didn't know the announcements second is an somebody that does have pink on because the most important color is red which is the blood of Jesus Christ come on let's go to work everybody moving go talk to somebody ask them are they saved ask them do they have a church home ask them have they given their lives over to God [Music] come on where it is that you are even while they're coming both of you that are viewing online and you're saying pastor this is my church I wanna join and I live in Kansas I live in Kentucky I live in Connecticut but I believe this is where I'm supposed to be I live in California come on give God some praise as they come [Music] [Music] y'all ain't talking to nobody y'all just looking at me would you give God some praise here they come [Music] come on come on clap your hands [Music] I can t do what you say I do what you say to you [Music] come on here they come which is him come forward come on here they come give him go my snowman is empty [Music] they say I'm grateful for those who have come and they still coming I'm grateful for those that have come and they still come in grieving for those who have come but I'm my faith wants to extend itself and believe God for five more to come down this hour that's what I want to do I'm gonna believe God come on here they come if you in this room you holding up the whole service come out come on give God some praise for this young man coming don't worry about who's looking at you they just going through some trauma please yes I need you to get down telling you you gonna regret not joining the church today you don't regret not giving your life over to the master today I want you to please please wherever it is that you are I want you to make your way down that aisle I want you to please come it just look long like you sitting there well you start walking it's gonna pull by so fast come on give God some praise for this beautiful black family this incredible mother raising these girls Thank You y'all coming come on look at God y'all coming to come on let him get down here which I'll shout for this family [Music] this is named stretch a right hand to faith search a right hand to faith here they come here they come y'all don't hate celebrate alright listen whoever you are are you holding up the service you just come right now please I need you to come right now wherever it is that you are I need you to hurry up and come don't take your time I need you to hurry up and come I'm talking to you you thought you was out of here I need you to come as quickly as you possibly can please [Music] are y'all gon celebrate [Music] stretch your right hand to faith repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right show you right if you're know I'm right come on Big Ups to the Savior [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 59,700
Rating: 4.8478999 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 57sec (3417 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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