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and all the people of god said amen come on won't you say it again say it like you really mean it if you're blessed to be in the house of god would you stand and give god a shout of thanksgiving come on open up your mouth and give him praise [Music] come on clap your hands like you're glad to be here i know we're in the hotel but we're still having church tonight [Music] bless hello come on georgia i feel better so much better since i lay my burdens out i feel better since i laid mine no music come on burn us down come on clap their hands glory glory glory glory hallelujah since i laid my burdens out come on holiday center come on point there somebody tell them friends don't treat me treat me like they used to since i lay [Music] come on friends don't treat me treat me since i laid mine come on clap that hand there's a storm out there's a storm out on the ocean and it's moving this whole way if your soul's not come on wave that hand just cry out glory glory glory hallelujah since i lay my burdens down glory glory hallelujah since i laid mine lord we come to you tonight we need you more now than we ever have throw your weight around heal somebody change somebody deliver somebody and let that somebody be me we pray it only because we know you are a prayer answering god and those of you who have ever had a prayer answered would you clap that hand and give god glory come on come on more enthusiastic than that you may be seated in the presence of the lord diophany says that a leader absorbs the the blame and takes the responsibility it was in fact warren bettis that says leader has the capacity to go where you would not have gone by yourself martin luther king jr said a real leader is somebody who's willing to take the first step even when they can't see the staircase over the last four years america has had a picture of bad leadership but over the last four years georgia has had an incredible leader i want you to help me thank god for our bishop come on help me thank god for bishop reginald jackson a prince amongst preachers he is in the words of hosea williams unbought and unbossed i'm thankful for our bishop letting me in through foster care and extending grace some of y'all to get it on the way home and i'm i'm thankful the axiom suggests that whenever you see a successful man behind him he is a tired woman i'm thankful for our episcopal supervisor who has pushed our bishop to greatness come on help me thank god for him for her and for him this dynamic duo an amazing team i feel like i'm dorothy i've clicked my heels three times i and i'm back home i uh came through board of examiners right here in the sixth episcopal district i became an ordained deacon at turner uh monumental and so for me to be able to come full circle i am grateful bishop thank you uh other places they put immigrants in cages but in the sixth district they let illegal aliens get in the pulpit so i am uh grateful just to be able to preach uh thankful for all of you who have been friends and surrogates uh down through the years allow me a point of personal privilege just to express uh my fond gratefulness for the presence of my pastor uh pastor william darnell watley is pastor saint phillip a.m church gift god hang clap praise him with him under watch care and he watcheth over me all day and all night and i am grateful that he's here if you have your bibles would you uh sojourn with me until the gospel of matthew 27. matthew 27 would you indulge me and stand for the reading of god's word all of our presiding elders thank you so very much matthew 27 i want to illuminate for your understanding verse 32 and it reads on this wise in the new international version as they were going out they met a man named simon and they forced him to carry the cross you may be seated as they were going out they met a man named simon and they forced him to carry the cross i want to preach for a little while tonight using as a subject i'm dealing with some heavy stuff i'm dealing with some heavy stuff even through your mask would you just look at the person beside you and tell them i know that's right man because i know the ingram there once was a little boy who was born with no left arm as it grew he asked his mother if she would sign the permission slip so that he could take karate out of overarching concerns she flatly declined he incessantly begged and pleaded with her until she finally acquiesced she took her son down to the dojo to learn [Music] and explain to the instructor she had some concerns because her son only had a left arm he calmed her and said if the boy just stayed focused practiced and mastered one move he would always prevail sure enough the boy became engulfed in judo and practice constantly georgia you would be amazed to know that he began to win trophies and even got promoted to the state championship while riding there he asked his coach do you think i got a shot at winning and the coach replied yes if you remember the one move i taught you they got to the championships and the referee said i can't put this boy in the ring he's handicapped he only got one arm the coach responded i have absolute confidence in my fighter went to the judges and said he's come this far at least allow him the opportunity to compete and so after they met briefly they allowed him to fight he stepped in the ring and you're not going to believe it within moments he won the state title on the way back here the young boy asked his coach what made you think i could win the coach told his mentee the move i taught you can only be countered by grabbing the left hand and you don't have one bishop jackson we're in a critical place because we're having to fight with one arm and the reality of the situation that we're in is that we're dealing with some heavy stuff we're dealing with some heavy stuff as a country when it is that america finds itself in a bipolar conscience place they said wearing a mask ought to be your right supervisor the same breath they think that the supreme court should dictate the rights of women we're dealing with heavy stuff we're dealing with heavy stuff when it is that um there are 24 million people who have been fired another 24 million who have been released from their job in covet 19 11 million of them earn less than 29 000 a year and what's heavy is last year they paid more taxes than the president we're dealing with some heavy stuff we're dealing with some heavy stuff when it is that at this hour while i yet stand to speak 11 000 mail sorting machines are missing mailboxes cannot be found we're dealing with some heavy stuff because of the statue of liberty said bring us those who are yearning to breathe free in earlier this week we saw the president can't hardly breathe if they took him off those steroids they've pumped him with we're dealing with heavy stuff when it is that they're forcing the children of georgia to go back into school and nobody is asking do they have wi-fi we're dealing with heavy stuff when the only technology that's in our public schools is gun detectors but there are no computers we're we're dealing with some heavy stuff when we don't even realize in this hour that there are over 224 000 people who have died of covet seven million who have found themselves tested positively and yet we cannot find adequate health care some heavy stuff some heavy stuff for the very first time the president is saying in open hot microphones he's not sure if there'll be a transition of power some heavy stuff going on in our country but not only is there heavy stuff going on in our country might i argue forthrightly that there's heavy stuff going on in the black community some heavy stuff going on in the black community when uh you find that so many of our young people are slipping into the rabbit hole of depression cutting themselves committing suicide conflicted about their sexual identity have sworn off the sanctuary it's a crisis time for our community this is the largest demographic in the history of our people being in this nation who claim that they love god but refused to go to church so your children got tattoos of a cross on their neck john 3 16 a tattooed on their chest they win a rap award and give god glory first but won't come in church because it is we have vilified piercings and tattoos and dyed hair and forget that these are still our children that belong to us we we are in a critical time when you don't even realize that many of us children will not be able to return back to school when it opens because their parents will not qualify for pell grants it's a critical time when november you are going to see evictions at the highest point it has ever been since the stock market crash of 1929 that the church has got to operate as social services and as the red cross at the exact same time that we can't just save souls but we got to heal bodies some heavy stuff some heavy stuff going on with your congregation nobody wants to talk about it but the reality is the itc candler howard none of them prepared you to pastor in a pandemic nobody equipped you to preach to a blank screen nobody told you how to navigate being in an empty sanctuary nobody has ever checked to see whether or not you have your own self-care you have no idea how many people who are saved and still struggling through depression you got no idea how many in this room are fighting through anxiety and sleepless nights and yet we put on our conference clothes and act as if nothing is going on but you have come to a place where like claude mckay we just wear the mask and pretend like everything is all right but i need five of y'all that can keep it 100 and say pastor i'm dealing with some heavy stuff i'm i'm dealing with some stuff that makes me get to the point i'm saying god if you don't do something for me i'm gonna lose my mind and i might cut somebody out cause this is some heavy stuff i'm dealing with some heavy stuff because i'm trying to maintain i'm i'm trying to do what's expected of me my my greatest liability is people are used to seeing me strong and they don't know how to handle me when i'm having a weak moment i i'm dealing with some heavy stuff i want to lay out at the altar but i'm sick of judgmental superficial saints who will talk about me but won't pray for me i i need to know who's gonna pour into me when i'm in an empty place how do i push when i'm driving on the empty god i need you to do something cause i got some heavy stuff got some heavy stuff and people don't know the last five months been one of the most hardest of my life that i i never even thought about quicken quitting till covet is making me second guess my call is is driving that far worth it these people don't know i ain't got to put up with this that they act like they doing me a favor by doing what they're supposed to do right i'm dealing with heavy stuff what what what happens when you're sick but you gotta pray for other people what what happens when you pray for folk but they don't know i don't have the strength to pray for myself it's some i'm entertaining stuff that hadn't even crossed my mind for years but bishop please forgive me but i sometimes i want communion and it ain't for sunday i i need some real people to talk through me right here sometimes i i need somebody to just give me some peace just just to take the edge off and i need five of y'all that been at a place come on keep it 100 where some days you just had to sit in the car and give yourself therapy him i'm talking about outside your own house cause cause you just needed a moment of peace to just gather yourself because you're tired of explaining yourself and defending yourself and always being misunderstood and misinterpreted and it's while i'm i shouldn't have to go to the gym for a year for all the heavy stuff i've been lifting i i i shouldn't even need no multivitamins for the stuff i've been bench pressing i shouldn't even be in this place of fatigue with all the running that i got to do and ecclesiastes issued a warning label that says there's nothing new under the sun i was um jay walking past matthew 27 the other day when i was walking past matthew 27 it says that jesus was coming out as jesus was coming out i need you to understand the context of the text he has just been sentenced to be crucified and uh he's sentenced to be crucified by the state and i need you to see what is happening that they have in fact charged a black man and they never gave him an attorney i need you to see what happened is that um they never set bail his was crazy i wish somebody would just forward this length to evangelicals who claim to be pro-life but but they're only pro-life while black people are in the womb god help me i'll just miss what i said but they they don't seem to share that same sentiment once we get out of the womb here here he is finding himself as uh the lead of death row records and he's on his way to golgotha and while he's on his way there something amazing happens is that uh historians and anthropologists theologians of sacred red suggest that the cross that they have assigned to jesus was 320 pounds now the reason why it is significant is that jesus they estimate was only weighing in at 185 being a pescetarian that walked three to five miles a day but yet they are putting something on him that is double his weight capacity i think i've gone too deep let me come up here whenever you are anointed one of the signs that you know you are anointed is what's put on you is never in your weight class what or whatever it is that you've got to deal with is never commensurate to how it is that you are proportioned in your physical place you you know you are anointed when you dealing with something heavy louis i was in uh vegas about two years ago i um i went to vegas about two years ago and i went uh by to see my friend floyd mayweather i went i buy his camp while it is that they were training they were working out i went by the camp and uh he said jamal uh just wait for me um about an hour and we gonna go to lunch i said okay uh i'll wait for you uh and uh an hour later uh he gets out of the ring and says uh we're gonna go to lunch i said all right let's go to lunch and uh uh we're walking out of the gym and i look behind me y'all not gonna believe it tony i look behind me and it's uh three security guards coming out with them as i said floyd you were undefeated you're undefeated uh why in the world if we just going to lunch do you need security guards he says jamal because i am the champ it is always people who want to fight me god help me but they want to fight me not knowing my hands are registered and if i fight them back i'll go to jail hear me because they're not in my weight class somebody just missed that i'm i'm talking to some preacher in this room you got to stop fighting negroes who do not measure up to who it is that you are you got to stop explaining yourself to people who don't even qualify to be in conversation and disagreement with you you gotta stay in your same division and they're ushering jesus out when they usher jesus out with their cross they um they start spanning the crowd they start looking around and uh i don't know how they honed in on them but but they focused in on a brother who previously had never been mentioned in scripture he's not one of the disciples i've i've got no evidence he's an elder i am he's got no delegate badge he's he's he's not come through uh the rank and foul but they they they scanned the crowd and said that one pic pic pick him to carry the cross i've got no evidence elders of uh his prayer life y'all got to forgive nobody called for his giving record i'm i'm trying to figure out uh why did did they pick simon to carry it and and and they picked uh uh simon uh to carry it i i suggestly want to import uh because he looked like he could handle it so i i want to suggest that he must have had broad shoulders see he he must have had a torso that looked like it was conditioned for the weight but they they chose him for it without ever interviewing him i better talk to somebody who's sitting behind you tonight that when god was looking at problems and oppositions and are dealing with adversity he he looked through the sixth district and said there's somebody that that can handle this kind of fight i'm telling you you better be careful of who you are jealous of because some of the stuff they dealing with would have broke you a long time ago but you you got to know for yourself i am equipped for the battle that though he slayed me yet will i well will i trust him they they they they they forced him to do it one of the things that i found out about god is um is that god does not practice democracy god help me to preach it right he he he doesn't ask our opinion or our buy-in he's he's not waiting for other people to approve your assignment and i'm here's what's crazy y'all you got people who are jealous of you for a position you didn't even want god help me you you you got folk who are trying to scheme and plot to be in your place and they don't even know i only want this i wish god would take this away from me i never prayed for it i never fasted for but god chose me to be in this position i wish i could redistribute the weight they put it on them and never asked his permission i'm talking to somebody who's who's streaming tonight somebody who's viewing who um and don't even know how you got this cross don't even know how how it got strapped on you you in your mind you thought oh i can do this just a year god help me they gonna remember me when something else opens up this is uh this is just temporary i'm just i'm just doing the bishop a favor surely they can see my gift they gotta acknowledge what i bring to the table and strap that cross on you they put it on them without his permission and it would have been easier um dr foster if they just told him to stay there stand in place but then they gave him an uncanny directive don't just hold the cross hear this go up with it you you you are going to be elevated under pressure i'm gonna have you take the cross but you gotta take it up a hill see see there's some of you who believe that when you go higher the low gets lighter but but sometimes you got to know when you're dealing with the things of god to whom much is given much is required god will put away on you that is a um it's uh it's elevated pain i started empowerment temple amu church 2000 with um 43 people at mushroom to 10 000. i was uh on track um that before the next general conference 2024 i'd have it paid off i um had three million dollars in debt and uh i'm working through a strategy to pay it off and uh for reasons unbeknownst to me god pulled me out of what i started where i had found success where when my future in the church was clear and god says i'm redirecting your path here that some of y'all ain't gonna like it because you have now become dependent on gift so now i got to take you out of what alice walker calls the temple of your familia and so now i'm gonna now plant you in atlanta where where you got no family some of y'all ain't gonna like it i guess i better preach it to amy's where they can't say you got it could you the bishop son said i i i got to put you in a place where you didn't politic you didn't network i i had to back up just to expose that when i'm god folk don't understand i got the final say and uh people were saying congratulations this is great this is big and had no idea i was moving from three million dollars worth of debt to 30 million god i can't hear nobody where we're bill collectors at my door yeah but god says do you trust me when the weight is heavy dude do you believe me when you can't do it out of your own skill out of your own device out of your own connect out of your own intellect will you have confidence that i'm able even when folk don't think that it's possible i'm trusting you for something heavy [Applause] and he's got to go up that hill something he never prayed for something he never asked for praise team is just me and you in here here's what's amazing in it crazy that you've never in all of your years of vacation bible school being in the easter program nobody ever dealt with the fact that simon is going up the hill with no support nobody is cheering them on saying you can do this nobody said you got this nobody was saying you almost there i'm talking to five of y'all in the room and 50 of you who are online who have had to carry your weight with no push no nobody acknowledges the strides that you've made that the sacrifices you've had to incumben the attacks that you have signed said nobody has packed you on the back they don't know that you had to go by people's house just to collect the budget they got no idea what you had to give out of your own resources just to keep the lights on nobody cheered for you but you kept carrying the cross um only a small remnant of you will be able to receive this and i i hope you don't kick over these burgundy chairs the the greatest revelation of this is when uh he finally comes to the revelation hear this that the cross he's carrying ain't he is oh god help me he's hallelujah he's he's carrying it for somebody else that there's somebody who ought to be giving god glory hawaiian because your sacrifice somebody is gonna have an easier way because of what you're doing somebody is gonna be able to make it to their assignment and their destination must jesus bear the cross alone there's a cross for everyone i gotta go my my time is almost up i'm i'm grateful for the last time um would you be seated i am please you you scare me like you want me to preach hallelujah i feel glory now hallelujah um it's interesting that the uh the text that i've um have read for you tonight was um matthew 27 verse 32 for those of you who are just logging on and i find it striking and arresting that verse 32 tells us when they put the cross on them but if you scan all of the synoptic gospels um matthew mark luke um i can't find any verse where they took it off of them oh my god so sometimes for those of you who don't know when to celebrate or how to celebrate god will take the weight off you without making an announcement and i know this is the ama meeting and i know the bishop is here i know that we're trying to keep it together but i want to know how would you shout in a hotel if you knew the glory i give god tonight will take the weight off me that god is just waiting for one last praise for everything i've been dealing with to be taken off of me i can't tell y'all what to do but if i was you i would wait till the battle was over but i would shout right now like it's off me i can't deal with it anymore it's all flesh this been the hardest season of my life but it's off me hallelujah oh my god [Music] and so i i i i think um i owe y'all an apology i owe you an apology and i'm sorry because you you didn't even realize um that my opening song was the close of the sermon i feel better so much better since i laish my burden style if you believe it's off you you want to give god glory like you're going to survive colvin you want to give god glory like you're going to survive trump you want to give god glory like this church ain't going to kill you you want to give god glory because the worst is behind and the best is yet to come we've been may endure for a night but joy joy joy [Music] you
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 121,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qV_7u4_jqDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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